There lived forty thousand whites.  Preschool child - child development, preparation for school in Kyiv

There lived forty thousand whites. Preschool child - child development, preparation for school in Kyiv

1. What theme can these words be combined with? What words could you add?

These words can be combined under the theme WINTER. More words: cold, skates, skating rink, blizzard, fun, pattern, Christmas tree, cold, powder, hibernation, snowballs, sorceress, mittens, sleigh, slide.

2. What did you imagine as you read each word? What words made you feel happy? What colors could you choose for each word?

I imagined the winter sorceress, the sky in white snowflakes, the New Year. Words that are associated with winter fun, magic, and the New Year evoke a joyful feeling. You can choose a cool palette of colors: from white to blue-violet.

3. What part of speech is each word? What words can you find synonyms and antonyms for? Are there any cognates among these words?

All words are nouns.

frost - cold,
blizzard - blizzard,
snow - powder

snow - rain,
frost - heat.

Similar words:
snow - snowflake, snowfall, snowman, Snow Maiden;
ice - ice.

4. How do poets describe winter? Read excerpts from the poems. What words and expressions did you like and why?

Hello, light stars of the fluffy first snow!

I. Turgenev

Quiet snowflakes fall to the ground
Lay down with mica sparkles.

G. Graubin

Non-spiky, light blue
Frost is hung along the branches, -
Just take a look!
Like someone too shabby
Fresh, white, plump cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.

A. Fet

Tidier than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.

A. Pushkin

5. Copy any poetry passages. Highlight the words and expressions you like.

6. Make your own dictionary of winter words. Draw a picture to go with your words.

7. Choose riddles or proverbs, sentences or poetic lines that use winter words.

In the white frost of birch.
Hedgehogs sleep, bears sleep.
But although the frost came,
Bullfinches are burning at dawn.
It will be a bright New Year
Wonderful Christmas holiday.
Dressed in a warm fur coat
Snow-white... (winter)

Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a warm fur coat.
The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
The bullfinch will fly in and notify everyone about winter.
On New Year's Day the day was increased by a rabbit's leap.
A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends.
December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.
January is a month of bright stars, white paths and blue ice.
Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February.

Once upon a time there lived a point in a cloud:
Dots - daughters and sons -
Twenty thousand sons!
Twenty thousand daughters!

Forty thousand white dots -
Sons and dots-daughters -
We immediately joined hands
And they rushed to the ground.

E. Moshkovskaya

The road is white, white.
Winter has come. Winter has come.
I wear a white hat
I breathe white air
My eyelashes are white
Coat and mittens, -
Can't tell me apart in the cold
Among the white birches.
I'll freeze. And the squirrel in silence
Suddenly he jumps into my arms.

V. Stepanov

The blizzard is moaning, the clouds are driving away
To the lake close
In the low sky.
The paths are hidden, whitewashed
Delicate lace,
Light, snowy.

V. Lunin

  • Make up your own story using some of the winter words. Prepare to present your winter page to the class.

In winter, the forest turns into a fairy tale book. On its white edged pages, animals and birds write stories with their footprints. Rabbit tracks meander, followed by a straight line of fox paw prints. There is a fir cone lying near the tree, and bullfinches were drawing patterns around it. And the trees themselves stand elegantly in white coats. Spruce and pine trees are the most beautiful trees in winter - the frost on the needles shimmers in the sunlight. But a curious squirrel peeked out from behind a stump and instantly flew up to the top of the pine tree, scaring away the tits. The winter forest was immediately filled with the chatter of magpies, a woodpecker drummed, and a wolf howled in the dark thicket. No, nature does not fall asleep in winter - it lives its fabulous life.

Poems about the winter months, about winter fun, poems about snowflakes, poems about white fluffy snow, about ice, about winter games.

Poems about winter for children

S. Marshak


In December, in December

All the trees are in silver

Our river, like in a fairy tale

The frost paved the way overnight,

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first

From home warmth.

In the morning I stopped crying,

She breathed and came to life.

