What to do if you set up a friend.  How my best friend set me up!  She invalidates your experiences

What to do if you set up a friend. How my best friend set me up! She invalidates your experiences

A burning pain in the heart... The desire to act... You can’t leave it like this, you urgently need to avenge yourself, otherwise you can lose your self-respect...

Such thoughts come to each of us when we have to face betrayal from our best friend, whom we trust as much as ourselves. But these are the first thoughts that come only from emotions. And then it will be easier to drive them away, weigh everything and think about whether it’s worth taking revenge at all. Maybe it's easier to make peace?

To answer the question of whether it is worth taking revenge or going to peace, you need to find out the motive for your friend’s offense. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for something, perhaps you began to pull the blanket over yourself, put pressure on the person devoted to you, which became the reason for the rebellion. Your friend was simply tired of you, so she rejected you or preferred to communicate with another, less intrusive person.

Is it worth taking revenge if your friend betrayed you or found a replacement for you?

It depends on what you yourself consider betrayal. For some reason in childhood girls manage to be friends cheerful companies, and not necessarily just the two of us. When you become a teenager or an adult, then it should be all the more clear to you that friendship allows for any number of friends - even the whole team of a small company. Therefore, the appearance of your close friend Another friend should not be taken with hostility. Unless, of course, they go further and ignore you. In this case, we can talk about betrayal. As long as you remain your rights as your best friend, then you have no reason to take revenge for anything.

When a friend’s betrayal is expressed in the fact that she wants to take away your boyfriend or husband, this is a more serious reason for breaking up the relationship, but whether it is worth taking revenge is up to you to decide. The revenge of a jealous person can be terrible. You should always remember that no matter how they offend you, you should not commit crime. Your counteraction must be equal to its action or weaker. And there is no point in your revenge if it does not turn out to be instructive for the traitor.

Perhaps both your boyfriend and girlfriend are faced with a dilemma: remain faithful to you or give in to strong feelings. What if they - strong love? It is impossible to resist her. You cannot tell your heart to stop loving the one you love. But it would be possible to refuse the relationship for a while - out of respect for you. At least, don’t advertise them in front of your mutual friends. If meetings become demonstrative, and you feel like a complete loser, then you should think about how to teach this couple a lesson.

Ways to take revenge on a friend for betrayal

Being a vindictive person is not good. Mumbles and mattresses too. This means that you need to choose a compromise and turn your revenge into an educational process. Quarrels are different, and do not always lead to a complete break with a friend. If she is dear to you, then why strain the relationship even more? Sometimes it is better to forgive and make a bad peace, and then make peace altogether. But at the same time, those of you who are guilty must repent of their offense. Otherwise there may be relapses.

Take revenge on your ex-girlfriend if she stole your boyfriend

A fairly common situation: you have a boyfriend who your girlfriend likes. And then the day came when they “accidentally” ended up together. Result: you have neither a boyfriend nor a girlfriend. Such betrayal looks disgusting, both on her part and on his part. And there are many ways to restore justice:

  • Find a guy willing to seduce her. It’s very good if you have such a “Casanova” in your environment, ready to help with this difficult matter. To help him, you can give him some advice on what she loves most, her secrets... The main thing is to just ask him to leave a couple of photos of them together, or correspondence. Throw in evidence of cheating on your ex, and that’s it: she will no longer have a boyfriend or lover.
  • Do you have any of her shameful secrets? Tell her to everyone, and you will see how slowly but surely her reputation will sink. It is quite possible that after this the new boyfriend will leave her, and she will remember you with hatred for a long time. Be careful: this measure leads to a complete break in relations with both your girlfriend and your boyfriend.

Take revenge if your friend slandered you

Gossip, envy and slander, as you know, poison people's lives. And when your life begins to poison ex-girlfriend, this is a reason to take revenge very strongly. And here's how: try to answer in kind! Do you know any shameful story about her? Why not tell it to everyone around you.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to stoop to her level and act in an extremely ignoble manner. But it is instructive. If you cannot cross this line yourself, and it is completely unnatural for you to spread dirty rumors, then don’t do it, but simply expose her to everyone as a gossip and a dreamer.

