Performance of the junior group on February 23.  Scenario of the festive entertainment program

Performance of the junior group on February 23. Scenario of the festive entertainment program "The Best Form" for kindergarten

Presenter: Hello our dear guests: dads, grandfathers and brothers. Today we have a holiday, February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Holiday of all men! And we made a holiday for you with the children.

We congratulate you on the holiday of the soldier,

But we want to see you only in civilian clothes!

And if already in shape, then only sports -

For running, football and active life!

Our children want to be like their dads. They even learned to march. Look how great they are!

(Children enter the hall to the music)

Dear Guys! Here we are again all together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. All of Russia these days congratulates your dads and grandfathers, and we congratulate our boys, even though they are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, and each of them will choose any military specialty: he will become a pilot, sailor, infantryman, tanker ... The army will teach them be resilient and courageous. And we start our concert!

1 child. Congratulations dad

Happy men's holiday:

In my youth, I know

Served in the army.

2 child. So also a warrior

At least not a commander.

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

3 child. Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

Always a hero for me

Most best dad my!

4 child. He can play checkers

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

5 child. Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

The song is being performed ____________________________________________


An order is announced

Invite to the dad contest!

Verification is waiting

Our cheerful brave platoon!

1 competition - "The best driver".

Participants (2 dads) sit on chairs. On the floor between the legs lies a cord to which a toy car is tied. On a signal, the players wind the cord around the stick, trying to bring the car closer to them as quickly as possible.

1 child. You are strong and brave

And the biggest

Scolding on business

And praise - with soul!

You are the best friend

You will always protect

Where necessary - you will teach,

Forgive me for the prank.

I walk beside

I'm holding my hand!

I imitate you

I'm proud of you.

2 child. My grandfather dear
We are all proud of you!
And I'll tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
Equal to you in everything!

3 child. Since February 23,
My grandfather dear
I congratulate you
Know that you are a superhero!
Let health not fail
There will be a big pension
Troubles are bypassed!
After all, you, grandfather, are the coolest!

2 competition - "Balls".

The balloons are on the floor. The one who raises the most wins. balloons simultaneously.

Presenter: The time has come for us to take a break, gain strength for the next competitions, and the children will tell us poems at this time.

1 child. My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

He is the most beloved

And he is affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

He is always with him

Brings me something.

2 child. My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He's on the shoulder

Even a difficult one.

He's also a naughty

A mischievous and a prankster.

With him every day

Turns into a holiday.

3 child. My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad

Ride on sleds.

Nobody can

Laugh so loud.

4 child . My dad is a wizard

He is the nicest.

He instantly turns

For what you ask.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But the best

He knows how to be a dad.

5 child. I will hug him

And quietly whisper:

my daddy i love you

I love it hard!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

3rd competition - "Intellectual".

Presenter: You must answer the questions with only two words "Yes" or "No".

Questions for children:

1. Is our army strong? (Yes)

2. Does she protect the world? (Yes)

3. Will the boys go to the army? (Yes)

4. Will girls be taken with them? (No)

5. Are we celebrating a holiday today? (Yes)

6. Congratulations to moms and girls? (No)

7. Peace is the most important thing in the world? (Yes)

8. Even children know this? (Yes)

Tricky questions for parents:

1. Is a cook in the army a cook? (No)

3. Is every gun a revolver? (No)

4. Is a diver always looking for treasure? (No)

5. The steering wheel in an airplane and on a ship is called a steering wheel? (Yes)

6. Is a compass a device for measuring distance? (No)

7. To be on duty does it mean to be on patrol? (Yes)

8. Is an extraordinary outfit a promotion of a soldier? (No)

9. Patrol is a conditional secret word? (No)

10. Is the hospital a military hospital? (Yes)

11. Papakha is a headdress, of all dads who served? (No)

4 competition - "Live hat".

Dad has a hat on his head. He runs to the cube located on the opposite side of the hall, overcoming an obstacle along the way - a hoop (climbing, running around the cube, returning to his team, putting on a hat for the next participant and standing at the end of the column. The second one runs in the same way. And so on, until the hat will not be back on the captain.

Dance is being performed ____________________________________

Presenter: Now we will check if dad can replace mom.

5 competition - "The most dexterous".

From each team, 2 dads and 2 children are selected. Dads have to dress their children, and clothes are turned inside out.

6 contest "Peel the potatoes"

A couple of people compete. Who is faster and better to peel potatoes.

The song is being performed ______________________________________

7th competition - "Aircraft Design"

Two people construct an aircraft from an A4 sheet, and then compete with each other in the flight range of a combat aircraft.

