The baby often shudders and gets scared.  A child is afraid of loud sounds and noise: reasons for fear and advice from a psychologist

The baby often shudders and gets scared. A child is afraid of loud sounds and noise: reasons for fear and advice from a psychologist

Fright and fear are among normal phenomena for every person. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally classify fear as a painful condition. But it is absolutely impossible to diminish its significance, especially in the case of a child. On the contrary, if a baby has a fright, its symptoms need to be analyzed, and then the baby should be helped to overcome this condition. After all, even newborn children can be afraid.

Often, parents faced with fear turn to healers for help, who offer treatment for their child in the form of herbs and spells. But such methods do not always give a positive effect. Therefore, in case of fright in a baby, it is better to trust the professionals.

Symptoms of fear in an infant

U healthy children symptoms of fear appear sporadically. But in children with increased anxiety, the symptoms become permanent. This can lead to disturbances in appetite and sleep, as well as a deterioration in the baby’s general condition. Strong crying occurs for no apparent reason, or the baby often asks to be held.

A common manifestation of fear in infants is sleep disturbance. Many children simply refuse to sleep without light, in dark rooms.

If you notice the first symptoms of childhood fear in time and identify the cause that provoked their appearance, then with proper treatment the baby’s condition will stabilize quickly enough. After all, for infants, fear is a common reflex that successfully passes over time. But in some cases, children's fears and fears develop into psychological trauma that does not leave the child throughout his life.

This can cause the baby to stutter or enuresis. Therefore, treatment of fright in an infant should begin immediately.

Causes of fears in infants

Children who are overly spoiled, or, on the contrary, suffer from a lack of attention from their parents, are more at risk of developing a variety of fears. At the same time, some are afraid of loneliness, others - of water, the appearance of strangers or the dark. Due to the fact that in some cases there are several reasons at once, it is not easy to quickly understand the essence of children's fear.

Some parents simply do not pay attention to their child’s fears, being confident that this condition is only age-related. Others prefer too harsh methods of dealing with fears. And only a few of them strive to first deal with the root cause of their child’s fear in order to gently help him overcome it. The latter turn to qualified psychologists for help.

These specialists have a lot to offer soft options to combat childhood fears. This could be sleeping with a night light on or with a favorite toy that gives you a feeling of security. But the main remedy in this case will be parental love and maximum communication with the baby.

At the same time, than older child, the easier it is to deal with the root cause of his fears. But infants simply cannot explain what exactly scared them so much.

Factors that can provoke fear in a baby include:

- scary and big animals;

- loud noises or screams;

- stressful situations of various types;

- some natural phenomena like thunderstorms or just thunder;

- excessive strictness on the part of parents in upbringing.

One way or another, regardless of the child’s age, he urgently needs a feeling of security, which only parents can give him. Therefore, it is so important that the mother spends as much time as possible with her child at first.

How to overcome fear in a baby and children's fears

At the first manifestations of children's fears, parents need to stop leaving their child alone. Moreover, you need to take him in your arms and gently stroke him, hug him, tell him about your love, tell him a fairy tale or sing his favorite song. The main thing is to put love and tenderness into every action, and do it all slowly. Even if you apply all this to a baby who, it would seem, still cannot understand the meaning of the words spoken, it will have a calming effect on him. After all, the child will definitely feel the calm intonation of a loved one and realize the safety of being close to him.

Indirectly, other methods also help combat children’s fears. So, if the baby is too restless, then baths with herbal infusions before bed will help him. It could be chamomile, valerian or lavender. Swimming in water will also help. sea ​​salt. If such a remedy does not give any visible result, then you need to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

Until the baby reaches three years old, he does not know how to control his emotions, so it is important to protect the child from strong impressions and experiences. However, at the same time, emotions allow you to “hone your instincts” - therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Often, fear in an infant occurs due to the sight of a large animal, loud sounds, loud domestic quarrels, parents' strictness towards him or as a result of stress.

Risk group

Every child can get scared, but there are also children who are more susceptible to fear - for example, kids whose parents are overprotective and protect them from negative experiences. As a result, the child becomes afraid when faced with shock.

Children whose parents constantly tell them about the danger also suffer. It is believed that every second object poses a danger to humans, but harm is rarely caused. You cannot prohibit your child from enjoying absolutely everything, including communication with pets.

In the presence of diseases of the central nervous system Children find it difficult to cope with negative emotions.


