What kind of paper do vytynanki.  My hobby is vytynanka

What kind of paper do vytynanki. My hobby is vytynanka

Svetlana Grishenkova
My hobby is vytynanka.

Vytynanka- this is a special kind of paper work that has existed for many hundreds of years, since about the time when the Chinese invented paper, in China it is called "jianzhi". Then this paper cutting technique spread all over the world, capturing Japan, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Denmark and many other countries.

This type of arts and crafts involves cutting an openwork pattern from white, black or colored paper with a great emphasis on thoroughness and accuracy.

I will support a little intrigue and will not immediately reveal what it is. But I assure you that you have known about this since childhood. You probably did this at school, your grandmothers taught you this, and when you came New Year, then all the children of the country were engaged in the manufacture of these very protrusion. If you still haven’t guessed, then I’ll open a little more the veil over the mysterious masters vytynanki and I will say that this is a special kind of needlework. And above all (to be successful in this business) you need for your vytynanka patterns.

On them you can make a wide variety of "Jianzhi". So, is it warmer? Yes, this is a Chinese word, because the first mention of this needlework is found in ancient China. But then this art spread all over the world, and in each country it has its own characteristics.

In ancient times, both in Ukraine and Belarus, they made openwork vytynanki and decorated them with beams, stoves and windows. They also gave each other vytynanki flowers.

In modern times, especially become popular vytynanki pictures.

The last clue is related to the artistic rendering of the silhouette. In Germany, France and England, it is associated with the term "silhouette". And for these countries the word " vytynanka" meant that such a requirement as symmetry is necessarily observed. Give up?

The answer is very simple, because simple everyone made vytynanki. And including you. Remember the snowflakes you carved before New Year's with grandma? What about paper napkins? That's where China comes from - it is the ancestor of paper production. After all, we are talking about paper cutting. And when a snowflake or a napkin is cut out, the pattern is absolutely symmetrical.

The very word " push out"- means "cut" in Ukrainian.

Nowadays, snowflakes are, of course, not so relevant. Now paintings and postcards made using protrusion.

Color, cut texture, cutting technique may be different. Not only with scissors, but also with a knife. The background of the picture also does not have to be monophonic. The main thing is a whole-cut picture, the silhouette of an object that should not fall apart into its component parts, if you lift the sheet with the plot cut out by the corner. Can this art be mastered?

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Vytynanki (vitinanki) is an ancient type of arts and crafts, paper cutting.

The birthplace of vytytanok is China, it was there that in the 2nd century AD. e appeared material for the manufacture of crafts - paper. In this country, stencil-cut products are called “jianzhi”. Since paper was extremely expensive at that time, this kind of art was available only to the privileged segments of the population. Later, with the development of the pulp industry, they began to learn about vytynanka all over the world. At the end of the 18th century, the art of paper cutting came to the countryside of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Russia. Each country has developed its own characteristics of technology, and its name has changed: vytynanki, vytsinanki, vykleyanki - it's all the same.

The shape of the products cut out of paper were square, rounded, rectangular. Folk motifs, images of birds, animals, vegetation were used. Today, a person can print a stencil and cut out absolutely any protrusion, be it acoustic guitars, a portrait or a landscape.

Since art was widespread among the people, ready-made vytynankas were used to decorate the home for the holidays - for Christmas, Easter. Also, by the presence of thematic protrusions, one could learn about the joyful events that took place in the family, for example, a wedding, the birth of a child.

Modern vytynankas are divided into several groups:




Complex (multi-color, made from several sheets of paper): composite - the use of individual products to create a composition and overhead.

Made in the form of pictures voluminous toys and figurines, curtains, gift boxes and envelopes, lamps, candlesticks.

The most important thing in the art of creating protrusions is not even paper, but a knife (dummy or stationery), it must be well sharpened and have a narrow end, since it is necessary to cut out small elements. Larger parts and edges of the product are processed with nail scissors. You will need to purchase a mock-up mat, or replace it with plywood or board so as not to spoil the surface of the table. It is advisable to monitor the sharpness of the blade, the more it becomes dull, the more likely it is that the paper will simply tear. For round holes use a hole punch, for straight holes - a ruler. Small holes are processed by cutting the paper in a circle with short strokes. It is not recommended to take paper that is too thick, otherwise the hand will quickly get tired, and it will not be possible to carefully cut out the pattern. Most often, a stencil for vytynanok is printed on a printer, taking a finished drawing or creating it yourself.

The workshop is intended for children aged 8 and over.

Purpose: making gifts.

Target: development of creative abilities.


1. Contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​a new kind of arts and crafts - cutting - vytynanka. Introduce students to the technique.

2. Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of each child; skills and abilities to work with paper, eye, fine motor skills hands

3. Cultivate accuracy, work culture.

Vytynanki is the art of paper cutting. This type of fine art has been around for a long time. Presumably in the 7th century in China. Although they say that there was something similar in the Trypillia culture. If we talk about the roots of the art of paper cutting, then it must be said that it originated in the 9th century in China, simultaneously with the invention and distribution of paper.

