Crochet ladies summer hat.  Crochet hat with brim: how to knit, patterns and descriptions, different models

Crochet ladies summer hat. Crochet hat with brim: how to knit, patterns and descriptions, different models

A knitted openwork hat is a stylish and elegant addition to women's summer outfits. In such an attractive and romantic accessory, a woman will look mysterious and original. Hats knitted by yourself look especially elegant. Look at the proposed crocheted summer hats for women, patterns and descriptions in this article, choose the right model for yourself and get to work.

Summer knitted hat for women

We start knitting the hat from the top of the head using single crochet stitches (CC1H). We work in a circle, moving to the fields.

For them, a diagram is presented showing the beginning and end of each circular row. Using the description, the model can be knitted in any of the calculated sizes.

Sizes: S-M; L-XL.

Head circumference: 54-56; 58-60cm.

We will need:

  • yarn, 100% cotton, 50g per 100m – 150;200g;
  • hook No.3.

Density: 22 CC1H for 11 rows, it will be 10cm by 10cm.



  • We start from the top of the head and go in a circle, knitting single crochet stitches (CC1H). Pattern for the fields - see diagram A.1, transition of one row to another - see diagram A.2;
  • decreases: connect 2 CC1H to a common top;
  • increases: knit 2 CC1H from one base stitch.

We collect a chain of 5 air loops(VP) and close them into a ring with a connecting post (CC). Next we perform knitting using the description:

  • 1cr.r.: 11 stb with 1H in the ring;
  • 2 cr. r.: 2 stb with 1H in each loop of the row;
  • 3 cr. r.: *2 stb with 1H in the next/first stb with 1H, 1 stb with 1H in the next. dc with 1H * – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 33 СС1Н;
  • 4 cr. r.: *2 tbsp with 1H in the next/first st. from 1 nak., 1 CC1H in the next. 2 СС1Н* – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 44 СС1Н;
  • 5 kr. r.: *2 tbsp. from 1 ac. in the next/first column. s/1n, 1 tbsp. from 1 ac. in the next 3 tbsp. from 1 nak., * – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 55 СС1Н.

We continue knitting using these instructions. We make increases in each row, finishing at 9p. There are 99 CC1N in work.

Further knitting of summer hats for women will be described separately for two size options.

Summer hat size S-M

10 kr. r.: *2 tbsp. from 1 ac. in the next/first st. with 1 nak., 1 tbsp. from 1 ac. in the next 10 tbsp. from 1 nak., * – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 108 art. from 1 ac.

We further knit the hat for women in the round, knitting CC1H in each stitch. Having received 16cm, in the last cr. R. at equal intervals we reduce 3 columns. 105 pillars remain. s/1n.
We knit the fields according to the images in diagram A.1. At the same time, we repeat the pattern pattern repeat 15 times. We finish knitting at 9 kr. R. scheme. By this moment we should have 135 stlb. We break the thread, fasten it and carefully hide the end.

Summer hat size L-XL

10 kr. r.: *2 columns. s/1 in next/first СС1Н, 1 column. s/1n in the next 8 columns s/1n * – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 110 СС1Н;

11 cr. r.: 1 column. s/1n in the first 2 columns. s/1n, *2 СС1Н in the next/first column. s/1n, 1 column. s/1n in the next 17 СС1Н* – from * to * repeat for the entire row. Total 116 columns. s/1n.

Then we knit CC1H in the round until the height is 17cm (measured from the first row). In the last row we decrease 4 CC1H at equal intervals. We continue knitting hats for women according to cx. depicting a pattern for the fields.

We repeat rapport 6 times in a circular row. Having completed the last, 9th row, we get 144 stb b/n. We break the thread, fasten it and carefully hide the end.

Summer hat “Sea Dreams”: MK video

Summer hat with wide brim

We will need:

  • fine cotton yarn – 200g;
  • hook No.1.


We knit a hat with a wide brim for women according to the pattern, placing the lifting loops along the edge of the fan strip.