Many symptoms occur in every frightened child, but if the condition does not change for a long time and even worsens, then this is a “bell” for parents: something needs to be done to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Attention! Psycho-emotional problems must not be neglected - otherwise the baby will face severe psychological trauma that will leave an imprint for life.

Let's look at the most common signs.

  1. Restless sleep with or without nightmares. Oddly enough, even a one-year-old child sees nightmares in his sleep - in fact, this is a transformation of negative experiences.
  2. Constant tears. If an infant is fed and dry, but constantly cries and is nervous, then this is a signal that he needs to be treated.
  3. Refusal of breastfeeding.
  4. Fear of the dark.
  5. Involuntary urination. Enuresis is not diagnosed until age 4, but if urination continues, this indicates problems with the psyche and central nervous system.
  6. Stuttering. Such symptoms are typical for children over 4 years old, that is, when the child is already speaking. In severe cases, the child may stop speaking altogether.
  7. Fear of being alone in a room. If the baby does not want to be left alone, even to sleep in a separate room, then this may be due to the fact that he once experienced fear alone.

Recognize and evaluate fear mental condition It’s difficult in infancy, because the child is not yet able to talk about what’s bothering him.

What can scare a child and what parents should do

Any baby requires special attention; even natural phenomena can frighten him - for example, thunder and thunderstorms, especially if the newborn has not yet encountered them. Loud, extraneous, unfamiliar sounds are also dangerous. You should not yell at your child or be too strict with your child. Accustom children to kindergarten It is recommended gradually.

If it is already clear that the baby has certain fears, you need to identify the reasons for their appearance. You can't leave your baby alone. It is recommended to bathe him in soothing baths - for example, with pine needles.

It is better for the baby to get used to the presence of strangers. Guests should appear occasionally and gradually. Parents should communicate with strangers at ease, thereby showing the baby that they do not pose any danger. It is possible for guests to bring gifts and treats to the child.

Get your baby used to pets as well. You can start your acquaintance with pictures and videos, telling them that animals are friendly, so there is no need to be afraid of them.
Don't worry if your baby gets burned on a hot cup - it's actually an experience for him. The same applies to household items and appliances - it is necessary to explain to the child how to use them correctly.

Fright Therapy

Any fear is psychological problem. Therefore, treatment must be done very carefully, so never neglect children's fears or treat them with cruelty.

The first step is to determine what caused the fear. As a last resort, you can contact a psychologist so that the consequences of ordinary fear do not develop into a phobia.

If you cannot cope with your child’s fears and prevent their symptoms, you will have to seek professional help. As a rule, it all starts with a trip to the pediatrician, who will recommend seeing a psychotherapist and neurologist.


It is quite difficult to treat a child's fragile body. Hypnosis is usually used when bedwetting is present. This approach gives an excellent effect and cure in almost 100% of cases.


This technique exclusively involves individual approach. Knowing the symptoms, the doctor selects medications.

Fairy tale therapy

With the help of fairy tales, parents and doctors try to change the child’s attitude towards the world around him and rebuild his psyche in a positive way. It’s good when group therapy is carried out - in this case, the kids communicate, retelling and discussing the plot of the fairy tale, then make sketches.

Discussing the behavior of the main character allows the child to understand what is bad and what is good, as well as what to do to overcome their fears and worries.

Play therapy

IN in this case kids take part in staging all kinds of skits. The game allows you to build relationships with partners in the skit, making the child more open and allowing him to adequately relate to his own fears.

Traditional methods

Along with traditional methods of dealing with fears, there are also traditional methods. However, some believe that it is not possible to cure fear using folk remedies.
So, it is recommended to give the baby warm sweet water immediately after he has experienced fear. Some people advise reading prayers and special spells, rolling out fears with an egg or pouring them on wax.

At the same time, you need to understand that many methods are questionable, so at the same time you should seek professional help.

Preventive actions

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. If you see that your baby is often scared and capricious, add chamomile or valerian tincture to the bathing water. You can make small bags with dry medicinal herbs(for example, with motherwort or lavender) and put it in the baby’s bed.

Never instill false fears. For example, a child should not be afraid of street animals. It is necessary to explain to him that if you do not offend them, then they will not attack, that is, kindness begets kindness.

If you know that a lot of stress awaits your child, be sure to take his favorite toy. By cuddling a bear or doll, the baby tries to cope with stress on his own and feels safe.

At home, the child should be surrounded with warmth and the most favorable atmosphere should be created. Also try not to swear in front of children.

