Does breastfeeding affect a child's immunity?  How to strengthen your immune system while breastfeeding

Does breastfeeding affect a child's immunity? How to strengthen your immune system while breastfeeding

RThe role of breast milk in the newborn’s immune system can be divided into 2 stages. The first is the formation of the immune system immediately after birth, when the composition of milk (including colostrum) includes:
immunoglobulin IgA, which immediately begins to protect the baby’s intestines from pathogenic flora;

- bifidus factor, stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines;
— immunoglobulins IgM and IgG, which penetrate into the blood from the intestines and participate in the formation of the child’s own immunity;
- macrophages and lymphocytes, which are involved in the formation of their own protective barriers in the intestines (there is also evidence that these cells manage to sneak from the intestines into the blood, again, for “educational” purposes). Plus lactoferrin, interferon, properdin, complement system, and growth factors And hormones in an active form. In general, babies who are breastfed in the first months of life tend to have an easier adjustment period and their immune systems mature more effectively.

As the child ages, the acidity of his stomach increases, and the role of breast milk in the development of the immune system decreases. Now she herself grows, matures and no longer needs such outside support. And here we move on to the second stage. Because immunoglobulin IgA, lactoferrin, bifidus factors, etc. do not go away. And if leukocytes-macrophages and immunoglobulins Ig M and Ig G are already destroyed in the stomach, then IgA, as well as substances that stimulate its formation by the child’s own cells, pass through the acid barrier.

However, medical universities do not study this issue in its entirety. fullness, which is why doctors often talk about the “emptiness” of breast milk after 6 months to a year. However, large studies, including those under the auspices of WHO, have shown that breast milk significantly reduces the incidence of intestinal infections and otitis media (due to the sucking mechanism itself), as well as, according to some data, the frequency and severity of acute respiratory viral infections. And here it is not so much important how exactly the GW does it, but rather the fact that it does it at all before a year, after a year, after two...

Moreover, the benefits of breastfeeding are not limited to the immune system. Therefore, even after a year, breast milk (let’s forget about immunity) still remains an unsurpassed source of protein, fats, carbohydrates (including bifidus factor), active forms of hormones and vitamins, easily digestible calcium and iron, etc. Yes, the child is growing and breast milk alone is not enough - a denser meal is needed - however, the benefits of mother's milk remain. Plus the possibility of easy drinking during intestinal infections, plus protection for teeth (unlike a nightly bottle of kefir/yogurt/milk), plus the psychological side of breastfeeding...

Besides, antibodies are Not the most important weapon of our immunity. They are necessary for immunological memory (that is, thanks to them we do not get chickenpox or measles a second time; we can get vaccinated against various infections, etc.), but our body fights viruses with the help of interferon, macrophages, and an increase in temperature. Antibodies enter the battle much later. However, there are infections against which antibodies are practically powerless, for example, tuberculosis. Therefore, when doctors or consultants tell a mother about antibodies that protect her child, they are not just lying - they are simplifying the situation. Instead of talking long and tediously about secretory immunoglobulin (also an antibody, by the way!), factors that enhance the production of a child’s own interferon, lactoferrin, lysozyme, avoiding dehydration, the importance of protein and iron for the immune system, and the like, they talk about antibodies : It’s clearer that way. And milk really does help you recover more easily—that’s a fact.

Mother's antibodies pass unchanged to the child exclusively during intrauterine development.. Some are quickly destroyed, some will float in his blood for about another year - these are antibodies to the measles, rubella, and chickenpox viruses (if his mother had them, of course).

During the illness of the nursing mother herself, maternal immunoglobulins in breast milk do not play such a pronounced role as we usually imagine, but they enhance the production of the child’s own interferon. Therefore, during illness, mother’s milk continues to protect the baby using the same “methods” and components as at any other time. And this is not just “protection” - it is a lot. And this is unique, since it has not yet been possible to synthesize this entire complex and make it a medicine and is unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future.

Based on site materials

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) or a cold does not require special therapeutic measures. A person can experience it at any time of the year, and get sick 2-3 times within 12 months. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding.

It is important for a woman to understand which medications can be taken and which medications are contraindicated during lactation, and whether the disease is transmitted through milk. The best solution in case of a cold in a nursing mother is a timely consultation with a doctor. Only a doctor can assess the patient’s condition, determine the nature of the disease, its causative agent and prescribe a safe drug.

Scientists have proven that 90% of respiratory system diseases are caused by viruses.

Once you have had ARVI, your body develops a strong immune system. The problem is that there are hundreds of thousands of viruses on the planet. There are 5 most famous categories - influenza, parainfluenza, rotavirus, rhinovirus and adenovirus. Each of them has more than 1 thousand varieties. Therefore, every time we get sick with a new acute respiratory viral disease. The symptoms of ARVI are known to everyone - weakness, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever, swollen lymph nodes.

Is it possible or not to feed the baby?

When the mother showed the first symptoms, the question immediately arises: is it possible to breastfeed during ARVI, is the virus transmitted through breast milk? Infants under 6–8 months of age rarely get colds or other airborne illnesses. This is due to the fact that even in the womb they receive special antibodies from their mother. They continue to enter the baby's body during feeding. If a mother is sick, it is important to continue to breastfeed her son or daughter, because refusing breastfeeding deprives him of his natural protection.

ARVI is very contagious, but breastfeeding allows the baby to develop stable immunity. The incubation period of viruses is 2–3 days, i.e. the mother is already sick, but does not suspect it. Before the first signs appear, the baby will have been drinking milk for several days, which contains special proteins - immunoglobulins. They are produced by the mother's body as a reaction to pathogens.

ARVI in nursing mothers should completely go away within 6-10 days. If this does not happen, the doctor notes the development of complications.

During lactation, a woman’s body is weakened, and the immune system cannot fully perform its functions. Chronic foci of infection often appear. Only antibiotics can help the mother. The doctor will prescribe them. Never self-medicate!

How and with what to treat ARVI in a nursing mother

How to treat ARVI for young mothers while breastfeeding? This question is asked by every woman who feels unwell and has a sore throat. If a nursing mother gets sick, therapy should be as simple as possible. It is aimed at helping the body cope with the disease on its own. Basic recommendations when treating colds with breastfeeding include:

  • Increased drinking regime. You need to drink a lot, this will alleviate the condition and also remove toxins from the body. The liquid should be close to body temperature, this will speed up absorption. Herbal tea, fruit juice, compote and just water are recommended.
  • Balanced diet. You have to eat as you wish. You can't force yourself to eat. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits; chicken broth is allowed.
  • Fresh, cool indoor air. Oxygen promotes healing. The body will spend energy to warm the air to body temperature, the woman will sweat more, and the fever will decrease accordingly.


Is it possible to take medications when sick while breastfeeding? Each case is individual. Antiviral drugs are contraindicated in most cases, homeopathy is ineffective, and some interferon-based drugs can be taken with caution only as prescribed by a doctor.


As already noted, homeopathic remedies such as Aflubin and Oscillococcinum are today considered to be ineffective drugs in the fight against viruses. In certain cases, they are still recommended by experts.

Antiviral drugs that are safe during lactation include: Viferon, Grippferon, Laferobion, etc.


The temperature during ARVI can reach 40 °C degrees Celsius. Before the thermometer shows 38.5 °C, you should not take antipyretics, because the body is actively producing antibodies.

To bring down a high temperature, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen, as well as drugs based on them. But treatment should be symptomatic; if the fever does not return, you should not take the medicine.

For runny nose and cough

For a runny nose, mothers can use vasoconstrictor drops to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. They have a local effect and are safe for the baby. The safest way to treat a cough due to ARVI is by inhalation, for example taking plant-based syrups and tablets.

