Enlarged pores on the face are the best solutions for clear skin.  Causes of enlarged pores on the face and methods of dealing with them

Enlarged pores on the face are the best solutions for clear skin. Causes of enlarged pores on the face and methods of dealing with them

Most often, the problem of narrowing pores on the face occurs in those with oily or mixed skin types that produce large amounts of sebum. Such excess accumulates in the pores. Over time, comedones are created - sebaceous plugs, due to which the pores, stretching, become very noticeable. The problem of enlarged pores with dry skin is much less common.

1. Protein mask. Beat the egg white well and mix it with lemon juice. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to your face and lie down. While drying, the product will tighten your face, so for the best effect it is better to take a horizontal position. When the mixture on your face is completely dry, remove any remaining residue and wash your face.
2. Tomato mask. Cut a small tomato into thin slices and cover your entire face with them. After 20 minutes, give your skin a contrast wash, alternating warm and cool water.
3. Apple mask. Grate a small apple and mix it with a pinch of chopped horseradish. Add whipped egg whites to them and mix. Apply the finished mixture to your face, wait 15 minutes, then do a contrast wash.
4. Fermented milk mask. In half a glass sour milk dissolve two crushed aspirin tablets. Add some lemon juice there and stir. Gently apply the finished mixture to the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
5. Oatmeal mask. Grind a handful oatmeal, pour boiling water over them and leave until completely swollen. After some time, lightly squeeze out the steamed flakes and apply the resulting paste to your face.
6. Protein-orange mask. Beat the egg white and chop the orange pulp. Combine both products and mix the mixture well. If the product ends up being too liquid, you can add chopped oatmeal to it. But, if you got the consistency right, you can do without them. Apply the mask to the skin, cover your face with gauze and leave the mixture for about half an hour.
7. Mask their starch. Dilute a spoonful of starch with currant juice. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to your face and wait until it dries completely. This composition perfectly tightens the skin and tightens pores.
8. Honey mask. Pour natural honey, salt and starch with warm milk in such quantities to form a thick mixture. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture onto your face in several layers, and rinse off after 25 minutes.
9. Clay mask. Dilute a small amount of white clay with lemon juice mixed with water. Grind the mixture until smooth and apply a thin layer to your face. You can wash it off after it dries completely. This clay mask perfectly tightens the skin, while simultaneously cleansing and tightening pores.
After using a pore-tightening mask, wiping your face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or mineral water. This small procedure will perfectly consolidate the result and improve skin tone.
Lotions and tonics
After cleansing the pores, they should be closed, so it is necessary to use high quality tonics and lotions. These products may contain astringent ingredients: extracts of rosemary, birch, lemon, hawthorn and calendula.
Scrubs and gommages
Pore-tightening cosmetics, in addition to basic cleansers, are also represented by auxiliary preparations for deep facial cleansing - scrubs and gommages. Gommages, unlike scrubs, are cream-based products designed to exfoliate dead cells. Scrubs should be used for thick, oily skin, and gommages are ideal for mixed and sensitive skin. However, if you need to quickly narrow your pores, you should visit a professional cosmetologist for this purpose.

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How to get rid of enlarged pores on the face

There are four skin types: dry, combination, normal and oily. Those with oily skin are somewhat lucky - they don't have to worry about extra moisturizing their face. This type is less susceptible to aging, wrinkles appear much later than those with dry or normal skin. IN winter period sebum protects the face from negative effects low temperatures, cold wind.

However, excess fat secretion provokes the proliferation of bacteria. The consequence of this is blackheads, pimples, inflammation. Oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores and pronounced shine. How can you eliminate the negative features of oily skin and narrow the pores on your face? Let's answer these questions in detail.

First of all, you should understand the cause of this problem. Excessive amount of sebum expands the pores, dirt and dust get into them. Over time, impurities accumulate and blackheads called comedones form on the skin. This environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria that cause acne. To prevent the appearance of blackheads, you need to start performing a set of cosmetic procedures as early as possible to narrow pores and reduce sebum secretion.

It is very important to perform procedures not only regularly, but also in moderation. You should not constantly cleanse your skin with aggressive cosmetics or overdry it with alcohol-containing lotions. Such actions will only lead to worse consequences over time.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

Hereditary predisposition. All cosmetic procedures Such pores can only narrow for a short time, and proper daily care will help not to worsen the situation.

