Wind rose tattoo: the meaning of the symbol for girls and men.  Compass rose amulet

Wind rose tattoo: the meaning of the symbol for girls and men. Compass rose amulet

The meaning of a wind rose tattoo can be both positive and negative. Several centuries ago, such a tattoo could be seen on the bodies of sailors and travelers who firmly believed that it would bring them good luck in their travels and show them the right path. Recently, the compass rose tattoo has become very popular in the criminal world among prisoners who are serving time in prison. Although such an image can often be found on the body of an ordinary person not associated with crime.

Meaning of compass rose tattoo

For a long time, the wind rose tattoo was a symbol of sailors. It was believed that such a tattoo protected the traveler along the way, helped him stay on course and sail happily to his destination.

The tattoo appeared at a time when sailors did not have compasses or navigational charts. They searched for the right path through the stars, relying largely on their own luck and intuition. For such sailors, a pinned wind rose is a talisman and amulet, faith in the power of which helped them return from the sea safe and sound.

Centuries later, this sign on the body became a symbol of brave and purposeful people. Brave warriors loved the tattoo. On their skin it represented a reward for special valor in battle and fearlessness in front of enemies.

I wonder what such a tattoo means these days? Today, the image of a wind rose is one of the fairly common symbols that are present on the attributes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the military forces of African states, as well as on the NATO flag. The 16-pointed star is the symbol of the American CIA.

In recent years, young people have been drawing a guiding star on their bodies. Young people fell in love with this tattoo not only for its visual appeal and originality. It is believed that a compass tattoo is a kind of pathos and the owner’s desire to draw the attention of others to his belonging to a certain elite circle.

Wind rose tattoo: meaning in the zone

In the criminal world, tattoos began to be used only in the middle of the 20th century. In the zone, this image underwent a number of changes and acquired its own unique designation. Today in prison, this symbol is proof of the character and caste of a particular prisoner. It also denotes the type of his criminal activity and disobedience to prison rules.

In the zone, a tattoo on a prisoner’s body has its own special meaning. It is applied mainly in black and white and is a symbol of “thieves in law”, who have a certain reputation among criminals.

Tattoos with a compass rose in the criminal world can be compared to the shoulder straps of a general in the military. Most often, the starfish has eight arms (four long and four short arms placed between them). Less commonly, the prison compass rose is depicted with 16 rays. Prisoners do not dilute the image with distracting elements and do not use colors other than the classic black and white for tattoos.

In the prison world, stars represent a symmetrical tattoo. Therefore, they are most often applied to paired organs: knees, shoulders, chest or under the collarbones. The location of the picture can tell a lot about its owner, namely:

  • a symmetrical tattoo drawn on the shoulders denotes a person who belongs to the highest castes of the criminal society and is a real authority in the zone;
  • a star pinned on the chest and under the collarbones is a symbol of reluctance to put up with prison laws, carry out the usual daily routine for prisoners, obey orders, etc.;
  • a tattoo on the knees indicates that its owner will never, under any circumstances, kneel before the law, and will always oppose the rules in the zone.
  • Not every prisoner has the right to get such a tattoo. This is a privilege only for members of a certain prison caste who enjoy authority in the zone and are classified as “thieves in law.”

Wind rose tattoo: photo

Photos of tattoos are of interest mainly to males. This tattoo is perfect for purposeful guys who know what they want from life, as well as for those who like to travel, take risks and learn new things.

Studying the most popular sketches and photographs of tattoos, we can highlight several features of the images:

  • next to the already described symbol there are often drawings of a skull, bones, feather, playing cards, etc.;
  • The classic option is a design in black and white, but sometimes you can also find multi-colored tattoos.

Among the most popular places on the body for applying such a pattern are the wrist, the part on the back of the forearm, as well as the area on the arm in the area of ​​the outer surface of the shoulder. In recent years, tattoos have become a modern fashion trend, and now they are increasingly tattooed on the calf muscles or above the ankle joint.