Its needles tremble a little,

The lights lit up on the branches.

Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree

The lights shoot up.

Firecrackers sparkle with gold.

I lit a star with silver

Reached the top

The bravest light.

A year has passed like yesterday.

Above Moscow at this hour

The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking

Fireworks - twelve times.

A. Usachev

On the nose

Tannin signs

How freckles appear on your nose,

This is a sign that spring is just around the corner.

If Tanya’s nose turned blue -

Summer. The blueberries have ripened in the forest.

The tan turned my nose bronze -

Look forward to autumn coming soon.

Turned a little pink from the frost -

So, friends, New Year is coming!

E. Moshkovskaya


Once upon a time there lived a point in a cloud:

Dots - daughters and sons -

Twenty thousand sons!

Twenty thousand daughters!

Forty thousand white dots -

Sons and dots-daughters -

We immediately joined hands

And they rushed to the ground.

A. Usachev


The hedgehog looks at the snowflakes.

“These,” he thinks, “are hedgehogs...

White, spiny

And besides, they are volatile."

Spider on a web

He also looks at the snowflakes:

"Look how brave they are

These flies are white!"

The hare looks at the snowflakes:

"These are hare fluffs...

Apparently the hare is covered in fluff -

He's scratching his fur coat upstairs."

A boy looks at snowflakes:

“Perhaps these are funny things?..”

He won't understand why

He's having a lot of fun.

V. Stepanov


There's a carousel in the yard -

Now a blizzard, now drops,

It's frosty, then again

I need to take off my fur coat.

There's a carousel in the yard -

Either January or April.

You won't go anywhere

If you go, you will be lost.

It's better to stay at home

Looking out of the window.

E. Moshkovskaya

And on the hill -

The rooks saw it.

Everyone screams

Like a sailor from a ship

A. Pushkin

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The sorceress winter is coming.

She came and fell apart; shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees;

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

Brega with a still river

She leveled it with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

To the pranks of Mother Winter.

V. Stepanov

Sleigh sledge

The sledge sleigh is running,

They bring fairy tales.

Pulling the sleigh between the birches

Horse Buran and horse Frost.

And she sits in the sleigh herself

Coloring beauty Winter.

Like on thin ice

A little white snow fell.

A little white snow fell

Vanyushka, my friend, was driving.

Vanya drove, hurried,

He fell off his good horse.

He fell, fell, lies -

Nobody runs to Vanya.

Two girls saw

They ran straight to Vanya.

They ran straight to Vanya,

They put Vanya on a horse,

They showed the way.

Showed the way

Yes they punished:

"How will you go, Ivan,

Don't yawn around!"

V. Berestov

Black ice

No walking and no going,

Because it's icy.

Excellent performance!

Why no one

Not happy?!

I. Shevchuk


I'm flying down the hill in horror.

It’s not clear what I’m shouting.

Horror is on the heels


Oh, now you're about to thunder

Upside down...

The skis slid into the ravine.

Didn't crash.

Didn't trip.

I caught my breath.

Looked back:

I didn't see anyone.

Somewhere my horror has fallen behind?

I. Surikov

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

The days have become short,

The sun shines little

The frosts are here,

And winter has come.

A. Usachev

Ice rink

As soon as it gets stronger

The first ice

Artist Easels

Runs to the skating rink.

Swiftly ice

Skates are cut...

The artist draws

Landscape by the river:

Draws a village

Draws bridges

Leads the roads

Trees, bushes.

Draws snowdrifts

Draws haystacks...

Until your leg gets tired.

So recently at our window
Every day the sun was shining
And now the time has come -
There was a blizzard in the field.
They ran away with a ringing song,
She covered everything like a diaper,
Fluffed with snow fluff,
It became empty and deaf everywhere.
The river does not ring with waves
Under icy clothes.
The forest is silent, looks sad,
No fussing birds are heard.
Ya Kupala

Frost on the windows paints pictures:
Here the cats arched their fluffy backs,
Here is a rooster's tail and painted flowers,
Here are the stars and funny forest animals.
I'll take the notebook -
And inside under the cover
Fluffy cats will also appear
And wonderful countries with oblique stripes...
Tell me, am I a worse drawer?
Y. Kasparova

* * *
Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
I walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -
I decorated the Christmas trees with beads.
On this New Year's night
He'll take them down for the boys.