Hormonal disorders. First, the cause should be eliminated; consultation with an endocrinologist is required.

Gender. Men have wider facial pores than women.

Puberty, oily problem skin.

Exposure to unfavorable environmental factors, poor diet and bad habits.

Improper skin care and use of poor quality or not suitable for your skin decorative cosmetics.

To successfully deal with enlarged pores, you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. You need to try to eat right, limit the consumption of sweet and fatty foods, and processed foods.

2. It will be useful to adhere to a daily routine, go to bed at the same time, and avoid stress and overwork.

3. Periodically visit a cosmetologist and do deep facial cleansing using professional methods.

4. Carry out regularly cosmetic procedures to tighten pores at home.

Healthy lifestyle and nutrition

About the benefits proper nutrition Many people know it for health, but few people adhere to such a regime. Treatment of problem skin should begin with a review of the diet. It is necessary to completely exclude or at least extremely limit the consumption of fatty, fried foods, sweets, semi-finished products, products containing large quantities food additives.

Preference in food should be given to cereals, vegetables, dairy products, lean meats, and fruits. You should eat regularly, without overeating or starving. Many girls have oily skin when they eat a lot of sweets (cakes, pastries).

You can improve your overall well-being and get rid of skin problems if you avoid stress and overwork. You need to rest more, play sports, walk in the fresh air, and lead an active lifestyle. Strengthen nervous system You can by mastering some spiritual practices, for example, yoga, meditation. It is useful to do breathing exercises and light gymnastics.

Professional cosmetic procedures to tighten pores

To be more effective, home skin care should be supplemented by regular visits to a cosmetologist. Deep facial cleansing can only be done correctly by a professional; it should include manual facial cleansing and ultrasonic peeling. Then the cosmetologist must apply a pigment-constricting mask and cream.

In addition, there are physiotherapeutic procedures that help improve the condition and appearance of oily skin and restore normal acid-base balance. These include: cryotherapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, galvanization, ultrasound therapy and some other cosmetological measures.

The darsonvalization procedure dries the skin and narrows enlarged pores. Thanks to its healing effect, it helps treat acne. It is carried out using a dry mask. The method is based on the influence of high-frequency alternating current. Long-term use may cause skin burns.

The use of galvanization enhances cleansing processes due to local stimulation of blood circulation. The method is based on the action of direct current. It cannot be used if the skin has wounds or damage.

Microwave therapy accelerates healing processes, destroys bacteria and tightens pores. It is based on the action of an electromagnetic field.

Cryotherapy dries and heals the skin. The procedure involves treating areas of skin with liquid nitrogen. Has a pleasant cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

Chemical peeling - renews the skin, tightens pores and removes greasy shine. It is carried out in a cosmetology office by a qualified cosmetologist.

Microdermabrasion (mechanical peeling) - tightens pores, cleanses and smoothes the skin, removes fine wrinkles.

Narrowing pores at home

You can get rid of enlarged pores at home, without resorting to the help of specialists. The greatest effect can be achieved if cosmetic procedures are performed regularly. Without basic daily care, it will not be possible to tighten pores even in the most expensive beauty salons.

To get rid of enlarged pores on the face, you need to cleanse your face twice a day with a special washing gel, preferably containing fruit acids. After this, the skin should be treated with a tonic for oily skin. Compositions based on salicylic acid, cucumber or lemon juice have an excellent effect of narrowing pores. You can purchase this cosmetics at any store or pharmacy, preferably after consultation with a cosmetologist.

Oily skin does not need additional intensive hydration, but it also needs nutrition. Therefore, the day cream should have a light texture, a mattifying effect and be appropriate for the woman’s age. Night cream should be nourishing, but designed specifically for oily skin. You should be more careful when choosing foundations and BB creams, as these cosmetics clog enlarged pores and provoke the formation of more more skin defects. The concealer must be non-comedogenic and free of silicones. If necessary, you can use local corrective agents.

Serums with a pigment-constricting effect should be used in courses once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Once or twice a week should be used at home chemical peeling or scrub and masks to tighten pores. The scrub is best used with synthetic components, they do not injure the skin. Scrubbing elements of natural origin are crushed fruit seeds. They can injure the skin and cause inflammation. You can buy masks ready-made or prepare them yourself.

