Why does the ex want to see each other?  Date with ex-girlfriend

Why does the ex want to see each other? Date with ex-girlfriend

Communication and meetings with departed people usually cause us a lot of suffering. But it happens that you dream of this meeting and your ex-lover I'd like to see you too. You already imagine in advance how worried you will be, how your breath will be taken away when you first see him. And it’s difficult for you to pull yourself together, you panic in advance, you have no idea what you’ll talk about, what to do, how to behave. In many ways, your behavior will be determined by the purpose of this date.

If you intend to return your ex, then this is one situation, but if your ex simply insists on a date because he wants to explain himself, and you are not going to build a relationship with him again, then this is a different situation. Let's consider the first option, you intend to return the man.

It matters a lot who proposed the meeting. A situation where you initiated a meeting, and your loved one only kindly gave you such an opportunity is one thing. But if he made a date with you, you would be wise to reschedule the date. I dare to suggest that your actions to return the man were correct, which is why he began to show interest in you.

Then we can say that you have approached a very important stage of returning a man. And many women are so glad that their ex has begun to appear in their lives again that they joyfully agree to a date and begin to tell him about their love. And what does all this lead to? The result is sad. A man sees that you are ready to do anything for him, you forgive any of his sins, you wait and hope to return him.

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In most cases, a man simply satisfies his curiosity and vanity. He doesn't really need to get you back just yet. He decided to invite you on a date for the sole purpose of proving to himself that you are still in love and are waiting for his return.

There is another situation when a man does not mind returning to you, but he, seeing how quickly you agreed to be together, will not appreciate you properly. At the first opportunity, the man will become interested in other women again. And he has no obstacles for this. If things don't work out in the new relationship, he knows very well that he can come back to you. And you shouldn’t give a man a reason to think so.

Don’t easily agree to a relationship again, let him make at least some effort to get you back, especially if he was to blame. During your date, you should be calm, indifferent and friendly. Try to steer the conversation away from the topic of your relationships, quarrels, breakups and everything that you had to go through.

You shouldn’t show a man how you suffered without him; tell him about your busy life, share news about mutual acquaintances and friends. Don't show your hurt and disappointment. Suffering women are unable to attract any man in the world. Men are designed this way; they want lightness, simplicity in relationships, fun, playfulness from a woman, but not drama. When a man understands that you are suffering because of him. He begins to blame himself, he may tell you that he is not worthy of you.

He doesn’t want to strain himself, guessing your mood, making efforts to drive away your depression. There are many women around who are cheerful, cheerful, such women are pleasing to the eye, they charge you with positivity, and it is incredibly easy to be with them. And it is precisely such women that all men are drawn to. Take note of this.

If your ex-girlfriend contacted you and asked to meet, it means she needs to tell you something in private, or maybe she just wants to see you. But should you date her and isn’t it easier to ignore her proposal?


The ex-girlfriend wants to meet, but is it worth dating, maybe it would be better to send her away and, in general, completely ignore her.

Let's try to understand all situations depending on your desires. Your ex-girlfriend wants to meet you, and you are still confused whether to go to a meeting with her or not, then look at it from the outside. We recommend that you read

First of all, start with your feelings, will this meeting harm your psychological experiences? If your separation was difficult, you endured your divorce for a long time and very hard, but now you seem to have calmed down and are no longer nervous, then before agreeing to a meeting, think about whether this meeting will bring back your old feelings, whether you will become worry?

And, of course, when deciding to meet, think about why she needs it, perhaps she just wants to see each other, or maybe she wants to tell you interesting news, for example, that you have become a dad or will become one. Ask your ex-girlfriend why she wants to meet. Why does your ex-girlfriend want to meet, see below.


An ex-girlfriend wants to meet, but why does she need it, because we broke up and, probably, it will be better if we don’t meet. Although, on the other hand, perhaps you or your friend still have feelings for you, and she wants something. We recommend that you read

Perhaps your ex-girlfriend wants to meet with you in order to ask for forgiveness and try to get your relationship back on track.

Maybe she wants to tell you the good news or not that you will soon be a dad, or maybe you have already become one, but she wants to say it personally.

But it may also be that the ex-girlfriend wants to meet just like that, spend time with you and find out how you live, how you are doing, remember the old times, sit in a cafe, eat, drink drinks and chat amicably.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why your girlfriend wants to meet you, but we have given the main reasons why exes date above, so decide and think about whether you need to date her.


Your behavior when meeting with ex-girlfriend will depend on your desires and the girl’s requirements.

