Approximate height of a child 1. Standards for height and weight of children - WHO data

Approximate height of a child 1. Standards for height and weight of children - WHO data

In 2006, WHO (World Health Organization) developed and published new standards for the height and weight of children. Until this year, pediatricians and parents used indicators developed by American researchers in 1970. The US National Center used the average statistical indicators of formula-fed infants for the table.

WHO child weight norm - infants fed breast milk and, aged 7 to 12 months, on a mixed diet.

Optimal weight and height indicators for healthy children

The height and weight standards for children under one year of age are summarized in a single table. Naturally, all the values ​​​​in it are averaged and relate only to the healthy category of newborns. It is clear that if the baby fell ill and was undergoing treatment, then some time must pass for him to gain the grams required for his age. At this time, you should not rely on the norms for weight and height of children in the table.

WHO standards for height and weight of a child are the most common and simplest method to determine how a child is progressing in development and whether he needs to change his diet and diet.

If you observe a constant shortage of required grams or a slowdown in the baby’s growth, then immediately contact a specialist. WHO standards for height and weight of children are developed for babies in the first year of life, and include, in addition to body length and added grams, such indicators as head and chest volume. At the age of up to one year, these are also very important indicators for monitoring proper development

bone and muscle mass of children. It is known that the skeletal system at this age is not yet formed and is just beginning to form, so if the baby has significant discrepancies compared to those shown in the table, you should visit the clinic.

The norms for weight gain in children under one year old are accepted taking into account the fact that its average is 3.1-3.4 kg, which means that if your baby was born 3 kg, then when calculating the correctly required increase you need to be guided by a coefficient that is easily calculated according to the table. For example, if a baby in the first month of life should gain 600 grams according to the norm, then this coefficient will be 3100:600=5.67. This means that your child should gain 3000:5.67=530-550 grams in the first month.

These are also very approximate figures, because the normal weight for children by age is an individual value and depends on many factors. In the first months of life, it is very important for parents to maintain full contact with the attending pediatrician who is monitoring the baby. A doctor who has known the baby since birth will quickly determine the child’s individual weight norm if the baby has been ill or was born premature. The doctor will also be able to tell you how you need to change your daily routine or adjust your diet in order to stabilize the delay in gain and enter into a monthly schedule.

Child height and weight calculator

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Standards for height and weight of children - when should parents have no reason to worry?
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Standards for height and weight of children - when should parents have no reason to worry?

Norms of weight, height and nutrition in the first year of life

If the baby is full-term and not sick, parents can easily rely on the table of weight norms for children under one year of age:

  • First month– average set – 600 g, height – 3 cm, break between feedings 3-3.5 hours, at night – 6 hours;
  • Baby's weight at 2 months, norm – 800 g increase, height – 3 cm, break between feedings – 3.5 hours;
  • Baby's weight at three months, norm - 800 g increase, height - 2.5 cm, break between feedings - 3.5 hours;
  • Baby's weight at 4 months, norm – 750 g, height – 2.5 cm, break between feedings – 3.5 hours. Starting from the 4th month of life, the baby stops gaining grams rapidly, and each subsequent average decreases by 40-70 grams;
  • Fifth month. Gain - 700 grams, height - 2 cm. Total weight in the fifth month should be twice as much as what he was born with;
  • Sixth month– increase 650 gr. and 2 cm in height. Complementary feeding begins with vegetable purees and juices, feeding 5 times a day with a break of 4 hours;
  • Baby's weight at 7 months, norm – 600 gr. increase, height - 2 cm. Interval between feedings - 4 hours, number of feedings - 5;
  • Eighth month. Gain – 550 g, height – 2 cm, interval between feedings – 4 hours;
  • Ninth and tenth months. Increase – 450-500 g, number of feedings – 4-5 times, depending on how it is administered vegetable puree, meat, soups.
  • Child's weight per year, the norm is a triple increase in body weight compared to when he was born. The total annual increase in height is 20-25 cm.

Possible inconsistencies and problems arising during calculations

When calculating the rate of weight gain and height of a child by month, it is necessary to take into account the gender of the child. The fact is that girls, up to a certain time, develop faster than boys, and therefore be sure to consider the intervals that are called “above” and “below average” in the table. If the indicators fluctuate within these values, there is no need to worry or worry. However, as soon as you begin to notice significant deviations from the norms of weight gain in a child up to one year old, there is a reason to contact and conduct an examination.

Be sure to choose the right starting point for the newborn. The baby's weight at birth is this point.

Once the baby is born, he remains for several days in the maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors monitoring him. On the day of discharge, the baby will be weighed again. It is these two numbers that will give you an understanding of how normal your baby’s growth is.

Be sure to talk to your pediatrician upon discharge. An experienced pediatrician will tell you that, despite the table showing the norms for the weight of children under one year old, at birth the weight is considered normal from 2.7 to 3.5 kg. The further development of the baby depends entirely on heredity, proper and timely food intake, nutrition and emotional state of the woman during pregnancy and the presence of bad habits in one of the parents.

The older your child gets, the faster his average indicators level out compared to his peers. Of course, when walking through the park with a child, you cannot help but notice someone who is the same age, but “half a head” taller than your peer. However, when comparing, be sure to remember what determines the increase in weight and height. If your baby is healthy and active, eats well and follows a daily routine, then you should have no reason to worry.

Doctor Komarovsky: norms and terms of child development Parents often monitor the weight and height of their children very carefully, especially in. There are often situations when some friend or grandmother, having learned the baby’s indicators, suggests to young mothers and fathers that they urgently need to start “fatten” their child, or, on the contrary, limit their diet. So, if parents have a head on their shoulders, they will not listen to such advice, but will turn to accurate statistical data.

Scientists from the World Health Organization, through lengthy experiments and calculations, collected statistics on the norms of weight and height in children. These data indicate with 100% probability the ideal parameters for the development of a child under 2 years of age.

Important! Deviations from the numbers indicated in the table are not a sign that the child is developing incorrectly, since in reality there may be discrepancies with these norms. More details are available towards the end of the article and in the video.

Height and weight standards for boys under 2 years of age


Please remember that every child is different. There is no need to be rigidly attached to these tables and in case of any deviations from the norm, immediately start sounding the alarm. As you already know, a deviation of approximately 20% from these tables is the norm, and 30% also in most cases does not indicate any diseases, you just need to talk to a specialist in this case.

If we haven’t fully convinced you, watch this video, maybe a famous doctor will do it better:

For more detailed information you can refer to the website of the World Health Organization. By clicking on the link, you will find detailed graphs of the development of the child’s body with permissible deviations from ideal parameters. How to read these graphs correctly is described in the video above.

We hope that the information was useful to you. Share the height and weight of your favorite babies in the comments and ask your questions - we will be happy to answer them.

The fact that children even in the same family develop differently has probably been noticed by parents of more than one child. What can we say about peers! To the group kindergarten or your child is in the same school class as you. But are they the same? Don’t worry if your child is taller than everyone else, or, on the contrary, the shortest, this does not mean that this will always be the case.

It is very difficult to predict the height and weight of a child from 0 to 18 years old, and it is impossible to know for sure that the son will not outgrow his father, and that the daughter will be as slender as her mother. But you can make sure that at the moment both the height and weight of the child correspond to the norms.

Which tables to focus on: WHO or domestic pediatrics?

Today, the most popular view is the view of child development according to WHO recommendations. But in clinics, pediatricians often use data developed by the Russian Ministry of Health. What should parents look for when assessing their children’s height and weight? The differences in Russian data and WHO data are insignificant and are caused mainly by the fact that experts look differently at the timing of the introduction of complementary foods. In Russia they are earlier (from 4 months), and WHO recommends starting complementary feeding at 6 months. The increase in height and weight of newborns depends on the quality of nutrition. The WHO norm limits are slightly wider. In general, the difference is so small that there should not be any significant error in determining the standards using any tables.

Child development in the first year of life

Children are born with different weights and body lengths. The average of these indicators for healthy child– 2600-4000 g and 46-57 cm, respectively. But for neonatologists and pediatricians, it is not so much the readings of the scale and ruler that are important, but rather their ratio. It is clear that too much height with very low weight and short stature above average weight is not the norm.

During the first 12 months, the baby’s height and weight are strictly monitored by a pediatrician: based on these indicators, the specialist determines whether the child is developing correctly, whether he is receiving enough nutrients, and whether he has any health problems.

A table of child growth by month to one year will help you independently assess whether your baby is developed according to his age. To do this, select tables that correspond to the gender of your baby. In the “age” column, find the number showing the number of months of the baby, and horizontally find the range that includes the baby’s weight and height. The best option is the average value (blue column). Green columns can also be considered norms. If both weight and height are in the same color column, the ratio of height to weight can be called ideal. A difference of one column is also considered normal: for example, height is in the blue column, and weight is in the green column on the right or left. It will not be a deviation if the indicators are adjacent in the green and yellow color, but only on one side (either both on the right, or both on the left).

Please note that boys usually outperform girls in these indicators.

Height and weight tables for boys up to one year old by month:

Boy's height

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months 46,5-48,0 48,0-49,8 49,8-52,3 52,3-53,5 53,5-55,0 >55,0
1 month 49,5-51,2 51,2-52,7 52,7-55,6 55,6-56,5 56,5-57,3 >57,3
2 months
52,6-53,8 53,8-55,3 55,3-58,2 58,2-59,4 59,4-60,9 >60,9
3 months
55,3-56,5 56,5-58,1 58,1-60,9 60,9-62,0 62,0-63,8 >63,8
4 months
57,5-58,7 58,7-60,6 60,6-63,1 63,1-64,5 64,5-66,3 >66,3
5 months
59,9-61,1 61,1-62,3 62,3-65,6 65,6-67,0 67,0-68,9 >68,9
6 months
61,7-63,0 63,0-64,8 64,8-67,7 67,7-69,0 69,0-71,2 >71,2
7 months
63,8-65,1 65,1-66,3 66,3-69,8 69,8-71,1 71,1-73,5 >73,5
8 months
65,5-66,8 66,8-68,1 68,1-71,3 71,3-73,1 73,1-75,3 >75,3
9 months
67,3-68,2 68,2-69,8 69,8-73,2 73,2-75,1 75,1-78,8 >78,8
10 months
68,8-69,1 69,1-71,2 71,2-75,1 75,1-76,9 76,9-78,8 >78,8
11 months
70,1-71,3 71,3-72,6 72,6-76,2 76,2-78,0 78,0-80,3 >80,3
1 year 71,2-72,3 72,3-74,0 74,0-77,3 77,3-79,7 79,7-81,7 >81,7

