What can you give to the school to former graduates?  Gifts for children for kindergarten graduation: fresh ideas and tips

What can you give to the school to former graduates? Gifts for children for kindergarten graduation: fresh ideas and tips

Ending kindergarten means the beginning adult life for a child. The graduate enters first grade and has new responsibilities. How well a child will do in school depends on how well adults can motivate him. And so that the school evokes in the future first-grader positive emotions, he should be encouraged by carefully considering what gifts to give for the graduation party.

The last matinee in kindergarten is a special event that is remembered by every child. There can be many options for holiday gifts. The event should evoke positive emotions not only in children, but also in parents. Therefore, all issues regarding graduation should be resolved in advance at the meeting, given that the budgets of individual families differ significantly. The gifts you purchase should be memorable and at the same time inexpensive.

Many parents, as can be seen from reviews on the Internet, collectively decide to give their children some school supplies. It is important that the gifts are the same for everyone. The only thing that may differ is the theme for boys and girls. Suitable ones would be:

  • album and colored pencils;
  • textbook stand;
  • paints;
  • pencil case;
  • set of colored pens, etc.

We had a lot of debates and proposals regarding graduation gifts for children. They offered globes, wristwatches, microscopes, and even mobile phones, but they still settled on filled pencil cases. I think this is the best option.

Oksana Minakova


Video: gift for kindergarten graduate

Do I need to make memorable gifts?

For graduation, it would be a good idea to prepare gifts that, in a few years, will be able to remind grown-up children of the years spent in kindergarten. Great option will become a photo album with original design. To create it, a professional photographer is invited, who selects interesting subjects for shooting and does a really high-quality job.

Another memorable gift is a disc with a video “One day in the life of the group.” Parents will be able to see how their children behave in their absence. And in a few years, the children themselves will be interested in remembering the time spent in kindergarten.

You can choose other inexpensive keepsakes:

  • alumni badges;
  • certificates with comic nominations (“The fairest boy,” “The bluest-eyed girl,” “Mr. Fidget,” etc.);
  • medals with the child’s first and last name;
  • alumni ribbons.

A graduate's folder will be an original gift. It will contain the most striking drawings and crafts of the child, which he created throughout the year in kindergarten. And on the title page the teacher writes what the child wants to become in the future.

Gifts from parents for kindergarten graduation

If group gifts should be inexpensive and the same for all children, then at home parents are not limited in expressing their imagination and act to the best of their financial capabilities. All gifts that can be presented to a future first-grader are divided into several categories.

School theme: necessary and interesting kits

Parents can give their future student everything they need for their studies. It’s not bad if you manage to go shopping for office supplies with your child, and he can choose a pencil case, backpack, notebooks and pens to suit his taste. An excellent gift from relatives would be gift Certificate to a children's goods store.

Examples of other school-themed gifts:

  • an original alarm clock so that the first grader is not late for lessons;
  • a wristwatch to make the child feel like an adult;
  • table lamp with different modes;
  • tie or bow tie school uniform for boy;
  • hair decoration to match a school uniform for a girl;
  • globe;
  • a set of notebooks with beautiful covers;
  • bag for shoes.

A good but expensive gift for graduation in kindergarten can be a desktop computer, which, if used wisely, will allow the child to develop and learn to correctly filter information thanks to Internet access.

Gifts based on the interests of preschoolers

Each child is an individual with his own talents and hobbies. This should be taken into account when choosing a gift for the end of kindergarten. If a boy plays football, it is appropriate to give him a quality uniform and ball. For a little researcher, you can choose a microscope. Does the girl like to sew for dolls? Then the best surprise for her will be sewing machine. Presentations of interest may also include:

  • hobby kits (modelling, embroidery, assembling car models, construction sets, etc.);
  • sets for creativity (brushes, albums, colored paper, paints);
  • educational board games;
  • sets “Young Chemist”, “Young Physicist”, etc.

