Games for the New Year's cheerful company.  Funny New Year's games at the table for a fun company

Games for the New Year's cheerful company. Funny New Year's games at the table for a fun company

Adults are also interested in competitive, team, and fun games. But they need to be alternated with intellectual and calm games. Musical breaks are required so that you can dance or just chat with each other. The main thing is not to overdo it - the atmosphere should be relaxed.

Adults need to remember: no matter who you are at the moment - a guest or the organizer of a holiday, forget about age, do not be afraid to seem funny.

After all, each of us is just an adult child who has just accumulated life experience.

You can play the simplest, frankly stupid games, the main thing is to set the right tone of behavior, this is the main task of the leading characters of the New Year's holiday, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. If from the very beginning you manage to establish contact with the audience, set rules of play and behavior that they easily agree with, then rest assured, the holiday will be fun and interesting. True, the sensations of the audience come with experience, but first you need to learn how to manage the viewer’s emotions. If everything works out for you, it means that the holiday scenario is well thought out, the games and props are well selected.

Let's give an example of a non-standard prop, which is also part of the decoration.

Surprise tree

You need to find a snag 1-1.5 m long, branched, and wide enough. Wash her. Wrap a bucket in thin foil, place a piece of driftwood in it, fill it with stones and cover it with sand, checking to see if the piece of driftwood holds well. Tie the bucket with ribbon and tie it beautiful bow. Pre-prepared, festively packaged New Year's souvenirs are hung on the tree by loops. These can be soft toys, a set of handkerchiefs or stationery (sharpener, eraser, glue stick), key rings, hairpins, a set of hair ties, etc.

Non-standard props also include paper frogs.

(Frog on a flower)

You will need them for the game “Frog on a Flower”. Take a sheet of green paper. We bend it along the lines indicated in the figure, then bend the upper corners of the resulting square to the middle line. We bend the corners of the base of the triangle up and bend them to the sides. We fold the side edges of the resulting workpiece towards the center line. And on the lower part of the model we will make a “step” fold. We turn the frog over and make its eyes from small circles cut out of yellow paper. All that remains is to make a flower on which the frog will jump during the game. A water lily is cut out from a white sheet of paper, leaves are cut out from a green sheet, and glued to the flower.

The players' task is to make the frog jump into the flower. This can be achieved by sharply pressing the “step” with your thumb and releasing it.

Nonsense Chepushinskaya

The essence of the game is that each participant, answering one question, folds the sheet and passes it to another. The more questions, the more interesting the story will be. Questions can be different, for example: Who? Which? With whom? Where? When? What they were doing? How? For what? What happened?

When all the questions have been answered, unfold the sheet and read a very funny story.

New catchphrases

People often use various aphorisms and catchphrases in their speech. But there are people (they are sometimes called “folk distorters”) who turn aphorisms into “flashlights” by replacing some words in expressions, as a result of which the phrase takes on a completely different meaning. Here, for example: you drive more quietly, you see more; those born to crawl move forward easily and imperceptibly. The players’ task is to come up with and write down on a piece of paper continuations to the following aphorisms: for the catcher and..., and the wolves are full..., they cut down the forest..., don’t dig a hole for another..., every cloud has a silver lining...

The one who comes up with the most original endings wins.

Game "Wallet"

We take 4 pieces of bright fabric 40 cm wide, 20 cm high. Sew 4 bags. You need to put a little foam inside to create volume. Let's take a beautiful cord 1 m long. We tie the first bag with one end of the cord, and the second bag with the other.

4 more chairs are needed. We place 2 chairs with their backs facing each other in a row at such a distance that you can walk around the chairs. We place the bags under the chairs so that they look out from under each chair. The game is played to music. It involves 2 couples - 4 people. Music plays and each couple runs after each other around their two chairs. As soon as the music stops, each player must sit on a chair and grab the bag under the chair. Whoever grabbed the bag first won. Participants who win in the first round advance to the second, but each plays for himself until there is only one winner left.

The number of players can be changed at your discretion, and, accordingly, the number of chairs and rounds.

Game "Little dirty trick"

For the game you need the following props: 2 baseball caps, 2 huge buttons cut out of cardboard and covered with foil. 2 teams play. Chairs with baseball caps are placed at a distance from the players. Near each chair there is a person who will voice the victim. The baseball cap is the victim. The first team member with a button in his hands runs to a chair and puts the button under his baseball cap. At this time, the voice-over player loudly shouts: “Ow!” The player runs around the chair and the voice-over participant and, picking up the button, returns to the team. Passes the button to the next one. And so each participant commits a small dirty trick. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Winter fishing

You need a large cardboard box with a round hole cut out of a sufficiently large diameter. This is a “hole”. Various objects are placed in a box, with multi-colored ribbons tied to them.

The items should be very different: a small New Year's souvenir, a toy, a treat, unbreakable Christmas decorations. To make it more fun, you can tie a hat or tie, an apron or someone's shoe. Each “fisherman” participating in the game comes to the “ice hole”, takes the ribbon that he likes, and pulls out the “fish”. Having pulled out an object, he comments on what else this object could be useful for besides its direct purpose. It is advisable that the comments be humorous, but at the same time the sense of proportion should not be changed.

Who will notice more?

Everyone present is invited to name all the objects in the hall that begin with one letter. For example: the letter “r” - hand, belt, shirt... After each answer, count to three. If after this no one names a new word, the person who named the word last gets points and a prize. Then they move on to another letter. The game is played at a fast pace so that there is no time to think, otherwise it will be uninteresting.

What if with both hands at once?

Two players or several pairs participate in the game. They write on paper with both hands at the same time: their name with the right, and their surname with the left. Whoever can do it faster and whose writing is more legible wins.