Boy's weight

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months 2,7-2,9 2,9-3,1 3,1-3,7 3,7-3,9 3,9-4,2 >4,2
1 month 3,3-3,6 3,6-4,0 4,0-4,7 4,7-5,1 5,1-5,4 >5,4
2 months 3,9-4,2 4,2-4,6 4,6-5,6 5,6-6,0 6,0-6,4 >6,4
3 months 4,5-4,9 4,9-5,3 5,3-6,4 6,4-7,0 7,0-7,3 >7,3
4 months
5,1-5,5 5,5-6,0 6,0-7,2 7,2-7,6 7,6-8,1 >8,1
5 months
5,6-6,1 6,1-6,5 6,5-7,8 7,8-8,3 8,3-8,8 >8,8
6 months
6,1-6,6 6,6-7,1 7,1-8,4 8,4-9,0 9,0-9,4 >9,4
7 months
6,6-7,1 7,1-7,6 7,6-8,9 8,9-9,5 9,5-9,9 >9,9
8 months
7,1-7,5 7,5-8,0 8,0-9,4 9,4-10,0 10,0-10,5 >10,5
9 months
7,5-7,9 7,9-8,4 8,4-9,8 9,8-10,5 10,5-11,0 >11,0
10 months
7,9-8,3 8,3-8,8 8,8-10,3 10,3-10,9 10,9-11,4 >11,4
11 months
8,2-8,6 8,6-9,1 9,1-10,6 10,6-11,2 11,2-11,8 >11,8
1 year 8,5-8,9 8,9-9,4 9,4-10,9 10,9-11,6 11,6-12,1 >12,1

Tables of height and weight of girls under one year old by month:

Girl's height

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months 45,8-47,5 47,5-49,8 49,8-52,0 52,0-53,1 53,1-53,9 >53,9
1 month
48,5-50,3 50,3-52,1 52,1-55,0 55,0-56,1 56,1-57,3 >57,3
3 months
51,2-53,3 53,3-55,2 55,2-58,0 58,0-59,3 59,3-60,6 >60,6
4 months
56,7-58,4 58,4-60,0 60,0-62,8 62,8-64,0 64,0-65,7 >65,7
5 months
59,1-60,8 60,8-62,0 62,0-65,1 65,1-66,0 66,1-68,0 >68,0
6 months
60,8-62,5 62,5-64,1 64,1-67,1 67,1-68,8 68,8-70,0 >70,0
7 months
62,7-64,1 64,1-65,9 65,9-69,2 69,2-70,4 70,4-71,9 >71,9
8 months
64,5-66,0 66,0-67,5 67,5-70,5 70,5-72,5 72,5-73,7 >73,7
9 months
66,0-67,5 67,5-69,1 69,1-72,0 72,0-74,1 74,1-75,5 >75,5
10 months
67,5-69,0 69,0-70,3 70,3-73,2 73,2-75,3 75,3-76,8 >76,8
11 months 68,9-70,1 70,4-71,5 71,5-74,7 74,7-76,5 76,5-78,1 >78,1
1 year 70,1-71,4 71,4-72,8 72,8-75,8 75,8-78,0 78,0-79,6 >79,6

Girl's weight

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months 2,6-2,8 2,8-3,0 3,0-3,7 3,7-3,9 3,9-4,1 >4,1
1 month
3,3-3,6 3,6-3,8 3,8-4,5 4,5-4,7 4,7-5,1 >5,1
2 months
3,8-4,2 4,2-4,5 4,5-5,2 5,2-5,5 5,5-5,9 >5,9
3 months
4,4-4,8 4,8-5,2 5,2-5,9 5,9-6,3 6,3-6,7 >6,7
4 months
5,0-5,4 5,4-5,8 5,8-6,6 6,6-7,0 7,0-7,5 >7,5
5 months
5,5-5,9 5,9-6,3 6,3-7,2 7,2-7,7 7,7-8,1 >8,1
6 months
5,9-6,3 6,3-6,8 6,8-7,8 7,8-8,3 8,3-8,7 >8,7
7 months
6,4-6,8 6,8-7,3 7,3-8,4 8,4-8,9 8,9-9,3 >9,3
8 months
6,7-7,2 7,2-7,6 7,6-8,8 8,8-9,3 9,3-9,7 >9,7
9 months
7,1-7,5 7,5-8,0 8,0-9,2 9,2-9,7 9,7-10,1 >10,1
10 months
7,4-7,9 7,9-8,4 8,4-9,6 9,6-10,1 10,1-10,5 >10,5
11 months
7,7-8,3 8,3-8,7 8,7-9,9 9,9-10,5 10,5-10,9 >10,9
1 year 8,0-8,5 8,5-9,0 9,0-10,2 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 >11,3

Development of children after one year

If in the first year the child’s height increases by more than 20 cm, after such an intensive increase there will be no growth. A growth spurt can be observed during puberty (on average up to 18 years). In girls, maturation begins earlier (from 11-13 years), in boys a couple of years later. The weight of children now also does not increase so quickly. If in the first year the child’s body weight tripled, now 3-5 kg ​​per year is the average increase.

The centile table of height and weight of children shows what the normal weight and height of children should be at a certain age. Measure the length and weight of the child’s body, find these values ​​in the appropriate tables. The norm is considered to be the inclusion of data in centile corridors of 25% to 75%, columns of 10%-25% and 75%-90% can be considered a variant of the norm (deviations are minor). It is important that both indicators are in the closest centiles: ideally in the same corridor, +/- 1 corridor to the right and left is acceptable.

Boys height chart:

Distribution of body length (cm) by age - boys

Age Centiles
3 10 25 75 90 97
0 months 48,0 48,9 50,0 53,2 54,3 55,1
1 month
50,5 51,5 52,8 56,3 57,5 58,7
2 months
53,4 54,3 55,8 59,5 61,0 62,1
3 months
56,1 57,0 58,6 62,4 64,0 65,5
4 months
58,6 59,5 61,3 65,6 67,0 68,7
5 months
61,0 61,9 63,4 67,9 69,6 70,9
6 months
63,0 64,0 65,6 69,9 71,3 72,5
7 months 65,0 65,9 67,5 71,4 73,0 74,1
8 months
66,5 67,6 68,9 73,0 74,5 75,7
9 months
67,8 68,8 70,1 74,5 75,9 77,1
10 months
68,8 69,9 71,3 76,1 77,4 78,8
11 months
69,9 71,0 72,6 77,3 78,9 80,4
12 months
71,0 72,0 73,8 78,5 80,3 81,7
15 months
72,9 74,3 76,0 81,3 86,5 84,9
18 months
75,0 76,5 78,4 84,4 83,4 88,2
21 months
77,2 78,6 80,8 86,8 88,2 91,0
24 months
79,4 81,0 83,0 88,4 92,0 93,8
27 months
81,4 83,2 85,5 92,2 94,6 96,3
30 months
83,7 85,2 87,5 94,8 97,2 101,4
33 months
86,0 87,4 90,0 97,4 99,7 101,4
36 months
88,0 89,6 92,1 99,7 102,2 103,9
3.5 years 90,3 92,1 95,0 102,5 105,0 106,8
4 years 93,2 95,4 98,3 105,5 108,0 110,0
4.5 years 96,3 98,3 101,2 108,5 111,2 113,5
5 years 98,4 101,7 105,9 112,0 114,5 117,2
5.5 years 102,4 104,7 108,0 115,2 118,0 120,1
6 years 105,5 108,0 110,8 118,8 121,4 123,3
6.5 years 108,6 110,9 113,9 122,0 124,4 126,4
7 years 110,3 113,8 117,0 125,0 127,9 130,0
8 years 116,4 118,8 122,0 131,0 134,3 136,4
9 years 121,5 124,6 127,5 136,5 140,3 142,5
10 years 126,4 129,2 133,0 142,0 146,2 149,1
11 years 131,2 134,0 138,0 148,3 152,9 155,2
12 years
135,8 138,8 142,7 154,9 159,5 162,4
13 years
140,2 143,6 147,4 160,4 165,8 169,6
14 years
144,9 148,3 152,4 166,4 172,2 176,0
15 years
149,3 153,2 158,0 172,0 178,0 178,0
16 years
154,0 158,0 162,2 177,4 182,0 185,0
17 years
159,3 163,0 168,1 181,2 185,1 187,9

Boys weight chart:

Distribution of body weight (kg) by age - boys

Age Centiles
3 10 25 75 90 97
0 months 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,7 4,0 4,4
1 month 3,1 3,5 3,8 4,5 5,2 5,6
2 months
3,9 4,3 4,6 5,5 6,2 6,6
3 months
4,5 4,9 5,4 6,4 7,0 7,5
4 months
5,2 5,6 6,2 7,2 7,9 8,4
5 months
5,8 6,2 6,8 7,9 8,6 9,1
6 months
6,4 6,8 7,4 8,6 9,2 9,7
7 months
6,9 7,4 7,9 9,1 9,8 10,3
8 months
7,4 7,8 8,4 9,6 10,3 10,8
9 months
7,8 8,3 8,9 10,1 10,9 11,3
10 months
8,0 8,6 9,2 10,6 11,3 11,8
11 months
8,3 8,9 9,5 11,0 11,8 12,3
12 months
8,6 9,1 9,8 11,5 12,2 12,7
15 months
9,2 9,6 10,5 12,2 12,9 13,5
18 months
9,6 10,2 11,0 12,8 13,6 14,2
21 months
10,1 10,6 11,5 13,5 14,3 14,9
24 months
10,6 11,1 12,0 14,1 14,9 15,4
27 months
11,1 11,6 12,4 14,6 15,4 15,9
30 months
11,5 12,0 12,8 15,1 16,0 16,5
33 months
11,9 12,4 13,2 15,6 16,5 17,0
36 months
12,1 12,8 13,6 16,0 16,9 17,5
3.5 years 12,7 13,4 14,2 17,0 18,0 18,7
4 years 13,3 14,2 15,1 18,0 19,1 20,0
4.5 years 14,0 14,9 15,9 19,0 20,6 21,7
5 years 14,8 15,7 16,8 20,1 22,0 23,2
5.5 years 15,5 16,6 17,8 21,4 23,4 25,1
6 years 16,3 17,6 18,9 22,6 24,9 27,0
6.5 years 17,2 18,4 20,0 24,0 26,4 29,0
7 years 18,2 19,6 21,3 25,5 28,0 31,1
8 years 20,0 21,5 23,4 28,4 31,7 35,1
9 years 22,0 23,4 25,6 31,4 35,4 39,2
10 years 24,0 25,6 28,0 35,1 39,4 45,0
11 years
26,0 28,0 31,0 39,2 44,5 50,5
12 years
28,3 30,4 34,4 43,8 50,0 57,0
13 years
31,0 33,4 39,8 49,0 56,2 63,6
14 years
34,0 35,2 42,2 54,6 62,2 70,6
15 years
37,8 40,8 46,9 60,2 65,1 76,5
16 years
41,2 45,4 51,8 65,9 73,0 82,5
17 years
46,4 50,5 56,8 70,6 78,0 86,2

Girls growth charts:

