A story about ugly handwriting like a chicken paw.  Round table for parents about handwriting correction

A story about ugly handwriting like a chicken paw. Round table for parents about handwriting correction “like a chicken paw”

What does the expression “like a chicken paw” mean?

    This phraseological unit means that a person writes or draws extremely poorly. His work is compared to the result that can be obtained by putting a pencil in a chicken’s paw and asking her to write (draw) something.

    Not only does this bird have a chicken brain, but also the limb in question is needed by the chicken as a leg and not a hand, and besides, it is bone-fingered and is not able to hold a pencil. Can you imagine what calligraphy will turn out like?! Just a daub! 🙂

    So create so that your work is not compared to such daub.

    Let's imagine a chicken foot, now put a pencil or pen in it and ask the chicken to write something. This is the kind of handwriting they say: Writes like a chicken with its paw!

    Phraseologism like a chicken paw is usually combined with the verbs write and draw.

    It is much less common with the verb to do. When a person has depicted something too hastily, ugly, carelessly, inaccurately, illegibly, they may say to him reproachfully: Why are you writing like a chicken with its paw?

    Sometimes those who have made something ugly are compared to chickens.

    Most likely, this expression appeared as a result of observations of chicken tracks. When chickens run around the yard, they move very chaotically, often changing direction. And of course they don’t care that someone will read their messages later. Many incomprehensible patterns appear on the paths, in which there is no human meaning.

    It's a shame for the chicken. Moreover, hardly any other bird has better handwriting.

    Nobody likes illegibility; comparison with chicken tracks very accurately reflects the main idea of ​​the phraseological unit.

    Masha’s assignments were looked over by dad,

    I twisted, strained, but did not understand:

    Oh, Masha, you write like a chicken with its paw.

    I didn't read a letter in the notebook.

    The poor chicken, of course, is not to blame for anything, but, you see, it was woven into the colloquial expression write like a chicken with its paw. So in colloquial Russian speech they talk about the sloppy, illegible handwriting of a person, a schoolchild, and even a doctor, whose handwriting (obviously a professional sign) is often in no way (I have encountered this myself) pharmacists in a pharmacy cannot understand in order to issue the prescribed medicine on a prescription.

    The expression to write like a chicken with its paw is a translation. We find its origins in the Latin language, so distant ancestors were very observant and correlated the chaotic chain of chicken footprints with human handwriting.

    Witty, though!

    Like a chicken paw - writing or drawing is illegible, incomprehensible and ugly. If you watch the chicken and the tracks it leaves on the ground, you will notice that they form an intricate pattern.

    Like a chicken paw - that’s what my mother jokingly told me when I learned to write letters with a fountain pen for the first time in my life. It was a long time ago. And now they sometimes say that too -

    like a chicken paw about the illegible and uneven, angular handwriting of a person who has written something that needs to be read and is not immediately possible to do because of his handwriting.

    This is about my handwriting. Just not a chicken, but a rooster. Like a rooster's paw.

    Seriously, that's what they say about bad, unreadable handwriting. Like a chicken paw - this is a phraseological unit.

    Most often this is said about a person’s handwriting. If it is illegible, difficult to read and ugly. The expression probably came from the fact that the chicken is not a very intelligent creature and is not adapted to anything other than laying eggs, and it is difficult to imagine its paw as a brush, pen or pencil.

    Like a chicken paw means to write or draw something inaccurately, crookedly, past the lines, going into the margins, jumping letters or words. As a rule, when everyone is little, when they learn to write, their parents and teachers tell them so.

    Write. or draw ugly, illegible handwriting, etc.

How a chicken writes with its paw LIKE A CHICKEN'S FOOT write. Razg. Neglected Careless and illegible; in a way that cannot be understood.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “How to write with a chicken’s paw” is in other dictionaries:


    write like a chicken with its paw- joking. Write in bad, illegible handwriting... Dictionary of many expressions