For work we need:

colored cardboard;

PVA glue;


ordinary scissors;

stationery scalpel;


flower stencil (photo 2.).

cutting mat.

Step by step crafts:

1. First you need to select a template picture. It must be remembered that when choosing a template pattern, you need to pay attention to the lines. It is necessary that they are not all connected as in a conventional drawing, but, as it were, consisted of separate elements. You can use special templates for vytynanka, which can be found on the Internet. The template can be printed on a printer, drawn on your own, or translated using a carbon paper, for example, from your favorite coloring book.

Recommendations: when the weaker students have decided on the template, you can paint over the areas that need to be cut out in the drawing with a simple pencil, so that it is easier to understand which parts of the drawing need to be cut out.

2. After you have decided and applied the template to the paper, we begin to cut out our drawing. Don't forget to place a cutting mat under it.

Let's start cutting out the picture from the bottom, cutting out all the details one by one.

3. When cutting straight lines, you can use a ruler.

4. When all the details inside the template are cut out, you need to cut the template along the contour.

5. So, our vytynanka is ready (photo 9.), We begin to select the background for the vytynanka.

6. We glue our vytynanka on colored cardboard (apply glue to the side from which we cut it out). As a basis, you can choose any color that you like.

7. In order for our gift to look original, we put it in a photo frame.

Vytynanki- Very an exciting activity, beautiful, unusual and amazing!

Do you know what "vytynanka" is?
So I didn’t know until I read that there are three main attractions in the city of Mogilev-Podolsky: which I already told you about, and the only Vytynanka Museum in Ukraine. Of course, I could not help but visit this Museum with an unknown name for me.

The People's Museum of the Ukrainian Vytynanka is located in a modest mansion, but with a great historical past. Here in the 18th century was the residence of the Mogilev colonel O. Gogol - the ancestor of our beloved author of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", a monument to which stands almost opposite.
And although there is no identification mark outside the pink mansion, the residents of the city are well aware that now it is the House of Folk Art.

We go into a cozy courtyard and immediately fall under the charm of white and openwork patterns. But before us is only the beginning of a lace fairy tale - this is the entrance to the Museum of the Ukrainian Vytynanka.

So, you probably already guessed what a vytynanka is. In Russia, this is called cut-out, cut-out, or cut-out. In Belarus and Poland it is a vytsynanka, in Lithuania it is a karpinyai, among the Jews it is a reizele, i.e. rosette. But whatever you call it, the essence is the same: vytynanka is the art of cutting openwork paper patterns.
(I hope that you will not mind if I call the exhibits of the Museum vytynanki - I really liked this word).

Quite a bit of history. The first to master the art of "Jianzhi", of course, were the Chinese - after all, they invented paper. And it was a very long time ago, somewhere in the seventh century. And these delicate crafts came to Europe only when the Silk Road arose - in the 15th century. How, in what ways, with what peddlers the first samples of paper patterns were brought to rural huts, one can only guess. But it happened, and the desire for beauty has always been inherent in the common people. True, in order to create paper miracles, not only paper was needed, but also scissors, which, of course, was a great luxury 200 years ago. But - the need for inventions is cunning. It was possible not to cut out the patterns, but to tear them out of paper. So there were cutouts.

Well, with the advent of scissors, the imagination of local craftsmen no longer had a limit. Now, to the art of embroidery, weaving, Easter eggs, vytynankas have also been added. After all, paper patterns could decorate the home iconostasis, shelves, tables, windows, make toys for children, stick pictures on the wall. And the stencil used for coloring homespun fabric was, after all, also cutouts.

I'll digress a little from the Vytynanka Museum. I apologize for breaking the narrative, but the following struck me!
It turns out that Hans Christian Andersen was a big fan of cutouts. I don't know how to call this work in Danish. In the birthplace of the writer, in the city of Odense, a lot of his works are preserved in the City Museum.
Here are some of them. 1864
It is not difficult to discern the characters in the fairy tales of our beloved Andersen. But what a Master!

We return to Ukraine, to the capital of the vytynanka - Mogilev-Podolsky and begin to examine the exhibits of the Museum, however, with a few distractions. But on topic.

In Ukrainian villages, the belief was widely spread that if a girl stayed up in the girls, then only such self-made paper patterns could help her. And it looks like it helped...

Struck by what I saw, I was lost in conjecture - how is it possible to do this? After all, only paper and scissors ... Then I began to remember how in early childhood, preparing for the New Year, we cut out snowflakes at school. The paper was folded several times, something was cut off, unfolded - and the snowflake was ready. And how much joy there was when something very openwork and unusual appeared. But for this it was necessary, of course, to try.
That is, it turned out that the vytynanka was in my childhood. As, no doubt, in yours.

