Signs for the old new year.  Old New Year: history, traditions and signs of the holiday January 13 holiday what not to do

Signs for the old new year. Old New Year: history, traditions and signs of the holiday January 13 holiday what not to do

How to celebrate the advent of the old New Year and what is customary to do on this holiday?

1. Set the festive table, which must include meat dishes, especially pork.

In the old days to Old New Year They served roasted pig, which was considered a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock. Another obligatory dish is kutia, but not lean, but seasoned with meat or lard.

2. Prepare dumplings with surprises

And, in addition to the filling, put in each of them an object by which it will be possible to make a prediction for next year. For example, if someone comes across a ring, you should wait for marriage, if a penny - wealth is just around the corner, a thread - an interesting journey awaits, a peppercorn - surprises cannot be avoided.

3. Feed all guests to the full and give alms generously

Otherwise, you may miss out on good luck and happiness next year.

4. Invite an even number of people to the table, and if there is an odd number of people, then put an empty plate.

5. Celebrate the Old New Year in peace and harmony, asking for forgiveness from everyone who was inadvertently offended in the past year.

6. Go to be generous: dress up, put on masks and go to visit your neighbors with songs. And if mummers come to you, then you definitely need to treat them.

7. Send matchmakers. It was believed that on this day even the most unapproachable bride would not be able to refuse the groom, for fear of remaining a wench for the rest of her life.

What can't you do for the old New Year?

1. Quarrel, swear and cry, otherwise misfortunes cannot be avoided.

2. Eating a bird or fish: happiness can “swim away” or “fly away” from home.

3. Count petty cash on holiday night to avoid tears next year.

4. Lend money, otherwise losses cannot be avoided in the near future. You can’t borrow money yourself without spending a year in debt.

5. Place dishes that have cracks or chips on the holiday table. This promises family squabbles, troubles and poverty.

6. Play cards and other gambling games: this way you can spoil your luck for the whole year.

7. Throw away leftover food so as not to experience hunger, and take out the trash so as not to take away happiness along with it.

Folk signs for the Old New Year

On the night of the Old New Year, you should pay attention to folk signs to find out what the weather expects and what the coming year will be like.

So, it was believed that if there were many stars in the sky, there would be a good harvest of berries in the summer. If the morning is snowy and frosty, the year will be rich, and a good harvest of nuts is worth waiting for if there is a blizzard on January 14th. Cold weather without snow promises few mushrooms, and frost on the trees promises a lot of honey.

In addition, the evening before the Old New Year is an excellent time for fortune telling, especially for unmarried girls who cast a spell on their betrothed. For example, brides found out who would be the first to marry. To do this, they baked buns, laid them out on a bench and let a dog into the house. Whoever's bun she approaches first will be the first to marry.

A strange, paradoxical combination, what philologists call an “oxymoron”.

The Old New Year or New Year according to the Julian calendar (old style) is celebrated on the night from 13 to 14 January. They say that often on this strange holiday special events occur, when people suddenly discover hitherto unknown sides of character within themselves and those around them, and discover some new facets of personality.

We celebrate old New Year.

Celebration Old New Year: Well, what an ancient holiday without national signs.

For this most desired supplement. And so it turned out that old New Year- this is the same New Year, but according to the old style. If we start from very far away, the date of the creation of the world, as the ancient translation of the Old Testament says, was previously considered March 1, 5508 BC.

“Therefore, after 84 years, that is, in 2101, old New Year will be celebrated on the night of January 14-15, but not from 13 to 14, as today,” the university’s PR service quotes Roman Sergeevich as saying. And from March 1, 2100 will be approximately 14 days, so from 2101 old New Year will be celebrated a day later. The thing is that each product has a sacred meaning: nuts represent health, raisins - longevity, grains - the beginning new life, honey - excellent news, poppy - prosperity. According to the rules of the Christian Church, Easter holiday occurs on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, i.e. the first full moon after the day spring equinox. This was done in order to enter the New Year without any offense. This date is still interpreted today by some teachings as the real birthday of Christ. It is connected with the fact that earlier this holiday was emphasized in the spring. And only at the end of the 15th century - in 1492 - they officially determined a single date for the beginning of the New Year in Rus': September 1. According to tradition, on the night from 13 to 14 January they told fortunes about the suitors, and this happened in the most different ways. Thus, in the Russian state, the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September to December inclusive, and January 1 marked the year 1700.