There is silence in the clearings,
The yellow moon is shining.
All the trees are silver
Hares are dancing on the mountain,
The ice sparkles on the pond,
New Year is coming.

* * *
Snow falls on houses:
Winter has come to us again!
Brought it in a knapsack
Blizzards and drifting snow,
Cold, snowdrifts, ice
And, of course, New Year!
M. Druzhinina

* * *
White, delicious snow is falling,
Goes straight into your mouth.
If I really want to,
I'll swallow the snow all at once!
And then what will happen, brothers!
No sleigh rides
And there are no snowdrifts to be seen,
And don't play in the snow,
And don't go skiing!
It will be bad for everyone without snow!
That's why, friends,
I probably won’t eat the snow!
M. Druzhinina

Once upon a time there lived a point in a cloud:
Dots - daughters and sons -
Twenty thousand sons!
Twenty thousand daughters!

Forty thousand white dots -
Sons and dots - daughters -
We immediately joined hands
And they rushed to the ground.
E. Moshkovskaya

The hedgehog looks at the snowflakes.
“These,” he thinks, “are hedgehogs...
White, spiny
And besides, they are volatile.”

Spider on a web
He also looks at the snowflakes:
“Look how brave
These flies are white!"

The hare looks at the snowflakes:
“These are hare fluffs...
Apparently the hare is covered in fluff -
He's scratching his fur coat upstairs."

A boy looks at snowflakes:
“Perhaps these are funny things?..”
He won't understand why
He's having a lot of fun.
A. Usachev

Walked along Sack Street,
And in the Bag there was fluff,
Under the fluff - at the bottom of the Bag -
Pound of tooth powder.

Sack walked and sang a song:
“My powder is white as chalk.
And the fluff that I carry,
May melt on your nose.

Let the puddles freeze all around -
I'm not afraid of the winter cold.
If I scatter the fluff -
Everything around will sparkle."

So the Sack walked along,
And where - I didn’t even know...
Suddenly the wind came
And he whistled angrily:

- Where are you going, Sack?
Give me the fluff.
Untie your tie -
I'll tell you a fairy tale.

I fly above the rooftops
You can't run away from me!
Untied Bag
And he scattered the powder.

Flew from Sack
Lots of white fluff
Both on the ground and on the house,
On the birch tree under the window,

On the poster and on the roof,
And then - to Uncle Misha...
Uncle Misha took the sled
He called us outside -
There was snow outside!
A. Krylov

The month began to reckon with the Sun,
Who should get up first?
One two three four five,
The wind came out to fly,
He sent out winged birds,
Clouds of gray and shaggy.
The firmament has become fuzzy,
It snows day and night,
And between the clouds, under the window,
The Moon and the Sun are crying bitterly:
One two three four five.
Who will clear the clouds?
CM. Gorodetsky

* * *
It's snowing outside the window,
So, New Year is coming soon.
Santa Claus is on his way,
It will take him a long time to get to us
Through the snowy fields,
Through snowdrifts, through forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year to us
And he will leave us gifts.
A. Rumyantsev


Ice sparkles on the river,
The snow swirls gently.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We'll sing loudly.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table,
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year holiday,
Because it's sweet!

Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on the branches...
Glorious New Year holiday!
It's a pity, it happens rarely.

In a forest clearing
The Christmas tree is standing.
It's cold for the dark-skinned woman,
Trembling in the wind.

"I'll cover you,"
Santa Claus thought,
I'll cover it with a fur coat
And I'll warm my nose."

Sweeps the earth
Little white snow,
Covers the branches
Soft fluff.

