Signs, traditions, sacraments and rituals for Epiphany: for health, luck, money, love, desires.  Baptism conspiracies: for financial well-being, for beauty, against damage Strong conspiracies to attract money at baptism

Signs, traditions, sacraments and rituals for Epiphany: for health, luck, money, love, desires. Baptism conspiracies: for financial well-being, for beauty, against damage Strong conspiracies to attract money at baptism

Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are carried out on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany customs and traditions are associated with water, since on this day it has truly miraculous properties and can cure deadly illnesses and ailments, fulfill any desire, give beauty, luck and wealth.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Holy water retains its properties throughout next year. This liquid should not be drunk frequently. You need to sprinkle your home and household items with it to fill the house with powerful positive energy. It should not be poured under your feet; this water can be watered on flowers or poured outside under a tree.

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      Epiphany rites and traditions

      The main tradition for Epiphany is a church solemn procession to the Jordan River. Tens of thousands of believers from all over the world take part in this procession. Both old and young plunge into the icy water of the Jordan River and wash away all sins and negative thoughts.

      • Those who do not have the opportunity to go to Israel for Epiphany bathe in local reservoirs. When immersing yourself in water, you need to say the sacred text three times: “I plunge in the Name of the Father, I plunge in the Name of the Son, I plunge in the Name of the Holy Spirit.” However, not every person has the courage to dive into river water in the bitter cold. Therefore, people simply collect water in different containers and go to church to consecrate it, and then sprinkle their loved ones and themselves with holy water. When sprinkling, you need to read the prayer: “Lord Almighty, save Your people and bless Your property, grant victory over evil spirits and preserve Your residence through the Cross.”

        Another prayer that is read after sprinkling with sacred water: “My God, Lord Almighty! May Your power and holy gift be in the sacred water, may my mind be enlightened and my mental and physical strength strengthened. May there be Your health and deliverance from all ailments "Lord, you are merciful, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the Holy Virgin Mary and all Your saints, heal and give good health. Amen (cross yourself three times)."

        In the morning, when washing your face with tap water, you need to read a conspiracy for good luck and success in all your endeavors: “In the Jordan, the Lord was baptized and appeared to the whole world. For all eternity, there is one truth - Jesus Christ is the son of God, he can do everything. The Lord commands, God reigns, Jesus Christ helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Holy Son and the holy spirit forever and ever, Amen (say three times)."

        In order to attract beauty and health into your life, to be healed from all bodily and mental suffering, you need to defend the church baptism service and, having blessed the water, return home and read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God”, “Our Father”, “I Believe”. Then you should read the spell for water three times with good thoughts and a sincere heart: “Lord, heal my sinful soul and mortal body. Deliver, Lord, from ailments, dryness, aches, blood, pain. Heal my soul from malice, envy and fierce hatred. On this sacred day, heaven is open to all sinners. I ask, Jesus, to fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace and tranquility, for the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. After reading the plot, you need to take 3 sips of holy water, and wash your entire body with the liquid that remains in the container so as not to get sick this year.

        According to Greek traditions, the Baptism ceremony is performed by the sea. The priest must throw the cross into the sea water, and the person who finds it will become happy and receive great wealth. He must carry the found cross through the city streets, surrounded by a crowd.

        Rituals for Epiphany

        Ritual for good health, cure for male diseases and female ailments at home:

        • fill the bathtub to the top hot water and pour holy water there;
        • first lower your pectoral cross into the bath, and then immerse yourself in the water for 10-15 minutes;
        • relax and let everything go negative thoughts and emotions;
        • You should not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath; the water should dry on its own.

        To preserve youth and female beauty you need to collect a basin full of snow (it must be clean) and bring it into the house. When it melts, you need to wash yourself with melt water, saying: “Heavenly water will heal everything, and will give me (the name of the girl who performs the ritual) beauty forever. In the name of all the Saints in heaven. Amen.”