The advantage of homemade cosmetics is the guaranteed freshness of the product and natural composition. The consistency of all mixtures should be thick enough so as not to spread over your face or dry out. The composition should be prepared in glass or ceramic containers. The masks are applied to a clean face and left for 15-20 minutes. Then they are washed off with warm water and a pigment tightening cream is applied. Using masks allows you to quickly get rid of enlarged pores and prevent the appearance of rashes. They are most effective after deep cleansing skin scrub, acid or enzymes.

Recipes for masks to tighten pores at home

Clay-based masks for tightening pores

1. Masks based on cosmetic clay

For preparation, blue, white, black, green clay is used. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This product cleanses, tightens the skin, tightens pores. The masks are applied in a thick layer to cleansed facial skin. There are several simple recipes:

The clay should be poured with warm water, mixed thoroughly to a thick consistency, distributed evenly over the face and left for 15-20 minutes until completely dry. Then wash off.

Mix the clay equally with water and sunflower oil, add a little honey. You can enrich the composition with a few drops of any natural essential oil.

Combine clay with aloe juice, green tea and water. This composition perfectly cleanses pores and draws out dirt from them. It also reduces oil secretion, removes shine, refreshes the skin, relieves inflammation and redness.

2. Oatmeal-based pigment-tightening masks

These products help cure acne and rashes, eliminate redness and blemishes of problem skin, and tighten pores. Masks based on oatmeal are very soft and do not act aggressively on the skin, so they can be used without harm 2 times a week. Do this cosmetic product easy:

Mix 1 tablespoon of pre-steamed flakes with the same amount of sour cream. Add a small amount of lemon juice. This composition cleanses the face well and tightens pores.

Combine the beaten egg white with two teaspoons of ground oatmeal. Add cucumber pickle. A greater effect can be achieved by adding a spoonful of soda or an aspirin tablet to the mixture.

3. Egg-based masks for tightening pores

This is very effective remedy, accessible to every woman. These products are based on egg whites whipped to a thick thick mass, which is why such masks are also called foam masks. These formulations should not be used too often; it is optimal to use them 2-3 times a month. There are many options for making a foam mask:

Combine the whipped whites into a stiff foam with grated plantain leaves. The resulting green mass narrows pores well.

Add lemon juice to the egg white. You can also include a small amount of alum in the mask; you can buy these salts at the pharmacy. This product works well even on very oily skin.

Mix oatmeal and whipped egg whites until a thick paste is obtained.

Combine the beaten egg with aloe juice and a small amount of steamed oatmeal. This mask will help remove excess sebum, reduce pores and remove impurities.

Mix fresh fruit or berry juice with protein. It is best to use natural juice of currants, lemon, viburnum, and cherries. Fruit and berry acid perfectly cleanses pores of impurities, and protein tightens them, preventing the appearance of acne.

Combine egg white, beaten with a pinch of salt, and finely grated raw potatoes.

4. Tomato-based pigment-reducing masks

Tomatoes are very healthy and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Tomato masks help normalize skin oiliness, remove redness and inflammation. This product also stimulates the healing processes of small wounds. Apply tomato masks for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water. Use beneficial properties tomatoes as follows:

Cut clean tomatoes into circles and spread over your face, excluding the area around the eyes. The top of the mask can be covered with gauze. This remedy is the simplest and at the same time very effective.

Peel the tomatoes, chop with a grater or pass through a sieve. Include a little starch or finely chopped potatoes, a little olive oil. Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous thick paste.

5. Honey masks to tighten pores

Masks based on natural honey help to narrow pores and reduce oily skin. You can prepare them in the following ways:

Combine two dessert spoons of yeast with liquid honey, add green tea, aloe juice or regular facial tonic.

Dilute 4 tablespoons of honey in the same amount of sour cream or yogurt. To enhance the effect, it will be useful to add a little citric acid.

Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds in a coffee grinder, add a hot herbal decoction, which includes 2 tablespoons of linden flowers, pine shoots, elderberry and chamomile flowers. Then add 1 teaspoon each of honey and flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 30 minutes.

To improve the condition and appearance of oily skin, tighten pores, get rid of acne and reduce shine, you need to regularly monitor the condition of your facial skin. It is necessary to combine professional cosmetic procedures and proper daily home care. It is important to adhere healthy eating, lead an active lifestyle. All these recommendations will help get rid of enlarged pores and reduce oily skin.

Almost every person has some kind of problem. One has skin, the other has hair or something else. You need to understand this so as not to drive yourself into a corner by thinking that you are worse than everyone else. Some people struggle with their problems, others don’t pay attention to them. If you can't ignore it, try the following information and tips.