Consider your child's interests when buying him a gift for graduation from kindergarten

What educational gifts to give to boys and girls

This category contains gifts that will not only be interesting to children, but will also be able to teach them something new. A good option would be the board games “Scrabble”, “Soon to School”, “Our City”. They can be used to make family evenings fun. Also suitable:

  • interactive posters on various topics (mathematics, foreign language, animals, cities and countries, etc.);
  • educational tablets.

Encyclopedia or personalized book for an inquisitive child

A useful gift for a future first-grader will be a large encyclopedia dedicated to cities and countries, various animals, other peoples - there are many topics. This bright book with large letters and colorful images will encourage your child to read.

With a colorful book, your child will quickly learn to read.

You can also give your baby a personalized or personalized book. This is a special edition, created to order in a single copy. An interesting fairy tale will be described here, the main character of which will be a future first-grader. Thanks to this gift, the child will be able to learn about true friendship, understand what is good and what is bad.

As a gift for a graduation party in kindergarten, you can choose any children's book with large letters, which the child will soon be able to read on his own.

Original do-it-yourself surprises

In order to please a future first-grader, large financial investments are not needed. Parents can make original and useful gifts with their own hands. A good option would be an organizer for school supplies. To make it, you need to prepare in advance:

  • two plastic containers (can be used for food) with a diameter of 10 cm and 20 cm;
  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

The organizer is very simple to implement.

  1. A container with a smaller diameter should be 5–7 cm higher than a container with a larger diameter. The excess must be cut off.
  2. Both containers need to be covered with wrapping paper.
  3. The smaller container is installed in the center of the larger one and fixed with glue. The organizer is ready!

The child will be even more delighted with such a gift if the organizer is filled with brand new stationery (scissors, felt-tip pens, colored pens).

Graduation celebrations in modern children they occur very often (it’s good that not every year). At least 4 times: graduation from kindergarten, from primary school, from high school, and, of course, from high school, that is, from school in general. And since there is graduation (that is holiday), which means we need gifts.

What to give to children? This is a question of questions... Especially when you consider that children are all different (and we don’t even have to talk about parents), and gifts are assumed to be the same. And besides, I want the gift to be useful, necessary, interesting, was remembered by the child for the rest of his life and, of course, was in demand by him. Unreal? Maybe yes, maybe not...

Today I will share my experience and express my thoughts on this matter. And you will complement or refute them. Agreed? In general, let's try to create together list of the best gifts for children for all possible graduations(and along the way another list of what no need to give as a gift). And then we will use this list for many, many years to come.

So, my personal kindergarten graduation(back in the last century). We were given a metal construction set with screws. A gift of high quality, expensive, useful, and probably not very easy to “get” in an era of scarcity. But I didn’t like it at all then (although now, as a parent, I would probably support such a gift idea for children). My older brother was delighted with this construction set and collected a lot of interesting things from it. And over all these years the set has been in almost no demand. What I mean is that it would be good to give gifts separately for boys, separately for girls.

The most successful graduation in terms of gifts, in my opinion, was my eldest son’s kindergarten graduation. The majority of children were given globes (by the way, in my opinion, this is something that should not be given if the child is not passionate about geography, travel, etc., this gift is very cumbersome in case of unclaimed uselessness). We already had a globe (mine from childhood, by the way, which I had repeatedly requested), so we were allowed to choose a gift for ourselves and wrap it in the same type of wrapping paper, like everyone else. The photo shows that at least three people from the group are standing with non-standard, individual gifts.

It looked quite good (and no one was offended, by the way). We gave our son an electronic “Connoisseur”, we gave one girl a good encyclopedia about animals, which she was incredibly keen on and interested in, and the second girl I don’t even know what they gave her, probably something interesting and something she needed. All in all, personalized gifts- this is very a good option! And if you also want it to look good (“even”), invite each parent to choose a thick A4 book for their child and pack these books in the same bright paper, business cards or postcards with names are glued on top (so as not to confuse the gifts) and everyone can be happy.

By the way, my eldest son was given a globe for his graduation from elementary school. Moreover, the globe of the starry sky. So there are now even two globes in Igrudom... (And you say “toys”)

Another acceptable option (this happened at my middle child’s, eldest daughter’s, kindergarten graduation): inexpensive book (up to 100 rubles) like an anthology for extracurricular reading in 1st grade. We had something like that.