If your friend insulted and offended you

Of course, a theatrical slap in the face in this case will come in handy, however, there are other ways of revenge:

  • SMS flood. Order the SMS flood service to her number. In this case, nasty things and insults will be sent to her number every minute.
  • Make fun of her. Today, in big cities there are many cosmetic companies that attract clients through promoters. Introduce yourself to each promoter with your friend's name and give them her phone number. Soon she will go crazy with calls from beauty salon representatives.

How to disgrace a person in contact

  • Create a fake account in her name, with her photo, and run it. Meet guys (especially strangers) on her behalf and make clear offers to them. Make her look like a girl of “lightweight” behavior, and that’s it – revenge is ready.
  • If there is no photo, then you can simply write a couple of her most shameful secrets, or at least just nasty things, and to all her friends.

How to teach a friend a lesson by setting her up

Organizing setups is also a very ignoble method. But sometimes you don’t have to shy away from such actions. For example, if she stole a guy you haven’t really started dating yet, but shared with this friend that you love him madly, then you definitely need to be punished for this. For example, arrange a date with a guy on behalf of this friend, and then accidentally show up there yourself. At the same time, it will be possible to find out how much he loves her. Sometimes knowing such a truth is cruel. Sometimes you can get a pleasant surprise in the form of an invitation to walk and talk, go to a cafe, and so on. Don’t waste your time if the “deceiver” doesn’t come...

What to do to punish a lying girlfriend

Bring her lies to light! Here you need to act, surprisingly, but as it was said in the Gospel. First, expose her lies when talking alone. If she doesn’t calm down, then do the same in front of close friends. And in the most serious case - in front of the entire team: at work, in an institute group, in the classroom.

The best revenge on a friend is to completely ignore her and exclude her from your life.

If you come across a completely “impenetrable” friend, from whom you can expect nothing further except betrayal and lies, then you should not continue your friendly relationship. You need to boycott her, or ingor, and see how she reacts. Refusal to communicate is also a punishment, and if she is not a completely lost person, then she will have time to think about her behavior, correct herself and make peace with you.

The girl decided to meet her friend and go to a bar, but now, apparently, a war has broken out between them. The fact is that the lady, after drinking alcohol, decided to get behind the wheel, but her friend did not stop her, but instead turned her friend over to the cops. And she never expected such betrayal.

Ashley Hendry met with her friend Kate, whom she had not seen for a long time, writes Mirror. The girls decided to go to the nearest bar to discuss over a glass of strong drink last news and gossip from life. The friends sat in a drinking establishment until three hours nights, and then began to go home, and these were the last moments in their once strong friendship.

Ashley Hendry

The friends left the bar, and Ashley began to hail a taxi to get home. She told her friend about her upcoming plans and mentioned that in a few hours she would need to get behind the wheel to take care of a couple of small matters. However, Kate did not try to dissuade her from such a reckless act, but simply remained silent. Of course, the lady could have invited Miss Hendry to her home and somehow detained her from such trips, but she did not do this. And, it seems, she decided to take revenge on her for something.

When the taxi arrived, the girls said a sweet goodbye, and Ashley drove towards the house. She was sure that in a couple of hours the alcohol would completely disappear from her blood, so she planned her trips with a calm soul. The lady even managed to sleep a little, but this did not save her from problems. And it all turned out to be Kate’s fault, who just the day before had pretended to be her best friend.

The fact is that the girl called the police and told them that Ashley had been drinking alcohol until three o’clock in the morning, and was now going to drive while drunk, and also told them her address. Naturally, the law enforcement officers immediately responded to such a message, so they rushed to the drunken lady’s house. However, the car enthusiast had already left, so they had to wait for her to return. And soon it happened.

The cops immediately noticed that Ashley looked tired and her speech was slurred. The girl had to take an alcohol test on the spot, which showed serious intoxication. And the police quickly found an explanation for this.

She drank wine until 3 a.m., but hoped that by the time she got behind the wheel, the alcohol would have worn off.

As a result, the girl was fined 250 pounds (20 thousand rubles), and she was also deprived of her driving license for 20 months. She herself has not yet commented on this situation. Kate’s motives for such an act also remained unknown, but it can be assumed that Ashley once crossed her path, and women do not forgive this.