Traditional medicine in the fight against acute respiratory viral infections in nursing mothers

Many mothers do not want to use pharmaceutical products, but a viral disease often makes them feel unwell. What to do in this case, how to relieve the symptoms? The answer is simple - to be treated with folk remedies. Decoctions based on calendula and chamomile are perfect for inhalation.

Inhalation procedures should not be carried out if a woman has an increase in body temperature.

The use of decoctions and herbal teas allows you to continue breastfeeding. The famous doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky believes that modern medicine and pharmacology have made significant progress, and it is not difficult for a nursing mother to choose a medicine for a cold that will be completely safe for her and the baby, and will also allow her to continue lactation. However, only the attending physician can prescribe the drug, who will take into account the individual characteristics of each woman. He also always speaks positively about the use of traditional remedies, but warns that they must be used carefully.

To understand how to treat ARVI with traditional recipes, you need to study the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to use herbal infusions. Sage, licorice, and St. John's wort thin mucus, soften the throat, and have an expectorant effect.
  • Honey is a universal antibacterial agent. Before using it for treatment, make sure there are no allergic reactions to bee products. Boiled milk, butter, a pinch of soda and a teaspoon of honey are an effective remedy for dry cough and sore throat.
  • Use essential oils for inhalation. It is especially useful to breathe steam with notes of eucalyptus and juniper.

Garlic has an excellent general strengthening effect. Raspberry jam can be used as an antipyretic. Viburnum tea helps with cough. Before choosing alternative medicine, consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

Often, women who have a cold are afraid that their baby will become infected if they breastfeed. In fact, the chance that the baby will get sick is extremely small; on the contrary, milk increases the body’s immune forces. However, strengthening preventive measures will not hurt. Necessarily:

  • Wash your hands often. Viruses are transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also by contact. Mucous discharge from the nose and mouth can end up on the mother's hands, and when she decides to feed the baby, she will transfer it to him.
  • Carry out wet cleaning several times a day. The cooler and cleaner the air, the less dust it contains, the lower the risk of developing a disease of viral etiology.
  • Do not stop breastfeeding, because the baby desperately needs immunoglobulins.
  • Use a protective medical mask. A gauze bandage can reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria in the air, because most settle on its surface.

It will not be possible to cure an acute respiratory viral disease in 3 days. We must prepare for the illness to last at least a week. At this time, it is important to involve relatives in caring for the baby. Help from loved ones will help relieve the burden on the mother. Lack of stress, good sleep, positive attitude - all this contributes to a speedy recovery.

From the moment of birth, the baby is faced with an environment that does not always have a positive effect on his body. In order for the child’s body not to be attacked by foreign bacteria and viruses, the baby needs a strong and reliable immune system.

The level of a baby's body's defenses depends on the type of nutrition it receives. Breastfed children have a slightly different immune system than babies receiving artificial milk formula.

Breastfeeding and immunity

If the baby feeds on mother's milk, then he does not need to receive additional drugs that stimulate immune defense. Receiving breast milk guarantees the formation of passive immunity, protecting the child from the effects of viral, fungal and bacterial agents.

After cessation of lactation, the newborn’s body will retain the immunity formed when receiving mother’s milk. Modern milk formulas are not able to provide the baby’s body with similar protection.

Breast milk contains antibodies, leukocytes and immune complexes. All these components are parts of the body's immune defense. Prebiotics are an important component of breast milk. These components create a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Thanks to this composition, mother's milk has a pronounced anti-infective activity.

Strong immunity is very important for a child of 1 year of age. This is due to the fact that within 12 months from the moment of birth, the baby is actively growing and developing. To ensure that this process is not interrupted by the development of an infectious disease, the child needs strong immunity.

If a young mother gets sick with the flu or ARVI, then the immune cells produced by her body enter the baby’s body through breast milk, forming the child’s protection against the virus. Thanks to this ability, women can continue breastfeeding without the risk of infecting their newborn.

Artificial feeding and immunity

If for some reason a young mother is not able to breastfeed her newborn, then this is not a death sentence. Modern milk formulas have an adapted composition that contains the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

Most infant formulas contain biologically active components that contribute to the formation of strong immune defenses in the newborn's body. To stimulate the growth of positive intestinal microflora, infant formula includes probiotics and prebiotics. This is important, since 65-70% of all immunity is concentrated in the intestines.

Modern baby food also contains prebiotic fibers. When these substances enter the body of a newborn, they strengthen the barrier function of the intestinal walls and increase the child’s body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

If a young mother has the opportunity to breastfeed her newborn, then she is advised not to resort to the use of artificial milk formulas.

How to boost your newborn's immunity

It is recommended to resort to the use of additional methods of stimulating the immune system when the baby really needs it. A tendency to allergies and rare cases of acute respiratory viral infections are not a reason for outside intervention in a child’s body. For more information on how to properly care for a child during ARVI, read the article at the link

You can understand that a newborn baby has reduced immunity by the following signs:

  • frequent whims, crying, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • cases of ARVI more often than once every 2 months;
  • no increase in body temperature in the baby if there are signs of a cold;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes (axillary, inguinal, submandibular, cervical);
  • tendency to develop allergic reactions;
  • digestive disorders and signs of intestinal dysbiosis (diathesis, constipation, diarrhea, allergic dermatitis).

Important! Regardless of the type of nutrition, if one of the signs of reduced immunity appears, parents need to show the baby to a pediatrician. Independent use of immunostimulating drugs is strictly prohibited.

If the baby needs an additional increase in the body’s defenses, then parents are advised to use the following tips:

  1. If a young mother is faced with a choice between breastfeeding and artificial feeding, then it is recommended to give preference to the first type. Children who receive breast milk get sick much less often.
  2. Hardening is useful for a child in his first year of life. From the first days of a child’s life, it is recommended to provide air baths that help improve immunity. As the baby grows, it is recommended to include water hardening. The baby must be dressed according to the weather, avoiding hypothermia and overheating.
  3. Parents need to carefully monitor the hygiene of their newborn. Clothes, toys, dishes and other household items must be kept clean.
  4. When introducing complementary foods, it is recommended to be careful not to cause an allergic reaction to unfamiliar foods in the child.
  5. If the baby gets sick with ARVI, then parents are not recommended to self-medicate. This issue should be entrusted to a medical specialist. The use of antipyretic drugs is indicated only when body temperature rises to 38 degrees. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics and immunostimulants can result in negative consequences for the newborn.
  6. Parents are not recommended to refuse scheduled vaccinations. Vaccination can protect your baby from developing serious infectious diseases.

In order for the baby’s immunity to be strong and reliable, parents should take care of this from the first days of the child’s life.

Treatment of manifestations of a common cold does not pose a particular problem, unless we are talking about a woman during breastfeeding. The lactation process is universal and very complex in its formation mechanism. The difficulty of treating ARVI in nursing women lies in the need to select medications that do not negatively affect the child’s body.

The specifics of treatment of ARVI during lactation, the characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as methods of protecting the child from infection will be described in detail below.

How to protect a child

ARVI is a common condition that is characterized by the penetration of pathogens (adenoviruses) into the human body, resulting in swelling of the nasal mucosa, sore throat, weakness, fever and general malaise.