This option is good for its minimal size (a crowded bookcase will thank you) and low price. Doesn't fit - we give it as a gift school library or whoever needs it more. True, in this case there is no memento from the kindergarten...

At her graduation from elementary school, my eldest daughter was given a beautiful photo album (with photographs of teachers and students) and huge soap bubbles. Cheap and effective. The children were happy.

Now my youngest daughter’s graduation from kindergarten is approaching and I’m very worried about the gift (although, to be honest, not very much anymore, since I’ve already saved my own gift to please my child). I tried to participate in the discussion of gift options with the parent committee, but all my suggestions did not find a response from “ordinary” parents (“oh, not a construction set, mine will have parts lying around everywhere” - this was a phrase from the series “we already have a construction set, give me something else"). offered do not give encyclopedias like “everything about everything”(it’s cumbersome, such publications usually contain a pile of useless facts and generally “gallop across Europe”, and if you take highly specialized encyclopedias, it’s difficult to choose a topic that will interest absolutely all children, well, we personally already have all the best of the interesting encyclopedias). The objections to this were: “No, we definitely need a book, preferably a thick one, so that it will be useful later at school and on which teachers can sign with wishes for the children.” Mosaics and creative kits were rejected as “for little ones.” I offered books from the “” series, indicating places where I could buy them cheaper (judging by the fact that they didn’t contact me, this proposal was also rejected)... And in one of the kindergartens they gave just such books to children. There are smart parents!

In general, I don’t even know what awaits us in a couple of weeks. I will definitely report on the results.

So, let's start creating two lists.

It would be nice to give:

1. E-book quiz.

2. An individual book for everyone.

3. Photo album with captured moments from the life of the class (excursions, holidays, joint trips and birthdays).

4. T-shirt with a class photo (or colored handprints, autographs of classmates and teachers).

5. Graduate medal (on a ribbon, metal or plastic for durability, with the graduate’s first and last name, kindergarten or school number and graduation date).

No need to give!!!

1. Something that one of the parents categorically refuses (or allow them to buy an individual gift for their child).

2. Globe.

3. Readers (especially with terrible pictures of modern pseudo-artists) or encyclopedias of the “everything about everything” type.

What options do you have? Please tell us about successful and unsuccessful gifts. About those gifts that you dreamed of, but didn’t work out. Well, about all the interesting thoughts on this matter.

Graduation in kindergarten is a special event that is remembered for a lifetime by the child, his parents, and the teaching staff. There should be a lot of gifts, surprises, and presents at this holiday. Carrying out this graduation involves drawing up a unique program, decorating the formal hall, choosing a menu, table decor, music, light and sound (an atmosphere emphasizing the solemnity and importance of the holiday). Various gifts should be given to kindergarten graduates. What criteria exist for choosing a gift for a kindergarten graduate? It should be something tangible, interesting, memorable, useful (for a long time). It is important to note that the child should like the gift.

Gift ideas collected from parents' reviews on the Internet

Gift albums, which colorfully depict the life of children in kindergarten, have become a popular trend over the past couple of years. A photographer is invited in advance to capture the everyday behavior of the children in the kindergarten, how they eat, sleep, play, and study. Then an individual album is compiled for each child, with one large portrait, one group photo and various non-staged photographs. Such an album costs an average of 1,500 rubles per piece.

One more an original gift Fairy tales about class have become very popular lately. Such a book is ordered from special publishing houses on the Internet. Photos of the children and names are sent, and then all that remains is to pick up the books at the local post office and distribute them to the children at graduation. You are guaranteed the delighted eyes of the guys. And most importantly, this is not a hackneyed, not an ordinary graduation gift. Here Here You can look at these books in more detail and place an order.