In the middle of winter 1918, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in the Soviet Russian Federation. Thus, in the long-past year of 1918, immediately after January 31, February 14 came. This is how the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar took place in a huge country - in other words, the transition to the so-called “ a new style" Mutual visits and treats continue for a number of days in a row. Despite secular life, the Russian Orthodox Church continues to celebrate everything church holidays according to the old (Julian) calendar, refusing to switch to the Gregorian and preserving the previous way of church life. More traditional dishes on old New Year there was pork, lard, poultry, dumplings, pies, pancakes. But the solar calendar is more comfortable, where the duration of the year on average for a certain number of years does not differ significantly from the tropical year, the duration of which is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds or 365.2422 days, explains the teacher of the Department of Financial Geography and Cartography of the Faculty of Geography Altai State University Roman Enemy.

However, in addition to history, so to speak, political, official, there is another - related to the church calendar. With all this, the modern New Year falls on the Nativity Fast.

The magic of the first day also determined the desire for a rich and satisfying meal on Vasiliev's evening. By the way, we can please the fairer sex with the fact that this year, Fire Rooster, itself is very energetically strong, so it increases the chances of finding your loved one. “In order to establish in the Russian Federation the same calculation of time with almost all cultural peoples,” it was established to be considered the first day after January 31 January 14. That's why this evening is called Generous. Pork dishes were especially valued, since Saint Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers.

For many believers old New Year has a special meaning, since they can celebrate it with all their hearts only after the end of the Nativity Fast.

However, we are still children, we are at the Christmas tree.

So, the difference between the Julian calendar (or the “old style” calendar) and the Gregorian calendar - the one according to which almost the whole world currently lives - in the 20th-21st centuries is thirteen days.

old New Year got its name because it is New Year, but according to the old calendar. It is on this day that you can find out how in some way what you did in the past year affected the future and how it may still affect it. In areas that have experienced frost of -35 degrees, there will be no frost and a temperature of +1...+6 degrees, and in Old New Year It will be around zero, but without the nasty precipitation that was rain on New Year's Day. The website of the Tomsk channel "Vesti" offers to indicate the end New Year's holidays in the old fashioned way, with fun, with treats and congratulations. It is also celebrated in Serbia (Serbian New Year), and also in Montenegro and Macedonia.

TO 13th of January It is usually recommended to set the festive table and remember those wishes that you might have forgotten to make in the chaos of the holiday on the evening of December 31st. True, they celebrate it there according to the Berber calendar, which, however, is the same Julian calendar, with minor differences. In addition, the “holiday” falls on Saturday, and the same thing will happen to it as with Christmas.

Despite the fact that old New Year is not national holiday and an official day off, the bulk of the population in many countries continues the ancient and good tradition of celebrating the Old New Year. And, of course, it is celebrated with pleasure in our native Uzbekistan.

Next ritual for luck and good luck, and besides this, cleaning the energy of the house: write your cherished desire with a needle on a candle and let it burn to the end throughout the night from 13 to 14 January. Besides the fact that an additional holiday, in any case, pleases in itself, there is Old New Year There is still some special charm, an atmosphere of peace and homely comfort. A decorated Christmas tree remains an obvious attribute of this holiday.

It is this topic that we decided to devote our material to. We also want to pay special attention to what you should not do on January 14, 2018.

While many are moving away from celebrating Christmas, the Old New Year 2018 is upon us. During this period, Christmastide is taking place - a time of fortune-telling, which many girls try not to miss.

But still, January 14 is an important date in the church calendar for January, so many things are prohibited. The editors have prepared information about what not to do on the Old New Year, Circumcision of the Lord and St. Basil.

Holidays January 14th are the second most important winter holidays after the Nativity of Christ. According to ancient customs, these days are spent in ritual nativity scenes with seeders and shchedrovki. Ukrainian customs on January 14 cover the most beautiful features mentality and cultural traditions.

Therefore, we decided to separately consider all the holidays on this amazing day, January 14, 2018, as well as what not to do.

Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord

Many people who are not entirely involved in religious knowledge, seeing the holiday of the Circumcision of the Lord 2018 on the calendar, ask on the I WANT forum what the Circumcision of the Lord means. It is reported that since the 4th century, Christians have been celebrating the event described in the Gospel of Luke - the day of the Circumcision of the Lord, which took place on the eighth day after the birth of Jesus Christ. And now the celebration of this event takes place on the eighth day after the feast of the Nativity of Christ - that is January 14, new style. It is no secret that circumcision for the ancient Jews determined belonging to God’s Chosen People, so this event is revered to this day. The Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord is considered a great holiday of the Orthodox Church.

Old New Year 2018

Old New Year is considered unofficial holiday, which is celebrated in countries where Christmas is celebrated according to the Julian calendar on January 7th. That is, the date of the Old New Year corresponds to the New Year according to the Julian calendar. The emergence of the holiday is due to the fact that Christmas, according to calendar tradition, must precede the New Year, and also due to the fact that in the Orthodox Church, the Gregorian New Year marks the Nativity Fast, which excludes lavish feasts and entertainment. In our tradition, the Old New Year is celebrated on a grand scale: rich kutya and pork dishes are again prepared, a lot of generosity is given and sowed, and some people even tell fortunes on this magical night. Overall, this has been a favorite holiday for many years.

St. Basil's Day 2018

The Feast of Vasily is also celebrated on January 14th. Saint Basil the Great, along with Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, has enjoyed special veneration among the Slavs since ancient times. A particle of the relics of St. Basil still remains in the Pochaev Lavra. He is known for performing miracles of healing and also saving many sinners with his prayers. Saint Basil the Great is venerated by the Slavs on January 14th. On St. Basil's Day there is a roll call with Christmas carols, so young people, as usual, go from house to house, generous and collecting goodies. By the way, Vasilyev’s day was very important for girls; it was believed that fortune telling on Vasilyev’s day always comes true.

What not to do on Old New Year

Traditionally there are some restrictions on the day of celebration religious date. Read about what not to do on Old New Year.

  • In the Old New Year you cannot lend.
  • Also, don't take out the trash.
  • It is considered a bad omen to count small money or resolve important financial issues.
  • On this day you should not say the word “thirteen”.
  • On Generous Evening and Vasil, one cannot refuse forgiveness to a person if he has asked for it. It is believed that if you refuse, bad luck will follow you throughout the year.
  • It was considered a bad omen to cook fish and poultry for the Old New Year and Generous Evening - our ancestors assumed that this way happiness could float away or fly away from home.

Now you know all the important information about January 14, 2018 in the Orthodox tradition. We also recommend that you read the material about cool congratulations for the Old New Year, and also short SMS Happy holiday.

The Old New Year 2018 is celebrated on a January night, from 13 to 14. Due to the change in chronology, it now falls not on January 1, but 2 weeks later. The Old New Year was called differently: Generous Evening, Ovseny, and St. Basil's Day. Traditions for the Old New Year are known not only in our country: in Belarus and Serbia, even Switzerland and Montenegro, this holiday is honored.

Traditions for the Old New Year: what can you do on this holiday?

The first rule is to wear new or favorite clothes. You need to celebrate Christmastide, especially the Old New Year, in a good mood and beautiful.

Secondly, on Old New Year 2018 the table should be bursting with treats! No wonder January 13th is called Generous. You need to start treating guests according to tradition on the Old New Year. Season it with poppy seeds, heavy cream, honey - don’t think about fasting! Place pancakes, dumplings, and homemade pies with meat filling on the table. Saint Basil patronized pig farmers, which means that according to the old tradition, pork is on the festive table for the Old New Year 2018.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year: is it possible to guess and how to do it correctly?

Fortune telling for the Old New Year is part of the tradition, because the holiday falls on Christmastide. Girls guessed about their betrothed, married girls - about the future and the gender of their children. Another thing is that the church believes that rituals and fortune-telling should not be performed on the Old New Year. It's up to you! But if you want, you can arrange fortune-telling for the Old New Year using a book. Take your favorite book from the shelf without looking and say the page and line number. And read what fortune telling promises you for the Old New Year!

Signs for the Old New Year

Delicious kutia from the hostess - for a generous, abundant New Year. The porridge is burnt - expect a bad year.