Why do some people get enlarged pores?

  • A hormonal disorder that results in excessive production of sebum (sebum)
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Hereditary skin structure
  • Wrong lifestyle and nutrition.

If you inherited such skin, then it will not be possible to solve this problem once and for all.

But there’s no need to be upset either. Happiness in life does not depend on the quality of your skin. Getting it in order will cost you more effort than everyone else. It all depends on how much time you are willing to sacrifice to solve the problem.

Over time, women the same age with good skin will age. And those with oily skin will look younger. The most important thing is to try not to torment your poor skin in all imaginable and inconceivable ways. Develop your own care rules and strictly adhere to them. For example:

  1. Do not wash your face with hot water. Hot water stimulates sebum production.
  2. Never leave makeup on overnight.
  3. Avoid popping pimples at home. This is fraught with infection, inflammation, and, as a result, the appearance of another pothole on the skin.
  4. Don't overuse makeup. Problem skin needs to breathe. Clogged pores may become inflamed due to this.
  5. Get into the habit of using lotion.
  6. Wipe your face with ice cubes from frozen herbal infusions at least every other day. Once a week, make a decoction and freeze enough for a week.
  7. Don't overuse tanning. Although light exposure in a solarium or early sun can be beneficial.
  8. Make friends with a good cosmetologist so that during exacerbations you can get quick and good advice. There is no need to change specialists every time.
  9. Eat right. Ban the consumption of sweets, alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods.

The last tip is the most effective. We must not forget that the skin reflects internal state body. No matter what external measures are taken, the inflammation inside will be reflected on the face. Fruits and vegetables are the most faithful helpers in this task. It is necessary to prevent fermentation processes in the body. In fact, a woman’s complexion largely depends on the condition of her intestines.

Ways to combat enlarged pores on the face are described in this video:

How to solve the problem using folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treating porous skin:

  • Clay masks are what you need in your case. Just don't overdo it! 15 – 20 minutes is enough for this procedure.
  • An effective and time-consuming mask recipe made from egg whites and lemon juice. Apply in 3 layers as it dries.
  • In summer, do not miss the opportunity to apply fresh cucumber or tomato juice to your face. It will whiten and dry the skin a little.
  • Good effect at home gives peeling from crushed and steamed oatmeal with lemon juice.

When buying peeling in a store, carefully read the instructions. It should be intended for skin with deep pores. Because incorrectly selected peeling can increase irritation and inflammation.

And, of course, remember that a person’s good, friendly character makes others not notice his shortcomings. Moreover, everyone has them.

The sebaceous glands of oily skin work harder, and they are the reason for the appearance of excess sebum. The male hormone testosterone is to blame for everything, which enhances their work, so oily skin has a thicker stratum corneum than normal skin.

But there is absolutely no reason for disorders: problematic skin is not a death sentence. In modern cosmetology there is a complex of products that eliminate shine. With proper care, your face will remain flawlessly matte even in the hottest weather.

In the summer, it is much more difficult to disguise oily shine, fine wrinkles and enlarged pores on the face with foundation. About what to do with problem skin during the hot period, we will tell you today.


The main way to combat enlarged pores is regular cleansing. In summer, due to dust and heat, the skin begins to sweat, which means it quickly becomes dirty. Therefore, it is very important to properly cleanse it during this period, using a gentle foam, gel or mousse that does not contain alkali, or salicylic acid-based products containing caring extracts and vitamins. Do not wash your face with soap and cold water, otherwise you will dry out your skin.

Too much hot water will stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. The same can be said about alcohol cleansers - they disrupt the hydrolipid balance and ultimately provoke even more sebum secretion.

If the skin is not only oily, but also sensitive (and this is more common), milk is ideal, allowing you to completely eliminate the negative effects of chlorinated water. Another alternative is cleansing wipes, which help quickly remove makeup, including around the eyes. Preference should be given to wipes containing aloe extract, oil tea tree and other anti-inflammatory components.


Light exfoliation is necessary once or twice a week. For this, use either scrubs or special cleansing masks, for example in the form of films that harden on the face. Great option- enzyme peels that gently dissolve fat and cleanse the skin of dead cells and dirt.

Products based on fruit acids have good exfoliating properties. But they have a disadvantage: they whiten the skin and increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which means the risk of pigmentation may increase.


