How to clean mink fur at home.  How to clean a mink coat at home

How to clean mink fur at home. How to clean a mink coat at home

A mink coat is often the pride and favorite of its owner. After all, it gives a special chic to its owner and lasts for a long time. During wear, like any thing, a mink coat gets dirty, becomes clogged with dust, and greasy stains appear on it. In order to clean a fur product, they often turn to special dry cleaning establishments. But, as a rule, they charge quite an expensive fee for their services and it is possible that the item will not get damaged during the cleaning process. It is for this reason that most people are interested in how to clean mink coat at home. There are a huge number of ways you can use to clean mink at home.

What not to do?

Before you start cleaning a mink coat at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some restrictions:

  • You should not clean it if there are only one or a few stains on it;
  • Do not use powder or conditioner for cleaning that is not specifically designed for fur;
  • It is strictly forbidden to dry the item over a fire or heater; it is also forbidden to dry it on a radiator. It is recommended to dry the product in a room at room temperature that is well ventilated;
  • Do not use an iron under any circumstances;
  • Do not clean light-colored fur coats with starch.

Dry cleaning

Cleaning a mink coat using the dry method is the easiest and most gentle method for fur. For this method, tools such as talc or starch, which best helps to cope with dirt on a white mink coat.

In order to carry out dry cleaning, you must first shake the item from dust, spread a sheet and place the item on it. Then you need to rub the selected cleaning agent into the pile and after a while remove it by shaking the item well.

Another good cleaning product is wood sawdust. You can buy such sawdust at any pet store.

To clean, they must be mixed in a suitable bowl with clean gasoline and place a fur coat in it. After such a “wash”, it is necessary to remove sawdust and allow to dry.

Cleaning from dirt

  1. You can clean a mink fur coat from dirt using regular decoys, as it perfectly absorbs any dirt. The surface of the item must be sprinkled with semolina, and then carefully combed with a fine-toothed brush in the direction of the lint growth. In order to completely get rid of all the remaining dirt and semolina after cleaning, you should shake the fur coat well.
  2. If there are fresh traces of dirt, they must be allowed to dry before starting cleaning. And only after that, with the help regular brush To clean, start removing dirt. After such “combing”, the fur coat must be shaken well several times.
  3. Regular talc will help get rid of dirt. To do this, you need to pour the product onto the pile and rub the talc with your hands. After cleaning, residues are easily removed from the surface of the fur coat after thorough shaking.

Wet cleaning

The wet cleaning method differs from the dry cleaning method in that different liquids are used in the process. In order to know how to clean mink fur at home, you need to understand what products can be used for this.


Regular solution table vinegar used against greasy stains. How to clean mink fur using this product? Simply and easily! It is necessary to prepare a vinegar solution of no more than 5% and regular cotton wool or a cotton pad.

So, for example, to clean a collar from stains, you just need to wet a cotton pad with the solution and gently, without pressing, treat the desired area. The fur surface can be cleaned of fat using an ordinary spray bottle. You just need to fill it with vinegar and spray it on the dirty area, and then let the product dry. Then the coating is removed using a special fur care brush.

Ammonia or medical alcohol

To combat pollution, you can use the following solution: 1 liter of boiling water, to which you can first add about 10 grams. soap, add ammonia or regular medical alcohol, only 10 drops. After the solution is ready, it is necessary to cool it to room temperature and apply it to the entire fur coat with a brush. After the procedure, you must allow the product to dry thoroughly.


In order to give the mink a fresh look, it is necessary to prepare a solution and pour in alcohol m sawdust. Treated sawdust should be sprinkled on the fur coat, having first spread it on the floor or any flat surface. After the sawdust has dried, they must be carefully removed from the surface using any soft brush, and then allowed to dry. It is best to hang your fur coat on special hangers and in a place that is well ventilated. Then the product is shaken well and brushed again to completely remove any remaining sawdust.


