Christmas spells to get pregnant.  A spell to help you get pregnant

Christmas spells to get pregnant. A spell to help you get pregnant

The main purpose of a woman is to become a mother. A family without children can be happy, but this happiness will be incomplete. If you really want to have a child, you can use magic.

There are a huge number of conception rituals that will help make your dream come true. But before using rituals for pregnancy, you need to make sure that there is no damage to the family due to pregnancy and only after cleansing should you begin the rituals.

Damage to infertility

Where does the damage to infertility come from?

Sometimes a married couple cannot have children due to some illness. Magic is not omnipotent; it can help, but does not guarantee complete healing. If doctors say that the spouses are healthy, but there is still no child, it is possible that the reason is due to damage to infertility.

Sometimes it's about family curse, which is not so easy to get rid of. It is not difficult to identify it. If there are many couples in your family who do not have children for inexplicable reasons, this is the effect of a curse. If the problems are only in your family, then we are talking about damage.

The evil eye or damage can be caused ex-wives or mistresses, envious friends or relatives, and even a hostile mother-in-law. Very often this happens at a wedding, when all eyes are on the bride.

It also happens that childless couples turn to witches, who transfer their curse to another person. Then all their health problems miraculously disappear, but the victim suffers from illness.

Signs of damage to infertility

Recognizing damage to infertility is not so difficult. Usually girls begin to have nightmares in which there are ropes, spiders, knives, weapons or coffins. Sometimes other signs are also observed.

The girl stops dreaming, she suddenly becomes obese, she feels constant dry mouth, suffers from headaches, and her skin becomes covered with spots and pimples. The woman looks bad, she has a feeling of anxiety, she doesn’t want to live.

If the damage is directed at a man, then he may develop problems with his heart or kidneys, he may suddenly become bald, gain weight, have problems in bed, and also have difficulties with money.

How to remove damage to infertility

To get pregnant without problems, you need to remove the damage. This can be done using various rituals; for example, we will tell you about one of them.

You need to collect 12 twigs. Every day you need to take three of them in your right hand and hit the fence saying: 2 case symbolizes a dead tree. It is important that no one sees what you are doing.

Rules for performing conception ceremonies

To make the conception of a child successful, you can perform magical rituals. But before casting conspiracies, it is important to observe a number of conditions that will increase the effectiveness of pregnancy rituals.

  • You need to use these conspiracies only if you are married; it is not recommended to use them to have a child from someone else’s man.
  • A young month helps the growth of the fetus in the womb, so it is better to read conspiracies on the new moon.
  • You can turn to higher powers for help not only with the help of magic, but also by lighting candles to saints who are the patron saint of children and pregnant women.
  • While reading the plot, you cannot be distracted. Therefore, it is advisable to do this alone, turning off all phones.
  • For many peoples, the earth is a symbol of fertility. In order to get pregnant faster, a woman should perform rituals somewhere in nature, preferably standing barefoot on the ground. If it’s winter outside the windows, you can place pots of flowers around.

Rituals that will help you conceive a child faster

There are a huge number of rituals to help you get pregnant. You need to choose the one you like the most.

Ritual with knots

One of the most popular rituals is the 40 knot ritual. This number of nodules is not accidental, because It is for 40 weeks that a woman carries her child under her heart. To get pregnant in the near future you need to take a rope made from natural threads, cotton or hemp. Exactly at midnight for forty days you need to tie knots on it, saying:

“The knot is not tied, but the fetus is tied in the uterus. It gets tied up, but doesn't come undone. I’m getting started, I’m starting, I’m conceiving a child. God bless! Virgin Mary, help! Give a child to me, God's servant (name). Amen".

When forty days have passed, you will have a talisman with knots, which you need to put in a safe place. It is needed not only to conceive a child, but also to help during childbirth, to alleviate suffering.

To conceive a child faster, you can use the egg ritual. For this, you take an ordinary egg, on which you need to draw something symbolizing motherhood. You can depict a butterfly, bird, bee, spiral.

The egg is placed on the windowsill, where it must wait for the full moon. At night you need to get up and pierce the egg with a needle. In the morning the egg is sprinkled olive oil. Then take a dish or other container (it is important that it does not sink) made of natural materials. An egg is placed in it and sent to float down the river.

