Care for thin sensitive skin.  A proven and affordable method for daily skin care

Care for thin sensitive skin. A proven and affordable method for daily skin care

Caring for sensitive facial skin is rightfully considered one of the leading cosmetological problems of our time. It is not surprising: the poor ecology of urban space, an unbalanced diet with an abundance of chemical additives and the fruits of genetic engineering, a high degree of nervous tension and the familiarity of stressful situations - familiar features of the 21st century inevitably affect the state of the human body, all its organs and systems. And facial skin is no exception. In response to prolonged exposure to negative factors, it loses its natural ability for self-regulation and recovery, becoming vulnerable and defenseless to the influences of the external environment. In other words, the skin becomes sensitive and begins to react inadequately to even the mildest irritants. In this article we will tell you how to care for sensitive dry skin at home.


Symptoms of skin sensitivity are very unpleasant: redness (solid or uneven spots) and severe tightness, small cracks and peeling, burning and itching. And all this manifests itself with noticeable constancy and regularity at the slightest hypothermia or overheating, contact with solar ultraviolet radiation and walking in windy weather, applying cosmetics (both decorative and medicinal) and even simply washing with tap water. The list of provoking factors is huge, although it has some individual characteristics. By the way, the main difference between sensitive skin and normal skin, but prone to allergies to any one chemical or biological element of the environment (allergen), is precisely this increased reaction to everything and everyone.

It is important to note that the cosmetic disorders under consideration are not congenital, but are acquired. In addition to the mentioned environmental and emotional issues, their development may be due to previous dermatological diseases, the use of cheap makeup products, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as acute and chronic diseases internal organs, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. Thus, complete care for sensitive facial skin must certainly be accompanied by identifying and eliminating the root cause. In the meantime, let’s get acquainted with the basic rules that allow you to relieve the symptoms of sensitivity or at least make it less pronounced.

Rules for every day

So, if you have sensitive, easily irritated skin, learn to take care of its beauty and health every day.

Rule No. 1 – Gentle cleansing

Almost all fashionable procedures of beauty salons and many techniques are contraindicated for your face home cosmetology, especially - various options peeling You will have to cleanse your skin without the help of special products, since even ordinary soap, not to mention scrubs and peeling masks, can cause harm.

The best way out is to wash your face every morning with warm boiled or heated spring water; you can use warm filtered water. During the day, wet your face as little as possible, especially avoid getting wet before going outside in windy or frosty weather. In the evening, wipe the skin with a cotton swab, generously soaked in natural rose or lavender water (available in pharmacies and aromatherapy stores) or in an infusion of flowers of these medicinal plants. This will clear out impurities from your pores and gently tone your skin, plus both rose and lavender have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Rule No. 2 – Careful protection

Increased sensitivity is characteristic mainly of people with dry skin types, suffering from a lack of sebum, as well as very fair-skinned people with a low level of pigmentation. But it is fats and pigments that provide a natural barrier that protects our face from the negative influences of the environment. Their shortage must be compensated by using a day cream that combines the properties of nutrition and protection. Apply it every morning, 20-30 minutes after washing your face.

Please note that it is better to care for sensitive facial skin using hypoallergenic creams. Labeling the packaging accordingly will reduce the likelihood of redness and discomfort. Creams containing allantoin are well suited - the substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the skin not only from harmful weather factors, but, notably, from the aggressive effects of other components of the cosmetic product. If irritation does occur, it means that this is not your remedy and you should look for another one.

Rule #3 – Healing Recovery

Sensitive skin needs regular restoration of damaged areas, healing of microcracks, deep softening and moisturizing. A good night cream for the face, the components of which, in addition to allantoin, are panthenol, cavatin, vitamins A and E. When applied to the skin, such a composition will relieve irritation and redness, moisturize, strengthen protective functions and start regeneration processes.

Despite the typical difficulties associated with selecting medications for sensitive skin - you never know how your face will react to a particular substance - finding your own cream that is right for you is quite possible. Just remember about the psychological factor: do not start using a new remedy while in a stressed, excited state, conduct the test during a period of emotional calm and a favorable mood.

