Soap bubbles show.  Soap bubble show for a child's birthday Order a soap show

Soap bubbles show. Soap bubble show for a child's birthday Order a soap show

Why is it worth ordering a bubble show for your birthday? Every child loves soap bubbles. Children are simply delighted with them. They like to blow bubbles of various sizes, catch them and burst them, and watch how beautifully the rays of the sun are refracted through the soap foam. With the help of a soap bubble show for a children's birthday, you can make your child's dream come true. After all, here we are talking not just about small bubbles, but about huge ones, about intricate tricks and competitions with them. The entire event will be accompanied by lively and cheerful musical accompaniment, which will make it even brighter.

In addition, I would like to mention that a soap bubble show for a child’s birthday can be part of the holiday, its highlight, an addition to the main type of program. For example: Fixies, Transformers, Masha and the Bear, Spider-Man, Smurfs and many other famous cartoon characters who will develop an event concept for you and come up with an exciting and fascinating storyline.

Soap bubble show for children's party

Our specialists will develop a unique scenario for you, all details will be agreed upon in advance, all the customer’s wishes will be a priority.

Holiday is coming soon. At school or at home, a corporate event or a long-awaited anniversary - you want the event to be remembered for a long time, to become a real island of joy in the calm flow of weekdays. And what could be more pleasant and joyful than the opportunity to plunge - at least for a short time, at least for fun - into your own childhood? Always high skies, bright flowers, the ability to rejoice and be surprised at every little thing and find magic in, in general, ordinary things. Such as, for example, soap bubbles. This is eternal joy! Iridescent balls, obedient to a light breeze, mischievous attempts to catch up with them and slam them... The Confetti agency in Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to please every child and give good moments of returning to childhood to adults. To do this, you need very little - order a soap show for children and adults.

It will be a wonderful and “dreamy” holiday! Ordinary, familiar bubbles from tubes and frames will also fly to it; and huge, even gigantic, in which you can easily hide with your faithful friend. And therefore you can order a soap bubble show for a small company or for an entire class or kindergarten group. No one will be left without fun: while some are hunting for small balls and blowing out “magic” foam, others find themselves almost through the looking glass - inside a giant bubble. But the adults join in the game and laugh fervently along with the little guests. However, the Confetti agency show does not have age restrictions and “contraindications for use.” This is a long-proven remedy for autumn sadness and winter cold: truly sports festival soap miracles will make everyone actively move, catch up, catch, dance with excitement and pleasure!

A soap show for children in Moscow and the Moscow region is magic, and the magic is available at home, in a cafe or restaurant, in a school hall, and just on the street. It brings children together different ages and adults, thereby allowing them to feel unity, community, opening their souls with a touch of simple joys. The cost of the soap bubble show is quite affordable, which means it will fit into the budget of a holiday of any level, for an almost unlimited number of participants.

You can, of course, try to spend a similar evening on your own. But in order to make it dignified and safe, so that the bubbles turn out spectacular and do not burst when inflated, especially when working with frames, you need a special recipe, verified in composition and ratio of components. The special composition does not leave stains on clothes, is non-toxic, does not cause allergic reactions, its volume will be enough for the entire duration of the performance.

But it's not just about the recipe. The work of those familiar with the peculiarities of holding celebrations of different levels requires coordination, the ability to quickly respond to changing situations, knowledge of the peculiarities of the festive process and the psychology of people. A professional presentation from the Confetti agency will harmoniously fit into a children's birthday, youth party, public event in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The price of the event is not at all high - but how much emotion it gives! The luxury of joy and fun is available to everyone, and will warm souls with joyful memories for a long time. Invite the artists of the Confetti agency to the holiday - let this day sparkle with magic and simple happiness!

5000 RUR – 1 artist 40 minutes

NEW!! 2019Special offer monthly price: mini show bubbles for a child's birthday RUR 3,000 with all children immersed in a bubble!

What is a soap bubble show?

Soap bubbles show for children– this is a truly wonderful show. The artist blows bubbles different shapes, they fly out like a fountain from his hands and various devices. You can make a real birthday cake out of bubbles. It is the cake made from soap bubbles that delights children the most when the birthday boy approaches and the cake explodes with smoke and soap foam. The presenters create giant transparent domes where the child and all his friends can fit. You can move while inside – it won’t burst. As an expert in the field of children’s parties, the company “Light Up with the Little Ones” authoritatively declares: there is not a child in the world who does not like to play with soap bubbles. And if there are a lot of them and of different sizes – even more so!


1. Bubbles with smoke is a smoke machine that releases smoke and the bubbles become White color. This smoke makes the room with bubbles brighter, and at the same time it is absolutely harmless and does not cause allergies.

2.Desk lighting with diodes. The table on which the paintings are blown is illuminated with LEDs, which allows the film of the soap bubble to appear in all its glory, making it bright and shimmering with a hundred shades of the rainbow.

The soap bubble show will especially surprise kids! We have children's show soap bubbles with any characters from fairy tales and cartoons: fairy, Fixie, Peppa Pig, etc. A large thematic program for children with soap bubbles with games, tricks, balls and one or two heroes is possible. Order soap bubble show at home,to school, cafe or kindergarten.

Mini show program price: 3000 rub. 20 minutes

participation of all children in the show, soap foam, soap figures and other miracles.

Super bubble show program price: 5000 rub. 40 minutes

wonderful professional performance, 1 artist - any characters, professional props.

tricks on the “glowing” table - soap figures, flowers, carousel, volcano, bubble in a bubble, etc.

soap foam, bubble fireworks.

giant trains and figures made of bubbles will amaze you and your children.

and the participation of all children in the show, soap foam, soap figures and other miracles.

immersing all children in a soap bubble.

use of special soap solution, cleanliness of the site after the event.

musical accompaniment of the number.


What is important to know before ordering a bubble show for your birthday?
The soap bubble show is a fun performance for children, in which an animator or showman creates soap bubbles of various sizes and shapes using special rackets and soap solution. What is important to consider and ask before inviting a bubble show in Moscow?

Where will the soap bubbles fall?
This main question to be set. The problem here is that very often unscrupulous agencies hosting giant bubble shows do not provide floor coverings for the show. As a result, soap bubbles fall on the floor in the house or in the establishment where the holiday is celebrated. It’s good if it just stains the floor, but what if a child, running to burst another huge soap bubble, slips on the wet floor and hits himself painfully? This should not be allowed.

At Let's Rock with the Little Ones, we always take a special covering for the soap bubble show. All the bubbles fall on it, which leaves the party area absolutely clean, and the rough surface of the carpet will not allow the children to slip, carried away by the mesmerizing soap bubbles.

Will there be giant soap bubbles?
Programs at soap bubble shows vary, but it’s no secret that the most spectacular part of the show is the demonstration of giant soap bubbles. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this stage.

There are two versions of the bubble show at Rockin' with the Little Ones (mini and full), but both include giant soap bubbles. The only difference is that in the full show there are several options for giant bubbles with immersion, a table, lighting and fire.

What is bubble solution made of?
The solution plays an important role in the show, because it not only must create bubbles that will not burst for the maximum amount of time, but also be safe for children. Ten years of experience in organizing children's parties in Moscow shows that many unscrupulous companies pay attention only to the first requirement, ignoring the issue of safety.

We use different solutions of soap bubbles, but all these solutions have one common quality - they do not sting the eyes and are completely safe for children.

Merry Country provides a soap bubble show service for children and adults! And this is an amazing, spectacular, fun and interactive holiday all over the world. We can add zest to any event, be it children's party, birthday, graduation, wedding celebration, corporate evening or even New Year!

You can even book a giant bubble show indoors! You don't have to worry about cleaning the floor, walls or furniture to remove stains. We use special coatings, so no soap marks will remain.

For both children and adults, a soap bubble show is a real immersion in a fairy tale, literally and figuratively. Everyone will have the opportunity to visit inside a huge soap bubble, inflate their own and get a lot of unforgettable impressions and memories during our show.

We, “Merry Country”, offer you:

  • A professionally staged and performed performance with experienced actors;
  • The ability to independently choose heroes from the presented 400 costumes;
  • Show of soap bubbles with smoke, illuminated by fire;
  • Hundreds of different different sizes and forms;
  • Amazing shapes and colors;
  • Full musical accompaniment;
  • Colorful, positive professional photographs and videos if desired.

Neon show of extraordinary soap bubbles

If you have already seen a soap bubble show for a child’s birthday or other important holiday, we offer you a unique program with neon soap bubbles! There are no analogues in this direction in Moscow, only with us you get:

  • The most difficult and amazing stunts of the show;
  • Designer suits;
  • Exclusive scripts;
  • Smoke screen and laser installations;
  • Professional lighting.

The neon show of giant soap bubbles turns into a fantastic story with magical, living balls of unimaginable shapes glowing in ultraviolet light. You can order a show of giant soap bubbles with a guaranteed WOW effect! Our professionals will show you tame, dancing sparkling bubbles, smoke tricks, soap fireworks, fire tricks and much more interesting things according to individual agreement for your celebration.

“Merry Country” will take you and your children into the kind, shining world of an incredible show with sparkling soap bubbles flying around. Naturally, you can touch them during the show. Children will be able to play with shiny foam, move around as if in space suits, see an amazing, mesmerizing show with our actors and become heroes of an unusual story of soap bubbles.

Make your choice - and we will make a soap bubble show for you

If you have already ordered from us, then you know that our work technology has been brought to perfection. If you come to us for the first time, you can see this for yourself. With us you can realize the most complex ideas, order a show of huge soap bubbles to your home, kindergarten or school, restaurant, or organize a massive open-air celebration.

Our programs fit perfectly into the atmosphere of any celebration; they attract attention, cause delight and a sincere smile on the faces of all those present. We'll help you plan your show the best way, choose the right time and duration of the production so that the children are not tired and are not upset by the premature end of the holiday. We have many years of experience in the organization, we know how to select best places for events and work in almost any environment, be it a small hall, a spacious area or a street.

You will be able to participate in the planning yourself, order a special magical soap cake for the birthday person and a bubble show. Select and order color scheme, characters, make personal amendments to the script, taking into account your occasion for the holiday.