        Attracting wealth

        To attract money to Epiphany Christmas Eve It is necessary for all household members to count their money, saying: “The Almighty Lord will appear to the world, and money will appear in our wallets. Key, tongue, lock. Amen (three times).”

        Another monetary ritual to attract wealth: on the night of January 18-19, you need to bless water in the temple and bring it home. A person needs to go around all the rooms in an apartment or house and sprinkle them with holy water, saying the following words: “Holy water came to my house and brought prosperity and well-being with it. Poverty and losses in my house will pass, but prosperity and wealth will come to me. Failures I won’t know, but happiness will always accompany me.”

        Sacred water should be placed in the place that a person considers the most important in the house. In the morning you should wash your face with this water.

        Rituals to fulfill a wish

        This ritual to fulfill a wish should be performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Need to:

        • pour sacred water into a glass and drop a silver coin of any denomination into it;
        • place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the light from the moon falls on this container;
        • then whisper three times cherished wish, and in the morning pour the water onto the street;
        • hide the silver coin in a secret place and wait for the plan to be fulfilled.

        Another variation:

        • pour water blessed in the church into a glass;
        • when light ripples appear on the surface, go out into the street and, turning to heaven with good thoughts, say your innermost desire three times;
        • You cannot pour out holy water; you need to place a glass under the icon and leave it until the next feast of Epiphany.

        If the holy water in the glass is motionless and no ripples appear, making a wish is pointless; your plan will not come true.

        The desire should only be positive and not harm other people. This can be either material benefits or a request for the birth of a child or a meeting with your future spouse.

        Plot for good luck

        We need to remember all the people whom a person has offended or hurt with harsh statements towards them, and on Epiphany night ask for forgiveness before God for our sins. Let go of your own grievances, anger, envy, be sincere.

        On the day of Epiphany, light a church candle and pour holy water into a cup. Take a small piece of black bread left hand, and a cup of water on the right, read the following text: “It is true that the Lord Almighty gave five loaves, and the Lord’s son is Jesus Christ. And it is true that God is merciful to all people. Lord, turn my luck from the north to south and from west to east. Give luck not three roads, but only one - to my threshold. And let misfortune and grief go into the womb of the serpent. Only there is his place and his life is there too. , I will girdle myself with silver and gold, and I will never be able to count them, I will never know misfortune. I close the lock with the key, and throw the key into the deep sea, so that I will never know grief (Language. ).."

        After reading this magical conspiracy you need to eat a piece of bread and put out the candle with your fingers. Take a few sips of holy water from a cup. You must definitely go to the temple before noon and light the candle that was enchanted in front of the icon of Jesus Christ. Pray before the Savior in your own words and ask for his blessing. After coming home from church, you cannot eat anything until sunset; you must remain silent and not tell anyone anything.

        Rituals for marriage

        Snow on Epiphany has a special power. To get married soon, you need to collect clean snow and wash yourself with it, saying the following words: “The heavens are open to the Holy Land, but I will get married soon.” Then collect the snow in a small container, come home and retire. After this, light three wax candles and place them around the melt water.

        You should take the candles one by one and baptize the melt water with them, holding the candle between your fingers and whispering a spell: “Just as on this festive evening of Epiphany the ground is covered with white snow, so my head will be covered with a wedding veil. My costumer, betrothed, appointed by fate and appointed by God himself, He will take me as a wife and lead him to the altar under white hands. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself (the girl’s name) for a happy and speedy marriage. The word is strong, and the deed will be fulfilled at the appointed time.

        After reading the plot, you need to wash yourself with melted snow, wash your shoulders and neck with it. Excess water cannot be wiped off; it must dry naturally. What remains in the container should be sprinkled around your bedroom and sprinkled on the threshold of the house, repeating the words: “So be it!” Then you need to extinguish the candles clockwise (without blowing them out) with your fingers. Take one of the candles to the church and place it in front of the icon of the Mother of God. This must be done before lunch. With the remaining candles, do the same manipulation as with the first, only on the second and third days after the ceremony.