But another girl quarreled with her friend when she announced her engagement at her wedding. The bride did not like this course of events, so she took active action and took revenge. She disrupted the future celebration of her now former friend, and for this she...

Not only evil girls, but also guys can ruin a wedding. So, one young man disrupted his wedding because he made a decision that the girl could not forgive him. And in this.

It seems that I “set up” my friend.
This is a school friend. We are 30 years old. For her own reasons, she did not work until she was 27. Lives with his mother. She completed secretarial courses, was hired several times, but she refused at the last moment due to terrible anxiety before new job and new people. She is a very complex and very vulnerable person. I tried to help her write a resume and find a job, but she always refused. Now we haven't talked for a long time. I had children, now they are still small, and she works, studies in her 3rd year at a paid university. Sometimes we meet - we go to the cinema or just shopping, but very rarely. He doesn’t like to talk about himself, but he will always listen.
I called last night and it turns out she’s been having problems at work for a long time, apparently it’s boiling over. Her sister got a job (this is her first job in a commercial company), but did not take part in the work. The employee in whose place she came behaved very badly, conveyed material chaotically, teased her in every possible way, now she quit, but my friend also had difficulties with other employees. She accuses her sister of never standing up for her, even though they are sitting in the same room and all this is happening before her eyes. She Chief Accountant, and a friend maintains a database.. Now the sister quits, and the friend is shocked. She believes that her sister betrayed her. She was her boss and always let her go on errands and to study in the evening. By the way, my friend’s salary is normal, separate, and independent of her sister.
Now she says that her sister took her because she wanted to have “her” person, and betrayed her because she did not say anything in advance about her leaving and could have taught her accounting.
In general, I listened, as far as possible with small children. She gave me her email address so I could send her a photo for my resume. I advised her not to quit her job rashly, especially since her studies were paid, and her salary had recently been increased. Her sister's departure does not directly affect her work. Her sister, by the way, made her own way in life. She is raising her son alone and has finished drinking. courses and rose to the position of chief accountant. But apparently there is no spiritual closeness between them. My sister is almost 10 years older and lives separately with her son.
In general, yesterday she was not really able to answer the phone. I thought about her all night, today I wrote her a letter. I think that she has no right to be offended by her sister, and that at work it doesn’t help in communicating with other employees - this is normal; on the contrary, it is advisable not to advertise family relationships, especially in a commercial company. And you need to stand up for yourself if someone starts to attack you. I just went through this myself. I changed several jobs during my life. You should not expect an employee to stand up for you - be it a friend or sister. So I sent her a letter.
There's a call. A friend calls and throws a torrent of accusations at me, that I gave her a huge lecture, that she didn’t ask for it, and that it turns out that letters at work go to the technical department and could be read there. In general, I couldn’t even get a word in, at the end she said that “this is where any of our communication ends forever.”
I'm shocked. I really wanted to help her and said everything sincerely that I thought. Of course, I didn’t know that letters were coming to the technical department, and if I framed them, it was not out of malicious intent. Yes, it seems to me that the letter is sent to her personally, just by the system administrator. With a strong desire, I could only read the letter, especially since from the first words it is clear that it is personal.
I don’t know what to do. I’m also very upset, I wanted what was best. At one time I also went through the whole school of surviving at work.
Have I really lost my friend? What do you think?

If you know that meanness is being committed towards your loved one, will you tell him about it? Here's mine best friend I thought it wasn’t worth reporting!

One day, my friend Galina’s boyfriend invited me to his birthday party. I gladly accepted the invitation and Galina and I, having organized a parade and bought gifts, went to the celebration.

At my birthday party, a guy named Vadim began to actively “attach” me. I did not reject Vadim’s advances, because I didn’t have a boyfriend at that time, and Vadim himself was quite handsome. After spending the whole evening with Vadim, and being pretty pumped up on wine, I agreed to continue the pleasant evening at his house.

Arriving at Vadim’s house, we drank a little more, danced and went to the bedroom. The next morning, having arrived from my new lover, the first thing I did was call my friend and joyfully said:

Hi friend! Can you imagine, yesterday Vadim and I went to his apartment and now I have a new boyfriend!

Well, that's to be expected. I just doubt he'll be your boyfriend. - Galina answered mysteriously.

Why do you doubt? - I did not understand.

Yes, because this Vadim of yours, yesterday made a bet with his friends that he would drag you into bed on the very first evening! - A friend explained.

How did you know that?! - I asked, dumbfounded by this news.

So I personally heard them arguing! - Galina said innocently.

Having “digested” the information received, I asked my friend:

Galina, if you knew about the dispute, then why didn’t you warn me that same evening?!

Yes, I didn’t think so. - My friend started yelling. - And then I danced and completely forgot about it.

Don't lie to me Galya! I'm one hundred percent sure that you didn't tell me about this dispute on purpose! - I screamed into the phone

Oh, think what you want! - Galina answered and disconnected from the conversation.

Of course, after such a turn of events, I no longer met with Vadim, as well as with Galina. I don’t care for a friend who sets me up like that!

As a person who wishes you well, of course. You call her over to talk it out and cry, and in return you receive unsolicited advice on how you should live. And the problem, in fact, is not in the advice itself, but in the fact that after this conversation you feel like a fool and a failure. And fat, too.

She's being rude to you

He is subtly rude, like a real online troll: “Darling, what a beautiful makeup you have today! You can’t see pimples or dark circles under your eyes at all!” It seems to you that she is not doing this out of malice, but that this is just her nature - well, a person doesn’t know how to give compliments, it happens. No, it doesn't happen. Anyone can blurt out something stupid or nasty, without any malicious intent, that’s true. Sometimes. Is your friend again advising you not to buy boots made for those with long legs? Oh, it just came out of her by accident, how, how, how.

She focuses on your mistakes

Not your own attention, so you understand, but public attention. She will invite you to a restaurant for your birthday and shout at the table: “Don’t pour Masha any more, otherwise she was dancing on the table last time!” And it seems like it was a joke, but you still sit with red cheeks and dream of falling through the ground, because everyone is looking at you with the expression: “Come on, come on, what are you going to perform for us today?” Everyone knows that you got completely drunk once, and everyone laughs about it. Terrible.

She feeds your inner demons

By the way, about dancing on the table: it was she who got you drunk, don’t go to the fortune teller. Precisely because I knew you couldn’t drink, for example. Or maybe you are prone to despondency and depression, and you can be sure that on the darkest day it will come and throw you decay and hopelessness, and in such quantities that you will want to climb into a noose.

She invalidates your experiences

“Oh, come on, don’t worry!” - her favorite saying. We all say this when something insignificant happens - a favorite cup breaks, for example, or a nail breaks right before a date. But if a colleague sits down on you, if you had a huge quarrel with your sweetheart, or if your cat was diagnosed with a tumor, she will still say: “Don’t worry!” And not at all to console you, but to make you realize that all your problems are trifles compared to global warming, yeah. Why are you so different anyway? There is a crisis in the country, and she is crying about a cat, wow, be like that. And you immediately feel guilty and pathetic. You burden everyone here with your suffering, eh.

She takes and gives nothing in return

Naturally, she takes everything you can give her. And he will borrow money, and lend you a purse when going out, and will feed off your strength, your emotions and your time. And she won't give you anything, no. She lost the manicurist’s phone number, she won’t be able to feed your cat in your absence, because she has a new boyfriend (“You understand, dear, there’s no time for cats here!” - and you understand, yeah, you’re a friend!), and she chatted There’s no way he can – with one foot outside the threshold. Did you want to tell her something important, something significant happened in your life and you need a listener? Sorry, her milk ran out on the stove.

You can't trust her

She sets you up regularly, but she always has excuses. She completely accidentally blabbed your terrible secret, well, it just jumped out of your mouth! She simply forgot to tell you important information; at that moment her head was occupied with something else. She didn’t want to discuss you with your sweetheart’s mother, but she couldn’t leave, it’s impolite! You’re offended, of course, but she really didn’t do it out of malice, it just happened! Exactly from evil. And the sooner you end your relationship with her, the better.