Presentation of children's organization for spiritual and moral education.  Moral education of schoolchildren

Presentation of children's organization for spiritual and moral education. Moral education of schoolchildren

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Education of moral and aesthetic feelings Formation of the basic foundations of personality; Formation of spiritual and moral attitudes and a sense of belonging; Creating conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of the child Ensuring enriched artistic and aesthetic development, identifying early talent

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Have you ever wondered: How much time a day do you devote to your baby?

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    1. How much time a day do you spend watching TV? 2. How much time a day do you devote to the computer? 3. How much time a day do you spend on household chores? 4. Are there things during the day that can be put aside? 5. What can make you put off an important task?

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    Please try to answer the following questions sincerely:

    6. Do you get annoyed when your child distracts you from watching your favorite movie or show? 7. What books do you read to your child? Name the last one you read. 8. What games does your child like to play? 9. How much time do you spend playing with your child? 10. Do you think that your child lacks your attention?

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    11. Do you agree that recently life has been experiencing a crisis of spiritual and moral education? 12. Do you think that the spiritual and moral culture of a teacher must necessarily manifest itself in his personal civic position and everyday behavior? 13. Do the economic and social conditions of the development of society influence the formation of spiritual and moral culture? 14. Is it necessary to cultivate a spiritual and moral culture?

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    “...Spiritual and moral education, the affirmation of the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice, are the most important mission not only of a religious organization, but also of society as a whole. Such values ​​have at all times held our Fatherland together and formed national traditions and moral principles. Today they allow Russia to maintain its historical roots and cultural and spiritual independence. YES. Medvedev

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    Spiritual and moral education in preschool educational institutions

    Through thematic events

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    Through holidays:

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    Through holidays:

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    During the GCD process:

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    Through games and entertainment:

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    In the dictionary V.I. Dahl defines spirituality as the unity of spirit and soul, mind and will. This is being filled with the Spirit, and the beauty of a person’s actions, and the values ​​​​to which he is oriented. If intelligence characterizes the intellectual component of spirituality, then morality characterizes the moral component. So, spirituality is a person’s ability to discover, perceive and experience truth, goodness and beauty, assimilate them, refracting them through his “I”, and build his behavior and all life activities in accordance with this. This is a person’s personal, intimate world, his interest and voluntary compliance with moral norms.

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    The spiritual and moral state of Russians, especially among teenagers and youth, and the growth of negative phenomena are such that the future of our country is becoming unpredictable. This forces society and even people far from faith to think about the urgent need to restore the spiritual and moral potential of people. There comes an understanding that neither economic, nor social, nor any other reforms, even if they are carried out most effectively, will fundamentally change nothing, since this is not the main reason for the current disorder. It is becoming more and more obvious that there is something more fundamental than all of the above, which provokes negative phenomena - this is the spiritual and moral crisis of the person himself, the loss of spiritual and moral guidelines and, as a consequence, degradation, perversion of his thinking, will , conscience and, ultimately, faith.

    Lankina Olga
    Presentation on spiritual and moral education of preschool children

    Modern life and modern requirements for the profession require the search for new forms and methods in working with children. But, in my opinion, one of the main tasks is raising children spiritually-moral qualities, revealing the meaning of Orthodoxy in human life, as an action of love, kindness, humanity and unity.

    I believe that the development of a child’s personality should begin as early as possible. From the moment of birth, children are exposed to a wide variety of influences. Home life, conversations of elders, simple children's songs that a child listens to or sings on his mother's lap, television programs - all these are important factors that influence the mind and feelings of a child from a very early age. It would be very good if all children were raised in families, where adult conversations have only a beneficial effect, where the general atmosphere contributes to the enrichment and ennoblement of the individual. I know how poor some of them are, how often they are deprived early age favorable preconditions for its development. Therefore, for us, teachers, preschoolers, it is simply necessary to fill the child’s soul, as pure as a white sheet, with only kindness, compassion, and the ability to understand human and cultural values.

    This is a very serious and responsible matter. It is worth observing yourself, and you can see that the mind and heart are often drawn to light and empty impressions, the soul to idleness. It is important to oppose this emptiness and soullessness in time with a worthy moral spiritual counterbalance. The divine fire lit in childhood will warm the soul and heart of the child. He will bring it to the people. For it is said in Scriptures: “And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”

    In his work in spiritually– in the moral direction, I highlight such aspects as holding Orthodox holidays, excursions to the temple, listening to the sound of bells, looking at icons, getting to know the life of holy ascetics.