Practical gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Sets for creativity (brushes, paints, 3-D pens, albums, decoupage, sets for applique, burning, tricks).
  2. Kits for chemical experiments (for growing crystals, creating a tornado or volcano, children's microscopes).
  3. School supplies. This includes a pencil case, pencils, notebooks, pens, rulers, encyclopedias, as well as a board with magnets and markers. This may include an organizer, diaries, backpacks, folders, extracurricular reading books, a globe, and markers.
  4. Collections of fairy tales, children's stories, poems.
  5. Board and educational games.
  6. Designers.
  7. Chess.
  8. Puzzles.
  9. Card and logic games.
  10. Hobby kits: for embroidery, modeling.

Original gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Sports equipment (balls, hoops, masks for swimmers, badminton or tennis sets, pool set, children's punching bags).
  2. Games of badminton or tennis.
  3. Flying saucer games.
  4. T-shirts with a cool inscription and a photo of the band.
  5. Caps with a collective photograph of the group, symbols of the kindergarten.
  6. Roller Skates.
  7. Table lamps with different operating modes.
  8. Night lights “Starry Sky”.
  9. Travel books.
  10. Spyglass.
  11. Binoculars.
  12. Puzzles with photos of kindergarten friends.
  13. Pillows, large wall calendars with a photo of the band and a cool inscription.
  14. Gift certificate to children's store, amusement park, water park, zoo, circus.
  15. Excursion to another city.
  16. Picnic in nature.
  17. Go to the entertainment center.
  18. Passing quests.
  19. Fruit palms.
  20. Chocolate fountain.
  21. Puppets.
  22. Boys - beautiful ties, girls - luxurious hair bows.
  23. Trolleybus or bus parties.

Stylish gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Umbrellas.
  2. Wrist watch.
  3. Alarm clocks with interesting prints (sports, space, nature, animals, cartoon characters).

Additions to any of the graduate gifts listed are required. Which?

— Balloon figures.

— Certificates of honor, diplomas, “Best Graduate” medals.

- Goodies.

— Memorable albums, photos and videos that you can view on family evenings.

— Fortune cookies, candies, as well as marshmallows, cakes, pastries, ordered from a pastry shop. But juices, lemonade, popcorn (puffed corn) are also included here.

— Animators.

— Performances by artists that children like.

- Girls - puppet theaters, robots - dogs. For boys

- a car, an airplane, as well as a ship, a radio-controlled boat.

— Congratulations from your loved one cartoon character, addressed to a specific child graduate (it is better to print the text “congratulations” in the style of a cartoon character).

— Transformation using low-fat, water-based paints.

Bubble, soap bubbles show.

— Everything you need for playgrounds.

But each kindergarten has its own traditions. Parents often consult with teachers (about choosing a gift). Some surprises require beautiful packaging (a shiny bow, bright wrapping paper). Kindergarten teachers and parents have one goal – the health and development of the child (educational responsibilities). They should always go towards this goal (after all, they love children).

Give the video operator this idea...

Any graduate, leaving school, understands that an entire stage of life has ended. And although young men and women have a long-awaited adult life ahead of them, it is always a little sad to part with classmates and teachers.

For teachers, graduation is also a significant event. Therefore, on this day it is customary to give memorable gifts. The funnier and more original they are, the brighter the memories of the time spent within the walls of the school will be.

Presents for teachers

When thinking over the idea of ​​gifts for subject teachers for graduation, you need to be guided by the fact that the gifts should be fun, useful and... Here are some options:

  1. Tablets or e-readers from popular manufacturers. The gift must be accompanied by the entire set of receipts and documents for the product in case warranty repairs are necessary. And set a group photo of the class or another picture, for example, on the screen as a screensaver. The main thing is that the screensaver is fun. When making fun of a teacher, you cannot cross the line when a good joke becomes offensive.
  2. famous brands. You can add a stand to it with and. When making such a gift, insert a class photo into the frame, and put a memorable engraving on the handle or stand. Here are some great options:
  3. A rare exotic flower would be a cool graduation gift for a teacher who breeds home flowers. A good design for it would be a commemorative inscription or photograph printed on a flower pot using screen printing.
  4. Another option for the unexpected and useful gift there will be a pointer made of good wood, decorated with carvings or inlays. We must not forget about the dedicatory inscription.
  5. /T-shirt/fabric bag with printed images of students will also please your favorite teacher.
  6. Knowing about the teacher’s passion for this or that hobby, you can choose an appropriate gift. These could be collectibles,...
  7. A handmade gift can be an excellent creative surprise from children. The list of such products is endless, it all depends on the ingenuity of the guys. For example, a wall poster with funny photos or a knitted personalized sweater, a poem or song dedicated to the teacher.