Comic analogies

The presenter offers an example of a home-grown joke and saying: “If you cut down a Christmas tree, plant a new one.” By analogy, participants must come up with their own sayings: “Drank beer - hand over the bottles”, “Eat a sausage - grow a pig.”

Souvenir behind your back

Everyone stands in a circle. The leader stands in the center. The players pass the souvenir from hand to hand behind their backs. The leader commands: “Stop!”, the player who was stopped shows his hands. If you guess right, he takes the prize, and the loser becomes the host.


If your guests are ready for even more meaningful fun, offer them the following game. Teams or individual players are given reproductions of a winter landscape, cut into several parts. At the signal, everyone must make a reproduction as quickly and correctly as possible in order to get a winning point.


Guests may want to show off their talents in composing poems to a given rhyme. They play either together or team against team. For example, you and your partner have chosen the following pairs of rhymes: “cat - compote”, “bed - jelly”. Now come up with a poem. You can do it together, you can do it separately, and it will be even funnier when you say one line and your partner says another. And you might get something like this impromptu: “Vasily, my fluffy cat,” the partner picks up: “When he wakes up, he likes to drink compote.” You: “And before going to bed,” he: “Vasily likes to drink jelly.”

Bulletin board

You need to come up with the funniest ad. For example: “I teach you how to play a musical instrument and on your nerves,” “I trade the ugly duckling for a tobacco chicken,” “I buy inexpensive second-hand dollars,” “I cast a shadow on the fence and on my eyelids.” Advertisements should begin with the words: buy, rent, search, build.

Complete the drawing

Drawings depicting a turkey, rooster, goat, fish are fixed so that everyone can see. There is some detail missing from the pictures. As many people participate as there are prepared drawings. The players' task is to install the missing parts and complete them. Whoever is more artistic or funny wins.

Fairy tale

If you have at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale. The simpler the better, “Ryaba Chicken”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok” are suitable. Choose a reader. On separate pieces of paper, write down all the heroes of the fairy tale, including, if the number of people allows, inanimate characters. All guests pull out pieces of paper with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters “come to life.”

Make-up artists

Invite guests to choose a fairy-tale character and make up themselves in such a way as to achieve the greatest resemblance to him. The one who is most similar to his character wins.

Ball dance

All players are divided into pairs. Each couple holds a balloon between their foreheads. The players dance a fast dance. Whoever's ball doesn't fall out or burst before the end of the dance, that couple wins.

Gong game

You will need a small new frying pan, a wooden mallet, two small cords and two belts. We tie a frying pan to one belt using a cord, with the back side facing out and close to the clasp. When the player fastens the belt, she should be in front. We tie a wooden hammer to another belt in the same way. The players' task is to make as many shots as possible using certain body movements. If your evening began long before the New Year, then it is better to play this game around twelve o’clock at night, then there should be twelve strikes. Be sure to time the start of the game so that you have time to fill your glasses with champagne and make a toast before the clock strikes at midnight. If the company is small, then 15 minutes is enough to play. The game is perceived very well by adults and teenagers.

New Year's races

Need two big ones hot air balloon, they will serve as horses. We form two teams. Glue a strip of colored tape to the floor. We give the first participant a “horse”. Holding the ball between his knees, the player jumps towards the colored strip. He turns around and returns to the team, passing the ball to the next one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Say the opposite

Props: snow ball (foam ball covered with white jersey). The participants of the game (determine the number yourself) stand in a large circle. The Snow Maiden is in the center of the circle. Calling out a word, she throws the ball to the player, who quickly comes up with a word with the opposite meaning and returns the ball. Words can be like this: “fur coat - swimsuit, felt boots - sandals, cold - heat, summer - winter, sun - moon, light - dark, joy - grief, success - failure, etc.

If a player holds the ball for a long time or does not find the right word, he is eliminated from the game. The smartest player who lasts the longest is the winner.

Winter Olympics

This game includes several stages - several games, all winter views sports. The first stage will be cross-country skiing. To do this, we will need two pairs of children's skis without poles if the Olympics are held indoors. And if it takes place on the street, it is better to take real sports equipment: skis with poles, a puck with sticks, sleds, skates, etc.

Two teams of 10-12 people are at the starting line. Opposite the two teams, we place 2 flags on a stand; if outside, we fix them in the snow. Relay game. The first participant on the team puts on skis, walks the distance to the flag and, going around the flag, returns to the team. Passes the skis to another participant and stands at the end of the line. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The second stage is hockey. Props: two pucks, 10 sticks. We cut out the sticks - from kragis or plywood, pasting them with colored tape using the tape wrapping method, we make a puck from a wooden blank or select two identical round boxes, it can be a plastic jar of cosmetic cream or something else, very similar to a puck. You also need 4 flags attached to low risers to indicate the gate. You can use two-liter plastic drink bottles instead of flags. If the holiday takes place at the dacha, the skating rink is pre-filled. Each of two teams of 5 people receives a puck and 5 sticks. Opposite each team there is a goal at a certain distance, they are determined using flags or bottles. In front of the gate, 2 m away, we draw a deep line in the snow; indoors, we draw it with chalk or define it with a strip of colored tape. We put a goalkeeper who is not part of the team at the goal. The first player of each team moves the puck with his stick to the line in front of the goal, tries to score the puck into the goal and, having collected it, returns to his team. He passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of the line. The team that plays the game faster and scores more goals wins.

The third stage is the speed skating relay. Roller racing with obstacles - indoors. Props - skates according to the number of participants or removable rollers that can be worn on any shoes, 10 pins or two-liter plastic bottles with water.

This is also a relay game. Two teams (decide the number of players yourself) must go the distance back and forth, snaking around the pins or bottles standing along them at small intervals. Returning to the team, the player touches the shoulder of the next player, who continues the relay. The winner is the team that dropped fewer pins or bottles during the game and was the first to complete the task.