Unfortunately, the ideal makeup for sensitive skin is no makeup at all. If without decorative cosmetics There's no way around it, keep the following points in mind:

  • set the background tone of the face using powder, not foundation– it contains fewer chemical elements that cause irritation;
  • give preference to shadows of light shades containing a minimum of dyes;
  • Forget about liquid eyeliners - they contain highly allergenic latex; in your case, a regular pencil will be much safer.
  • use simple, non-waterproof mascara that can be easily washed off without the use of special solutions that are very aggressive in their properties;
  • Remove makeup only with milk intended for sensitive skin, otherwise you will experience redness and itching.

Rules for using face masks

To summarize, let's touch on another important issue - cosmetic masks for the care of sensitive facial skin. They can be used, but extreme caution must be observed, guided by the principle “Do no harm.” Cottage cheese and milk, oatmeal and potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers are the main ingredients for such procedures at home. It is better to apply them separately, without mixing, that is, make a mask from any one product of your choice. In this case, it is recommended to first test the effect on a small area of ​​skin, and then lubricate the entire face. The latter, we note, is also relevant when testing new medicinal and decorative cosmetics.

Take care of your sensitive skin, be attentive and patient with its needs - and the results will be obvious!

– one of the main skin types, characterized by an excessive response to common endo- and exogenous factors (physical, chemical, hormonal, etc.). On sensitive skin you may see signs of irritation, redness, peeling, and rashes. Subjective sensations may include tingling, burning, tingling, pain. To determine the causes of increased skin sensitivity, a consultation with a dermatocosmetologist is necessary. Only an experienced specialist will be able to recommend the correct daily care for sensitive skin and select the necessary salon procedures and cosmetics.

General information

Some ingredients of cosmetics of biological and synthetic origin cause allergization of the skin and the phenomenon of contact dermatitis. This, in turn, also leads to increased skin sensitivity. Among the herbal components, the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis are extracts of arnica, rosemary, calendula, and sandalwood oil. From synthetic substances allergic reactions skin is provoked by preservatives, fragrances, lanolin, emulsifiers, vitamin E, propylene glycol, etc.

How to live with sensitive skin

Those with sensitive skin are forced to experience a lot of grief and additional worries associated with caring for it. People with sensitive skin face not only cosmetic problems, but also the threat of developing various dermatoses. However, today sensitive skin is not a death sentence that you have to accept. It just requires more careful and caring daily care, as well as correct selection cosmetics for this skin type.

Sensitive skin needs constant protection and hydration. Cosmetic products specifically designed for this skin type will provide such protection. Preference should be given to cosmetics brands, proven to be of impeccable quality. You need to choose the products that are best suited for you and constantly use these cosmetics. You should not resort to peelings, mesotherapy, masks and other procedures that irritate the skin.

  • Rules of care
  • Seasonality principle: summer and winter care
  • Fund rating

“Sensitivity is a skin condition that is characterized by an excessive reaction to external and internal factors,” says Alexander Prokofiev, La Roche-Posay brand expert.

Typical manifestations of this reaction:

  1. 1

    feeling of dryness and tightness, especially after washing;

  2. 2

    itching and peeling;

  3. 3

    redness and irritation;

  4. 5

    burning and tingling sensations;

  5. 6


Even if you have discovered the main signs of sensitive skin, you should not rush to conclusions. It is best to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Sensitive skin – thin, delicate, prone to irritation © iStock

Sometimes sensitivity is one of the symptoms of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema or rosacea, which require serious systemic treatment.”

Sensitive is not only dry and thin, but also problematic skin. For example, if you use too "hard" aggressive means to eliminate acne or blackheads, the epidermis often reacts with irritation.

The nature of sensitivity can be hereditary or acquired. Especially if you live in a metropolis. Constant stress, unbalanced diet, dry air-conditioned air in the office, temperature changes in winter period, Not proper care- all these circumstances contribute to increased skin irritability.

Dry and oily sensitive skin

Typically, there are two types of sensitive skin.