The symbols of the above diagram are standard. For beginner knitters, our website has a detailed article with detailed illustrations on this topic.

The finished product must be starched and ironed.

  • yarn containing 50% cotton, 50% polyacrylic (50g per 80m), gray-turquoise melange – 150g;
  • yarn containing 78% cotton, 22% polyester (50g per 100m), blue – 100g;
  • hook No. 3.5 and No. 4.

We will need:

  • “Fan” motif: performed according to the instructions of the diagram.

The designations for this diagram, as well as for the previous one, are standard; you can clarify them in the same article on our website.

The diagram below shows the 12th circle in full. R. 13th r. and subsequent ones contain only a fragment of the motif. We use it for knitting all over the world. R. We end each row with one connection. stlb in the initial air. P.

In the schematic representation 19 r. rapport is shown, it should be repeated on all loops. We carry out the transition between rows according to the instructions in the diagram.

We knit circular rows of hats for women containing “Fan” motifs with blue yarn, and for the remaining rows we use gray-turquoise melange. The last SS of the last cr. R. We knit with gray-turquoise melange with blue thread and behind each cr. R. Using blue yarn, we attach a gray-turquoise thread to the 3rd VP of the last “Fan”.

From 1st cr. R. to the 19th cr. R. knit once, then repeat from 16 cr. R. 19 kr. p., making additions - see description below.

Important Note

For the “Fan” motif, all rows must be knitted in the same direction.

Density: 20p. original river (without the “Fan” motif) for 12 kr. R. it will be 10cm by 10cm.


Using gray-turquoise melange we knit a chain of 8 VPs and close it into a ring of 1 SS. We carry out further knitting according to the pattern, making additions.

Having knitted 12 cr. R. (this is 10cm), we completed 29 rapports and have 116p. At this point, the hat is knitted to the middle.

From 13 cr.r. 22 kr. R. we knit evenly, without additions.
Next, for the margins, we perform single crochet increases - see the description below. We include all added loops in the pattern.

23 kr. r.: * from every 4th loop of the base we knit 2 single crochets * - from * to * we repeat 28 times. We get 144p.;

27 kr. p.: * from every 4th loop of the base we knit 2 single crochets * - from * to * we repeat 36 times. We get 180p;

31 kr. r.: * from every 4th loop of the base we knit 2 single crochets * - from * to * we repeat 44 times. We get 224p.;

35 kr. p.: [*from every 6th stitch of the base we knit 2 stitches b/n* – from * to * we repeat 8 times, from every 8th stitch of the base we knit 2 stitches b/n] – between brackets repeat three times. We get 260 points, which is equal to 65 rapports.

Having knitted up to 30 cm (this is 36 rubles), we complete the work.

Crocheted raffia hat “Vasilisa”: MK video

Selection of schemes

Good afternoon friends! I suddenly wanted to crochet a summer hat for myself: I saw an interesting pattern for an openwork women's hat and immediately set about making it, using peony threads white which I found at home.

I really liked the result, as well as the knitting of the hat itself. So I bought more red threads and knitted a second one under my red dress.

I show you my work, as well as a knitting pattern and description. And instead of step-by-step photos, this time I have a video, which in some places is not very high quality and not so detailed that you can see the knitting of each loop. It turned out to be not easy to shoot, there were some nuances, after all, the product is not small, and I didn’t really want to take it apart. I hope that all together will help you understand how to read the diagram.

Crocheted summer hats: materials, sizes

In the description for knitting such a summer hat in the magazine, it was recommended to use “iris” yarn and a 0.9 hook. In general, of course, knitted summer hats, especially openwork ones, are better knitted from thin cotton threads.

Iris, narcissus, violet, lily and others are suitable.

The peony threads used to knit my white hat are a little thicker than iris and I took the hook number 1.25. In order for the hat to fit me, I had to fiddle a little and skip knitting three rows at the beginning of the crown, as well as the last rows of the brim, which are indicated in the diagram.