We are holding another stage of the “Olympic Games” outside. For this we need two sleds and a slide. Two teams are participating. The players stand behind each other on the slide. On command, the first participant in the game sits on the sled, goes down the mountain, lifts the sled up the hill and quickly passes it to the next player. When the last player climbs the hill, the team shouts “Hurray!” so that the winner can be quickly determined.

Riddles for adults

As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up. Their name is... (Mittens)

The sun will come out and cry.

There is no sun - he will hide his tears. (Icicle)

Two birch horses carry me through the snow.

These horses are red, and their names are... (Skis)

Who's on New Year's Eve

Will he come to us today, friends?

Whitebeard and Rednose.

Who is this? (Father Frost)

Shoulder pad of Santa Claus. (Bag)

Canvas for the art of an invisible winter painter. (Window)

How a sewing needle differs from a Christmas tree needle. (Ear)

He doesn’t lie down and doesn’t tell him to sleep. (Freezing)

It came, fell apart, hung in clumps on the branches of oak trees. (Winter)

Carnival frame. (Mask)

Heavenly Snowmobile. (Cloud)

A place where children collect a bountiful harvest of pine cones during the winter holidays. (Slide)

The boys went their separate ways

In different closets.

Every boy

In your closet. (Gloved fingers)

They've been racing all their lives,

But they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)

Five brothers have been equal for years,

They're just different in height. (Fingers)

Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't drown in water

And it doesn’t rot in the ground. (Thought)

And the army, and the governor -

Knocked everyone down. (Dream)

What can't a person live without? (No name)

He breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

They beat me, they beat me,

They turn, they cut,

And I endure everything

And I cry kindly. (Earth)

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil,

With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)

The more they take from me,

The bigger I get. (Pit)

In a small barn

They hold a hundred fires. (Box of matches)

What can't you cut with an ax? (Smoke)

No arms, no legs, but he asks for a shirt. (Pillow)

And he has no tongue, but he will tell the truth. (Mirror)

Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing forever. (Pen)

Yesterday it was, today it is

And it will be tomorrow. (Time)

Riddles and jokes

1. Which clock shows the correct time 2 times a day? (Which stopped.)

2. Where does the water stand? (In glass.)

3. What will happen to the red scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)

4. What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)

5. When are hands a pronoun? (When they are you-we-you.)

6. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole.)

7. What do people often walk on but never drive on? (On the stairs.)

8. How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle, then he already runs out of it.)

9. What will happen to the crow in 3 years? (The fourth one will suit her.)

10. Under which tree does the hare hide during the rain? (Under the wet.)

11. What living creature hides its teeth? (Snake.)

12. If a cat climbed a tree and wants to climb down the smooth trunk, how will it get down: head down or tail first? (Tail first, otherwise she won’t hold on.)

13. Who is upside down above us? (Flies.)

14. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)

15. Where can you see a polar bear and a penguin on the same day? (In zoo.)

16. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can when it freezes.)

17. Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)

18. Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? (Oriole.)

19. Which snake is the easiest to spot? (Rattling.)

20. A talking crow is crawling along the wires, and there is an electric current towards it. What will happen to the crow? (At first she will become withdrawn, and then she will stop talking altogether.)

21. What hears everything and says nothing? (Ear.)

22. What will never fit in a saucepan? (Lid.)

23. What does a toad eat in winter? (It’s okay, she sleeps in winter.)

24. What is an elephant without a trunk? (Chess.)

25. Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)

26. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters.)

27. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)

28. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak.)

29. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh.)

30. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin.)

31. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i".)

32. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons.)

33. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes.)

34. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months.)

35. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

36. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp.)

37. How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly through the first three meters intact.)

38. The man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was a bright sunny day.)

39. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (Both people were playing with other people.)

40. What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Shadow of an elephant.)

41. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Getting older.)

42. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6.)

43. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step.)

44. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon.)

45. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

46. ​​What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?)

47. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken in his hands.)

Tongue Twisters

Who wants to talk

He must reprimand

Everything is correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will reprimand

So correct and clear

So that everything is clear.

Firewood on the grass

There is grass in the yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass.

From under the clatter of hooves

Dust flies across the field.

The Bull's white lip was blunt.

Sasha was walking along the highway

And sucked on the dryer.

Shi-shi-shi (12 times),

The reeds are whispering something.

She-she-she (12 times),

It's a duck in the reeds.

Sha-sha-sha (12 times),

Come out of the reeds.

She-she-she, she-she-she,

There's no duck in the reeds.

The cap is sewn, but not in Kalpakov style,

The cap is not sewn in the Kalpak style,

The bell is poured, but not like a bell,

Yes, the bell is not poured like a bell.

It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap,

The bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.

Giving gifts can also turn into a game.

Everything is so green!

Game participants are invited to take part in the auction. Everyone takes turns naming any of the most popular items in New Year's Eve color - green. It is not allowed to repeat items already named. The last person to name the green object is the winner.

Prize Blind

A rope is pulled and various small prizes are hung on strings. The participant is blindfolded and given scissors. He must go to the rope and cut off the prize he can. Then the next participant gets the scissors.

The prize is by touch

With your eyes closed, wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of item you were given.


Everyone sits down at the table, puts a basket on it, and the presenter says to the neighbor at the table: “Here’s a box for you, put in it whatever you have with “-ok”, if you say anything, you’ll give the deposit.” The neighbor, and after him everyone else, take turns calling words starting with “-ok”: “I’ll put a ball in the box,” “And I’m a scarf,” “And I’m a castle,” etc. Who will let slip or cannot remember the right word, puts the deposit in the basket - a scarf, a pencil, a badge, and so on. At the end of the game, the basket is covered with something and one person takes out pledge after pledge with the words: “Whose pledge will I take out, what should I do?” Everyone is given a ransom - something necessarily funny and light, but with tact.

