Poems about letters.  Poems about the alphabet and letters A funny story about the letter g

Poems about letters. Poems about the alphabet and letters A funny story about the letter g

It is easier for a child to get acquainted with the letters of the alphabet if the study does not take place in simple stupid memorization, but in poetry. Short, funny quatrains for each letter of the alphabet are easy to remember and your child will learn all the letters faster. All poems are divided into parts, which contain poems about a specific letter.

Letters-icons, like soldiers on parade,
Lined up in a strict order.
Everyone stands in the designated place
And it’s called the system (alphabet).

Poems about the letter A

Here are two pillars diagonally,
And between them there is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter "A".
(S. Marshak)

Letter A, letter A,
Alphabet head.
Vova knows, Sveta knows
This letter is in the alphabet.
Everyone knows the letter "A" -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter “A”
Main in the alphabet.

Love this sound
And Andrey and Allochka,
Stick like this, stick like that,
There's a stick in the middle.
(E. Uspensky)

The letter "A" is the head of everything,
She looks respectable
Because the letter "A"
The Alphabet begins!

Asters, storks, pharmacies
Friends with the letter “A” forever!
A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's why she's famous.
And it's easy to recognize:
He puts his legs wide.
(A. Shibaev)

Here is a letter like a hut.
Isn't it true, the letter is good!
And although she is simple in appearance,
And the ALPHABET begins.
(E. Tarlapan)

Poems about the letter B

The letter "B" will wake up early,
The letter "B" is a barrel with a tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy!
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov.
(V. Stepanov)

Letter B with a big belly,
Wearing a cap with a long visor.
(A. Shibaev)

Look who it is
Blocking the road
Stands with outstretched hand
Bend your leg like a steering wheel? - Letter B
(S. Marshak)

Borka beats the Drum,
- Morning dawn!
The letter "B" is a consonant,
The letter is first class!
(S. Atilla)

Where can I find the letter B?
Maybe she is in the pipe?
Well, maybe at work
And will it appear by Saturday?
Or is he hiding in a hut?
Or rides on a cart?
Who, guys, can tell me
Where can I find the letter B?
(N. Manzhos)

Poems about the letter B

Here is the letter B
Visible in the distance -
Beautiful, twisted.
Like a pretzel
Waiting for visitors.
(S. Marshak)

Like the letter B
Pick up the phone.
(V. Stepanov)

And next to it are two even arches -
Here you go
Glasses for a frog.
(E. Tarlapan)

Poems about the letter G

Before us is the letter G
It stands like a poker.
(S. Marshak)

And like a poker,
The letter G is hunched over its back.
(A. Shibaev)

Not a goose, not a jackdaw, letter G,
And the heron is on one leg.
He wore the letter on his shoulder.
I was mowing the grass in the meadow.
(E. Tarlapan)

A mushroom grows among the path -
The head is on a thin stalk.

The letter "G" is like a poker
Ledge and one leg.

Ha-ha-ha the goose cackles,
I'll deal with the letter "G".

Poems about the letter D

This house is the letter D.
There is a window in the house.
There's smoke coming from the chimney,
And there is a cat in the window.

D - this is a neat house,
With a high gable roof.
(V. Stepanov)

There he stands, blowing smoke,
Letter D - stove pipe.
(V. Stepanov)

The woodpecker is hollowing out his own house,
On a high pine tree,
Hollows a strong hollow,
The letter “D” will be warm.

Poems about the letter E

It's such a pity outside!
- Our ladder is broken.
Our ladder is broken
The letter E, however, remains.
(E. Tarlapan)

In the word spruce we hear “E”,
We will write the letter “E” like this:
The trunk and the trunk have three branches.
Let's remember the letter "E", kids.

“E” came in handy in the garden -
Instead of a rake I worked hard.
(V. Stepanov)

Eva combed her hair -
The letter “E” remained in my hand.

Poems about the letter E

The letter "E" took a break,
How immediately at her
A couple of chicks fluttered -
The result is the letter “Y”.

E and Yo are sisters,
It's not easy to tell the sisters apart.
But the letter E has two dots,
Like nails in a ladder.
(V. Stepanov)

Let's draw a trunk for the Christmas tree.
On the right we draw three needles.
A couple of dots at the top. All!
The result is the letter “Y”.

Poems about the letter Z

Look: the letter Z
Looks like a beetle
Because she has
Six beetle legs.
(V. Kozhevnikov)

If a sheaf is like a belt,
Belt with a spikelet,
- Sheaf of wheat at the boundary
It will turn into the letter Z.
(V. Stepanov)

It became a snowflake
Letter Z,
Her sun
It won't melt anymore!
(E. Tarlapan)

The crane did not just walk through the swamp:
He was looking for cranberries for his cranes,
So that you can eat cranberries and learn your letters.

Poems about the letter Z

Look at this letter:
She's just like the number three.
(S. Marshak)

You will find the letter “3” in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.