    Church holidays have always been especially revered by the Russian people. Orthodox holidays are part of our history, our Orthodox culture, our way of life - everything without which we are not complete, not whole. Church-

    But- Orthodox holidays- This spiritual heritage of the Russian people, their traditions. Ritual forms of Orthodox worship are crystallization spiritual experience of our Russian people.

    In our kindergarten we celebrate the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Easter, Trinity Day and Epiphany, the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

    tsy. The celebrations are preceded by a huge amount of work by the entire team.

    Not a single person remains indifferent to their preparation. Emotional mood is passed on to the children, and the presence of the priest, the constant guest of Father Vasily Grishanov, makes the holidays unforgettable events in the lives of children.

    With what pleasure and reverence children sing the festive Christmas and Easter troparia, how quickly and easily they remember words that seem difficult to remember. I am sure that singing can express, better than words or gestures, the most secret, deep souls. state: delight, anxiety, sadness, hope, joy, tenderness,

    Gratitude. Spiritual The repertoire is extensive and multifaceted. These are holiday songs for children, spiritual choirs and chants. If to spiritual address the topic constantly and consistently, then it organically becomes part of the child’s life. With what love children together with educators and musical directors participate in decoration music hall and making gifts and costumes for theatrical plays based on Orthodox themes, in which children are always ready to participate. And songs and poems for the holiday are heard in children’s homes; parents also remember them, becoming involved in this action - a touch of Russian Orthodox culture. Children help their parents understand and maybe even discover the true meaning of a particular Orthodox event or holiday.

    Conversations with the priest and excursions to the Iversky Church are our children’s comprehension of beauty and harmony, the knowledge of a completely different world.

    Listening to the ringing of bells is penetration into the hidden world of feelings, thoughts and aspirations of our ancestors, awareness of the personally significant meaning of bell ringing for Russian people in various life situations.

    Looking at icons with children, we study spiritual experience, standing behind the work of the icon painter, allowing receive and comprehend the message passed down through the centuries. There is harmony everywhere and the absence of ugliness and disorder.

    The life of holy ascetics is a role model that has great value in education. When we read the Lives of the Saints, we see different ways of moral improvement. It becomes clear that the closer to God, the more unique a person is. And vice versa, if people from year to year spiritually poor, then their uniqueness is being erased more and more,


    In my opinion, all topics have broad universal significance.

    No, they are significant and serious. Through communication spiritual art with life, the main ethical laws are realized - Love, Goodness, Justice, by which a person must live. Moral values ​​fill a person's life with true meaning.

    We, teachers - preschoolers, must constantly remember the personal and professional responsibility that falls on us in carrying out the processes spiritual and moral education of children and parents. We, when dealing with children's souls, must constantly improve our spiritual world to get closer to the ideals of kindness and humanity for our pupils. One of the talented and profound teachers, priest Alexander Elchaninov wrote: “You cannot heal other people’s souls ( "help people"), without healing oneself, to put in order someone else’s spiritual economy with chaos in one’s own soul, to bring peace to others without having it in oneself.”

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of the development of an extra-curricular event for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children “Lessons of Goodness” Development summary extracurricular activity on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children “Lessons of Good”. Holiday “Birthday.

    Summary of a lesson on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children with the study of the foundations of the Orthodox faith “Lent” MKDOU Evstratovsky kindergarten. Summary of a lesson on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers with the study of the fundamentals of the Orthodox Church.

    GCD in the senior group for the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove” Goal: Education of the spiritual and moral qualities of a child through oral folk art. Objectives: To introduce preschoolers to Russian culture.

    Generalization of experience in spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education of preschool children Generalization of experience of working with parents on spiritual, moral and civic issues patriotic education. Two feelings are wonderfully close to us - V.

    Long-term plan for the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers for the 2017–2018 academic year (preparatory group) No. Month Topic Goals, objectives Form of delivery Didactic material, equipment Related forms of work September Diagnostics.

    Preschool childhood is an important period in a child’s life, when a sense of their own capabilities, the need for independent activity, basic ideas about the world around them, good and evil in it, ideas about family life and native land. IN preschool age there is an active accumulation of moral experience and appeal to spiritual life. The world has become aggressive towards children, and the childhood industry, from toys to global commercial publishing, animation, and television projects, has a destructive impact on the psyche of children, their morality and spiritual world. Suddenly our good old toys, books, cartoons, cute, dear to the heart images from the world of childhood, literary and cartoon characters that more than one generation has grown up with. The development and enrichment of the spiritual and moral world of preschool children is the most important component of educational work

    The objectives are to educate the child in love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city; formation careful attitude to nature and all living things; instilling respect for work; developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts; formation of basic knowledge about human rights; expanding ideas about Russian cities; introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the country’s achievements; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

    Directions of work 1. Spiritual and educational (continuous educational process, conversations, oral teachings). 2. Educational and recreational (holidays, outdoor and educational games, role-playing and construction games, walks, excursions, hikes). 3. Cultural and educational (meetings, targeted walks, excursions, concerts, watching filmstrips). 4. Moral and labor (self-service work, cleaning the group and territory, work based on interests, productive activity, making gifts for the holidays).