If you can’t do this, you need to get water by the light of the moon, pour this water over the egg and bury it.

Strong spell with church candles

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies that is suitable for conceiving a child. But it won't help everyone. If a woman has a mortal sin in her soul, she has ever gotten rid of a child through an abortion, then it is useless to wait for help.

In order for the plot to work, you need to choose the time of the waxing moon. Before noon, go to church to get seven candles. After purchase, change must be placed in the donation box. Then you need to arrange the candles in the correct order: first you need to go to the icon of Jesus Christ, then to the Mother of God, after them to St. Nicholas, and then place the remaining candles at any four icons.

When lighting a candle, you cannot leave immediately; you must wait until it burns down to at least half. At this time, it is advisable to read various prayers and say the words of the conspiracy once.

Church candle spell

“Lord, you created the earth in seven days. The Bible talks about seven sins. Seven days in one week, And seven letters in the word child. I ask you (name of the saint), grant me pregnancy.”

So you need to go around all seven icons. After this, it is advisable to stand for a while in the middle of the church and go home. But this is not enough to conceive a child. Before going to bed with your husband, you need to read another plot three times, and repeat this three more times after it’s all over. This must be done until the desired pregnancy occurs. These are the words:

“The cow has calves, the horse has foals, the ewe has lambs, but I have no child. As the month grows, God will send me a baby. Amen".

Pregnancy is a rather touching and desirable moment in a woman’s life. However, due to a list of circumstances, it is not always possible for a woman to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

When traditional medicine is unable to help, it is possible to involve otherworldly forces in this process.

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Read pregnancy conspiracy at home

A pregnancy conspiracy is a common phenomenon in the practice of various kinds of rituals. In order to perform a ritual at home, everything must be carefully prepared. Mainly, you need to be mentally prepared, namely, to want it impeccably.

Such a conspiracy is carried out after sunset on the waxing moon. The windows of the room in which the ceremony will take place should face the rising month. There should be absolutely no one in the room itself during the conspiracy. You need to take a small basin and a ladle, the contents of which will be warm water. Looking at the young moon through the window, with your right hand you should slowly water yourself from the ladle, while saying the following words three times:

Take two red threads from identical spools.

Twist them and wrap them not too tightly around your ring finger. right hand, reading the plot:

“I don’t twist threads, but I twist destinies. The Servant of God (name) and the Servant of God (name) were separate, but they will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

Carefully remove the resulting ring from your finger and hide it under your bed.

If the desired union with the chosen young man is not hampered by any external circumstances, your most cherished dream will be fulfilled soon. It is possible that things will quickly come to a head.

— Fortune telling with two threads

“As water pours on me from above, so may God’s blessing descend on me from above, and I will conceive from a lawful husband, and may I give birth to a strong and healthy son. Forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and the power that is given higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose, which you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

After this, the water in the basin must be drained into plastic bottle, which will need to be hidden and stored until the pregnancy test shows a positive result. As soon as it becomes clear that the child is conceived, the charmed water must be poured slowly and carefully near the church at any intersection, reading the “Our Father” prayer three times. This will not only protect the baby during pregnancy, but also give him strength and good health.

Pregnancy plot 40 nodules and who did the reviews when to read, consequences

The pregnancy spell for 40 knots is considered one of the most powerful and effective rituals for a speedy and safe conception.

Having a child is an important and responsible process for a couple. But what to do if you can’t conceive a baby? Let's look at the best ritual for pregnancy and tell you about the features of the ritual.

When does magic help?

Motherhood is a tremulous period in a woman’s life. Often spouses face the problem of infertility. Such a diagnosis will be a difficult test that can destroy a marriage. Our ancestors have passed down knowledge that can help even in the most difficult cases.

If you decide to perform rituals for pregnancy, then it is worth remembering important factors.

  1. Mutual agreement. If one of the partners is not ready for the baby, this will affect the effectiveness of the ritual.
  2. Time. All actions are carried out only during the waxing moon. All procedures for pregnancy take place exclusively during daylight hours.
  3. Do not use dark rituals. No matter what your friends say, black magic is not suitable for conception. She gives only what she took from other people and puts a negative program on the fate of customers.