Distribution of body length (cm) by age - girls

Age Centiles
3 10 25 75 90 97
0 months 47,0 48,0 49,2 52,1 53,3 54,5
1 month
49,7 50,7 52,4 55,3 56,9 57,7
2 months
52,2 53,3 55,0 58,6 59,9 60,8
3 months
55,1 56,1 57,9 61,5 63,0 63,9
4 months
57,4 58,6 60,5 64,1 65,6 66,4
5 months
59,9 61,0 62,8 66,4 67,8 68,8
6 months
62,1 63,0 64,3 68,2 69,8 70,8
7 months
63,7 64,2 66,4 70,0 71,6 72,7
8 months
65,2 66,1 67,7 71,6 73,1 75,2
9 months
66,5 67,5 69,3 72,8 74,5 75,8
10 months
67,7 68,8 70,5 74,2 75,9 77,1
11 months
69,0 70,3 71,7 75,7 77,1 78,3
12 months
70,3 71,4 72,8 76,3 78,3 79,3
15 months
72,2 73,6 75,2 78,8 81,2 82,4
18 months
74,0 75,8 77,5 82,1 84,4 86,0
21 months
76,0 78,2 80,0 84,6 87,4 88,8
24 months
78,4 80,4 82,6 87,5 90,2 92,2
27 months
80,8 83,0 85,4 90,1 93,0 94,7
30 months
83,4 85,6 87,8 92,8 95,6 97,3
33 months
85,9 88,2 90,3 95,5 98,2 100,0
36 months
88,6 90,8 92,9 98,1 100,5 102,9
3.5 years 91,0 93,4 95,6 101,0 103,9 105,8
4 years
94,0 96,2 98,4 104,2 106,9 109,1
4.5 years
96,9 99,3 101,5 107,1 110,6 114,0
5 years 99,9 102,4 104,9 110,7 114,0 116,5
5.5 years 102,5 105,2 108,0 114,5 117,1 120,0
6 years 105,3 108,0 111,0 118,0 120,8 124,0
6.5 years 108,0 110,5 114,0 121,7 124,4 127,4
7 years 111,0 113,6 117,1 125,0 128,1 131,3
8 years 116,6 119,4 123,0 131,0 134,4 137,6
9 years 122,0 124,4 128,5 136,7 140,6 143,8
10 years 127,0 130,0 133,8 142,5 146,6 150,1
11 years
131,0 134,2 138,6 148,6 153,9 156,8
12 years
135,2 138,4 143,0 155,1 159,3 156,8
13 years
139,5 143,1 148,0 160,3 164,3 168,0
14 years
144,0 147,4 152,4 164,2 168,0 170,5
15 years
148,1 151,6 156,3 167,0 170,3 172,6
16 years
151,7 155,0 158,3 169,0 172,0 174,1
17 years
154,2 157,3 161,2 170,0 173,1 175,5

Girls weight table:

Distribution of body weight (kg) by age - girls

Age Centiles
3 10 25 75 90 97
0 months 2,3 2,6 3,0 3,5 3,8 4,0
1 month
3,0 3,3 3,7 4,3 4,6 4,9
2 months
3,7 4,0 4,4 5,0 5,3 5,6
3 months
4,4 4,6 5,0 5,7 6,1 6,5
4 months
5,0 5,3 5,6 6,5 6,9 7,4
5 months
5,5 5,8 6,2 7,2 7,7 8,2
6 months
6,1 6,3 6,8 7,9 8,5 9,0
7 months
6,5 6,8 7,3 8,5 9,1 9,7
8 months
7,0 7,3 7,7 9,1 9,7 10,5
9 months
7,4 7,7 8,2 9,6 10,4 11,2
10 months
7,7 8,1 8,7 10,1 11,0 11,3
11 months
8,1 8,5 9,1 10,6 11,5 12,2
12 months
8,3 8,8 9,4 11,0 11,9 12,6
15 months
8,9 9,4 10,0 11,7 12,7 13,3
18 months
9,4 9,9 10,6 12,5 13,4 13,9
21 months
9,8 10,4 11,1 13,1 13,9 14,6
24 months
10,3 10,9 11,6 13,5 14,5 15,2
27 months
10,8 11,3 12,0 14,0 15,0 15,7
30 months
11,2 11,7 12,5 14,5 15,5 16,3
33 months
11,5 12,1 12,9 14,9 16,0 16,8
36 months
11,8 12,5 13,3 15,4 16,5 17,3
3.5 years 12,4 13,1 14,0 16,3 17,8 18,6
4 years 13,1 13,9 14,8 17,2 19,0 20,0
4.5 years 13,8 14,9 15,8 18,4 20,4 21,6
5 years 14,9 15,8 16,9 19,8 21,9 23,7
5.5 years 15,6 16,6 17,8 21,2 23,6 25,8
6 years 16,3 17,4 18,8 22,5 25,1 27,9
6.5 years 17,1 18,2 19,9 24,0 26,7 29,8
7 years 18,0 19,3 20,8 25,3 28,4 31,8
8 years 20,0 21,2 23,0 28,5 32,2 36,4
9 years 21,9 23,3 25,4 32,0 36,4 41,0
10 years 23,9 25,6 28,0 36,0 41,1 47,0
11 years 26,0 28,0 31,1 40,3 46,0 53,5
12 years 28,4 31,4 35,2 45,4 51,3 58,8
13 years 32,0 35,3 40,0 51,8 56,8 64,2
14 years 36,1 39,9 44,0 55,0 60,9 70,0
15 years 39,4 43,7 47,6 58,0 63,9 73,6
16 years 42,4 46,8 51,0 61,0 66,2 76,1
17 years 45,2 48,4 52,4 62,0 68,0 79,0

Factors influencing growth rate and weight gain in children

In addition to heredity, factors such as:

  • the course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • presence of genetic diseases;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • nutrition (it must be complete and balanced);
  • lifestyle (the more active the child is, the more proportional his height and weight are to his age);
  • sleep schedule (sufficient sleep is needed, in accordance with age).

If your height increases steadily, your weight may increase intermittently; it is important to avoid excess weight. And, if it is almost impossible to correct height, weight is more “plastic”. Proper nutrition and physical activity is the best modulator of this indicator.

Video on the topic

Her baby while he is still in her womb. A visit to the ultrasound room for expectant parents always ends with receiving a protocol that indicates the parameters of the baby’s development for a given period of time. One of the key indicators is the height of boys or girls, it, as well as other values ​​​​obtained using ultrasound examination. Individual measurements are compared with averaged data. It is this method (comparison with approximate norms) that will be used as an assessment of the baby’s developmental state during pregnancy and subsequent growing up.

In this article we will look at how future men should develop. The table of height and weight of boys will clearly demonstrate which indicators are considered the norm for one or another. We will also briefly talk about when you need to pay attention to what is too small or large

What is the norm?

