The coolest gadgets for children and parents.  Pregnancy Control: a gadget for expectant mothers and their worried spouses Gadget for pregnant women

The coolest gadgets for children and parents. Pregnancy Control: a gadget for expectant mothers and their worried spouses Gadget for pregnant women


A rich variety of all kinds of devices have been invented in the world, which, if they do not save us from the exhausting household routine, then significantly simplify life, allowing us to save at least a little precious time. We offer you the top 10 useful gadgets that may be useful to young mothers. We are sure that you will like them so much that you will want to give birth to more.

Baby silicone bottle with spoon attachment

A bottle that is convenient for feeding the baby will ease the mother’s worries and worries about his nutrition. Feeding your baby with this bottle spoon is much more convenient than with a regular spoon. It can be used for porridge, kefir, fruit, vegetable and meat purees. It is also convenient to take a bottle-spoon with you on walks. It retains heat well and has a secure lid.

Wearable children's gadgets, or mobile safety solutions for children

There is a growing demand for wearable child safety monitoring devices in the global product market. The devices are sewn into babies’ clothes, and smart socks and bracelets allow not only to track how the child sleeps, but also to record important parameters of the baby: his temperature, heartbeat and breathing.

Baby nail clipper from Zo-li

The Zo-li clipper is designed for easy and safe cutting of small children's nails. This device does not cut nails, but grinds them down using four “pads.” Two are intended for babies, the other two are for older children. The machine itself runs on a battery.

Baby Timer from Itzbeen

In the first time after the birth of a child, parents have to work, taking care of him, as they say, exhaustively. And the main thing in caring for a baby is to clearly calculate the time and sequence with which you need to feed the baby, change his diaper, put him to bed, etc. The timer from Itzbeen is designed to help young parents not forget anything and be on time everywhere. The device can be programmed for four actions: feeding, sleeping, walking and changing a diaper. At the appointed moment, the device will begin to make alarming sounds, reminding you of a particular duty.

Translator of children's crying Why Cry

An unusual gadget can determine one of five reasons for a child’s crying: stress, hunger, drowsiness, pain, boredom. It is enough to bring the device to the baby for 10-20 seconds, and a smiley face with the answer to the question will be displayed on the screen. The accuracy of such a gadget is 98 percent, so it will be an indispensable gift for a young mother until she develops parental instinct.

A night light that will lull your baby to sleep

The night light not only glows with a soothing green light, but also makes sounds that soothe your baby, so you don't have to jump up to the cradle every time you cry. The lamp is activated by rapid breathing and whimpering, and is almost guaranteed to help even the fussiest baby fall asleep. With such a gadget, mom will definitely get enough sleep at night.

Electric Bottle Sterilizer

This device sterilizes not only bottles, but also breast pumps, baby plates, forks and knives. The savings will be significant if you purchase a device for six bottles. This electric appliance cleans everything very simply and easily and does not take up much space in the kitchen.

Diaper Recycler

When we hear the word “recycler,” we imagine some kind of modern high-tech gadget that miraculously recycles diapers, breaking them down into atoms at home. However, in reality everything is much simpler.
A diaper disposal is just a regular trash can with a sealed lid into which you can throw used diapers, wrapped in bags, which helps keep the smell inside.

Infrared thermometer

A thermometer is an important tool, especially early in your baby's life. You will have to take your baby's temperature twice a day. And the child will not always lie quietly with a thermometer under his arm. The infrared meter makes this process super-fast: it will determine your baby's temperature in one second.

Electronic storyteller

It happens that parents are so tired that they cannot even read a fairy tale to their baby. Then the In Your Own Voice Storyteller device will come to the rescue. It is a small pen-like device for recording voices. With its help, parents will be able to tell a fairy tale in advance, after which the gadget will repeat it again and again.

Translator of children's crying

The Infant Cries Translator application, with a 92% probability, identifies 4 reasons for which a baby cries: due to hunger, pain, desire to sleep and wet diaper. As age increases, accuracy decreases, but even at 4 months it is 77%. To create this application, the developers analyzed 200,000 recordings of babies crying.

Feeding system

Does your baby eat nothing but sweets? Then you just need a feeding system consisting of a light-up bib and an airplane spoon with glowing lights, it will help feed your baby even with broccoli puree.
motion sickness

This device imitates the movement of a hand and rocks the baby for you. Just attach the rocker to the handle of the stroller and you can do other things.

Teether pacifier

This device can be stored in the refrigerator or washed in the dishwasher. The teething pacifier is designed to target the entire gum line, and its simple design prevents germs from appearing in crevices.


This device is a hybrid of a spoon and a bottle. It is very convenient to use on the road or for a walk. If the baby does not eat the entire portion at once, you just need to cover the food with a lid and it will be stored until the next meal.

Security bracelet

A missing child is every parent's nightmare. However, now there are special gadgets that resemble wrist watch, which are connected to the application on the smartphone. When a child leaves the application area, a signal sounds. There is also a function to connect trusted people to the application.

Smart changing mat

A mattress that records changes in the baby’s weight and growth, his meals and daily routine. These numbers are delivered to parents on their smartphone.

Clothing with activity monitors

Clothing with an activity and breathing monitor allows parents to avoid constant monitoring of the baby's position during sleep. The turtle-shaped sensor monitors breathing, the baby's sleeping position and room temperature and sends the data to a smartphone.

Compact stroller

This stroller is in the Guinness Book of Records as the most compact stroller in the world. When unfolded, this is a regular stroller for walking, but when folded, it easily fits into a backpack.

Smart toothbrush

This toothbrush displays every movement in 3D by connecting to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Making the right moves gives you points and various prizes, and brushing your teeth becomes a fun game.

Container for toys

The frog container allows you to collect all the toys after bathing with one movement of your hand, rinse off the foam under the tap and attach it to the wall.

Self-warming bottle

This bottle makes it possible to heat formula or milk under various conditions without electricity or wires. Using a disposable cartridge containing only water and salt, heating is carried out in just 4 minutes. The maximum bottle heating temperature is 37 °C.

Thermometer sticker

This device makes it possible to measure the temperature of a sick child without forcing him to lie still for 5 minutes, and without interrupting his sleep. You just need to stick the thermometer on your skin. This method is highly accurate. When the temperature rises, parents receive a notification on their smartphone. It also maintains the dynamics of the baby's temperature.

Knee pads

Pebbles and folds on the carpet are real obstacles for a child taking his first steps. Knee pads protect the baby's tender knees from bruises and abrasions.

Glowing balls

With these balls, kids are no longer afraid of dark rooms. Children will not be afraid to fall asleep and go to the toilet at night.

Sound projector

This projector helps your baby fall asleep. He displays wonderful pictures on the ceiling accompanied by soothing sounds or gentle lullabies.

Game plates

Plates that turn mealtime into a fun game are a must for moms tired of the “I won’t eat it.”

Once upon a time washing machine and the computer seemed to people the perfection of technology, but now we are accustomed to these devices, but we look with surprise at gadgets for pregnant women. However, soon they will become a part of our lives. Of course, you can do without gadgets, but why, if you can make your life easier or more comfortable. In addition, excitement, worries, fears and worries are a completely natural state for expectant mothers, especially if they are expecting their first child. During this period, various devices can help, which we will talk about today.

Musical bandage

Pregnant women usually wear a bandage to support the abdomen from 4-5 months, and no one could even imagine that a music player could be built into it, into which any music, lullabies or a recording of the mother’s voice can be downloaded via USB. The uniqueness of the player is that it plays music in the form of vibrations rather than sounds - especially for the baby, who finds it easier to perceive incoming information in this form. At the same time, the woman can walk or go about her business - the bandage does not interfere with her. In some models, massagers are attached to the batteries, which gently massage the lower back - for a pregnant woman this is a real salvation, especially in the evenings, because the load on the back increases towards the end of pregnancy.

Fetal Doppler

A fetal doppler is a small ultrasound device that future mom can hear the fetal heartbeat even when early stages pregnancy - up to 10 weeks. The device is especially effective if a woman does not have fat deposits on her stomach. IN home use Dopplers are used not in medical, but in psychological purposes- so that the woman calms down, stops worrying about the baby and establishes an emotional connection with him.

Counting baby's movements

A device called Kick Track helps count your baby's movements. As soon as the woman feels them, she presses a button, and then the device generates a report for the doctor from antenatal clinic. This is a very useful device that will help doctors assess the condition of the fetus and take timely measures if it turns out that the baby is not moving very actively.

Reverse clock

The Baby Boom wristwatch not only counts hours and minutes, but also always shows the week and day of pregnancy, counting down the time. The date of birth is also constantly displayed on the screen - probably so that the woman does not forget about this wonderful event.

It's amazing how many pleasant things make our lives easier and more comfortable! But if you come to give birth in Miami, you will find out what real comfort is. Here, in the land of eternal summer, in paradise for pregnant women, you can finally relax and realize how wonderful this time is that you are living with your baby... Good luck to you!

A rich variety of all kinds of devices have been invented in the world, which, if they do not save us from the exhausting household routine, then at least greatly simplify life, allowing us to save at least a little precious time. We offer you the top 10 useful gadgets that may be useful to young mothers. We are sure that young dads who respect smart devices will like these devices!


An excellent tool for quick and easy cooking! There are several cooking modes in a multicooker: porridge, stewing, baking, steamed food. In this case, you just need to throw the food into a special saucepan and set the time. There is no need to be afraid that the food will burn. Another advantage of this magic pot is that there is a heating and cooking mode with a time delay. For example, you made soup and it stays hot for several hours. And even if you decide to stay late for a walk, there will be food ready for instant consumption waiting for you at home. You can set a timer so that you wake up in the morning and eat freshly prepared hot porridge!

But the most important thing is that all the beneficial substances in products are preserved when cooked in a slow cooker; vegetable oil can either be omitted or added in minimal quantities. The multicooker allows you to cook soups, porridges, vegetable dishes, meat dishes, and baked goods. Everyone will be satisfied, including the husband, who can be pampered with a fresh steak or that sacred borscht “like from the oven.”

Baby monitor

The mother cannot always be near the baby due to some household matters. And so that you can more calmly leave your baby alone in the room, it was created unique remedy scream control - baby monitor. There is also a video baby monitor that, in addition to sounds, also transmits images.

Such devices consist of two transmitter units, a child’s and an adult’s, one of which is located next to the baby, and the second is taken with the parent. A radio or video baby monitor will be useful to you if you live in a spacious apartment with several rooms, in a cottage or in a country house, and also if you don’t have an assistant and have to work on all fronts, combining pleasant things (children’s sleep time) with useful (washing dishes, for example).

You can leave the stroller with your baby on the street if you live in a house, or on the balcony if you live in an apartment, and while he sleeps, use the device to monitor his awakening. The gadget will also come in handy if the baby sleeps at night separately from his parents, in the children's room. When the child grows up, the baby monitor can be used as a walkie-talkie.

Electric swing

What can you do to keep a baby occupied when two free hands are urgently needed? The answer is simple - children's electric swings! They are suitable even for newborn children. A comfortable special cradle allows you to lull your baby right there. Moreover, they develop the vestibular apparatus and strengthen the child’s muscles. And older kids can spend a lot of time there.

The electric swing is very compact and can easily fit in the room. They have several swing speeds, and in some models the swing can be accompanied by music. There are also swings with timers so that mom can set a certain time period for swinging or turn it off remotely using the remote control.


Another mom’s kitchen assistant is a blender! It makes it easy to chop food or beat something without extra effort. Cooked food will need to be pureed, since the baby will not be able to chew food independently at first. With a blender, you can do all these tasks very quickly by simply dropping the chopper into a bowl of food.


The air in the room where the baby lives must be humid so that the mucous membranes respiratory tract the baby did not dry out. This is especially important if the child has a runny nose. If in summer you can ventilate the room more often, then in cold or winter time This has been difficult to do for years. Special air humidifiers have been invented to help mothers. They do not make noise, while creating the necessary humidity in the child's room.

Digital Thermometer

Children under one year old very often have to measure their temperature (colds, consequences of vaccinations, tummy). Try holding a simple thermometer under your baby’s armpit for five minutes! This is just unreal! The child cries, squirms, does not sit still, or suddenly notices this new shiny thing and demands to chew on it immediately. And again, everything leads to crying, since his mother does not allow him to play with new toy! To easily and quickly measure temperature, electronic thermometers have been invented that just need to be held under the baby’s armpit for just a few seconds. There is also a non-contact thermometer, the tip of which just needs to be projected onto the child’s forehead or ear, and it instantly gives the result.

Swimming circle "Baby Swimmer"

To make it possible to bathe your baby from birth without much effort, without the fear of dropping the baby into the water, the Baby Swimmer bathing circle will come to the rescue. It puts on and takes off quite easily, does not cause discomfort to the baby, and the child can flop around in the bathtub on his own for up to thirty minutes! On inside The circle has a special insert for the baby’s chin, which prevents the baby from slipping out of the circle. The mother can bathe and wash the baby on her own without resorting to the help of anyone else.

Robot vacuum cleaner

What mom doesn't want to reduce the time spent cleaning? Of course, it’s better to spend precious minutes with your baby while someone or something does the housework for you. This task can be partially performed for you by a compact automatic robot vacuum cleaner, to turn it on you just need to press one button, and it will move around the room and vacuum or wash the surface. Moreover, it can handle both carpet and linoleum, parquet or tiles without damaging or leaving a mark.


The kid manages to generate a constant stream of dirty clothes! It's one thing to wash diapers and onesies, but completely different to wait for them to dry. Sometimes there is simply no time for this, and perhaps there is no space in the apartment. Or another situation - you were about to go out somewhere, and your baby soiled your favorite dress, or even worse - a jacket or coat? In these situations, a drying machine will improve the situation and save a large number of time. It quickly dries all types of laundry using various drying programs, and with a certain program it can also save mom from ironing clothes or diapers! You can also choose the “iron” or “closet” program, in which the dried laundry can be put away immediately for storage.

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about the author For about seven years I have been organizing children's parties for children from one year to adolescence