To the beauty's liking
Silk headdress;
I like the necklace
Snowy braids parted.

All glowing with outfits,
The Christmas tree will come,
Making the kids happy,
On the night of New Year.
B. Soloviev

Santa Claus is on the phone
Day and night calls to him:

Come, our Sonya
Read poems about winter!

The guys are waiting for you in the kindergarten,
Christmas tree with beads of lights!

Wolves and tiger cubs ask:
Come to the forest quickly!

Long list of invitations
Compiled by Santa Claus
And gifts, treats
Collects a whole cartload!
G. Stetsenko

Through the snowdrifts, through the bushes
A white hare is jumping.
There's no hole here or there
What should a hare do?
He's afraid of the hunter
He is shaking all over with fear.
The hare is jumping, the hare is rushing,
The hare runs to the Christmas tree.
Hide me, Christmas tree,
Hurry up!
Hide me, green one.
Have pity!
And covered it quickly
Christmas tree branches
Poor little bunny
With long ears.
Only the tail is visible
Well, no problem:
The tail can be hidden
In the snow

* * *
Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.

Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!
T. Volgina

- Look, guys.
Everything was covered with cotton wool!
And in response there was laughter:
- It was the first snow.

Only Lyuba disagrees:
- This is not a snowball at all -
Santa Claus brushed his teeth
And he scattered the powder.
I. Bursov

In our yard in winter
Baba Snow stood
And a broom in front of you,
She held it like a gun.
But spring came... And then
Baba Snow has settled down.
Streams are running around -
They don't care at all
That my head fell
Hands quietly dropped
And sad words
From his white, white lips rolled:
- Goodbye friends!
With you next winter,
I believe I will meet again
To part again in the spring...
G. Gumer

* * *
Children sledding in the snow
They rush down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid of falling into the snow -
Let him not sit on the sled.
Yu. Garey

Who was walking in the snow?
Guess the trail!

Every snow bird trail
Hid a secret.

Here are the three-pronged forks -
These were pigeons walking.

A string of small lines -
It was a tit jumping.

Every snow bird trail
He told me his secret.
S. Mullabaev

Our tree is big
Our tree is tall.
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.

How her outfit shines,
How the lanterns burn,
Our tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.

Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!
Z. Petrova

White lawn,
Warm sweatshirt,
I'll go skiing -
Catch me!

Bullfinches on birch trees
Brighter than the morning dawn
blue tits,
Snow for the mittens!

White carpet,
Wait a bit,
Someone is walking behind a bush -
Hare or cat?

If the cat walks - let it!
If it's a hare, I'm not afraid!
If a wolf and a bear -
We won't go any further!
Z. Alexandrova

The snowstorm made a dull noise,
Sprinkled white fluff
And icy breath
I stuffed them into pillowcases.
White pillows have grown:
To the sideways hare - under the ears,
To the bear - under the black nose,
The fox has a red tail,
For the chipmunk - under the paws,
And a tree - instead of a hat.
I. Zagraevskaya

In autumn over the forest and swamp
The cloud flew by by plane,
A cloud flew by low and low...
A parachutist jumped from the wing,
And now behind her is another -
And the flock followed the flock to fall.
Light snowflakes fell
To the secret forest paths,
To the dark corners of the forest,
On a high bank near the river.
Flocks jumped and jumped
To empty fields and lawns.
And then into the quiet houses
Winter looked through the windows.
E. Trutneva

Spinning easily and clumsily,
A snowflake landed on the glass.
It snowed thick and white at night -
The room is bright from the snow.

The flying fluff is a little powdery,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day - fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year...
A. Tvardovsky

It's a little cold for the kids:
The frost is getting stronger in the yard.
But to our kids
Any frost is not scary.

I'm a seasoned guy.
My hobby sparkles like a knife, -
I'm a pond by lunchtime
I'll go around a hundred and forty times.
F. Grubin

At the skating rink on New Year's Eve
Small people are circling
Snow-white snowflakes
They fall onto the ice,
The wind blows them into rings.
Blizzard in the air tied
lace bedspread,
The sky fell under my feet -
Turned into blue ice.