    Verbal method: reading, telling literary works (poems, fairy tales, riddles) by the teacher, children, parents; children's stories based on diagrams, illustrations, modeling fairy tales; conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the teacher; conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, etc.); analysis of everyday situations; holding quizzes, competitions, themed evenings;

    Practical method of organization productive activity; conducting games (construction, didactic, active, sedentary, dramatization, etc.); making dolls for fairy tales; organizing the production of plays, fairy tales, literary works, as well as competitions and quizzes; conducting excursions of various directions; organizing an evening with parents, for parents and peers; making with children visual aids to classes.

    Forms of working with children Conversations, games of moral and spiritual content. Handicrafts and all types of creative artistic activities for children. Holding joint holidays. Viewing slide films, filmstrips, using audio recordings and technical teaching aids. Excursions, targeted walks (along the street, village). Children's charity. Thematic evenings with an aesthetic focus (painting, music, poetry). Organization of exhibitions (joint activities of children and parents). Staging musical fairy tales spiritual and moral content. Creative evenings. Organization cohabitation events for adults and children.

    Forms of work with parents parent meetings on spiritual and moral topics; lecture hall for parents; open demonstrations of the educational process; question and answer evenings; conducting joint educational events (exhibitions, competitions, parent seminars-interviews on a dialogue basis, thematic seminars using TOO); optional classes together with parents: questioning and testing of parents in order to identify errors and correct the process of spiritual and moral education in the family; visual types of work: information stands for parents, moving folders, exhibitions of children's works, didactic games, literature; excursions.

    Forms of work with parents, maintaining a social map for the purpose of studying, generalizing and disseminating experience family education; individual work with children at home (keeping a notebook emotional development child); joint holidays with parents, performances, children’s name days; parental assistance to the kindergarten (improving the territory, participating in the preparation of holidays, minor repairs, chores).

    1 slide 2 slide 3 slide 4 slide 5 slide 6 slide 7 slide “Pedagogical aspects of spiritual and moral education of preschool children in the educational space kindergarten“...Spiritual and moral education, the affirmation of the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice, are the most important mission not only of a religious organization, but also of society as a whole. Such values ​​have at all times held our Fatherland together and formed national traditions and moral principles. Today they allow Russia to preserve its historical roots and cultural and spiritual independence. YES. Medvedev Goal: To lay the foundations of a spiritual and moral personality with an active life position and creative potential, capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people. Objectives: - to introduce children to the spiritual and moral tradition of the Russian people; -promote the overall development of the child, instilling in him a love for the Motherland (family, loved ones, Russian culture, Russian language, nature). - to form moral consciousness and moral assessments; -help children develop social skills and behavioral norms based on joint activities and mutual assistance Content of spiritual and moral development and education The main content of spiritual and moral development and education are national values ​​stored in socio-historical, cultural, family traditions people, passed on from generation to generation. “Instruction” of Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125), Grand Duke of Kiev in 1113-25, statesman, military leader, writer. Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers. In your home, do not be lazy, but watch over everyone yourself. Most of all, honor the guest, no matter where he comes to you, whether he is a commoner, a noble, or an ambassador. Do not let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him. What you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, learn it - like my father. Organization of children's activities on spiritual and moral

    We carry out education in the form of: · games – travel; · excursions; · travel through the pages of children's books; · theatrical performances; · festive entertainment, holidays; · educational quizzes; · role-playing games, dramatization games; · acting out moral and ethical situations; · thematic conversations - reasoning, on a dialogue basis; · situational conversations; · artistic and productive activities. 664,665,667,668,670,671 675,676 Will project activities 2222494,2222495 13 (from your presentation) 1012,985,378 429,430 “Mother’s Day” 447,459,464 “Defenders of the Fatherland” 1136,1141,1144 “Maslenitsa” 481,488,492,501 “Cosmonautics Day” 605,610 “Earth Day”633,634,641 10 slide from your presentation There will be a reading competition 25 ,24 from your presentation All photographs of children were presented with the permission of parents (legal representatives) Thank you for your attention 8 slide 9 slide 10 slide 11 slide 12 slide 13 slide 14 slide 15 slide 16 slide 17 slide 18 slide 19 slide 20 slide 21 slide 22 slide 23 slide 24 slide