Black box

Objects or products whose names begin with the same letter are placed in an opaque bag or box. For example, with “k”: book, paints, envelope, candy, potato, button, cassette, cracker. Guests guess what is in the package, knowing that all the prizes start with the same letter. Whoever guesses correctly receives the specified prize.

Triple trap

Two participants stand face to face, with a prize lying on a chair between them. The leader counts: “One, two, three... one hundred!”, “One, two, thirteen... eleven!”, “One, two, thirty... twenty!” etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the presenter says “Three!”

New Year's lottery for adults

For a wonderful hairstyle, we will give you a comb.

For your clear eyes - a beautiful hairpin.

If you come across a toothy puppy, we have prepared a band-aid for you.

There are times when you need duct tape.

For your ticket - a postcard in an envelope.

But here is your ticket... You will receive a box of chocolates.

And for you, friends, lifesavers from a runny nose. (Handkerchiefs.)

You are the lucky one among us, the best prize for you. (The best prize.)

And you have an inflatable balloon, such a pretty color. (Balloon.)

This gift is 3 in 1. Take it, you can count it later. (Two pairs men's socks, folded 3 in 1).

Maybe this lipstick color is not in fashion, well, never mind, let it lie in the chest of drawers.

What kind of prize is this? Sweetie! Well, get it quickly, coquette.

Your ticket will include a candy wrapper.

New Year The time for widespread corporate events is just around the corner. And even at home, many groups of friends will probably want to diversify their vacation with games. And now is the time to pick up competitions for the New Year 2020.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate event. And you can afford more at home than in the same restaurant.

In small companies, it is worth giving preference to those New Year competitions that involve the inclusion of everyone present so that no one gets bored. And it’s not that difficult to place 5–7 people in one competition.

Take care of the prizes in advance. Even an adult wants to receive some kind of material proof of his victory. Let it be the most ordinary sweets, tangerines or simple souvenirs with the symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants can count who has collected the most prizes. This is also a lot of fun.

New Year's melody

For this competition you will need several identical bottles into which water is poured at different levels. It turns out to be peculiar musical instrument. The bottles are placed on the table, and guests are invited to use an ordinary spoon to perform any New Year's melody on these bottles. The winner is the one who, according to the general opinion, extracted the most similar melody.

Anecdote with a beard

Each person in the company takes turns telling a joke. If one of the others says that he knows this joke and really continues it, then the narrator is given a cotton beard. In the end, the one with the shortest “beard” wins. And the “bearded” one can be appointed Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition for the New Year. To do this, you will need to purchase a car fragrance in the shape of a Christmas tree in advance. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hidden somewhere in the room, and guests must find the item by smell.

Hold the snowflake

This competition will again require some cotton wool. You need to make some kind of small and light snowflake. It should be possible to hold it suspended by air flow. A snowflake is thrown up, and the participants must blow on it from below, preventing it from falling. The winner, naturally, is the one whose snowflake falls to the floor later.

New Year's gift

3 people can participate in this competition at the same time. The gender of the participants does not matter. One of the three is placed in the center of the room. It will be a New Year's gift. The other two are placed on opposite sides of the “gift” and blindfolded. One is given ribbons in his hands, he must tie bows on the gift by touch. The second one should also untie them by touch.


This competition is designed for a fairly warm company. A piece of paper that is long but not too wide is placed on the floor. A roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Next, women are asked to cross the “stream” without getting their feet wet, that is, to walk along its two banks with their legs spread wide apart. The first time women try to do this with their eyes open, the second time - with their eyes closed.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes the “stream”, the rest should be outside the room. When the woman finishes the test, but her eyes have not yet been untied, one of the men present lies down on the “stream”.

The woman's eyes are untied. She sees a man and, naturally, is embarrassed. The next woman is now invited to participate. The first one sees how the competition actually went, calms down and laughs.

In my pants

This is exactly the rare case when ordinary newspaper headlines can be useful. Journalists now compete especially zealously for originality. Cut out the most unexpected ones and put them in an envelope. Then this envelope is passed around in a circle. Each participant takes out one headline and says “and in my pants...” and reads the headline from the piece of paper he pulled out.

New Year's competitions for a small company in a restaurant

This case has its own characteristics. Funny competitions for the New Year in a restaurant can be quite moving, but not too much so as not to damage the furniture and dishes. Therefore, you should not involve everyone present in competitions at once. It is better to involve 2-3 people. Competitions are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can have fun even where there is no special agreement for this.

Congratulations in alphabetical order

Invite guests to take turns congratulating those gathered and making toasts, but not just like that, but in alphabetical order. The first one says a toast with the letter “a”, the second one with the letter “b” and so on. The fun part, naturally, begins towards the end of the alphabet, around the letters “th”, “s”, as well as hard and soft signs. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast turns out to be the most fun.

The original involves a competition with a fake, hand-drawn pie, on each piece of which predictions are written or drawn. So, a drawn penny portends wealth; the heart, of course, is love; envelope - news, news, and so on.

You can also hold a competition with a real pie, each piece of which contains such a prediction. Fortune telling and predictions are invariably successful. People always want to know what awaits them in the future. And even if the fortune telling is comic, it brings a lot of pleasure


An ideal competition for the New Year in a restaurant. Firstly, guests don’t have to get up anywhere, and secondly, it’s quite fun and interesting. Remind your guests of the plots of several famous fairy tales, invite them to choose one for themselves and retell it, but slightly changing the genre. It could be a detective story, a thriller, a romance novel. If desired, you can spend several rounds, changing tales and changing genres. In each round, the winner is the author of the most interesting version.