Without faith in a miracle, even the most powerful ritual will not work. A woman subconsciously puts a block on motherhood and the body obeys. If a person is skeptical about ancient knowledge, then there is no point in wasting time. We do not recommend using magic spell for the sake of experiment.

Sometimes the cause of infertility can be damage to a person or family. If there are childless couples among the blood relatives of the husband or wife, then this is a karmic curse. Abandoned women or envious girlfriends can also be a source of evil. It is better to check yourself and your loved ones for the presence of witchcraft interference.

Powerful egg ritual

If you need to get pregnant quickly, our ancestors used a proven method. Chicken product is a symbol of life, therefore it is used in many restorative procedures. The component must be fresh - no more than two days. The bird must live with the rooster, otherwise the magic will not work.

The ritual with the egg is carried out in the first week of the waxing moon. The spouses sit opposite each other, light a consecrated wax candle and at the same time take the element with both hands. The words of the conspiracy are repeated nine times.

“The bird laid an egg, and we carry and nurse the babies. Just as the yolk was in the egg, so God’s child was in the belly. She will sit quietly in her belly until her mother gives birth. The slaves (the name of each parent) are waiting for their healthy baby, they are in a hurry to wait. Amen".

After the last phrases are spoken, the enchanted component is taken and placed under the quotation. The woman will become pregnant within twenty-one days while the hen is brooding. But if the embryo freezes, then this is a sign of severe damage.

Scandinavian rite

For the ancient Vikings, children were a blessing from the gods. Brave warriors passed on to us knowledge that helps us get pregnant. The ritual is carried out during the waxing moon phase. They take a fresh egg from under a domestic chicken, and write runes on the shell with a thin marker in the presented sequence.

  1. Dagaz. Increases the chance of conception.
  2. Berkano. Responsible for a healthy pregnancy.
  3. Laguz or Tur. Desired gender of the baby. The first sign is for a girl, and the second is for a boy.
  4. Algiz is hidden. Protects mother and baby for the entire period of pregnancy.

To ensure that everything fits on the surface of the chicken product, we recommend that you practice applying symbols in advance. An erroneously written rune can radically change the meaning. You cannot experiment by adding additional characters.

The egg is placed on the windowsill for three days. In the morning, carefully lubricate with oil and roll the shell from the sharp end with a needle. Take a light, wicker basket, reminiscent of a Viking ship in shape. The element is placed inside and sent along the river. Conception will occur soon.

Ritual for conceiving a child. Ritual for pregnancy

Ritual for pregnancy

pregnancy conspiracy - how to get pregnant with the help of conspiracies and rituals

Magic amulet

The ritual of forty knots is one of the most popular and proven. This is the number of weeks a woman carries a baby. With a simple ritual you can get pregnant without any problems.

The procedure begins during the new moon. To do this, purchase new rope made of natural fiber (cotton, hemp) from the market in advance. They do not bargain with the seller and do not take change.

Before each procedure, take a shower and wear light clothes. Over the next forty days, one knot must be tied on the thread. They perform actions with slow, confident movements, repeating the spells.

“The fetus in the uterus is tied, but not untied. I’m getting started, I’m conceiving a child. God bless! Mother of God, help! Give a child to God's servant (name). Amen".

After 40 days, the rope becomes covered with knots. The item is transferred to a canvas bag and hidden in a safe place. A magical amulet will help not only with conception, but also protect during pregnancy and childbirth.

Ritual for seven candles

Very strong remedy which promotes the birth of a baby. But not all women can use it. If there is any terrible sin in the soul (abortion, dark rituals), then there will be no result.

Attracting pregnancy should begin on the young moon, as soon as the thin horn of the month appears in the sky. In the morning they go to the temple and buy seven candles. Change is left in the donation box.

The first light is lit at the icon of Jesus Christ, then it is the turn of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The rest place at the faces:

  • guardian angel;
  • your saint;
  • Panteleimon the Healer;
  • John the Baptist.

When lighting a candle flame, you need to stand in front of each image until the flame burns to the middle. At this time, you need to read the words of any known prayer. Slowly go around all seven images, asking for help. Leaving the temple, they distribute alms to all the poor and go home.