To remove dirt, you can use regular shampoo. It is best to choose a moisturizer so that it does not dry out the surface of the fur coat. The shampoo is diluted with warm water and mixed well until foam appears, and the resulting soap solution is used for cleaning. Using a sponge, foam is applied to the area of ​​contamination and easily wiped until the dirt or stain is removed. Any soap solution that remains can be removed with a clean cloth soaked in plain water, without shampoo.

Hydrogen peroxide

For cleaning it is permissible to use ordinary hydrogen peroxide. To do this, prepare a solution and go over the fur with a cotton pad soaked in it. All the dirt that is on the product will be collected by the disc, and the fur will acquire a shiny appearance. If you don’t have a cotton pad, you can use a brush soaked in the solution.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you use salt or its solution to clean fur!

How to clean a white mink coat?

Mink products that have White color, look so wonderful, but, unfortunately, after some time they may lose their beautiful view. The white fur on such products may turn yellow over time, and then the housewife wonders how to clean a white mink coat and get rid of the yellowness?

Yellowed fur can be cleaned using semolina, starch or even chalk. All of these products do an excellent job of removing stains. It is enough to apply them to the surface of the fur and then rub it well into the pile.

The most the best remedy to get rid of yellowness on fur - this hydrogen peroxide, since it is a natural brightener. To prepare the cleaning product, you need to mix hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia. Then using cotton pads Apply the solution to the fur coat and let it dry, preferably in the fresh air.

Blue mink fur cleaning

Blue mink coats are not cheap, and they are quite difficult to care for. Over time the fur blue color loses its beautiful appearance and in order to rid your favorite fur coat of yellowness you need to know how to clean a blue mink.

You can clean blue mink fur using ammonia or medical alcohol. To do this, you need to mix both solutions in proportions 1:1 and add 2 tbsp. l. water. After this, soak a cotton pad in it and squeeze it out a little, and then gently wipe the stain. After completing the procedure, you need to fluff the fur a little and let the product dry well in the fresh air.

Eliminating odors

If over time the fur on a fur coat begins to absorb foreign odors, then, unfortunately, getting rid of them will not be so easy. First of all, you need to purchase a specialty fur spray. It perfectly helps remove odor and also cope with some dirt. You can also use orange juice to eliminate odor by mixing it with water in a one-to-one ratio, as well as a bag of lavender. Ground coffee, which must be placed in a closed bag and placed in a fur coat, will help to remove foreign odors well.

Cleaning the lining

To clean the lining, you need to spread the fur coat on a flat and comfortable surface. The lining must be washed with a special sponge, which has previously been soaked in a soap solution. After this, you need to wipe the lining with a clean, not very wet napkin, and then with a regular cloth so that it absorbs the remaining water. After this procedure, you need to let the fur coat dry, preferably in a room at room temperature.

Attention! Never use a hairdryer to dry the product!

To make cleaning the lining easier, you can tear it off and wash it. This method allows you not to clean the entire fur coat, but to remove dirt directly from the lining itself.

Industrial products

Special industrial products can help you properly care for your fur coat, such as:

  • FUR FRECH SALAMANDER Professional. Aerosol for tinting fur if necessary. You need to add it to the water, treat the fur coat and hang the product on hangers.
  • LIVAL LICKER KONZ . This spray cares not only for fur, but also for leather products.
  • INSAF.

A product that helps perform preventive care of the product. It helps a lot if you don’t know what to do with jammed lint. It also acts as an antistatic agent and helps protect your fur coat from moths.

Proper care

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning the correct storage of the product. It should be stored in a special bag or case to prevent moths from eating it.
  • When cleaning a fur coat, you must use only suitable products and follow all recommendations.
  • Do not dry your fur coat near a radiator or other heating devices, as it may become damaged.
  • It is best to store a fur product in a suspended state, since when stored lying down, bedsores may appear on its surface.

Only proper care of things and their proper storage will help preserve their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry cleaning

Before wondering how to clean a mink coat at home, many people prefer to seek dry cleaning services. And this is quite normal, since special institutions have the following advantages:

  • It is possible to choose different cleaning methods;
  • Personal time is saved;
  • The risk of ruining a fur coat is reduced;
  • All odors and dirt are eliminated;
  • A special tool is used for cleaning.

But among the advantages, there are also some disadvantages of dry cleaning. Firstly, you should give your fur coat only to reliable hands and trusted companies. Secondly, you can dry-clean a mink coat only 4-6 times, since in the future it most likely will not survive this procedure.

A fur coat, in order not to damage the fur and restore it to its former beauty, is becoming very relevant. Before you start cleaning fur yourself, it is recommended to test cleaning products on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fur coat.

Dry cleaning a fur coat

If natural fur has lost its shine and slight dirt has appeared on its surface, then cleaning the fur coat must begin with carefully knocking out the accumulated dust. To do this, the fur coat is either gently shaken several times, or laid out on a slightly damp cloth and carefully beaten out. It is not recommended to use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose - a directed strong stream of air can damage the structure of the villi.

Then the fur is carefully combed in the direction of its growth, mechanically removing matted areas and knots. It is very convenient to use metal brushes sold in pet stores. But in order not to damage the fur, the teeth of the brush must be covered with a cotton swab. After this, proceed directly to cleaning the fur coat, avoiding the use of aggressive detergents.

The fur coat is laid out on a horizontal surface, lightly sprinkled with talc on top and, wearing cotton gloves, carefully rub the fur, after which the talc is carefully shaken off. You should not replace this product with starch, flour, bran or small grains - if these substances get stuck between the villi, they can attract moths and other insects.

It is also not recommended to use petroleum products, vinegar, alcohol, salt and saline solutions to clean a fur coat at home - these substances can hopelessly ruin the fur, especially if it has been dyed. It is better to use dry hot sand or sawdust from deciduous trees, which is sprinkled on small areas of fur, gently rubbed with your hands and changed as they become dirty.

Wet cleaning of a fur coat

Wet cleaning a fur coat at home requires special care and careful adherence to fur care rules. The fur coat is placed in a vertical position, hanging it on a hanger, the fur is carefully combed, and then they begin to remove local contamination.

It is important to remember that products from natural fur They don’t like dampness, so to remove stains you need to use a cotton swab slightly moistened with a cleaning product. It is recommended to give preference to mild baby shampoo or neutral liquid products for washing woolen products. Removing greasy stains, painting and bleaching yellowed fur is best left to professionals.

Advice on cleaning a fur coat at home using ammonia, vinegar essence, purified gasoline, hydrogen peroxide and other aggressive substances should be treated with caution, because... If the proportions of the solutions are not observed, the fur can easily be damaged without the possibility of its subsequent restoration.

A fur coat made from otter or beaver will last you the longest: up to 20 seasons. Mink is slightly less durable: 10 seasons. Most short term service for squirrels and rabbits: 2–4 years. But when proper care Fur items can retain their shine much longer.

How to tell if your fur is dirty

Spots and yellowness are immediately visible. A test with a hairdryer will help determine the degree of general dirtiness of the item and find the most greasy areas.

Hang your fur coat on hangers and direct cold air from a hairdryer onto it. Do the fibers fly freely and then easily fall back into place? The fur is clean. If not, you need to clean it.

But first, remember that under no circumstances should you do this with fur products.

Taboo when cleaning fur

  1. Fur cannot be washed! If the fur (the skin that holds the fur) gets wet, it can become rough and cracked. In this case, the product becomes deformed and becomes bald.
  2. Fur should not be dried with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or in direct sunlight! Only possible outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Fur is not allowed! Even from the inside out.
  4. Fur cannot be cleaned with household chemicals to remove rust, washing powders with enzymes, or bleaches.

Before using any other product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.

How to get rid of dust

Even in a well-closed case, a fur coat or vest can become dusty. Therefore, before storing a fur item for storage, and also before wearing it, freshen it.

Spread a damp white cotton sheet on the floor. Place the fur coat on top and beat it thoroughly, first on one side and then on the other. After that, hang it on a hanger and comb it.

If the fur is tangled and matted, spray the item with warm water from a spray bottle and let it dry. Then comb. The pile will fall into place. For the same purpose, you can carefully walk over the fur with a steamer.

How to restore shine to fur

To make your fur coat or collar sparkle again in the sun, treat it with a solution of lemon juice or table vinegar (not essence!).

Dilute lemon juice or table vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio. Using a sponge or soft natural cloth, treat the fur. It is important that the sponge or rag is wrung out well. The pile should not be wetted, but rather wiped.

When the product dries, comb it. The effectiveness of this product is especially noticeable on mink.

Another way to restore shine to fur is to use walnuts. Grind the kernels, wrap them in gauze and rub the fur. The released nut oil will refresh the appearance of the product.

In most cases, the measures described - knocking it out and returning the shine - are enough to make a fur coat, hat or vest look like new. But more serious problems can arise with natural fur. It may turn yellow, become greasy, or become stained.

How to get rid of yellowness

Over time, light fur, as well as fur with white hair at the tips (silver fox, chinchilla and others) acquires a yellow tint. The product immediately loses its presentability.

There are several ways to clean fur from yellowness.

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution using a well-wrung out soft cloth. Dry and comb.
  2. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to the product, let dry, and comb.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of pet shampoo in a glass of warm water. Beat the foam and apply it to the pile using a sponge. After 5 minutes, remove the foam with a sponge or cloth soaked in clean water. Dry and comb.

Products with short pile can be wiped both with and against the wool. On long fur, cleaning agents are applied according to its growth, after which the pile can be ruffled.

When removing greasy deposits and stains, the color of natural fur is also important.

How to clean white fur


Starch, talc and semolina. They absorb dirt and unpleasant odors.

Take starch (semolina or talcum powder) and pour it onto the contaminated area. Using a soft brush, distribute the substance between the fibers or gently rub the fur with your hands, as if you were washing. Shake the product well to remove any residue.

The dirtier the fur, the darker the starch, talc or semolina will be. The procedure must be repeated several times until the substance stops getting dirty.

It’s even more effective if you heat starch, talc or cereal before cleaning. This can be done in a dry frying pan or in the microwave.

It is important to remove all remnants of the product, otherwise it will become food for moths. Therefore, the product can not only be shaken well, but also vacuumed with a low-power vacuum cleaner. For example, the kind that is used to clean the keyboard.

How to clean dark fur

To combat stains on dark fur, the same method is used, but with different absorbents.

  1. Rye bran. Suitable for coarse fur (nutria, goat, wolf).
  2. Sawdust. Ideal for muskrat and otter fur. But under no circumstances should you use softwood sawdust: they contain resins.
  3. Sand. Copes well with dirt on the fur of moles and beavers.

How to remove stains from fur

Stains on fur clothing can have different natures and origins. For example, natural suede bags readily give off the color of fur when worn on the shoulder. You can get dirty with sauce when you eat on the run, or make a blot with a stationery pen.

You can remove stains from dark fur using gasoline (white fur will turn yellow). Refined gasoline with a high octane number. Sometimes it is applied in its pure form, but more often it is mixed with starch or washing powder without enzymes to the consistency of sour cream. A couple of minutes after application, the mixture should be removed with a sponge soaked in clean water, and the product should be dried and combed.

Stains from light fur can be removed using acetone or alcohol, also by mixing liquids with starch or baking soda.

The stronger the dye and the older the stain, the more difficult it is to deal with it at home. If the above methods do not work, do not experiment: take the fur coat to.

How to care for the flesh

If you notice that the leather base of the fur product has become rough, perform the following procedure.

Dissolve a little glycerin or Vaseline with egg yolk in a liter of warm water. Wipe the product from the inside out with the resulting mixture. Gently remember and stretch the flesh. Then remove the remaining mixture and lay the item to dry inside out.

How to clean faux fur

With faux fur products, everything is simpler and more complex at the same time.

Easier because they are washable. Preferably by hand, but it can also be done in a machine using delicate mode (up to 40 degrees, up to 600 rpm) using gentle powders and without spinning.

It’s more difficult because it’s difficult to guess with a mechanical cleaning product.

Vinegar and acetone should not be used to clean faux fur.

Otherwise, you can use all the same methods as for natural fur.

Do you know other life hacks for caring for natural and faux fur? Share them in the comments.

After a long winter, with the onset of warmth, fur coats, fur hats, vests and boots are placed in the closet for a long time.

To extend the service life of products, it is necessary to store them correctly, and before storage, put them in complete order, clean, dry and comb thoroughly.

To rid your favorite fur coat or fur collar of dirt, it is not at all necessary to take the product to the dry cleaner, where it can be damaged.

And dry cleaning does not always undertake cleaning of natural fur, and if it does, it costs a lot of money.

In addition, chemicals contain aggressive components and significantly reduce the service life of the item. It is much better to be patient and use very inexpensive means at hand in order to efficiently clean fur products without much effort without leaving your home.

Fur contamination is indicated by a dusty coating, loss of brightness or uniformity of color, debris in the hairs, stains of various origins, tangles, tangles and greasy hairs. But how to clean fur at home if it cannot be washed, dried near heat sources and ironed? In fact, everything is very simple - the main thing is to choose the right ingredients.

How to clean fur at home: from dust and dirt

You can check the degree of contamination of the fur by directing an air stream from a hair dryer at it. If the fibers easily scatter in the direction of the air, and then return to their place and shine, then dust has not accumulated in the fur coat and it does not need to be cleaned. When the fibers are stuck together, greasy and look sloppy, the product needs help.

Dust can be easily removed by wrapping the fur coat in a clean, damp sheet or any cotton cloth and vigorously beating it. It is more convenient to knock out by spreading a sheet on the floor, placing the product on it with the pile down.

Small items such as hats and detachable collars and cuffs can be easily cleaned using steam. To do this, you can use special steam cleaners or a steam jet from an iron, then the fur should be dried.

Lemon juice diluted in equal quantities with water does a good job of removing dirt and giving it a well-groomed appearance and shine. The fur is wiped with a sponge soaked in the solution and wrung out well, after which it is dried and combed with a comb.

Cleaning a white fur coat

To remove dirt you will need semolina, chalk, talc, baby powder or potato starch, with which the fur is generously sprinkled. The porous structure of the materials will absorb dirt, the substances will polish the hairs and give them additional shine. To clean the fur of a rabbit or hare, you can use rye or oatmeal.

Using gentle movements, the grain is rubbed into the pile, after which the fur coat needs to be shaken thoroughly. The remaining starch is combed out with a brush, first in the direction of hair growth, and then against it. Grey colour starch is a sure sign that the fur coat was really dirty. If the fur is very dirty, the manipulation should be repeated two or three times until the starch flows out white.

A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a glass of water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia will help restore the product to its dazzling whiteness. This product should be sprayed onto the fur from a spray bottle and hung out to dry in the sun, but for no more than one day.

Dark fur products

Water, alcohol and vinegar mixed in equal quantities will help here. The solution is applied using a soft bristle brush or terry towel. For better effect You can wipe the pile several times and then dry the fur coat in the open air.

You can also take advantage of the absorbent properties of rye or wheat bran, pre-dried in the oven, or fine sifted sawdust. Sawdust from coniferous trees contains resin, so they cannot be used. Wood filler is ideal for cat litter box. The absorbent along with the lint should be carefully rubbed with your hands, simulating hand wash, being careful not to damage the hairs or wrinkle them.

It is not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner to remove bran or sawdust; it can damage the fur; it is better to vigorously shake out the product.

To clean items with coarser fur, such as otter, nutria or mole, you can use hot, dry sand. This will remove dirt from the undercoat, which is especially thick in these animals.

How to clean fur at home if it is greasy

To rid the fur of greasy stains, traces of sweat or a greasy appearance, you will need gasoline. Use a sponge soaked in it to wipe off the contaminated areas. Fresh stains can be easily removed by moving along the pile, while old stains can also be removed in the opposite direction. In this case, it won’t hurt to dissolve a teaspoon of washing powder in a liter of gasoline, which will double the effect and clean the fur even from very old grease stains.

To comb the pile in gasoline, you can moisten a brush instead of a sponge.

This method is equally good for products made from long and thick fur, as well as for suede or nubuck.

It is important not to neglect safety measures. Cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area and away from open flames.

Light or white fur may turn yellow from gasoline; to clean it from grease and grease, it is better to use table salt With ammonia, mixing them in a ratio of 1 to 3. Any wool detergent or shampoo for bathing pets is also suitable to get rid of dirt. The product must be thoroughly beaten in warm water until a thick foam forms, which is used to treat the product. The foam should be washed off by waiting a few minutes, wiping the fur with a sponge soaked in clean water.

It is important to prevent the skin from getting wet, carefully squeeze the sponge, moving smoothly only along the surface of the pile.

Ordinary vinegar will return a beautiful shine. But after treatment, it is better to hang the fur coat in the air so that the smell disappears.

How to clean fur at home: from paint and ink

If something as bad as paint or ink stains happens, it’s no big deal. In this case, gasoline mixed with starch to form liquid sour cream will also help. The product must be applied to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Then use a slicker brush to comb the fur along the pile.

Oil paint can be easily removed with sunflower oil. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or disk in oil and wipe the stain with it along and against the pile.

Unfortunately, long-standing paint or ink stains are much more difficult and sometimes almost impossible to remove without the use of chemicals. Small stains can be wiped with acetone, solvent, turpentine or special white spirit. Afterwards, be sure to clean the area with water containing baking soda, wipe with a dry towel and dry.

If all else fails, then it is better to take the product to the dry cleaner.

How to clean fur at home: from sauce and ketchup

Quite often you have to snack on the go, and while eating, small accidents cannot be ruled out when sauce or ketchup spills on a fur collar or cuff. Of course, it would be good to wipe the stains immediately wet wipe, but what to do when the contaminants have already dried up?

To get rid of them, you need to mix equal proportions of water, vinegar and cat shampoo or carpet and wool cleaning liquid. Apply the solution directly to the stain and leave for a while, being careful not to wet the undercoat. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.

You can also apply glycerin to the stain, and after a few minutes wipe the fur with a sponge soaked in warm water.

How to clean fur at home without ruining it

It is important not to spoil the expensive and beautiful thing wrong actions, so during home cleaning you should follow some rules:

1. Before cleaning, the product must be placed conveniently on a flat surface, preferably on the floor.

2. Before applying any product to the fur, you should try it on an inconspicuous area (for example, under the arms) so as not to damage an expensive item.

3. Under no circumstances should the fur be completely wet, especially the flesh. The product may become deformed, skewed, become rougher, and even burst.

5. After any treatment, the fur coat must be dried in the open air, but not in direct sunlight. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor and ventilate the pile. You should also not dry your fur with a hairdryer, on a radiator, or near any other heat source.

6. There is no need to comb the astrakhan fur; just shake it after cleaning and air it.

7. You cannot clean faux fur with vinegar or acetone.

8. Do not use aggressive fur coats for cleaning. detergents designed to remove rust.

9. In order for a product to last for decades, its care must be comprehensive. It is not enough to monitor only the condition of the fur. The leather base is susceptible to cracks and tears over time. To prevent this from happening and to make the skin more elastic, it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil, melted pork or fish oil.

All of the above methods are effective, but require caution when used. If the fur product is too dirty, the stains occupy a significant area, then it is better not to take risks, but still use the services of professionals. An important role in preserving the beautiful appearance products plays and it proper storage. The item must be placed in a linen bag with a bag of dried geranium flowers and orange peels in it to protect the item from moths. The fur must be ventilated and brushed frequently.

As the cold weather sets in, of course, we begin to think about warm things, open the closet and put our wardrobe in order.

But many owners of mink coats immediately have the question of how to clean mink at home. After all, this is chic and expensive thing, you don’t want to accidentally ruin it. What to do?

Every housewife needs to know how to care for a fur coat, regardless of whether it is mink or not. If you do not look after the item, then after a while it will become unusable.

Here a few basic rules of care.

  • Cleaning the fur should only be done when it becomes dirty; you should not clean the pile very often, as it will become brittle. You only need to take it to the dry cleaner when you have a fur coat on. heavy pollution, which you are unable to cope with. According to statistics, mink coats can withstand about 4-6 chemical cleanings on average.
  • Never keep your fur coat in plastic (or polyethylene) covers, as plastic can electrify the pile. And besides, the fur coat will lose its beautiful appearance due to a lack of oxygen (it is required in the place of storage) - the hair will fade, become less elastic and durable.
  • Before leaving your item in a storage area, make sure that there are no moths or other pests there. To protect fur from such insects, you can use special products designed for treatment in places where such things are stored. There is also one very interesting folk remedy- these are newspapers! You need to stuff the sleeves of your fur coat with them, and thus the printing ink will repel moths. There is another advantage to using newspapers - the sleeves will retain their shape perfectly.
  • Storing a fur coat next to other fur products is contraindicated.
  • Since fur coats perfectly absorb a variety of odors, ventilate the room before leaving it somewhere. In the closet where “your joy” is stored, you can put a sachet bag with your favorite perfume or other aroma pleasant to you.
  • It is forbidden to spray perfume on a fur coat, because its stains cannot be removed even during dry cleaning.
  • Do not constantly carry the bag on your shoulder (or even on your arm), as the fur will wear off and the fur coat will have an unpleasant appearance.
  • If you find severe contamination, it is better to dry clean the mink fur.
  • The best time for cleaning is spring. Why? Yes, because in the spring, before leaving your fur coat in the closet for storage, you can do preventive cleaning of various pests and at the same time get rid of the dirt that has accumulated during its use in winter.
  • You need to comb your mink coat using a special mink fur brush.

Various sources write that fur coats can be cleaned with flour or starch. These are substances where various pests most often breed, so after such a “treatment” nothing will save your fur coat.

And besides, after a thing gets into an environment with high humidity, small particles of flour and starch swell, and they become visible in all parts of the thing. After this you will not be able to remove them. Of course, this cleaning option helps, and after it there is a certain pleasant effect, but this does not last long.

How to clean mink fur at home is a very complicated question, since there are so many different methods, but not all of them are safe for such a product.

To remove dust from fur and give it shine, you can use walnuts. At first glance, this is an unusual cleaning method and, according to many, ineffective, but this is not so.

You need to take a small handful of already peeled walnuts and place in a gauze bag (2-3 layers). Next we beat it with a hammer.

After we beat it off, we take the bag (don’t forget that it must be tied with a strong knot) and pass it along the hairs. This method also softens the fur, so the result of this cleaning is really excellent!

The next method is to clean with talcum powder. You need to sprinkle the fur with a little talcum powder and rub it very carefully, then shake the item a couple of times and comb it with a special fur brush.

You need to comb until you completely get rid of the talc. You can also clean a mink coat from dust with a regular fur brush.

A very common problem with light fur coats is yellowing. To get rid of it, you can use hydrogen peroxide (5%). To do this, you need to take a cotton pad moistened with this liquid and lightly wipe the hairs in the direction of their growth. Only the fur itself needs to be cleaned with peroxide!

Grease stains (such as cream or lipstick) can be removed with rubbing alcohol. You need to proceed in the same way as with hydrogen peroxide.

If you need to tidy up the lining, the ideal and reliable solution is to rip it off from the fur and wash it separately, following the instructions given by the manufacturer. But you can carefully clean it on the fur coat itself.

Try using a cloth or sponge soaked in soapy liquid to go over the dirty areas without wetting the inside.

There are many other cleaning methods, but since they are very dubious, you should not test the strength of your item (and an expensive one at that). Can't also be used soap solutions and other similar things for cleaning fur, as it may lose its shine, change color, hairs will begin to stick together, etc.

There are special fur cleaning products that you can purchase in the store. household chemicals, but you should also be careful with them and strictly follow the instructions.

These were the basic rules and methods for safely cleaning mink at home. We wish you a successful cleaning.