It is a mistake to think that oily skin does not need to be moisturized, but only dried. In summer, any type of skin needs additional moisture, and if you are over 25-30 years old, hydrating products should become an essential item. In hot weather, use emulsions, fluids and gels on water based. They have a light texture, are absorbed faster and do not leave shine.

When choosing a moisturizer, take the time to study its composition. The most effective products usually contain hyaluronic acid, which actively saturates the skin with moisture. Oily skin really likes products based on seaweed, plant extracts of chamomile and aloe, and jojoba oil. These ingredients have not only hydrating, but also sebum-regulating and soothing properties.

It is desirable to have antioxidants in daily products - vitamins C and E, white and green tea extracts. They have an anti-aging effect (prevent skin aging) and reliably protect the skin from the negative influence of the environment.

Makeup nuances

Before applying a light foundation to your skin, use a special makeup base. It degreases and mattifies the skin. It should be applied after daytime care. The base can be either transparent or colored (green masks redness well, pink will hide a grayish complexion, etc.). Stay away from cosmetics with lanolin, mineral oils and waxes. Although it softens and moisturizes the skin, it clogs the pores, which leads to the formation sebaceous plugs and to various inflammations.

It is better to use mineral cosmetics as decorative cosmetics. It not only mattifies the skin, but also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Mineral powders can be either compact or crumbly. The latter, by the way, look more natural on the face.

Features of skin care for enlarged pores and shine on the face

Into the daily care program oily skin It’s worth adding sebum-regulating products: lotions, tonics, night creams, serums. A good effect will be given by products containing zinc, licorice, chestnut, sage extracts, essential oils juniper and cypress. All of them control sebum production and gradually reduce it.

Face masks

In addition, masks based on kaolin (white clay) are very useful. It is enough to do them 1-2 times a week. This procedure will quickly and effectively cleanse pores and even visually narrow them.


Tightens pores and improves complexion. Apply whipped egg white mixed with lemon zest to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


Slightly dries out the skin. Apply low-fat kefir to your face with a cotton swab and wash off after 15 minutes.


Cleanses and brightens the skin. Mix 1 tsp. a spoonful of lemon juice with 20 g of yeast, add a little warm milk, apply to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Refreshes the skin. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, add boric acid (in a ratio of 6:1). Apply for 10 minutes. Rinse and wipe skin with lotion.

Sun protection

One of the mandatory stages of summer care for skin prone to shine is protection from sun rays. For the city, the usual daytime or even foundation from 15.

But for long walks, and even more so for the beach, choose special products. For those with oily and sensitive skin, cosmetics with physical filters (titanium dioxide, zinc dioxide) are suitable. It is considered the safest in terms of comedogenicity (clogging the pores on the face) and has a slight mattifying effect. The texture of sunscreen products should also be as light as possible; it is better to give preference to gels and sprays that are completely imperceptible on the skin.


If your face shines during the day, mattifying wipes will help. A small piece of rice paper (branded manufacturers) or cellulose (simpler manufacturers) will remove excess oil from the skin, refresh and invigorate it, and give it a velvety feel. Typically, wipes are used to treat the T-zone of the face; additional bonus: you won’t have to use powder again.

Modern cosmetics manufacturers produce wipes that do not contain salicylic alcohol. They are effective due to microfibers and various polymer particles, on which special powdered substances are applied to give the skin a matte finish and make fine wrinkles and enlarged pores on the face invisible.

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Girls with problem skin know very well how destructive large pores on the face can be. How to get rid of them, because they are not just a harbinger of acne and redness, but also an enemy of foundations, the contents of which literally fall inside - read this article. Proven and effective methods, secrets of competent care and much more just for you.

Why do pores get clogged?

Human skin has small openings for the sweat glands, called pores. Enlarged pores are a feature of those with, as a rule, oily skin type. Large pores on the face are quite noticeable. Particularly unattractive are clogged holes - the well-known blackheads. According to cosmetologists, it is impossible to say goodbye to them forever, but thanks to proper care, aimed at cleansing and narrowing pores, you can keep your skin tidy. There are several ways to get rid of pores clogged with grease, dust and dirt. One of the important conditions is to identify the cause of the incident.

So dermatologists identify common factors for enlargement and subsequent contamination of pores:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Incorrect care.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Poor quality cosmetics.
  • Sunburn.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Nervous tension, stress.
  • Age 25 and above.