Two oxen

Two participants are selected. They stand with their backs to each other, and a rope tied in a ring is thrown over them in the manner of a harness. A chair or table with a prize is placed in front of each participant at a distance of several meters. The task of the participants is to outweigh their opponent and be the first to grab their prize.


For this cool competition for the new year you will need some delicate product: jelly, jellied meat, soufflé. The task of the participants is to eat their portion as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not require getting up from the table and is quite fun for both participants and spectators.


Another “sedentary” competition. Each participant is given a pen and paper, where he must write down all New Year's dishes, for example, starting with the letter “n”. When the lists are ready, the participants read them out one by one. The one whose list is longer wins.

This competition could be slightly modernized. Participants do not make preliminary lists, but simply name their dishes one by one. We can't repeat ourselves. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated. The last one standing wins. This competition is very good at awakening the appetite, and it is convenient to conduct it, for example, between appetizers and hot dishes.

New Year's competitions for corporate events

Corporate events usually involve the presence of a large number of people who barely know each other in one place. It is here that employees of different departments meet for the first time, who in ordinary life have no contact with each other, or are even at enmity. Therefore, competitions for New Year’s corporate parties should unobtrusively bring people together. Here team entertainment, pair competitions and the like are used.

Chief Accountant

Various banknotes in a variety of currencies are drawn randomly on the poster. Banknotes must be recognizable. The participants' task is to count the bills starting from the first and ending with the last. Moreover, all currencies must be counted simultaneously: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euros, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. The winner is the one who never gets lost.


Since a separate room is most often rented for corporate events, you can usually afford mobile competitions here. For the Diver competition you will need two pairs of fins and two binoculars. Participants go to the start in twos, put on fins, take binoculars and, looking through them from the back, try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. This is quite difficult, so you should not make the distance too long, and even more difficult, with big amount turning and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

The meaning is similar to the previous one. Participants place one foot in the bucket and hold it with their hand. They are given a mop in the second hand. Baba Yaga in a mortar with a broom is ready. It remains only to find out which of the two (three) is more agile and faster.


Team competitions are also good for New Year's corporate events. For example, the next one. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is given a ball. First, the teams discover a new planet, that is, they inflate the resulting balloon. And then they pick up markers and begin to populate this planet. That is, draw residents on the ball. When the allotted time ends, the presenter counts the inhabitants on both planets. The team with the largest population wins.

Damaged phone and Associations

Don't forget about the good old, time-tested games. For example, a damaged phone. Participants sit in a circle or in a chain, depending on the capabilities of the room. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers the hidden word into the neighbor’s ear. It is usually advised to do this quickly and indiscriminately. But in fact, no matter how you pronounce your word, there will be many people in a long chain who will hear it incorrectly. Whispering does not improve speech intelligibility. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final words.

The association game is not too different from telephone. In this case, the participants do not repeat the word they heard, but tell their neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - gifts - holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit fits

This competition is best held towards the end of the evening, when the guests are already slightly drunk, have gotten to know each other and are ready for some really fun competitions. Prepare a bag in advance with various funny clothes: felt boots, scarves, scarves, family pants, diapers for adults, quilted jackets, glasses with a mustache, and so on. Contestants are seated in a circle and a bag of clothes is passed around while music plays. When the music stops, the person who still has the bag, without looking, takes out one item from there and puts it on himself. The winner is declared to be the one wearing the least amount of “competition” clothing. However, by the end everyone looks cheerful.


The participants are again divided into two teams and given 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own colored balls. For example: red and blue. Letters are written on the balls with a marker so that the end result is the word “Snowman”.

You can make other words from these 8 balls. This is what the speed teams will do. The presenter asks questions, the answers to which can be laid out from the given letters. The team that completes the task faster earns a point. The team that scores more points than the opponent wins.

Paper dress

Participants participate in this competition in pairs. The man's task is to create a dress out of toilet paper for his female model. You can't use anything other than paper. But you can do whatever you want with it: twist it, plug it, tie it in a bow. The contestants retire to a separate room, then the girls come out and show off their outfits. Please note, the model must come out wearing THIS itself. The winners are chosen by the audience.

Winter is coming, which means it's time to think about how to properly prepare for the New Year. And it is important, in addition to the menu and outfits, to think through competitions for the New Year and entertainment, because they are the ones who will enliven the company, not let you get bored, and fill the holiday with joy and laughter.

Every home will soon begin to bustle, someone will rush to choose gifts for their loved ones, someone will go after the forest beauty to then decorate it with all kinds of ribbons, balls, bows, crackers and garlands, and someone will create the menu for the New Year's table. You also need to buy it in advance for family and friends.

All this is important, because the holidays do not include:

  • without a cheerful feast, where there are so many delicious dishes on the table that it is simply impossible not to try something;
  • without beautiful outfits, where everyone wants to emphasize the sophistication of their personal dress or suit;
  • without champagne, sparklers, heaps of gifts.

But what else is needed to ensure that the atmosphere is cheerful, cheerful, so that all guests and family members are in high spirits? It's simple - these are competitions, entertainment, jokes, jokes, riddles, songs and other attributes of a good mood.
We will tell the reader how you can create a holiday at home, how to organize relay races, games, quizzes and other entertainment that both adults and children will certainly enjoy.

Check it out with step by step photos.

New Year's games and entertainment for the New Year

Let's reveal a little secret. On a fabulous winter night, any adult, even the most strict and severe, dreams of returning to childhood, at least not for long, and feeling like a child. And since the night is magical, then this dream can come true. We bring to your attention cool entertainment for adults. Before we start having fun, we need to prepare a few useful things.