Along the white field
In the fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram's horns...
(E. Tarlapan)

“Z” is a craftswoman,
It's related to squiggles.
Z is not just a curl,
Z - spring, pretzel, shavings.
(V. Stepanov)

Poems about the letter I

I got a hammer
I knocked down a letter from the boards.
How many planks are there?
- Three!
What letter?
- "AND"!
(E. Tarlapan)

Look at the gate:
Why is she not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally.
(V. Stepanov)

Letter I diagonally
I tried on the belt.
Pulled him from the bottom up -
I fastened it to my right leg.
(T. Vanyukhina)

The donkey screams - “Eeyore” -
What strange words.
Learn the letter “I” quickly,
Don't look like a donkey.

Poems about the letter Y

And short
It's with you
Will go to school too
And home!

Flies over the gate
But at the gate
Doesn't sit down.
(E. Tarlapan)

Everyone needs to know the letter Y
So that you can read words.
Yogurt, yogi and bunny,
Well, repeat it.

The letter Y is called “And short.”
And like And in your notebook.
So as not to confuse I with Y,
Write a tick at the top.
(V. Stepanov)

My neighbor and I are very similar,
I just sound a little stronger
I write the same way and dress the same way.
But there is a distinctive sign:
Only me from the entire alphabet
A comma is curled above the head.

Poems about the letter K

On a straight stick
There is a checkmark on the right.
It still sits there today -
The letter “K” is looking at us.
(G. Vanyukhina)

The signalman holds two flags.
With flags it is like the letter K.
(V. Stepanov)

Cat, card, kings,
You will find the letter “K” there.
The letter "K" is funny,
This letter is nice.
In the word cat and carriage
Children hear this letter.

Poems about the letter L

The alphabet will continue our
The letter L is a forest hut.
(V. Stepanov)

Clown with bow
Became a giant.
He walked in the crowd and sang.
We looked at the stilts -
We saw the letter L.
(G. Vanyukhina)

The lion cub was walking through the forest,
He repeated the letter "L"
Puddle, paw, doe and fox,
We will be proud of the letter “L”.

Poems about the letter M

Stick and stick,
There is a tick between them.
And it’s clear to everyone at once:
The result is the letter M.
(A. Shibaev)

Here's a swing - the letter "M"!
Here to swing
Everyone can do it!
(E. Tarlapan)

Holding hands
We got up
And they began to look like M.
(V. Stepanov)

I was in a hurry somewhere,
The mediator broke through,
P is not P at all now -
The result is the letter M.

Letter "M", letter "M"
You are known to all children.
Mom, honey and milk,
It's easy to teach you.
The pendulum in the clock is always
From there, then there,
It dangles back and forth,
No matter the day, it toils.
And completely tired,
Transforms into the letter "M"

Poems about the letter N

N - stretched mesh,
The mesh is held very tightly.
Come to our yard -
Let's play volleyball.

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder,
I sit and sing
(E. Tarlapan)

The letter N is like a ladder,
Miracle ladder.
I'm talking about the letter N
Suddenly a song came up:
It turned out to be a ladder.

Poems about the letter O

There is no angle in this letter
That's why it's round.
She was so round before
I could have rolled.
(E. Tarlapan)

Look at the wheel -
And you will see the letter O.
(A. Shibaev)

The letter O has always been there
Round, normal,
I went to bed - my sides were wrinkled
And now it's oval.
(G. Vanyukhina)

There is a hollow in the old tree
Well, just like the letter O.
(V. Stepanov)

The sun has set behind the village,
Like a big letter "O".
Letter O - moon and sun,
The house has a round window.
And the clock and the wheel,
Everything is similar with the letter O.

The snake is all twisted into a hoop,
The letter O suddenly appeared.

Poems about the letter P

Letter P in the gym
They called it a crossbar.
- Come on, honey, don’t be lazy,
Come and pull yourself up.
(A. Shibaev)

At hockey, at football
The letter P is the gate to the field.
(V. Stepanov)

At home we will find the letter P,
Looking into the doorway.
(G. Vanyukhina)

The letter P is straight gate,
Come in if you want.

Poems about the letter R

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky.
(V. Stepanov)

I'm still shaking with fear! -
The log exclaimed:
- The letter looks like an ax!
It will definitely split!
(E. Tarlapan)

How to remember the letter "R"?
Everyone can, for example,
Place your hand on your side
And introduce R to each other.

The lynx sat down on a branch,
And he says to the lynxes,
Allow all the guys
Give me the letter R.

The letter L, coming to the square,
I met the letter R.
He says: “Let's play,
Well, at least in rhymes, for example.”
L said: yellow fox...
R said: cooking rice.
L said: they ask for a lama
R said: insert the frame.

Poems about the letter C

What letter is glowing?
Old clear month?
Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house.
(V. Stepanov)

The mouse sat in the corner,
I ate a piece of bagel.
(G. Vieru)

The horse was walking
Ringing horseshoes.
Like the letter C
Horse tracks.
(E. Tarlap)

The letter "O" lived in the world
What happened to her children?
Suddenly the piece "O" disappeared,
The result is the letter "C".
Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house.