In our country, certain indicators have recently been revised. The Ministry of Health decided to abandon outdated Soviet developments and arm ourselves with modern data that corresponds to global trends.

It is worth noting that WHO has approved standards for each individual region of the planet; they are based on anthropological and genetic studies of the population living in a particular territory. People of different nationalities, existing in climatic conditions different from each other, cannot look entirely the same, especially since the height of boys and girls, their weight and rates of development also differ.

When comparing your child with the parameters of other babies, you should pay attention to many factors (genetics, health, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition).

Age/height/weight, years

low - below average

high - above average


from 46.5 cm to 49.8 cm

from 2.7 kg to 3.1 kg

from 49.8 cm to 52.3 cm

from 3.1 kg to 3.7 kg

from 52.3 cm to 55 cm

from 3.7 kg to 4.2 kg

from 55.3 cm to 58.1 cm

from 4.5 kg to 5.3 kg

from 58.1 cm to 60.9 cm

from 5.3 kg to 6.4 kg

from 60.9 cm to 63.8 cm

from 6.4 kg to 7.3 kg

from 61.7 cm to 64.8 cm

from 6.1 kg to 7.1 kg

from 64.8 cm to 67.7 cm

from 7.1 kg to 8.4 kg

from 67.7 cm to 71.2 cm

from 8.4 kg to 9.4 kg

9 months

from 67.3 cm to 69.8 cm

from 7.5 kg to 8.4 kg

from 69.8 cm to 73.2 cm

from 8.4 kg to 9.8 kg

from 73.2 cm to 78.8 cm

from 9.8 kg to 11.0 kg

from 71.2 cm to 74.0 cm

from 8.5 kg to 9.4 kg

from 74.0 cm to 77.3 cm

from 9.4 kg to 10.9 kg

from 77.3 cm to 81.7 cm

from 10.9 kg to 12.1 kg

from 81.3 cm - 84.8 cm

from 10.67 kg to 11.7 kg

from 84.5 cm to 89.0 cm

from 11.7 kg to 13.5 kg

from 89.0 cm to 94.0 cm

from 13.5 kg to 15.00 kg

from 89.0 cm to 92.3 cm

from 12.1 kg to 13.8 kg

from 92.3 cm to 99.8 cm

from 13.8 kg to 16.00 kg

from 99.8 cm to 104.5 cm

from 16.00 kg to 17.7 kg

from 93.2 cm to 98.3 cm

from 13.4 kg to 15.1 kg

from 98.3 cm to 105.5 cm

from 15.1 kg to 17.8 kg

from 105.5 cm to 110.6 cm

from 17.8 kg to 20.3 kg

from 98.9 cm to 104.4 cm

from 14.8 kg to 16.8 kg

from 104.4 cm to 112.0 cm

from 16.8 kg to 20.00 kg

from 112.0 cm to 117.0 cm

from 20.0 kg to 23.4 kg

from 105.0 cm to 110.9 cm

from 16.3 kg to 18.8 kg

from 110.9 cm to 118.7 cm

from 18.8 kg to 22.6 kg

from 118.7 cm to 123.8 cm

from 22.6 kg to 26.7 kg

from 111.0 cm to 116.8 cm

from 18.00kg to 21.00kg

from 116.8 cm to 125.0 cm

from 21.0 kg to 25.4 kg

from 125.0 cm to 130.6 cm

from 25.4 kg to 30.8 kg

from 116.3 cm to 122.1 cm

from 20.0 kg to 23.3 kg

from 122.1 cm to 130.8 cm

from 23.3 kg to 28.3 kg

from 130.8 cm to 137.0 cm

from 28.3 kg to 35.5 kg

from 121.5 cm to 125.6 cm

from 21.9 kg to 25.6 kg

from 125.6 cm to 136.3 cm

from 25.6 kg to 31.5 kg

from 136.3 cm to 143.0 cm

from 31.5 kg to 39.1 kg

from 126.3 cm to 133.0 cm

from 23.9 kg to 28.2 kg

from 133.0 cm to 142.0 cm

from 28.2 kg to 35.1 kg

from 142.0 cm to 149.2 cm

from 35.1 kg to 44.7 kg

from 136.2 cm to 143.6 cm

from 28.2 kg to 34.4 kg

from 143.6 cm to 154.5 cm

from 34.4 kg to 45.1 kg

from 154.5 cm to 163.5 cm

from 45.1 kg to 58.7 kg

from 148.3 cm to 156.2 cm

from 34.3 kg to 42.8 kg

from 156.2 cm to 167.7 cm

from 42.8 kg to 56.6 kg

from 167.7 cm to 176.7 cm

from 56.6 kg to 73.2 kg

from 158.8 cm to 166.8 cm

from 44.0 kg to 54.0 kg

from 166.8 cm to 177.8 cm

from 54.0 kg to 69.6 kg

from 177.8 cm to 186.3 cm

from 69.6 kg to 84.7 kg

As you can see, the height and weight of boys given in the table can vary significantly. In any case, each child develops purely individually, and if there is a deficiency in certain parameters at one age, after six months or a year the child can make a significant leap in physiological development or, conversely, stop the pace of its growth.

Is there no way to fight genes?

A person’s appearance is determined at the genetic level even at the moment when the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. It is then that it becomes clear what gender the baby will be, what kind of eyes he will have, skin color, build. However, this does not mean that what was originally laid down by nature cannot be adjusted or will remain unchanged throughout life.

Yes, eyes and hair, skin tone can be changed through third-party intervention, but blue eyes will remain that way until old age. Boys' height, weight and build are directly influenced by their lifestyle and the conditions in which they grow and develop. Short parents may well have a son above average height, especially since one cannot ignore the fact that genes are passed on through several generations, and no child can be an exact copy of their biological mother and father. It can definitely be said that it is easier for a person to worsen his appearance and health status rather than improving it.

When is deviation from the norm bad?

If parents notice that their child is significantly behind his peers, or vice versa (boys’ height, weight and general development often exceed the statistical average) - this is a reason to seek advice from a doctor.

Before looking for geneticists and the best luminaries of world medicine, it is enough to make an appointment with a family doctor or local pediatrician. The medical record of any baby whose health status is monitored by the parents contains data on the dynamics of its development; on their basis, a qualified doctor can make certain conclusions regarding the child’s growth rate.

Problems may occur in the following cases:

  • hormonal surges due to puberty;
  • disturbances in the level of “growth hormone”;
  • developmental delays;
  • difficulties associated with abnormal intrauterine development;
  • genetic disorders.

Now you know what height a boy should be at a certain age.

Girls usually grow a little slower than their male counterparts, and this is normal.

Determine for yourself whether the girl is physically developed correctly, whether her height and weight are appropriate age standards, a table of girls’ height and weight by year will help.

How much do the girls weigh and how tall are they?

Intensive growth and weight gain in girls occurs in the first year of life. You can assess whether these indicators are within normal limits using a table up to a year by month. It is worth noting that Russian data and WHO data differ slightly.

Girl's height

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months 45,8-47,5 47,5- 49,8 49,8-52,0 52,0- 53,1 53,1-53,9 >53,9
1 month 48,5-50,3 50,3-52,1 52,1-55,0 55,0-56,1 56,1-57,3 >57.3
2 months
51,2-53,3 53,3-55,2 55,2-58,0 58,0-59,3 59,3-60,6 >60,6
3 months
54,0-56,2 56,2-57,6 57,6-60,7 60,7-61,8 61,8-63,6 >63,6
4 months
56,7-58,4 58,4-60,0 60,0-62,8 62,8-64,0 64,0-65,7 >65,7
5 months
59,1-60,8 60,8-62,0 62,0-65,1 65,1-66,0 66,0-68,0 >68,0
6 months
60,8-62,5 62,5-64,1 64,1-67,1 67,1-68,8 68,8-70,0 >70,0
7 months
62,7-64,1 64,1-65,9 65,9-69,2 69,2-70,4 70,4-71,9 >41,9
8 months
64,5-66,0 66,0-67,5 67,5-70,5 70,5-72,5 72,5-73,7 >73,7
9 months
66,0-67,5 67,5-69,1 69,1-72,0 72,0-74,1 74,1-75,5 >75,5
10 months
67,5-69,0 69,0-70,3 70,3-73,2 73,2-75,3 75,3-76,8 >76,8
11 months
68,9-70,1 70,1-71,5 71,5-74,7 74,7-76,5 76,5-78,1 >78,1
1 year 70,1-71,4 71,4-72,8 72,8-75,8 75,8-78,0 78,0-79,6 >79,6

Girl's weight

Age Index
short below
average higher
high Very
0 months
2,6-2,8 2,8-3,0 3,0-3,7 3,7-3,9 3,9-4,1 >4,1
1 month 3,3-3,6 3,6-3,8 3,8-4,5 4,5-4,7 4,7-5,1 >5,1
2 months
3,8-4,2 4,2-4,5 4,5-5,2 5,2-5,95 5,5-5,9 >5,9
3 months
4,4-4,8 4,8-5,2 5,2-5,9 5,9-6,3 6,3-6,7 >6,7
4 months
5,0-5,4 5,4-5,8 5,8-6,6 6,6-7,0 7,0-7,5 >7,5
5 months
5,5-5,9 5,9-6,3 6,3-6,8 6,8-7,8 7,8-8,3 >8,3
6 months
5,9-6,3 6,3-6,8 6,8-7,8 7,8-8,3 8,3-8,7 >8,7
7 months
6,4-6,8 6,8-7,3 7,3-8,4 8,4-8,9 8,9-9,3 >9,3
8 months
6,7-7,2 7,2-7,6 7,6-8,8 8,8-9,3 9,3-9,7 >9,74
9 months
7,1-7,5 7,5-8,0 8,0-9,2 9,2-9,7 9,7-10,1 >10,1
10 months
7,4-7,9 7,9-8,4 8,4-9,6 9,6-10,1 10,1-10,5 >10,5
11 months
7,7-8,3 8,3-8,7 8,7-9,9 9,9-10,5 10,5-10,9 >10,9
1 year 8,0-8,5 8,5-9,0 9,0-10,2 10,2-10,8 10,8-11,3 >11,3

Another noticeable jump in these indicators accompanies puberty. And here girls are already ahead of boys: on average, a growth spurt in girls is observed at 10-11 years old, while boys lag behind by about 2 years. During puberty, the increase in height and weight of girls averages 25 cm and 25 kg, respectively. Girls grow on average until they are 18 years old. The average height of a Russian woman is 165 cm.

Centile tables for determining height and weight standards

You can evaluate how harmoniously developed a girl is using a centile table. The columns of the table indicate the quantitative limits of height and weight for a certain percentage of girls; The interval 25%-75% is taken as average indicators. In the case when a girl’s indicators fall into these corridors, then this is the norm. The columns before and after these intervals are indicators below (10%-25%) and above (75%-90%) the norm.
If the girl’s indicators fall into the extreme corridors, this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is very important that both the height and weight of the girl are in the same corridor (+/- one column). Otherwise, physiological development cannot be considered harmonious: dystrophy or obesity, lack or excess growth - one of these problems may affect a girl.