The penetration of a viral infection into the body of a nursing woman is a problem of particular importance, which is associated with a high risk of infection of the child through airborne droplets. There is no single panacea to protect the child in this case, but every nursing mother can use a number of measures to reduce the risk of infection. Such measures include:

  1. Don't stop breastfeeding. This point is mandatory, since specific immunoglobulins enter the child’s body along with breast milk, which form immunity in the child’s body and act as a barrier to infection.
  2. Frequent hand washing. The spread of viral infection occurs not only through airborne droplets, but also through contact. Particles of mucous discharge from the nose, one way or another, fall into the hands of a nursing woman through a handkerchief. It is these secretions that contain a large number of viral pathogens of ARVI. An important condition for preventing infection is mandatory hand washing before contact with a child.
  3. Using a protective mask. The use of a protective gauze or cellulose bandage does not provide 100% protection against infection, but this method can help to significantly reduce the concentration of viruses in the surrounding air.
  4. Important! With the development of ARVI in a nursing woman, the general condition may significantly worsen. There is an increase in body temperature, weakness and increased drowsiness. In this case, the woman needs to involve her loved ones and relatives in the process of caring for the baby in order to reduce the risk of infection.

How does the disease progress?

The increased load on the respiratory system of a nursing woman makes her highly vulnerable to all viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. ARVI does not pose a particular danger to the body of a nursing woman, but significant harm can be caused to the child’s body.

The course of ARVI in lactating women is divided into 3 main periods, among which are:

  1. The period during which the virus enters the body. From the moment the virus enters the body until the first symptoms appear, an average of 2-3 days pass. Further symptoms of the disease include fever, chills, sore throat and runny nose.
  2. Period of immune response. The onset of this period is noted 72 hours after the appearance of characteristic symptoms of the disease. The immune response is characterized by increased production of interferons, which are responsible for eliminating viruses.
  3. Period of complete recovery. The timing of recovery is individual for each person. On average, this takes 7-10 days from the onset of symptoms. In the absence of improvement in well-being, we can safely talk about the development of complications of a viral infection.

How to treat

Treatment tactics for ARVI in women during breastfeeding are selected by the attending physician on an individual basis. An absolute reason to seek medical advice is a persistent increase in body temperature lasting more than 3 days, as well as a deterioration in general health.

To achieve a speedy recovery, a nursing woman is advised to adhere to the following tips:

  • Maintaining bed rest. Constant rest is a prerequisite for successful treatment of ARVI, regardless of the severity of the disease. Failure to comply with bed rest aggravates the general condition and significantly prolongs the period of illness.
  • Drinking regime. The intake of fluid stimulates the process of natural cleansing of the body from viral waste products. Compliance with the drinking regime helps reduce body temperature and improve general condition. It is best to drink warm tea, fruit compote and berry juice containing a large amount of vitamin C.
  • Proper diet. Eating food during illness should not be forced. It is better to eat when the body itself wants it. In the first days of the disease, it is recommended to eat light foods, such as chicken broth.

Drug therapy

Compliance with the regimen and other mentioned rules can significantly affect the speed of recovery, however, in order to cure ARVI, it is necessary to resort to taking medications.

Antiviral drugs

The variety of antiviral drugs that are available on pharmacy shelves can present a person with a difficult choice. During breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to use such drugs as Remantadine, Arbidol and Ribovirin.

The use of drugs such as Anaferon and Aflubin does not give the desired result, since these drugs are homeopathic and have increased allergic activity.

The best option for the treatment of ARVI in lactating women are drugs based on recombinant human interferon alpha. This group of substances includes the drugs Viferon and Grippferon. The dosage and frequency of taking these medications is determined by the attending physician.

Treatment of a runny nose

To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and normalize nasal breathing, special drops and sprays are used that contain a vasoconstrictor component. The use of such drops is harmless to the child. Among the most common means of such action are:

  • Sanorin, Naphthyzin. The active ingredient is Naphazoline, which has a short period of action.
  • Otrivin, Galazolin, Ximilin. The active ingredient is xylometazoline, which has an average duration of anti-edematous effect.
  • Nazol, Noxprey. The active ingredient is oxymetazoline. This substance has a long period of active action and retains it for 10-12 hours.

Read more about how to cure a runny nose for a nursing mother here.


The use of antipyretic drugs is advisable when body temperature rises above 38 degrees. Lower temperatures are an adequate response of the body to the virus and do not require medical intervention.

The use of these products is safe only if taken in their pure form. Combined-action drugs (Flukold, TeraFlu) contain additional components, the effect of which on the child’s body is unpredictable.

The use of antipyretics is permissible only in the indicated dosage.

For sore throat

To treat signs of inflammation of the oropharynx, it is recommended to use topical agents. For a nursing woman, the safest option is rinse solutions containing antiseptic ingredients. Solutions of Chlorhexidine, Hexoral and Iodinol have a pronounced effect.

At home, you can prepare your own rinse solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 tsp in 250 ml of warm boiled water. sea ​​and table salt and add 2-3 drops of iodine. It is recommended to gargle with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day.

Resorption of special lozenges (Sebedin, Strepsils) helps relieve pain. Another safe method of treating a sore throat is to irrigate the oropharynx with antiseptic sprays, such as Chlorophyllipt, Cameton and Camphomen.

Before starting to use any of the groups of drugs, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Self-medication leads to the development of unpredictable complications for the mother and child.

The common cold is not as dangerous as acute respiratory infections. In order not to harm the body of a young mother and her child, you need to know how to treat ARVI while breastfeeding.

Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding must be correct so as not to harm the mother and child

Every year, or even several times a year, almost all of us fall ill with respiratory diseases. The nose runs, coughing, sneezing occurs. But there is a misconception that colds and acute respiratory viral infections are one and the same disease. An incorrect comparison entails an inadequate approach to treating the disease with the ensuing complications. This is especially true for risk groups, which include young children, the elderly, and pregnant women. ARVI in a nursing mother also requires special attention, since the condition of the newborn baby depends on this. Therefore, it makes sense to find out the differences between various conditions, their nature of occurrence and the main symptoms, and at the same time, remember what is possible for a nursing mother with ARVI.

Causes of ARVI and colds

ARVI is a number of respiratory diseases, which include influenza. Infection occurs through airborne droplets, and those who have not been immunized or have weak immunity are especially susceptible. The body's defenses, in turn, weaken due to many factors, which include chronic diseases, previous surgeries, bad habits, poor diet, etc. The most optimal air temperature for the spread of infection is from -5 to 5 degrees. It is in such an atmosphere that viruses quickly multiply and penetrate the nursing mucosa, to eliminate which requires adequate treatment of ARVI during lactation.

Colds manifest themselves due to hypothermia and low immunity. But at the same time, pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate the body, but internal ones are activated, which are necessarily present in the body of every person. There is a cough, sore throat, etc. The disease does not pose a threat of powerful intoxication, the culprit of which is the acquired virus. As a treatment, you can use folk remedies, a course of multivitamins.

Pathogenesis of ARVI

After pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the mucous membrane through the respiratory tract, in rare cases through the conjunctiva, the viruses settle firmly in the larynx, nose, etc. They penetrate deep into the epithelium, then into the bloodstream and gain access to the internal organs. The main symptoms appear:

  • myalgia - aches in muscles, joints;
  • fever;
  • sore throat.

A respiratory infection is often not detected immediately, since the viruses multiply first; after 2-3 days, a person develops the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose, sneezing;
  • headache;
  • dry, painful cough.

Decay products from parts of healthy cells and viruses, entering the blood, cause additional unpleasant symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting

In rare cases, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the intestinal cavity, causing severe inflammation. The patient is accompanied by diarrhea, stomach cramps, and complete loss of appetite.

The body of a nursing mother is subject to stress even without illness

ARVI in a nursing woman

A young mother who is breastfeeding is already subject to stress, including the respiratory system. When producing milk, the body introduces specific enzymes into it that protect the baby from diseases and promote its development. A woman is very susceptible to infection, but with adequate treatment, the disease does not pose a particular danger. But for a baby who receives everything vital from the mother’s body, breastfeeding during ARVI without following the recommendations can cause serious harm.