  1. 1

    Thinned, prone to redness, rosacea and fine wrinkles.

  2. 2

    Usually the owners oily skin They actively fight excess shine and acne, sometimes being too zealous in this fight. Regular damage to the hydrolipid layer aggravates the problems of oily skin, adding to them dehydration, redness and flaking. At the same time, sebum begins to be produced in increased mode.

What cosmetics do sensitive skin need?

Follow our tips when choosing the right beauty products.

Experiment less

The first thing to remember: if you have sensitive skin, experiments are not for you. Don't blindly trust new products for dry skin or acne that suit your sister or friend.

Before you start using the facial product, apply it to the crook of your elbow and wait a day. If the skin does not react with redness or rashes, you can take it into service.

Study the composition of the products

Read the information on the labels of creams, serums, masks, tonics. In addition, when getting acquainted with new products, it is recommended to study reviews on the Internet.

List of the most effective and safe ingredients in cosmetics for sensitive skin care.

    Hyaluronic acid- moisturizes, accelerates healing, rejuvenates the skin.

    Natural oils- soften, soothe, relieve irritation.

    Allantoin- neutralizes irritation, restores damaged cells.

    Vitamin E- antioxidant, protects and rejuvenates.

If vitamin C, retinol, or benzoyl peroxide are among the top five ingredients on the list, do a preliminary tolerance test. Such a product is highly likely to cause irritation, redness, and peeling.

Fragrance-free and dye-free formulas are suitable for sensitive skin care © iStock

Look for fragrance-free cosmetics

Fragrances contain up to 200 chemicals that your skin may conflict with. Choose products labeled “fragrance-free” or “fragrance-free.”

Try cosmetics with preservatives with caution. Components such as parabens or methylisothiazoline can trigger allergies or aggravate existing skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis or contact dermatitis.

Be critical of eco-cosmetics

Just because a jar of cream says “natural” or “organic” doesn’t mean you’ve found the perfect product. Citrus extract or menthol can be very harmful to thin skin that requires constant protection.

If you are prone to allergies, there is no guarantee that the oil pomegranate seeds or pineapple extract will not cause a negative reaction in the skin.

Exfoliate your skin gently

It is believed that scrubs are contraindicated for those with sensitive skin, but this is not true. It is not forbidden to use them - you need to help the skin get rid of dead cells and activate the production of new ones. The main thing is to find the most delicate exfoliant with the appropriate mark. Most likely, scrubs with natural abrasives such as crushed apricot or raspberry seeds will not suit you.

Exfoliating particles should be as smooth as possible and non-traumatic for the skin. As a rule, these are granules of synthetic origin.

Choose exfoliants with delicate fruit acids. Use them no more often than once every 7-10 days, otherwise you risk damaging the hydrolipid layer of the skin and causing new redness.

Sensitive skin needs to be cared for differently in summer and winter © iStock

Rules of care

“Care for sensitive skin should be gentle. You should not combine products from different brands,” warns Alexander Prokofiev.

Cleansing and moisturizing

First of all, the skin needs cleansing. In case of hypersensitivity, dermatologists recommend washing with moderately warm water. Ideally, not tap water, but mineral or boiled water (this will reduce hardness).

To cleanse, use soft gel, milk, foam or micellar water, but not soap - it dries out the skin. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, just pat dry.

Apply a moisturizer (cream or fluid depending on your skin type). The day cream will protect the skin, and the night cream will soothe, with centella asiatica and aloe vera.

Essence Life Plankton Essence, Biotherm, with thermal plankton extract.

Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancome, with honey, almond and yeast extracts.

    Soothing and moisturizing mask Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque, Kiehl’s, with calendula and aloe.

    Soothing cream Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme, With hyaluronic acid, ceramides, rose, peony and moringa extracts.

    Moisturizing toner for face, neck and décolleté Equalizing Toner, SkinCeuticals, with extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, aloe and chamomile.

    Soft gel-cream " Absolute tenderness”, l’Oréal Paris, with extracts of Gallic rose and lotus.

Sensitive skin is the most delicate of all types and requires special care. all year round. Use our tips and forget about problems with your face.

Delicate skin can be much more capricious than its owner. The slightest change in air temperature or humidity, cold wind or summer sun, sea water or precipitation on the face, a new cosmetic product or face masks made from natural products - the skin often reacts to all this with redness, inflammation, increased dryness, peeling or itching. Proper care of sensitive facial skin will help preserve beauty and youth for many years.

Morning cleansing and tone

Comprehensive facial skin care includes cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Sensitive skin does not like contrast treatments, so do not wash it hot or too hot. cold water, and even more so wipe with ice cubes. The water should be at room temperature, preferably using purified or still water.

If the skin is irritated, then before contact with water it is recommended to lubricate it with cosmetic milk or vegetable oil - this will protect the skin from the aggressive effects of water. For the same purpose, you can use special mineral oils. For some girls, milk diluted with water or chamomile decoction is ideal for washing.

Moisturize and nourish throughout the day

Daily care for very sensitive skin must include moisturizing and nourishing. When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to products labeled “For sensitive skin.” Conscientious manufacturers do not include components that cause irritation in these products: fragrances, dyes, alcohol, fruit acids and mineral oils. It is good to use creams whose list of ingredients includes wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E and panthenol.

The cream should be worn immediately after washing, after absorbing any remaining moisture with a soft towel. If the skin is not very dry, then it is recommended to use light moisturizers as daytime products that do not interfere with cell respiration. At night, it is better to pamper the epidermis with restorative nourishing compounds.

Makeup and protection for sensitive skin

You can make your skin beautiful with makeup only on those days when it is absolutely healthy. Women with a capricious face are better off not skimping on cosmetics, otherwise all the advice on caring for dry and sensitive skin will be useless.

On sale you can find liquid and decorative products aimed at skin prone to irritation - this should be preferred. You can reduce the risk of unpleasant phenomena if you use light blush and eye shadow, use black mascara and eyeliner, and mercilessly throw away all jars that have not been finished within a month.

Makeup, by the way, serves not only as a weapon of beauty, but also as a shield to protect the epidermis from street dust, gases, dry air and other aggressive enemies. Therefore, women who prefer to remain natural in any setting are strongly advised not to give up foundation, and in order not to spoil their magnificent complexion, use transparent foundations.

Evening routine before bed

In the evening, the face awaits cleansing of makeup and impurities - hygiene care should in no case be left unattended. You shouldn’t delay this moment, but immediately after coming from the street, especially if the air temperature differs sharply from room temperature, you don’t need to run to the bathroom.

It is recommended to cleanse sensitive skin of makeup using oils or cosmetic creams. For washing, it is better to use cream soap or special products. After cleansing, you should definitely apply a night cream to your face; it is better to choose a nourishing one with a calming effect.

Soothing care for sensitive skin

In those unhappy moments when sensitive and dry skin becomes covered with red spots, itchy pimples and flaky patches, it needs emergency help. Flaxseed helps cope with irritation very well.

To prepare a life-saving remedy, flax seeds (sold in a pharmacy) are poured with boiling water and left for about 30 minutes, periodically vigorously shaking the vessel. The resulting mucus is applied to the face and left for 10 minutes. Instead of mucus, you can use linseed oil, which, by the way, is an excellent substitute nourishing creams and makeup removers.

Additional care: masks and peeling

Capricious skin does not always respond gratefully to masks, the reason is that it does not like prolonged exposure to nutrients. So as not to irritate delicate skin, it is recommended to reduce the procedure time specified by the manufacturer and not to apply the product in too thick a layer.

Sensitive skin is very thin, so you should not cleanse it with coarse scrubs. On sale you can find peelings with microparticles and gommages that gently cleanse skin covering from peeling caused by the death of the top layer. You can use abrasive products for cleansing care only after all irritations have healed, otherwise the result will be the opposite and instead of smoothness, your face will be covered with new irritation.

Nutrition from the inside with vitamins and fats

Sensitive skin often results from poor nutrition. Do not forget about the important ones for the body fermented milk products, fish, vegetable oils, fresh vegetables and fruits. Women on a diet are advised to take balanced vitamin complexes.

If you can cope with sensitive facial skin with home care, contact a specialist, maybe he will find the cause of the problem and help eliminate it.

In cosmetology, sensitive facial skin is distinguished as a separate type, due to the need for special gentle comprehensive care. It reacts instantly to any irritants, causing its owner many problems. They constantly manifest themselves as peeling and redness, vascular networks and new wrinkles. It is possible to normalize the condition and reduce increased sensitivity thanks to folk remedies and achievements of aesthetic medicine.

Types of skin sensitivity

Three main types – oily, dry and combination – are at risk of developing into very sensitive skin. This can be caused by lifestyle, diet, unfavorable conditions environment and incorrectly selected cosmetics.

  1. Oily epidermis is characterized by an unhealthy complexion, with redness in different areas, the relief of the face may be accompanied by bumps, the pores are enlarged, and blockage of the ducts in the form of comedones is noticeable.
  2. Dry sensitive skin is very thin, prone to peeling, irritation, the formation of premature wrinkles and sagging. The complexion is pale and vascular networks may appear in some areas.
  3. Combination skin combines the main problems of the previous two. Wide pores are visible in the T-area; increased sebum secretion provokes shine and infection. On the cheeks, the skin is noticeably thinner and is prone to rosacea and dryness.

It can be determined by the following factors:

  • Unhealthy pallor;
  • Instantly reacts to touch, changing color;
  • Regular washing provokes a feeling of tight dermis;
  • Regular irritations and allergic reactions;
  • The occurrence of injuries during massage;
  • Tanning causes burns;
  • Contact with fresh grass is fraught with changes in pigmentation;
  • Cold or heat causes unpleasant and even painful sensations.

Rules for caring for sensitive skin

The very thin epidermis constantly reacts to any irritants. To reduce possible negative reactions, you should follow a number of simple recommendations. Together with cosmetics, proper care will help quickly bring your skin back to normal.

Interesting video: Caring for sensitive skin at home

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. Sole manufacturer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Care for oily sensitive skin

  1. Cleanse the skin with mild products, avoiding the content of alcohol, alkali, and other aggressive ingredients;
  2. Apply medicinal ointments in minimal quantities to pimples and acne;
  3. For scrubbing, use products with soft particles that prevent vascular injury and irritation;
  4. Choose decorative cosmetics marked anti-comedogenic;
  5. Don't forget about regular moisturizing, nourishing masks, creams, if you enrich finished products the amount of vegetable oils should not exceed 10%;
  6. Normalize your diet, avoid sweets, snacks, smoked foods, and spices that provoke purulent formations.

Care for dry sensitive skin

  1. Wash only with warm water, forget about steaming or procedures with ice;
  2. Protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, select the factor depending on the time of year, pay attention to the presence of filters with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide;
  3. To moisturize, use tested creams or replace with vegetable oils;
  4. Do not use esters, acids, sorbents that scratch or injure the integument;
  5. During the cold season, it is worth using creams and emulsions with a cold protection effect;
  6. Thermal water will help refresh and moisturize your face throughout the day.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin

They have been practicing in cosmetology for a long time effective methods on adaptation of the thin epidermis to the environment.

The most popular and effective for sensitive skin care are:

  1. Phototherapy– with the help of a laser, rosacea stars are removed, complexion is restored, microcirculation is improved, there is no rehabilitation period and no side effects;
  2. Biorevitalization– thanks to the introduction of injections with hyaluronic acid, not only does turgor and elasticity improve, but also all metabolic processes are normalized, inflammation and irritation disappear, and facial vessels are strengthened;
  3. Mesotherapy- all the same beauty injections, only the composition may include plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, natural stimulants, this method allows you to deliver useful components into the deep layers of the dermis, which is difficult to achieve with traditional cream application.

From various types peelings, grinding, corrective and rejuvenating massages will have to be abandoned. The best cosmetics for the skin, prepared with your own hands, you can always test for allergies, and natural ingredients are safe and will not cause harm.

Home remedies for sensitive skin

Traditional methods allow you to care for the most sensitive skin, restoring its immune properties. In nature it is easy to find all the means for complete care of the delicate dermis. Cleanses and soothes, nourishes and moisturizes, maintaining freshness and elasticity of the skin. Contraindications can only be individual intolerance.

Oils for sensitive skin

It is difficult to find more advanced products in terms of their chemical composition. Rich in vitamins and acids, they saturate the dermis with essential substances, maintaining youth and elasticity. It is also recommended for use on sensitive eye skin; they do not cause irritation and cope with expression lines, drooping eyelids and puffiness.

List of the best oils:

  • Olive – softens and nourishes, strengthens facial vessels, smoothes out the network of wrinkles, is used in the off-season and winter, when the epidermis is especially prone to dryness and irritation;
  • Almond – does not clog the sebaceous ducts, has a lifting effect, you can add a few drops to finished cosmetics or apply as a replacement for moisturizing serum;
  • Jojoba – due to its high tocopherol content, is considered one of the best means for rejuvenation and protection from sun rays, effectively used in acne treatment formulations to calm inflammation, used in its pure form;
  • Grape oil - used to moisturize problematic dermis, with enlarged pores and regular rashes, light oil is perfectly accepted by aging dermis, it softens and nourishes, refreshes the skin.
  • Shea - its dense structure often repels owners of oily sensitive skin, but this natural product is effective for absolutely all types, with its help you can speed up the processes of regeneration, healing of wounds and cracks, and in winter it provides reliable protection from temperature changes, maintaining moisture levels without clogging pores.

As a result: care products should protect the dermis as much as possible from adverse environmental factors. For daily nutrition and hydration, restoration of pH balance and saturation of the skin with vitamins and acids, it is worth preparing a natural cosmetic product.


  • 10 ml peach oil;
  • 5 gr. shea butter;
  • 3 drops of bergamot ether.

Production and method of application: melt the wax in a water bath, add vegetable oils, remove from heat and pour into a prepared cosmetic jar, add drops of ether. Apply a thin layer to cleansed face, following the massage lines.

Application: for daily use in the morning and evening, if there are wounds and cracks, do not include essential oil in the composition.

Toner for sensitive skin

Homemade masks for sensitive skin

The capricious and fickle sensitive dermis requires comprehensive care. Cleansing, toning and nutrition are mandatory procedures necessary for her youth and health. But all prepared compositions must be checked for a possible reaction, so as not to cause harm to thin integuments.


As a result: at home you can gently remove dead skin cells, remove toxins and oxidants, refresh color and tighten pores.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. daisies.

Production and method of application: grind the herbs together with the flakes in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Dilute with mineral water and distribute on the epidermis. Eight/ten minutes is enough, after which you can wash your face.


As a result: thin skin has a fairly weak immune system and is often susceptible to infections, rashes, and cracks. To restore natural properties, it is enough to periodically replenish the deficiency of vitamins and fatty acids.


  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 5 gr. cream.

Production and method of application: stir the yolks with cottage cheese, add cream; too thick a mass can be diluted with warm green tea. Wipe the surface with micellar liquid, then distribute the prepared nutritional mass. After twenty-five minutes, complete facial care.


As a result: natural cosmetics will help soothe the skin, get rid of redness, irritation and rashes.


  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 20 ml milk;
  • 3 drops of santalwood ether.

Production and method of application: mix rice powder with warm milk, add wood drops. Distribute the product along the massage lines and leave to act for twenty minutes. Remove any leftovers as usual.

For dry skin

As a result: moisturize the skin and get rid of peeling easily, thanks to nature’s recipes. The cells are saturated with the necessary moisture and nutrients, which increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.


  • banana;
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 10 gr. coconut oil

Production and method of application: combine banana puree with corn starch and nutritious dense oil. Apply the plastic mass to the face, pressing firmly to the surface. After resting for thirty/thirty-five minutes, remove any leftovers.

From pumpkin

As a result: helps to avoid vitamin deficiency, strengthens facial vessels, improves lymph outflow. Effectively used for puffiness and swelling, as well as for the prevention of premature wrinkles.


  • 20 gr. pumpkins;
  • 15 gr. yogurt;
  • 6 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: bake the vegetable, grate it and combine it with natural yogurt, add liquid vitamin. Spread with a spatula on prepared surfaces, cleaned of decorative cosmetics, and apply to all areas of the face, without exception. After fifteen minutes, remove the residue with a damp disc.

Made from chocolate

Bottom line: home remedies are effective against wrinkles, age-related sagging and loss of firmness. Use the restorative procedure at least twice a month.


  • 15 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 10 gr. shea butter

Production and method of application: melt the dessert in a water bath and add African oil. Once the mixture has cooled slightly, spread it with a spatula and enjoy the spa treatment for a quarter of an hour. Then carefully remove the remaining mask.

From kelp

The result: acts against wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and refreshes color. For a lasting lifting effect, carry out five/seven cosmetic sessions.


  • 20 gr. kelp;
  • 15 drops of grape oil.

Production and method of application: pour dry, crushed seaweed mineral water, leave for ten minutes, then add oil. Apply with a brush or sponge, as if smoothing the surface. After forty minutes, finish in the usual way.

From honey

As a result: to whiten pigmentation and improve the relief of oily sensitive dermis, it is worth using folk recipes. Strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation and oxygen respiration.


  • 15 gr. honey;
  • protein;
  • 5 ml strawberry juice.

Production and method of application: squeeze juice from fresh berries, whisk with honey and egg white. After washing, distribute with a brush in several layers. The mask lasts for about fifteen/eighteen minutes.

From sour cream

As a result: to whiten and nourish the epidermis and smooth out static wrinkles, it is worth using dairy ingredients. Proteins are perfectly accepted by cells and do not cause allergic reactions.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 gr. aloe juice

Production and method of application: combine sour cream with vegetable juice, apply a mass similar to an emulsion in the evening, before bed, wipe the skin with thermal water in the morning.

From cucumber

The result: restores the balance of moisture, vitamins and minerals, refreshes and relieves swelling. The mask is effective for restoring elasticity and firmness.


  • cucumber;
  • half an avocado;
  • 10 gr. wheat flour.

Production and method of application: remove the skin from the vegetables, chop on a grater, add cereal powder to the mixture. Spread a thick layer on the surface of the face, after protecting the eyelids with cotton pads. Rest for about forty minutes, then remove the composition with a napkin.

From potatoes

Bottom line: for aging, problematic dermis prone to dryness and flaking, it is worth conducting a home care session. The procedure also prepares the skin for adverse weather conditions, dry air, frost, or exhausting high temperatures summer.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 10 gr. cream;
  • yolk.

Production and application method: make a homogeneous mass from raw vegetables in a blender, add milk cream and egg yolk. Distribute the composition in a dense layer, including on the delicate area of ​​the eyelids. You will have to wait about twenty-five minutes and then wash.

Video recipe: Mask for inflamed and sensitive skin at home

From cabbage

As a result: it eliminates inflammation, possible purulent formations, and removes toxins. Suitable for all types of dermis, even if there are wounds or cracks.


  • 20 gr. cabbage;
  • 5 ml plantain juice.

Production and method of application: grind the cabbage leaf in a meat grinder, combine the finished paste with the juice of the medicinal plant. Apply the composition to cleansed areas and leave for about half an hour.

Made from oatmeal

As a result: for regular cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands, acceleration of renewal processes, it is worth using natural ingredients.


  • 10 gr. cereal;
  • 8 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: steam the flakes with green tea, add sour milk and marigold oil to the cooled pulp. Distribute the product in a circular motion, after ten minutes you can complete the care manipulations.

From clay

As a result: an effective procedure will help against acne, inflammation and pigmentation.


  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 15 drops of jojoba oil.

Production and method of application: grind the flowers in a coffee grinder, combine with clay and oil, dilute the composition with mineral water. Treat the surface, avoiding contact with the eyelids and lip area, after half an hour, rinse.

Interesting video: Caring for inflamed sensitive skin