Poems about the letter T

T - antenna -
Above the roof -
He will see everything, he will hear everything,
We turn on the TVs,
We don't get bored in front of screens.
(V. Stepanov)

The hammer knocks: “Knock, knock!
I am an old friend of the letter T.”
The tram stood under the letter T:
If you want to go, don’t yawn!
T - calls you in a taxi.
You ask the driver -
He'll get you there in no time
Exactly to the given area.

will cover you
From the rain,
From the snow
It's hot.

Looks like a T antenna
And likewise for an umbrella.
Tritons taught the alphabet,
Thirty-three letters received
Melancholy, jacket, volume, notebook -
Everyone needs to know the letter T.

Poems about the letter U.

The letter U looks like ears
On top of the bunny's head.
Snails have horns too
They look like the letter U.

U is a bitch.
In any forest
You will see the letter U.
(V. Stepanov)

U - snail on the path -
She boldly released her horns.
Get out of the way!
Don’t interfere with the house being transported.
(V. Stepanov)

My daughter was learning the alphabet,
The letter U, it says,
Oh, snail, corner,
I know it by heart.
I'll make friends with the letter U,
And then I will understand everything.

Poems about the letter F

The owl flew into a book,
Pretended to be the letter F.
(A. Shibaev)

Eagle owl - two huge eyes -
The letter F will immediately remind you.
The pop-eyed one aims his gaze,
Like a camera.
(V. Stepanov)

Everyone knows without prompting:
The letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.
We never have it
Karabas will not take it away.
(V. Stepanov)

The letter F puffed out its cheeks,
She herself began to handle the barrels.
Owl, Fedka, dandy and phase,
I’ll remember the letter F right away.

Poems about the letter X

X - looks like scissors
But at work, not lying down.
If you want, you can cut it,
If you want, you sew,
If you want, you can cut your own hair.

X is a funny toy,
Wooden pinwheel.
Wooden pinwheel -
Friend to the free wind.
(V. Stepanov)

Letter X, you laugh
And a good spinner!
We'll start a round dance,
Let's go together and have fun.
Laughter letter X
Laughed: - Ha-ha-ha!

Poems about the letter C

Letter C - Hook at the bottom,
Just like a tank with a faucet.
(E. Tarlapan)

The chair was repaired today by a master.
He glued it and painted it.
The master turned the chair over -
The chair began to look like C.
(V. Stepanov)

See for yourself -
Like a bench
Upside down.
This letter is catchy
With a cunning, tenacious paw. -
Come, who cares,
I'll scratch you in no time.
Here's the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw.
(A. Shibaev)

A quonka walks ahead,
And behind her there is a chain of chickens.

The heron stands on one leg
The letter C says everything
Heron, chicken, princess, cyclops,
He knows the letter C by heart.

We learned a lot of letters,
We got to the letter C.
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where in the middle, where at the end.
Chain, flower and number - here
Everyone will read it at the beginning.
And in the words Father, fighter
We write Ts at the end.
A heron walks through the swamp,
Her chicks are waiting in the nest.
The circus will open on Saturday
The fighters have already arrived.
Reported to the shop for work
Young blacksmiths.
In each line the letter C -
Like a pebble in a ring.
And on each page there is
On the border and in the capital.
And in the chickens on the porch
There are also two letters C.
Heron standing on the porch
Explains the letter C:
- Come, Chicken Little.
Repeat: chick-chick-chick.
If you learn your lesson,
I'll give you a flower.
(L. Dyakonov)

Poems about the letter H

The letter H said: “Yes!”
I saluted someone.

Draw the number four -
We drew the letter H.
Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.
The first letter in the word reading is
To the letter H My respect!
(E. Tarlapan)

I bought a turtle
Ink and notebook.
He learned to read
Learn to write too.

Poems about the letter Sh

Look at the letter Sh -
The letter is very good
Because from her
You can do E and E.
(A. Shibaev)

The cat walks slowly
Claws like the letter Sh...
Quickly the mouse under the stove -
Move! As if in the paws
Don't get in.
(V. Stepanov)

Ah, the stool is good!
Turned it over - And the letter Sh!
(E. Tarlapan)

What does the letter Sh look like?
On the teeth of an old bucket.
(V. Stepanov)

I wrote the letter Ш:
Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh?
This cone flopped, rustling.
A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge.
Insects rustle in the rose hips.
What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?
Noise and rustling near the hut.
(M. Yasnoe)

The letter Sh is having fun,
Ah, the weather is good!

Poems about the letter Ш

It looks like a comb.
Three teeth in total?
Well then!
(E. Tarlapan)

Shch is a playing puppy.
He lay down with his paws up.
(G. Vieru)

The letter Ш will help us
Brush your teeth in the morning.
(V. Stepanov)

The letter Ш was recognized by the pike,
But she didn't make a sound
I'll grab it! I'll swallow it!
The pike clicks its teeth.

Poems about the letter b

Here's a solid sign
Marching solid
He walks confident and proud.

Out of the bucket for a reason
Let's drink some water:
We need a ladle - a solid sign,
To avoid getting wet.
(V. Stepanov)

Leaning on his long tail,
In the circus the cobra grew tall:
- Sh-sh-sh-sh...
I'm not threatening you -
I depict a solid sign.
(E. Tarlapan)

How do we write a hard sign? -
We write a hard sign like this:
Wheel and match
Behind the braid.

Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
Whether you want it or not,
It's in the alphabet!

A solid sign is a serious sign;
Just show your fist
In a moment the words come
Split in half.

Go around the whole planet,
There is no strong sign of the beast.
Maybe somewhere on Venus
Do animals prowl with a firm sign?
(E. Grigorieva, I. Gamazkova)

Poems about b

A soft sign is an important sign,
You can't do without it:
Don't run all day
Nor find a shadow under the maple tree.

Soft sign and hard sign
They talked like this:
- How many cakes will I eat?
- The soft sign replied:
- Seven.
(A. Shibaev)

The letter P has turned over -
She turned around with a soft sign.
(V. Stepakov)

The squirrel bent its tail
The stump had a rest.
Fluffed her tail
Yes, so - Became like a soft Sign!
(E. Tarlapan)

There are three letters in the alphabet
You can eat half a ton of cranberries
And go around half the world,
But you can’t find words that start with letters.

Poems about the letter Y

But the letter Y is walking.
Without Y you will not learn.
Here's the axe.
The log is nearby.
We got what we needed:
The result is the letter Y -
We all should know it.
(V. Stepanov)

This letter happens at the end and in the middle,
At the end of cabbage, rutabaga,
And in the middle there are melons.

The letter s is timid and modest,
She is behind the backs of others.
But at the same time the meaning of the word
Always ready to change.
The whale has a mustache like a sieve,
The cat sleeps contentedly in the sun.

We learned from the owl:
There are no words starting with the letter Y.

Poems about the letter E

The letter E on S marvels,
It's like looking in a mirror.
There is definitely a resemblance
Only there is no language!
(A. Shibaev)

Above the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies by.
This is a swallow in the spring
Returns home.
(V. Stepanov)

Mouth open to ears,
The letter E said, "Hey!"

This will be the letter E
Quite energetic:
Excavator, train,
Elevator, electronic

Poems about the letter U

The entire letter U is bent,
He holds his wand.
This is what it looks like -
An old woman with a stick.

In the arena the tamer -
Lord of the formidable tigers.
It's like the letter Y with a ring
He boldly faced the tigers.
(V. Stepanov)

So that O doesn't roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
The result is... the letter Y.
(A. Shibaev)

Children have fun playing
They need to know the letter Y.
Pigs love the letter Y:
You can't say oink without it.

Who, asked the letter I,
- Are you ready to replace me?
- The letter Y answered:
- If necessary, I’ll replace it!

I frankly admit:
There is no beast starting with the letter Y.
Only - the southern one there.
I came up with it myself!

Yulila Julia on the floor,
I wrote the letter Y with my foot!
Skirt, cabin boy, yurt, south -
Half the letter "H", plus a whole circle.

Poems about the letter I

Everyone knows the letter I,
The most boastful.
To everyone in the world the letter I
Ready to report:
- Do you know who I am?
You don't know who I am
I'm not just a letter
I am the Letter, the Syllable and the Word!
(A. Shibaev)

Always was
Dear to everyone and everyone,
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place of the letter I!
(B. Zakhoder)

There's an apple on the path
We'll attach his legs.
The result is the letter I
The most beautiful.

And this letter is why
Considered to be the last
What are you doing to yourself?
Don't put it in the front row.
They can’t wait in our country
Honor, glory, honor
Those who have “I” and “me”
They come first!
The people are smart and not in vain
Arranged the letters of the primer.
(S. Marshak)

Letter G

The letter G is the fourth letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter G denotes a consonant voiced sound: hard [G] and soft [G"].

Previously, in Old Church Slavonic, the letter was called “verb”, which is translated into Russian as “speak”.

Words starting with the letter G: dove, nest, pear, hammock, rook, mushroom...

The letter G in the middle of the words: fire, store, twine...

The letter G at the end of words: haystack, boot, ...

Several letters G in one word: ...

Riddles about the letter G

standing on one leg,
Geese love the letter...

Goose, big, loud-mouthed goose -
I'm a little afraid of him.
The goose cackles: “Ge-ge-ge!
Where is the goose? Under the letter...

In this riddle, you first need to guess the words in question, and then the letter with which these words begin.

The letter of the letter delivers,
Impressive in height
Sends troops into battle
Ripening in the depths of the pod.
Answer: letter G (dove, mountain, general, pea)

Tongue twisters starting with the letter G

Georgy Georgievich says
Grigory Grigorievich
About Grigory Georgievich,
And Grigory Grigorievich says
Georgiy Georgievich
About Georgy Grigorievich.

The thunderstorm is thundering
a thunderstorm is thundering,
The thunderstorm is still thunderous.

A huge, formidable citizen threatens the city with destruction.

Roma was afraid of thunder.
He roared louder than thunder.
From such a roar there is thunder
Hid behind a hillock.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain,
Margarita lost her daisies in the yard.

This tongue twister was in tongue twisters starting with the letter B, but it also fits here.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

Like on a hill, on a hill
There are thirty-three Egorkas.

There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs,
There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs,
Nowadays the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaws,
And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.