We fly to the sound of squeals and laughter
From the hill straight into the snow.
Our dads used to be here
There was also a lot of flopping.

Even grandfathers
We rode on our stomachs
And grumpy great-grandmothers
The grandfathers were given patches.

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow
the field turned white,
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
and fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...

The days have become short,
The sun shines little
The frosts are here
And winter has come
I. Surikov

The Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain.
She has needles
In winter in silver.

She's got bumps
The ice is knocking
Snow coat
Lies on the shoulders.

A bunny lived under the Christmas tree
With my hare.
A flock has arrived
Tap dancer from the fields.

We came to the Christmas tree
And wolves in winter...
We took away the Christmas tree
To my home.

Decorated the Christmas tree
In a new outfit -
On thick needles
The sparkles are burning.

The fun has begun -
Songs and dances!
Is it good, Christmas tree,
Do you want with us?
E. Trutneva

Help others! Click

V. Khorol

Once upon a time there lived a bunny
Long ears.
The bunny got frostbitten
The nose is on the edge.
Frostbitten nose
Frostbitten ponytail
And went to warm up
Visit the kids.
It's warm and nice there,
There is no wolf.
And they give you carrots for lunch.

New Year
O. Chusovitina

New Year, New Year,
He will come very soon.
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
My brother and I are together
Let's dance together
And we'll sing a song.

New Year
A. Paroshin

There are balls, toys on the Christmas tree,
The star sparkles on the top of the head.
A hundred lights on branches in a row, -
They burn so merrily!

The cherished hour has come,
The chimes strike twelve times.
We dance together
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

New Year
A. Paroshin

It's getting colder outside,
There is snow and cold everywhere.
To make it more fun
We really need a holiday!

New Year is coming,
Joyful and bright,
Santa Claus will bring us
Delicious gifts!

Our Christmas tree
Z. Petrova

Our tree is big
Our tree is tall.
Taller than dad, taller than mom -
Reaches to the ceiling.

How her outfit shines,
How the lanterns burn,
Our tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys.

Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!

Our Christmas tree
E. Ilyina

In the crack of the door -
You'll see
Our Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree
To the ceiling.
And on it
Toys hanging -
From the stand
Up to the top of your head.
...Who is this and where is it from?
Did he bring such a miracle to us?
What kind of day is it in our garden?
It's the first day of the year!

Christmas tree in Moscow
A. Barto

Moscow River
In lanterns,
In the lights of Okhotny Ryad.
Christmas trees
All over Moscow they are burning.
With the stars, with firecrackers,
With fluffy tops
They are everywhere.
Today Pushkin Square
In the silver rain.

Santa Claus carries a bag...
P. Voronko

Santa Claus carries a bag
And there is a casing in the bag.
Oh, grandpa, wrap it up
Our girl Anyuta!
Untie the bag quickly
Give Anyuta the skin,
On the arms,
Felt boots
On your feet...
Our granddaughter needs it
Run along the track.

M. Klokova

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights!
We invited guests
Have fun with us.
Along the paths, in the snow,
Through the forest meadows
Came to visit us on holiday
Long-eared bunny.
And behind him - look, everyone! -
Red fox.
The fox also wanted
Have fun with us.
Clubfoot bear.
He brought honey as a gift
And a big shot.
Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights
So that the paws of animals
They danced themselves.

E. Moshkovskaya

Once upon a time there lived a point in a cloud:
Dots - daughters and sons -
Twenty thousand sons!
Twenty thousand daughters!
Forty thousand white dots -
Sons and dots-daughters -
We immediately joined hands
And they rushed to the ground.

A. Melnikov

Snowflakes are flying,
Almost invisible
There are always so many of them in winter.
And here I am a snowflake -
Fluffy piece of ice
Finally caught it with my hand.
I cried quietly
Crystal ice...
On a warm palm
A tear remains.

