Learning to draw with poplar fluff.  How to draw poplar fluff on velvet paper Crafts made from fluff

Learning to draw with poplar fluff. How to draw poplar fluff on velvet paper Crafts made from fluff

The first green leaves have barely appeared, and lovers of natural materials for crafts are already waiting for poplar fluff.

And why not wait, poplar fluff is an amazing material for children's creativity. It costs absolutely nothing, it’s easy to assemble, it lasts a long time, and the pictures turn out wonderful. Poplar fluff is especially good for “drawing” animals, because it is very similar to wool, and winter landscapes, because it is similar to snow.

When and how to collect poplar fluff

In central Russia, poplar fluff appears in June. It is better to collect it on a clear day, straight from the tree. Then the fluff will be dry and clean. You can do it from the ground, but then you’ll have to sort through the poplar fluff more carefully at home, separating out debris, seeds, etc.

How to store poplar fluff

Pure poplar fluff is stored well, maintaining its white color and soft texture, in ordinary cardboard boxes, for example, shoe boxes. Sometimes it can be ventilated.

How to make applications from poplar fluff with children

Poplar fluff applications are usually made on velvet paper without the use of glue. The fluff holds up well anyway. The outline of the design is marked with chalk (or a piece of dry soap), and small details are corrected with a regular toothpick. That's all you need.

Let's get to work. Select velvet paper of the desired color and draw an outline in chalk. How younger child, the simpler the drawing should be, the larger the details. In general, it’s better to start with dandelion, it will definitely work.

Then we begin to apply a thin layer of fluff to the details of the design, carefully pressing, even smoothing it with our fingers. Even a baby can do this. Then we add a few more layers, which gives a sense of volume to the image. Poplar fluff can be easily combed or adjusted along the contour with a toothpick, so the work will look neater. By rolling the fluff into flagella, you can make a mustache for a kitten or the stamen of a flower, and by rolling the fluff into a ball, you will get a button nose. Don’t be afraid to experiment with material; there’s as much fluff on the street as you like.

Older children can effectively combine fluff with other natural materials: dried herbs, cereals, straws. Look at the amazing paintings professionals create from poplar fluff; there is something to strive for.

Making paintings from fluff is a cross between floristry, painting and needlework.
Most often this material is used to depict animals - puppies, kittens, tiger cubs, birds and other fluffy cuties. However, absolutely any subjects can be laid out from fluff, but first you need to make blanks of fluff.

To work you will need any fluff. The most important thing is that it is clean. It is collected from the tree along with the baskets. Then they are cleared of debris by combing. But you can also pick it up from asphalt. In any case, after this it must be cleaned of debris, leaves and dust by combing. To lay out the appliqué, you need to prepare the fluff. It can be whole or sliced ​​depending on the plot you choose. The fluff is cut with scissors and placed in a jar.

Velvet paper is used for appliqué. It is best if it is black, then the work will turn out to be as contrasting as the graphics. This paper can be glued to a solid base.
In addition to the above, you will need fine tweezers to carefully place the fluff in place.

It is not recommended to draw a sketch on velvet with a pencil, as the fibers will be damaged. In order to transfer an image onto velvet, various techniques are used. As a rule, an existing drawing or photograph is converted using a photocopier or printer into a black and white image of the required size. Then carefully transfer the main contours of the design using yellow copy paper onto the velvet.

First you need to protect those places that are the darkest from accidental contact of fluff on the surface of the velvet. This is done using pieces of velvet. They are placed with the pile down so that they stick to the base.

Now you can start working. If the subject of the picture is an animal, then you need to lay out the eyes first, and then the rest of the details. Poplar fluff is carefully applied to the desired location and smoothed with your fingers so that it sticks to the velvet. After the picture is ready, the protective pieces of velvet can be removed and the picture placed in a frame under glass. Or you can simply fix the design with hairspray. The technology of applying poplar fluff is not very complicated; even children can learn it. And professional artists create real masterpieces from fluff.

Applique of poplar fluff and feathers

Poplar fluff is another natural material that can be used to make crafts. It has one peculiarity: it appears only once a year in the summer and covers the ground with warm, fluffy “snow”. Poplar fluff is well used in applications to imitate snow, clouds, hare fur, etc.

Lesson 1. “Winter” (for the little ones)

You will need: blue cardboard, white gouache, paint brush, PVA glue, glue brush, pencil, napkin, poplar fluff.

Stages of work:

■ The child draws clouds on cardboard. Help him if necessary.

■ Using a paintbrush, apply glue inside one cloud.

■ Carefully place the fluff on the glue and press lightly with a napkin.

■ Do the same with the remaining clouds.

■ Use white paint to paint falling snow and snow-covered ground.

Lesson 2. “Swan”

You will need: white cardboard, gouache (blue and white paint), paint brush, palette, water jar, PVA glue, glue brush, pencil, napkin, feathers, black bead, seed husks.

Stages of work:

■ Help your child draw a swan with a pencil, leaving space underneath for working with paints.

■ The child draws a landscape over which a swan will fly. It could be a raging sea, fields, forest, etc.

■ Once the paint is dry, start gluing on the feathers. Try to ensure that the direction of the feathers is the same and that the overlap occurs like a tile, that is, each subsequent feather overlaps the previous one with fluff.

Drawing with poplar fluff. Master class with photos

The master class is dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia.

Description: This master class is intended for children 10 years and older, teachers, parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.

Target: Creating a painting from natural material with your own hands.
1. Introduce the technology of drawing with poplar fluff on velvet paper.
2. Learn how to properly prepare and store natural materials.
3. Develop skills in working with tweezers, scalpels, and scissors.
4. Develop in children fine motor skills hands
5. Cultivate accuracy and attentiveness when working with natural materials.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and creativity. It’s June, poplar fluff is flying around the city... You can consider it garbage, or you can consider it a material for painting: collect it, create a picture and surprise everyone! The very process of working on a painting made of poplar fluff develops fine motor skills, attention, and perseverance, so necessary for learning at school!

Material for work:
1. Poplar fluff.
2. Black velvet paper.
3. White pencil.
4. Tweezers.
5. Scissors.
6. Scalpel or stationery knife.


In June you need to prepare poplar fluff.
Poplar is a tree of different sexes; fluff can only be taken from females. Better fluff collect not from the ground, but from a tree, when the earrings are already formed, but still closed. During this period, the seeds have not yet ripened, which will greatly simplify the cleaning of fluff from seeds when doing work.

So, the earrings were torn from the branch, laid out on a newspaper, covered with another newspaper and left to dry. A dozen earrings will make a box of fluff.

When the poplar earrings dry and open, you can collect the fluff in a box. Plastic containers cannot be used; fluff is stored only in cardboard or glass containers.

For the background we need black velvet paper. Velvet paper sets usually only have one sheet of black. You can repaint the remaining sheets black. To do this, use a spray bottle with water, black ink, and a soft brush (squirrel no. 6).

We cover the surface of the table with newspaper, moisten a sheet of velvet paper with a spray bottle, and apply mascara with a brush. The paint should spread over the surface, this will prevent the paper fibers from sticking together. Next, dry the paper and, if necessary, place it under a press to straighten it.

On a sheet of black velvet paper, use a white pencil to sketch the drawing. The pressure should be light so that the fibers do not get crushed; we draw only the main lines.

Then we begin to paint with poplar fluff. The work is done without glue. The fluff holds on by clinging to the pile.
We take a small amount of fluff from the box and remove the seeds with tweezers. In order to show the line (ears), we lay the fluff lengthwise on the palm of our left hand, press it with the finger of our right hand and roll it “into a thread.” Then we place these “strings” on the sketch lines and press them onto the paper with our fingertips.
We create fluffiness along the edges by pulling right hand fluff from a bunch that we hold in our left hand. We also press it onto the paper with our fingertips.

The eyes and short fur on the muzzle are made from trimmed down. To do this, a small bunch, cleared of seeds, needs to be finely cut with scissors, placed on the surface of the paper to be painted and distributed with a scalpel (or the tip of a stationery knife). If necessary, brighter white, put a second layer of trimmed down. Using a scalpel, we move the fluff so that the eyes stand out clearly and a pupil is formed.

Place highlights in the pupil of the eye. They are performed by rolling a small piece of fluff between the thumb and forefinger.

Gradually all the fur is laid down, you can move the hairs with a scalpel to create “striations”, highlight claws, nostrils, comb the fur, etc. At the end you need to draw a mustache. To do this, roll up the “strings” on your palm, place them on the kitten’s face and press with your fingertips.

Using trimmed fluff, you can use a scalpel to depict the surface on which the kitten lies. If there are unwanted fluff stuck to the black surface of the background, you can clean it with a toothbrush or a damp finger.
Works made from poplar fluff must be placed under glass with a border or a photo frame. Works under glass are preserved for many years.

Success in creative work!

It's June. The time is beginning when you can easily confuse summer with winter appearance trees (although this year that’s not the only reason ;)). There are white flakes of “summer snow” - poplar fluff - everywhere. Poplar fluff- it’s great. It’s easy to assemble, it’s stored for a long time, and most importantly it doesn’t cost anything! “Drawings” of animals turn out especially well, because poplar fluff is so reminiscent. Decided: we’ll try to make it together with our child. crafts made from poplar fluff.

We have plenty of material in the city, and children will be only too happy to help both in collecting fluff and magically transforming it into a work of art!

Collection of poplar fluff

It is better to harvest poplar fluff in dry weather. We collect it either from trees, if the branches are not high, or directly from the ground, asphalt, first cleaning the fluff from grains and other impurities.

Drying and storage

We dry and store poplar fluff in dry, clean cardboard boxes, for example, for shoes or tea. When the fluff dries completely, it will fluff up even more.

What else will you need to make the craft?

We will need velvet paper (you can use regular paper or cardboard), a toothpick, or a sharpened pencil, chalk, or a piece of soap, glue (if we use regular paper as a base).

So let's get started.

  • We take the basis for our application - velvet paper of the desired color. Draw the outline of the image with chalk.
  • Now apply a thin layer of fluff to the details of the design, pressing it with your fingers.
  • A few more layers of poplar fluff will give the design a sense of volume.
  • To ensure that the fluff lies in one direction, it can be “combed” with a toothpick
  • You can correct or highlight the contours of the image, small details on the applique (for example, a tail, nose, animal whiskers) using flagella rolled from fluff.
This is what beauty you can create with kids!

And these are more serious crafts, for older children.

And professionals can create real masterpieces!

Enjoy your experiments, light and airy, like poplar fluff, imagination!