How to clean colored leather shoes.  How to clean leather shoes at home?  Life hacks for fair couples

How to clean colored leather shoes. How to clean leather shoes at home? Life hacks for fair couples

With the onset of bad, rainy weather, every man begins to think about the problem of clean shoes. Although there are many options for how to protect your shoes from dirt and water (for example, wear galoshes or just rubber boots, and change your shoes in the office), we are sometimes too lazy to come up with something or think that it’s not so scary to get your shoes wet. However, I have to disappoint you. Good leather shoes, if not taken care of, will deteriorate after the first “wet” season and you will have to throw away your favorite shoes. That is why, in this article we will tell you how to clean your shoes until they shine and at the same time protect them from dirt and water.

How to clean shoes

As you probably noticed in the previous statement, a key component of shoe care is cleaning it. If you are going to work or, especially, to some official event, your shoes should be clean and polished to a shine. This is a strict rule that, in my opinion, a man should follow. Why, you ask? The fact is that a clean and tidy appearance is the key to making people feel good about you. Once again I remind you of the saying: “They meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their mind.” If you have a nice suit, a clean shirt, a well-chosen tie, but dirty and unpolished shoes from the time you bought them, you are a sloppy person. I assure you, as soon as a person shakes your hand, smiling benevolently, and then quite accidentally sees dirty shoes, he will immediately change his face (or pretend that he didn’t notice), and change his opinion about you.

I'll say it again. Every self-respecting man should wear clean shoes and, especially, classic shoes. There are, of course, cases when on the way from home to work your shoes managed to get dirty, even if you were as careful as you could. In this case, there are small shoe cleaning sponges on sale that will fit even in a small briefcase. Ideally, you might have a special shoe shine machine at work, but this is only found in large office centers or in the lobby of large companies where there are many top managers. Either way, find a way to quickly clean your shoes.

So, in addition to a good appearance, well-cleaned shoes will be protected from moisture and dirt. This will have a positive effect on its life expectancy, especially if you buy expensive shoes and you want it to please you for more than one year.

Shoe polish

There are two types of shoe polish to choose from: cream and wax. What you choose, polishing cream or just wax, depends on how highly polished you need your shoes. The shoe polish gives a medium shine, but moisturizes the skin well and renews the color of the shoes. Keep in mind that if you choose the wrong shade of cream for your colored leather shoes, you can change the color of the shoes, so be careful in choosing the cream.

Shoe wax, in turn, wipes out minor damage to the leather, abrasions, and gives a strong shine after polishing shoes. But it does not renew the color of shoes, since the wax is sold in natural color– beige.

Polishing cloth

A shoe polish cloth is essential to polish your shoes to a shine. A special polishing cloth can be purchased at a shoe store, but at the same time, a regular one old t-shirt made of cotton fabric will also work. All you need to do is wrap a little cloth around your fingers and polish your shoes.

Clean rag

A clean cloth is needed to wipe off excess cream. Any soft fabric will work great.

Brush for footwear

A shoe brush is a basic tool that you can’t do without. I highly recommend purchasing a brush with natural horsehair. Why horsehair? The fact is that such hair is hard enough for the brush to clean shoes properly and soft enough not to damage the leather on the shoes. Costs good brush inexpensive and will last for many years. Don't skimp.

Small brush with handle (optional)

In order to clean shoes in hard-to-reach places, you need a small brush with a handle. Of course, you can buy a special brush in the store, but a regular, old toothbrush will do.

Glass of water (as needed)

You will need water to clean off dried dirt and give your pair of shoes a final polish.

How to clean your shoes and make them shine

The method we will consider next is not entirely suitable for daily care for shoes. It is more suitable for the case when you stepped in a puddle, your shoes got muddy to the ground and you urgently need to put the pair in order so that they do not get damaged. We will look at a simpler and faster way to clean shoes at the end of the article.

So, having collected all the listed items that we will need for work, place them nearby so that they are always at hand. Before you start cleaning your shoes, spread a newspaper or a rag so that you don’t have to wash the floor later, as dirt can fly off from your shoes.

Step 1: Preparing the Shoes

We remove the laces from the shoes and insert a wooden spacer or simply crumpled paper into the shoes so that the surface of the shoe is elastic. This makes it much easier to clean and polish your shoes.

Step 2. Cleaning from dust and dirt

Take the prepared rag and wipe the entire surface of the boot from dirt and dust. If there is too much dirt or it is stuck in hard-to-reach places, use a small brush with a handle or an old toothbrush. If the surface of the shoe is very dirty, wet a piece of cloth and walk with it to ensure that any remaining dirt is removed. Before moving on to the next step, let the shoes dry for about 10 minutes and finally inspect the pair to see if all the dirt has been removed.

Step 3: Apply shoe polish

Apply enough shoe polish to the boot to cover the entire surface. Rub the cream in a circular motion, this will allow the cream to be better absorbed into the surface of the leather and distribute the cream evenly over the shoe. If necessary, apply more shoe polish until the entire surface is treated and it becomes matte. Don't forget about a small brush and use it to spread the cream in hard-to-reach places. Let the cream absorb and dry slightly for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Polish your shoes

Take the prepared horsehair brush and polish the shoes, moving the brush from side to side in sharp movements. The shoes will gradually begin to gain shine.

Take a polishing cloth and drip a little water onto your shoes (you can simply soak the cloth in water). Use a circular motion to polish your shoes until they shine, wetting the cloth as needed. Note that you don't need too much water, just a damp cloth and don't let it drip.

Step 5. Lacing the shoes

After polishing your shoes, take out the spacer or paper, lace up your shoes and let them dry completely for 15-20 minutes, after which you can hit the city streets.

Express shoe cleaning

Of course, there is neither time nor desire to spend 30-40 minutes cleaning shoes every day. Therefore, you can reduce shoe cleaning to just 3 steps:

Step 1. Cleaning shoes from dust and dirt

Without unlacing your shoes, wet a cloth with water and wipe the entire surface of the shoes. First one shoe, then the other. Alternately perform operations with one shoe, then with the second. While one is drying, you clean the other.

Step 2: Apply shoe polish

Apply the cream to the boot and, using a horsehair brush, rub the cream into the leather using circular movements. After application, lightly polish the shoes by moving the brush from side to side in sharp movements.

Step 3: Final polishing of the shoes

Wet a rag with water, wrap it around two fingers (middle and index), and use circular movements to bring the shoes to a shine.

The time you will spend cleaning your shoes this way will be approximately 3-4 minutes, but even this express option will protect your shoes from bad weather and allow you to look good.

  • If you have ruined your shoes with salt, which is sprinkled on the streets in winter, take a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of table vinegar (concentrate, undiluted 6%). Soak a cotton rag in the vinegar solution and apply it to the salt stains before thoroughly cleaning your shoes.
  • Use wooden shoe spreaders; they prevent shoes from shrinking during summer storage and allow shoes to “breathe.”
  • Always put on your shoes using a spoon (shoe horn). You will preserve the heel of your shoe and will not compromise its integrity.
  • If your shoes are dry and scuffed, buy a good shoe conditioner and restore them to normal.

That's probably all. I am sure that now there should be no difficulties for men, and they will know how to clean their shoes and their shoes in particular. I wish everyone to keep their favorite shoes for long years and look good in the eyes of the people around you. Good luck!

Shoe care; shoe polish and other cosmetics – video

There are several types of leather shoes depending on the finish and coating. Therefore, care products should be selected individually for each couple. For cleaning winter boots and boots, fatty creams are suitable that can withstand temperature changes well. And for summer, products should be neutral and quick-drying so as not to absorb street dust. Features of shoe cleaning depend on the season, the quality of the leather and the intensity of use.

In order for your favorite pair to serve for a long time and not lose its appearance and shape, you need to take care of it regularly, following several rules:

  1. 1. Wash your shoes immediately after returning home. Street dirt and dust left to dry is absorbed into the skin.
  2. 2. Do not use brushes with hard bristles.
  3. 3. Clean leather shoes only after complete drying.
  4. 4. Apply a thin layer of shoe care cream.
  5. 5. You cannot rub cream on your products shortly before going out. The product will not have time to absorb and will not be able to protect the skin from moisture.

Errors when cleaning shoes made of white and colored leather are most noticeable. These products are especially sensitive to care. Dirt accumulates in natural folds. The colors fade and the skin loses its presentability.

Washing shoes

Washing a pair of any style begins with the sole. Using a stiff brush, remove street dirt from the tread pattern and the area where it attaches to the leather. Do not put your boot in a container of water. This can damage the natural material and weaken the bonded surfaces. Use washing machine for washing shoes is prohibited. The skin should be washed with a soft sponge and soap added to water. Better to use liquid soap for hands or dishes. Products must not contain chlorine. Dry preparations must be pre-diluted in water without any residue to avoid an abrasive effect when washing.

For white shoes, you can use special products designed for cleaning leather:

  1. 1. Tamaris shoe washing gel. Penetrates deeply into skin pores, removing stubborn impurities. Suitable for natural and artificial leather.
  1. 2. Reno Mat cleaner. Suitable for smooth skin. Does not require rinsing. Able to cope with severe contamination (oils, silicone, fats).

  1. 3. Avel Detacheur Hussard Cleaner. Universal. Suitable for cleaning leather and textile items. Available in aerosol form. Convenient to use.

The products must be applied to the surface to be treated and left for 10–15 minutes. Then wipe soft cloth. In case of severe contamination, the treatment must be repeated.

IN winter period shoes suffer from deicing chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets in abundance. White stains on boots are not only unsightly, but also dangerous for the condition of the skin. You can clean stains with a weak solution of vinegar. A teaspoon of essence must be diluted in a glass of water. Wash off salt stains on the skin with the solution using a soft sponge using circular movements.

Among shoe cosmetics there is also a special salt remover. The product is available in aerosol cans. Suitable for all materials. Does not have a pronounced odor. The liquid is applied to the spots and wiped with a cloth or sponge.

Wash winter shoes lined with natural fur inside is strictly prohibited. This can lead to deformation of parts and loss of appearance.

You should clean the zippers on your shoes regularly with a stiff brush. The zipper must be closed. And only in case heavy pollution It should be cleaned unzipped from the inside and outside. Laces and detachable decorative elements need to be washed separately depending on the material.

Principles of shoe drying

Drying shoes near fire and heating devices is prohibited. Extreme heat and contact with hot surfaces causes deformation of the skin. Adhesive parts may come off when heated. It is recommended to use special dryer inserts that gently deal with dampness for three to four hours.

In the absence of electric dryers, you can cope with the task using paper. Fill the insides of the shoes with crumpled lumps of old newspapers and magazines, trying to preserve correct form models. Leave the steam in a ventilated area for 8–10 hours.

Leather shoe care products

High-quality shoe polish should contain vegetable or animal fat and wax. These substances soften the skin and protect against moisture. Experts consider the products Salamander and Salton to be the most popular. Thanks to the wide color scheme And large selection forms of cosmetics, you can choose a product for any type of material. Some products consist of a set of brushes with cream, ideal for caring for leather products.

  1. 1. Salamander cream with wax. Easily absorbed, softens the skin, protects from moisture, and renews color. Suitable for daily use. Apply using a brush or sponge.

White moccasins, slip-ons, Converse, sandals and sneakers look very impressive and always remain in fashion. But alone significant drawback often becomes the reason for a categorical refusal to purchase such shoes - they get dirty very quickly. And at the same time, it is not always possible to remove dirt and preserve its original appearance.

You won’t have to deny yourself the shoes you like and wear dull black shoes if you know how to clean shoes at home. The cleanser is made from the simplest ingredients and always works - learn the little secret and always look flawless.

Before bleaching shoes, they need to be prepared for the procedure. if dirt remains on its surface or sole, nothing will work out - it will become even dirtier and become covered with ugly stains.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. If your shoes have laces, they need to be removed and washed separately. White laces are often difficult to wash with regular soap. In this case, they are placed in a small container and poured hot water with washing powder and bleach.
  2. The insoles are also removed and washed by hand with powder or soap. If they are very dirty, you can scrub them with a brush.
  3. Now you need to clean the sole. First, all dry dirt is cleaned off and small debris is removed. Then the sole is soaped and treated with a toothbrush.
  4. If the material of the shoes allows, then they should be washed before bleaching. You can do this using an automatic washing machine, but select the or “ handwash" or "delicate". Some units have a special mode for washing shoes. This option is optimal.

This completes the preparation of shoes for intensive whitening. After drying, you can proceed directly to the important process.

The most proven remedy

Here's how to bleach stained, yellowed, and stained white sneakers or boots:

  • pour half a glass of baking soda into the jar;
  • add the same amount of white table bite;
  • The mixture must be stirred to form a thick paste. It will hiss - that’s how it should be;
  • Now the resulting slurry is collected with a toothbrush and sequentially treated the entire surface of white shoes;
  • After half an hour, wash the shoes with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth.

That's all! So simple means You can clean both fabric and leather shoes. For greater effect, fabric sneakers or moccasins can be washed in a machine with regular powder after bleaching.

Just don’t forget that it’s safer and more reliable to wash shoes in a special bag; you need to choose the most gentle mode and avoid spinning.

How to deal with stains

On shoes white The slightest stains and darkening are noticeable. Fortunately, they can also be removed without a trace using available means. Stains of any origin can be quickly and easily removed in this way:

  • moisten a cotton sponge in purified gasoline;
  • treat all contaminants;
  • wipe stains with a damp cloth or sponge;
  • now apply bleach and leave the shoes for thirty minutes;
  • rinse off any remaining product and dry your sneakers.

You can remove unsightly yellow discoloration using a homemade whitening paste. To prepare it, you need to combine washing powder, table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. You will get a thick, viscous mixture. The entire surface of the shoe is smeared with it and left for a quarter of an hour, no more. Then the residues must be washed off thoroughly.

Important advice: if even a little cleaning or bleaching agent remains on the shoes after treatment, stains and stains will subsequently form on the surface when worn.

There is an easier way to whiten not only the leather or fabric base of shoes, but also the rubber sole. This toothpaste or tooth powder. But keep in mind that the paste should not contain abrasives or any colored impurities. The powder must first be diluted with water to form a thick paste.

Before applying such a simple and decades-tested product, the shoes need to be slightly moistened. Then the powder or paste is rubbed into the shoes using a sponge or toothbrush. In this way, you can even whiten the seams, which often stand out on perfectly clean shoes. After ten minutes, the remaining paste is removed with a damp cloth, and the shoes, if necessary, are dried naturally.

By the way, white sneakers or sneakers can be dried in the sun. Ultraviolet light also has a whitening effect, in this case it won't hurt at all.

What to do with dirty soles

Of course, it’s very annoying when sneakers or Converse are perfectly cleaned and washed, but the rubber sole with ingrained dirt ruins everything. It is not always possible to wipe it off with soap and a sponge. What then can you try? folk experience offers the following recipes:

  1. A little warm water is poured into the basin - immerse the sneakers and check that only the soles should be immersed in water. Now add bleach to the water and soak your shoes in the solution for half an hour. After this, treat the sole with a stiff brush or toothbrush and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. The side edges of the sole can be whitened and stubborn stains removed by wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in acetone or nail polish remover.
  3. Also, an unsightly gray or yellow coating can be removed by wiping the soles with vinegar diluted with water. You only need to work with this product while wearing gloves.

Individual stains can be removed by applying lemon slices to them for a while. Black dots and dashes can be easily removed from the rubber sole with a regular office eraser.

If you're not a neat person and generally don't like to wash and clean, then you should think again before buying a pair of snow-white shoes again. It is easier to prevent any contamination than to struggle with removing it later. Therefore, if you still decide to buy white sneakers, do not be lazy to regularly remove dust from them and treat them with a transparent protective spray.

Please note that for shoes made from different materials different means are needed. Thus, white suede sneakers and boots can only be cleaned with a vinegar solution or an eraser. In principle, any means and methods are suitable for leather, but you still need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material before starting work. This is especially important if gasoline, acetone and other aggressive substances are used.

On white and rubber shoes Scratches and cracks often appear. To disguise them, clean shoes are first lubricated with Vaseline or glycerin, and then treated with toothpaste - this method was known and used by our grandmothers.

If you don’t mind the money, you can buy a special cream or pencil at a shoe store. It is also applied to the cleaned surface of white shoes and left to absorb, after which the shoes are polished with a brush.

As you can see, caring for white sneakers, shoes and boots is not so difficult; there are simple and affordable means for effective home whitening. But it’s better to try not to get your shoes dirty, not to wear them in the mud or on extreme walks.

Cleaning leather shoes at home is easy. However, many people neglect simple rules care, as a result of which shoes or boots quickly lose appearance. Besides good cream and brushes, you must follow the sequence of actions and do not forget about regular care.

Rules for cleaning leather shoes

    Use a soft brush to remove all dirt and wipe dry;

    shake off the sole completely, remove dirt from the seams;

    wet the cloth and wipe the surface;

    Dry away from heat and sun.

It is better to start cleaning in the evening - creams and impregnations cannot be applied to wet skin, and complete drying requires at least 4 hours. Therefore, upon returning home, especially if there is slush outside, immediately wash the pair and treat it with cream before going to bed.

How to clean leather shoes

    moisture-proof impregnations, paint and protective oil (mink, for example) are applied before the cream;

    the cream is applied with a brush with dense, non-scratching bristles in a circular motion;

    areas under the laces, along the seams and the sole also require attention - don't just clean the toe and heel;

    final polishing is done with a woolen rag.

During the dry season, cleaning with cream should be performed at least once every three weeks. The use of polishing brushes is allowed at intervals. In rain, snow and off-season, cleaning is carried out once every 10 days. Be sure to use creams with natural oils and waxes to increase moisture resistance.

If the pair is too dirty, use these tips on how to clean leather shoes:

    dried dirt must be soaked, otherwise scratches will remain;

    Wipe off traces of paint with vegetable oil;

    To remove salt stains, use a solution of vinegar and water (3:1) or castor oil.

Choose the right cream color and composition. Use liquid color restoration aerosols as little as possible. Give preference to specialized cosmetics for different types leather (smooth, suede, nubuck). For each leather type and shoe color, have your own brush and rag. Wash your brush regularly or change it – sticky bristles damage your skin.

Real masters know how to turn a banal task like cleaning boots into an art. Some of them are ready to share the secrets of their craft, which we willingly took advantage of and now offer you a set of rules for caring for boots, be they leather, suede or patent leather.



The whole process takes little more time than brushing your teeth. First, you need to shake off the dust from your shoes - sand and small pebbles will scratch the precious surface when polishing. You need to shake off the dust with tenderness and thoughts about the fate of Rockefeller.


Then the shoes must be washed to remove dirt and traces of old cream. For this purpose, the shoe industry produces special shampoos, but if for some reason this progress has not affected you, use a regular glass cleaner, it does just as well - wet a napkin with it and wipe first one shoe, and then, while it dries, the other. (Again, never wash your shoes with water.)


It is good to apply mink oil to dry shoes and let it soak in - it perfectly repels water and prevents the leather from decomposing.


Next comes the important part - the cream. Previously, cleaners cooked it themselves, everyone had secret recipe. Now there is no shortage of creams (unlike cleaners). If the shoes are new, you can limit yourself to colorless cream. But over time, the color of the boots fades, so it is necessary to refresh it. The tone of the cream should be slightly lighter than the tone of the shoes, in no case darker. To check the tone, you must first lubricate the backdrop a little - there possible errors will be least noticeable. Once you're sure everything is in order, continue to apply it over the entire surface using gentle, circular motions.

When applying cream to your boots, you must not forget about the welts on the sides, the upper part of the sole and the front of the heel. The tongue needs lubrication the least often, but it should also be respected from time to time.


The next step - polishing - is best done with a horse's tail or, if you don't have one at hand, a horsehair brush. Using movements that are best described by the rhyme “back and forth,” begin polishing the dry boots, but without unnecessary pressure. You need to continue until the brush begins to literally fly across the glossy surface of the skin.


Next comes the velvet cloth - a piece of velvet fabric. It smooths out streaky horsehair marks and gives the boot a majestic shine.


Dust does not escape even suede, and a figure-eight brush made of leather is designed to shake it off. It’s not that there are any other seven brushes, it’s just that the cleaning surface of this one resembles several figure eights placed side by side.

Having finished with the dust, do not rush to grab shampoo - suede (like its relative nubuck) does not tolerate liquid. An emery board, similar to an eraser, will help get rid of dirt. And you can only wash the sole with shampoo.

The role of the cream is played by the spray. It also comes in color: brown, blue, etc. If you are not confident in your ability to differentiate colors, take a colorless one. With cream, like shampoo, only the sole is lubricated, and with a toothbrush.

After lubricating and polishing the sole, carefully comb the suede pile with a figure-eight brush in the direction that the shoe factory originally gave it.


In the first case, everything is primitive: you just need to use shampoo and let the shoes dry. Lacquered boots are cleaned in the same way as leather boots, with the exception of mink oil. And the cream you will need is not wax, but silicone.