In a young mother, the disease occurs in three stages:

  1. The virus enters the body. The first signs appear after 2-3 days: fever, high temperature, sore throat, lacrimation, runny nose.
  2. Approximately 2-3 days after the first signs of the disease, the immune system produces a response - interferon, which destroys bacterial colonies.
  3. After 7-10 days, the recovery period begins. The sense of smell returns, a surge of energy is felt, pain goes away, and the temperature returns to normal. If there are no such symptoms, complications have arisen in the body due to a viral infection.

Important: as for babies, they have not yet developed immunity. Children under 6 months receive valuable components that strengthen protective mechanisms through mother's milk, which cannot be said about bottle-fed babies. Therefore, it is important not to wean the baby from the mother’s breast for as long as possible.

Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding

Treatment for a nursing mother should be individualized. But there is an ironclad rule: at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. So, how to treat ARVI for a nursing mother at home, what measures to take:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of warm drink - milk, water, herbal teas, fruit drinks, juices. When intoxicated and attacked by viruses, the body loses a large amount of fluid, so it is important to normalize the water balance. Fever, high temperature causes dryness of the mucous membranes, due to the consumption of fluid, the respiratory tract is moistened and the mucus is thinned. Toxins are eliminated from the body in various ways, including through sweat.
  2. Treatment of influenza and ARVI during breastfeeding involves rest and bed rest. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors; you should limit your activity. During an acute respiratory infection, the human body loses strength, and in order to continue the fight against viruses, it must be accumulated. Peace, silence, and being in a warm bed will save and accumulate energy.
  3. At high temperatures, intoxication, loss of appetite occurs. You cannot force a patient to eat, especially since a sore throat interferes with swallowing, and the sense of smell and taste are lost. Food is replaced by warm drinks of compotes, fruit drinks, juices, which contain no less useful substances. Warm chicken broth, which contains components valuable for recovery, is suitable as a complete nutrition. Liquid porridges and purees will not be superfluous.
  4. Clean room. The room in which the sick person is located must be periodically ventilated and moistened. In dry, stagnant air, viruses thrive and multiply, and the infected person again inhales pathogenic microorganisms.

A nursing mother needs to drink at least 2 liters of warm liquid per day

Treatment of a nursing mother with ARVI

The above measures are provided as part of complex therapy. When treating ARVI with hepatitis B, antiviral drugs are indicated. The prescription of medicines provides a list that contains only those items that will not harm the health of the mother and her baby.

Important: it is a big mistake to use antibiotics to treat a viral infection. The components of such products are not able to influence the aggressive and powerful forces of pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics for nursing mothers with ARVI are prescribed by the attending physician individually to eliminate complications - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.

An important point is to protect the child’s body from viral attacks. If the baby's mother falls ill with ARVI, a number of precautions must be taken:

  • Is it possible to breastfeed during ARVI - yes, this is a mandatory task; the beneficial components of milk will help keep the baby’s immunity at the proper level.
  • Wash your hands constantly, as the infection spreads not only through the air, but also through dirty hands and face. During ARVI, everyone uses handkerchiefs, which they touch with their hands in any case.
  • Wear a cotton-gauze bandage or mask to eliminate the risk of infection of the baby when breathing, coughing, or sneezing. Wear the item not only when in contact with the baby, but also at other times, thus the concentration of viruses in the air will be minimized.

Important: if a woman’s condition deteriorates significantly, a feeling of heaviness, weakness, high temperature, fever, it is difficult to care for the child. In such cases, the help of loved ones is important, who must take care of the baby.

Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding: drugs

Compliance with doctors' recommendations is just part of the therapy, which strengthens the body and improves immunity. In addition, it is necessary to consume medications for ARVI during breastfeeding of a certain type, aimed at eliminating symptoms and destroying viruses.

Treatment of ARVI in a nursing mother should be prescribed by a qualified doctor

ARVI in a nursing mother: treatment with antiviral drugs

There are a lot of drugs on the shelves of pharmacies, in the variety of which it is easy to get lost and confused. A young mother should be especially picky; treatment of acute respiratory viral infections when feeding a child requires certain types of drugs; the wrong selection can harm the child.

Prohibited drugs include Remantadine, Ribovirin, Arbidol. Homeopathic medicines such as Aflubin and Anaferon are not highly effective and can cause allergic reactions in the body. Among the best drugs are those that contain recombinant human interferon alpha. Treatment of ARVI during breastfeeding with the indicated names is prescribed only by the attending physician, since the schedule and doses provide for an individual approach.

Treatment of ARVI during lactation: fighting a runny nose

When intoxicated, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which causes a runny nose, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. To clear the airways, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed - sprays, drops.

There are a lot of names that can be safely used by both nursing mothers and small children:

  • based on Naphazoline: Naphthyzin, Sanorin - short period of action;
  • based on xylometazoline: Ximilan, Otrivin - medium-term period of action.
  • based on oxymetazoline: Noxprey, Nazol, effective for 12 hours.
How to treat ARVI in a nursing mother: lowering the temperature

Any respiratory disease causes an increase in temperature. If the mark does not rise, it means that the immune forces are so weak that they are unable to fight viruses. There is no point in reducing the indicators to 38.5. Thus, the body attacks pathogenic microorganisms with its immunity and concentrates its forces on fighting the symptoms. In cases where the readings are above 38.5, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. For a nursing mother, medications are prescribed to reduce the temperature: ibuprofen, paracetamol. But the medicines must be in their pure form. Diluted, that is, a combination of antipyretics with other components: Theraflu, Flukold can cause an allergic reaction and dangerous side effects in the body of an infant.

How to treat ARVI during lactation: relieving sore throat

To minimize the risk of taking heavy drugs for an infant’s body, it is better to use local means. The safest medications for acute respiratory viral infections during lactation are liquids containing antiseptic components: Iodinol, Lugol, Hexoral.

Hexoral is considered a safe and at the same time effective drug for the treatment of ARVI during lactation

Rinsing at home produces an excellent effect. Add 3 drops of iodine into a glass of almost hot water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and baking soda. Rinse 5 times a day.

To get rid of a sore throat, use lollipops that contain antiseptic and analgesic components: Strepsils, Falimint, in the form of sprays: Kameton, Chlorophyllipt.

Important: before starting treatment for ARVI while breastfeeding, you must clearly understand: take any drug only as prescribed by a doctor, having previously agreed on the dose and schedule.

Prevention of ARVI in a nursing mother

Despite the fact that a young mother does not have a lot of free time, she still needs to take care of preventive measures. You should follow the basic rules included in the complex for the prevention of ARVI during breastfeeding, which strengthen the immune system and minimize the chances of infection with acute respiratory diseases.

  1. No one forbids nursing mothers from leading a healthy lifestyle and playing sports. You can choose half an hour, an hour a day to do jogging, swimming, yoga, or gymnastics.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Not only does water have a direct relationship with the formation of milk in the glands, it also strengthens the body by cleansing it. With liquid, be it juice, fruit drink, compote, herbal tea, toxins and toxins are removed, metabolism and metabolic processes are improved. Scientists have long established that the immune system is formed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the fluid regulates the optimal microflora, which means that the defenses will be in perfect order.
  3. Fresh air. Nature itself prescribes for a young woman to walk with a stroller in the open air, which is beneficial for both her and her baby. Firstly, this movement, activity, which already has a beneficial effect on the mother’s body, strengthens her tone. Secondly, light walks bring positivity, invigorate, and give energy.
  4. Healthy eating. Yes, when breastfeeding you have to choose foods so that the baby does not have colic, allergies, or diathesis. But you shouldn’t give up steamed vegetables, healthy purees and cereals.
  5. Prevention of influenza and ARVI during breastfeeding involves hardening. You need to start strengthening your immune system in warm seasons, preferably in summer. Start hardening with a contrast shower, then douse yourself with cold water every morning. Increased energy, vigor, increased tone, increased blood circulation.
  6. To refuse from bad habits. Everyone understands perfectly well that a smoking, drinking mother has no right to breastfeed her baby. But there are still cases when a woman does not behave quite correctly. Nicotine and alcohol directly impair the functioning of internal organs, the liver, kidneys, and lungs, which are directly involved in cleansing and hematopoiesis, suffer. Toxins enter the mother's milk and then into the baby's body.