Attributes that will be useful for holiday competitions and games

— Balloons (a lot).
- Garlands, firecrackers, fireworks, sparklers.
— White sheets of paper and small stickers.
— Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, pens.
— Drawing of a snow castle (for a children's competition).
— Plastic cups.
— Large felt boots.
— Candies, fruits, sweets.
— Small gifts and souvenirs, preferably with the symbol of the year, the Rooster.
— Prepared poems, riddles, tongue twisters, songs and dances.
- Good mood.
When everything is collected and prepared, you can start playing and winning.

Games, various competitions on New Year's Eve for seniors

1. Games with family

Both children and adults can participate in the proposed games different ages and generations.

Competition "Forest fairy or Christmas tree"

When everyone had already eaten on New Year's Day, they relaxed. Having had a drink, it’s time to start games and entertainment so that the guests don’t get bored. We call two people who want to participate in the game. Everyone stands on a stool and tries to imitate a Christmas tree. Two more volunteers begin to decorate the tree, not with toys, but with whatever catches their eye first. The one who dresses up the most beautifully and originally wins. By the way, it is allowed to take attributes from guests, it can be anything - ties, clips, watches, hairpins, cufflinks, scarves, scarves, etc.

Offer your friends the entertaining game “New Year's Drawing”

All ages can participate here. Two heroes, whose hands were previously tied, standing with their backs to a stand with a sheet of paper, are asked to draw a symbol next year- A dog. You can use pencils and markers. Participants have the right to suggest - to the left, to the right, etc.

Game for big and small “Funny Caterpillar”

A funny and mischievous game for the New Year's feast. All participants line up like a train, that is, everyone grabs the waist of the person in front. The main presenter begins to tell that his caterpillar is trained and follows any commands.

If she needs to dance, she dances beautifully, if she needs to sing, she sings, and if the caterpillar wants to sleep, then she falls to the side, curls up her paws and snores. And so, the host begins to play disco music, to which everyone begins, without letting go of their neighbor’s waist, to dance, then you can sing karaoke or even while watching TV, and then sleep. The game is funny to tears, where everyone shows themselves in all their talents. Noise and din are guaranteed.

2. Competitions for adults at the holiday table

When the guests get tired of running and jumping and sit down to rest, we invite them to play without getting up.

Competition "Piggy Bank"

We choose a leader. He finds a jar, or any empty container. He passes it around in a circle, where everyone puts a coin or big money. Afterwards, the presenter secretly calculates how much money is in the jar and offers to guess how much money is in the piggy bank. The one who guesses correctly gets the contents at his disposal.

By the way, on a fabulous evening you can tell fortunes. Therefore, we have the following entertainment for adults:

Fortune Telling Game

To do this, we will prepare a lot of airy, multi-colored balloons in advance and put various humorous prophecies in them. For example, “Your constellation is under the influence of Queen Cleopatra, so all the years you will be charmingly beautiful” or “The President of New Guinea will come to visit you” and so on.

Each participant chooses a balloon, bursts it and reads his humorous note to those present. Everyone has fun, we celebrate New Year 2018 with games and entertainment, it will be remembered by everyone.

Game "Funny Adjectives"

Here the presenter tells all participants the adjectives they have prepared in advance, or writes them down on a piece of paper so that everyone can see. And after the words, in the sequence in which those sitting at the table call them, he places them in a specially prepared text. Words are added in the order in which they were pronounced. Here's a sample.

Adjectives - wonderful, ardent, unnecessary, stingy, drunk, wet, tasty, loud, banana, heroic, slippery, harmful.

Text:“Good night, most (wonderful) friends. On this (ardent) day, my (unnecessary) granddaughter Snegurka and I send you (stingy) greetings and congratulations on the Year of the Rooster. The year that remains behind us was (drunk) and (wet), but the next one will certainly turn out to be (tasty) and (loud). I would like to wish everyone (banana) health and (heroic) happiness, I will give (slippery) gifts when we meet. Always your (harmful) Grandfather Frost.” Something like this. The game will be a success for a slightly tipsy group, believe me!

The game will be called "Racer"

Great fun for the New Year. So, we borrow toy cars from the kids. On each of them we place a glass filled to the top with sparkling sparkling wine. The cars must be pulled carefully by the string, trying not to spill a drop. Whoever gets the machine first, and whoever drains the glass to the bottom first, is the winner.

The holiday is in full swing and you can try to move on to bold games for the most uninhibited participants.

3. Movement competitions for adults

We've eaten and drunk, it's time to get moving. Let's light up and play.

Competition "Clockwork Cockerel"

We call two participants to the Christmas tree. We tie their hands behind their backs, and put some fruit on the dish, say a tangerine or an apple, a banana. The task is to peel the fruit and eat it without touching it with your hands. Whoever did it faster won. The winner is given a souvenir as a keepsake.

Competition "Clothespins"

Two wonderful participants are needed here. We blindfold the young ladies and, to the music, we force them to remove from Santa Claus all the clothespins that were previously put on him. In chorus we count the removed clothespins; whoever has the most wins. Clothespins can be attached to the most unexpected places. But keep in mind, this is not a game for the shy.

Game "Hat"

Everyone can participate. What is the essence of the game: pass the hat to each other, without hands, and the one who drops it tries to put it on his neighbor’s head, also without using his hands.

Game "Sobriety Test"

We continue the list of New Year's competitions and entertainment and next in line funny game. Two participants must lift the matchbox with matches held in their hands. Or another test. We hand everyone a piece of paper with a tongue twister written on it. The one who pronounces the verse faster and more clearly wins. An incentive souvenir is required.

Check out more that will amuse your friends and little guests.

Games and competitions for young children and schoolchildren

Children come in different ages, so we have specially prepared entertainment for both toddlers and older children, school age so that everything is exciting and interesting on this magical New Year's Eve. By the way, you can dress up children in costumes of fairy-tale characters and hold a competition for the best costume or a “Guessing” competition. If there are many children, let each participant guess the costume of the previous one. Distribute sweets and fruits to everyone.