Equipment: sheets of colored paper - 4 pcs., table - 4 pcs.

8 competition "Crossing"

It is necessary to transport the children from one side of the hall to the other in the basin in turn.

Dance is being performed _____________________________________________

Leading: Our dad and baby night is coming to an end! Thank you for your attention, for your participation, for taking the time to come to us. Our fathers and grandfathers successfully completed all the tasks, showed themselves to be real defenders of the Motherland. You can always rely on such warriors, they will save the world!

Accept Greeting Cards from your children. Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday, dear men, and goodbye!

In the beautiful name of the Man Courage and become, The ability to think and dream, To be inspired for no reason. Know how to love, know how to give.
To leave, then to return. To be so fickle, to seem like such a support. Protect his fate from lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be supportive, Give life full, without flaw. And let the words intertwine, About the only, beloved, Whom nature called the Beautiful name - MAN.
Leading. Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland on the holiday of February 23. This is a holiday for all grandfathers, dads, older brothers.
They protect our country so that we can live in peace, study under a peaceful sky. Our warriors are courageous and brave and you guys
Of course you want to be like them.
Congratulations to all the military on this day! And when we grow up, we will serve the Motherland!
I really, really dream of becoming a soldier as soon as possible. To protect my mother And Russia!
In our army, the Pope protects the country. At the border, he does not let war into our house. Soon I will grow up big, I myself, like a dad, will become.

That's when I'll stand with him On the border.
Let them not yet take the child into the army, But can I protect Our kitten.

Today, together on the street, we combine sports and fun.

We are with you this glorious holiday. Dedicated to great games

Each soldier must be very strong, hardy in order to be a defender. And today I would like to test our dads in dexterity, courage, dexterity.
Their children will help them with this.
In order to become a defender, to fulfill the duty of a soldier, you need to be strong, strong, be friends with physical education.
Warm up
Our warriors go-one-two, one-two, (walking in place)
The drums are beaten loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ("drum")
Our ships are at sea: today here, tomorrow there! ("rocking chair")
Long floated in the distance on the seas, on the waves! (circular hand movements)
Border guard at the post: who is coming? who goes? (walking in place)
Tanks are moving across the bridge: trr-forward, trr-forward! ("motor")
Airplane over the ground: woo, woo! (hands to the side)
Missiles allowed to take off: Uuh, uh! (squat, palms folded in front of the chest, get up, raise their hands up) Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang! ("boxing")
Salute to our army! (raise hands up) Hurrah! Hooray!

We start our fun party military balloons, dedicated to the day Defenders of the Fatherland!
We are glad to see strong, courageous, vigorous children ready to take part in the holiday. We are glad to see our parents, who are just as cheerful and cheerful!
For a friendly greeting, we shout loudly “Hurrah! » The host reads out the “Order on the upcoming fun exercises”: “Order of the Commander-in-Chief
holiday balloons. In connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, I order:
1. Conduct a fun exercise in which children 2 will take part junior group kindergarten"Story".
2. Divide the cheerful army into two air teams. "Pilots"

3. All teams with a cheerful mood go to fun combat exercises

Let's start with a warm-up for the mind for kids
1. Is our army strong? - Yes!
2. Does she protect the world? - Yes!
3. Will the boys go to the army? - Yes!
4. Will I take the girls with me? - Not!
5. Does Pinocchio have a long nose? - Yes?
6. Was he a sailor on the ship? - Not!
7. Is the pilot lying on the border? - Not!
8. Does it fly higher than a bird? - Yes!
9. Are we celebrating a holiday today? - Yes!

10. Mom, congratulations to the girls? - Not!
11. Peace is the most important thing in the world? Yes!
12. Even children know this? - Yes!
Presenter: Guys, what good fellows you are! And now we will check our dads! Let's give them riddles.
Riddles for parents:
1. Is a veteran an old, experienced warrior? - Yes!
2. Is the major higher in rank than the captain? - Yes!
3. Is a compass a device for measuring distance? - No!
4. To be on duty does it mean to be on patrol? - Yes!
5. An out-of-order outfit is a promotion? - Not!
6. Patrol is a conditional secret word? - Not!
7. Is the hospital a hospital for the military? - Yes!
8. "Katyusha" - a car named after all the girls named Katya? - Not!
9. Papakha is the headdress of all the popes who served? - Not!

10. Why does a soldier carry a rifle? - Over the shoulder.
11. Why do soldiers wear boots? - On the ground.
12. What do wood and a rifle have in common? - Trunk.
13. What does a soldier do when a sparrow sits on his cap? - Asleep.