Signs for the Old New Year are also related to the weather. The south wind promises a warm and joyful future, the west wind promises prosperity, and the east wind promises a generous harvest.

Other traditions for the Old New Year mention forgiveness of grievances, distribution of debts, in order to enter the next year with a pure heart.

What can't you do on Old New Year?

You will probably like the signs for the Old New Year! After all, it is forbidden to be sad or quarrel with relatives on a holiday. But having fun from the heart is a must!

What else can't you do in 2018? Usually money loves counting, but not on Christmastide, especially on Generous Evening. Prepare several pieces of paper in advance for caroling and sowing. And don’t count the remaining bills, don’t lend them under any circumstances, and it’s better to hide them away. Then in the New Year 2018 you will always have money.

Be especially hospitable on Old New Year. Let your home be filled with guests, with the songs of generous people and sowers! And closing the doors for them means forgetting about well-being for a whole year.

One of the most beloved holidays of the Slavic peoples is the Old New Year. Many families prepare for this ancient festival as carefully as for Orthodox Christmas and New Year. Let's talk about old signs, the secrets of which have been passed down through generations for centuries.

It is customary for all relatives to gather on this holiday. January 13 is called Malanka Day, and January 14 is called St. Basil's Day. On the night of January 13-14, people go from house to house singing generous songs, accompanied by a comic character - the goat Malanka. A young guy usually dresses up in a goat costume, and the festivities involve jokes and cheerful dancing.

On the morning of January 14, guests come to the owners to sow. If a boy or a man comes, then there will be prosperity and happiness in the household. Boys sow first with their natural parents, then with their godparents. It is customary to treat all those sowing with sweets. In some villages they burn sheaves of hay and jump over fires to cleanse themselves of diseases and misfortunes.

The sign says that the quality of a special dish - kutia - prepared by the hostess is of great importance. When the housewife prepares a dish, she mixes its ingredients, pronouncing spells or wishes. If kutia is tasty, then it is eaten for festive table. If the dish did not turn out well, it is poured into the river so that the flowing water will carry away future troubles.

Another festive dish is dumplings. During modeling, some dumplings were filled with a coin, thread, button, pepper, beans, and sugar. If a family member came across a dumpling with a special filling, then this was interpreted as a correct prediction for the future:

  • the coin meant quick profit;
  • thread - fast road;
  • button - new thing;
  • pepper meant that the fortuneteller would be afraid;
  • beans predicted an addition to the family;
  • A sweet dumpling with sugar promises a carefree time.

On Generous Evening, it is imperative to put up with ill-wishers and forgive those who have caused offense. To refuse the proposed reconciliation on this day is a great sin.

Signs of fate for the Old New Year

Old people advise paying special attention to the weather and the surrounding nature.

  • If there is fog outside on the Old New Year, then the harvest will be fertile.
  • Snow is a sign of good luck in business, rain portends trouble, wind warns of possible changes in life (positive or negative).
  • A clear sky with myriads of stars visible to the naked eye promises a generous harvest of berries.
  • If on the morning of January 14 there is fluffy frost on the tree branches, the honey harvest will be better than usual.
  • A snowstorm on St. Basil's Day promises an abundance of nuts in the fall.
  • It is not recommended to lend money during the Old New Year. If you violate this ban, you will be haunted by lack of money.
  • Making a profit on January 14 is a huge success for a long time.

  • You need to wear smart clothes for the holiday so that you always have money for new things throughout the year.
  • If the festive feast takes place in a friendly atmosphere or is fun, then the owner will be lucky.
  • Note to housewives: cook beef or pork for the holiday to attract prosperity and wealth. Fish or poultry dishes are contraindicated on this day, so that the happiness of the family does not accidentally float away or fly away.
  • It is better not to count money on this day, so as not to name the number 13 - this will lead to a sad event with tears.

The most important sign of the Old New Year is that a male person should be the first to come into the house in the morning. A woman or girl who comes into the house first in the morning on January 14 is a bad omen that promises trouble. Respectable women who know this sign try not to leave the threshold in the morning so as not to spoil the fate of the person they meet. Witches do exactly the opposite - they get up at dawn and go to visit the one they want to harm.