If the purpose of the meeting is to return your relationship, which you, in fact, have been waiting for a long time, and now your dream has come true, then before you start renewing your relationship, talk to the girl about your breakup and what is needed so that this does not happen again. Otherwise, you may suffer again and suffer the pain of separation. We recommend that you read

In the article you will learn:

What to do if your ex-boyfriend wants your relationship back?

Hello, my beloved readers.

If you step on a rake, it will hit you hard! So don't lose your head and do it right choice. Especially when ex-boyfriend wants to get the relationship back and invites you to start over. Here you need to think many times before agreeing. However, if you understand it wisely, then making the right decision is quite possible. How to do this - read on.

Usually they argue: if the guy comes to his senses, I realized what a diamond I lost and begs you to come back, then you can quickly run to him! But we, dear ladies, also participate in obtaining the result that we have. Therefore, there are many factors to consider before making a decision. But first things first.

How to make the right choice

So, what should you do if your ex-boyfriend suggests starting over? First of all, don't panic! Somewhere in the depths of our souls we know exactly what will happen: we will sleep, we will kill, or we will get married.
But seriously, try to realize how you feel about this person, yourself, your past together and what you personally want in the future. After all, how many wrong decisions have been made because you were “stifled” by unconscious resentment and hurt pride, pride and unwillingness to compromise!
Or maybe a banal mood and loneliness.

Remember how Carrie Bradshaw said: “I missed him, he missed me. He is a man, I am a drunk woman. This evening we are made for each other."

Therefore, I offer you an excellent technique that will help you understand yourself, your emotions and protect you from mistakes. It is based on the statement: A well-posed question is a half-solved problem! And this is so, because in the process of answering you may be illuminated by insights, sudden realizations, so-called insights. Thanks to which, you will clearly and clearly see your past experiences, what is happening in the present and what to expect in the future. So let's get started.

Decision Questions

Be prepared to write down your answers to the following questions:

Family is an art (I'm married)

The most dangerous enemy is the one who pretends to be a friend.

I love you, Dexter, I love you very much, but I don't like you anymore...

It happens that we are sincerely open and trust a person who does not deserve it. How to avoid being offended and when should you be wary?
You can’t get into a guy’s soul and thoughts, but there are completely clear and objective signs by which you can determine that the guy is fooling you and his desire to return is not worth your attention:

  • he arranges your meetings in the evenings in an intimate environment. Most likely, the reason for returning is a lack of sex and nothing more.
  • he talks a lot like he feels bad alone. Perhaps the search for meetings with you is an escape from loneliness, and not interest in you
  • he periodically asks you for some favors. Mutual assistance is a natural manifestation of caring for each other. But if requests are frequent and cause you inconvenience, then think about it - perhaps he is taking advantage of you. Especially if you are borrowing money
  • his words are at odds with his deeds: promises one thing but does another
  • does what you want harms or is categorically not approved by you
  • main featurehe is in a relationship with another woman.

When partners really want to be together, they are sincerely interested in each other, care, strive to spend time together, take mutual interests into account and cherish feelings. In other cases, as you can see, It’s worth thinking hard about the true motives for a person’s return from the past.

There are no illusions in happiness if he is married

And finally, I want to warn you, dear ladies, under no circumstances renew contact if your friend has shown interest in you and a desire to return, but he is married. This is not a manifestation of fate, but a temptation. You are harming yourself and hurting another woman. As they say, you can’t wash away karma later.
And even leaving out the moral side, let's face it: few men leave their wives. After all, they are not as emotional as women and are quite calculating. Therefore, the most likely development of events for you is that you will remain in the status of a mistress for life.

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can be her lover.

Look for your happiness, try it and don’t regret anything! June was with you.
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If you've been separated for a long time, but your ex-boyfriend still continues to communicate with you, you may wonder why he behaves this way. There may be more reasons for this behavior than meets the eye.

So why does your ex-boyfriend continue to communicate with you? Guys, just like girls, can stay in touch with their exes for years for a variety of reasons. Here are the 5 most common ones:

Reason #1: He's still in love with you

This is one of the most common reasons why a guy continues to contact his ex-girlfriend. In this case, he is most likely aware of his feelings for you, but he may not acknowledge them out of fear of being rejected again. In addition, there is a chance that he secretly hopes to change your attitude towards him so that he can come back.

Pay attention to how he acts when other men are around you or when you tell him about the guy you started dating. Does he seem too worried or confused, or is he trying to change your behavior in some way? If the answer is yes, then this may mean that he is still head over heels in love with you.