I already crocheted the red hat with daffodil threads 0.9 strictly according to the pattern, it turned out to be a little deeper and the brim wider than the white one, just a centimeter.

With this knitting density, the hat fits head size 56-57.

Yarn consumption is exactly one skein of 50 grams.

How to crochet a summer hat to fit your head

In order for the hat to fit well and fit the size of your head, you need to decide on the diameter of the bottom from which knitting begins.

This diameter is calculated by the formula: divide the head circumference by 3.14 and minus 1.

Thus it turns out:

  • size 55: bottom diameter - 16.5 cm
  • size 56:17
  • size 57:17
  • size 58: 17.5
  • size 59:18
  • size 60: 18.

After the circle of the required size is knitted, knit with a crown without expanding the circle. It is better to determine the height of the crown by fitting.

And then they move on to knitting the fields.

Regarding our pattern specifically: for head size 55, if you crochet 0.9, try skipping rows 12-14, after knitting the flower on the crown, immediately proceed to knitting the 15th row.

For head sizes larger than 57, in rows 15-17, increase the number of chain stitches.

In general, here you need to try and try it on; it’s better to tie the bottom correctly right away than to unravel the whole hat later.

You can, of course, experiment with the hook number; you will also get a different size.

Women's summer crochet hat: diagram

Description of crocheting an openwork summer hat


We dial 4VP and close it in a ring or make a sliding loop

Row 1: 12 C1H (instead of the 1st - 3 VP and the same in all other rows, I won’t write about this every time).

Row 2: 2C1H in each column of the previous row, 2VP between them.

Rows 3 – 7. I will call each element of the pattern consisting of double crochets a “petal”. In total we have 12 petals in the circle.

At the beginning of each petal in rows 3-7 we knit two double crochets under the first stitch and one under the remaining stitches. Between them - 2VP.

In the 7th row, each petal should have 7 columns.

Row 8: from this row we reduce the number of columns in the petals. We stretch the connecting thread to the second loop of the petal and knit 5С1Н (instead of the 1st - 3VP).

Between the petals under the arch from VP: 3VP, 1S1N, 3VP.

Row 9: 3C1H in each petal. In each arch of the previous row we knit C1H, between them - 3VP.

Row 10: 1C1H is already left in the petals, we also knit into the arches - 3VP, 1C1H, 3VP.

Transition from the round part of the bottom to the crown

Row 11: in the 10th row we have a mesh, in every second cell of it we now need to knit 2C1H, 1VP, 2C1H - a fan. Between the fans - 3VP.

Row 12: similar to row 11 - we knit the same fan into each fan (insert the hook under the chain loop in the center between the posts). And we will knit such a path of fans in each next row (up to the 23rd row inclusive). Between the fans in the 12th row - 4 VP.

Row 13: between the fans 3VP, 1 single crochet, 3VP.

Row 14: same as row 13.


Row 15: between the fans 3VP.

Rows 16-17: between the fans – 2VP, 1SC, 2VP.

Rows 18-23: repeat rows 15-17.


Row 24: in two of our fans - the same elements, and in every third we knit 7C1H. Between all groups of columns there are 5VP.

Row 25: two rows of fans in the same way, and in the big one we knit like this: 1СБ in the first loop of the element, 5VP, 1С1Н in the 4th loop, 1ВП, 1С1Н in the same 4th loop, 5VP, 1СБН in the 7th loop. There are 5 VP between the fans.

Row 26: in small fans here we will knit 7C1H in the center, now we will get berries. In a large element: 1СБН, 4ВП, 7С1Н in the center of the previous row (in a chain loop), 4ВП, 1СБН. There are 4 VPs between all groups of fans.

Row 27: in all berries we knit 5 single crochets, 7 chain stitches between them.

Row 28: in berries we knit 3 sc. Between them in an arch: 5ВП, 1С1Н, 1ВП, 1С1Н, 5ВП - this is the beginning of new berries.

Row 29: in the “old berries” - 1СБН, in the new ones - 7С1Н. There are 5VP between all the berries.