        For the magic to work, you cannot invite anyone over for a week or give your personal belongings to anyone. It is strictly forbidden to pick up a needle or engage in sewing at this time. After the ritual, you cannot wash for 12 hours. The girl must sincerely believe in the power of this ritual and set herself up in a positive way so that her desire for marriage comes true in the near future.

        A couple in love should swim together in an ice hole on the day of Epiphany and bless the water in the temple, so that their future family will be strong and the young people will always live in love and prosperity. A similar ritual can also be performed by spouses who often quarrel and cannot find common language so that love feelings flare up with renewed vigor.

        If a mother wants her daughter to get married, she needs to read on Epiphany night such a spell from the healer Stepanova, having first washed herself with holy water and grasped the handle of the front door: “God Almighty, bless, our Heavenly Father, help! At once, in the first hour, like ardent beeswax lights up in the heavens in candles, so let mutual love burn in the zealous heart and in the clear eyes of the Servant of God (the name of the daughter) and the Servant of God (the name of the potential son-in-law). the holy crown and wedding ring of the Servant of God (the name of the daughter) with the Servant of God (the name of the potential son-in-law). . Lips. Language. Amen. Under no circumstances should you tell your daughter about the conspiracy; the ceremony should be kept secret from everyone.

        Stepanova's amulet for valuables

        In order to protect your family from dishonest people and from the loss of valuable property, you need to read such a conspiracy on Epiphany night, after washing with holy water and placing a valuable thing in front of you: “Just as a deceased person does not leave the coffin, so my thing will always be with me. Be The unclean hand of a thief is the same as that of a dead man. He will not raise his hand, which means that the thief will not take away my property. From now on, only serve me, and tie the criminal’s legs and arms!” Then you need to cross yourself three times.

        You can protect yourself from damage with the help of a talisman, which is made after washing with blessed water (you should wash with the backs of your hands): “Whoever wishes me grief, that person will instantly break my amulet like a dry splinter, like a thin candle. Always be my amulet with me with God's Servant (girl's name). In the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. (say three times)."

        Simoron magic

        This magic is a mixture of faith and self-hypnosis. A person must set himself in a positive mood and sincerely believe in a positive result. To carry out the Simoron magic ritual for weight loss, you need to take a sheet of ordinary white paper, imbue it with the word “Diet”, sprinkle it with holy water and place it under your buttocks every time you eat, sitting on it.

        You can also buy yourself the most ordinary shower gel and repeat to yourself every time during water procedures that this is very effective remedy for weight loss. The result will not be long in coming if a person regularly inspires himself with the idea of ​​burning fat.

        To make any wish come true, according to Simoron teachings, you need to write it on a piece of paper, but this should be done in the present tense. For example: “I live happily and successfully, I always have (indicate the desired amount) money in my wallet.” Pour holy water into a glass and drink it in small sips over the next month, each time imagining that your wish has come true, and feeling great joy.

        Signs and folk beliefs

        Popular Epiphany signs and beliefs:

    1. 1. Dreams that are dreamed on Epiphany night almost always come true.
    2. 2. You cannot shed tears on the day of Epiphany (January 18), because the person will be unhappy all year.
    3. 3. Scolding someone, bragging or praising is also prohibited.
    4. 4. You cannot lend or take out bread (other food products) on the eve of Epiphany, so as not to experience need and poverty throughout the year.
    5. 5. You cannot leave your shoes outside the door of your apartment or house, otherwise the person will get very sick.
    6. 6. If a girl is wooed on the feast of the Epiphany, she will live in abundance and love.
    7. 7. Epiphany snowstorm promises a rich harvest.
    8. 8. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that water consecrated at Epiphany can remove damage of any strength and the evil eye. To do this, you need to douse yourself with holy water, while saying the following words: “God was born, was baptized on the feast of Epiphany, and was glorified by the name of Christ the Savior. Like this cold water Now it’s dripping from my body, and strong damage, the evil eye will leave me. In the name of the Father, the son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen." You cannot take anything out of the house in the coming days and you cannot give anything to anyone.
    9. 9. The person who first draws water from a river or well for Epiphany will not need anything, he will be filled with vitality.
    10. 10. If there is discord in the family and constant quarrels, you need to wipe the shoes of all household members with holy water, then adversity will leave the house.
    11. 11. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that a housewife who draws crosses with chalk on all windows and doors on Epiphany Christmas Eve will protect her home and all household members from evil spirits and evil spirits.
    12. 12. If someone has jinxed one of the household members or severe damage per person, sediment will appear on the Epiphany water.
    13. 13. On Epiphany evening, the housewife should count all the tablecloths that are in her house, so that there are always many guests in the home.