A nursing mother needs to take special care of her health and that of her baby.

It is important to protect and care for a young mother, not to mention her baby. After childbirth, a woman undergoes hormonal changes, she is tormented by depression, confusion, and fear, especially if she is a first-time mother. Relatives should monitor her psychological state, help in everything, and surround her with love. The slightest trouble or breakdown can cause loss of milk, stress, and the mother’s condition immediately affects the health of her child.


The period of bearing a child and childbirth is a huge stress for the body, associated with constant hormonal changes. The immunity of a nursing mother ensures not only the health of the woman, but also the health of the baby in the first year of life. Good lactation depends on good health.

Signs of a decrease in the body's defenses

It is necessary to think about how to increase immunity during breastfeeding if there is weak resistance.

The reasons for the decrease in the activity of defense mechanisms may be:

  • Hormonal changes for prolactin synthesis;
  • Birth complications;
  • Taking heavy medications, antibiotics during pregnancy or after resolution;
  • Toxicosis, anemia, and other pathological conditions during pregnancy.

Symptoms of a poorly coordinated immune system are manifested in:

  • Prolonged fatigue, weakness, constant feeling of increased fatigue even after a long rest;
  • Weight loss associated with lack of appetite;
  • Insufficient lactation;
  • Susceptibility to colds;
  • Irritability, depression, apathy;
  • Headache;
  • Hereptic eruptions.

How to increase immunity while breastfeeding - the opinions of pediatricians, as well as Dr. Komarovsky, agree that a young mother needs to follow a few simple rules to strengthen resistance:

  • First, set up a daily routine: clearly planned time will allow you to do all the planned things, devote time to yourself and your newborn to the fullest;
  • The second is to get enough sleep, ensuring a full night and an hour and a half of sleep is the key to health. When the body is rested, the protective structure is not oppressed by a stressful state, the body and all internal systems are restored after childbirth;
  • Third - a balanced, rational diet. General health depends on the quality of food and the diet you follow. It is necessary to obtain all nutrients and useful substances for the normal functioning of the body, for lactation, and full breastfeeding;
  • Fourth - Proper drinking regime. A nursing mother should drink at least two and a half liters of water in any form, with the exception of soups. Immune decoctions from the fruits of medicinal plants, compotes, fruit drinks will help not only cleanse and improve health, but also supplement the baby’s nutrition with useful microelements during breastfeeding;
  • Fifth, daily walks in the fresh air should become an integral part of the life of a newborn and a young mother.

Balanced diet

How to boost your immunity during breastfeeding - eat right.

While feeding your baby with breast milk, in order to improve resistance, you must follow the principles of proper food consumption.

A woman should not adhere to strict mono diets. It is recommended to provide your diet with:

  • Fermented milk products, cottage cheese with low fat content - no more than 1%;
  • Wholemeal, grain bread. It is better to consume slightly dry and chapped;
  • Light meats: veal, turkey, rabbit, beef;
  • White fish;
  • A large number of vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn, oat flakes;
  • Hard cheeses;
  • Quail eggs, chickens.

The entire menu is developed to meet the daily requirement for proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The need for vitamins is fully compensated: folic, pantothenic, ascorbic acids, group B, D3, A, E, K, mineral salts, fiber and other valuable nutrients.

Any product must be used taking into account the absence or presence of allergies in the newborn.


How to increase immunity for a nursing mother - follow a daily routine.

Conditional ranking of time allows you to distribute all the strength and capabilities of the body for the whole day.

The absence of turmoil, haste, attempts to redo everything, alternating stress and relaxation will improve health. After all, the equal value of work, rest, and walking can improve overall well-being. Correct expenditure of energy will prevent emotional and physical overload.

Night and daytime sleep is required - lack of sleep depresses the immune system and nervous system, which negatively affects the health of the mother and newborn. Proper rest increases the immune system, allows internal systems to recover, and the synthesis of hormonal compounds occurs, including prolactin.

Physical exercise

To establish breastfeeding and increase the body's resistance, a nursing mother needs rest after childbirth. Especially the first month and a half.

The degree of household chores and labor must be increased gradually.

Heavy loads and overly active sports can slow down the restoration of ligaments and tissues, and can provoke complications in the form of displacement or prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Light physical work and gymnastic exercises can raise tone, strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscle tissue, and tighten ligaments.

Fresh air

Oxygen starvation not only leads to problems associated with respiratory diseases, but also reduces resistance.

Walking helps saturate the blood and improves circulation.

Walking helps strengthen the heart and musculoskeletal system, which is very important after pregnancy and childbirth. The activity of the central nervous system is improved. Good health is restored and immune activity increases. The body fights infections better.

In addition, the intake of fresh air improves mood and brings mother and child closer together.


How to strengthen the immune system of a nursing mother with the help of medications. Sometimes diet and lifestyle adjustments alone are not enough for the body. There are cases of deficiency of immune abilities that require treatment with pharmacological agents.

The choice of medications should be agreed upon with a pediatrician or therapist, and if necessary, undergo a series of examinations. Appointed:

  • Vitamin and mineral complexes for women breastfeeding;
  • Immunostimulating or modulating medications to enhance immune responses and mechanisms;
  • Lacto and bifido bacteria to restore gastrointestinal functions and maintain local resistance;
  • Herbal medicine - plant-based products, aloe juice injections;
  • Preparations based on bacteria.


How to boost the immunity of a nursing mother using traditional methods.

To quickly increase resistance, the following are used:

  • A mixture of honey, lemon, dried apricots, prunes and walnuts;
  • Infusions, teas with ginger, rose hips;
  • Products for resorption: royal jelly;
  • Garlic with juice;
  • Echinacea decoction.

All traditional methods of increasing resistance are used for two months, provided that the child does not suffer from allergic reactions and the mother does not have individual intolerance to the components. It must be remembered that some foods and herbs can affect lactation and the taste of milk.

How to increase the immunity of a nursing mother - reviews show that increasing methods should be used comprehensively. While observing your daily routine and diet, do not forget about walks, additional intake of vitamin D3 and wet cleaning of the house. It is necessary to avoid stress and get enough sleep.

Not only pregnancy, but also the postpartum period is a test for the mother and her immunity. The female body gives the developing fetus most of the beneficial components, so by the end of 8–9 months it suffers from vitamin deficiency and a lack of minerals. After the birth of the baby, the mother should take care not only of the new family member, but also of herself, because the longer she forgets about her own health, the higher the likelihood of becoming the owner of a couple of chronic diseases.

Rest and tranquility

Carrying and the process of bringing a baby into the world is a huge stress. After discharge, a woman needs normal rest and proper sleep, which she has been deprived of for several months. It is advisable that in the first weeks not only the mother, but also the grandmother, nanny or father sit with the child.

A woman should not shoulder cooking, cleaning, and caring for the baby on her own shoulders. A man is quite capable of frying eggs, washing his own socks and changing his diaper. Lack of sleep and constant emotional stress negatively affects women's health, undermines hormonal levels and immunity. The more rest mom gets, the healthier she is and the happier her baby is, so there's no need to worry about a dirty cup or an unprepared dinner.

Physical exercise

In the first 1–2 months, when the body is recovering after childbirth, doctors recommend refraining from intense exercise. Afterwards, when the stitches have healed and the woman has gained strength, it is useful to do a little exercise, get acquainted with yoga and take the new stroller for a walk in the nearest park more often. Fresh air strengthens both maternal and child immunity. Light frosts and cool weather will help harden the baby. And if the mother is worried about the child, then she can transfer him from the stroller to the sling to warm him with her own body.

When the baby grows up and learns to hold his head, you can sign up for the pool. Swimming has double benefits. Mom becomes healthier, because the body is renewed and natural protection against infections and viruses improves. Her body is toned and her mood improves with every kilogram she loses. The child enjoys the water and communication with his mother, plus learns to swim.

Children aged one year and older can go to the sea. Sunbathing and special air interspersed with salt strengthen the immune system better than any vitamin complex.

Supporting mental health

Men and all-knowing relatives consider postpartum depression a fiction, but it exists and has a significant impact on the health of a young mother. Women who feel overwhelmed, empty, scared and confused are advised to consult a psychologist. A specialist will calm you down and help you get used to your new role.

Constant worries are stress. They suppress the immune system, which is already weakened. If there is no stress, the woman’s well-being will improve, and her body will become stronger and will not allow various infections to attack itself.

In the postpartum period, it is necessary to treat worsened chronic diseases and new ones acquired during pregnancy. Mom should have her teeth filled, restore intestinal microflora, normalize liver and kidney function, and a little later have her hormonal levels examined. Any disease is a source of inflammation. If you do not fight them, they destroy the immune system and destroy the female body, causing emotional discomfort.

Balanced diet

A pregnant woman is forced to adhere to a diet, because every extra kilogram can cause complications during childbirth. A nursing mother is assured that the child’s health and the development of his digestive system depend on the diet. Any harmful dish provokes colic or allergies. In fact, a woman’s diet has virtually no effect on the baby’s well-being; only alcohol, nicotine and caffeinated products should be excluded.

During the postpartum period, a mother should eat a balanced and varied diet. Recommended are porridge and vegetable soups, dietary meat, beef liver and low-fat fish, which contain B vitamins, phosphorus and omega-3 acids.

Orange vegetables are recommended: carrots, pumpkin, peppers. You should not deprive yourself of fruits such as apricots, apples, bananas, pears, plums, watermelons and melon. Be careful with oranges and other citrus fruits. Even strawberries in small quantities will be useful.

It is necessary to support the thyroid gland, so the diet should include herring, hake, capelin, and seaweed. It’s good if you have the opportunity to buy salmon or salmon, shrimp or caviar. A budget source of iodine is seaweed and iodized salt.

Fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk and unsweetened yogurt, will restore the intestinal microflora. Sources of vitamin C will be dishes made from sauerkraut and black currants, spinach, sea buckthorn and fresh parsley.

Mom should drink plenty of fluids. Plain water, green tea with a spoon of honey and a slice of lemon, natural juices and special decoctions are suitable. The latter are used to restore immunity during breastfeeding, when it is necessary to protect the mother’s body and not harm the baby.

You can prepare healthy drinks from:

  • milk, to which a decoction of fresh cherry leaves is added;
  • grated currants and syrup, which is prepared from honey and water;
  • elecampane root (1 part), mixed with rose hips (2 parts), and fir oil, which is added to the finished decoction (2 drops per glass);
  • oats, which are boiled until thick, add milk and a little honey.

Pomegranates, raisins, dried apricots and beet juice, cranberries and prunes trigger the production of antibodies, the main defenders of health.

Advice: A woman can consult her gynecologist and choose a vitamin and mineral complex. An alternative is herbal infusions that contain echinacea, lemongrass, ginseng or licorice.

Motherhood is a real feat and a huge responsibility. And in order to pass this test, a woman should take care of her own body and immune system, because a child needs not just a beautiful, but a healthy and happy mother.

Video: how to strengthen your immune system

The immune system, or immunity (lat. immunitas - “liberation, deliverance”), is the property of the human body not to perceive (or reject) foreign substances and infectious (transmissible), as well as non-infectious agents. An antigen is a substance foreign to the body that causes the formation of antibodies in the blood and other tissues. In turn, an antibody is a protein formed in the body when a foreign agent enters it, which neutralizes its harmful effect. In other words, human immunity is a kind of natural defense mechanism of our body. It is responsible for two important processes: replacing spent or damaged, aged cells of various organs of our body; protecting the body from various types of infections - viruses, bacteria, fungi.

When an infection invades the human body, protective systems come into play, the task of which is to ensure the integrity and functionality of all organs and systems. Macrophages, phagocytes, lymphocytes are cells of the immune system, immunoglobulins are proteins that are produced by cells of the immune system and also fight foreign particles.

Depending on the mechanisms that form the body’s immunity to pathogenic agents, two types of immunity are distinguished - hereditary and acquired. Hereditary, like other genetic traits, is inherited. Acquired is our body’s experience in fighting infections that attack us at every step; it is not inherited, but is formed as a result of past infections. While still in the womb, we already receive her antigens through the placenta, which means we are protected by passively acquired immunity. Therefore, newborns for some time remain immune to a number of infections to which the mother is immune.

Normally functioning skin and mucous membranes constitute the body's first line of defense against bacterial and viral infections. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that reproduce by simple division. They are the causative agents of many infections: cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, some types of bronchitis, various skin infections.

Viruses, unlike bacteria, which can adapt to existence in the external environment: water, air, soil, live only in living tissue. That is why scientists could not detect them for so long - because they cannot be grown on a nutrient medium suitable for the growth of bacteria. Viruses actively reproduce only in artificially grown human and animal tissue cultures. Influenza, encephalitis, measles, smallpox, polio, chickenpox, rubella, yellow fever and many other diseases are of viral origin.

Microbes try to enter the body through the air we inhale. However, they are met by elements of mucus in the nose and special cells in the lungs (phagocytes) that devour microbes. In most cases, phagocytes deal with the “enemies” in time and take control of the situation. And viruses and bacteria that prefer to enter the body with food are neutralized by hydrochloric acid in the stomach and enzymes in the intestines.

The human immune system includes organs capable of producing or storing lymphocytes that produce antibodies. Such organs are lymph nodes, red bone marrow, thymus, lymphoid tissue of the colon and appendix, tonsils, and spleen. Almost all women, since during this period the natural mechanism of its suppression is activated. First of all, this applies to cellular immunity. The immune system is very complex and diverse: there is general immunity (blood and lymph contain a huge amount of immune proteins and cells that circulate throughout the body), as well as local tissue immunity in all organs; cellular immunity (lymphocytes, macrophages) and humoral (immunoglobulins - immune response proteins). For each microorganism or foreign cell (antigen), unique immunoglobulins (antibodies) of four classes A, E, G, M are produced.

So, while waiting for the baby, the number of T-lymphocytes, which remove foreign or their own cells that have viral or other antigens on the surface, in the body of the expectant mother is significantly reduced.

Mysteries of the nature of immunity
The female body, placenta and fetus produce special protein factors and substances that suppress the immune response to the presence of a foreign organism and prevent rejection of the embryo. Although pregnancy is considered a natural process, it is fraught with many mysteries. One of them is that the mother’s immune system “tolerates” the presence of a half-alien fetus in her body. A human embryo receives 50% of its genetic information from its father, which does not coincide with its mother’s. The other half of the fetal proteins is common to him and his mother. Despite genetic semi-compatibility, normally not only does the embryo not be rejected, but, on the contrary, especially favorable conditions are created for its development. Paradoxically, the difference in antigens between the child and the mother becomes a signal for the activation of mechanisms for preserving and supporting pregnancy. The more spouses differ in tissue antigens, the less likely they are to develop problems during pregnancy.

Factors that reduce immunity after childbirth include:

  • general exhaustion of a woman’s body during pregnancy. For nine months, the mother’s organs and systems work to the limit of their capabilities. They do not wear out like a placenta, but do require a recovery period;
  • hormonal shift, disorder. Some hormones produced by the fetal membranes have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the immune system. This is human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone), placental lactogen. A similar effect is produced by glucocorticoids, progesterone and estrogens, which are produced in increasing quantities by the placenta throughout pregnancy. In addition to hormones, fetoprotein, for example, contributes to the suppression of the immune system reactions of the mother's body. This protein is produced by fetal liver cells;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • damage to barrier protective membranes (wound area remaining in place of the separated placenta in the uterus);
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases: they can arise as a result of a general decrease in immunity after childbirth and weaken it even more, adding other pathologies.
  • We should not forget about the psychological factors of decreased immunity after childbirth, such as postpartum apathy, lack of adequate sleep, etc. They are not only the causes, but also the consequence of a decrease in immune defense. The physiological decrease in immunity after childbirth is influenced by the fact that the body has yet to mobilize its strength for breastfeeding. In addition, the difficult rhythm of life of a nursing mother of an infant is also a factor in the suppression of the immune system.

Consequences of decreased immunity after childbirth

A decrease in immunity after childbirth leads to susceptibility to viral infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Health after childbirth: how to boost immunity?

  1. From the very beginning, give yourself the mindset: for the benefit of your baby, you need strength and health. Don't be shy about asking your relatives for help. It’s good if someone close to you can help you at first. But if you are deprived of this opportunity, do not despair. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly. The health of you and your child comes first.
  2. Even in the maternity hospital, you need to properly organize your nutrition. Pay special attention to proteins (their deficiency negatively affects the immune system). Also take a multivitamin recommended by your doctor.
  3. Adequate sleep is no less important for maintaining health after childbirth than a balanced diet. Try to distribute responsibilities in such a way that you can sleep at least eight hours a day. Don’t try to have time to do everything yourself: stress is the enemy of your immunity. It's okay if you don't have time to do something. Plan your time so that you feel comfortable. Make it a rule to rest when your child sleeps. A couple of months after giving birth, you can resume playing sports, giving preference to gymnastic exercises (it’s better to start with light stretching exercises), running in the fresh air and swimming. Over time, you can begin hardening procedures. Playing sports will not only provide you with a charge of positive emotions, help you relax and take your mind off problems at home - they will mobilize the body's defenses.
  4. Walking in the fresh air is useful for restoring immunity after childbirth. Therefore, by walking with your baby, you will also help activate the body's defenses. In addition, it has been proven that bright sunshine not only promotes the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, but also improves mood and overall well-being.
  5. If possible, avoid stressful situations and conflicts in your family: stress and negative emotions depress the immune system. If problems still arise, it is best to contact a psychologist. But to prevent the development of depression, natural available remedies are sufficient: relaxing massage, aromatherapy, taking herbal infusions (chamomile, motherwort, mint, valerian have a slight sedative effect). Active games with the child will also help (of course, they will be more active for the mother, who carries the baby, telling him about his surroundings).
  6. Neither you nor the child, whose immunity has not yet strengthened, should be in stuffy or smoky rooms, in crowded places, in shops, in transport, especially during periods of seasonal epidemics. After all, the respiratory tract is the gateway for infection to enter our body.

Medicine, of course, does not stand still and offers a choice of many different drugs to improve immunity, but, as in any matter, the problem must be solved comprehensively. With a physiological decrease in immunity after childbirth, in most cases it is enough to manage without medications.

We do an immunogram

If six months have passed since the birth of your baby, and you still feel out of shape: you feel weak, tired, constantly catching colds, fungal infections of the skin and nails have appeared, or chronic diseases continue to remind you of themselves - you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination. The state of immunity can be judged by a special blood test - an immunogram, which examines the components of the immune system. It takes into account the number of cells (leukocytes, macrophages or phagocytes), their percentage and the degree of readiness to protect the body, as well as the substances that these cells produce. Only a qualified specialist will be able to choose the right strategy for interfering with the immune system.

It is important to remember that in this matter, both your own inattention to the alarm bells that your own body gives you and possible self-medication are dangerous, especially if you continue to breastfeed.

The immune system of a nursing mother during the recovery period after childbirth needs additional strengthening. Since the presence of all vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaturated fatty acids and organic acids and other important elements directly determine the physical and mental health of the mother, and through breast milk, beneficial substances reach the baby and strengthen his immunity. Therefore, a mother’s strong immunity is important for the growth and development of her child. If the mother's immune system is weak, then the babies do not receive the necessary nutrition. How to boost immunity for a nursing mother?

Immunity and breastfeeding

The immune system undergoes changes during the period of bearing a child due to changes in hormonal levels, the digestive system, and local and systemic immune functions. After the birth of the baby, the immune system changes again, adapting to feeding the child. This naturally affects the strength of the immune system. This means that during breastfeeding, when most of the substances from a woman’s body go into breast milk, additional support for the protective immune system and its replenishment with a large amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary.

The immunity of a nursing mother can be strengthened with:

  • Good rest and moderate physical activity;
  • Special diet;
  • Fight stress;
  • Long walks with the baby;
  • Vitamins and folk remedies.

Recreation and activity

The period of bearing a child and childbirth leads to exhaustion and weakening of the body. Therefore, in the postpartum period and during breastfeeding, a young mother needs the most complete rest:

  • In order for the body to fully recover, it is necessary to get enough sleep. In addition to nine hours of sleep at night, a daytime rest of at least one and a half hours is required;
  • There is no need to try to redo all household chores at once; it is better to rationally allocate time to avoid excessive physical exertion. What you didn’t do today can be done tomorrow;
  • Do not overdo it in your work activity in order to avoid rapid fatigue and an even more weakened body.

To maintain tone and restore immune strength, physical activity is required. It is necessary to get in shape by doing gymnastics, visiting the pool or fitness center. But the load must be increased gradually, since sudden loads will lead to an increase in weakening of the immune system.


How to increase the immunity of a nursing mother with the help of nutrition - a special diet developed taking into account the needs of the mother’s body and maintaining the sufficiency and quality of milk during breastfeeding.

The immunity of a nursing mother can be increased:

  • Balanced nutrition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements are taken into account to ensure adequate nutrition for both mother and baby;
  • Rational nutrition: the intake of all useful substances into the body is ensured by a variety of foods: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits;
  • Healthy food: steamers, stewing, boiling, baking, soups and vegetable and fruit salads are used for cooking - thanks to which the maximum of nutrients is preserved.

But it is worth remembering that to take walks you need to dress according to the weather, so as not to catch a cold, wear proper shoes and a hat both in the cold and from the sun. For immunity, especially at first, it is better not to deal with the aggressive environment of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid crowded places and choose public gardens and parks for a walk.

Vitamins for mom

If nutrition, rest and moderate physical activity do not help improve immunity, the mother is constantly sick or feels tired, then you should think about vitamin complexes. Such complexes are designed to maintain and prevent a lack of vitamins and minerals, leading to an immunodeficiency state. Before choosing a vitamin complex, you should contact your pediatrician or therapist, who will undoubtedly provide assistance in choosing the right drug.

The most common vitamins for nursing mothers are:

  • Mom is completive;
  • Vitrum prenatal;
  • Elevit;
  • and others.