Before the holiday winter...
T. Volgina

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

Winter has come...
R. Kudasheva

Winter has come
Covered with white snow
the field is clean.
Daytime skating with children
everything is rolling
At night in the snowy lights
Writes a pattern in the windows
And knocking on our yard
with a fresh Christmas tree.

Christmas tree
N. Naydenova

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes Yes Yes!

Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes!

Why is it snowing?...
N. Veresokina

Why is it snowing?
Why is there ice on the river?
Winter has come to us -
There was a lot of snow.
Why are we visiting?
Christmas tree with bright lights?
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday - New Year!

O. Vysotskaya

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden became quiet.
And birches and aspens
The boring ones stand.

Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
Apparently, she is not afraid of the cold,
Apparently she is brave.

Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!
(V. Petrova)

The first snow is melting

Melting, melting
First snow.
But he fell as if forever:
He walked and walked past the windows
The whole first two lessons.
It brightened up in our class,
He became quiet and domestic,
The chalk became even whiter,
The mathematician has gotten better...
The first snow is melting, giving up,
There is already a swamp in the yard...
On the day of the second snowfall
The school will be just as happy.
But everyone will love him more
Everyone will remember it longer
This one
Not forever
First snow.

Sparkle the Christmas tree with lights,
Call me for a holiday!
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

At the New Year's tree
Green needles,
And from bottom to top
Beautiful toys.

Beautiful needles
At the New Year's tree.
She's standing fluffy
Silver from the snow!

At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
Even though there wasn't a lot of snow,
I made a Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!
(E. Tarakhovskaya)

Oh, how good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for us for the holiday
Brought it from the forest.
The lights are sparkling
Red, blue!
It’s good for us, Yolka,
Have fun with you!

We decorate the Christmas tree:
Here's a goldfish
Floating on tinsel.
Here's a simple berry
Hanging on a cord.
Ear of corn,
And the candles are lit.
And watermelon balls,
A dog and a horse.
Bullfinch, kitten, bunny
And a clumsy bear.
Cheerful parrot
And a matte bump.
Standing under the white tree,
Mustachioed Santa Claus.
And next to it is a ripe peach,
Higher - apricot.
Here's a sugar branch -
Huge orange
Transparent candy
And sweet tangerine.
Funny toy -
Magic cockerel.
But best of all is the firecracker,
Nut and flag!
To the matryoshka in a sundress
Ilya hung the ball.
Two stars - in your pocket
I'll hang it now!
(N. Averkina)

Christmas tree

On fluffy, soft paws
A Christmas tree is coming to our house!
Slightly resinous, tart odor
Everyone knows it from childhood!

He will stand modestly in a corner,
Waiting for the guys with gifts...
A chain of bright light bulbs
And they blink and sparkle!

Colorful toys
And rustling serpentine,
And candies and crackers
We will hang it however we want!

And we stand around in a crowd,
Hiding my excitement,
Forgetting what I am
You made it yourself!
(M. Takhistova)

We go solemnly into the yard,
Where have we been so far?
But now he is magical, fabulous
(N. Averkina)

What do I want in the new year?
I want to skate on the ice,
I want to go to kindergarten every day,
I want to be strong friends with the guys,
So that the native city is spared the cold,
So that war never breaks out,
I want our family to live long,
So that the Snow Maiden comes to me at night,
The moment the year begins,
Which will bring hope to us all.
New year, new year,
White snow and ringing ice.
(A. Geiler)

The fog is already falling on the ground,
And the earth puts on a sundress.
This outfit is white and light,
He's even fluffy, they say.
He warms the grass, warms the flowers,
And he is amazingly beautiful.
That sundress is called a snowball
Or winter fluff.
(Dina Sukhova)

Through friendly blogs - to !