An argument with genetics will rarely be successful, so if your family is well acquainted with such a cosmetic problem as large pores, make every effort to eliminate other associated factors.

Review of effective ways to combat enlarged pores

How to reduce pores on the nose is a pressing question for teenagers and older people. Unfortunately, it’s easy to start the situation, but returning the pores to their former size, not to mention additional narrowing, is quite difficult. There is no single miracle cure. You must carry out a whole range of activities, including:

  • Procedures for cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
  • Scrubbing to exfoliate.
  • Referring to face masks.
  • Anti-aging manipulations.

Thorough cleansing is the key to the effectiveness of all subsequent caring actions. Pores clogged with oil are a source of bacteria, which causes pimples to form. To cleanse, use products designed for your face type. An obligatory aspect of cleansing procedures is the final application of a moisturizing cream.

Vacuum Pore Cleaner

The vacuum method of cleansing facial skin at home has become very popular. This is done using a special device.

Under the influence of vacuum, accumulated fat, remnants of dead cells and other impurities are pulled out of the pores. A light massage effect is produced, thanks to which the normal process of cell renewal is restored.

The result is noticeable after 2-3 procedures: pores are cleaned, blackheads disappear.

The hand and particles of dead skin contributed to the clogging of the pores. To prevent this, you need to regularly exfoliate the surface of your face with a scrub. Daily scrubbing massages will be more effective if the composition contains salicylic and/or glycolic acids.

Face masks will help narrow your pores. A clay mask, whose components are able to absorb sebum, has especially proven itself in this matter.

The elasticity of the skin is affected by time, so anti-aging manipulations should not be neglected. Give preference cosmetic products with the appropriate marking, for example, “25+”.

Features of skin care with enlarged pores

Wash your face twice a day with a special product that suits your skin type. It should be washed off with cool or warm water, but never hot.

  1. Wet a sponge or sponge, squeeze out a little scrub and massage it over the entire surface.
  2. Steam your skin. To do this, brew herbs, for example, chamomile, which has an antiseptic effect, and hold your face to the container for a while.
  3. Use moisturizer.

Exfoliation is unacceptable when there are inflammations and rashes on the face. Thus, you risk spreading the infection from the source to other areas.

A variety of masks for skin with enlarged pores

Face masks also help tighten pores. From the assortment of clays, it is better to choose green or blue. Green clay improves blood circulation, cleanses pores, and has a drying effect. Blue has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates regeneration, smoothes expression lines and evens out facial tone. It is enough to dilute the clay with water and apply it to the skin, rinse off after drying with cool water.

A mask of fresh tomatoes or tomato juice will improve your complexion and reduce pores. Grind the pulp of fresh tomatoes with a blender and literally apply the resulting puree to your face for 15 minutes. If desired, you can add natural yogurt to the mask. Or simply moisten your face with tomato juice and leave for a third of an hour.

It is believed that a baking soda mask helps reduce inflammation, the number of pimples and tighten pores. A couple of tablespoons are poured with water until a paste forms, which is rubbed into previously cleansed skin for half a minute.

No less popular is a whitening mask made from eggs and orange/lemon juice, which, in addition to the main effect, disinfects the face and cleanses clogged pores.

Salon treatments for enlarged pores

You can fight enlarged pores not only at home. The beauty industry is ready to offer you several popular salon procedures:

  • Microdermabrasion – intense exfoliation.
  • Chemical peels (glycolic, enzyme, TCA, etc.).
  • Cryotherapy is cold treatment.
  • Darsonvalization - ultrasound manipulation.
  • Laser cleaning.

Keep in mind that a positive effect can occur only after 2-3 sessions, so do not expect a wonderful transformation in one visit to a cosmetologist.

It is easier to prevent expansion and pollution than to deal with the neglected consequences. Cleanse your skin properly, exfoliate it periodically, and moisturize it. Wash your face with cool water. Can be added to daily care rubbing the face twice a day with a herbal ice cube.

Buy products that suit your skin type. Give preference in cosmetics quality products trusted manufacturers.

Give up bad habits, exercise, eat a balanced diet. The presence of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, and grains in your diet will have a beneficial effect on your skin. Drink liquid in the required volume - 2 liters. This can be boiled water, fresh juices, fruit drinks, juices, compotes, green tea or mineral water.

These simple tips will help you not only narrow your pores and improve the condition of your face, but also improve your overall health. Love yourself and give yours appearance and attention to health, then your face and body will thank you!