Giant gorilla
Gibbon said:
“According to my horoscope, it’s been a long time since I
I am destined to become human."

Our guest stole our cane.

Jackdaw sat on the fence
Rook started a conversation with her

They stomp, gander after gander, in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.

The road to the city is uphill,
From the city - from the mountain

Grusha raised Grushenka
Pear gave her pears.
The letter G will help Grusha
Pick and eat pears.

A pigeon stroked a long tie
White dove tie
The dove ironed out all the folds
The tie turned out to be smooth.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

Loud, loud thunder struck
The dwarf shuddered and jumped.

From the city to the mountain, from the mountain to the road,
From the road to the garden, from the garden to the mountain,
And vice versa,
From the mountain to the garden, from the garden to the road,
From the road to the mountain, from the mountain to the city.

Dove in a blue boa
I ate blueberries on a branch.

Grisha painted Grushin's portrait
Pear sent greetings to Grisha

The road to the city is uphill,
From the city - from the mountain.

The eyes of a gazelle stare at the beaver from behind the spruce.

You can’t catch up with Goga,
And you can’t catch up with the dog Gog.

The restless gnome made a lot of noise.

During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.

Grisha blows his horn very loudly.
Galya looks at Grisha menacingly.

Geese in the meadow
Hiding in a haystack.

The Countess is proud
Faceted decanter.
Faceted decanter
The Countess has one.

There are hills behind the mountain,
There is no slide behind the hill.
Mountains, our grief Yegorka
He speaks quickly.

Ga-ga-ga - the cow has horns,
Go-go-go - the bunny is jumping high,
Gu - gu - gu - the pony gallops in the meadow,
Gi - gi - gi - we got up, don't stand still.

From the mountain - not uphill, uphill - not from the mountain.
To the city - uphill, from the city - down the mountain.

Grizzlies chewed on Gryazunov,
Gryazunov chewed up Gryaznov

Goose Goga and Goose Eider
You can't take a step without a friend.

The caterpillars are sad:
The rodent chewed the milk mushroom.

Thunder rumbled loudly
Thunder dispersed the townspeople
Thunder roars, thunder roars
Who is thunder angry at?

Hail fell on five ridges.

Grishka was gnawing on a shortbread,
Zhorzhik was gnawing nuts,
And Garik was gnawing on a cracker.

Poems about the letter G

Before us is the letter G
It stands like a poker.

G similar in appearance to a heron
And he stands on one leg.
“Ha-ha-ha,” cackles the goose, “
I'm ha-ha proud of myself,
On one ha-ha leg
I look like the letter "G".

Jackdaw, Dove, Goose and Rook
They ate the roll without blinking.
The goose lay down in a hammock:
"I look like the letter G"
Ha-ha-ha, because I, friends,
I’m called “goose” for a reason.

The proud goose teaches Jackdaw:
A heavy mushroom is called a milk mushroom,
He wears his hat on his foot,
Imitating the letter "G".

Gosha doesn't need toys,
He only plays with a stick -
The letter G will turn over
And he will score a goal into the goal.

Look, at the construction site - the letter “G”
On a huge leg.
And head to the sky -
Cargo lifting crane.

I saw the letter “G”:
What kind of wand, friends?
Thought she was broken
And she is magical!
There is a rainbow in the sky - an arc.
Geese, geese!
Ha - ha - ha!

I'm telling you friends,
It’s impossible without the letter G,
Carnation, tick, fungus,
You need to know the letters by heart!

The goose cackles, ha-ha-ha,
Where are the guests, gentlemen?
I was expecting guests today
Called the letter G to come!

Fun sounds G and B

Once the letter G and the letter B,
We sat next to each other on the pipe.
One said: -
We can see all the edges...
Let's write poetry with you.
C'mon, I'm starting!
- We are near the coastal ravines
All day they counted...(daws).
We climbed into a pine forest
And we reached the blue... (mountains).
- And then
3a beard
They led the goat around... (the city).
- And we remembered about the buns...
- When they came... (from a walk).

Funny sounds G and K

Between themselves for centuries
They live in harmony with G and K.
And K doesn’t get offended,
When she is replaced by G,
What is similar in appearance to a heron?
And he stands on one leg.
A mole once dug up
There is a huge... (grotto) in the mountain.
Got a bag of bones
And invited... (guests).
Jackal from afar
To the feast with him... (walked).

Tales about the letter G

Letter G

We met a gosling and a puppy on the road.

- Rrrr,” the puppy growled, “I’ll bite you!”

- Shhh,” the gosling hissed, “I’ll pinch you.”

- “You can’t talk so rudely,” the letter G said sternly.

She gave the puppy “woof-woof” and the gosling “ha-ha-ga.”

- Ha-ha-ha, - the gosling shouted, - let's play.

- Woof-woof, - answered the puppy, - they ran a race.

In the evening the gosling said to the puppy:

- Ha-ha-ha, - let's go visit me, I'll treat you to peas.

- Woof-woof, - answered the puppy, - you are very hospitable.

Tale about the letter G

So, on the first floor of the Alphabet lived the letter “A”. The floors there were numbered from top to bottom, vice versa. The letter “B” lived on the second floor, the letter “C” lived on the third, and the letter “G” lived on the fourth.