What can a teacher give to yesterday's schoolchildren?

It’s nice to receive gifts not only for the teacher, but also for the children. Many schools have begun to practice awarding cool gifts graduates from class teachers. It is clear that in terms of cost they cannot be compared with gifts for teachers, but in terms of significance they may well compete:

From parents to children

Offering ideas for cool gifts for school graduates, we will consider options for grades 9 and 11.

Not every family’s budget allows them to purchase an expensive gift for a child who has graduated from the 9th grade. However, by using your imagination, you can come up with a necessary and creative present.

Usually, for children, finishing 9th grade is a symbolic, intermediate stage. Therefore, the main thing here is not the cost of the gift, but the attention of the parents. To keep your child happy, the following are perfect:

A gift for an 11th grade graduate should not only be more fun, but also more expensive and solid. After all, what is left behind is not just 11 years of a clear, stable life, but also 11 years of study, efforts, experiences and preparation for an adult future. Here are examples of the most relevant and useful presentations:

  • bank account;
  • trip to a foreign resort;
  • certificates for educational courses.

The gift must be personalized, and it must be presented from the heart.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Among the most important holidays in life, the first for a child is, of course, school graduation. And that's all loving parents They prepare gifts for their grown-up children in May-June - to the best of their strength, capabilities and imagination. It’s more difficult to please modern children than it was 10-20 years ago, but you still can’t do without a memorable gift - the child deserves it! Here are the most current graduation gifts for boys and girls.

10 Best Gifts for Your Daughter's Graduation

  • Decorations

Most often, parents purchase a gold chain with a cross, a ring, a thin bracelet or earrings. The choice of jewelry today is very wide - you can choose a gift for any budget. The price of a gold chain is about 2500-12000 rubles.

  • Trip to the sea

Well, will a girl refuse to rest after 11 years of harsh school life on the coast? Of course not! Did you deserve it? She deserved it. True, send her to splendid isolation It's still too early. It will be better if, for example, her mother or friend goes with her. Cost - from 2000 rubles/day.

  • School album in digital form

That is, a modern digital frame into which parents will carefully upload their daughter’s school photographs - from 1st grade to graduation. An excellent memorable gift - at long years. average price— 1500-8000 rub.

  • Certificate for SPA salon

Any young girl will be delighted with this present. A whole range of pleasures in one certificate! , pedicure, massage, body wraps, etc. Based on the wishes of the child (you know better what your daughter needs). The average price is from 1500-2500 rubles and... ad infinitum.

  • Photoshoot

Feeling the center of attention is only half the joy of a gift. After all, all girls, without exception, dream of a professional photo shoot. Give your child joy. Moreover, your wallet will not be too empty from this gift. Costs for 1 photo session will be 1000-1500 per hour. This is if you count it together with printing photos and the work of a makeup artist.

  • Watch

We don’t look at the omen (after all, we can take a pretty penny from our daughter and calm our conscience) - we choose a fashionable and stylish watch. For example, Casio G-Shock. The average price is from 4000-6000 rubles. Or Armani (for wealthy parents). The average price is from 15,000-20,000 rubles. However, you can limit yourself to replicas (exact copies), if funds do not allow.

  • Laptop

Well, where would we be without it in our time, when almost everything is on the Internet today - friends from afar, work, paying bills and even wallets. Moreover, this gift will become simply irreplaceable for future student life. Average price - from 15,000 rubles.

  • Real school album

That is, bound, with real photographs. You can order it from professionals, and choose the photo yourself from your home “folders” on your computer. Many parents can boast of long-forgotten folders on their computer with photographs of their child sitting down at a desk for the first time, taking an exam for the first time, celebrating a birthday with friends, etc. It’s time to pull out these memories and put them in an album. Autographs from classmates, cartoons, funny inscriptions are welcome! The average price of the album itself will not exceed 3,000 rubles (unless you encrust it with precious stones).