Well, now let's show our skill. There are many branches of the military in the army. (Children and parents call the troops) Scouts must quickly deliver a report to the commander.
Competition "Obstacle Course"
Children and adults crawl into hoops, run like a snake. Send a "package". Shooting Riders Competition
Dads carry the children on their backs to the basket, the child takes the ball and throws it into the basket, the father returns with the child on his back.

And our brave soldiers can take any other fortress.

Fortress Contest.
With balls from a dry pool, you need to knock down the roofs of the fortress (or skittles standing on the fortress), which is built from modules (or is it a model of the fortress,
made from suitable materials).
Parents participate in the competition on an equal basis with children, and also provide assistance to the teacher, collecting balls during the "taking".
At the end of the competition, the children-participants also help to collect equipment. The winning team is awarded a flag.
That's how well-aimed shooters gathered in teams! Soldiers must not only work, but also rest.
Poems for children.
I want to be like dad, I want to be like dad in everything. Be strong, smart, don't be lazy. And do everything like him - for five!

Let's read the congratulations, Let's sit on dad's lap. There are many men in the army, And there is only one like him!
- My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!
I know that my dad, too, once Was a very good and brave soldier I love dad, and he will certainly

I want to congratulate you on this military holiday ...
Oh, the pole path Winds, does not end, We will sing ditties to you Let dads smile.

You don't hide hardworking pens in your pockets Come to the children's group Repair toys.

Do not sit at home dads Come to kindergarten, And then daughters and sons Will soon forget you.

Either work, then study, then a business trip. Children with mothers are always At any party.

We are talking about daddies about our sang many times. Pro. that we do not care to sing Well, but they are pleased.

And now, guys, this is the task: we will train attention!
Flags will help us in this, they will tell you what to do: a green flag - stomp and
clap, yellow - be silent, red "Hurrah!" shout out loud.
The game "Multi-colored flags" is being played.

Carlson appears.

Carlson: What is happening here? Why are you here today?
Host: And we are not just gathered here. We celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Carlson: I know this holiday, because I also served in the army. And he was the most accurate shooter. For such a case, I have an interesting game.
"Sniper". Dads will make snowballs for the kids, and you guys should try to hit me with a snowball.
Carlson: (Carlson sits on a chair). I can't do it anymore, I'm wounded.

Presenter: guys, dads need to treat Carlson. I'm sure dads teach their kids first aid.
Competition "Honey brother". Dads and boys are divided into two teams. Dads take turns taking children on sleds, having reached Carlson you need to
stick a plaster on it and return to the team passing the baton.
Carlson: Now I'm fine. It’s just that my propeller rattled for some reason, it needs to be lubricated, and it wouldn’t hurt me to refresh myself.
What do I love the most? (Raspberry jam). Correctly. Right now, I'll fly to the kitchen and find jam there. And you guys take an example in everything from your dads.
They are so strong and brave. Goodbye.
Host: You see guys, even Carlson noticed how strong your dads are, and they love you very much.
Dads, your kids are the best in the world. Now they will be able to provide first aid. And difficulties can be overcome.
Let me conclude that you are very good parents And raise good kids.

I will congratulate dad on February 23! I really look forward to this date: Dad is the best for me. Dad, happy holiday to you, February 23! I wish, as always: Please mom and me.

Presenter: Well done, our fun sports and gaming holiday has ended. Did you guys like to play with dads (Yes).
And your dads are the best, the strongest (Yeah) What do we say to our dads. (Thank you! Dad, I love you, and I take an example from you!)

To the music of A. Filippenko "Good Soldiers" children enter the hall. Children stand in a semicircle.

Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we celebrate a holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates our dads and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, read poems in their honor. And we also congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. This day has become for the Russians a holiday of all men - defenders of the Fatherland and the family hearth; with the holiday of strong, courageous and noble men.

We congratulate you warmly

Happy Army and Navy Day

Let there be joy

That remembers, waits and loves someone

And let the smile flash

And let the wrinkles disappear

And let spring sing in my soul

Today is a holiday for you guys!

Reading the poem "My best dad!"

1st child: Dad, you are the best in the world

The best father on the planet!

How I admire you, I'm proud

I firmly hold on to friendship and hand!

2nd child: Thank you sweet daddy

What did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like a light in a window!

3rd child: I want you to be happy,

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful!

And the best of fathers!

4 child: You are strong and brave

And the biggest

Scolding on business

And praise - with soul!

5 child: I walk beside

I'm holding my hand!