Competitions and games for the little ones

    • 1. Competition "Snow Queen".
      We prepare for it in advance, prepare a small drawing of a snow castle and a lot of plastic cups. We show the kids the drawing, let them remember it well, then we hide it. The task itself: create a castle from plastic cups Snow Queen, such as was shown in the figure. The fastest and most accurate child wins a prize.
    • 2. Game "Forest Beauty and Santa Claus"
      The children make a circle, holding hands and tell what kind of Christmas trees there are. Afterwards, everyone depicts what they said.
    • 3. Let's play New Year's theater
      If the children came to carnival costumes, then let everyone play the role of the one in whose guise he came. If he can’t, ask him to sing a song or recite a poem. A gift is required for every child.
    • 4. Guessing game. The leader of the children begins to pronounce synonyms denoting a fairy-tale hero or the first words of his name, for example, Snezhnaya..., Ugly..., Red Santa Claus..., Princess..., Koschey..., Ivan..., Nightingale..., A man in the prime of life... and so on, and the kids continue. It will be even more interesting if children can portray these heroes.

New Year competitions for schoolchildren

Older children love to have fun, and they also like to receive gifts and delicious candies. Play these fun games with them and reward each with a memorable prize.

  • 1. Game "Felt boots". We put it under the tree big size felt boots. The winner will be the one who runs around the coniferous tree faster and fits into his felt boots.
  • 2. Game “With signs”. When a child or adult enters the house, we will attach a paper to his back with the inscription - giraffe, hippopotamus, proud eagle, bulldozer, cucumber, tomato, rolling pin, bread slicer, washcloth, candy, Velcro, etc. Each guest walks around and sees what is written on the other’s back, but does not see what is written on his. What is the task, to find out, without asking a direct question, what is written on the back, only “yes” and “no”.
  • 3. Game “harvesting”. We put clean fruits, sweets and other goodies in a vase. We give a start, the children run and grab sweets from the bowl with their mouths, whoever gets the most is the winner.
  • 4. Competition "New Year's song". Children remember New Year's songs from cartoons and films; whoever remembers the most wins.

— don’t miss the opportunity to make something unusual and original with your own hands, please your loved ones!

New Year's competitions for adults and children at the table

Competition "Whose ball is bigger"

This competition will be interesting for both adults and children. Guests need to be given a balloon and as soon as the signal is given, everyone should start inflating it. Whoever's forward bursts, that player leaves the game. The one who ends up with the most ball wins.


This competition will also appeal to the older generation. For an organized competition, you need a presenter who will throw a wand in a circle. This needs to be done to the music, and whoever it ends on performs the ditty. Whoever performs the most interesting and funny ditty will receive a prize.

I love - I don’t love

This entertainment will bring you laughter and joy. All participants must say what they like and dislike about their neighbor at the table. For example: I love my neighbor’s cheeks on the left, but I don’t like his hands. And this participant must kiss what he loves and bite what he does not like.

Wishing Ball

We write wishes and tasks on pieces of paper in advance. During the feast, everyone chooses a ball for themselves, and must burst it without using their hands. What the participant gets is what he must do. Fun depends on imagination.

A cheerful and joyful mood depends on cheerful, cheerful people. Fortune telling will also be fun on New Year's Eve.

Let's tell fortunes on paper

We take strips of paper, write down questions that interest us, our desires. Place everything in a wide bowl and pour in water. That piece of paper that will float to the top and will be a positive answer or the fulfillment of a wish.

Invent, play, have fun - and your holiday will remain in memory for a long time, and the New Year 2020 will bring you good luck!

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 6 minutes


New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and happy holiday- competitions for the New Year. They unite and force event participants to be active.

Some competitions are of a gaming nature, others are for ingenuity, others are for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic competitions that are suitable for relaxed people.

If you want to New Year's celebration will be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting competitions in the New Year's program. The photographs taken during the process will remind you of this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I suggest 6 fun competitions. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, and make the holiday group more active.

  1. “New Year's fishing”. You will need Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool, a fishing rod with big hook. Participants in the competition will have to take turns hanging New Year's toys on the street, and then remove them. The one who completes the task faster than others will win.
  2. “Funny drawings”. On a large piece of cardboard, make two holes for the arms. Players will have to draw the Snow Maiden or Father Frost with a brush by putting their hands through the holes. They can't see what they're drawing. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. “Frosty Breath”. In front of each participant, place a large snowflake cut out of paper on the table. The task of each participant is to blow away a snowflake so that it falls on the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The player who takes the longest to complete the task wins. It was all due to his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake “frozen” to the surface of the table.
  4. “Dish of the Year”. Participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's salad composition or a unique sandwich will do. Afterwards, a man sits in front of each participant, and all players are blindfolded. The “New Year's hostess” who feeds the dish to the man the fastest will win.
  5. “New Year's melody”. Place bottles and a couple of spoons in front of the competition participants. They must take turns approaching the bottles and sing a melody with their spoons. The winner is the author of the most New Year's musical composition.
  6. “Modern Snow Maiden”. Men participating in the competition dress up women to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, New Year's toys, all kinds of cosmetics. Victory will go to the “stylist” who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, come up with good competition you can do it yourself. The main thing is to make it fun and bring smiles to the faces of participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year competitions for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, includes short dance breaks, mass games and various competitions.

The New Year's celebration is aimed at a mixed audience, so New Year's competitions choose ones that everyone can participate in. After a half-hour feast, offer guests several musical and active competitions. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they returned to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting competitions for children and adults. I'm sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year's Eve entertainment program.