One afternoon the letter “G” was sitting in her apartment and was bored.

Here, she thought. – It’s good for the letter “B”, she is busy all the time, delivering letters and parcels. The letter “A” helps everyone, but what should I do? I’ll go and ask the letter “A”, she knows everything.

But the letter “A” was not on its floor, and the letter “G” went to look for it. Someone said they saw her near the lake. The letter "G" ran quickly to the lake. - A! A! - she shouted.

There in the meadow there was tall grass that almost covered the letter “G”.

How can I find her? A! I came up with an idea. I will climb a tree and see her from above.

The letter “G” climbed a large tree - it was easy for her to climb, she hooked her nose to G, then rose. So I climbed in. From above she saw the entire meadow and lake. And there was a dot moving there.

A strange dot, thought the letter “G,” but where is the letter “A”?

The letter “G” thought and thought and suddenly...

Yeah! - she exclaimed. - I guessed! This dot is the tip of the letter “A”. Indeed, because of the tall grass, only the top of the letter “A” is visible.

And the letter “G” remembered where the letter “A” was, came down from the tree and ran towards it.

Yeah! Where are you! - said the letter “G” and thought that she was no longer bored at all while she was looking for the letter “A”.

Letter “A”, I don’t know what to do, what to do...

How do you not know this? You have a lot of free time, right? You can't waste it even for a minute! It is very precious! Let's be friends with other letters.

Let's! - said the letter “G”. – Which one should I start with?

From me.

They held hands and asked the boy (...) or girl (...) who was now reading this book to read them.

GA-GA-GA! GA-GA-GA! - the boy read...

GA-GA-GA! - the letters spoke.

And suddenly the answer came from the lake: HA-HA-HA!

Oh, who is this? – the letters were surprised and ran to the lake.

When they parted the reeds, they saw geese splashing in the water, looking for worms on the shore and, hearing the letters, shouted back: GA-GA-GA!

Oh! - said the letter “G”, “I know a poem about these geese:



Do you want to eat?

Beautiful children's poems about all 33 letters of the alphabet with pictures. Funny and cheerful poems by Russian songwriters about letters from A to Z and original poems about the alphabet and alphabet. Many are suitable for children in kindergartens; there are “mature” poems for schoolchildren for competitions and presentations. Download and print for free.

Poems about letters

the letter a

The letter "A" is the head of everything,
She looks respectable
Because the letter "A"
The Alphabet begins!
Asters, storks, pharmacies
Friends with the letter “A” forever!

Here are two pillars diagonally,
And between them there is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter A.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

We need to know the letter A
To read something
Ah, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!

A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That's why she's famous.
And it's easy to recognize:
He puts his legs wide.
(A. Shibaev)

Everyone knows the letter "A" -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter "A"
Main in the alphabet.

Astra, alphabet, quince
Starts with A.
And they end in A
Astra, alphabet, quince.

letter B

Letter B - big beech,
He frowns and mumbles:
- I won’t forget the letter brothers
Even small grievances!

So I’ll take it and I’ll be bad -
I'll stick my tongue out at you!
Or - a terrible bully!
Boo-boo-boo and be-be-be...

Give her a sweet bagel
Tie a white bow -
The letter B will be kinder
He will become friends with letters!

A ram galloped up to the cry,
He started beating the drum
Call the letter “B” for help,
To help out a friend!

The letter B is in my mother's beads,
The letter B is in large watermelons,
In a kind, sweet grandmother
And a beautiful butterfly!

Cheerful, fat clown
Plays the trumpet.
On this pot-bellied one
It looks like the letter "B".

letter B

Letter B Bactrian camel
The proud one carries it on his back.
It's a shame for the one-humped man -
The letter B is not visible on it.
(S. Ostrovsky)

"B" is a very important letter,
I imagined it was terrible.
The chest is like a wheel, the stomach is inflated,
As if there is nothing more important here.

letter G

G is a cheerful, kind gnome!
There are many fairy tales about him.
He comes to the guys' dreams
At night and even during the day!

On the letter G, like on a horse,
Gleb was driving around the garden,
But to the pea beds
Gleb did not run with his legs.

The goose cackles ha-ha-ha,
Where are the guests, gentlemen?
I was expecting guests today
He called the letter G to come.

Geese, jackdaws and loons,
Rook, wood grouse and dove,
There are containers and bars between each other,
Love G, my friend.

Stork on one leg
Reminds me of the letter "G".

letter D

This is the house where good friends are,
There is smoke above the house, and there is a door in the house.
We guessed it - you and me, -
What should I write now?

Letter D - spacious House.
It's warm, cozy in it.
Toys live there
Dolls and animals.

You will find it everywhere:
In the gray beard,
And at the very bottom in the water.
Did you guess it? It is D!

“D” is like a neat house
With a high gable roof.

letter E

Grandfather is riding in a cart.
He turned one hundred years old.
A raccoon lives under a bush.
Egor goes outside.
(V. Lomovtsev)

"E" looks like a comb
He can do everyone's hair.
Let's learn, learn the letter "E" -
That's all we've learned.
(V. Anoshina)

In the word spruce we hear “E”,
We will write the letter “E” like this:
The trunk and the trunk have three branches.
Let's remember the letter "E", kids.