    LIKE A CHICKEN'S FOOT- write Illegible, sloppy, ugly. This means that person (X) has poor handwriting, sloppy and incomprehensible. Spoken with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X writes like a chicken with its paw. unism. In the role of obst. Word order of components... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    LIKE A CHICKEN'S FOOT- write Illegible, sloppy, ugly. This means that person (X) has poor handwriting, sloppy and incomprehensible. Spoken with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X writes like a chicken with its paw. unism. In the role of obst. Word order of components... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    EXACTLY A CHICKEN FOOT- write Illegible, sloppy, ugly. This means that person (X) has poor handwriting, sloppy and incomprehensible. Spoken with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X writes like a chicken with its paw. unism. In the role of obst. Word order of components... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    write- Write down, scribble, write out, scribble, draw, enter, enter (in a notebook, book), mark; compose, compose, paint, depict. Write quickly, sweepingly, neatly. Drop me a message. I jotted down my thoughts on paper. So… … Dictionary of synonyms

    chicken- s; pl. chickens, (colloquial), and chickens; and. see also chicken, chicken, chicken 1) Poultry raised for eggs and meat; female rooster, as well as some other chickens. Meat and egg-laying breeds of chickens. Keep and raise chickens... Dictionary of many expressions

    chicken- s; pl. hens (colloquial) and chickens; and. 1. Poultry bred for eggs and meat; female rooster, as well as some other chickens. Meat and egg-laying breeds of chickens. Keep and raise chickens. K. with chickens. Go to bed with chickens (very early, when... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    chicken- s, plural chickens and hens, w. 1. Poultry bred for eggs and meat; female rooster. The chickens, cackling and flapping their wings, ran under the gate. N. Nekrasov and N. Stanitsky, Three countries of the world. Domestic chickens are known to be very sensitive to... Small academic dictionary

    paw- y, w. 1. Foot or entire leg in animals and birds (usually large ones). Bear paw. Goose paw. □ The dog, barking a little, began to rub his muzzle with his paw. Paustovsky, A Tale of Forests. || simple A human arm or leg, usually large. Hello,… … Small academic dictionary

Before school, you bought your child beautiful notebooks with bright covers, a pencil case with multi-colored pens - and from the first days of school, your first-grader suddenly discovered that these new “toys” had turned into a real instrument of torture for him. Why does writing come easy to some children, while for others mastering writing skills is a struggle? And where does bad handwriting even come from?

In pursuit of beauty
I remember writing lessons in the first grade of school as a complete nightmare. The monstrously clumsy letters were hardly tied into crooked lines. After a three in a quarter, I had to go back to hooks and sticks. I overcame penmanship with great grief. But my handwriting is still bad. My eldest child went to school - and the nightmare repeated itself on a triple scale. Heredity? But people involved in graphology (the science of handwriting) argue that handwriting itself (bad or good) is not inherited - some features of temperament that are reflected in the manner of writing can be inherited. So what is the reason for difficulties with writing?

There may be several of them. I will try to talk about the most common ones. But first you need to understand what actually bothers you - just ugly handwriting or numerous blots, mistakes, mixed up letters?

If you are worried solely about beauty, then the trouble is not so great. In the end, the most important thing is that the words are readable and there are no grammatical errors in the text. Aesthetics is the tenth thing. For example, in most English-speaking countries they have long abandoned the concept of “beautiful handwriting” - they scribble everything there as best they can, in semi-printed letters - as long as it is legible. Only short notes are written by hand - most written work is done on the computer. But in our schools, beautiful handwriting is still at a premium - therefore, beauty still has to be taken care of. What can cause poor handwriting in elementary school students?

Oddly enough, the excessive zeal of parents trying to teach their child to write as early as possible - at three or four years old. Moms and dads are very happy that the baby is doing well and hope to make his first school year easier. And they don’t know that they are hopelessly ruining their child’s handwriting.

"Earlier" does not mean "better"
This is precisely the conclusion that Lena Danilova, a famous teacher, author of many books and articles on early development children. She warns: "Children, having studied in early age writing, quickly spoil the handwriting due to the fact that the hand has not yet stabilized. Even if the letters turn out beautiful from the very beginning, it is impossible to consolidate good handwriting as a skill due to the unreality of daily intensive lessons with a child... Handwriting, even if it was quite tolerable at the time of learning, quickly deteriorates and it is in this form that it is consolidated as a skill . In two or three years, the child will come to school, and he will be painfully retrained throughout the primary grades.”