I imitate you

I'm proud of you.

6 child: My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

Beloved, considerate

He is affectionate.

7 child: I will hug him

And quietly whisper:

my daddy i love you

I love it hard!

8 child: You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

9th child: Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best DAD! - all together.

Vedas: And now we don't yawn

We sing a song loudly.

Vedas: Sit on benches

And marvel at daddies.

Without a doctor there is no service even

The doctor is everywhere, always important to us!


Hello boys!

Hello girls!

Hello adults!

Pay attention to me

Now there will be competition!

I ask you to answer-

Is everyone healthy or not?

I ask you to stand

And execute commands:

Everyone breathe...don't breathe

It's all right, take a rest!

Raise your hands up!

Perfect! Lower

Bend over, bend over

Stand up straight, smile!

Vedas: Hello, Doctor!

To grow strong

To join the army

Teams will be recruited

Let's play now!

Vedas:- Guys, do you want to become as strong, smart and brave as your dads? (Children's answers.)

Then I propose to conduct real army exercises! We will divide into 2 teams and choose a captain for each team from among our dads present.

(One dad is selected for each team. A star of the same color as the rest of the participants is glued to the team captain. The name of each team is announced: blue stars, red stars, etc., special emphasis on color)

And now it's time for us to play, kids!

And we remind the soldiers:

Friendship, speed is your motto!

And at the end there is a valuable prize!

1 task: Run to your destination! Sit on the cube and run back quickly!

2 task: I'll drive the car

I want to be a driver like dad! (roll the truck to the cube and back)

3 task: Let's move the ammunition

We won't let a friend down (skittles)

4 task. "Aircraft design" - competition of captains.

The captain of the team constructs an aircraft from an A4 sheet, and then compete with each other in the flight range of a combat aircraft.

Equipment: sheets of colored paper - 2 pcs., table - 2 pcs.

5th task: Well, here's the last one:

Transfer the guys to the other side, show dads strength.

This is where our program comes to an end. Our participants successfully completed all the tasks, showed themselves to be real defenders of the Motherland. You can always rely on such warriors, they will save the world!

The jury sums up


Dear dads and grandfathers!

So that you smile today

Your children have worked hard for you!

And on this wonderful holiday

They have prepared gifts for you.

There was one more pleasant moment of our evening - congratulations for our boys. Girls give the boys memorable gifts.

(Girls give gifts to boys)

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of the competition, which ensured success.

Now it's time to say goodbye. Our speech will be short:

We say: "Goodbye, until happy new meetings!"

Children run into the hall with balls in their hands and perform a dance.

Leading: Hello! Here we are gathered in our cozy hall, because today is a special day. We are celebrating holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day! All of Russia rejoices today and congratulates our dads, grandfathers, brothers on this holiday. And we also congratulate our boys - the future defenders of their homeland. There they are, how smart, beautiful, happy they are today.


Red day of the calendar!

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!


Congratulations dad

FROM men's holiday!

In my youth, I know

Served in the army!


About the beloved army

Knows old and young.

And to her, invincible,

Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army

Tankers, sailors,

All the strong guys

They are not afraid of enemies!


At home outpost

Flying our Russian flag!

Cross the border

The enemy will not dare!


Look, we are pilots

Soldiers, sailors!

We have vending machines

We are not afraid of enemies!


I have an automatic

And the belt is shiny.

And now I'm like a soldier

The real one!

Leading: And now we will sing a song

A song is being performed: "We are soldiers" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

children sit on chairs.

Leading: Our future glorious warriors - pilots, sailors, border guards - will show how dexterous and brave they are. So, listen to the riddle:

The plane flies like a bird.

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier...

Children: (in chorus): PILOT!

Leading: Let's sing a song "Airplane"

A song is being performed "Airplane"


And now another mystery.:

He does not serve on earth,

He serves on the ship.

He went out all the seas,

this is our brave ...

Children: (in chorus): SAILOR!

A dance is being performed: "Apple"


Now for the next riddle.:

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret

On the path, on the shore

Blocks the path of the enemy.

It works great, it...

Children: (in chorus): BORDER GUARD!

Leading: Come on, border guards, who will take the flag faster!

The game is being played: "Who will take the flag faster?"

Leading: Every day in the army begins with drill. The orders of the senior in rank in the army are carried out implicitly. And now "Listen to my command!".

The game is being played "Listen to my command!"

Everyone marches to the music. When the music is interrupted, a command sounds ( "Step march", "Sit down!", "Jump!", "Clap!", "Stomp!", "Scream hooray!", "Sit on a chair).

presenter: Army exercises continue, and now we will play a game "Deliver the ammo!"