We always start with the letter E:
There is wonderful food
And the ride comes from her
We will go to the letter E.
(A. Manfish)

letter E

Yo ran along the path,
I lost two points,
Crying while sitting on the ground:
- Now I’m not Yo, but E!

From the wings of a ladybug
I brushed off two dots deftly,
Secure them with grass
The letter E above the head.

In parting she said:
- I have a lot of points!
Don't worry, letter E,
It's all yours now!

The letter "е" always has eyes
And with prickly hedgehogs.
The hedgehog carries her on his back
With blackberries and grass.

letter Z

Look at the picture:
"F" looks like a snowflake.
Here's another one -
"F" flutter by the window.

The letters are spinning in the air
They lie on the palm of my hand!
Here are three more letters "F"...
No, they've already melted!
(A. Usachev)

"F" has so many legs
As if the letter could crawl.
The letter "F" is for sure
A beetle's shadow on paper.

letter Z

The letter "Z" to the number "Three"
He speaks in your ear:
- Look, look,
Dear friend,
Until what?
Until what?
Until what
We, too
What we have in common is
You are like me
And I'm like you.
We look alike like chicks
Maybe we are twins?

You will find the letter 3 in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.

The letter Z looks like a V.
Head, tummy too.
Only on the left without a line
You draw the letter Z.

letter I

At the needle-needle
The nose is thin and prickly,
And sticks out of my ear
Friend thread.

You embroider with a needle,
Don't let yourself inject yourself in vain.
And if it pricks, turn it
In a non-thorny letter... (I)

"I" is like an accordion
On a scared cat.
“And” between two straight roads
One lay diagonally.

Look at the gate:
Why is she not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally.

The donkey repeats the letter I,
Adding the letter Y.
Will not calm down -
Everything screams: ya! and I!

letter Y

At the station "I Brief"
We were greeted with a riddle:
“Read, dare and guess -
How, without getting up from your seat,
You can turn the tram
How many trams?
One of us for about three minutes
I thought about the solution
And he answered: “Erase the hook
Above the letter “And short”.

There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:
Tea, random, secret, extra.

The letter "Y" and the letter "I" -
They are very similar.
Two sticks, still oblique
This is the crossbar.

letter K

The alphabet is interesting
In continuation of the poem,
Next will be the letter Ka,
Half a beetle.
The carousel goes round and round.
A mouse is not a cat's friend.
The brush dips the paint.
The finger presses the button.
A cactus is growing in the room.
Kolya Kostya will find it.
(Vladimir Lomovtsev)

Where did the letter K go?
Apparently she ran away too
It became boring in the ABC book,
Here he is, walking in the yard.
He is friends with a cat and a dog,
And with a bully kid,
Yes, I ran to the cow,
Then I chatted with the chickens.
I rode on the swings,
Yes, she rushed off to the ABC book again.

The questions begin
Starting with the letter "Ka"... nothing but questions!
Who, where, when, to whom?
How to answer? I don't understand!
The letter is very interesting
He wants to know everything about me.
(V. Anoshina)

“K” dances with one paw,
And he waves his other paw.
And at the same time the letter “K”
Like the antennae of a beetle.

letter L

Let's write the letter L first.
Two boards cover the roof.
Let's put on a belt for the letter L -
Let's change L to letter A.
Let's write the letter L again.
Let's underline it with a line below,
We put the legs on the sides -
The letter D comes out to us.
If you are two letters L
I managed to write next to it,
Then they are for the joy of everyone
Will turn into the letter M.

A little fox is walking through the forest,
The little fox repeats the letters,
One two three four five,
How to avoid losing the letter L.

An avalanche of glorious “L”s is pouring -
The rain hits you on the head,
These “L”s love me,
They stick like I'm Lucy.

The alphabet will continue our
The letter "L" is a forest hut.

letter M

I'll tell all the guys
There are no problems with the alphabet,
For those who know the letter em.
My dear mommy,
Washing a dirty pan.
The car is parked outside the window.
The mouse in the hole squeaks.
There are many benefits from carrots.
Misha plays the ball skillfully.

The car came to us:
Bear brought us Raspberries,
Delicious Honey and Milk,
And he went far.
The Ball jumped - “It’s me!”
The letter “M” is mine now!”
One two three four five,
We need to know the letter "M"!

Mom is the best word
The baby is ready for the letter “um”
Learn from the cradle:
“Mom, yum!” - he screams awake.

It's easy to know this letter
Who has been on the subway at least once?
In the evenings it shines for us all
There is a letter "M" between the houses.

letter N

The rhinoceros shouts to his friends,
I brought you the letter N,
You need to know the letter N
To New Year meet.

The letter N is like a ladder,
We're all moving forward
Like a ladder, wonderful thing,
It calls us to the world of knowledge!

