Do you think that facial expressions and gestures. Test “What facial expressions and gestures tell you

0:1 0:11

Will you be able to find out what is hidden behind the words of your interlocutor if he is actively gesticulating?

0:191 0:201

1. Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are:
spontaneous expression of a person’s state at a given specific moment - 2;
addition to speech - 4;
treacherous manifestation of our subconscious - 3.

0:545 0:555

2. Do you think that women have a more expressive language of facial expressions and gestures than men?
yes - 1;
no - 3;
I don’t know - 0.

0:763 0:773

3. How do you greet good friends?
joyfully shout "Hello!" - 4;
heartfelt handshake - 4;
you lightly hug each other - 3;
greet them with a restrained movement of the hand - 2;
kiss each other on the cheek - 4.

0:1175 0:1185

4. What facial expressions and gestures do you think mean the same thing all over the world? (Give three answers).
when they shake their head - 0;
when they nod their head - 0;
when they wrinkle their nose - 1;
when they wrinkle their forehead - 1;
when they wink - 0;
when they smile - 1.



5. Which part of the body is the most expressive?
feet - 1;
legs - 2;
hands - 3;
hands - 4;
shoulders - 2.

0:191 0:201

6. Which part of your face do you think is the most expressive? (Give two answers).
forehead - 2;
eyebrows - 1;
eyes - 3;
nose - 2;
lips - 3;
corners of the mouth - 2.

0:477 0:487

7. When you walk past a store window in which your reflection is visible, what do you notice about yourself first?
on how clothes fit on you - 1;
for hair - 3;
for gait - 3;
for posture - 2;
for nothing - 0.

0:900 0:910

8. If someone often covers their mouth with their hand when talking or laughing, in your mind this means that:
he has something to hide - 3;
he has ugly teeth - 1;
he is ashamed of something - 1.

0:1255 0:1265

9. What do you first of all pay attention to in your interlocutor?
on the eyes - 3;
on the mouth - 2;
on hands - 2;
for pose - 1.

0:1480 0:1490

10. If your interlocutor averts his eyes while talking to you, this is a sign for you...
dishonesty - 3;
self-doubt - 2;
composure - 1.



11. Is it possible appearance recognize a typical criminal?
yes - 0;
no - 3;
I don't know - 1.

0:173 0:183

12. A man talks to a woman. He does this because...
It is men who always take the first step - 1;
a woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to be spoken to - 4;
he is courageous enough to risk getting a turn-2 from the gate.

0:673 0:683

13. You have the impression that the person’s words do not correspond to the “signals” that can be detected from his facial expressions and gestures. Which will you believe more?
words - 0;
"signals" - 4;
he will generally arouse your suspicion - 3.

0:1089 0:1099

14. Pop stars like Madonna or Prince present to the public “gestures” that are clearly erotic in nature. What do you think is behind this?
just buffoonery - 4;
they “turn on” the public - 2;
this is an expression of their own mood - 0.



15. You are watching a scary detective film alone. What's happening to you?
I look completely calm - 4;
I react to what is happening with every fiber of my being - 0;
I close my eyes during particularly scary scenes - 1.

0:433 0:443

16. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?
yes - 0;
no - 2;
only its individual elements - 1.

0:612 0:622

17. When flirting intensely, you “explain yourself” mainly...
eyes - 3;
hands - 4;
in words - 1.

0:809 0:819

18. Do you think that most of our gestures...
“spied” on someone and memorized - 2;
passed on from generation to generation - 4;
inherent in us by nature - 0.

0:1113 0:1123

19. If a person has a beard, for you this is a sign...
masculinity - 3;
that a person wants to hide his facial features - 2;
that this guy is too lazy to shave - 1.

0:1444 0:1454

20. Many people claim that the right and left sides of their faces are different from each other. Do you agree with this?
yes - 4;
no - 0;
only in older people - 2.

0:1737 0:11

To count psychological test manually:


From 56 to 77 points: Bravo! You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and instinct. But you rely too much in your judgment on these qualities; words are of secondary importance to you. If someone smiles at you, you are ready to believe that they are declaring their love for you. Your “verdicts” are too hasty, and therein lies the danger, you can hit your finger in the sky! Make allowances for this, and you have every chance of learning to understand people well. But this is important both at work and in your personal life, isn’t it?

0:1135 0:1147

From 34 to 55 points: You enjoy watching other people and are good at interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you still don’t know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build your relationships with others. You tend to take literally the words spoken to you and be guided by them. For example, someone will tell you: “I’m not bored with you at all,” making a sour face, but you will believe the words, not the facial expression, although it is very eloquent. Develop your intuition, rely more on sensations!