  • EBook

Of course, today you can read on both a tablet and a smartphone. But a highly specialized device is more preferable. Firstly, the weight is different. Secondly, there is less strain on the eyes. Thirdly, longer battery life. It is better to choose books with an additional card, the ability to read all text formats and listen to audio formats. The average price of such a reader is from 6,000 rubles.

  • Personal deposit

Why not? Time to grow up! As for what to do with the amount in the account, let the child decide for himself. Should I spend it right away or save up “capital” for the future? The gift is serious and solid.

What to give your son for graduation - 10 original gifts

It's much more difficult with boys. You can’t give them either jewelry or a certificate to the spa.

How can I please my son?

  • GoPro camera

The dream of many boys. And far from boys anymore. Why, every second person dreams of such a useful thing! One of the most advanced and powerful cameras in the world. You can even take pictures with it underwater! The average cost is from 30,000 rubles.

  • Laptop

Not only girls will need this thing in adulthood. If your son is still spoiling his eyesight near an old desktop PC or “breaking” his dad’s tiny netbook, it’s time to make your child happy with his own high-quality computer. Price - from 15,000 rubles.

  • Automobile!

Of course this is a joke. The child must earn money for the car himself. Only in this case will he become truly desirable and joyful. And not the best moment - buying a car for an 18-year-old boy - in terms of education. But you can help your child get a license. Give him the opportunity to attend a driving school. The cost of training is about 30,000 rubles.

  • Certificate for the purchase of sporting goods

If your son is an athlete, then the gift will be very helpful. Perhaps the child has long dreamed of a mountain bike or. Or o - a fan of hiking and dreams of new and complete travel equipment. Give your son a certificate and let him choose for himself. The price of the certificate depends on your wallet - for 3,000, for 10,000 rubles. etc.

  • Subscription to Gym

Not every graduate can boast of their own earnings. But almost all boys go to the gym (or want to go). Therefore, such a gift will definitely not be superfluous. The average price will depend on the region and visiting schedule. The most profitable (and more practical) is an unlimited subscription.

  • Journey

Has your son always wanted to see the pyramids of Egypt? Or go around the Crimean mountains with a backpack? Or go on a tour of Europe? There is a reason for a gift! Based on a week's vacation, the tour will cost from 20,000 rubles. In Crimea it’s cheaper, closer and more interesting, but more dangerous: after all, even a trip through the mountains without parents is not a walk in the park. Even if there are friends nearby. But there is a way out here too - you can purchase a mountain tour in advance. That is, with a guide, food, comfortable overnight stays and compliance with all safety rules. There are enough such guides (wild tourism) in Crimea. There are usually no dissatisfied people. And the prices will be lower than when traveling to Europe.

  • Mobile phone

Here the choice is up to the parents. The capabilities of phones are changing rapidly, and even a phone bought a couple of years ago is already unfashionable and “old”. If you have enough money to please your child with a new product, why not? The average price depends on the model (usually from 20,000 rubles and above).

  • Concert tickets

Your son will be especially pleased if it is a ticket to a concert of his favorite band. If you good parents, then you can easily determine the group. The main thing is that her concert in your city takes place not in a year, but in the near future. Although you can buy your son a ticket to the city where musicians perform - book a hotel for a couple of days and send the child to enjoy life. How much money is needed depends on the group and the place where it performs.

  • Safe piggy bank

Every growing child has the right to privacy. Let your son have his own safe - after all, he needs somewhere to hide from you the notes of his beloved girl, his record book and other purely personal things. And as starting capital, you can put an envelope with money in the safe. The price of a good safe is from 10,000 rubles.

  • Studying at a university

Who said that parents are required to pay for tuition? Not everyone has this opportunity. And for educational purposes this is completely harmful. The child must strive to enter using his own mind and strength. But if he has a dream - to enter a certain university, and there is an exclusively commercial basis, and you just have the opportunity to make such a gift - then it will be symbolic and generous. Such a gift will devastate you by $1500-6500/year.