Looking at the miracles created by the scissors and the fantasy of the Craftswomen, I was surprised - how could it be that I, like a lover of folk art, did not know anything about this ancient art, which was widespread in Ukrainian villages, before. Then I realized. After all, I am a city dweller, and somehow the vytynanka did not take root in the cities. And secondly, if towels, embroidered shirts, weaving products were stored in grandmother's bottomless chests, then how could these fragile paper products be preserved?
But still, the art of the vytynanka did not disappear without a trace. It was revived by the legendary woman - Maria Aksentievna Rudenko (1915-2003), whom the people called the Dove of Podolia.

Talented teacher, collector of folklore, ethnographer, scriptwriter of new ceremonies, creator and leader of the Gorlitsa amateur ensemble...

Maria Rudenko also wrote poems and stories, drew, planted flowers and, of course, was the Master of the vytynanka.
In memory of Maria Aksentievna, the Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art named after her was created in Mogilev-Podolsky, which greets visitors with the following words: " We invite you to touch with your heart the man-made treasures of our famous Podolsk Beregina Maria Aksentievna Rudenko".
The Museum carefully preserves the works that were first shown at the very first exhibition of vytynanok in 1983 right here, in Mogilev-Podolsky.

I also visited this museum, I saw with what respect its director Maria Gotsulyak spoke about Maria Rudenko. And here is what I found on the Internet:
"Risking her own life, she sheltered and hid for a long time in her dwelling the Jews Maria and Yasya Roitmanov and former teacher, and over time, the famous folklorist of the village of Sloboda Yaryshevskaya, Mogilev-Podolsky district, Maria Aksentievna Rudenko. People have not forgotten about her feat. The Yad Vashem Institute in Israel honored Maria Rudenko with the title of Righteous Among the Nations.

Look at the bouquet, made 30 years ago, by the gentle and kind hands of Maria Rudenko. How simple it is, but how much charm, warmth and harmony it has. Bindweeds, periwinkles, carnations, wild flowers ... It seems to me that they contain all the beauty of Nature, which she loved so much and so generously gave people with her creativity, words, songs, advice and deeds, a simple woman, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, popularly called Turtle Dove Podillia, the Righteous of the World and the Podolskaya Berehynia.

Of course, the modern craftsmanship of the vytynanka has been brought to perfection. Now there are even laser protrusions performed by Virginia Tech University professor Eric Standley. But it seems to me that in these laser works there will never be that soulfulness that overflows in the bouquet of Maria Rudenko.

Let's return to the Museum of the Ukrainian Vytynanka.
In 2000, on the initiative of Maria Aksentievna Rudenko, the first festival of vytynanok was organized in Mogilev-Podolsky. And in 2003, the Museum of the Ukrainian Vytynanka was organized.
Before you is the director of the Museum of the Ukrainian vytynanka - Oksana Gorodinska -
Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, member of the Union of Local Historians of Ukraine, artist, master of folk art, chairman of the creative association “Barvi Podillya. .
You and Oksana are already familiar. She was an active participant ", where you, no doubt, drew attention to her painted huts.

Let's see some more exhibits of the Museum.

There are a lot of works and all of them are very interesting. Eyes roll...

Please note - all these works are symmetrical. That is, the paper is folded in half or four times.

A lot in the collection of the Museum and asymmetric works. It seems to me that they have a slightly different cutting technique.
Works of Masters from Georgia.

And this is from Belarus.

Among the exhibits of the Museum there are also vytynanki not on paper, but on leather. And this is also very interesting and beautiful work. Some of them were made by Lyudmila Viktorovna Alyoshkina.

This work is not yet hanging in the exhibition hall. It is called: "Cossacks on the tower of the Kherson region."
Can you tell me how to cut it?

Every three years in the capital of vytynanki - Mogilev-Podolsky, the festival "Ukrainian vytynanka" is held. This year, about 50 participants from 16 regions of Ukraine came here. Abroad was represented by masters from Romania and Belarus.
Take a look at this friendly company of vytynanschiks and vytynanschiks.
Photo from HERE. Check out the link - very interesting!

Each time the participants of the festival make one common composition. This year it was dedicated to the "Angel of Peace".
Here it is - "Angel of the World-2015", which is demonstrated by dear Oksana.

How many participants - so many angels. They flew here from all over my Ukraine and even from abroad. And each brought with him a wish of Peace and Goodness.
Vytynanka is a CHARM. So let this common vytynanka protect all our beautiful land and bring with it Joy, Light, Faith and Hope for the long-awaited Peace and Tranquility.

Wrote a post and remembered! After all, in Mogilev-Podolsky there is one more attraction, which, I am sure, does not exist not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world.
This is a monument dedicated to the vytynanka! In the center - the image of a woman, on the sides of which, two doves - symbols of peace, goodness and harmony. On the side of the rooster - meets the dawn and drives away evil spirits. Below is the tree of life. And patterns, patterns...
Here is Mogilev-Podolsky for you! Where else can you find so many interesting and interesting things?

And a small announcement of the future proposed post in the form of a vytynanka.
I wonder if you can guess what it is?