The ritual is repeated until the desired pregnancy occurs. Before sexual intercourse, we advise you to sprinkle the room with blessed water. The wife and husband take turns washing their faces with the church liquid.

Magic shirt

During the waxing moon, you can try to speak with an ordinary nightgown. Must be purchased new clothes, sewn from natural fabrics. Preference is given to light, loose-fitting pieces, without patterns or embroidery. Any image can change the action in a negative way.

The magical ritual is performed using neck decoration from gold or silver. They light a church candle and lay out a shirt on the table. From all sides the chain is moved crosswise across the surface of the outfit.

During the ritual, any known prayer is said. You can’t read it from a piece of paper, but rather learn it. The actions are completed after a third of the candle has burned, and the flame is blown out. We recommend marking divisions on the surface of the wax. The ritual is repeated for 3 days.

After the shirt has gained strength, it can be put on. With its help, you can not only get pregnant, but also give birth without any problems. After conception, many women use a shirt a couple of nights a week to protect against miscarriage.

Washing away infertility

If you cannot conceive a child, then you can try the method with Epiphany water. Many people know about the wonderful properties of the liquid, so they often use it for prolongation of labor. The vessel is put outside on the evening of January 18, and the next day it is removed into the house.

It's very good when the water freezes. During this period, the substance is transformed and it acquires healing properties. We must wait until the liquid thaws and reaches room temperature.

Both partners take part in the ritual. They take turns going into the bathroom and slowly pouring the Epiphany elixir onto their heads. You can mentally read any well-known prayer or visualize the birth of a baby.

After the procedure, they go to the temple and light candles at 12 icons. There is no need to rush and light everyone's lights. The image itself will call you and you will want to ask it for help. Upon leaving the church, they distribute alms to all the poor.

By the way, Epiphany water can be used for a repeat ritual. We recommend washing away infertility every month. The best period is considered to be the phase of the new moon. Within seven days the possibility of conception increases.

Slavic ritual for grain

The magic of our ancestors left us many interesting methods that promise a quick pregnancy. Effective ways carried out in summer or spring, when nature comes to life. You need to go to the market in the morning and buy some wheat or oats. The seller is left with the change.

At home, a white sheet is placed on the table and a handful of grain is poured out. They take a red candle and move it in a circular motion over the seed, imagining how a child is born in the womb. Three large specimens are separated from the total mass, and the rest are fed to the birds.

The remaining components are planted in the ground. Our ancestors did this in the garden. Such benefits are not available to a modern resident of a metropolis, so we allocate a beautiful flower pot with soil for the “plot.” Water and care for plants regularly.

If all the grains sprout, they are expecting a baby soon. The fewer spikelets that survive, the more difficult it will be to have a successful pregnancy. Ungerminated seeds indicate severe damage for infertility.


Christians rarely use spells for conception. Exist effective methods helping believers. Until pregnancy occurs, you must ask the image every day for a child. For modern women It’s hard to find time to visit church regularly, so we advise you to purchase a consecrated copy from the church for your home.

“Unexpected joy” is a powerful icon that brings children to those who ask, even in the most difficult cases. The image of the Virgin Mary is recommended for all couples who are unable to conceive a baby. The Mother of God is the patroness of all women, so she rarely refuses.

All those who cannot have a child turn to Matrona of Moscow. The saint helped thousands of couples during her lifetime, and after her death she was canonized. Daily prayer at the icon will bring your desired pregnancy closer.

It is better for spouses with infertility to contact Ksenia Petersburgskaya. We must completely cleanse our soul and abandon evil thoughts. After this, address requests for help to the image of the saint.

Archangel Gabriel is God's messenger, bringing people news of various important events. It was he who told his parents about the birth of John the Baptist and Mary. He visited the Mother of God and told about her pregnancy. Prayer in front of the icon helps even in the most difficult cases.

To taste the joys of motherhood, you need to spend effective rituals that promote conception. Our recommendations present the most proven options. For magic to help, you need to believe in a miracle.