Reason #2: He still likes you

Perhaps your ex is no longer going to live under your thumb, but still finds you "hot." So why wouldn't he still stay in contact with you? The reason is simple; most guys claim that they communicate with their ex-girlfriends just in case. They don't rule out the possibility that they might start dating you again in the future when he or you get lonely.

It's no secret that many women do the same. Nobody likes to be alone, so most people are likely to agree to their ex-partner's offer to spend an evening alone together.

However, such an action may not be a good idea and will stir up too many experiences from the past. If you are thinking about going on a date with your ex, then first think about the reasons for the breakup and what your previous meetings led to. Secondly, it is also important to think about what will happen if you again become convinced that there is nothing for you to do together.

Reason #3: You have a lot of mutual friends

Having mutual friends can become big problem for most breaking up couples. Communicating with them can make the breakup completely unbearable, since you constantly run the risk of running into your ex at a friendly party or hearing stories about him from your mutual friends.

However, after some time has passed, many ex-couples find that they can and would like to continue being friends, especially if they have a common social circle.

Being friends with your ex in this situation doesn't necessarily mean he still has feelings for you or is interested in getting you back, so don't count on it too much.

If you broke up with your ex on good terms and the romantic feelings really went away on both sides, then your ex can really become your close friend.

Reason #4: Sex with you was the best of his life! And he didn't forget about it...

If you also feel the same way, think about whether you both would actually be satisfied with a physical relationship without commitment. If either of you still has feelings, sex with your ex might not be a good idea.

Reason #5: He's a really nice guy!

Yes it is possible! In fact there is for real good guys who really care about their exes and want to know how they feel after the breakup.

Many women would be very surprised to learn that guys can be quite sensitive. If you had a good emotional connection with him during your relationship, then there is a good chance that he will want to continue to care for you. Even if he is no longer in love or attracted to you!

Let's sum it up...

Guys can keep in touch with their exes completely various reasons, but the main reason is most often that they are still interested in communicating with you in some form.

If you don't intend to date your ex, let him know in a way that won't hurt his feelings. However, if you are interested in reconnecting with him, be sure to weigh the pros and cons first.

Translation and adaptation: Marketium

So, you are extremely excited, because you have a date, and not just a date, but a date with your ex, whom you intend to return, and this means that you should prepare for such a date with all responsibility. I won’t go into details about how you managed to arrange a meeting with your ex-girlfriend, maybe you pestered her with your calls, endlessly swore your love for her, got on your knees and begged her for a date, but I don’t believe it much, and it’s not encouraging I don’t want you, in this case, the date may be the last, it is possible that she agreed to the meeting only for the purpose of having a serious conversation with you.

The situation is completely different if you took into account the mistakes of other guys and worked on yourself for a long time, forgetting about the girl or pretending that you forgot. It is likely that she called you and offered to meet; I hope that you did not agree to the meeting right away, but decided to torment her for a week or two. Be that as it may, the subjunctive mood is not appropriate, everything has happened, and you are going on a date. Let's decide on the meeting place and how the date should go. I recommend taking a walk with a girl in the park, going to a cafe, maybe this will be one of your favorite places where you have often been before, but you may well surprise the girl and spend a date completely differently than you did before.

And now you have met, be friendly, but do not demonstrate wild joy. If you are very excited, then you should have worried about this in advance; sports and valerian tincture help calm your nerves, which I recommend taking for several days before the meeting, otherwise it simply will not work. Meditate before a date, try to distract yourself from the thoughts that bother you. What to talk about with a girl during a date, firstly, ask how she is doing, but don’t touch on the topic of her personal life, don’t talk too much about yourself. You can discuss your favorite movie, mutual friends, family.

The girl shouldn't feel that you're worried. Until she takes her first steps, you should not tell her about your feelings, and under no circumstances discuss your past relationships, and do not let the girl talk about it either. If you start discussing the relationship, you will be overwhelmed by such a wave of resentment, unpleasant memories and emotions that the date will simply fail. Everything should be easy and relaxed, conversations on abstract topics. If you have done everything correctly so far, then you will notice how interested the girl is, how she turns her whole body in your direction, tries to touch you, looks into your eyes. Watch and you will see all the signs that a girl is falling in love with you again. If you managed to meet her, then you did everything as you should, it means that you studied effective techniques upon her return, you can fully imagine when the moment of revelation will come, when you should hug the girl, kiss her and never let go, starting all over again. Let your date be the beginning of a new life and a new relationship!

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, I recommend reading the book by Sergei Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal on how to get your ex-girlfriend back. There are many positive reviews. You can download it from the link below: