The theme of the week is “My city, my land.” Long-term plan

According to the “From Birth to School” program, knowledge about the hometown, its history and architectural appearance is clarified. At the beginning of October, the teacher plans presentations, manual labor, learning poems and watching programs related to his hometown. Together with their parents, children prepare reports about the streets where they live and the people who glorified their native land. You will find methods for examining architectural structures, didactic games for speech development, outdoor games of different nations, as well as exercises with plastic mass in the application “Thematic week “My Hometown”.

Social and communicative development

When organizing work on social and communicative development, the adult tells the children interesting historical facts, introduces a board game about their hometown, introduces the history of the home through a presentation, and reminds them of the rules of safe behavior. Children learn to empathize and help those in need through playing out situations.

Cognitive development

Work continues on developing the ability to form a number from ones and two smaller ones, compare adjacent numbers, and use direct and ordinal counting. Children find out why insects move easily in the sand, remember the trees and flowers that grow in the city, which has a beneficial effect on the cognitive development of older preschoolers.

Speech development

The teacher introduces puzzles to the group and teaches children to solve them, maintains interest in writing through the games “Choose a Rhyme”, “Make a Sentence”, etc. Speech development occurs in the joint activity of the teacher and children to compose stories from pictures, creative messages on the topic “Why I love my city.”

Artistic and aesthetic development

For children's creativity, an adult selects natural materials, plastic mass, beads, threads and other waste materials. Children learn to distinguish sounds of different pitches and tones, become familiar with the city's anthem, and construct a famous building out of a box, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

Children repeat familiar physical exercises and independently organize outdoor activities. Problems of physical development can be solved by looking at sports magazines, outdoor games of different nations, board games and making attributes yourself.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation about the history of the native city, reading poems about the city. Goal: to cultivate a sense of patriotism.Homemade preparations “The street where I live.” Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the origin of street names.Exercise “Finish the word.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to divide words into syllables.Game "Name the pattern". Goal: remember the features and names of the paintings.Physical exercise at the teacher's discretion. Goal: repeat familiar games, please children.
Examination of the kindergarten building. Goal: to enrich children’s vocabulary, to explain the concept of “basement”.Looking at a collection of stones. Goal: to tell children how people use stones, to support interest in studying nature.The game is a competition “Who can make the most sentences.” Goal: learn to form words with a given number of words.Independent games and exercises with plastic mass. Goal: to promote the development of motor skills, strengthen modeling skills.P.i. "Magic jump rope" Goal: to teach children to jump rope as many times as there are syllables in a word. P.i - "Tied Scarf" attraction. Goal: continue to get acquainted with the game.
2 p.d.Discussion of the saying “Where you put it, that’s where you get it.” Goal: to develop safe behavior in everyday life.Introducing the board game “Journey along Red Street”. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about important objects in the city, to introduce them to the rules of the game.Reading V. Tanasiychuk “Blind Diggers.” Goal: to introduce children to the life of moles.Examination of rock paintings, drawing on stones according to children's ideas. Goal: to develop interest in painting and develop imagination.Board game “Place on plates”. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about vitamins A, B, C, etc.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Presentation “History of Housing”. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the diversity of housing, to maintain interest in studying history.Game “Which grid has the most chestnuts.” Purpose: to practice comparing numbers and determining which of two adjacent numbers is greater or less than the other, to learn how to reproduce a set.Game "Magic Cubes". Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to determine the place of sound in a word, perform phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, develop auditory and visual memory.Making bas-reliefs from salt dough. Purpose: to show children the possibility of using salt dough, to prepare stucco molding for making a building.Watching the cartoon “Our helpers are the eyes.” (Fun workshop of Bolek and Lyolik). Goal: to continue acquainting children with the senses.
Discussion of the situation “A homeless person always feels bad.” Goal: to develop a sense of empathy and a desire to help animals.Cognitive and research activity “Vaults and tunnels”. Goal: to find out why insects caught in sand are not crushed by it, but come out unharmed.Didactic games for speech development at the teacher's choice. Goal: to promote the development of coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary with adjectives and verbs.Cut-out pictures “Musical instruments”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify wind, string, and percussion instruments.P.i. "Penguins with a ball." Goal: to teach children to jump to a visual reference on two legs with a ball clamped between their knees.

Subject: « My home, my city, my country, my planet"


    Expanding children's ideas about the Motherland (coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, ideas about the President, the Government of Russia).

    Forming ideas about the sights of your hometown and country.

    Expanding children's ideas about home and family (knowledge of the child's patronymic, the names and patronymics of parents, grandparents, ideas about family relationships).

Final event: exhibition of drawings

Form of the final event: "My family"

Date of the final event: 15.09

Responsible for its implementation: Verkhaturtseva A.O.