At Pokhotvornoye station, thematic articles from previous years are ready and waiting for you:

There is only one article filled to the brim with poetry, but what a big one! More precisely, this is a large collection of poems about the New Year tree and about the Christmas tree in general - from classics to modern poets. Probably, it can only be supplemented with what has been written over the past year. 🙂 The collection is called , and it won’t be difficult for you to choose a holiday poem for the New Year - unless you become engrossed in these wonderful poems. 🙂

The best children's books

Shall we load the train? About winter, about snow, blizzards, snowflakes, snowdrifts...

Who will be happy with a good poem about winter, snow and New Year holidays?

  • Santa Claus,
  • Relatives,
  • The one who recites the poem if he likes it.

One fine evening you can all sit down together, light the candles or turn it on - and re-read all the possible poems about winter. For this we We will complement your collection with poems by contemporary authors , who managed to perfectly describe the majestic winter, shiny snow, cheerful holidays, white snowstorms and delicate snowflakes.

Re-read many poems, choose your favorite, explain why you liked it, learn it and tell it to your pillow, mom and dad, shining icicles and Santa Claus - this is serious and rewarding work!

Part 1. Poems about the New Year

New Year

Sail of Snow
And a boat made of ice...
New Year
Flies from the sky
As always.
Old year
He takes over at the helm.
With new happiness!
Happy New Year!
Happy birthday, Earth!

Craftswoman Winter

Winter is in a hurry, busy:
Wrapped in snow
All the bumps and stumps,
Benches and haystacks.

Mittens turn white
On birch branches,
So that they don't catch a cold,
To withstand the cold.

Winter told the oak
Throw on lush fur,
I put a fur coat on the spruce -
She covered everyone warmly.

Long lasting and reliable
The ice in the river held together.
You can walk along the river.
Come join us, New Year!


All in pearls and openwork lace...
Winter is coming across cities and villages...
There are snowdrifts in lampshade dresses...
Snowflakes are flying towards us from the sky...

There is a holiday everywhere - a holiday of snow-white,
Everywhere there is joy - the joy of anticipation,
Winter gives us bright hopes
And for the New Year, wishes to each other.

What is New Year?

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees are growing in the room,
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,
Hares next to a wolf
On a prickly tree!
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day,
It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
It doesn't sting anyone's nose.

Winter night

Soon, soon New Year!
Santa Claus walks easily
By leaps and bounds,
The earth is covered in snow,
Rivers of ice, glass patterns,
He will see everything with a wise eye.
I wish I could help him!..
And one day, choosing the night,
When he lies down to take a nap
(You gotta sleep sometime)
Take, covered with silence,
His staff is icy.
Careful from the hut
Go out, whistle at the edge of the forest,
A dashing one will appear in a moment
Three, sparkling with frost;
All you have to do is jump on the sleigh
And fly away under the skies
To those lands where winter is expected
From day to day. And here it is!
It's worth swinging the staff,
Push cloud with cloud,
As the snow falls like a wall,
Will hide with a white veil
Cities, meadows, fields,
Pines, lindens, poplars.
It's worth dipping the staff
There is gray mud in the river waves,
Like on top of sad waters
There will be ice - a crystal cover.
It's only worth...
Well well!
I forgot about one thing:
Touch the staff just like that
It won't work out.
Just touch it with your hand,
You will become a block of snow,
And you can't hide from the cold
Behind the scarf and mitten.
You know, you have to fly in your dreams
On magic horses.
And while I sit and dream,
I read different books,
I'm waiting for him to come to us
Santa Claus and New Year.

Part 2. Poems about winter


A white bird flies over the city
And for several months it will be spinning
And shower us with feathers of snow.
After all, every season has its own grace...
And they will bloom on a blank canvas
Ruddy faces covered in furs and snowflakes.


The road is white, white.
Winter has come. Winter has come.
I wear a white hat
I breathe white air
My eyelashes are white
Coat and mittens, -
Can't tell me apart in the cold
Among the white birches.

I'll freeze. And the squirrel in silence
Suddenly he jumps into my arms.

Ringing day

Today is a day from the sun,
Frost spread across the branches,
And like a baby out of swaddling clothes,
Smoke reached to the heavens.
And runs away into the distance of the forest
A barely noticeable ski track,
And the sun gently kisses
And the snow, and the air, and me!

Part 3. Poems about snow

Winter's Tale

Don't blow, blizzard, with a white shawl,
don't start dancing from the outskirts!
Let the frost prick with needles -
but the snow lies where it was.

I'll smooth the throne with my mitten
white fur of piled snowdrifts...
My daughter will come out wearing brand new felt boots,
and even clasps his hands:

there are cubs lying on the porch
and at a distance mama bear,
behold, the eyes glow like ice,
here the gate is pressed with a paw,

and other animals and birds
magically dressed in white.
We’ll make the Snow Maiden near them,
then Santa Claus will be surprised!

So that the blizzard doesn’t bother us
dare to go out to the winter fairy tale -
don't spin, blizzard dancer,
Don't sweep the snow with a white shawl!


Once upon a time there lived a point in a cloud:
dots - daughters and sons -
twenty thousand sons!
Twenty thousand daughters!
Forty thousand white dots -
sons and dots-daughters -
immediately joined hands
And they rushed to the ground.

Winter coat

It's going to snow
And it will stop
He will melt.
White fur coat winter
She tries it on for everyone herself.
Fur coat
White hare,
Fur coat
Forest and meadow
Fur coat
Lena and Nikola,
Fur coat
Oak tree in an open field,
Fur coat
Poplar and elm.
I have already
I'm stuck in a snowdrift,
But everyone is like this
Fur coat,
What to wear all winter

Cautious snow

Midnight snow, it's in no hurry,
He walks slowly.
But the snow knows that it doesn't matter
He will fall somewhere.

And the slower he walked,
The more careful you were
The softer I fell into the darkness
And he didn’t wake us up.


We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

Part 4. Playful winter poems

It is good to…

It would be nice to have fur coats
for funny kids
they would sew wide ones,
to be sewn to a fur coat
twenty-neck collar.
To be sewn to this fur coat
forty sleeves at once,
to walk around in this fur coat
twenty Katya, Alen and Vov.
That's when, that's when
everyone said: “Yes!”

And then in kindergarten I would
instead of groups, fur coats were considered.
They would announce:
“Shuba junior, go for a walk!”
And no one would be left behind.
If anyone were tired,
he would have tucked his legs,
I would hang in my sleeves,
and no one would have noticed.
Now it's time to hurry
to sew this wonderful fur coat.

It would also be nice
so that there would be everything for everyone
just a pair of boots
with a foot of twenty legs.
After all, these are the same boots
It would immediately go like skiing.
Driving is better than walking
Come on, fur coat, take it for a ride!

Twenty chubby people are coming
girls and boys.
There are two mittens on the sides,
each has a hundred fingers.
The tops of funny kids are riding
wearing a hat with earflaps for forty ears.
Twenty noses, forty cheeks, forty eyes
two hundred smiles drive past us.
Everything is steamy because it's cold.
Not just a fur coat, but a steam locomotive!

First frost

The crust is shiny.
The crust is crispy.

baked frost
And as a gift
He brought it to us.

And now
From all roads:
Crunch! Crunch!
From under the tires
And from under your feet:
Crunch! Crunch!

Like winter pie
Everything crunched around!

Wait, who is waiting for us at this station?

New Year's train visiting blogomams!

On the way, our little engine stopped by to visit several friendly blogs, where they were waiting for him. Poems, poems, more poems! 🙂

On the blog "Flowers of Life" Lyudmila Potsepun we have a chance to meet the modern talented poet Terenty Travnik. “And secrets are everywhere, and winter...” is a collection of poems collected by the author. He performs them to the accompaniment of music composed by himself. You can read something, listen to something, and someone will probably want to memorize the poem “Winter Confectionery”. 🙂

, the nearest station is Podelkino!

If you have your own posts related to New Year’s poems and poems about winter, if you want to introduce us to articles on the topic that are published on other friendly blogs, be sure to tell us about it in the comments.