All complexes are developed taking into account the daily needs of a nursing mother’s body to strengthen the immune system and provide the baby with the necessary beneficial components.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine improves immunity perfectly. Based on the fact that the mother needs to breastfeed her baby, it is possible to select means to increase the body’s defenses that will not harm the baby if they reach him during breastfeeding.

Before using traditional recipes, you should consult your pediatrician. If the doctor does not mind, and the child does not have individual intolerance to the components, then you can drink:

  • Tea brewed from dried echinacea, which improves the immune system, improves the functioning of the immune system and increases its resistance to disease;
  • The decoction is an additional source of vitamin C, increases the level of defenses, improves the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • Infusion of prunes and dried apricots - replenishes the lack of vitamins, mineral salts, increases the resistance of immunity to pathogens, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic systems;
  • Ginger-based tea - activates protective immune responses, increases the level of resistance to infections, improves the immune response when a cold occurs.

The main thing when increasing the immunity of a nursing mother is to remember that all means used to stimulate the immune system should be aimed at improving health. They indirectly, that is, through walks, hardening, baths, or directly - through breast milk, affect the baby’s health. Therefore, food should not cause allergies, walks should not be tiring, vitamins and folk remedies should be suitable for use during breastfeeding. After all, the mother’s health is the strength of the child’s present and future immunity.

“Breastfed children get sick less often” - this phrase is familiar to every mother. How are breastfeeding and immunity really related?

Immunity depends on many factors - from heredity to ecology. Therefore, in the same house (city, country) you can find frequently ill infants and non-ill artificial children. However, it is impossible to judge the impact of breastfeeding on health based on a few children (exceptions only confirm the rule); only large-scale studies provide objective information.

Long-term breastfeeding strengthens the immune system

In 2011, Turkish scientists began a five-year study. They collected information on 411 newborns and followed them until 2016, carefully recording how the children fed and developed. Of these, 270 babies were breastfed from birth, 77 of whom received breast milk up to a year, 193 continued breastfeeding after 12 months. It turned out that the group of children who were fed mother's milk for the longest period of time had less infections (otitis media, gastroenteritis). Scientists emphasized that the protection of breast milk was in effect throughout the five years of observation of infants.

The Japanese Society of Pediatrics reports the following: “Epidemiological studies have shown that breastfeeding prevents a wide range of infectious diseases and reduces the incidence of allergic diseases in newborns.” And he cites as an example an experiment in which breastfed mice had more immune cells in their organs than their formula-fed counterparts (a flow cytometry study of immune cells in the thymus, spleen and small intestine).

So breastfeeding really strengthens the immune system, and the longer the lactation, the stronger the protection against infections.

Early breastfeeding strengthens the immune system

To build immunity, it is important to put the baby to the breast as early as possible, within the first hour after birth. During this period, the baby’s intestines are highly permeable to substances that perform immune functions and support the child’s immune system. The earlier the child begins to suckle at his mother’s breast, the stronger his immunity will be. This is stated in the March 2018 issue of the scientific journal “Immunology and allergic reactions in pediatrics”.

A study involving 4,203 Tanzanian children was completed in 2017. It turned out that delayed breastfeeding (attachment to the breast more than an hour after birth) increases the risk of upper respiratory tract diseases by 48%. Conversely, an observational study of 1,677 children from Bangladesh found that early breastfeeding protected the child from infectious diseases.

Thus, it is important not to miss the first hour after birth, when the foundation of the baby’s immunity is laid.

GV enhances immunoprophylaxis

Whether or not to vaccinate a child is the choice of every mother. However, scientists made an interesting discovery: among children vaccinated with the same vaccine, breastfed babies had a better immune response (that is, antibodies to infection were produced more efficiently). The study involved 121 children, and the results were published in 2018 in the article “Humoral immune response to measles and varicella vaccination in former very low birth weight preterm infants.”

Breastfeeding is not a panacea, and infants get sick too. However, studies reliably confirm that mother's milk protects the child from many infections both during lactation and after its completion.


1. Effect of breastfeeding on common pediatric infections: a 5-year prospective cohort study. 2018

2. Humoral immune response to meats and varicella vaccination in former very low birth weight preterm infants. 2018

3. Breast-feeding regulates immune system development via transforming growth factor-β in mice pups. 2018

4. Breastmilk cell trafficking induces microchimerism-mediated immune system maturation in the infant. 2018

5. Delayed Breastfeeding Initiation Is Associated with Infant Morbidity. 2017

6. Exclusive Breastfeeding Reduces Acute Respiratory Infection and Diarrhea Deaths Among Infants in Dhaka Slums. 2001

7. Effect of exclusive breastfeeding on selected adverse health and nutritional outcomes: a nationally representative study. 2017

The topic of breastfeeding has been raised many times on our blog. Once again I want to touch on this topic. The issue is really important because breast milk is the best nutrition for a baby. This has already been proven by many studies by scientists from different countries.
I have already talked about, both for mother and child. Therefore, now I want to tell you about the importance of breastfeeding for health, in particular for the baby’s immunity.
There are several types of immunity – natural and artificial immunity. Artificial immunity is achieved by artificial means - vaccines or serums, and we will now talk in more detail about natural immunity.
Natural immunity is immunity to a particular disease received by the child’s body from the mother (placental or congenital) or acquired as a result of a previous disease (post-infectious). Natural immunity lasts for a long time.
It is worth introducing several medical concepts:

Antigens – these are organic substances that are genetically foreign to the body (proteins, nucleoproteins, polysaccharides, etc.). to which the body responds with the formation of antibodies or another form of immune response.
Antibodies (immunoglobulins, IG, Ig) are soluble glycoproteins present in blood serum, tissue fluid or on the cell membrane that recognize and bind antigens. Immunoglobulins are synthesized by B lymphocytes (plasma cells) in response to foreign substances of a certain structure - antigens. Antibodies are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects - such as bacteria and viruses. (wikipedia)

The secretion of the mammary gland contains immunoglobulins and associated antibodies to various antigens. For a long time, this function of colostrum and breast milk was not given significant importance, since it was found that breastfeeding does not affect the level of antibodies circulating in the blood of the newborn.
The discovery of secretory immunoglobulins forced us to reconsider the existing point of view on the immunological function of mother's milk. Numerous immunological and immunochemical studies have proven that in the external secretions that wash the surfaces of the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts, the predominant immunoglobulin is the dimeric form (SIgA). The highest concentration of secretory immunoglobulin IgA is found in women's colostrum - 16 mg/ml. Starting from the 2-3rd day of lactation, the level of immunoglobulins steadily decreases. From the 6th day it stabilizes, and over the next 8-9 months of lactation the milk contains 1 mg/ml of immunoglobulins. In the first days of natural feeding, up to 1,000 mg of this immunoglobulin enters the child’s intestines during the day. Further, although its concentration in the secretion of the mammary gland clearly decreases, it remains practically unchanged in the intestine. This is explained by an increase in the frequency of feeding with breast milk and an increase in the volume of its secretion by the mammary gland. When breastfeeding 5-6 times a day, the intestinal mucosa of children in the first months is covered with a layer of immunoglobulins, and most of our immunity, as is known, “lives” in the intestines. In addition to it, human milk contains immunoglobulins of classes G, M and D, although their concentration is much lower than the concentration of SIgA.
The secretion of the female mammary gland contains antibodies to various antigens: enterobacteria, streptococci and staphylococci, as well as enteroviruses, rotaviruses that primarily multiply in the intestines, influenza virus and other microorganisms.
Antibodies in milk and colostrum combine with the mucin layer covering the epithelium, thereby protecting it from foreign antigens.