Educational activities in the family on the topic of the week:

Take a walk around the evening city, pay attention to the evening illumination;

Visit the museum;

Draw a traffic diagram from home to kindergarten;

Look at the map of the Chelyabinsk region and mark the resort areas of the Southern Urals;

Write a story about the hero of the country.

Individual work with children:

Complex of morning exercises: according to the physical plan instructor

Articulation gymnastics complex: complex No. 2, September



Goals and objectives: expanding children's ideas about the Motherland (coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, ideas about the President, the Government of Russia).

Individual work


Cognition (FEMP) - I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP”, pp. 23 - 24, lesson 3.

Drawing (plot, subject) - “Where does the Motherland begin?” I.A. Lykova Fine Arts in kindergarten (preparatory group), p. 42

OD in regime moments


- Conversation “My Homeland”. Goal: to introduce children to the map of Russia; to form ideas about the native land, about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, about people of different races living on our planet; about the work of adults, about space heroes; public holidays.

- Work in a corner of nature Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle. Goal: To teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s idea that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

For listening: "House with a blue roof"music G. Struve, lyrics by V. Orlov. Target:

Hygiene procedures

Situational conversations about the rules of washing and caring for clothes.

Conversations about table manners (table etiquette).


Card index of walks – September No. 7


Story on the topic “My Country”. Goal: to teach how to compose a monologue statement according to a diagram, based on supporting issues.

Making a gift for mom. Goal: to learn how to lay out plant seeds and grains on a plasticine base for Kremlin towers; consolidate children's knowledge about the capital of our homeland.

- Independent games for children. Goal: to promote the development of independent play, the search for new game problems and solutions.

Evening walk :

Observation "Streets of our city." Goal: to look at the streets near the kindergarten.

P/n with a ball “Name the streets of the city”, “One, two, three, repeat.”

Album "Costumes of different peoples of the world." Purpose: for free viewing.

Exhibition of books and photographs “Russia is my homeland”. Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings; a feeling of pride for one's homeland.



Individual work

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


Preparing for literacy training – “Introduction to letters”I , I " L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya “Teaching literacy to preschoolers,” p. 84, lesson 4.

Cognition (productive (constructive), cognitive-research activity) – Construction of ritual dolls from fabric. Lovebirds dolls are a symbol of a friendly family. Construction.

School preparatory group. I.A. Lykov page

OD in regime moments


- Conversations about morning weather and filling out the nature calendar.

- Conversation “I’m in my city.” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, in nature; introduce models of safe behavior on city streets and in nature.

- S/r "Home, Family". Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Conducting situational conversations about the need to lead a healthy lifestyle “Daily Routine”, performing self-massage.

For listening: "House with a blue roof"music G. Struve, lyrics by V. Orlov. Target: be able to listen carefully to a musical fragment, turn on the imagination, remember images associated with autumn, describe them using figurative expressions, lines from poems.

Hygiene procedures

Situational conversations about the rules of washing;

Problem situations “So that the tooth doesn’t hurt.”

Before going to bed, listen to N. Varley’s “Bedtime Stories.” Goal: to achieve maximum relaxation for children.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Improve previously acquired skills by children. Goal: continue to teach how to chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin, and not crumble bread.

Talk about the need to maintain correct posture.


Card file of walks – September No. 8

I/r according to PHYS: jumping rope at different speeds

Communication games: “Who can name the most?”, “What will happen if...?”

Independent activities of children's choice.


Memorizing the poem by L. Daineko “Here is a huge house on earth.” Purpose: to learn to analyze the content of the poem. Pay attention to expressive means. Improve children's performance skills when reading poems.

Construction from parts of the “City Street” construction set. Goal: to learn to independently determine which parts are most suitable for construction; learn to create a model of a city street (houses, transport), independently distributing responsibilities.

Independent games for children. Goal: to promote the development of independent play, the search for new game problems and solutions.

Looking at school supplies.Goal: To clarify and reinforce with children the names of school supplies, to develop a desire to learn.

Review of books on the topic of the week. Goal: developing interest in children's books.

Putting things in order in the playroom “Every thing has its place.” Goal: to encourage students to carry out basic tasks independently and to develop a desire to work.

Evening walk :

Cloud watching. Goal: to develop children's powers of observation, imagination, and fantasy; develop skills in writing a descriptive story.

P/n “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

Independent activities of children's choice. Goal: to teach children to develop independence in play, to teach them to play together.

Basic labor tasks for cleaning the site. Goal: to support children’s desire to participate in joint work activities.

Organization of children's independent activities

- Schemes for playing with the designer and building houses. Goal: learn to create a model of a city street (houses, transport).

Books for independent reading by N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”, V. Medvedev “Starship Brunka”, V. Nizhny “In Earth Orbit”.

Postcards with city landscapes. Purpose: for viewing.

D/i: “Who lives where?”, “Who needs what for work,” “Collect a picture.”



Goals and objectives: developing ideas about the sights of your hometown, country.

Individual work

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


Speech development - Compiling a story based on the painting “To School”. Ushakova O.S. “Speech development classes for children 5-7 years old” p.135

Drawing (decorative and applied) – Decorative drawing (modular) “Wonderful mosaic”. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: Preparation. group to school. p.26

Physical development (in the air) - according to the physical plan. instructor

OD in regime moments


- Conversations about morning weather and filling out the nature calendar.

- Compiling stories from personal experience: “My walk around the city”, “What interested you on the excursion...?”

Consideration of illustrative material depicting enterprises, attractions, city landscapes at different times of the year (time of day).

D/i “Walk around the city”, “Find the street”

For singing:

Hygiene procedures

Situational conversations about the rules of washing;

Game problem situations in order to consolidate basic skills of hardening and self-massage.

Before going to bed, listen to N. Varley’s “Bedtime Stories.” Goal: to achieve maximum relaxation for children.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Improve previously acquired skills by children. Goal: continue to teach how to chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin, and not crumble bread.

Conversations “What foods are good for me.”


Card index of walks – September No. 9

I/r according to PHYS: jumping rope at different speeds

Didactic games on life safety. “What to do if you get lost.” Goal: continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior. Develop memory and speech.

Independent activities of children's choice.


- Drawing on a sand tablet “Evening City”. Target: introduce children to the art of sand painting.

Ecological games “Animals of our region”, “Guess and name”, “cut pictures”. (N.D-Y.U)

Safety games “Rules of behavior on city streets”, “Good and bad”.

Reading poems about Miass. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about their native land and city through reading poems.

Putting things in order in the playroom “Every thing has its place.” Goal: to encourage students to carry out basic tasks independently and to develop a desire to work.

Evening walk :

Observation: clouds. On a cloudy day - they are heavy, they float low above the ground), on a sunny day - they float high, there are few of them). Goal: to form initial ideas about the movement of clouds, observe them through the autumn foliage

P/N: “Traps.”

Labor: select toys and outdoor materials on behalf of the teacher, take them to

Independent activities of children's choice. Goal: to teach children to develop independence in play, to teach them to play together.

Organization of children's independent activities

Illustrations, paintings depicting the city at different times of the day. Purpose: for free viewing.

- S/r "Home, Family". Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.



Individual work

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


Cognition (FEMP) – I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP”, pp. 24 - 27, lesson 4

Physical development - according to physical plan. instructor

Modeling/applique - Basket with mushrooms(modeling). T. S. Komarova

Fine arts classes in (preparatory group), p. 43

OD in regime moments


- Conversations about morning weather and filling out the nature calendar.

The story “The story of human life in the Southern Urals.” Goal: to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the ethnocultural heritage of the region

Didactic game “What has changed.” Goal: to improve children’s knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness (material: set of Dienesha blocks.)

Work in a corner of nature Goal: developing skills in watering indoor plants.

For singing: music Georgy Struve, lyrics. Nina Solovyova “My Russia”.Goal: to introduce children to music.

Hygiene procedures

Situational conversations about the rules of washing;

Game problem situations for the purpose of teaching the ability to monitor one’s appearance.

Before going to bed, listen to N. Varley’s “Bedtime Stories.” Goal: to achieve maximum relaxation for children.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Improve previously acquired skills by children. Goal: continue to teach how to chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin, and not crumble bread.


Card file of walks – September No. 10

I/r according to PHYS: jumping rope at different speeds

Independent activities of children's choice.


Application “New houses in our city.” Goal: to consolidate the techniques of cutting and pasting, the ability to select colors for a composition.

Di“Pick up a pair.” Goal: to improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match a given characteristic (long - short, fluffy - smooth, warm - cold).

D/i “Name the city starting with the letter...” “What is the object for?”

- S/r "Home, Family". Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Putting things in order in the playroom “Every thing has its place.” Goal: to encourage students to carry out basic tasks independently and to develop a desire to work.

Evening walk :

Observation behind the sun. Goal: develop curiosity

Hood. word. You warm the whole world. You don’t know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone calls you...Goal: to strengthen the ability to solve riddles. (N.D.-Y.U.)

- Outdoor games “The sea is agitated”, “Stream”. Goal: improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop coordination of movements and the ability to maintain balance.

Independent activities of children's choice. Goal: to teach children to develop independence in play, to teach them to play together.

Basic labor tasks for cleaning the site. Goal: to support children’s desire to participate in joint work activities.

Organization of children's independent activities

Books for independent reading by N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”, V. Medvedev “Starship Brunka”, V. Nizhny “In Earth Orbit”.

D/I “Collect a flag”. Goal: development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation

Role-playing games "School".Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, to cultivate a desire to study at school



Goals and objectives: expanding children’s ideas about home and family (knowledge of the child’s patronymic, first and patronymic names of parents, grandparents, ideas about family relationships).

Individual work

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


Cognition – “Gifts of Autumn”. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. O.A. Solomennikova (prepared by gr.) p.33

Music - according to the plan of the muses. head

OD in regime moments


- Conversations about morning weather and filling out the nature calendar.

Conversation “My family is a joy.”Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the family and their place in it.

- S/r “Cars on our street.” Goals: develop imagination, playful dialogue, creativity; cultivate the ability to play amicably, negotiate, distribute roles fairly, when composing a plot, listen to your friend to the end, and not interrupt; independently resolve conflict situations.

D/I “My day”. Goal: talk about the daily routine, teach how to explain and prove your point of view

For singing: “The land where you live”, music. G. Gladkova, lyrics. Yu.Entina.Goal: to introduce children to music.

Hygiene procedures

Situational conversations about the rules of washing;

Using nursery rhymes about water and washing.

Before going to bed, listen to N. Varley’s “Bedtime Stories.” Goal: to achieve maximum relaxation for children.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

Improve previously acquired skills by children. Goal: continue to teach how to chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin, and not crumble bread.

Using proverbs about eating.


Card index of walks – September No. 11

I/r according to PHYS: jumping rope at different speeds

Independent activities of children's choice.


Didactic game “Remember different words.” Goal: continue to teach listening to the sound of words; to train children in independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.

Experience: “Magic tablets” Purpose: using your fingers to determine the shape and structure of the surface

D/i “Trace on a stencil and color” Goal: formation of graphomotor skills, consolidation of color names.

Independent games for children. Target:promote the development of independent play of the child, the search for new gaming tasks and solutions.

Review of books on the topic of the week. Goal: developing interest in children's books.

Putting things in order in the playroom “Every thing has its place.” Goal: to encourage students to carry out basic tasks independently and to develop a desire to work.

Evening walk :

Observation of objects in the immediate environment.

P/n “Find the color in the clothes.” Goal: to train children in the ability to quickly find colors on clothes, to develop the ability to navigate in space.

Independent activities of children's choice. Goal: to teach children to develop independence in play, to teach them to play together.

Basic labor tasks for cleaning the site. Goal: to support children’s desire to participate in joint work activities.

Organization of children's independent activities

- Coloring coloring pages “Family”, “Home”.

Games with building materials. Goal: to develop the ability to make buildings according to a model and according to your own design.

Didactic games “Encrypted word”. Target:teach children to decipher words by code.

Books for independent reading by N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”, V. Medvedev “Starship Brunka”, V. Nizhny “In Earth Orbit”.

Tulupova Lyubov Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: Kindergarten "Rodnichok"
Locality: Tambov
Name of material: Calendar-thematic planning for children 4-5 years old
Subject: Calendar_thematic planning "Our City, my Country"
Publication date: 27.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Planning educational work in group No. 7 (4-5 years old) for a week
from 24.10 to 28.10
Topic of the week: “My city, my country” (continued)

Day of the week









environment for


children's activities


vie with









in critical moments

MONDAY 24.10
Morning Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Morning exercises. Set of exercises No. 5 Reading nursery rhymes, sayings Goal: learn to repeat words correctly, without errors. Finger gymnastics “My Family”, “Home” Purpose: to teach at the same time, show and pronounce the words D/and “Don’t be mistaken” Purpose: to develop attention in children. Work with Maxim I. (HIV) see adaptation program. Conversation “My City” Purpose: To get to know your native city, the rules and behavior on the streets. Labor (With a teacher in a corner of nature). Loosening the soil of indoor plants. Goal: Teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; to secure the method of loosening and the rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy. Work on developing a healthy lifestyle: Strengthen the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street Continue to reinforce sitting calmly at the table, maintaining the correct posture through the nursery rhyme “We have a lot of children, everyone sits on chairs, eating olive porridge” Recommend parents to discuss and go through with your child a safe way to kindergarten; OOD 1. Physical education according to the plan of the physical education instructor 2. Drawing Decorative drawing “Sweater decoration” Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes p44 Walk Speech development Cognitive development Social Observation of the work of a janitor.

Goal: to form a positive attitude towards the work of adults; introduce to MOVEMENT AND GRA. “Crawl through the hoop” Purpose: to teach children to crawl over an obstacle, to crawl without touching Labor activity. Seed collection
Goal: to form a positive attitude towards work, caring about others; develop the ability to collect seeds. Outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest.” Goal: act according to the instructions received.
communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development by working as a janitor; create conditions for awareness of the importance of this type of activity. let; improve skills in crawling over a limited area, develop coordination of movements, agility, and cultivate courage. flowers; teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area; cultivate aesthetic taste. Outdoor games "We are drivers." Goal: to teach how to navigate in space. Lunch, work before bed Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten” Develop children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their immediate environment (enriching children’s vocabulary with nouns denoting professions, verbs characterizing work actions). Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions without deviating from their content. Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Work in a corner of nature Goal: to cultivate a desire to care for indoor plants. Reading the story “Chicken” by K. Chukovsky D/Game “Where did they call?” Target. Teach children to determine the direction of sound. Development of the direction of auditory attention. Conversation “How our ears hear, our eyes see, our mouth speaks and chews.” Give an idea of ​​the variety of functions of external organs: the mouth speaks, eats; teeth chew; the tongue helps to chew and speak; the skin feels; the nose breathes, catches odors; ears hear. (Me and my health Tarasova) Create conditions for theatrical activities Goal: development of acting abilities. Create conditions for s/r. games “Family, Let's go to the circus” Goal: developing the ability to assign roles and stick to them. Walking Outdoor games “Find yourself a mate.” Goal: to teach quickly, move according to a signal, changing the direction of movement. "Catch the ball." Goals: continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands; cultivate attention and dexterity. Games with external material







Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration





environment for













in critical moments

Morning Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Morning exercises. Set of exercises No. 5 Developmental situations: looking at family photographs, during which the teacher asks children about family members, about the events reflected in the photograph. D/i “Say kindly” Purpose: To enrich children’s vocabulary with words with diminutive affectionate suffixes. Develop the ability to form these words; speech, memory, attention. Table setting: involving children in all possible assistance in setting the table, attracting children's attention to the aesthetic design of tables. Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to educate food culture; performance assessment Work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Conversation “Why is it important to look after your appearance?” Create conditions for viewing pictures, photos depicting your hometown. Goal: To form ideas about buildings in the city that have different purposes (shop, hospital, school, library). Informing parents about the progress of the educational process. OOD 1.FEMP Lesson No. 1 Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Page 21 Strengthen the ability to count within 3, introduce the ordinal value of a number, teach how to correctly answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?” Practice the ability to find objects of the same length, width, height, designate the corresponding characteristics with words: long, longer, short, shorter, wide, narrow, wider, narrower, tall, low, higher, lower.
Introduce a rectangle by comparing it with a square. 2. Physical education in the air according to the plan of the physical education instructor Walk Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Observation of the plant world Objectives: to introduce the structure of a tree; to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Outdoor games “On a level path.” Goals: -to develop coordination of the movements of arms and legs; -learn to walk freely in a column one at a time; -develop a sense of balance, orientation in space. “Rabbits.” - Goals: - learn to jump on two legs, moving forward; develop dexterity and self-confidence. Movement development work. “Jump over the stream” (over a lace, a rail) Purpose: to practice jumping on your feet over an obstacle with Yana and Masha. Labor activity: Collecting fallen leaves around trees, caring for broken branches. Goals: - encourage you to independently carry out basic tasks; cultivate a desire to care for plants; teach respect for nature. Independent activity during a walk. Games with external material. Steering wheels, spatulas, molds, toys, cars Lunch, work before bed
Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Rolling Pin” Purpose: to teach children to follow the development of the plot, empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale, and answer questions about what they read. Learning a nursery rhyme: Little hands, dance once, There will be a pie for you tomorrow Oh, you are my masters, Quick little hands - sisters! Work assignment “Pick up toys.” Goal: To develop children’s ability to independently clean up toys after playing. Instill a love of work. S/r. about the rules of behavior at the table Purpose: to teach table manners skills Offer children's musical instruments for the game “Merry Musicians” Purpose: to teach children to keep the rhythm, to evoke an emotional response in children Walk
behind the autumn leaves. Develop in children the ability to observe leaf fall, lead children to an independent conclusion - the leaves are falling because it has become cold. Activate verbs in speech - fall, fall, fly around. To evoke an aesthetic response to the beauty of autumn trees, to create a mood of affectionate sympathy for trees losing their leaves. P/Game “Where have you been?” (Legs, legs, where have you been? etc.)







Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration




development environment

for independent

children's activities


tweet with









in critical moments

Morning Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Morning exercises Developmental situations: examination of family photographs, during which the teacher asks children about family members, about the events reflected in the photograph. Didactic game in fine art “Pick a figure” Goal: develop the ability to select geometric shapes by color (sorting) Game “Say what’s wrong” Goal: learn to correctly correlate objects.. Work with Maxim I (OVZ) see adaptation program Situational conversations “How can a city be made cleaner? » Goal: talk to children about not littering in the city (this will make it dirtier), that there are trash cans for this, etc. Construction. Bed for dolls. Fix the names of the parts of the designer: brick, cube. Looking at pictures of boys and girls, comparing their faces and hairstyles. Recommend parents to show their child an example of caring for nature, teach how to keep the city clean, throw garbage in trash cans, etc. OOD 1. Speech development Topic: Reading poems about autumn. Writing stories - describing toys. Gerbova V.V. Speech development classes p. 33 Goal: to introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. Continue learning to talk about the toy according to a certain plan (by imitation of the teacher). 2.Music According to the music director's plan
Walk Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Observations of social life. Supervision of older children. Goal: to develop observation, coherent speech, attention. Outdoor games. "We're fun guys." Goal: to teach walking and running in all directions in a limited area. Develop speed and agility. Didactic game: “one, many” Purpose: to teach children to name one object and many objects on the site; develop attention and memory. MOVEMENT GAME “Cars and Pedestrians” Purpose: To study basic motor actions, voluntary movements. Labor activity: Collecting fallen leaves around trees, caring for broken branches. Goals: - encourage you to independently carry out basic tasks; cultivate a desire to care for plants; teach respect for nature Create conditions for holding the action “Let’s clean up the kindergarten area, on the street” Goal: teach children to help adults, teach them how to work in the area Lunch, work before bedtime Conversation “Daily routine” Goal: conduct a conversation involving visualization, Consider together with the children the algorithm of personal hygiene processes (washing hands, brushing teeth, draw the children’s attention to the sequence of routine moments. Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Games with water and soap foam: “Nimble fingers”: children wet in water foam sponges of different colors and educational mosaic for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, observation, visual perception, speech and intellectual abilities. Strengthen the ability to sit calmly and neatly at the table, maintaining the correct posture between the index and middle fingers, holding it from above; large; “pour some food into a spoon; eat with Create conditions for Exercise “Fold a picture from geometric shapes” (blocks) Purpose: Improving visual perception, developing fine motor skills.
molds and squeeze them out, pouring water from one basin to another. Learning by heart N. Sakonskaya. “Where is my finger?” Role-playing game “Family” Goal: to develop children’s communication skills with adults and each other. Creating a prompt situation “What should I do so that my mother can rest when she comes home from work”, wide edge, silently. Walk Observing the weather, wind force, compare with 1st floor. day. P/.i. “Quickly to the house.” Games in the sand “Build a fence for animals” Independent activity for children.

Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration





environment for





tweet with









in critical moments

Morning Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Morning exercises. Complex No. 5 Poem. The soap is fragrant, white, soapy, Soap looks at the dirty one with a grin: - You, dirty one, would remember about the soap, Soap would finally wash you! Ya. Akim. The goal is to encourage children to wash with soap. "Little doll." To develop children’s ability to roll a ball between their palms, roll out a column - large and small, and smear parts with their fingers. Strengthen the ability to use a spoon correctly, eat with your mouth closed, and use a napkin as needed. Create conditions for coloring “Furniture” Goal: teach children to color carefully without going beyond the contours. Recommend that parents visit recreational places (theater, zoo, park, cinema), paying attention to the architecture of the buildings; OOD 1. Modeling “Fish” Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes p. 40
Program content.
To consolidate knowledge of techniques for making oval-shaped objects (rolling with straight movements of the palms, sculpting with fingers). Reinforce the techniques of pulling and flattening while conveying the characteristic features of the fish; learn to use a stack to designate the scales covering the body of a fish. 2. Physical education (corrective gymnastics) According to the plan of a physical education specialist
Walk Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Watching cars. Purpose: To learn to distinguish between transport vehicles based on their appearance. Consider a nearby car. Determine the color, count the wheels. Ask why headlights are needed. Count how many doors. Remember what public transport the children know. Game exercise


Continue to teach how to jump on your feet; improve your jumping skill.
.Clear tracks. Sweep the veranda. Teach to maintain order in the kindergarten area. Role-playing games at the request of children. Remote material Steering wheels, chalk, cars. Lunch, work before bed Folk games “The bunny walked, walked, walked, found a carrot, sat down, ate and then moved on. The bunny walked, walked, walked, found cabbage, sat down, ate and continued on his way. The bunny walked, walked, walked, found some potatoes, sat down, ate and continued on his way. Goal: to arouse children's interest in the game, to arouse positivity. emots. response Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Reading of B. Zakhoder’s poem “Builders”. Goal: Learn to build independent work in the physical education corner: “ring throws”; develop accuracy, coordination of movements, speed of reaction, promote mobility of hand joints. Learn to carry out instructions, act in accordance with the task, and bring the task to completion. Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a short period of time Create conditions for joint action in caring for toys in the play corner Goal: wash the toys together with the children
a coherent story following a pattern. Activate in speech the names of objects, their parts, materials from which they are made. D/i “Correct the mistake” Purpose: to teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects depicted in the picture and to name them. joint game Walk Observation of seasonal changes in nature Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer); Outdoor games “Traps”, “Toss - Catch”. Goal: to develop independence in organizing outdoor games.
Day of the week





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration





environment for




Interaction with

parents, social







in critical moments

FRIDAY 28.10
Morning Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Morning exercises complex No. 5 Situational conversations “How to make the city cleaner?” Didactic game for speech development “Wonderful bag” (with cubes) Goal: development of tactile sensations, development of active vocabulary. D/i “Let's help the nanny” Goal: to teach children to help adults, to cultivate hard work. D/i “Paired pictures” C: exercise in classifying objects according to a certain criterion with Egor, Maxim T. Lexical exercise “Who can name the most names of city streets” Purpose: develop speech and memory. Create conditions for looking at familiar and unfamiliar books in the book corner Goal: find out from children what fairy tales their parents read to them and what new fairy tales they would like to be read to them. Recommend parents to watch with their children the construction of a new building (what material is it being built from, how many floors are there already? built, for what or for whom the building will be intended). GCD 1. Familiarization with the outside world “Autumn gatherings. Conversation about pets” Solomennikova O.A. FEEP classes. PAGE 18 2. Music According to the plan of the music director Walk Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development
Target walk.
Targeted excursion to the park Purpose: to develop knowledge about the autumn months (September, October, November), seasonal changes; consolidate knowledge of folk signs; cultivate a love for nature. Outdoor games. “Run to the named tree.” Purpose: to train in the development of movements. Goal: to improve hoop rolling skills in any direction. Labor activity: Sweeping paths. Goal: to cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults. Hold a “Building a Town” competition for the best sand building. Goal: consolidate knowledge of what buildings there are in our city and build them from sand
quickly finding the named tree. Lunch, work before bed Finger game “One, two, three, four, five” C: development of motor skills, memory. Game - dramatization “Masha is having lunch” Purpose: motivation to eat, teaches skills to form verbs from onomatopoeic words Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths for washing the doll Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items for washing and washing, sequence actions, promote the formation of habits of neatness. Reading "The Wolf and the Little Goats" arr. A.N. Tolstoy Goal: to draw children’s attention to the evil and good characters of the fairy tale, to empathize with the heroes, to have a conversation based on what they read D/i “Paired Pictures”, to practice classifying objects according to a certain criterion with Oleg S., Yana T Storytelling “The House in which I Live” » Goal: To practice using the simplest types of complex and complex sentences in speech. Create conditions for free play activities for children; creating conditions for children’s independent play activities. Ind/r: Speech development. Exercises on onomatopoeia Walking Outdoor games: “Bird in the nest.” Goals: - teach to jump on two legs when given a signal; develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements. "Frogs" Objectives: - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text; perform jumps, pushing off with both legs at the same time, jump off softly; be able to occupy free time
place on a log.

Subject: My city

Type project: open, exploratory, short-term. It is carried out inside the preschool educational institution in contact with the families of the pupils.

Participants project: children senior group, educators, parents.

Implementation period: short-term (two weeks)

Relevance project:

An integral part of any education system is the education of patriotism. Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, familiarization with the world of its culture.

Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism. By expanding the horizons of what children know, we plant in their hearts a spark of love for their native land, for the Motherland.

Target project:

Development of children’s cognitive activity, increasing interest in the history and culture of our cities, formation of a sense of patriotism;

Nurturing love for the Fatherland, for the city we live in, pride in its culture,

Formation of the social position of a participant and creator of public life;

Formation of interest in collective, playful, productive, creative activities.

Resource support:

Postcards, booklets, photographs about loved ones city, edge

Photos of native streets cities

Albums with views of streets containing familiar buildings, architectural ensembles, and monuments.

Slides, films about memorable places "small motherland"

Artistic works and literary materials

Didactic games

Card index of didactic games:

"My city»

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city, attractions, favorite places to relax

Target: strengthen children’s ability to navigate the terrain, choose the right route to the right place, develop memory and attention.


Target city ​​of Lytkarino; develop attention, memory, coherent speech.

"Paired pictures"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about attractions cities, the ability to choose the right pair for your picture. (compiling a picture from several parts like a puzzle)

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge that every street should have a name; consolidate children's knowledge of what street they live on; develop attention; memory.

Lotto "My favorite city»

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about attractions cities, memorable places, places of rest, favorite streets; develop the ability to work in a team; develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, attention.

Preparatory stage:

To identify the level of children’s knowledge about their native city ​​with questions, conversations;

Compiling lists of information sources, reference books, methodological literature, fiction;

. Preparation necessary printed materials;

Informing parents about children's participation in project, involving them in project;

Setting time to work on project;

Selection of Internet resources, saving links;

Action plan:

. Statement of the problem: What do we know about our native city? What do we want to know?

Definition of upcoming activities: How do we find answers to questions?

Planning activities for children together with adults, determining means and methods of implementation project.

Execution project for children and adults.

Discussion of results.

Defining perspectives design.

Activity stage

Areas Tasks Contents

Cognition To form a stable interest and caring attitude towards one’s native city, a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in being a citizen city ​​of Lytkarino. Expand children's understanding of the sights of their native land cities Form a perception of a holistic picture of the world, broaden the horizons of children; introduce the names of people who glorified their native city. didactic games:

"My city»

“Who will get to the river faster?” (to the station, to the library, to the school, to the theater)

"Sights of the native cities» , "My address", "Residential, non-residential",

"Paired pictures"

“What would happen if all the streets were without names”

Lotto "My favorite city» , examination of illustrations of buildings for various purposes, photographs of buildings in the immediate environment. Proverbs and sayings about friendship, riddles about city ​​buildings.

Speech development Develop all components of children’s oral speech in various forms and types of children’s activities

Conversations: "Interesting things nearby", "Our street", “Houses are different”, "What is in our city ​​for children»

Social and communicative development Cultivate love for one’s native city, a sense of respect for their people, a careful attitude towards what was done by their labor. S/r game "Journey Down the Street", Conversations: “All kids need to know how to walk down the street”, “What is produced in our city» , Excursions to memorable places associated with the lives of heroes of labor. Review of work awards

Artistic and aesthetic development Develop children’s productive activities and children’s creativity

"Our street", Different houses", "My city» , “My favorite corner of Kolpino”,

Physical development Contribute to the development of children's motor activity and coordination. Outdoor games at the request of children

Methods project:


1. Creation of a developmental environment that ensures the development of interest and curiosity.

2. Excursions and observations that broaden the child’s horizons.

3. Work in a mini-museum "My city» in order to develop knowledge about native city.

4. Didactic games.

5. Outdoor games.

6. Modeling.


1. Conversations.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Memorizing poems.

4. Storytelling 5. Entertainment.


1. Organization of exhibitions.

2. Collection of photographic materials.

3. Examination of illustrations.

4. Information stands.

5. Personal example of adults.

6. Modeling.

Expected result:

The ability to express one’s own opinion, analyze, react quickly to what is happening, and provide all possible assistance.

Mastering accessible knowledge about the history of the native cities.

Acquisition of social communication skills by preschool children with adults.

Showing attention and respect to veterans and elderly people, providing all possible assistance.

Preliminary work:

. With teachers:

-prepare detailed information about project with a description of the goals, tasks and implementation progress project;

. With parents:

Informing parents about project, its goals, objectives, forms and methods of working with children.

-prepare consultations on the topic project.

. With children:

Conversations with children about family city;

Examination of the album and illustrations;

Working with parents

Consultations for parents on the topic project;

Photo - exhibition “My favorite corner of Lytkarino”

Parents adding to the corner about Lytkarino.

Devyatkova Svetlana
Comprehensive thematic planning of classes in the senior group on the topic “My home. My city"

Comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities in the senior group.

Subject: “My home.” "My city"

Deadlines: second week of September.

Program content: continue to introduce children to their hometown, introduce them to different types of housing, cultivate interest in the sights of the city, know the name of the area in which they live - the Urals, cultivate patriotic feelings.

Final event:exhibition of drawings “The city in which I live.”

cognitive activity

The teacher's story about the houses of different nations.

Guessing riddles about the rooms of the house.

A story about Chelyabinsk.

Excursion around the city, to the museum.

D. and. “What did the artist mix up”, “Assemble the pattern”, “Ornaments of the peoples of the Southern Urals”

Construction: building a house

Communication activities:

Role-playing game: “House”, “Bus”, “Trip around the city”, “Zoo”, “Theater”


Drawing "My yard"

Application "Houses"


Listening to songs about Chelyabinsk

Reading fiction:

E. Vasiliev “In the Urals”, P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, E. Lopatina “The Tale of the Ural Father”

Motor I:

Finger games, folk game “Burn, Burn Clear”

Speech development:

Conversations: “The city in which I live”, “My yard”, “My neighbors”, “My land”, “To make the house comfortable.”

“How they lived in the Urals in ancient times”

Quiz: “I know my city.”

Creating conditions for independent activity Natural, waste material for construction, albums with examples of buildings, postcards with views of the city, collections of Ural stones, attributes for story games

Educational activities in the family: city tour, introduce children to the sights of Chelyabinsk.