When the offices of all kinds of doctors have been visited, all the tears have been cried, and the long-awaited pregnancy has not come, a woman, as a rule, is in no hurry to give up - there is always a spark of hope in her soul. This is how female nature is designed - to fight to the end and do the impossible to become a mother. Maybe it is precisely thanks to this blind and stubborn faith that pregnancy conspiracies and prayers have real power?

Some may object, saying, how can a child be “told”? How exactly will the simple words of prayer force the sperm to merge with the egg and form a zygote? Let's leave the skeptics their doubts and talk about this: when even the most qualified specialist cannot find the reason why a patient cannot get pregnant, the only thing that will help a desperate woman is faith.

The power and energy of pregnancy conspiracies

From time immemorial, it was believed that any “praying” place could become a church. The same rule apparently applies to prayer. Simple words, repeatedly uttered by countless lips, acquired a special, if not miraculous, energy. Just as God does not exist without religion, so there is no miracle without faith.

Speaking about prayer as a stimulator of fertilization, one involuntarily recalls the placebo effect - a “dummy” that has a therapeutic effect, thanks to the patient’s faith in his recovery. Maybe for this reason, almost everyone who made a pregnancy plot was satisfied with the result?

Let’s also not forget that the root of “evil,” that is, all our problems, is often in our heads. If for some reason the subconscious has considered it necessary to create a psychological block on pregnancy, then even if you are the healthiest woman on earth physically, you most likely will not be able to become the owner of a round belly the first time. So it is with everything else: until there is order in the head, there will be no order in life. The same conspiracies come to the rescue, capable of destroying the invisible stone wall of our subconscious.

How pregnancy conspiracies affect consciousness

It has been proven that special verbal formulas can influence our subconscious and consciousness, making us happier, more confident, healthier, in the end! How does science explain this amazing phenomenon? There are two theories that seem to us the most convincing in an attempt to uncover the secrets of the powerful energy of the word.

According to the first theory, magical incantations are composed of specific sounds that have a direct effect on improving well-being and strengthening positive attitude person.

At one time, Indian yogis created harmonizing mantras that had a healing and calming effect on those who read them. The same effect, apparently, is also notable for ancient pregnancy conspiracies, which were preserved as an element of the ancient Slavic tradition, but remain popular today.

If you believe the second theory, under the words of conspiracies there are certain images with the help of which witch doctors, healers and magicians could influence people, including themselves. It is no coincidence that a woman using a spell to get pregnant quickly is advised, while reading it, to imagine herself in a position or already holding a baby - in this case, her chances of conceiving a child increase significantly.

Over time, not only slander appeared, but also rules for their application in a given situation. In order to “get pregnant” from your spouse, have a normal pregnancy and have a successful pregnancy, the recommendations of “grandmothers” and other healers must be followed with special care. We list the most important of them:

Pregnancy conspiracies: which one to choose?

If you have been unable to get pregnant for a long time and you decided to approach the issue of conception in an unconventional way, that is, with the help of magic, you will definitely be interested in the ritual options that our article offers. When choosing pregnancy conspiracies, reviews played an important role for us: we will tell you only about those magical rituals that have earned the highest ratings from the female audience.

The specifics of pregnancy conspiracies are as follows: a magical conspiracy, in essence, is a special time-tested verbal expression, a request, the energy of which at the mental level “forces” the body to prepare for pregnancy in the literal sense of the word. You need to find for yourself a method whose words will evoke a special response in your soul.

History has preserved a huge number of conspiracies of the past centuries. We offer you the most powerful pregnancy conspiracies.

Moon and mirror

For some, the combination of glass and the heavenly body at night seems frightening. Don’t worry - it’s absolutely safe, because you need to tune in to the birth of a new life!

So, wait for the new moon, which can be easily seen in the sky. Shortly before midnight, place a large mirror opposite the window so that the moon is reflected in it. Exactly at midnight, get naked and, standing in front of the mirror, contemplate your reflection, imagining yourself in the image of a happy expectant mother. When you can finally imagine your belly becoming rounded, say the text of the spell (literally!): “The month is young, new, dear groom, beloved, your place is dear, but only I am your bride. Today you were born, and I, the Servant of God (state your full name), will give birth to a baby. For your joy, for your glory. Let it be so. Amen". After the pregnancy has been announced, feel free to dissolve in the arms of your loved one - an unforgettable night awaits you!