    Fortune telling

    You can guess on Epiphany night about the fulfillment of desires, the future, love.

    On request

    Fortune telling on a ball: take a ball of wool and throw it in front of you, before mentally making a wish. If the ball rolls to the right, the plan will soon come true, if to the left, the dream is unrealistic.

    Another fortune telling for a wish, which is performed on Epiphany night:

    • write different wishes on twelve pieces of paper (one on each);
    • fold the sheets under your pillow before going to bed;
    • In the morning, take out three pieces of paper at random and read the wishes that will come true this year.

    Card fortune telling for a wish: take a new deck of playing cards, carefully shuffle and say your wish out loud, asking the cards a question about its implementation. Then draw any card from the deck. If the card suit is red, your wish will come true in the near future. If it is black, your plan will never come true. You need to guess after sunset on Epiphany Eve.

One of the most important holidays in Christianity is Epiphany, which is usually celebrated on January 19th. This day and the period before it - Christmastide - are an ideal period for spending different magical rituals, because they will certainly give results if everything is done correctly.

What spells are used for Epiphany?

Church holidays are considered a particularly suitable time for various rituals that help correct possible problems and improve the situation in different areas. There are strong baptism conspiracies that improve financial position, attract good luck and a soul mate, get rid of enemies, improve health, and so on. In order for them to give the desired results, it is recommended to take into account several important rules.

  1. To enhance the power of magical rituals, it is recommended to first turn to the saints and read prayers, asking God for forgiveness and help.
  2. It is best to read magical texts while facing east.
  3. First, you should concentrate on the purpose of the ritual, take a deep breath and calm down.
  4. If possible, it is recommended to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart.
  5. It is important not to stop, make mistakes or stumble, as this will disrupt the energy flow.
  6. To enhance the result, it is recommended to support the reading of the text with visualization, that is, to imagine as accurately as possible that what you want has become a reality.

Conspiracy for money for Epiphany

Many people turn to magical help in order to improve their financial situation. Special rituals can also be performed at Epiphany, using water, which has enormous power and can work miracles. It is recommended to collect it in a metal container that is not painted. To read Epiphany conspiracies for money, you must wait until midnight, when magical energy reaches its peak.

Prepare a cross that needs to be made from coniferous wood. A simpler option is to tie two branches crosswise. It must be attached to the inside of the container where water will be collected; for this purpose, you can use, for example, a paper clip. Three ordinary church candles should also be secured in the same way. For Epiphany, take water into a prepared container and throw in three coins of different denominations, and it is better if they are made of different metals. Read the spell for profit on it, and then use the washing liquid.

Epiphany spells for good luck

For any person, luck is a welcome companion in life, since it helps in various areas to achieve what they want. All this explains the popularity of rituals aimed at attracting her. Epiphany spells for good luck have enormous power, helping all people who pronounce them correctly and believe in a positive outcome. The results will last throughout the year.

You need to prepare a glass of consecrated water and a slice of black bread. You should start the ritual early in the morning before sunrise alone. Light a candle in the room and hold bread in your left hand and water in your right. Look at the candle flame and say a spell on Epiphany night for good luck, and then eat bread and wash it down with water. Be sure to extinguish the candle with your fingers. On the same day, it is important to go to church and place the stub of the candle that was used in the ritual there near the image of Jesus Christ./p>

Baptism conspiracies to fulfill a wish

Every person has dreams, but not many of them come true, and to increase the chances of realizing your plans, you can use magical rituals. Conspiracies for Baptism and others are considered the most effective. church holidays. For the presented ritual, you need to prepare a clean handkerchief, but it should not be new, so take the one that was used previously, since the energy will be preserved on it.

Holding a scarf in your hands, you need to focus on your dream and clearly say your desire to yourself three times. After this, read the spell over him for a wish for Baptism. When the words are spoken, the scarf should be tied in a knot. The result will be a kind of talisman, which is important to constantly carry next to you, for example, in a pocket or bag, until the desire becomes a reality.

Epiphany spells on January 19 for love

During winter holidays Many representatives of the fair sex perform various rituals in order to... There are special love spells for Epiphany, which are considered love spells, but their action is not aimed at attracting a specific person, but at attracting a real feeling. While pronouncing the magic words, the girl asks the Higher Powers for happiness, mutual feelings, well-being, and so on.

They begin the ritual at midnight and to implement it you need to go to the nearest body of water. Put on your shirt white, the length of which should reach the toes. Standing on the shore, say a special spell for Epiphany and wash yourself with water. After this, you can take off your shirt, get dressed and go home, without talking to anyone along the way. The shirt should be dried and hidden away from prying eyes. From now on, she will be a kind of talisman of family well-being.

Baptism conspiracies for marriage

To increase your chances of meeting your soulmate and receiving a marriage proposal from her, you can read spells for Epiphany water, the power of which has been known since ancient times. To carry out the ritual, go to the temple and collect baptismal water there, which must be divided into three equal parts. One should be drunk, the second should be washed and mixed with the third part. After this, you need to pour the water at the entrance to your house, saying a spell.

Epiphany spell to get pregnant

In a situation where medicine does not produce any results, people begin to look for other ways to improve the situation. There are women who note that they were helped by baptism rites and conspiracies, which allowed them to remove possible blocks and increased the chances of a successful conception. For the ritual you need to take wedding rings, wrap it in clean white scarf and say a conspiracy. It is important to carry it in your pocket until your pregnancy is successful.

Health spell for Epiphany

For happy life a person does not need millions and other benefits, but health, which cannot be bought. There are various conspiracies for Epiphany that relate to this important topic. With their help, you can get rid of diseases and improve your overall health by preventing problems from occurring. For them, Epiphany water is more often used, which changes its properties and has enormous power.

Epiphany conspiracies are usually read at night, when the concentration of magical energy is greatest and the chances of a successful implementation of the ritual increase significantly. When talking about water, you need to say special words three times. It is customary to wash your face with enchanted water every day for a week and it is important not to skip. Thanks to such a simple ritual, you can get health and longevity.

Epiphany spell for youth and beauty

It's hard to find a woman who wouldn't worry about her appearance. Since ancient times, they have been using the power of magic to carry out various rituals aimed at getting rid of any external defects, increasing attractiveness, and so on. Conspiracies for Epiphany are popular, they help to maintain beauty, freshness and youth throughout the year. On the morning of January 19, at sunrise, you need to go to a reservoir where there is an ice hole. Kneel in front of him with your face facing east. If there is ice, be sure to break it.

Before using water, baptism spells are cast on it, and this ritual is no exception. After the words are spoken, you need to take water from the ice hole in your palms and wash yourself with it, and then cross yourself. Repeat this procedure three times. Get up from your knees and reach for the sun, smiling. By performing such a simple ritual for each Baptism, you can long years maintain your youth and beauty.

Epiphany spell for weight loss

To cope with the problem of excess weight, people use different methods, for example, they go on diets, exercise intensely, drink medications and even turn to magical powers. A relevant topic concerns which Epiphany conspiracies are best to read in order to lose weight, and for this purpose they traditionally use water, which on this day has enormous power. It is important to say that only baptized people can perform the ritual.