What not to do on Old New Year

Many superstitions are worth listening to and avoiding certain events.

  • Broken dishes in the Old New Year mean serious quarrels in the family.
  • If someone quarrels at the feast, expect sad news.
  • You cannot skimp on food for a festive feast - a meager table symbolizes difficult times.
  • On the Old New Year, you cannot deny anyone holiday treats; you need to warmly welcome all guests, including beggars and homeless animals - this is the only way to avoid running out of money.
  • Don’t forget to treat the brownie - a spoonful of the most delicious dishes, a glass of vodka or a glass of wine are left on the table for him at night.

Signs for housewives in the Old New Year

Material well-being worries everyone, it can be ensured by observing certain traditions.

  • On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon, and place it in a corner with the whisk facing up.
  • On January 13, after lunch, garbage is not thrown out of the apartment, so as not to take away the good things that happened in the past from the house. Cleaning is done in the morning so as not to frighten away luck.
  • Old things are thrown away before the holiday, so as not to clutter the house, preventing the penetration of energy and cash flows into it.
  • An open fire is favorable for attracting financial luck, so it is advisable to light church or ordinary candles before guests arrive. Some signs state that it is better to choose green candles, letting them burn out to the end.
  • Before the holiday, sit down and remember - who did you quarrel with? Be sure to make peace with everyone. Make an effort to improve your relationship - this is extremely important. The one who did not want to reconcile and pushed his neighbor away will face financial failure.

  • Don’t forget to pay off your existing debts, sincerely thanking those who helped you with money.
  • The night time from January 13 to 14 is considered the most magical of the year; it should be spent cheerfully or peacefully - without quarrels, discomfort, in order to ensure financial well-being for a long time.
  • It is advisable to put a brand new banknote in your right pocket. It’s great if the bill is of large denomination.
  • To prevent money from leaving, celebrate the holiday in new clothes, which bring success in business and good luck.
  • Beans, lentils, peas, and greens should be present on the table.
  • Choose a white tablecloth to attract good luck.
  • A yellow coin is placed under the tablecloth on each corner of the table.

Love omens for the Old New Year

Love plays a huge role in life, and the magical night of January 13-14 is perfect for fortune telling and love omens.

  • Girls need to look out the window in the morning; if she sees a jackdaw or a crow, she will soon receive news about her beloved guy. A titmouse is a joyful omen; you can expect a pleasant event soon.
  • Try to remember what you dreamed about on the holiday night - this dream is prophetic.
  • For young girls, meeting a woman and not a man first on the morning of January 14 is a sign of the appearance of a beautiful rival in love.
  • If an unmarried girl found a coin on January 14, then you need to pay attention to how it lies. “Heads” means she will have a wedding soon, but “tails” means she won’t get married in the coming months.

Signs for those who want a child

The Old New Year is a time of miracles, so those who want the birth of a child should use this time.

  • If a couple expecting a child comes to visit for the holiday, then the hostess will soon become pregnant if she eats something from the pregnant woman’s hands.
  • You can push fate a little by independently inviting a couple expecting to add to their family to the holiday, accepting a treat from the hands of the expectant mother.
  • Take a souvenir photo with the pregnant woman.
  • Buy something for infant, putting it in the “red corner”.
  • To neutralize negativity in the house, place a ficus tree in the bedroom for the holiday.
  • For the Old New Year, wear jewelry made of noble metal with agate.
  • Before the holiday, buy an aquarium with fish of a breed that reproduces quickly.
  • If you want to help a woman get pregnant and have the means, then give her a pearl necklace that will lead to the birth of offspring.

Signs for money

There are mystical techniques that provide money luck, which are valid not only on the Old New Year, but also on other days. Never pass things over the threshold, do not lend salt or bread (give these products free of charge). The wallet should never remain completely empty; get an irredeemable bill that is never spent, no matter how hard it is. A wallet is a “house” for money, so keep it in order by purchasing a new one in a timely manner if the old one is torn or has lost its presentation. Fold the money yourself carefully, in ascending order of bills. Keep small denomination coins in a separate place in your wallet, never count them.

Spend the Old New Year holiday with dignity, trying to please yourself, your family, neighbors, all living beings - luck loves kind, generous, joyful people!