Pregnancy plot “40 knots”

This ritual belongs to white magic and is considered one of the most effective in matters of replenishing the family. The consequences of this pregnancy conspiracy will certainly please you if you take it very seriously.

You will need a red thread spun from linen or cotton. You might be wondering what do knots have to do with it? The ideas of the ancient Slavs about the world in which they lived were very peculiar. So, human life our ancestors represented it in the form of a rope, and the knots on it personified events of the past and future. Nodules that had not yet “happened” could be spoken into and thus planned for their fate. So in our case, a pregnancy conspiracy allows you to “charge” the nodule for a miracle to happen as quickly as possible.

The ritual lasts for 40 days, during which you need to tie one knot per day on a rope while reading the plot. The ritual begins on the first day of the moon. Here is the text of the conspiracy, which must be pronounced with indispensable faith in a successful resolution of the situation:

“The knot stuck tightly to the knot, she tied the knots, and conceived a fetus in the uterus. The knots are red and strong, the child is healthy and rosy! To tie, not to untie. Lord, bless, Prisnadeva, help! Amen!"

During these 40 days, make sure that your miraculous thread does not catch anyone’s eye - only you should see it, otherwise there will be no pregnancy! Think of a place where you will put the string after reading the plot and do not change it until the end of the ritual. On the 41st day, move the amulet charged for pregnancy to another, highest place in your house (for example, on a chandelier). When you see two cherished stripes on the dough, bury the thread with knots in the ground.

Wedding ring to the rescue

Say the words of the spell out loud three times over your wedding ring, then wrap the jewelry in a small white scarf made of natural fabric and always carry it with you in your pocket. Here is the text of the conspiracy: “A great people will gather, all good people, all important birds. Just as a round ring rolls onto a bright image, so will the little first-born be in that ring, be on time. Old men will look with wise eyes, men will speak with rough voices. Old women will stroke the belly of God's servant (name) with old hands, girls will comb her hair. And the little ones will run around her, they will run, but they will not stop. The servant of God (name) is waiting for his little one, and will wait and wait. He prepares an embroidered cradle for him, spins a light shirt for him, a red shirt. How a round ring lies in a dark pocket. So the little thing will live in her womb. My words are firm, strong, indestructible forever. I will hide the key in the black water, and lock the lock on my chest. Let it be so. Amen".

How to save your baby

If you are in a happy situation, but are very worried, since all previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage, the plot will come in handy here too.

Attention! We hasten to remind you: before relying on the will of God and trying to save the child, enlisting the support of magical powers, you must present the problem to your attending physician, pass all the tests prescribed for you and undergo the necessary examinations so that the specialist can select special supportive therapy for your case. In the end, one does not interfere with the other.

You can try to smooth out the problem of miscarriage with the help of a special protective plot to maintain pregnancy. For the ritual you will need water - the most powerful conductor of magical powers in the world. Perform the ritual immediately after waking up, without leaving the bed. Say a spell over a glass of clean water prepared in the evening: “My Mother of God, intercessor of all mothers, come and go out of your heavenly doors to strengthen the servant of God (insert your full name), strengthen the fruit of her womb and the womb of her fetus. Bless and help. Amen". You need to drink the charmed water one sip every hour throughout the day and go to bed after the tenth and last sip.

Why conspiracies are not always effective

You'll probably agree that you need to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism in every situation. This means that when choosing a suitable pregnancy plot, you need to understand: it will not give a 100% guarantee of an inevitable conception in the future.

If the doctor has found the cause of your problem, then a real diagnosis naturally requires a real drug treatment. For example, polycystic ovary syndrome will not disappear anywhere, even if you read at least 100 conspiracies at a time. Remember that it is impossible to cure somatic (physical) diseases by reading texts that belong to spiritual practices. We advise you to treat your soul, mind and body at the same time.

Another common reason why pregnancy conspiracies do not bring the desired result is that they are not taken seriously. You must understand that the point of the conspiracy is not to read it, but to use it to tune your subconscious and consciousness to the right wave. If you consider pregnancy conspiracies to be mere entertainment, but still perform the ritual, do not expect a successful outcome.