Doctors believe that fright in an infant, the signs of which manifest themselves in different ways, for example, a newborn gets scared and flinches, does not require treatment or warning. On the contrary, some experts agree that preventing all sorts of fears for a child in such a early age completely impractical, since the baby will not develop the instinct of self-preservation. Another thing is the consequences of emotional shock: it is important to know the symptoms and measures to eliminate them.

Typically, young parents, faced with a nervous state in their infant, often attribute such behavior to fear, but you should know a few things: important signs, which will help determine the consequence negative emotions The child has. If the baby was born full-term, symptoms will appear periodically:

  • the baby’s general condition worsens: he becomes capricious, too anxious, sometimes nervous;
  • sharp, causeless crying occurs, the baby often shudders and gets scared and constantly asks to be held (afraid to be left alone);
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed: this is why many mothers are interested in the question;
  • Enuresis or stuttering may occur in an infant.

All these symptoms necessarily require intervention to exclude possible complications in mental and emotional state.

Important! If you determine the cause of fear in time and seek help from a neurologist or child psychiatrist, attacks of fear can be stopped with short time. Most often, the cause of frequent fears in infants is considered to be excessive parental care and control.

A few words about fright in a baby from E. Komarovsky. Possible reasons

Frequent manifestations of fear, as pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky finds out, appear in children under one year of age who are surrounded by constant parental attention or, conversely, suffer from its deficiency. Against this background, infants develop a fear of water, narrow or wide spaces, the dark, and some pets.

Children's humor! - Grandma, what are you making pies with?
- With potato.
- And mom makes it with cottage cheese and pakusta.

The following factors usually provoke fear in a child under one year of age:

  • large and scary animals can frighten a baby;
  • sudden screams or loud noises;
  • parental laughter;
  • the child’s stress due to what he saw or heard;
  • strictness in upbringing (sometimes this factor is accompanied by symptoms of regular spasms and shudders).

Fear in an infant, caused by various reasons, requires a special examination for the presence of nervous abnormalities. At the same time, parents must provide the child with complete peace and a sense of security.

Treatment or self-control against anxiety attacks in infants?

Most parents, due to stress inflicted on their infant, immediately turn to traditional healers, who supposedly help eliminate both the cause and its consequences. But doctors are confident that without a full examination of the child by a neurologist, traditional medicine will not help. Fear in an infant must be stopped, as there is a risk of it becoming chronic, and then the baby may experience causeless panic attacks.

Watch a video about how to cure fear in a baby.

After diagnosing and confirming symptoms of fright, consultation is recommended. child psychologist and a psychiatrist who will explain to parents how to behave with the baby in the future so as not to provoke emotional shock. Specialists must take psychological measures themselves to eliminate the child’s fear and give recommendations at home.

Children say! I ask my son (4 years old):
- Alyoshenka, have you seen the TV remote control?
“I was looking for him myself, like a dog looking for bandits.”

In most cases, everything depends on the mother; she should now communicate with the baby as often as possible, play with him, talk, and show toys. Regular walks in the fresh air, light stroking massage and unobtrusive gymnastics also have a healing and calming effect.

If you wish, you can use folk conspiracies and remedies.

Valerian herb tincture

It is better to purchase a specially prepared solution at the pharmacy, which you can then use to feed the baby when frightened for ten days. Thanks to the use of the drug, the symptoms of fear should disappear by the end of the course of treatment.

Using Holy Water

Every day before each bedtime, wash your baby when he is scared and read the prayer (“Our Father”). Thanks to this procedure, not only the child, but also the parents will calm down.

Feeding a baby with milk

Give your baby milk and honey every evening. If the baby still cannot drink on his own, add the mixture to the pacifier, you can also add lemon balm tincture to the milk. This remedy is very calming and allows the child to fall asleep without whims.

Note! Before using various remedies to treat fear in an infant, consult your pediatrician and check for signs of allergic reaction. It is not recommended to give milk with honey to a child under 7 months, as cow protein and honey often causes.

Possible consequences of fright in a child under one year old

Children's fears should be treated carefully and supported in case of negative consequences. Complications manifest themselves as:

Curing chronic attacks of fear in a child under one year old is much more difficult than overcoming the first symptoms of emotional shock.

The birth of a child is a great joy and trouble for parents. Everyone knows that at first the baby needs constant care, and the only way for communication is crying. However, it is very difficult for parents of a baby to determine its cause and understand what the baby needs at this particular time.

Sometimes this may not be a physical need, but a reaction to nervous irritation. Many people know this phenomenon in a small child, but no one can say for sure how to identify fear in a baby. Therefore, let's take a closer look at this issue.

What is fear?

Fright is a reflex response of the body to an unforeseen factor; it is accompanied by enlarged pupils, increased heart rate, and general destabilization of well-being.

In a baby, the signs of fear are no different from a similar state in a fully grown person, he simply cannot talk about them. Therefore, it is necessary and important to get rid of this stress, as it can negatively affect the psychological development of the baby and the quality of future life. Fear, unlike fright, is just an emotion that is the result of a nervous reaction.

The baby is scared: signs of the need for treatment

In medicine, this phenomenon is called nervous excitation, which occurs as a result of severe emotional shock.

Despite the fact that children often forget a lot, there are episodes that lead to a significant increase in nervousness. To understand how fear manifests itself in an infant, you need to know how it manifests itself.

Let's find out the signs:

  • crying for no particular reason;
  • decreased appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • bed-wetting;
  • stuttering;
  • delayed speech development.

All this can be a reaction to a loud sound or any other situation that will greatly affect the baby. In order to get rid of the consequences as quickly as possible, it is necessary to notice the symptoms in time, establish the cause and begin treatment.

The main causes of negative nervous excitability

Increased fearfulness can manifest itself in the most different forms. Severe night terrors can be manifested by the baby's sharp nighttime crying. After waking up suddenly, it is very difficult to calm him down.

This cannot be ignored, as it can result in persistent sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and a state of constant fatigue.

Another expression of nervous excitability can be the fear of loneliness. There are children who cannot be left alone even for a short period of time. As soon as they lose sight of their parents, they begin to cry loudly. The causes of fear may be physiological or psychological development baby, as well as mistakes in his upbringing, for example, taming with hands.

Sometimes there may be a fear of loud noises. Due to a lack of understanding that the sound of operating equipment does not pose a threat, the child may be afraid of it like a monster. This can be easily checked by monitoring his reaction when the device is turned on.

The last common fear, which is the result of excessive nervous excitability, is contact with animals, or more precisely, dogs. A parent's desire to introduce a child to a pet can lead to nervous tension, since even a small dog may seem too big to the child.

What to do if the child is scared?

Each parent can answer this question in his own way, because only he knows what his baby likes and how he reacts to this or that manifestation of the environment.

However, there is a basic rule that is the same for everyone, the main thing that parents should do is not to leave him alone.

After all, right now the baby, who has survived the fright, needs your warmth and manifestation of love. Take your baby in your arms, pet him slowly and explain in a calm voice how much you love him and how special he is.

After stress, it will be useful for your baby to hear a familiar voice that sounds calm and confident. For him, this will mean complete safety next to you.

How to cure fear in a baby?

A situation that will lead to strong emotional arousal can occur at any time; you cannot insure against this. However, it is quite possible to identify symptoms and treatment severe fright carried out on a baby with the participation of a competent specialist.

There is no need to panic; it is better to try to quickly identify the baby’s fear and try to rid the baby of fear. Unfortunately, traditional medicine does not yet classify childhood fear as a common disease, and therefore does not have effective methods. And then they come to the rescue folk remedies, which are quite effective in such cases.

Infusions. First and most simple means It is considered the use of infusion of valerian or lemon balm. Everyone knows that they are great for helping to cope with any type of disorder. Additionally, you can take infusions that include chamomile, motherwort and nettle leaves.

Making tea is very simple. You will need to take the ingredients in equal quantities, for example, 1 gram each, and pour a liter of boiling water. The collection should sit for half an hour, then it should be strained and given to the baby in the morning and evening in a dosage appropriate to his age.

There are not many frightening sounds in nature, and, as a rule, they are short-lived. Civilization has added a whole host of similar delights to the peals of thunder and barking dogs: too loud music, the noise of household appliances, a shrill bell, a slamming door, a sharp grinding of brakes, and so on. However, if adults understand the cause of the noise, know how to control their fears and live with them, then children begin to be afraid, because they are often defenseless in the face of unknown and frightening things.

Why is a child afraid of loud sounds and unpleasant buzzing?

Each childhood fear manifests itself most often at a certain age and is caused by characteristic reasons.

Natural reaction of the psyche to noise

A newborn baby, as a rule, sleeps soundly day and night: his sleep is not disturbed by loud sounds, speech, or background noise. But already from the second month of life the situation begins to change. The baby shudders and cries from a telephone ringing, the hum of a working vacuum cleaner and other household appliances, loud conversation and laughter of adults, the singing of a tape recorder or a wind-up toy. The reaction can even reach the point of hysteria, but parents often do not know what to do.

In fact, the reason for such fear is not errors in upbringing or oversight on the part of adults. This is a completely normal reaction of the developing psyche: a baby associates a loud sound with danger ( similar feeling the baby experiences in the presence of strangers or when he is afraid of being left without his mother). In addition, prolonged noise causes discomfort in the hearing organs.

Fear of loud sounds is a natural innate reaction of the body.

This behavior, which is a natural manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, lasts relatively short time - up to 12–18 months. Sometimes loud noises are scarykids up three years: As a rule, these are overly sensitive, vulnerable and anxious children. Of course, adults should treat them with special attention and sensitivity.

If, after three years, phonophobia does not go away, and even more so is accompanied by additional fears (the child is constantly anxious, avoids communicating with people), then parents need to seek help from a specialist in order to avoid serious problems with the nervous system in the future.

Why loud noise is harmful to a child

Prolonged loud noises are not safe for children. They cause overstrain of brain cells, which become unable to fully coordinate the body’s work. This leads to disruption in the functioning of various organs, in particular the liver and heart. In addition, the ears gradually lose sensitivity from sharp sounds and unpleasant hums. The child develops a persistent feeling of anxiety, he is prone to fear, and almost does not smile. These babies tend to sleep poorly and get tired quickly because it is difficult for them to completely relax their muscles.

Acquired life experience as a cause of fear

The fear of loud sounds, inherent in the baby by nature itself, may be aggravated over time by additional reasons.

  1. Behavior of parents and relatives. Too emotional reaction close people (most often mothers or grandmothers) to the actions of the little researcher, loud shouts like “Don’t touch!”, “Don’t go in there!” can provoke stress in a child and heighten the sense of danger.
  2. An unexpectedly heard sharp bang or explosion, for which the baby’s psyche was not prepared. Some people happily forget about their experiences, while others develop a persistent fear.
  3. Some household appliances make very unpleasant loud sounds: the shrill ringing of an alarm clock, the hum of a vacuum cleaner, or an electric meat grinder. Cooking and cleaning in the presence of the baby often causes his negative reaction.
  4. Watched an episode from a horror movie (by accident or due to the careless behavior of parents viewing such content in the presence of their offspring). This video is aimed at tickling the viewer's nerves. And a characteristic feature of horror films is a piercing scream or other sharp sound at the most unexpected moment. Few children will take what they hear calmly, most will have poor sleep the next night, and some will develop phonophobia. By the way, the cause of fear can also be a disaster scene accompanied by a roar.
  5. Bad inflation experience balloon- it burst with a deafening sound (or the child witnessed such an incident). This fear even has its own name - globophobia.
  6. The thundering sounds of fireworks during a celebration in the city square. Children who are too young should not be taken to such events.
  7. Children's fear can be caused by the noise of a working drill, hammer drill or other repair attribute.
  8. Aggressive sounding toys. Parents should be careful when choosing toys for their baby, because the modern industry is ready to attract buyers in various ways, and this is not only the bright color of the product.
  9. Storm. Deafening thunder is a real stressor for some children.

Vacuum cleaner and other household appliances, thunderstorms, fireworks and other common objects of fear - photo gallery

The loud hum of a working vacuum cleaner scares a child Children, like adults, are often terrified of thunder during a thunderstorm. Many interactive toys can make loud, high-pitched noises. Often the fear of loud noises provokes a bursting balloon Many kids are afraid of the loud sounds that accompany fireworks at the holiday. Scary scenes on TV, accompanied by heart-rending screams, are deposited in children's memory for a long time, causing fears

Fear of loud noises and voices in children with brain damage and other diseases

Sometimes an excessive fear of loud sounds in a child can be triggered by certain diseases:

  • ear pathologies (otitis);
  • injuries and structural features of the hearing organ;
  • previous infections (flu, meningitis, etc.);
  • increased fatigue syndrome.

Fear is often observed in children who have organic brain damage. Phonophobia is often accompanied by headaches, nervousness, and surges in intracranial pressure. The baby is constantly excited, periodically he has attacks of causeless fear. This pathology mild to moderately amenable to treatment, which is designed to improve cerebral circulation, resulting in only minor changes. Additionally, the patient is prescribed sedatives to reduce excitability.