0:2219 0:11

From 11 to 33 points: Alas, the language of facial expressions and gestures for you is Chinese literacy. It is unusually difficult for you to evaluate people correctly. And it’s not that you are not capable of this, it’s just that you don’t attach importance to it, and in vain! Try to deliberately pay attention to the small gestures of the people around you, train your powers of observation. Remember the proverb: the body is the soul's glove. To understand the soul of another a little - the right remedy Don't fall into the trap of loneliness yourself.


Select one answer option for each item.

1. Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are:

a) spontaneous expression of a person’s state of mind at a given specific moment;

b) addition to speech;

c) a treacherous manifestation of our subconscious.

2. Do you think that women have a more expressive language of facial expressions and gestures than men:

c) I don’t know.

3. How do you greet very good friends:

a) shout joyfully: “Hello!”;

b) a hearty handshake;

c) lightly hug each other;

d) greet them with a discreet movement of the hand;

d) kiss each other on the cheek.

4. What facial expressions and gestures do you think mean the same thing all over the world (give three answers):

a) when they shake their head;

b) when they nod their heads;

c) when they wrinkle their nose;

d) when they wrinkle their forehead;

e) when they wink;

e) when they smile.

5. Which part of the body is “most expressive”:

a) feet;

d) hands;

6. Which part of your face is the most expressive, in your opinion (give two answers):

e) corners of the mouth.

7. When you walk past a store window in which your reflection is visible, the first thing you notice is:

a) how your clothes fit;

b) on the hairstyle;

c) gait;

d) on posture;

d) no matter what.

8. If someone often covers their mouth with their hand when talking or laughing, in your mind this means that:

a) he has something to hide;

b) he has ugly teeth;

c) he is ashamed of something.

9. What do you first of all pay attention to in your interlocutor:

a) on the eyes;

b) on the mouth;

c) on hands;

d) on the pose.

10. If your interlocutor averts his eyes while talking to you, this is a sign for you:

a) dishonesty;

b) lack of self-confidence;

c) composure.

11. Is it possible to recognize a typical criminal by appearance:

c) I don’t know.

12. A man talks to a woman. He does this because:

a) men are always the ones who make the first step;

b) a woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to be spoken to;

c) he is courageous enough to risk being turned away.

13. You have the impression that the person’s words do not correspond to the “signals” that can be detected from his facial expressions and gestures. Which one would you believe more?

a) words;

b) “signals”;

c) he will generally arouse suspicion in you.

14. Pop stars like Madonna or Jackson send “signals” to the public that are clearly erotic in nature. What do you think is behind this:

a) just buffoonery;

b) they “turn on” the audience;

c) this is an expression of their own mood.

15. You are watching a scary detective film alone. What's happening to you:

a) I look completely calm;

b) I react to what is happening with every cell of my being;

c) I close my eyes during particularly scary scenes.

16. Is it possible to control your facial expressions:

c) only its individual elements.

77. When flirting intensely, you “explain” mainly:

a) eyes;

b) hands;

c) words.

18. Do you think that most of your gestures:

a) “spied” on someone and learned by heart;

b) passed on from generation to generation;

c) are inherent in us by nature.

19. If a person has a beard, this is a sign for you:

a) masculinity;

b) the fact that a person wants to hide his facial features;

c) that this guy is too lazy to shave.

20. Many people claim that the right and left sides of their faces are different from each other:

c) only in older people. Count up the number of points.

77-56 points. Bravo! You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and instinct. But you rely too much in your judgment on these qualities; words are of secondary importance to you. If someone smiles at you, you are ready to believe that they are declaring their love for you. Your “verdicts” are too hasty, and therein lies the danger:

You can hit the sky with your finger! Make allowances for this, and you have every chance of learning to understand people well. But this is important both at work and in your personal life, isn’t it?

55-34 points You enjoy watching other people and are good at interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you still don’t know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build your relationships with others. You tend to take literally the words spoken to you and be guided by them. For example, someone will tell you: “I’m not at all bored with you,” while making a sour face. But you will believe the words, not the facial expression, although it is very eloquent. Develop your intuition, rely more on sensations!

33-11 points. Alas, the language of facial expressions and gestures for you is Chinese literacy. It is unusually difficult for you to evaluate people correctly. And the point is not that you are incapable of this - you just don’t attach any importance to it, and it’s in vain! Try to deliberately pay attention to the small gestures of the people around you, and train your powers of observation. Remember the proverb: the body is a glove for the soul. Understanding the soul of another a little is a sure way to avoid falling into the trap of loneliness yourself.

a) an uncontrolled expression of a person’s state of mind at a given specific moment;

b) addition to speech;

c) a treacherous manifestation of your subconscious.

  1. Do you think that women have more expressive language of facial expressions and gestures than men?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) I don’t know.

  1. How do you greet very good friends?
a) joyfully shout “Hello!”;

b) a hearty handshake;

c) you always hug each other;

d) greet them with a discreet movement of the hand;

d) kiss each other on the cheek.

  1. What facial expressions and gestures do you think mean the same thing all over the world (give three answers)?
a) when they shake their head;

b) when they nod their heads;

c) when they wrinkle their nose;

d) when they wrinkle their forehead;

e) when they wink;

e) when they smile.

  1. Which body part is the most expressive?
a) feet;

b) legs;

c) hands;

d) hands;

d) shoulders.

  1. Which part of your own face is the most expressive, in your opinion (give two answers)?
a) forehead;

d) nose;

e) lips;

e) corners of the mouth.

  1. When you walk past a store window in which you can see your reflection, what is the first thing you notice about yourself?
a) how your clothes fit on you;

b) on the hairstyle;

c) gait;

d) on posture;

d) no matter what.

  1. If someone often covers their mouth with their hand while talking or laughing, in your mind this means that:
a) he has something to hide;

b) he has ugly teeth;

c) he is ashamed of something.

  1. What do you first of all pay attention to in your interlocutor?
a) on the eyes;

b) on the mouth;

c) on hands;

d) on the pose.

  1. If your interlocutor averts his eyes while talking to you, this is a sign for you...
a) dishonesty;

b) lack of self-confidence;

c) composure.

  1. Is it possible to recognize a typical criminal by appearance?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) I don’t know.

  1. A man talks to a woman. He does this because...
a) the man always makes the first step;

b) a woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to be spoken to;

c) he is courageous enough to risk getting turned around.

  1. You get the impression that the person’s words do not correspond to the “signals” that can be detected from his facial expressions and gestures. Which would you believe more?
a) words;

b) “signals”;

c) he will generally arouse suspicion in you.

  1. Pop stars like Madonna send messages to the public that are clearly erotic in nature. What do you think is behind this?
a) just buffoonery;

b) they “turn on” the audience;

c) this is an expression of their own mood.

  1. You are watching a scary detective film alone. What's happening to you?
a) I look completely calm;

b) I react to what is happening with every cell of my being;

c) I close my eyes during particularly scary scenes.

  1. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) only its individual elements.

  1. When you want to be liked, you “explain yourself” mainly...
a) eyes;

b) hands;

c) words.

18. Do you think that most of our gestures...

a) “spied” on someone and learned by heart;

b) passed on from generation to generation;

c) are inherent in us by nature.

  1. If a person has a beard, this is a sign for you...
a) masculinity;

b) the fact that a person wants to hide his facial features;

c) that this guy is too lazy to shave.

  1. Many people claim that the right and left sides of their faces are different from each other. Do you agree with this?
a) yes;

b) no;

c) only in older people.

Rodionov, V.A. Development of business communication skills. Training sessions for high school students. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. - 144 p.

Calculate your points



















































































































































56 -77 points. You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and instinct. But in your judgments you rely too much on these qualities; words are of secondary importance to you. If someone smiles at you, you are ready to believe in the best feelings. Your “verdicts” are too hasty, and this is a danger for you. Make allowances for this, and you have every chance of learning to understand people well.
34-55 points. You enjoy watching other people and are good at interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you still don’t know how to use this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build relationships with others. You tend to take literally the words spoken to you and be guided by them. Develop your intuition, rely more on sensations!
11 - 33 points. The language of facial expressions and gestures is very difficult for you. It is unusually difficult for you to evaluate people correctly. And it’s not that you’re not capable of it, it’s just that you don’t attach importance to it. Try to deliberately pay attention to the small gestures of the people around you, train your powers of observation.
The art of getting your way Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Appendix 1 Test: What facial expressions and gestures tell you

Appendix 1

Test: What facial expressions and gestures tell you

1. Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are:

a) spontaneous expression of a person’s state at the moment;

b) addition to speech;

c) a treacherous manifestation of our subconscious.

2. Do you think that women have a more expressive language of facial expressions and gestures than men?

c) I don’t know.

3. How do you greet good friends?

a) shout joyfully: “Hello!”;

b) a hearty handshake;

c) you lightly hug each other;

d) greet them with a discreet movement of the hand;

d) kiss each other on the cheek.

4. What facial expressions and gestures do you think mean the same thing all over the world? (Give three answers)

a) when they shake their head;

b) when they nod their heads;

c) when they wrinkle their nose;

d) when they wrinkle their forehead;

e) when they wink;

e) when they smile.

5. Which part of the body is the most expressive?

a) feet;

d) hands;

6. Which part of your face do you think is the most expressive?

e) corners of the mouth.

7. When you pass by a shop window in which you can see your reflection, what is the first thing you notice about yourself?

a) how the clothes fit;

b) on the hairstyle;

c) gait;

d) on posture;

d) no matter what.

8. If someone often covers their mouth with their hand when talking or laughing, in your mind this means that:

a) he has something to hide;

b) he has ugly teeth;

c) he is ashamed of something.

9. What do you first of all pay attention to in your interlocutor?

a) on the eyes;

b) on the mouth;

c) on hands;

d) on the pose.

10. If your interlocutor averts his eyes while talking to you, this is a sign for you...

a) dishonesty;

b) lack of self-confidence;

c) composure.

11. Is it possible to recognize a typical criminal by appearance?

c) I don’t know.

12. A man talks to a woman. He does this because...

a) it is always the man who makes the first step;

b) the woman unconsciously made it clear that she would like to be spoken to;

c) he is courageous enough to risk being turned away.

13. You have the impression that the person’s words do not correspond to the “signals” that can be detected from his facial expressions and gestures. Which will you believe more?

a) words;

b) “signals”;

c) he will generally arouse suspicion in you.

14. Pop stars like Madonna or Prince present to the public gestures that are clearly erotic in nature. What do you think is behind this?

a) just buffoonery;

b) they “turn on” the audience;

c) this is a sincere expression of their own mood.

15. You are watching a horror movie alone. What's happening to you?

a) I look completely calm;

b) I react to what is happening with every cell of my being;

c) I close my eyes during particularly scary scenes.

16. Is it possible to control your facial expressions?

c) only its individual elements.

17. When flirting intensely, you “explain yourself” mainly...

a) eyes;

b) hands;

c) words.

18. Do you think that most of our gestures...

a) “spied” on someone and learned by heart;

b) passed on from generation to generation;

c) are inherent in us by nature.

19. If a person has a beard, for you this is a sign...

a) masculinity;

b) the fact that a person wants to hide his facial features;

c) that this guy is too lazy to shave regularly.

20. Many people claim that the right and left sides of their faces are different from each other. Do you agree with this?

c) only in older people.


1. a – 3, b – 4, c – 3. 2. 3. a – 1, b – 3, c – 0. d – 0, e – 3. 4. 5. a – 4, b – 4, c – 3, d – 2, d – 4, f – 2. 6. 7. a – 0, b – 0, c – 1, d – 1, d – 0, f – 1. 8. 9. a – 1, b – 2, c – 3. 10. 11. a – 2, b – 1, c – 3. 12. 13. a – 1, b – 3, c – 3, d – 2, e – 0. 14. 15. a – 3, b – 1, c – 1. 16. 17. a – 3, b – 2, c – 2. 18. 19. a – 3, b – 2, c – 1. 20. a – 3, b – 2, c – 1.


77–56 points. You have excellent intuition, you have the ability to understand other people, you have observation and instinct. But you rely too much in your judgment on these qualities; words are of secondary importance to you. Your “judgements” are hasty, and therein lies the danger of error. Make allowances for this, and you have every chance of learning to understand people well.

55–34 points. You enjoy watching other people and are good at interpreting their facial expressions and gestures. But you are not good at using this information in real life, for example, in order to properly build your relationships with others. You tend to take the spoken words literally and be guided by them. Develop your intuition and rely more on it.

33–11 points. Alas, the language of facial expressions and gestures for you is Chinese literacy. It is very difficult for you to evaluate people correctly. It's not that you're not capable of it, it's just that you don't give it enough importance. Train your observation skills! This book will be more useful to you than to anyone else.

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Chapter 1. What do human gestures say? Rule No. 1 How to recognize gestures from the category “I’m in thought” A person who is in thought is absent from reality, he does not hear or see what is happening around him, because he is in the world of his own thoughts and

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Chapter 1 What do human gestures say?

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Gestures speak louder than words Sometimes gestures can say more than words. And this applies not only to silent film actors, but also to politicians. George Washington didn't like to talk. He grew up in the shadow of his adored half-brother Lawrence. Lawrence was educated at

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Appendix 1 Test: What facial expressions and gestures tell you 1. Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are: a) a spontaneous expression of a person’s state at the moment; b) addition to speech; c) a treacherous manifestation of our subconscious.2. Do you think women have a tongue

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The key to the code is what they tell you and what they don't tell you. So, it's time to take off the gloves, roll up your sleeves and take back control of your personal life. To begin with, I will outline a fictional - but very, very close to the truth - scenario in which the heroine (let's call her Ashley) participates in

“Every feeling has gestures, intonation and facial expressions characteristic only of it; the impression from them, good or bad, pleasant and unpleasant, is the reason why people win us over and repel us” (F. La Rochefoucauld).
As you know, human communication is not only words, but also facial expressions and gestures. The same phrase, pronounced with different intonations and accompanied by different gestures, can acquire exactly the opposite meaning. The test will help you determine how well you understand the language of facial expressions and gestures.
For each question, select one answer option.
Do you think that facial expressions and gestures are
a) an expression of a person’s state of mind at a given specific moment
b) addition to speech
c) manifestation of our subconscious
Do you think that women have more expressive language of facial expressions and gestures than men?
a) yes b) no c) I don’t know
How do you greet very good friends?
a) joyfully shout “Hello!”
b) a hearty handshake
c) kiss each other on the cheek
What facial expressions and gestures, in your opinion, mean the same thing all over the world (give 3 answers):
a) when they shake their head
b) when they nod their head
c) when they wrinkle their nose
d) when they wrinkle their forehead
e) when they wink f) when they smile
Which body part is the most expressive?
a) feet b) legs c) arms d) hands e) shoulders
Which part of your own face is most expressive? a) forehead b) eyebrows c) eyes d) nose e) lips f) corners of the mouth
When you walk past a store window in which you can see your reflection, what is the first thing you notice about yourself?
a) how your clothes fit on you
b) on the hair
c) gait
d) on posture
d) no matter what
If someone often covers their mouth with their hand while talking or laughing, in your mind this means that
a) he has something to hide
b) he has ugly teeth
c) he is ashamed of something
What do you first of all pay attention to in your interlocutor? a) on the eyes b) on the mouth c) on the hands d) on the posture
If your interlocutor averts his eyes while talking to you, this is a sign for you
a) dishonesty
b) lack of self-confidence
c) composure
Is it possible to recognize a typical criminal by appearance? a) yes b) no c) I don’t know
A man speaks to a woman. He does it first because
a) men make the first step
b) a woman unconsciously makes it clear that she would like to be spoken to
c) he is courageous enough to get a turn from the gate
You get the impression that the person’s words do not correspond to his facial expressions and gestures. Which will you believe more?
a) words b) facial expressions and gestures c) he will generally arouse suspicion
Sometimes pop stars send “signals” to the public that are clearly erotic in nature.
What do you think is behind this?
a) just bullshit
b) they “turn on” the audience
c) this is an expression of their own mood
You are watching a scary detective film alone. What's happening to you?
a) I look completely calm
b) I react to what is happening with every cell of my being
c) I close my eyes during particularly scary scenes
Is it possible to control your facial expressions?
a) yes b) no c) only its individual elements
When flirting intensely, you “explain” mainly a) with your eyes b) with your hands c) with words
Do you think that most of our gestures
a) “spied” on someone and memorized
b) passed on from generation to generation
c) are inherent in us by nature
If a person has a beard, this is a sign for you
a) masculinity
b) the fact that a person wants to hide his facial features
c) that this guy is too lazy to shave
Many people claim that the right and left sides of their faces are different from each other. Do you agree with this?
a) yes
b) no
c) only in older people
Now, using the table, add up the points. Question number Answer option
a 6 in 1 2 4 3 2 1 3 0 3 4 4 3 4 0 0 1 5 1 2 3 6 2 1 3 7 1 3 3 8 3 1 1 9 3 2 1 10 3 2 1 11 0 3 1 12 1 4 2 13 0 4 3 14 4 2 0 15 4 0 0 16 0 2 1 17 3 4 1 18 2 4 0 19 3 2 1 20 4 0 2 If you typed:
11-33 points - the language of facial expressions and gestures for you is Chinese literacy, and this prevents you from correctly assessing people. Train your powers of observation
34-35 points - you enjoy watching others and interpret their facial expressions and gestures well.
Rely more on sensations.
56-77 points - you understand other people, you have observation and instinct, and words are of secondary importance to you. Your conclusions based on facial expressions may be too hasty.