  1. “Christmas trees”. Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the Christmas trees are tall, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their arms, squat or spread their arms. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.
  2. “Dress up the Christmas tree.” You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. Male representatives decorate the Christmas tree, holding the second end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who creates an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. “Mummy”. The competition involves the use of toilet paper. Participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the “lucky” guy toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples participate. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two you will have two free hands. Afterwards the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant holds the paper, the second wields scissors. The team that makes the most wins beautiful figure.
  5. "Tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever got there first won. Afterwards, participants are offered a rematch blindfolded. Instead of money, they put a tomato on the chair. The surprise of the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by holidays, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games will come in handy for children.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images And festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even a simple group game will be exciting if you play with a friendly group. Children will especially enjoy the competitions, the victory of which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. “Tiger Tail”. Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first person in line is the head of the tiger. Closing the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” strives to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” must remain in the coupling. After some time, the children change places.
  2. “Merry round dance”. An ordinary round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several circles, lead the round dance like a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Journey" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins in a “snake” pattern in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members knock down the fewest pins wins the game.
  4. “Compliment to the Snow Maiden”. Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite several boys who will compliment her. They have to take out pieces of paper with inscriptions from the bag and, based on the words written on them, express “warm words”. The winner is the player who voiced greatest number compliments.
  5. “Magic words”. Participants are divided into teams and given a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story that the presenter is reading, there are words from these letters. When such a word is heard, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and line up in the required order. The team that is ahead of its opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed". Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. Then the children leave the room. Several toys are re-hung or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. “Gift in a circle”. Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. Afterwards the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant left who will receive this souvenir.

Videos of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task; it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect simple objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. You will need some free time.

  1. “Christmas balls with fabric applique”. To Christmas tree has become stylish and original, it is not necessary to purchase expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out identical motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric and paste them onto the surface of the balls.
  2. Christmas tree decoration from orange". You will need a few oranges, a beautiful fancy ribbon, a cute rope, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and place them in the oven to dry. Tie a cinnamon stick with a string and tie it to an orange slice. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to a loop.

Amazing snowflake

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen playful snowflakes.

  1. Use scissors to trim the ends of the toothpick. Use a paper cutter to make a small cut in the middle of one edge of the toothpick. You will get the main tool.
  2. Make several paper blanks. The width of the strip is around three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. edge paper strip Carefully insert into the slot on the toothpick and twist into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as even as possible. Remove the spiral and place it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press the end lightly. You will get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many similar elements as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving it a certain shape. This is how not only circles are created, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the required number of elements, begin to form the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal investment of time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandparents, aunties and parents will gather in one house. You need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help with this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member is assigned to write a short congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear warm words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.


  1. Each family has certain traditions and customs for celebrating the New Year. Some go out and set off fireworks, others visit the main square, others stay at home and exchange gifts.
  2. Family traditions must be followed. It brings back childhood memories when parents tried to arrange New Year's tale.
  3. Family New Year is a real holiday of love, at this moment we are surrounded by close people, a joyful and calm atmosphere reigns in the house.
  4. This evening, give your family members as much laughter and joy as possible.

New Year is a holiday when you shouldn’t limit yourself to boundaries. On the contrary, let your imagination run wild and give it the opportunity to run wild. In this case, you will get an unusual holiday, a real feast with games, dancing, fun, and delicious cake.

Good luck in the coming year and don’t forget to buy your loved ones new Year gifts. Don't chase expensive things. Let them be cheaper, but from the heart. See you!

1. “Creative competition»

Notes with words on a New Year's theme are passed around in a hat. For example, snow, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, snowman, etc. Each participant must sing a song or recite a poem in which the word from his note appears.

2. « Who is faster? »

The host puts a prize under the tree. Two players put on felt boots, the larger the size, the better. At a signal, participants run around the tree from different sides. Whoever is faster wins the prize.

3. « The prize is by touch »

Blindfolded and wearing warm mittens, you need to identify the object by touch. The correct item is given to the participant as a prize.

4. « Find the candy »

A bowl of flour is placed in front of the participant. The condition is to get out the candy “buried” in the flour without using your hands.

5. « Get an apple »

The competition is similar to the previous one. Only instead of flour and candy - water and an apple.

6. « Collect snowballs »

The presenter lays out “snowballs” on the floor - lumps of white paper or cotton wool. Participants are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect “snowballs”. The one who collects the most wins.

7. « Who has more? »

In a minute you need to put on as many things as possible, prepared in advance. Whoever put on the most wins

8. « Fly-fly »

The presenter throws up a “snowflake” made of cotton wool. The participants' task is to blow on the snowflake so that it does not fall. The one who manages to keep the snowflake in the air the longest wins.

9. « Discoverers »

Each player is dealt balloon and the marker and offer to discover a new planet. To do this, you need to inflate your balloon within a certain time and draw “residents” on it. Whoever has more residents wins.

10. « Take it »

Two people participate in the competition. A chair is placed between them. A prize is placed on it, for example a chocolate bar. Whoever puts his hand on the prize faster, according to the presenter’s gesture, gets it.

11. « Pop the ball »

A ball is placed in front of each player and they are blindfolded. Task: burst the balloon with your foot. For adults, the task can be “complicated” - remove the balls.

12. « Mask »

The presenter puts a mask on the participant so that he cannot see it. The player, using various questions, tries to guess whose mask this is. You can only answer: yes and no. Anyone who guesses correctly will receive a mask as a gift.

13. « Who's the odd one out? »

Six snowflakes are laid out in a circle on the floor. Seven players run around them to the music. As soon as the music stops, each participant must take a snowflake for themselves. The one who is the odd one out is eliminated. The game is repeated until one winner remains.

14. « Winders »

A prize is tied in the middle of the length of the rope, and pencils are tied to the ends.

On command, players begin to wind the rope around the pencils. Whoever gets to the prize first takes it.

15. « Transfusions"

Another competition for speed and agility. Each player has two glasses - empty and full. The participants' task is to use a straw to pour water from one container to another.