On the night from the 18th to the 19th it is necessary to collect water, both from a reservoir and simply from the tap. A special conspiracy is slandered against her, which charges her to help reset excess weight. The charmed liquid can be drunk, added to various dishes and drinks, washed in the morning and before going to bed. The duration of such rituals is a month. If even one day is missed, you will have to start all over again.

Conspiracy to work at Epiphany

Finding a good job that you will not only like, but also bring good income is not an easy task. There is a lot of competition in the labor market, and to attract good luck and increase your chances of finding a suitable place, you can use magical help. For those who are interested in what conspiracies are done at Epiphany, we offer one of effective options. At night on the day of the holiday, it is necessary, looking at the sky, to say the following words:

Baptism conspiracies from enemies

It is difficult to meet a person who does not have ill-wishers and envious people, and as we know, they can cause many problems in life. To protect yourself from them and protect yourself from possible negativity, various magical rituals are used. Conspiracies on the night of Epiphany, which are cast on water, have enormous power, since at this time it possesses divine energy. Closer to midnight, you need to take liquid into a glass and read the plot seven times. Then drink it and go to bed.

Epiphany is the holiday that ends Christmastide. This day is considered one of the most favorable for magical rituals. There are a huge variety of rituals of different directions, and at the same time, they are all effective if you believe in your own strengths and the capabilities of magic.

Most popular rituals

Epiphany conspiracies are very popular, the action of which is aimed at attracting good luck to life. When performing such rituals, the right attitude is very important; it greatly affects the effectiveness of the impact. It is necessary to mentally ask for forgiveness from all people whom you may have intentionally or unintentionally offended. It is also important to forgive all those who have wronged you and let go of all internal resentments. The more positive emotions you collect in yourself, the more effective the ceremony performed at Epiphany will be.

Spell to attract good luck

A ritual aimed at bringing good luck into life is carried out early in the morning on a holiday. For the ritual you need to first prepare:
    A church candle; A small slice of black bread; A little holy water.
In the morning you should light a candle, take black bread in your left hand, and a glass of holy water in right hand and say the words three times:

“The true truth is that the Lord fed with five loaves, the true truth is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the true truth is that the Lord is just and merciful. I turn to you, Lord, Servant of God (s) ( given name), turn my luck towards me. And grief and misfortune show the way to the snake’s womb. There is a place and housing for trouble. And I, the Servant of God (my own name), will take the amulet and wrap myself in gold and silver. My wealth can never be counted, but the sorrows and misfortunes in life can never be known. I close the words with a key and throw them into the bottomless sea. Amen".

After saying these words, you need to eat a piece of bread and wash it down with water. And then you need to extinguish the burning candle with your fingers. On the same day, you should go to the temple before 12 noon, where you should place a candle that did not burn out during the ceremony near the Icon of Christ and set it on fire. After this, you need to sincerely ask God for help in your own words. Arriving home, you need to abstain from food until the evening and, if possible, spend this time in silence and tranquility. It is very important not to tell anyone that you performed the ceremony.

Attracting wealth at Epiphany

Epiphany conspiracies, which are aimed at attracting wealth into life, are very popular. For this purpose, water is often used, which on Epiphany night can be drawn either from an open source or from a water tap. Water must be collected in an unpainted metal container. For example, you can use an aluminum or steel bowl for this. For this ritual, water must be collected at midnight.

First you need to cut a small cross from coniferous wood with your own hands. You can create such an attribute by simply strengthening two branches crosswise. The resulting cross must be secured, for example, using a paper clip with inside container into which water will be collected. In the same way, three church candles should be attached to the edges of the vessel. Having filled the prepared container with water, you need to throw three coins of different denominations into it. It is better to choose coins from different metals. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not just one). The following plot is read twelve times over the water:

“In the dark night I will get up and draw holy water. Holy water, magical night, sanctify my soul and body. Holy angels, with your quiet wings, overshadow the world around me and God's help bring it to my house. I will pray and ask for intercession for me and wealth for me. It will be for good, and not for sinful deeds. My soul will be renewed with repentance and faith in God. Amen".