Age Height
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 97%
short below
average higher
high Very
newborn 46,5 48,0 49,8 51,3 52,3 53,5 55,0
1 month 49,5 51,2 52,7 54,5 55,6 56,5 57,3
2 months 52,6
53,8 55,3
3 months 55,3
60,0 60,9
4 months 57,5
58,7 60,6
63,1 64,5
5 months 59,9
61,1 62,3
64,3 65,6
67,0 68,9
6 months 61,7 63,0 64,8 66,1 67,7
69,0 71,2
7 months 63,8
65,1 66,3
68,0 69,8
71,1 73,5
8 months 65,5 66,8 68,1
70,0 71,3
9 months 67,3 68,2
69,8 71,3 73,2
75,1 78,8
10 months 68,8
69,1 71,2
73,0 75,1
11 months 70,1 71,3
74,3 76,2
78,0 80,3
1 year 71,2
74,0 75,5 77,3
79,7 81,7
1.5 years 76,9
78,4 79,8
81,7 83,9
85,9 89,4
2 years 81,3
83,0 84,5 86,8
89,0 90,8
2.5 years 84,5
87,0 89,0 91,3
93,7 95,5 99,0
3 years 88,0 90,0 92,3
96,0 99,8
102,0 104,5
3.5 years 90,3 92,6 95,0 99,1 102,5
105,0 107,5
4 years 93,2
95,5 98,3
102,0 105,5
108,0 110,6
4.5 years 96,0 98,3
101,2 105,1 108,6
111,0 113,6
5 years 98,9
101,5 104,4
108,3 112,0 114,5
5.5 years 101,8
107,8 111,5
115,1 118,0 120,6
6 years 105,0 107,7
115,0 118,7 121,1
6.5 years 108,0 110,8
118,2 121,8
124,6 127,2
7 years 111,0 113,6 116,8 121,2 125,0 128,0 130,6
8 years 116,3 119,0 122,1
130,8 134,5
9 years 121,5
124,7 125,6
133,4 136,3
140,3 143,0
10 years 126,3
133,0 137,8
142,0 146,7
11 years 131,3
134,5 138,5 143,2 148,3 152,9
12 years 136,2 140,0 143,6
149,2 154,5
159,5 163,5
13 years 141,8 145,7
149,8 154,8
160,6 166,0
14 years 148,3
152,3 156,2
161,2 167,7 172,0 176,7
15 years 154,6
158,6 162,5
166,8 173,5 177,6
16 years 158,8
166,8 173,3
177,8 182,0 186,3
17 years 162,8
166,6 171,6
177,3 181,6
186,0 188,5
Age Weight
3% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95%
short below
average higher
high Very
newborn 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,4 3,7 3,9 4,2
1 month 3,3 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,7 5,1 5,4
2 months 3,9 4,2 4,6 5,1 5,6 6,0 6,4
3 months 4,5 4,9 5,3 5,8 6,4 7,0 7,3
4 months 5,1 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,2 7,6 8,1
5 months 5,6 6,1 6,5 7,1 7,8 8,3 8,8
6 months 6,1 6,6 7,1 7,6 8,4 9,0 9,4
7 months 6,6 7,1 7,6 8,2 8,9 9,5 9,9
8 months 7,1 7,5 8,0 8,6 9,4 10,0 10,5
9 months 7,5 7,9 8,4 9,1 9,8 10,5 11,0
10 months 7,9 8,3 8,8 9,5 10,3 10,9 11,4
11 months 8,2 8,6 9,1 9,8 10,6 11,2 11,8
1 year 8,5 8,9 9,4 10,0 10,9 11,6 12,1
1.5 years 9,7 10,2 10,7 11,5 12,4 13,0 13,7
2 years 10,6 11,0 11,7 12,6 13,5 14,2 15,0
2.5 years 11,4 11,9 12,6 13,7 14,6 15,4 16,1
3 years 12,1 12,8 13,8 14,8 16,0 16,9 17,7
3.5 years 12,7 13,5 14,3 15,6 16,8 17,9 18,8
4 years 13,4 14,2 15,1 16,4 17,8 19,4 20,3
4.5 years 14,0 14,9 15,9 17,2 18,8 20,3 21,6
5 years 14,8 15,7 16,8 18,3 20,0 21,7 23,4
5.5 years 15,5 16,6 17,7 19,3 21,3 23,2 24,9
6 years 16,3 17,5 18,8 20,4 22,6 24,7 26,7
6.5 years 17,2 18,6 19,9 21,6 23,9 26,3 28,8
7 years 18,0 19,5 21,0 22,9 25,4 28,0 30,8
8 years 20,0 21,5 23,3 25,5 28,3 31,4 35,5
9 years
21,9 23,5 25,6 28,1 31,5 35,1
10 years
23,9 25,6 28,2 31,4 35,1 39,7 44,7
11 years
26,0 28,0 31,0 34,9
39,9 44,9 51,5
12 years
28,2 30,7 34,4 38,8 45,1 50,6 58,7
13 years
30,9 33,8 38,0 43,4 50,6 56,8 66,0
14 years
34,3 38,0 42,8 48,8 56,6 63,4 73,2
15 years
38,7 43,0 48,3 54,8 62,8 70,0 80,1
16 years
44,0 48,3 54,0 61,0 69,6 76,5 84,7
17 years
49,3 54,6 59,8 66,3 74,0 80,1 87,8

The correct ratio of height, weight and age can be assessed using these tables:

Girl's height, cm

Girl's weight, kg


The height and weight of girls under 18 are indicators that often increase disproportionately. A girl can be plump with a short stature, and then suddenly she will suddenly stretch out and become slender. Or, on the contrary, from a skinny person to a plump one.
In order for weight and height to have an optimal ratio, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet, get enough time for sleep at night, as well as lead a moderately active lifestyle and expose the body to feasible and regular physical activity. It is not necessary to go to big sports; physical education at school, visiting the pool or sports section and walking are enough.