I'm talking about the letter "N"
Suddenly a song came up:
N-n-n-n-n-n-n -
It turned out to be a ladder.

letter O

"ABOUT!" - said the letter “O”, -
“Everyone has known me for a long time,
I am a lot like:
On the ring, on the steering wheel too,
In a circle, in a bun.
Wheel, moon, flower -
Dandelion or chamomile.
On a plate with semolina!”

Letter "O" - moon and sun,
The house has a round window.
And the clock and the wheel,
And that, it seems, is not all.

There is no angle in this letter
That's why it's round.
She was so round before
I could have rolled.

letter P

Someone recently said:
"P" is like a gate
I was too lazy to object
I knew that “P” was like a stump.

Letter P in the gym
They called it the crossbar -
Come on, honey, don't be lazy,
Come and pull yourself up.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,
Gets acquainted with the letter P,
For Dad to read,
Everyone needs to know the letter P.

letter P

How to remember the letter "R"?
Everyone can, for example,
Place your hand on your side
And introduce “R” to each other.

The crow says: - Car-r-r!
I have a huge gift.
I am an example to all the guys,
The letter “R” is not difficult for me.

She will tell you, for example.
About turnips and fish.
Guys, this is the letter R -
We will say without error.

The letter R is growling,
Simply wonderful.
With this letter trill
They love waxwings.

letter C

Rainbow to the sky
The letter "C" is bent.
She tensed her sides -
Supported by clouds.

And the bridge has a huge weight
The letter “C” also holds it.
A river flows under the bridge -
The bridge is concrete for centuries.

The letter "S" is a heavyweight.
The letter “S” serves people!
(S. Ostrovsky)

What letter is glowing?
Old clear month?
Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

We need to know the letter C
To read the word
Laughter, ingenuity, airplane,
The letter C calls for flight.

The elephant stands so big
He shakes his head
He gives us the letter C,
The same O, but in half

letter T

The tram stood under the letter T:
If you want to go, don’t yawn!
T - calls you in a taxi.
You ask the driver -
He'll get you there in no time
Exactly to the specified area

T - antenna -
Above the roof -
He will see everything, he will hear everything,
We turn on the TVs,
We don't get bored in front of screens.

Looks like a "T" antenna
And, as it were, on the umbrella too.

The letter T will cover you
From the rain,
From the snow
It's hot.

letter U

I find it interesting
I, guys, letter U.
Coal gives us heat
The hurricane carries a log.
The knot holds two ropes.
A smart person is already dexterous in hunting.
There is a corner for punishment.
Ulyana is busy knitting.

A duck can do everything -
Catches fish with a fishing rod.
She'll have fish soup for dinner.
She needs dill for her fish soup.
There are a lot of words starting with “U” around:
Morning, street, iron.
One two three four five,
We need to know the letter “U”!

Everyone knows the letter from the cradle,
“Oooh” the child hums to everything.
He raised his finger and looked menacingly,
“UHHH!!!” the horn is honking seriously.

The letter "U" resembles ears
On top of the bunny's head.
Snails have horns too
They look like the letter “U”.

letter F

And the pheasants asked:
- Find us the letter F, owl.
But, sighing heavily,
An eagle owl hides in a hollow.
Eagle owl even with a lantern
Sees nothing during the day.

Everyone knows without prompting:
The letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.
We never have it
Karabas will not take away

F got a little angry,
Hands on hips.
Eagle owl, flag, hairdryer and lantern...
Here's a dictionary for the letter F.

The letter "F" puffed out its cheeks
Or put your hands on your hips.

letter X

The letter "X" laughed:
“Even though it’s cold in winter,
I'm not tired of sledding
Driving down the icy hill.”

Letter "X", you laugh
And a good brag!
We'll start a round dance,
Let's sing together and have fun.

letter C

We learned a lot of letters,
We got to the letter C.
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where in the middle, where at the end.
Chain, flower and number - here
Everyone will read it at the beginning.
And in the words Father, fighter
We write Ts at the end.
A heron walks through the swamp,
Her chicks are waiting in the nest.
The circus will open on Saturday
The fighters have already arrived.
Reported to the shop for work
Young blacksmiths.
In each line the letter C -
Like a pebble in a ring.
And on each page there is
On the border and in the capital.
And in the chickens on the porch
There are also two letters C.

This letter is catchy
With a cunning, tenacious paw.
- Come, who cares,
I'll scratch you in no time.
Here's the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Scratchy claw
Like a cat's paw

Letter C -
There's a hook at the bottom
Just like a tank with a faucet.

The letter "C" stands sideways
And hooks everyone.

letter H

Letters, letters...
Give them free rein -
There will be plenty of letters.
The whole day the PIPE was silent,
I missed my owner...
The letter H came to the pipe -
The trumpeter found the trumpet.
The TRUMPETER played on it -
It immediately became more fun!…

The letter H said: “Yes!”
I saluted someone.
Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.

Insects have the letter "H"
You will find it in crickets and locusts;
Grasshopper, butterfly, bee -
Oddly enough, “H” is cute to everyone!
(M. Yasnov)

Turtle Tortilla
I grabbed the letter H
Turtle, come out quickly,
Give back the letter H to the children

letter Ш

The letter "Ш" in the following words:
School, pole, charade, check.
I wrote the letter “SH”:
Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.