You can also use a conspiracy that will not only attract money to you, but will protect you from possible losses. To do this, on Epiphany you need to bring holy water from the church and walk with it through all the rooms. In this case, you need to say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), brought holy water from the temple, and with it I brought prosperity home. Any losses will bypass my house and I won’t see any losses, only prosperity will come every day. Luck will always accompany me, and I will never know failure in any endeavor.”

At night the water should be left in the bedroom. Then hide it and use it for washing before any important events. Baptism conspiracies involving the use of energetically charged water can be performed in any form. For example, you can take a bath or get into the shower on a holy night, focusing on your own innermost desire. After this, you need to try to express your desire in words. The ritual will be successful only if you believe in magic and your own powers.

For health and strengthening of the body

Rituals that are aimed at improving health are very effective. It has been noticed that Epiphany water awakens internal reserves human body. Therefore, with magic you can consolidate the results and achieve a greater positive effect. You can cleanse yourself of negativity with the help of snow collected on Epiphany night. It must first be melted for the ceremony.

Epiphany spells and rituals are mainly aimed at improving health and getting rid of extraneous energy influences. However, some of them work in a complex manner, and we invite you to verify the effectiveness of the rituals below.

Ritual for preserving beauty and health

“Water from the sky will fix everything, and will add beauty to my white face and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

After this, pour the water under the living tree.


In general, on the night of January 18-19, any water is considered holy, regardless of whether it is in an open reservoir, spring, well or water pipe. If you wash yourself with fresh water (the one that was first drawn after the onset of January 19) with the words "Water from the street, lihovitsa from me" , you can improve your health.

Conspiracy for financial well-being

On the night of January 18-19, before midnight, it is necessary to count all cash, reading the following plot:

"The Lord God will appear to the world,

And the money will appear in my wallet.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen, amen, amen."

To consolidate the effect of this ritual on the morning of January 19, you can again count the cash with the words:

"The Lord God appeared to the world,

My wallet is stuffed tightly with money.

Let it be so".

After this, make sure that your wallet is not empty throughout the year - there should be at least one bill or coin in it. In this case, you will not experience need until the next Baptism.

Ritual to get rid of negativity

If you suffer from constant failures and troubles that arise for no particular reason, then in this case you can suspect the presence of a negative program on you. Conspiracies aimed at getting rid of energy negativity have special power and help remove even the most severe damage and curses. The main tool in this case is the miraculous Epiphany water.

For example, you can bring water from the temple and, standing in a bathtub or deep basin, pour it over yourself from head to toe.

Water brought from three or seven temples has a more powerful cleansing effect than water brought from one temple. Therefore, if you have serious damage, it is better to use such mixed water.

"The Lord was born,

Baptized at Epiphany,

Became famous for the name

Jesus Christ.

Like this water

Dripping off me

So that

And all the damage

She left me.

Now and forever

And forever and ever.


The water used for ablution must be poured into a sewer or latrine.

If you can't get married

This rite of passage at Epiphany is performed by parents whose daughter is unhappy in her personal life and cannot get married. It also requires baptismal water taken from the church, which was divided into three parts: one was given to the girl to drink, the second was washed, after which it was mixed with the third and the water was poured at the entrance to the house with the words:

“The trouble is bad, give the groom to the servant of God (the girl’s name) for marriage, for marriage, for a soft pillow, for marriage bed. Open the eyes of the grooms so that when they look at the slave (the girl’s name) they don’t get bored, they look and they don’t get bored, they get bored and don’t get bored. And the slave (girl’s name) would be more beautiful for them than the red sun, sweeter than honey May. Amen".

Let the following Epiphany conspiracies and rituals help you ensure health, happiness and prosperity for yourself and your loved ones in the new year!

Epiphany is one of the most significant holidays in Christianity. Orthodox Christians celebrate it on January 19th. Baptism is preceded by Christmastide, which is traditionally considered the most favorable period for all kinds of magical rituals. Various rituals associated with magic can also be performed on January 19 and the evening before - the powerful positive energy of the holiday will contribute to success.

Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are most often associated with water, which acquires miraculous properties on this day. According to legend, the water becomes magical on the night of January 18-19, from 00:10 to 01:30 - the time when the sky opens and any prayer addressed to God will be heard.

A mandatory baptismal tradition is ablution, so most of the conspiracies read on this day are aimed at healing and improving the body, increasing vitality. It is advisable to perform ablution within the specified period of time (from 00:10 to 01:30). Or you can do it differently: at this time, collect Epiphany water in a clean container (at least 3 liters) and use it in the future.

Important information about Epiphany water

  1. It is best to get water from a well or natural sources. In extreme cases, in the absence of such an opportunity, you can assemble a regular one from a tap.
  2. The liquid should be stored in a dark and cool place, in a glass container.
  3. You cannot pour undiluted Epiphany water into the sink or toilet. It is best to dilute it with plain water and then water the flowers or use it for other purposes.

Epiphany water retains its healing abilities throughout the year (and even more). She has strong energy. It is often not advisable to drink it, but it is best to use it as a medicine: add it to the bath, sprinkle it all over the body, wash your face, rinse your mouth. Remember also that it is not recommended to wipe yourself after using Epiphany water so that the skin can absorb the miraculous liquid.

Health spell

The ritual begins with attending a church service - you need to defend it completely, and then take holy water in the temple. Arriving home, you need to read the prayers “ ”, “ ”, “ ” over the water - exactly in this sequence, each 3 times. Then you need to speak in a whisper, pronouncing the words with warmth and sincerity:

“Heal, Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and my soul and body hurt in sin. Heal, I ask, Lord Christ, our Eternal Father, Heavenly Son, my body from ailments, from dryness and aches, from blood and pain. Heal my soul from envy, hatred and malice. The heavens open on us sinners on this day. Lord Jesus Christ, please fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace. For the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Drink the charmed water, taking 3 sips, and wash your body with the rest. The ritual will protect against diseases all year round.

Ritual for health and spiritual harmony

  1. Fill the bathtub with water at a temperature comfortable for your body, add some blessed water from the church to it (a glass will be enough), and also lower your pectoral cross into the bathtub.
  2. Lie down in the bath - so that the water covers your entire body, lie down for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Get out of the bath, do not dry yourself with a towel - let the water dry on its own.

Epiphany conspiracies for wealth and financial well-being

At the Epiphany of the Lord one receives and effective conspiracies aimed at gaining material well-being and wealth. Many of them are also performed using Epiphany water. I will give one of the popular rituals.

Conspiracy to attract wealth and protect against losses

On the night of January 18-19, take blessed water from the church. Bring it home and go around the rooms and rooms in order, saying the spell:

“Holy water came into the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!”

Leave the holy water to stand overnight - in the place of the house that you consider the most important. On the morning of January 19, wash your face with it.

Ritual to eliminate loneliness

A ritual tested by witch doctors. To do this, collect blessed water from 7 temples (churches), mix in one container. Prepare also crucifix.

On Epiphany, January 19, just before dawn, undress naked, stand in the bath, pour at least a liter of collected water onto the top of your head. Accompany the process with a conspiracy:

“You don’t mind your own blood, you don’t care about someone else’s blood. Servant of God (own name) , cleanse yourself. Amen!"

Then take the crucifix in your hands, turning it to face your direction, and once again, looking at it, pronounce the spell. After the ceremony, thank the saints for their help by donating money (any amount) to the temple and lighting candles (any quantity).

Watch the video for a few more rituals for health, cleansing the house and making wishes come true:

Epiphany spell for good luck

At Epiphany, wash your face with blessed water, while saying the following spell:

“The Lord was baptized in the Jordan - light appeared to the whole world. Just as it is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, it is also true that I have enough strength for everything. The Lord reigns and commands, the Lord helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen - 3 times.

In total, the spell must be pronounced 3 times. After it, luck will become your companion in all matters.

Read more rituals and ceremonies for Epiphany in the articles:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: