Order oriental dances for your anniversary.  Anniversary scenario

Order oriental dances for your anniversary. Scenario for the anniversary "East is a delicate matter"

Are you looking for original gift to your friend for his birthday or maybe you don’t know what to “give to the person who has everything”? Maybe you want to diversify the program of your holiday and give a gift to your guests? We offer you - the dancers themselves high level They will give you their show, enchant you with their craftsmanship and remain in your memory for a long time.


When choosing such a gift, you need to understand that not every target audience is suitable for it. For example, as a gift, even for the biggest children's party– the dance is not suitable. Unless the age of the participants will be approximately similar. Such a gift would also look strange at some holiday for a very adult woman celebrating an anniversary. But at a youth party, at a wedding, your boss’s birthday, at a New Year’s corporate party or any large-scale event where there will be many guests with different tastes, this is where a custom dance would be most appropriate!

Dancing for a big holiday is just that great gift, the kind of fun that can easily be introduced. A couple of wonderful groups, a couple of expressive people, or entire numbers, so all this will be just right. In order to have an anniversary or corporate party, you don’t need to work hard - you just need to contact our administrator and find out what number you want to see. A standard number with or without attributes lasts about 5 minutes, so if you want a long program, then you need to choose a number that is consonant, or vice versa - all different in texture and idea. Even if you need one number, we advise you to make a choice with the administrator - after all, our artists are so different! Dancers of the First Dance School in Moscow are ready to give you a holiday!

Order oriental dances for your birthday

Perhaps you have to organize some kind of themed holiday? Or do you need to host a corporate event? We offer you the following - order Eastern dance for a birthday , anniversary, your celebration, the eastern direction is very popular today, so by choosing this particular style for the stage and in your atmosphere, you can’t go wrong. Oriental dance attracts with its atmosphere, silks and transparent fabrics, graceful curves of the body and slow swaying, or vice versa with quick shakes and turns - this dance is so diverse!

Do you have a desire to give everyone a wonderful holiday or are you having difficulty choosing a gift for your friend? How to make it original and memorable? To make sure there is no repetition? Give emotion, impression, brightness. For this you need order a belly dance for your birthday- this is not only happiness, it is also great entertainment, who doesn’t like dancing along to beautiful dances, along with beautiful girls and men. You can order oriental dances, either one number or a whole show, you can order a couple of dancers, or solo numbers, numbers with attributes, shawls, even with edged weapons. In any case, you will only enjoy it and want to watch this show again! It’s impossible that you won’t like a performance from professional dancers, practicing coaches and real champions of international tournaments. It can't be that the show is boring and unimpressive, and your birthday boy doesn't like it at all. It is worth ordering this number, even if you have never danced yourself, even if you have a small venue and there is no theme for the project. Perhaps the idea is alien and incomprehensible to you. Do not despair! Help yourself and your guests remember this day for a long time, remember how best holiday In my life!

Characters: presenter, stargazer, oriental dance performer.

(The hall is decorated in oriental style (fruits, organza, oriental lanterns, pillows).

On the wall- a comic collage of photographs of the wife of the hero of the day in various years and in various images.
The collage is called “My Favorite Harem”. The presenter comes out to the sounds of A. Ukupnik’s song “Petrukha.”)

Leading: Good evening friends! I welcome you to today’s celebration, which I am pleased to begin with poetic lines:

Abode of wisdom and sun,
A sprout of great antiquity!
His mysteries are endless -
I invite everyone to the east!

Dear guests! Today we have a chance to experience the whole flavor of the East, namely: take a trip to the famous oriental bazaar, smell the aromas of various spices, taste exotic fruits, see the original dance of an oriental beauty, meet the famous Baghdad stargazer and much more! This wonderful gift of fate - to attend a real holiday of Eastern life - became possible thanks to the hero of the day, respected... (the patronymic name of the hero of the day).

And it is to him that I dedicate the first ancient oriental toast: Once upon a time to the padishah, who became famous for his good deeds, the wizard came and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: “My first gift is health! May you be strong and not subject to illness. My second gift is oblivion of fears, sorrows and troubles. Cleanse your soul from these burdens! And the third gift is the gift of intuition, which will tell you in life the right move." Let us wish our hero of the day these three gifts: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition that would lead him through life in a happy way! (Short pause.) Host: Friends! In the previous wise oriental toast, we wished the birthday boy to have three priceless gifts in life: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition. Now let’s ask him to accept three no less valuable gifts purchased at the present oriental bazaar. All three items symbolize wealth, which is also very necessary in our lives!
(Three assistants in oriental costumes carry out souvenirs on beautiful trays, which are presented to the hero of the day with brief explanations for them.)

1. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a very popular Eastern symbol of great luck. The coin in the mouth represents gold. The easiest way to activate money energy is to place one toad in each room of the house or place it on the office desk. The main thing is to make sure that the toad is sitting with its back to the door, as if it had just jumped into your house.
2. The money tree is the most common symbol of wealth. An old oriental legend tells about it: when a tree is shaken, gold coins, like drops of rain, fall to the ground. We hope that the rain of these coins will literally flood your home. But be careful - don't drown!
3. Oranges and tangerines in a beautiful vase - in the east they symbolize gold and successful business. Let a vase with these fruits decorate your home at any time of the year!

Leading: Once in an eastern caravanserai, I overheard beautiful words of wisdom that I want to pronounce today in this hall: trees with deep roots have lush foliage. You, of course, guessed that we are talking about the inextricable connection between children and their parents. We bow deeply to the respected... (patronymic name of the parents of the hero of the day) for their love and patience! After all, they gave the world such a wonderful son! (Congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day.) (Short musical pause.)

The chorus of the song " Oriental tales"performed by the group "Brilliant".

Leading: It is known that the East is full of secrets and mysteries. Perhaps the most mysterious and charismatic eastern personalities are magicians and soothsayers. Meet one of them - the keeper of great secrets, an expert on human destinies, a sage and astrologer from Baghdad, Huseyn Guslia!

The stargazer comes out with a turban on his head, a small book bound in velvet in his hands, and a bag of coffee beans on his wrist.

Astrologer: Oh, most respected ones! Greetings to all of you and especially to the most noble man who has brought together such a large number of friends! I believe that prosperity and happy summers await everyone present! Let me arrange a short exam on your knowledge of the most ancient eastern science - astrology. So, my friends, pay attention! The zodiac horoscope divides the year into twelve signs, which are the focus of my questions:

1. Which zodiac sign bears the royal title? (A lion)
2. What sign can whistle on the mountain? (Cancer)
3. Which sign is like itself like two peas in a pod? (Twins)
4. What sign can lead to flooding? (Aquarius)
5. Which sign has sharp horns? (Capricorn)
6. Which sign can accurately hit the target? (Sagittarius)
7. What sign is the husband of a gentle lamb? (Aries)
8. Which sign is the most feminine? (Virgo)
9. Which sign is considered the most stubborn? (Calf)
10. What sign would a woman never agree to stand on in the presence of a man? (Scales)
11. What sign does a poisonous sting have? (Scorpion)
12. What sign does every angler dream of? (Fish)

Astrologer: I am convinced that you are well versed in the doctrine of stars, planets and their combination, but the exam is not over yet! The real magical oriental talisman will be received by the one who names:
- the zodiac sign under which the hero of the day was born;
- a symbol of the year when the birthday boy was born.

The astrologer gives beads and beans to guests who answer these questions correctly. Beans are considered in the East to be a love talisman, as well as a powerful amulet. To make beads, you need to soak the beans in water, string them on a thin fishing line and let them dry. As a farewell, the astrologer offers to tell fortunes to the hero of the day in the ancient oriental way - using coffee beans.

Fortune telling on coffee beans

The astrologer takes 6 coffee beans from his bag and gives them to the hero of the day.

The birthday boy, to the accompaniment of a calm oriental melody, pouring beans from hand to hand, should imagine how the coffee seeds are saturated with his energy. Then he needs to bring his palms to his forehead, close his eyes and concentrate on the exciting problem. After this, the fortuneteller throws the grains on the table, and the astrologer counts how many of them fell upside down and reads out the prediction: when solving a problem that worries you, you will discover a lot of new and useful things. In the meantime, open a bottle of wine and don’t think about anything!

The astrologer says goodbye and leaves. The first verse and chorus of the song “Harem” performed by Irina Allegrova sounds.

Leading: Is it possible to imagine the East without beautiful brown-eyed beauties;
without the magical ringing of monist, sparkling beads, flowing chiffon and silk, delicate velvet;
without the glitter of jewelry and the charm of music, turning every woman into a fairy-tale goddess.
Our holiday will not be complete without fiery oriental dance. Meet Jamila - a beautiful representative of the East!

Music sounds and a dancer performs a dance. At the end of her speech, Jamila silently leaves a mysterious package on the table and disappears.

Leading: Such beautiful women live in the East! Let's see what's inside the package.

The presenter takes out a hookah and an ancient parchment with an inscription from the package.

Leading(unfolding the parchment): This is an appeal from all Eastern women to our hero of the day!

Is reading:
Padishah of the Persian fairy tale!
We ask for mercy.
And from all eastern women,
We present you with a hookah as a gift!
Let them immediately appear in your dreams
Sensual concubines moan.
And the hookah smoke will give
Sleep and sweet languor.
All of us, women of the East,
We would be happy to join your harem
Night, moon, hookah and you -
There is no better reward in life!

Signatures: Gyulchatay, Zukhra, Zarina, Guzel, Saida, Hafiza, Leila, Zulfiya and then 18 more female names.

Leading(passing the hookah to the hero of the day): Unfortunately, we have to disappoint these 26 lovely women - they have no chance of getting into the harem of the hero of the day! All harem places are occupied by the only and beloved wife... (wife's middle name). Sometimes difficult, but happy years were lived with her, and the wife always, in one person, perfectly coped with the responsibilities of a wife, mistress, mother, and keeper of the hearth.

(The presenter draws the guests’ attention to a comic collage of photographs of his wife).

It is no coincidence that the hero of the day, calling this collage “My Favorite Harem,” awarded his wife the highest title - his beloved and only wife!

(Congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day.)

Leading: I'll tell you a secret: maintaining a harem is not an easy task! In the East they tell the following story: the Sultan’s harem was located five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant to fetch the girl. The Sultan lived to be a hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: It’s not women who kill men, it’s running after them! To be ready to conquer many women, you need to have excellent health and a trained body. I invite men to be the owners of a harem and try to win the hearts of the ladies present here! The presenter selects two men from among the guests to participate in the competition, and the third participant becomes the hero of the day.


(Competition for men)

Three participants - candidates for sultan - are given hula hoops and fans.
The one who can spin the hoop around his waist for the longest time, while fanning himself with a fan, wins the competition and gets the right to take a souvenir photo among the beautiful inhabitants of the “harem”, that is, simultaneously with all the women present at the celebration.

During the competition, ladies are encouraged to cheer loudly for the potential sultans. The presenter sums up the results so that the winner is the hero of the day. Even if the birthday boy failed to complete the task, we can declare that the support of his fans was the most active. The birthday boy and the ladies present at the celebration pose for the photographer.

Leading: Eastern wisdom says: “The tongue is one, the ear is two; say it once, twice - listen! Especially for the winner of the competition, our dear hero of the day... (first name)

Everyone’s favorite song from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is performed. The song “If I were a Sultan” sounds, then there is a dance break.

Leading: You cannot ignore the famous oriental cuisine, which has recipes for thousands of delicious dishes that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet. It is known that in the East, many spices are used when preparing dishes. The prize will be given to the one who names the most expensive spice in the world. (Answer: Saffron is the most expensive spice and is valued more than gold, because the process of its production is very labor-intensive.)

The prize for the correct answer is a set of spices.

Leading: I announce a women's competition for the best connoisseur of oriental sweets! Why female? Because they are the ones with the biggest sweet tooth.



The competition involves three women who take turns pronouncing the names of oriental sweets. If the word is not named, the participant is eliminated. Possible options answers: baklava, shaker, kurabiye, churchkhela, candied fruits, Turkish delight, kozinaki, badam, nougat, halva, sherbet, grilled cakes, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. The winner receives a set of oriental delicacies.

Leading: In the East they say this: you can lead a camel to water, but you cannot force it to drink. Men, it's time to test the truth of these words!


Three participants (men) distribute roles among themselves: the first neighbor, the second neighbor and the nickel. The presenter reads the text, and when their role is mentioned, the players drink a glass of vodka.

Fairy tale: One day two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. Along the way, the neighbors sat down to rest and have a snack.
“It would be nice to have a glass of wine now,” the first neighbor sighed.
- I agree, but we are bringing wine to sell, and not a drop should be wasted! - the second neighbor reasoned.
Then the first neighbor searched his pockets, found a copper coin and said to the second neighbor:
- Pour me a nickel worth of wine.
The second neighbor poured him one glass, then returned the same nickel and asked the first neighbor: - Now you pour it for me.
So this nickel passed from hand to hand until the wineskins were empty, and both neighbors snored, drunk and happy with the trade.

So let's drink to a successful deal!

The game participants and spectators drink.

Leading: This is such an instructive tale! Our “camels” didn’t want to drink, but we had to! Now let's give them a sobriety test. To identify the most sober, I ask the participants in the game to take turns loudly and clearly pronounce the following simple phrase: the concept of social stratification. The men try to complete the task, the presenter announces the name of “The Most Sober” and invites him to move to the opposite category, that is, drink a large glass of vodka.

If the player agrees (drinking is not necessary), then he is awarded the second honorary title “The Bravest”.

Leading: Friends! And now I propose a test of collective intelligence! You have to correctly solve the riddle with an oriental twist. I will read the text and ask a question, and at the right moment you will give me the correct answer in unison.


Behind the carved lattice of the garden,
Among the eastern greenery,
Three tired travelers
They walked peacefully on a moonless night.
The first one said: “Where is she?
The light of my eyes is the moon!”
The second one answered in the darkness:
“May Allah help us!”
Well, the third did this: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
It was an old donkey!
Suddenly broke through from behind the clouds
Bright, full, lunar circle.
The first one cried out:
"Here she is! The light of my eyes is the moon!”
With gratitude in your eyes:
The second said: “Oh, Allah!” (To the audience)

Attention! In chorus of the third man, tell me the words!
Guests' response: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
Leading: Now everyone, quickly grab your ears. (Pause) Is everything okay? Has anyone's ears gotten bigger? And then you screamed so naturally... It was, of course, a joke. And now I will make a serious oriental toast and ask everyone present to support me! In the East they think like this: if you want to be happy for one day, get drunk, if you want to be happy for one week, get sick, if you want to be happy for one month, get married, and if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy! Let's raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day!


Congratulations to the guests, musical pause. During a musical break, the host stops the music and offers to listen to an instructive oriental story.

Leading: A fool saw a watermelon at the market and asked:
- What it is?
“A donkey egg,” they answered him.

He chose the largest watermelon, put it under his arm and went home. On the way, he dropped a watermelon, and it rolled downhill, hit a stone and cracked. And then a hare jumped out of the bushes and ran away.
- Oh, what a quick donkey hatched, and I missed him! - the fool regretted.

At this point I should have said: let’s drink to the fools, without whom it would be boring to live in the world! However, I prepared a surprise and changed the ending of this story: so let's taste this ripe, fragrant watermelon, and I hope that no one in this room expects that a donkey will hatch from it.

Helpers bring out the watermelon and treat the guests. The musical pause continues. Host: The East has given humanity many very useful inventions. I ask you to raise your hands of those who have an “A” or “B” in history on their matriculation certificate. The guests raise their hands. The presenter invites them to go on stage and holds the “Great Inventions of the East” competition.


(Team competition)

Three teams of 2-3 people each participate.
Each team is given three items:
- Calendar, sheet of paper, pack of tea;
- Chess piece, silk scarf, bag of rice;
- Compass, chopsticks, paper figurine (origami).

The team's task is to conduct historical research in 1 minute and determine in which country each item was invented.
(Correct answers: calendar - Egypt; chess - India; art of origami - Japan; paper, tea, compass, silk, rice, daddies - China.)

The team that gives the most accurate answers gets the right to keep the items as prizes.

Leading: Friends! I suggest you take a look at the eastern Antiquities Shop, where among coins, weapons, dishes, clothing, household items and other antiques you can find truly ancient and mysterious objects. An example of such an unusual acquisition can be this vessel.

The presenter demonstrates a bottle of five-star Armenian cognac, made in the form of an amphora.

Leading: Giving this mysterious vessel as a gift for our birthday boy, the seller of the Antiquities Shop told me the following story:
The ancient vessel was raised
From the waves of the mysterious sea.
And in it is a gray-haired magic gin
Languishing in centuries-old captivity!
P.S. At the bottom the vessel was covered with mud,
And the genie was pretty bored.
He was waiting for the cork to open,
And even a little wild...
Break the seal of times quickly,
Five stars is like five centuries.
And instantly free the genie
You are from the shackles that bind!
Just make a wish -
And he will fulfill it at the same moment!
After all, the famous school of magicians
He was a capable student.
So that gin mothballs spirit
Didn't it seem too gloomy to you?
I just flavored it slightly -
Infusing the bottle with a spirit... cognac.

Leading(handing over the bottle to the hero of the day): Handing over this magical vessel, I want to remind you of the well-known Eastern wisdom: make your wishes with caution, because they can come true.

If the hero of the day offers to immediately open the bottle, its contents are poured out to those who wish, and the one whose glass is filled last is considered the genie. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the birthday boy.

Leading: Friends! Of course, you know from school curriculum, that the word East is closely associated with such a term as the Great Silk Road. This caravan trade route was the longest and played a role liaison between countries of different civilizations. I propose to repeat this complex route right in our hall and deliver some goods to their destination. I will need the help of two men who will play the role of caravan guards.

The leader selects assistants and forms their “caravans” - two teams of 4-5 people.


(Team game)

Team members line up one after another, the caravan leader is in front of everyone. Then all the right legs are tied together, and all the left legs are tied together in the same way. At the starting line there are various objects (there should not be many of them, otherwise the game will drag on), which the “caravan” needs to deliver to its destination - the finish line.

To prevent the “caravan” from moving back empty, objects are also placed on the finish line. To the sounds of the song “Uchkuduk” performed by the group “Yalla”, the teams begin to move, led by the caravan leaders.

The team that moves all the items first wins.

The game can be complicated by laying a strip of wallpaper from start to finish, then the participants will need to move strictly along this “caravan route”, without going beyond its limits. Players on the winning team receive toy compasses as prizes.

Leading: In the East there is a wonderful way to preserve age. Those days spent with guests do not count. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, because today, without knowing it, you extended the life of our hero of the day! (Dance program.)

Oriental dances organically fit into the show programs of a variety of Russian celebrations - be it a wedding, anniversary, corporate party or professional holiday. The performance of the performers of the oriental show fascinates both men and women. What do customers expect from dancers, what should they pay attention to when choosing artists, what is the difference between performances in a restaurant and at an event - the site asked representatives of the “eastern genre” about this and much more.

There is a demand

Ordering oriental dances has not lost popularity for a long time. Moreover, belly dancers are invited to a variety of events - weddings, corporate events, anniversaries, theme parties. Market participants are unanimous that there is no specific order for ordering oriental dancers; they want to be seen at any holiday. Therefore, professional teams do not sit without work. As noted Ekaterina Rogacheva, show ballet director, a bellydance (belly dance) performer with 14 years of experience, people never cease to admire oriental dance; it is ordered for events of any level.

Show ballet “Naira”

According to Natalia Kalinina, soloist of the oriental show, they are approached by restaurant directors, event organizing companies, presenters and guests who want to give a gift to the hero of the day or newlyweds. “Belly dancing as a gift is a great idea. Also, a lot of companies order oriental dance for colleagues on February 23 and March 8 (for women, belly dancing can be performed by a man).” According to observations Irina Kamen, representatives of the dance project, “differences in performances at events of different formats depend on the desire, taste of the customer and the number of numbers performed. In some places, one or two dances are appropriate, and in others, all five, or they additionally ask to conduct a training master class for guests.” There are even very unusual customers. Liliya Serebryanaya, member of a dance duet, says that “once bikers ordered my dance for their party. My surprise knew no bounds when I saw the customers.”

Dance duet "Intizar"

Both men and women are interested in watching bellydance. Demand was to some extent influenced by tours to Egypt and Turkey. Many Russian tourists were impressed by the dances performed by local women and wanted to see an oriental show at holidays in their homeland. It is not surprising that it has been at the peak of popularity for many years; such numbers are eagerly ordered for family and corporate celebrations.

Does it make a difference where to dance?

Also, the performance of belly dancers is an almost integral part of the show program in many cafes and restaurants of oriental cuisine. “Working in good-level institutions usually involves a whole program consisting of several blocks. It can be only oriental numbers or a mixture of artists of different genres - it all depends on the format of the establishment. The main difficulty of such work is that it is necessary to constantly update the program of acts, costumes, find some features and innovations so that the audience comes again and again,” he shares his opinion Irina Kamen. As Natalya, a dancer, told us oriental show "Saffron", working in a restaurant differs from performing at holidays in that “in an establishment we dance not only on the stage, but also near the tables. And if the guests like our dance, they thank us with money - this is customary in oriental dance. The more you liked the dance, the larger the tip.” Ekaterina from show ballet "Naira" I also agree with my colleagues that there are specifics to performing in restaurants and at private events. She says that the audience differs in state, impact, reaction of the audience - the artists feel this. Although the performance looks the same to both audiences, they will not notice the difference.

Craftsmanship VS price

When choosing an oriental show, customers have become more selective - this is noted by all the dancers with whom we spoke. “If earlier, when ordering performances, they were mainly guided by price, now they pay attention to skill, level of professionalism, external image, quality of costumes, variety of dance program,” says a bellydance performer from project BLESK.

Dance project BLESK

For those customers for whom the deciding factor is price, the dancer oriental show "Saffron" does not advise booking the most expensive artists, thinking that the higher the cost of their performance, the better they are. But you shouldn’t choose the cheapest ones either. “There are dancers who are ready to work almost for free. For years they have been performing in unpresentable costumes and behaving vulgarly. After their performances, some customers get the impression that all Eastern girls are girls of easy virtue. We have to fight this stereotype. We are trying to prove to the audience that belly dancing is an art and a lot of work. My advice is to choose only professional dancers who work in the middle price category.”

Customers are increasingly relying on experienced, proven artists whose work they have seen themselves or heard recommendations. Many dancers already have a client base. According to Ekaterina Rogacheva, customers know what to expect from groups whose performances they are already familiar with, and what level of performances they will receive.

When choosing a dance program, customers often rely on the artists themselves. Lily from dance duet "Intizar" talks about the fact that they are often asked to show beautiful, funny and spectacular performances. Therefore, productions with candelabra, LEDs - with everything that glows and flickers - are in demand. Natalia Kalinina divides customers into two categories. The first is exactly those that Lilia is talking about. They want to see a show - dancing with a snake, candelabra, LED wings and other attributes. The second group are connoisseurs classical dance belly. “We have show numbers, but mostly we show the viewer how our body works. We think that this is much more interesting than just walking beautifully with props on your head or flapping your wings,” a dancer from show "Saffron".

Eastern show "Saffron"

Choosing with passion

In order not to miss the choice of bellydance performers, artists advise looking at photo and video materials. As for the latter, it is better to ask the dancers not for promo videos, but for recordings from live performances at various venues. If you have the desire and opportunity, attend a live performance by the group. Fortunately, many of them work in establishments, so getting to the show program will not be difficult. Supervisor show ballet "Naira" recommends clarifying which lineup will come to the celebration and whether the performance will look exactly the same as in the video. “Our team’s program includes many different numbers that can satisfy the needs of a wide variety of viewers. Already at the stage of the first call, I try to listen very carefully to wishes, find out all the nuances of the request, and guide them through the repertoire so that the result of our interaction with the customer brings maximum positivity and satisfaction to both parties,” says Ekaterina Rogacheva.

Natalia Kalinina invites customers to ask artists about the availability of awards and titles. “A professional dancer will not hide his achievements. It is very important for a dancer to constantly develop, learn something new, and participate in competitions. We constantly learn from teachers from all over the world and participate in oriental dance competitions at the world level. Just last year we became prize-winners of several Russian and foreign festivals. I think that any customer will be pleased to invite world champions in belly dancing to their event.”

Artists of the “oriental genre” will present a bright, colorful spectacle at any holiday. Provided that they are professionals in their field. And to find them, use our tips.

Studied oriental dance