Appeal to magical powers Only then will it be successful if you do it sincerely and with all your heart. If your desire to have a child is so strong that in a pregnancy plot you see not just a set of words that need to be learned and pronounced, but a straw for a drowning man, you are on the right path and with a high degree of probability you will achieve what you dream of!

Conspiracies and rituals for speedy conception. Video

We do not claim that the tips offered in the video are a panacea for infertility, but we really hope that they will cheer you up!

Carrying a baby under your heart is a great reward for every woman, however, not everyone is given the opportunity to understand the joy of motherhood and become pregnant at their first desire. In this case, it is worth remembering that physiology is not always the reason for the inability to conceive. Often the reason may lie in the evil eye and damage, human envy - a conspiracy to get pregnant will help with this. You can read it yourself at home, and they do not require any special preparation.

How does this magic work? As folk healers and practicing magicians note, such conspiracies help create a special, perfect biofield around a woman. The main thing is to tune in to the positive - this is the only way they will have their beneficial effect and help you get pregnant. It is worth carrying out the ritual ceremony alone - experts say the best day for this is Thursday, in the evening hours. Remember - the presence of a stranger or an inappropriate attitude will not allow you to achieve the desired result in the form of a desired pregnancy.

Engagement ring spell to help you get pregnant

A pregnancy conspiracy is carried out on your own wedding ring- the ritual is simple and effective, and it can be performed without any preparation. It is worth reading the following plot over your own ring:

“A great people gathered into one - all the good people, all the important birds - animals. As an image comes to light and a round ring rolls, so my firstborn will be in that ring. Old people - you should look at your child with a wise eye, mothers - with a rude voice and speak, girls - scratch your hair, my firstborn will not know grief. Just like a ring to lie in my pocket - so a child will live in my womb, to be strong according to that word.”

Afterwards, simply wrap the ring in a clean handkerchief and carry it in your pocket, as close to your body as possible - for example, your chest.

Spell for 40 knots - very strong

Next, you are presented with a powerful conspiracy for conception carried out on a red woolen or cotton thread made of natural fiber - flax or cotton. It is carried out on the first day of the month according to the Lunar calendar - it is on this day that the first knot is tied on a thread and at the same time they say:

“You are a bundle to a bundle - you stick tightly. As I tied the knot, I conceived a fetus in the womb - they are strong and red, like my child is rosy and healthy. To tie that knot, no one can untie it. Bless the Mother of God for the good of the work.”

Afterwards, the thread should be hidden in a secret place - you don’t want them to know about your ritual. So tie a knot every day in the morning, for 40 days - the main thing is not to miss a day, tying to the required number of knots on the thread. After this, the thread is hidden in a secluded place and they wait for the onset of pregnancy - this will be a kind of talisman and amulet, it will help to conceive a baby and make childbirth easier. When the woman in labor safely gives birth, the thread should be buried under a young tree or simply burned.

Conspiracy for the emerging month

A conspiracy for the birth of a child can also be carried out on the new moon - it is advisable to carry it out in the evening, when the new moon is visible in the clear sky. It is enough to open the window and speak the words, addressing the night luminary.

“Lord God, holy Most Pure Virgin Mary - as you conceived Christ in your immaculate womb, help me, like the earth, to be fruitful and give birth, to your glory, to my joy.”

After this, you can enhance the ritual itself with honey - just place a simple bowl on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it and then add a little honey to it. When liquid honey pours into it, you should say the following words:

“The tastier this honey is to you, the healthier my child is.”

You can also take into account the spell from the great Bulgarian healer Vanga - it is carried out on the night from 1 to 2 lunar bitches according to the Lunar calendar. To do this, you should go out into the yard or, as a last resort, a balcony - look at the night sky, at the face new month and at the same time you should stroke yourself on the stomach, clockwise, saying out loud:

“Our Lord, just as you illuminated us with sunlight, gave us the moon, gentle clouds and bright stars - reward God’s servant... name... with a child. Just as the young moon is conceived today, so will I conceive in my womb.”

This simple ritual is performed every growing month. lunar calendar– as practice shows, the desired pregnancy occurs within the next six months.