    1 slide Dear colleagues! We are very glad to see you at our meeting today. You can see the topic of our seminar on slide 2. Slide Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is not the collapse of the economy, not the change of the political system, but the destruction of the individual. Today material assets exalted over the spiritual, so children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism. High level juvenile delinquency is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society. Children are distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity. That is why recently there has been an emphasis on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers and adolescents. 3,4,5 slide Education of morality begins with the formation of the concepts of good and bad, with awareness of one’s actions, both good and bad. How to explain to a child that every good deed is a particle of goodness invested in the world of kindness? It makes you feel warmer, brighter and more joyful, and every bad deed is a grain of evil, which makes you feel dark and scary. How can you help your child feel the need to contribute to the good and realize the responsibility for contributing to the bad? The concept of good and bad for a child is an abstraction, because they cannot be touched or seen. How to bring these concepts to life? How to make it work? One of the main reasons for a child’s indifferent attitude towards others is a lack of understanding of other people’s emotions and experiences. As a rule, adults try to protect the baby from worries and negative emotions, fearing that they would negatively affect his mental health. As a result, the child does not learn to understand the people around him, sympathize with them, and empathize with them. The teacher’s task is to see what is hidden in the souls of children, and help them cope with their emotions and experiences, and teach them to feel the people around them. 6 slide Let's remember the teaching of Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125), the great prince of Kyiv; we, kindergarten teachers, also decided to pay special attention to spiritual and moral education of preschool children. Slide 7 You can see the forms of organizing children's activities for spiritual and moral education on the next slide. I will share with you the experience of this work on this topic. 8 slide In the kindergarten, an exhibition of creative works of pupils was organized together with their parents “Beloved and dear land, there is no one more beautiful than you” 9 slide In groups newspapers “My beloved Pervomaisky” were decorated 10 slide project activities “My favorite town” were carried out 11 slide Our pupils took part in the All-Russian creative competition organized by the Center additional education named after Y.A. Kamensky “There is no better native land” 12 slide corners for moral and patriotic education have been organized in all groups. Slide 13 we introduce children to folk costumes. This is very important, as it allows us to show the continuous connection of generations and the connection of the art of costume making with the spiritual traditions of the people. There is an acquaintance with the decor of the costume. We also introduced children to Russian folk musical instruments.

    14 slide In order to develop spiritual and moral feelings in children through familiarization with Russian folk instruments, developing partnerships between preschool educational institutions and families, an exhibition of Russian folk noise instruments was organized in our kindergarten. (the winners’ diplomas were awarded at the Maslenitsa celebration) Slide 15-19 The optimal way for spiritual and moral education in kindergarten is to hold seasonal musical and play holidays: “Mother’s Day”; “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Maslenitsa”; "Cosmonautics Day"; "Earth Day"; “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.” Slide 20 Our teachers organize targeted walks and excursions along the streets of the village. Targeted observations and short story adults contribute to the fact that the child, without being overloaded with unnecessary information, receives vivid ideas about the object, about the history of our village. 21 slides On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, a reading competition was held in our kindergarten, the main purpose of which was to educate preschoolers patriotic feelings, to the Motherland, to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the ability to see the artistic and expressive means that poets use to reveal the theme. Slide 22, I would like to remind you that on the eve of the celebration of the 70th Victory Day, we organized a seminar with the invitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, showing the dramatization “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” There we presented the “Book of Memory”, now we continue to work on its formation. We noticed a great response among the students’ parents. I would also like to talk about one problem. Our attempts to educate the spiritual and moral personality of preschoolers to date show that the weakest point in this activity is the family. Many parents simply do not know that it is in preschool age that social norms, moral requirements and behavioral models are learned through imitation. Therefore, we teachers need to help parents realize that, first of all, moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by ancestors, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers must be preserved and passed on in the family, and that it is parents who are primarily responsible for raising children. And in conclusion, I would like to say: Childhood is always turned to the future with hope, no matter how bad the present may be. And children, as a rule, wait for adults to show them the path that will determine the right, worthy life for them. To become kind to people, you need to teach them to understand others, show empathy, be amazed at the beauty of the surrounding nature, treat it with care, and know the history and traditions of their people. Of course, it is difficult to list all the moral qualities of a person in the future society, but the main thing is that these qualities must be laid down today. This is our main task, because we are responsible for ensuring that our children have a happy childhood.

    The main regulatory documents defining new priorities for the development of preschool education: National educational initiative “Our new school» (approved by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev) Qualification characteristics of positions for education workers (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated) Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r) Model regulations on preschool educational institution(RF Government Decree No. 666) Federal state requirements (FGT) for preschool education

    Content educational field“Socialization” is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations through solving the following tasks: the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, and a sense of belonging to the world community.

    In this regard, in the state preschool educational institution, kindergarten 95 is a compensatory type with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in physical and mental development pupils of the Frunzensky district in 2007 began work on the topic: “The Big Road of the Little Citizen”

    Objectives of the work on the topic: “The Little Citizen’s Big Road” is to cultivate in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city; nurturing love for their city, awakening in children a sense of responsibility and pride in being St. Petersburg residents; expanding ideas about Russian cities; introducing children to the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the country’s achievements;

    Objectives of the work on the topic: “The Little Citizen’s Big Road” to develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions; formation of an active position of parents in raising a citizen of Russia; creating conditions in preschool institution for successful work on moral and patriotic education of preschool children; developing the ability to express one’s impressions through the means of visual creativity.

    "Together - friendly family" - a creative task for children, parents and teachers on composing a hymn and drawing up the coat of arms of the group "Traditions of the group" - drawing up a group code, getting acquainted with the rights of the child "Where we come from" - creative tasks for children and parents about family traditions “Kindergarten is a magical country” - a creative task for children, parents and teachers to compose a kindergarten anthem and compose a coat of arms for the kindergarten “Kindergarten of the Future” - a competition for the best book of the group

    “Book of suggestions for children in drawings and stories” - what we would like to change in the kindergarten “Honor board of kindergarten 95” - portraits of employees in children’s drawings “Museum of Souvenirs” - exhibition of gifts for the kindergarten, made by the hands of children and parents, dedicated to the day birthday of the kindergarten “Unfortunately, birthdays are only once a year” - gala concert Issue of the kindergarten newspaper

    “I am a Petersburger” - adaptation holiday “I live in this city!” He is growing and I am growing! » - excursions with parents around the city. Design of photo albums in the group “Autumn Petersburg” (holiday, together with parents) “Petersburg is our favorite city! He is respectable, although he is young" - creative works and crafts by era (architecture, everyday life, clothing, transport); introducing children to exhibitions in groups

    “We are glad to meet you” - adaptation holiday “Russia, Russia is a dear land” creative tasks for children, parents and teachers to create an exhibition (introduction to Russian crafts by city) “Cabbage gatherings”; “The carol has come - open the gate”; "How to oil week pancakes were flying from the chimney"; “Red spring has come to visit” - folklore and family holidays; joint classes of parents with children in groups “Our Bogatyr Power” music and sports festival for children preparatory groups and their parents “Autumn in Russia” (holiday, together with parents)

    « Travel to hot air balloon" - adaptation holiday "Mom is a dear word" Holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "Creative workshops" Creation of works and crafts in the suburbs (architecture, everyday life, clothing, transport) "Kronstadt - the city of sailors" meeting of children with a cadet of the maritime academy (master class ) "The Charm of the Eyes" ( autumn holiday, together with parents)

    “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” - musical and sports entertainment, together with parents “This Victory Day ...” a solemn holiday with the invitation of honored guests “Pearl Necklace of St. Petersburg” - multimedia presentation of the suburbs of St. Petersburg in groups “Constellation of St. Petersburg” " - educational and playful performance "Journey from St. Petersburg to the Suburbs" excursions with parents to the suburbs of St. Petersburg

    “Meeting of Friends” - an adaptation holiday for all children in the kindergarten “Autumn Melodies” - an autumn holiday, together with parents “Mom is my sunshine” A holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day (together with parents) “A round-the-world trip” Creating crafts and albums together with parents selected country “Let's get to know each other” - a holiday, together with parents “Fairy tales of the peoples of the world” - a screening of performances prepared by children (during the year)

    “World Greeting Day”, “World Thank You Day”, “Kindness Day”, “Laughter Day” - joint events with parents aimed at nurturing and developing moral qualities “Our dads are strongmen” - musical and sports entertainment, together with parents “ This Victory Day…” a solemn holiday with the invitation of honored guests Carnival “All people on the big planet should always be friends” “Merry Carol”; "Wide Maslenitsa"; “Spring Sun” - folklore and family holidays; joint classes between parents and children in groups