And they are unlikely to retrain, I note from myself. What conclusions can be drawn from this? If you want your child to have no problems with penmanship at school, then, of course, you need to prepare him for writing in advance. But not with the help of copybooks. Modeling from plasticine, drawing and playing with construction sets are great for developing fine motor skills. To study spelling - reading and practicing with Zaitsev's cubes. Well, if you really want your preschooler to be able to write down his thoughts and impressions, write fairy tales (in general, get involved in literary work), then you should teach him... to type. True, Danilova notes, small child You should not sit in front of a computer screen for more than 10–15 minutes a day. But a preschooler is unlikely to have the patience to poke his fingers at the keys for more than ten minutes.

When I told my colleague about Danilova’s findings, she confirmed that this was the absolute truth. Her daughter, a very smart and developed girl, learned to write “in writing” at the age of four. Now my co-worker’s daughter is ten. She is an excellent student, takes prizes at Olympiads and... frightens her parents with her notebooks covered in sloppy, clumsy handwriting. Smart child with bad handwriting? Oh, God forbid that this is the biggest problem for all parents of schoolchildren.

Taming the naughty hand
(5 tips for parents of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren)
1. The main thing in writing is well-developed fine motor skills. If you want your child to be good at using a pen, you must first develop hand coordination. Drawing (especially shading figures in coloring books), sculpting, appliqué, playing with construction toys (like Lego sets containing many small parts) are not only interesting, but also extremely useful activities.

2. When practicing writing, pay attention to the rules of “work hygiene”. Is your child sitting correctly at the table? A crooked posture can later cause spinal problems. Also keep track of how hard your child presses on the pen when writing. If the tip of the pen barely touches the paper, then it is worth doing general strengthening gymnastics with your baby. The old game “rock-paper-scissors” is very useful for strengthening the hands. If the baby, on the contrary, puts too much pressure on the pen (so that the pen breaks and the paper tears), then a relaxing massage of the arms and shoulder girdle will help him.

3. The child does not have a good relationship with ballpoint pen? Invite him to write alternately with a pencil, gel pen, and felt-tip pen. It is very useful to practice writing with a good old fountain pen. Finally, splurge on a nice ink pen with a soft gold-plated nib. Such a luxurious gift can spur a child's interest in writing. In addition to a fountain pen, you can buy several beautiful notebooks. (Not notebooks! Notebooks are something that reminds you of school duties, and notebooks are just a nice gift.) Let your child write at least a couple of lines a day in a new notebook with a new pen - for example, describing his most pleasant experiences of the day.

4. If the child incorrectly writes and connects the elements of letters, try to return to the basics - again practice writing sticks and hooks with him, and then connecting them into letters. (As a child, this technique helped me a lot in taming the vile “N” and “U”.)

5. Pay attention to how clearly your student follows the line. Letters should not extend beyond the line or “jump”. If your child has problems following the lines, it is not a sin to write the lines in the notebook with a black pencil. You can mark the beginning and end of a line right in your notebook. Finally, use a thin pencil to outline the letters.

Fountain pen... good for health
When I was preparing to defend my university diploma, I happened to spend several weeks in the reading room of the Historical Library. It was 1991, laptop computers were a novelty then, so we had to work the old fashioned way: copy out the quotes needed for work by hand in a notebook. After two or three hours, the work turned into torture - my hand was literally frozen in pain, I had to take forced pauses. And time was running out. Suddenly, a solution was found - on the fifth or sixth day of work, I took with me to the library not a ballpoint pen, but an automatic one, with replaceable ink cartridges, given to me by someone I knew. It turned out that you can write with a pen even the whole day - your hand does not get tired at all. And, what’s funny, even my, to put it mildly, not ideal handwriting in the “feather” design looked... more noble, or what? Yes, and it was a better read.

Why does writing hurt my hands? This trouble has its own name - writer's cramp (writer's cramp or graphospasm) and occurs due to uneven load on the muscles of the hand and the body as a whole. Writer's cramp can manifest itself as pain in the hand, or aching pain in the muscles of the back, shoulder or neck. If writer’s cramp occurs in fully grown people who have long learned to write, then what can we say about kids who are just mastering this skill? Sometimes it happens that a child suffering from writer's cramp begins to feel pain at the mere thought of sitting down to write a notebook. In this case, of course, it is worth checking whether the child is sitting correctly at the table while writing.

Correct posture when writing
To make it easy and convenient for your student to write, you need to make sure that he follows the rules of “writing hygiene.” The child should sit upright at the table, head slightly tilted, legs bent at right angles, soles completely touching the floor.
The left hand (if, of course, your student is right-handed) lies on the table parallel to its edge. With it, the child moves the notebook aside as he fills in the lines, but at the same time, the middle of the notebook is always directed towards the middle of the chest, and the notebook itself is tilted to the left. The handle should rest on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, held by the thumb and forefinger. Thumb- slightly above the index finger. The hand rests on the little finger and the edge of the palm. The middle and ring fingers are perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance from the tip of the pen to the index finger is 1.5–2.5 centimeters. Brush right hand moves freely, but the elbow does not leave the table.

But another very important point is what the child writes with. In today's schools, they have already forgotten about such exotic things as feathers. But if you want to develop clear handwriting in your child, an ink pen can be invaluable.

The most interesting conclusions about the dangers of ballpoint pens and the benefits of fountain pens are made by the Russian Vladimir Bazarny, a former pediatric surgeon who now deals with the health of schoolchildren and hygiene in school.
He believes that forty years ago the Ministry of Education of the then USSR made a serious mistake. It was then that calligraphic writing classes, based on the rhythm of plastic efforts and relaxations, were abolished. Instead, it was developed new style letters “under a ballpoint pen” - continuous and pressure-free.
The most obvious consequence of this step was a sharp deterioration in children's handwriting. If the problem was only the beauty of the notebooks, then there would be nothing special to discuss.

But it's not just about aesthetics. It turns out that in the process of writing, it is not even the muscles of the hand that are most likely to get tired, but the entire muscular system of the body - the back, the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and the shoulder girdle. The conclusion made by the Russian doctor is that writing with a ballpoint pen, which involves constant muscle tension, rather than alternating tension and relaxation, is harmful to the physical health of primary schoolchildren. And not only physical. According to school teachers with many years of experience, after calligraphy classes were abolished, ... the mental characteristics of schoolchildren changed - inattentive, unbalanced children with an unstable psyche began to be found more often.

So we have come to the connection between the characteristics of handwriting and the functioning of the brain.

The main organ is the head!
Many people believe that disgusting handwriting is just a consequence of the child’s inattention, lack of concentration and laziness. But that's not true. The most important organ responsible for writing is not the hand, but... the head. In order to learn to write, you need not just the relationship between thinking and fine motor skills of the hand, but also the ability to translate the information contained in the brain into a certain system of signs. Therefore, problems associated with mastering written language may signal disorders of the brain. Just don't be scared. Most often, we are not talking about serious pathologies, but about certain features of the brain organization.

You probably know that each hemisphere of the brain does its own “type of work.”
To put it simply, the left hemisphere is abstract-logical (it is responsible for learning to read and write), the right hemisphere is figurative.

Left is logic, right is intuition. The left commands the right half of the body, and vice versa. At the same time, the left hemisphere usually dominates, which is why most people have a dominant right hand. And some features of interhemispheric interactions may affect learning to write.

For example, left-handed people (especially overtrained ones) and so-called ambidextrous people - people who are equally good with both hands - may experience difficulties. Moreover, it turns out that not only the dominant hand can influence how well writing skills develop. Some psychology studies also include right-handed people with a dominant left ear, eye, or foot as ambidextrous. And such children, by the way, also face difficulties in learning to write. (This is where I realized the reason for my first school failures - I’m left-handed!)

However, the difficulties encountered by left-handers and ambidextrous people are, as a rule, easily overcome. There is a much more serious problem. It's called "dysgraphia" and, it happens, is accompanied by dyslexia - difficulties in perceiving printed text. The cause of dysgraphia and dyslexia is disruption of neural connections that transmit information between the hemispheres of the brain.

The handwriting of a dysgraphic person is not just horror, but horror-horror! Crooked lines and clumsy letters are not so bad. Words can be written in mirror image, letters are mixed up or missing, the distances between words are uneven, a monstrous number of errors, blots and corrections.

The most unpleasant thing is that teachers often write down a dysgraphic child as a hopeless fool, considering him incapable of learning. Indeed, it is much more difficult to learn. But at the same time, dyslexics and dysgraphics often turn out to be not only no dumber, but even much smarter than other children. Many experts believe that if people who successfully combine the work of both hemispheres of the brain have two-dimensional vision, then the perception of dyslexics and dysgraphics is three-dimensional. But, having this unique quality, they often do not know how to use it. So either geniuses grow out of them (for example, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Hans Christian Andersen and Thomas Edison were dysgraphic) or... people who have been bullied by school and are not confident in their own abilities. By the way, the same Einstein was considered an impenetrable idiot at school. And the dysgraphia of Lyndon Johnson, the President of the United States, is modern English language obliged by the expression “okay”: he put the visa “OK” on the documents - “everything is correct.” But the words “all correct” begin not with “ou” and “kay”, but with “hey” and “si”...

But still, dysgraphia is a serious problem that interferes with normal learning and is directly related to the characteristics of the brain. Therefore, in order to get rid of this “written disability,” you will most likely need to show your child to specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist or neurologist.

By the way, many modern authorities recommend that dysgraphic children master computer skills as soon as possible. Firstly, writing with both hands develops fine motor skills and interhemispheric interactions of the brain. Secondly, text editors are usually equipped with automatic literacy checking systems - by paying attention to the words underlined in red, the child will remember the correct spelling. Thirdly, having learned to use a keyboard, a student will be able to overcome the inferiority complex due to the inability to write quickly and beautifully (if, of course, this complex exists).

Even a century ago, when the first typewriters appeared, psychologists shouted that the brains of people who drum on the keys with both hands are irreversibly changing. Perhaps there was a rational grain in this. People generally tend to change - and not necessarily for the worse.

To be honest, I'm happy that today we don't have to write much by hand. And for our children this skill will be of secondary importance. Right now I’m looking at the computer screen, and my fingers are automatically typing these lines. And it doesn’t matter that I don’t know how to draw letters beautifully - the main thing is that these letters have meaning.

Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk district.



Round table for parents

(about handwriting correction)

"Like a chicken paw"

Abstract parent meeting created based on the article “Correction of handwriting in children, causes of poor handwriting”,Elvira Agacheva)

Prepared by: Lyubov Alexandrovna Komalova

2015 - 2016 academic year

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- When do they say that - “like a chicken paw”? (parents' answers)

This is what they say about clumsy, ugly and illegible handwriting. How often do we tell our child these words and force him to write beautifully.

Butwe forget that calligraphy is a special type fine arts, arts nice letter. Not everyone is blessed with calligraphic handwriting, and it requires regular practice.

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- Where does the letter begin?

The formation and development of writing skills begins from the moment when the baby picks up a pencil, felt-tip pen and begins to draw simple lines, circles, dashes, dots, or, in other words, doodles on a piece of paper. He is just learning to control the movement of his hand. At this age, the baby very often crawls beyond the boundaries of the sheet, or even begins to draw on the table, wallpaper and other objects. You can tell his hands work further than his head. Only with prompting from adults does the child begin to understand that hand movements during drawing should not be spontaneous, but thoughtful, smooth.

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- When is handwriting formed?

The child's handwriting begins to develop elementary school When learning to write, over the years of training a child writes faster: the child writes individual elements of letters faster, connects letters faster, chooses the most rational elements of letters and their connections, and the letters themselves become smaller.

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Children acquire writing skills with great effort. At the very beginning, this process seems complicated and painstaking. Your hands get tired, and your letters and words are not at all like those of adults: clumsy, ugly, awkward.All children learn to write differently. Some people soon begin to write quickly and calligraphically, while others have difficulties. If your handwriting is not corrected in time, it will remain clumsy and awkward for the rest of your life. The task of correcting it should concern teachers, the children themselves and their parents. The success of school will largely depend on how well a child masters this skill.

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- What does bad handwriting mean?

Many mothers complain about their children’s poor handwriting, blame school teachers for poor teaching, or simply cannot understand the true reasons for this phenomenon. First, you need to figure out what is considered bad handwriting:

    words and sentences “move” up or down, that is, they are not on the same line;

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    the child writes in an arbitrary place on the sheet (disorientation on the sheet);

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    The writing of the letters is too similar, which makes it difficult to read what is written. For example, the letters N, I, P, K and others;

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    confusion between the letters A and O, when the child incorrectly connects them with other letters;

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    different inclination and size of letters and words;

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    too little or too much pressure on the letters;

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- Is it possible to correct the handwriting?

You can and should correct your handwriting. The sooner you start correcting it, the easier and faster this process will be, and the greater the chances of success. At a young age, any information is absorbed better and retained for a long time. But it should be noted that poor handwriting indicates the presence of some problems of a physiological, emotional and psychological nature. It is important to reveal the true reasons for the formation of clumsy, unreadable letters.

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1. Hand motor skills are not sufficiently developed. It is difficult for a child to write; the hand and fingers become very tired and go numb. Also challenging is cutting out various shapes with scissors, drawing, coloring with pencils, modeling from plasticine, and tying shoelaces.

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2. Heredity. Very often, a child's handwriting is similar to the writing style of one of his parents. The adjustment will only give results if strong desire, desire, patience.

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3. Spatial perception is poorly formed. The child confuses up and down, right and left.

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4. Poor health, fatigue, recent illness. The change in handwriting for this reason is temporary. Everything will return to normal as soon as the child gains vitality and energy.

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5. The situation within the family. If a child is under strong pressure, conflicts often arise with parents, or he is brought up in an incomplete family, then this affects his mental and emotional state. All life problems affect handwriting, by which, by the way, graphologists can determine psychological state and individual personality characteristics.

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6. The handwriting of excitable, restless children is greatly influenced by their emotional state and well-being. A well-fed child writes better than a hungry child. Well, you shouldn’t yell at a child when he’s writing, otherwise the child may develop a “writer’s cramp” - a clamping of the hand that makes writing completely impossible

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7. Handwriting may also indicate certain mental and brain disorders. You should worry if:

The letters are very small, look like beads, and the lines are pressed together (as a rule, this indicates depression);

A very strong tilt to the right or left, increasing towards the end of the line - the letters directly fall behind the line;

The letters are angular, pointed, all of different sizes, and the pressure is so strong that it is about to break through the paper (often such children have organic brain disorders).

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- What needs to be done to eliminate these problems?

    develop the child’s visual-figurative and abstract thinking so that he can understand the configuration of letters, the relationship of a letter with a certain sound, and remember the plan for writing a letter;

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    develop the ability to visually perceive various forms;

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    develop the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet, lines, the ability to determine the relationships between elements of letters, the distances between individual elements;

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    strengthen hands and improve coordination of movements, improve the child’s fine motor skills;

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    teach how to use a pen;

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    teach to automatically take the correct writing posture: straight back, tilt of the arm, correct grip of the pen, position of the notebook, etc.;

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    atMake sure that the child correctly understands the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left”. Otherwise, the child may confuse the arrangement of letter elements, for example, B and D;

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    to motivate the child to have beautiful, correct, legible handwriting.

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Parents should know that correcting handwriting is hard work that requires patience and effort from adults and children. But the reward for this will be beautiful handwriting, so the efforts are not in vain.

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- Is beautiful handwriting really necessary?

Is beautiful handwriting necessary in the 21st century, when computer technology is in its bloom? How many professions are there where you need to have beautiful handwriting? All documents are issued in printed form. Even postcards can be signed on the printer using special decorative fonts. Is it worth it to “kill” for the beauty of handwriting, try to make it perfect, calligraphic, scold your children, driving them to the point of nervousness with constant rewriting and corrections?

Handwriting is business card a person, it should be beautiful, understandable, and besides, legible handwriting makes life easier for those to whom you write.

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Poor handwriting is often associated with creativity, and can sometimes be a sign of great eccentricity. It is also said that this is typical for smart people whose speed of thinking does not allow them to spend time on maintaining accuracy in writing.

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Many historical figures belonged to the category of people with poor handwriting. For example, Paganini is a great violinist who was undoubtedly a creative and eccentric person.

Picasso was also a crooked person, but he was an excellent artist. This category also includes Beethoven, Napoleon and Freud, who had horribly illegible handwriting.

So don’t rush to be upset about your ugly and sloppy handwriting; perhaps there is a future artist, musician or other talented person hidden inside you.

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Thank you for your attention!