The wind rose tattoo is an ancient symbol that has a deep meaning and sacred meaning for people whose lives are spent on long journeys. Such images first witnessed their appearance on the tanned bodies of sailors, as a powerful call to the sea elements and winds to be merciful and return the men alive and well to their native land. In the modern world, such tattoos have considerable weight in the criminal world.

The meaning of the Wind Rose tattoo

In those distant times, when our ancestors did not even know about such a simple device as a compass, the only way for them to navigate the endless waters of the ocean was the flickering lights of the night sky with the guiding North Star at the head. And the sea winds helped to overcome difficult paths. And the sailors transferred their deep admiration for their helpers to their bodies, thereby calling on the elements of the sea to show favorable attitude. And they really believed that such a symbolic design on the body would allow them to return from swimming on time and overcome obstacles with ease. Later, the wind rose tattoo already received a higher purpose - it became a sign of distinction for people who never bow their heads to the bad weather of fate. Seeing such a pattern on the body, one could immediately say that this person would not go against his principles to please the opinions of others.

Having a prison meaning in the criminal world, compass rose tattoos are only allowed to be worn by authorities. The geography of an image can also tell a lot. For example, a subclavian tattoo of a wind rose indicates a “denier” (who does not recognize prison rules), on the shoulder and forearm - a “thief in law.” But the wind rose on his knee makes it clear that this person will not kneel before anything or anyone.

Sketches and photos of wind rose tattoos

What is such a tattoo? The image can be very different, but the main thing remains the same - the North Star with rays of the same length pointing to the cardinal directions. Also in the figure there are shorter intermediate rays - rumbas. As you can see in the photo of the “Wind Rose” tattoo, the image looks great both in color and in strictly black and white. Modern sketches are often complemented by other symbolic designs: a rose flower, a skull, a feather or a map.

The depth of meaning of a compass rose tattoo these days is high sense of purpose, a clear direction in life and the desire to return to the walls of one’s home under any life circumstances.

The wind rose tattoo is one of the oldest images that a person has ever decorated himself with. Previously, such “drawings” were found only on the bodies of sailors. It was believed that the wind rose tattoo has a special meaning for sailors - it acts as a kind of amulet. Indeed, in Antiquity, sailors set off on a journey “across the waves”, without a map and focusing only on the stars. Consequently, by decorating themselves with a wind rose - a stylized Polar Star with rays of equal length and indicating the cardinal directions, sailors believed that the star would lead them home safe and sound.

Actually, today the meaning of the compass rose tattoo has remained virtually unchanged. The tattoo symbolizes determination, freedom, courage, valor and honor. It is not surprising that such an image is so popular among men, although girls sometimes decorate their arms, legs or back with a colored or black and white compass rose tattoo.

It's no secret that the compass rose tattoo (or tattoo in prison slang) is very popular among prisoners. The image has the following meaning “in the zone” - rebellion, unwillingness to obey, denial of the prison regime. Such tattoos are usually inked mainly by “thieves” prisoners, that is, representatives of the prison “elite”. The stars on the shoulders are the distinctive sign of thieves in law. What does a wind rose tattoo on your knees mean? This image has a certain symbolism: the owner of the tattoo does not want to kneel before the law and obey prison orders.

Whatever version of the compass rose tattoo (with a skull, with a map) you choose, it is worth discussing the sketch with a specialist. The tattoo artist will tell you in more detail about the symbolism of the image you want to tattoo and advise you on the best option.

Today, the body of almost every young man is decorated with tattoos, but not everyone knows how this or that body design appeared and what it means. Some of them are allowed to be worn only by the so-called “thief stars”. A person who does not have a certain status has no right to wear such tattoos according to prison laws.

Origin story

On the body of some prisoners you can see a tattoo depicting the so-called Wind Rose, which previously protected sailors from troubles during their travels. For a long time, the only reference point for sailors was the starry sky. According to many, a tattoo in the shape of a star helped them return from long sea voyages absolutely unharmed. This design also adorned the bodies of pirates who demonstrated their aggression and cruelty.