Ways to overcome your problem: how to help your child become bolder

If a baby is afraid of loud sounds, then adults should show increased attention and all their sensitivity to him.

Tactics of behavior towards a baby and a one-year-old child

The characteristic reactions to sudden noises in a small child (up to one year old) are not a reason for unnecessary worry. If anxiety and crying occur, parents can resort to the following measures:

If all of these measures do not have a noticeable effect, then it is worth contacting a pediatric neurologist in a timely manner: perhaps he will recommend sedatives, for example, baths with medicinal herbs.

How to help an older child

If an older child (after two years) is afraid of loud sounds, then parents should, first of all, analyze the origins of such a reaction and remember what originally caused it. For example, a child was frightened by a dog in the yard that unexpectedly barked loudly, or saw a scary movie with heart-rending screams. You should discuss this moment with the baby and explain that there is no need to be afraid of it.

Adults need to take a closer look at themselves. Perhaps a son or daughter becomes frightened when the mother speaks in a raised voice. Sometimes parents themselves provoke anxiety in their children by warning them too emotionally about danger. Various prohibitions should be kept to a minimum, leaving only the most necessary: ​​do not play with fire, do not put your fingers in a socket, do not open the door to strangers, do not eat with unwashed hands, etc. The baby should not have fear of the outside world, it is important that he gained my own sensory experience and expanded my horizons.

Children's fears should always be treated with understanding. If something frightens your child (for example, glass rattling from thunder), hug him and calm him down. The baby should feel the closeness of mom and dad, their readiness to protect him at any moment. This will help the fear not turn into an obsessive fear.

The atmosphere in the house is the most important thing. If parents are always there and love each other, the baby will trust them infinitely and will more easily adapt to the manifestations of the world around them.

Play, fairy tale and art therapy in the fight against childhood fear

Play often helps distract children from fear and even completely overcome it (play therapy is a popular psychological method therapeutic effects on the psyche).

Whatever the results of the game, at the end the child must be praised, emphasizing the moment where he showed himself best.

A wonderful method of dealing with fears is art therapy: drawing will help throw out negative emotions. Since fear will turn into something material, it can be destroyed - torn, burned or locked in a closet.

Fairytale therapy helps many children. Parents, together with their offspring, come up with a small funny story about how the little hero is afraid of something, and then successfully overcomes his fear. Alternatively, you can compose a song or a magic spell to protect the child. Good idea- come up with a fabulous assistant, tell about him and his wonderful abilities (for example, soft and beautiful headphones that actually reduce the volume of sounds).

Video: how to help your child overcome the fear of loud noises

What not to do

Often, the child’s parents make unforgivable mistakes, which force him to withdraw into his worries and aggravate his fear.

  1. Under no circumstances should you laugh at the baby’s reaction or shame him, because this is not a manifestation of cowardice, but a feature of his worldview. To avoid ridicule, the baby will hide his fear, but it will not go away.
  2. If a child cannot overcome fear, then mom and dad should not give up: probably, the son or daughter just needs a little more time to do this.
  3. You should not protect your child from loud sounds in every possible way, or limit his movements and social circle: a lack of life experience will not get rid of the problem.
  4. You cannot allow fear to become fixed by focusing your attention on it. On the contrary, you need to treat fear without external concern, try to distract the little one with games, walks, and new discoveries.
  5. It’s a huge mistake to try to solve a problem using the “wedge with wedge” method, for example, forcing a child who is afraid of loud sounds to children's party or a performance, go to such an event. This will only intensify the fear; the baby may withdraw into himself and not want to communicate with anyone at all.

Doctor Komarovsky's view on the problem of fear of loud noises in children

According to pediatrician E. Komarovsky, the real reason for a child’s fear of loud sounds is the lack of a sense of security. If a child hears, for example, snoring behind the wall, then his imagination draws him an image of a scary uncle who wants to take him away. The correct behavior of parents in such a situation would be to explain to their child where the noise comes from. It is also important here that the baby understands that mom and dad will never hurt him.

Advice from psychologist Natalya Barlozhetskaya on how to stop being afraid of loud sounds - video

During its development, the child's psyche goes through certain stages, one of which is the fear of loud sounds. This problem is usually encountered by overly sensitive and anxious children. If this fear is not complicated by anxiety and reluctance to communicate with people, then with the sensitive attitude of the parents it will gradually go away. But with a growing feeling of panic, you should definitely show the baby to specialists who will select effective methods corrections.