Next, we will consider another conspiracy for the growing night luminary - it must be carried out on Friday. But at the very beginning, before this, you should visit the temple and pray to the icons of Christ and the Mother of God, light candles for them and draw water blessed in the temple. In the evening of the same day, the ritual is performed between 11 and 12 pm, or rather at night.

To carry it out, you should wear a spacious, white shirt and open the window shutters, or go out onto the balcony, loosen your curls and place a basin of water on the floor and stand in it with your bare feet. Take water from it and water yourself, while saying:

“Just as that holy and pure water slid and rolled off me, so all the evil spirits and troubles roll off me. A new month is growing in the sky - and that servant of God ... name ... will conceive a child in the womb today. Help me, Christ and the Mother of God, reward me with a child.”

Afterwards, wipe yourself dry and make the sign of the cross three times, read the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” the same number of times, and go to bed. But the water itself should be poured outside the house - preferably under the roots of a tree.

Spell for bath water

Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been associated with everything pure, and it was there that children were conceived in Rus' for many centuries. To carry out the ritual for early conception, it is worth preparing a ladle and a trough, and a long linen shirt in advance.

In the bathhouse itself, the woman stood in the tub with her feet and doused herself with water, while always pronouncing the words of the following conspiracy:

“Like dirty water rolls off me, so all the misfortunes are washed away from me - I water them with my feet, and wash them with my white hands. Just like a young month is growing, so this servant of a child. Our Creator - help me, Mother of God - autumn.”

After this, they wiped themselves dry and watered the tree or bush with water.

Conspiracy with a silver cross

A conspiracy for a successful and early pregnancy can be read at home and on a silver cross on the body - this Orthodox ritual has long been revered in Rus' and was considered successful even in difficult and hopeless cases. To carry it out, you need to fill a jug with water from a well or a pump in the morning, and put a silver cross on your body there. They put it on the windowsill and leave it until the next morning - at the first rays of the sun they cover their head with a scarf and take it out of the bowl, read the Orthodox prayer “Our Father”.

“If you fall into a dark and deep hole, my illness has never been seen before, you will not return to the servant of God ... name ..., disappear and go away.”

After this, you should cross yourself three times and sprinkle with water from a jug, and drink the rest throughout the day. As many couples who have not had children for a long time say, it was this ritual spell that helped them conceive a child.

Ritual with a rag doll

The ritual with the so-called motanka doll for pregnancy is a ritual akin to the ancient magic of Voodoo, however, it is widely used in the vastness of many countries, and not just the hot continent. If a woman dreamed of a baby, she herself made a doll out of rags; you could even use old clothes, but they did not cut them, but tore them with your hands.

In the very process of creating the doll, an important condition was that the outfits were not sewn, but only wrapped, and the face itself always remained faceless. Seeds were placed in each hand of the doll as a symbol of future children, while the body was sculpted like that of a pregnant woman, with a bulging belly. When your doll is ready, any of the conspiracies for conceiving a baby were read over her head and this was done exclusively in the attic, away from prying eyes. The main condition is that the process of creating a doll and reading the plot should not be seen by more than one man, even if it is a spouse, and even more so to know where such a talisman is kept.

Chicken egg rolling ritual

What did our ancestors do before if a woman could not conceive for a long time? They rolled it out like damage or the evil eye - with the help of an egg. To carry out this magical ritual It’s worth preparing fresh, daily food in advance egg, which is worth taking from a laying hen and the fresher it is, the better. Afterwards, the woman is seated facing the iconostasis and given a lighted wax candle from the temple in her hands - an assistant with an egg stands behind her and, without lifting it from her body, begins to roll it, moving from the top of her head to the very tips of her toes. When carrying out such manipulations, it is worth saying the following words:

“As I pump this egg around my body, I drive out any illness from it. Wherever it is in the body, let it pass - so the pain will all go into the egg. As the Lord protects God’s servant…name…so this egg will eliminate all ailments from her, new life He will bestow upon her womb, and all her sorrows and slander will be blown away.”

It is best to carry out such rolling out several times - the egg was not broken after rolling out, but was buried entirely somewhere under a bush or tree. As a rule, it was enough to conduct 3-4 such sessions and the woman could safely conceive a child.