Row 30: 5 sc in each berry, 9 VP between them.

Row 31: in the berries 3СБН, through 6VP into the arch - a new berry (1С1Н, 1ВП, 1С1Н).

Row 32: 1СБН each in old berries, 7С1Н in new ones, 6VP between them.

Row 33: 5 sc in the berries and 11 VP between them.

Row 34: like 31, between the elements of 7VP.

Row 35: like 32 and 7 VP between the berries.

How to add stiffness and shape to a crochet summer hat

I starched the hats, or rather, “gelatinized” them in the following solution: 2 tablespoons of gelatin per 700 ml of water.

First I soaked the gelatin in cold water When it swelled, I heated it so that all the grains dissolved. Cooled a little, strained through a strainer.

I soaked the hat in this solution, wrung it out well and pulled it onto a mold, for which I used a ready-made synthetic hat. If you don't have one, you can use a suitable plastic bucket. Glass jars will not work, as we need the margins to lie flat on the table and not hang haphazardly.

After drying, the hat holds its shape perfectly.

The hat is the hit of the season, and the bigger it is, the more fashionable. It’s not difficult to knit, you can use the pattern of any napkin you like. I recommend inserting thick fishing line or thin wire into the brim, but one that won’t oxidize or rust. When will it be ready, starch heavily, stretch, iron and that’s it! And just like in the movie “Vacation at your own expense.” Good luck!

Crochet hat with wide brim
Size 54-56.
You will need: 120 g x/6 red yarn; hook No. 2; wire with a diameter of 3 mm.
The dimensions of the product are shown in Fig. 8. Start working according to pattern 8, after the 8th row (the diameter of the bottom should be 15 cm), knit another 5 rows straight without any additions. Depending on the knitting density, the number of rows with increases can be increased or decreased. Next, make 3 rows of sc around the perimeter of the crown, then start knitting the fields. To expand, divide the circle into 8 parts and make increases as shown in diagram 8 a. Knit in this way until the width of the brim is 21 cm. In order for the hat to keep its shape, when tying the brim along the edge next to the sc, lay a wire along the working row and knit the sc to the circumference of the wire. Decorate the finished hat with a brooch.

Yarn Rose (50 g - 150 m), hook No. 1.6
We knit the bottom according to pattern No. 1 to the desired diameter.
Next we knit without increments (to the eye)
Then 3 rows of single crochets.

Hat brim:
pattern No. 2, knit without increases. The fields are obtained as a “cone”. Tie with single crochets. Whalebone is inserted into this row (you can use regiline or thick fishing line).
A wire is inserted into the last row of the flower binding.

Threads No. 40, 5 g. pale pink and a little pink, bright pink, pale yellow and yellow. Hook 0.75. Wire No. 26 and 24 Just thin wire).
Use a pale pink thread to tie a chain of 30 chain stitches and knit according to pattern A (3 petals). Using pale pink thread, cast on 20 stitches for petal B (2 petals). . Knit in straight and reverse rows. First row: 1 single crochet, 1 double crochet in the second loop from the hook and in each of the next 5 loops (6 in total), 1 half-dc in the next 6 loops, 1 double crochet in 8 warp loops. Chain loop, turn knitting, sc with each loop of the previous row, and in the starting chain. Knit 3-4 rows according to the pattern. In the diagram, the columns are respectively: with the 1st dash - treble crochet, 2nd - treble crochet, with 8 dashes - with 8 double crochets. Please note (I didn’t notice right away), at the very top of the petal there are 3 double crochets!
Tongue. Rows 1-5. Using a pale pink thread, knit in straight and reverse rows according to the pattern; in the 5th row, fold a picot of 4 loops over the central column. Rows 6-8. Attach the pale yellow thread to the central picot of the 5th row and knit according to the pattern, using connecting stitches at the joints. 9-10 rows. Attach a pink thread for the 9th, and a bright pink thread for the 10th. Continue knitting according to the pattern
Middle: Use yellow thread to knit 3 rows according to the pattern.
Assembly. Thread #26 wire through the middle as shown in the diagram. Shape the petals and thread the wire as shown in the diagram. Connect the petals as in the picture, cut off the excess wire.

Size 54
Yarn consumption: 100 g white cotton yarn and 20 g yellow color.
Hook No. 0.85 from ‘Pony’. Start knitting with one chamomile according to pattern 1 and pattern 2.
According to scheme 1, make the core of the flower with a yellow thread. Next, tie 12 petals according to pattern 2 with white thread. Connect all the petals to each other as follows: when the last petal is completed, then, without breaking the thread, take the first petal and tie it on three sides of the RLS (one long side, rounding and the second long side). So connect all the petals to each other sequentially one after another. When the entire chamomile is tied along the contour, perform the second row of tying sc. Sew the core in the center of the daisy. Tie chamomile petals around the edge:
1 rub. – 10 VP between petals, 2 sc at the top of the petal;
2 r. – 3 VP rises, knit a fillet mesh, alternating 2 VP and 1 Dc along the entire row;
3 r. – 3 VP lifting, 2 dc under the arc of the previous row, 1 dc in the column of the previous row, 2 VP, 1 dc in the same column of the previous row, 2 dc in the next arc of the previous row, 1 dc in the column of the previous row, 2 VP and so on repeat until the end of the row;
4 rub. – fillet mesh (like 2p.). Knit the crown of the hat in a pattern according to pattern 3. The number of rows depends on the desired size of the hat. Knit approximately 16 r.

hat crocheted knitting pattern
For the brim of the hat, tie 11 daisies. These daisies have 9 petals. You need to connect 11 daisies for the fields while knitting them. To ensure that the daisies fit correctly in a circle, make a template according to the size of the circle and connect the daisies on this template. When all 11 daisies are tied and connected to each other, proceed to connecting the brim and crown of the hat. Choose a method convenient for you and connect the parts with a crochet hook or a needle and thread. Along the edge of the hat, connect the petals together with chains of VP and RLS (look at the photo). knitting a hat

For knitting summer hat you will need: 200 g of beige mixed ribbon yarn with gold lurex; crochet number 4; wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm.

For the dimensions of the knitted hat, see Fig_77. Before starting work, complete a sample and calculate the loops. Start working with a round bottom according to scheme_77. Continue working according to scheme_77a, then 776. To make the fields stiffer, take a wire, lay it along the working row and tie it 1 p. RLS to the circumference of the fishing line

First, I closed a ring of 7 air loops and tied them with single crochets (12 +). Next, above each column I knitted a checkmark of 2 double crochets.
The bottom diagram is drawn:

Then knit rows in the following order: 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

In the next row, 3 double crochets for each arc of 5 chain loops.
Next - 2 rows of single crochets to strengthen the edge.
Then - fields according to the pattern, only in the first two rows of air loops there are two less in each fan, in the next two - by one. The last row of single crochets secures the crossbar. The edge is finished with a reverse row.

A crocheted hat will provide good protection from the sun's rays and add elegance and charm to any outfit. Knit, starch and wear with pleasure, striking all envious people with your beauty and skillful hands.

Yarn Trinity Astra (610m/100g) 100% mercerized cotton.
Knitted on top, pancake approximately according to this pattern

Only I knitted with double crochets and made 12 wedges, two increases in each wedge every other row.
If you are very worried, you can reduce the number of wedges.
Next we knit with this pattern

only instead of two chain stitches between dc I knitted one chain stitch, instead of 5 chain stitches - 3.
The pattern repeat in my case is 6 loops.
I started from the second row of the diagram.
After the pattern, we knit a finishing strip for the ribbon.
I knitted two rows *dc, chain stitch*, in the second row, st.b.n. knitted over the chain stitch of the previous row.
A row of double crochets (can be done with 2-3 double crochets, for a wide ribbon), and two more rows *dc, air*.