The game is being played "Deliver the ammo!" (two teams)

Gotta deliver the ammo (dice - grenades, balls - bombs.) to the firing points. A member of one team takes a cube - a grenade, a member of the other team takes a ball - a bomb located in a hoop on the start line, and runs with it to the finish line (basket). Then they quickly come back.

Leading: Guys, tell me which holiday did we celebrate today?

Yes it holiday dedicated"Defender of the Fatherland Day", it is dedicated to all men.

Leading. This is where our program comes to an end. And we will give all our guests a dance with flags.

Children perform "Dance with flags".

Related publications:

"We will serve in the army." Holiday script for February 23 in the middle group Host: Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably, there are defenders of the Fatherland in every family - these are grandfathers, and older brothers, and of course.

Antoshka goes to the Army. holiday script for February 23 in the middle - senior group. ANTOSHKA JOINS THE ARMY. Equipment: Two baskets, rag balls; two shawls (scarves); two telephones, arcs, cubes, skittles; rope. Operating.

Leading. Music sounds, sings, Calls us all to the parade. Soon the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we decided in our music room.

The script of the holiday on February 23 in the senior group"Baba Yaga escorts Leshachka's granddaughter to the army" (To the music, the girls enter the hall, with balls in their hands, stand on 2 sides of the hall). Girl 1 - Day.

Scenario of the holiday "February 23" in the senior group Under the "Hussar March" children enter the hall. 1. Marching (1 circle). 2. Greet, pass the circle ( right hand at the temple, legs are kept straight.

Holiday script dedicated to February 23 in the younger group The scenario of the holiday in the younger group by February 23. To the music "Today is a special day ..." the children enter the hall. Leading. Music sounds.

Julia Golomazov

at 2 junior group №1.

Target A: Cheer up children.



Expand children's understanding of public holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Continue to teach children to play various games, following the rules;

2. Educational:

- develop speed, dexterity, accuracy, ingenuity;

- develop the ability to read poetry loudly and expressively; to sing songs;


Cultivate love for the Motherland; a sense of pride in one's loved ones (for dad, older brother, for grandfather);

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie;

Equipment: march "Good Soldiers" sl. T. Volgina, music. BUT. Filippenko: checkboxes; 1 task "Who quickly" 4 hoops (red, blue, yellow, green); 2 task "Sharp arrows": 6 pins, 2 balls; 3 task "Jump over the barrier": jump rope.

preliminary work: conversations about the army, about soldiers; learning poems, songs "Good Soldiers"; learning movements to marching music; making gifts for dads.

Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates our dads and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, read poems in their honor. And we also congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. This day has become for the Russians a holiday of all men - defenders of the Fatherland and the family hearth; a holiday of strong, courageous men.


The festive parade in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day is declared open. (All the children march to the music "Good Soldiers").

Reading a poem "My best dad!"

1st child: Dad, you are the best in the world,

The best father on the planet!

How I admire you, I'm proud

I firmly hold on to friendship and hand!

2nd child: Daddy, my dear,

I love you so much!

I am the best for you

I'll give you a drawing.

3rd child: Can he play football,

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

4th child: Can he play checkers,

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

5th child: Today is the day of defenders of the Fatherland -

Today all men are like heroes!

For the strong half of humanity

Quietly, as if behind a stone mountain.

Guys, do you want to become as strong, smart and brave as your dads? (Children's answers.)

Then I propose to conduct real army exercises! We will split into 2 teams. One team of girls and one team of boys.

And now it's time for us to play, kids!

1 task. "Who quickly"

Stage 1 - Get to the flag! run to the hoop, jump over it, take moisture and come back.

2 task. "Sharp arrows".

Let's check what shooters you are!

There are skittles in front of the team (6 pcs., each participant is given a ball in his hands and the opportunity to "shot". The participant puts his feet wide, the ball between them, bends over and pushes the ball with his hands in the direction of the pin. The task is common for the whole team - to knock down as many pins as possible.

3 task. "Jump Over the Barrier"

Before the commands, the ropes are pulled, you need to run to the rope, jump over it and come back.

This is where our program comes to an end. You have successfully completed all tasks!

Who do you think won?

Guys: Friendship!

We sincerely congratulate our dads on this wonderful holiday, wish them family happiness, success in all matters, excellent health and always good mood!

The final moment of the holiday is the march of the guys and singing songs to the music "Good Soldiers" sl. T. Volgina, music. A. Filippenko. Greeting cards for dads.