A tattoo in the shape of a star could also be seen on some warriors. If during a battle a warrior demonstrated special courage, it served as his distinctive sign.

Thus, the Wind Rose acquired a new meaning, becoming a symbol of the path of life and simply the meaning of life. This is precisely the meaning it has for those serving sentences in prison. A prisoner's priorities can be determined by his "thieves' stars."

Various types of tattoos

Body designs in the form of stars consist of two identical symmetrical figures, usually located on the knees, shoulders and under the collarbone. They belong to those few types of body designs that do not contain any inscriptions. Words are not needed, since knowledgeable people immediately understand their meaning. In the center of the star you can often see images of animals and other objects, various symbols and portraits of famous people.

A star with eight rays divided into white and black halves calls for “crush on activists.” The colors themselves also have meaning: flesh symbolizes the human principle, and dark symbolizes the thieves. This contrast suggests that this person lives according to human and thieves’ laws both in the zone and in freedom. If there is a cat inside the star, the prisoner is most likely a pickpocket. The wolf is an illustration of the phrase "man is a wolf to man."

What tattoos and who is allowed to wear them

To have one or another tattoo on your body, you must earn it. This is stated in the rules established in the zone in the middle of the last century. The wind rose, which is also called the “thief’s star,” can only adorn the shoulders of a thief in law. Stars pinned under the collarbones indicate that the prisoner is a “denier” (who does not recognize the rules established in the zone). If the stars are pinned on the knees, the person has never humiliated himself before any of the representatives of the law or those serving time.

The dangers of some tattoos

The tattoos described above should not be worn by those who have nothing to do with the criminal world. Even if you understand the meaning of the pinned stars and want to demonstrate your reluctance to bow to anyone, problems will not take long to arise. Cellmates will demand to prove the right to wear tattoos not in word but in deed. In the zone it is customary to be responsible for actions and words. Therefore, there is hardly any need to explain what the “thieves’ stars” impaled on the shoulders threaten an ordinary prisoner.

The wind rose tattoo is an ancient symbol that has a deep meaning and sacred meaning for people whose lives are spent on long journeys. Such images first witnessed their appearance on the tanned bodies of sailors, as a powerful call to the sea elements and winds to be merciful and return the men alive and well to their native land. In the modern world, such tattoos have considerable weight in the criminal world.

The meaning of the Wind Rose tattoo

In those distant times, when our ancestors did not even know about such a simple device as a compass, the only way for them to navigate the endless waters of the ocean was the flickering lights of the night sky with the guiding North Star at the head. And the sea winds helped to overcome difficult paths. And the sailors transferred their deep admiration for their helpers to their bodies, thereby calling on the elements of the sea to show favorable attitude. And they really believed that such a symbolic design on the body would allow them to return from swimming on time and overcome obstacles with ease. Later, the wind rose tattoo already received a higher purpose - it became a sign of distinction for people who never bow their heads to the bad weather of fate. Seeing such a pattern on the body, one could immediately say that this person would not go against his principles to please the opinions of others.

Having a prison meaning in the criminal world, compass rose tattoos are only allowed to be worn by authorities. The geography of an image can also tell a lot. For example, a subclavian tattoo of a wind rose indicates a “denier” (who does not recognize prison rules), on the shoulder and forearm - a “thief in law.” But the wind rose on his knee makes it clear that this person will not kneel before anything or anyone.

Sketches and photos of wind rose tattoos

What is such a tattoo? The image can be very different, but the main thing remains the same - the North Star with rays of the same length pointing to the cardinal directions. Also in the figure there are shorter intermediate rays - rumbas. As you can see in the photo of the “Wind Rose” tattoo, the image looks great both in color and in strictly black and white. Modern sketches are often complemented by other symbolic designs: a rose flower, a skull, a feather or a map.

The depth of meaning of a compass rose tattoo these days is high sense of purpose, a clear direction in life and the desire to return to the walls of one’s home under any life circumstances.