I knitted the brim with a double yarn over (deep stitching), 24 wedges, one increase per wedge. I made increments every other row. I knitted the last 5 rows without increments, increasing the hook number. But you can knit with the same crochet and with increases until the very end.
I tied regillin into the edge, I have 4 veins, folded it in half, twisted it into a ring according to the size of the brim, and tied a st.b.n., grabbing the last row of the cap between the st.b.n.

I knitted Lily according to this pattern

I knitted it together with monofilament, but after steaming it didn’t hold its shape well, I had to tie it around the edge, tightening it a little, and tied it with beads in one piece.
It’s beautiful with beads, but it makes the product very heavy.
To make the petals hold their shape better, you can tie a fishing line around the edge.
In my case, the flower has two buttons and can be unfastened, but you can sew it on permanently, then everything will keep its shape well even without fishing line.
First, 6 stamens are knitted; I knitted in two threads just a braid of air loops (tightly) and at the very beginning I knitted 4 beads. I knitted a stamen about 5-6cm.
For the pistil, knit 6 double crochets into a ring, pull the ring together, in the second row knit beads in half double crochets, then knit with a tube in a circle, double crochet, after about 3 cm in each single crochet, tie a stamen, and knit in circle another 2-3 cm, then add 1 st.b.n through each column, it will be 12, and in the next row add more (through two columns or through one, depending on how it flares out)
Tie the finished pestle to the center of the flower with connecting loops or sew with a needle.

Thread - begonia, hook 2.1. 1 skein was enough.
I'll try to write how I knitted (from memory)
I knitted a strip of fillet mesh around the circumference of my head (4 rows) - in a circle - this is how the bandage turned out
Then I attached the thread and knitted the strip on top with fillet. I tried it on my daughter. The holes were large. I tied them with fans, but at the same time adjusted the pattern so that it did not expand, but vice versa
When moving to the brim, I knitted 1 row of sc (I always knit 2-3 rows of sc, but here I didn’t knit it and the hat doesn’t fit so tightly to the head - I did this deliberately so that the hat would be looser at sea)
then 3 rows of arches from 5th century. P.
And then fans according to your favorite pattern
Then I tied a double ring of regilina sc, then in a crawfish step.

Hat “Little Lady”

diagram and description of the side part

Diagram of the bottom and crown for exhaust gas 49-50 cm.

My yarn

My connected 13 rows of the bottom:

Up to the 13th row inclusive, we knit the same for all sizes.
* * *
When knitting a pattern in those places where we stick the hook into the post, it is advisable to use the “deep” sticking method. The hook must be inserted not under the two upper half-loops of the column, but into the body of the column itself. This method will not allow the pattern to shift when we knit with the crown.
* * *
Starting from the 15th row for all sizes we knit according to the pattern. Repeat rows 15-20 two more times.
They differ from the 15-20th only in the last row. Instead of a dc, I knitted a sc.
We also knit rows 33-38 according to the pattern.
38th row - RLS in each column.
The fields start from the 39th row.

We finish with the CROWN and insert the FIRST regelin equal to the circumference of the head. I made one vein. This is where we complete the work of the RLS. Steam.

We knit the BRIMS of the hat.
In the 39th row we make increases in every 3rd column,
In the 45th row - every 4th, in the 51st - every 5th.
The point is that in each row with increases you need to add 56 CH (7 reports). That is, in the 39th 168/56 =3, in the 45th (168+56)/56=4, etc.


After the last row of fields is knitted, they need to be steamed well.
On a horizontal table surface, the fields should have the shape of a flat circle.

We take the SECOND regilin (TWO veins at once) and tie it with RLS. The length of regilin is not measured in advance!!! They just cut off the excess later.
We straighten the fields well.
Let's steam!
We tie the same row of RLS again. And we tie the last row with a “crawfish step” through the post.
On a plane, the fields should still be shaped like a flat circle.
Once again we steam the fields with an iron through a damp cloth!!!.
To add rigidity, I used SALVITOSE, which is used in felting.
Air dried.

It must be removable - on a pin or button.

Knitting daisies is very easy.
Dial a chain of 2 v. n. In the first of them, knit 8 half-stitches and close them in a circle in the 1st half-stitch.

When the whole chamomile is ready, tie each of its petals in succession with connecting posts. This will allow them to keep their shape and not curl.

For the centers of the daisies, make small pom-poms using a regular dinner fork.

We wind the thread around the teeth of the fork. Then we tie it with an additional thread in the middle, remove it from the fork and tighten the knot. Then fluff and trim. Sew to the center of the daisy.

Two daisies are small, and one is slightly larger. For it, the scheme is the same, only for the petals we dial not 7, but 9 v. P.

I made a decoration on a button clasp for bags.
We will need a button and a knitted circle - this is what the daisies will be sewn on:

In finished form:

We attach the button to the hat

Scheme (for petals only):

Designations: zarЌс�" width="5212_36137fa32� in the diagram this is the loop that is on the hook; the numbers in brackets are the number of loops that we pull from the connected column (to make it easier to count loops)

Blind (connecting) loop

I knit from Soso threads (50g=240m) with a regular hook No. 1.5 (without a handle)

Step by step photo process:
1. We knit 6 single crochets into a sliding loop

tighten the thread and close it in a circle.

2. Grabbing only the back half of the loops, we knit 11 single crochets (1 sc in the first half and 2 sc in the subsequent ones), connecting in a circle.

Half loops of a smaller circle will be needed for the upper petals.

3. We knit arches for the lower petals: cast on 5 air loops (c), skip 3 loops of the circle, fasten to the fourth; repeat 2 more times, fasten the last arch into the loop from which the first arch was knitted.

4. We begin to knit the first lower petal: Cast on 4 stitches. p. If you turn the knitting a little, the back (purl) jumpers will be visible

there is one loop on the hook (shaded point in the diagram), we pull out one loop at a time from the purl jumpers (4 sticks), we pull the last one out from under the arch (outermost stick)

there should be 6 loops on the hook

5. Close the row: grab the working thread and knit loops in pairs on the hook (grab the working thread and pull it through 2 loops, grab the working thread and pull it through the next 2 loops). We have the first row (connected column)

6. If you turn the knitting a little, the purl jumpers will be visible,

We knit one in. P.; we pull out the loops from the purl jumpers (1 on the hook + 5 from the jumpers + 1 from under the arch = 7 loops).

We close the row in pairs.

7. Next, we begin to cut the loops. In the sixth row, we begin knitting from a blind loop (insert the hook into the first jumper, grab the working thread and pull it through the loop on the hook). from further jumpers we pull out a loop and the last one from under the arch

We close the row in pairs.

To finish the first lower petal, we knit a blind loop into each purl jumper, and one under the arch

We make one blind loop in the next arch and begin to knit the second lower petal in the same way as the first. After you tie all three arches, it will look like this

To move to the upper petals, make 1 in. p insert the hook into half the loop of the small circle and knit a blind loop

On a small circle you need to tie 3 arches from 4 in. p (2 arches for petals and 1 for the core)

8. Dial 5 v. p and knit the first connection. upper petal column

First upper petal:

Two petals

We tie the upper petals with single crochets (I laid thin wire along the contour to better hold their shape). The lower petals were tied with stbn (without wire). It turned out like this

Sew on beads, maybe small beads, and admire

Starching caps

1. Wash the hat in warm water (degrees "w 30-40). For washing white hats I use bleaching washing powder, for colored hats - powder for colored items.

2. Prepare the starch. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of starch into a bowl and dilute it with 1/2 cup of cold water (to avoid the formation of lumps). Then pour boiling water, about 1 - 1.5 liters, stirring constantly. The mixture should be thick and transparent. Leave to cool.

3. Wash the buds thoroughly, squeeze them out (without twisting), removing excess starch.

4. To dry the hats, I use ordinary inflatable caps, after inflating them to the desired size.