How to dress for a plane so that the flight is worry-free.  How to dress for the airport?  Stylist's advice What to wear to the airport in the fall

How to dress for a plane so that the flight is worry-free. How to dress for the airport? Stylist's advice What to wear to the airport in the fall

Visit relatives or go to your favorite place on the sea coast. There is no better passenger transport for achieving these goals than an airplane. Firstly, you will reach your destination in just a few hours and most likely will not have time to get tired. And, secondly, the journey will be comfortable. If, of course, you have chosen the right outfit for the flight. First of all, it should be comfortable and not restrict movement. But we won’t bore you, and we’ll try to cover the topic in detail: how to dress on a plane.

Correcting mistakes: what not to wear on a plane

Ladies always and everywhere strive to look attractive and stylish. But each outfit has its place and time. Quite often, walking up the stairs of an airplane, you can see a very ridiculous picture when a young lady proudly strides in a tight-fitting T-shirt, a mini skirt and high heels. In a metropolis, she would certainly look impressive and sexy. But on an airplane, such an ensemble can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially for herself. Do not forget that during the flight, our body begins to function differently than on the ground. For example, due to changes in atmospheric pressure, the stomach involuntarily stretches and swells. This means that overly tight clothes will soon make themselves felt, and instead of enjoying the flight, you will feel terrible discomfort.

So, let's look at what clothes you shouldn't wear on a plane:

  • miniskirts and short sundresses;
  • tight trousers and shorts;
  • tight tops and tank tops;
  • sheath dresses;
  • shoes with stiletto heels and high wedges.

Do not forget that an airplane is a public place where incidents are possible. Someone could get you dirty, for example, by accidentally spilling a drink. Therefore, you should not choose light-colored clothes on the plane. Give preference to muted or neutral shades. In any case, your outfit should be clean, neat and, of course, stylish.

Practical and stylish looks for flights

Things from natural materials loose fit - perfect solution for an airplane. In addition, zippers, snaps, and buttons are welcome on clothes, but not as decoration, but as functional elements. After all, you are about to undergo pre-flight inspection, which means it is important that in emergency cases you can quickly and easily unfasten your things.

You will feel most comfortable on the plane, of course, in trousers. It could be knitted sports trousers, wide tubes, leggings, soft jeggings or loose jeans. Regarding the top, there is, perhaps, one main requirement: it should not be tight-fitting. Give preference to spacious, light peasant blouses, knitted jumpers, sweatshirts, sweaters, T-shirts without revealing necklines and tight-fitting stand-up collars. For a work trip, an ensemble consisting of straight-fit black trousers, a loose top and a formal jacket in the spirit is perfect.

If you prefer to try on more feminine looks, you can choose a dress or sundress. The cut of these outfits should be spacious and not short. Midi length shirt dresses will also look good. With more short models you can wear leggings.

Multi-layered looks are very practical for flying. Firstly, it can be quite cool on the plane. And secondly, layering will come in handy if you are flying from a cool climate to a hot one and vice versa. You can choose a loose-fitting trouser suit, for example, in, under which you can wear a light jumper, T-shirt or turtleneck.

A very feminine and at the same time practical look in a sporty style can be achieved if you combine knitted dress together with a bomber jacket or a fine knit skirt with a turtleneck and a loose trench coat or coat.

A few words about shoes

Airplane shoes, like clothing, should be as comfortable as possible. This means you’ll have to forget about high heels for a while. Give preference to flat models: sneakers, sneakers, moccasins, loafers, espadrilles, ballet flats. However, if you want to look feminine in any situation, you can choose sandals or comfortable shoes with low, stable heels or medium-height wedges.

You should not wear a completely new, untested pair of shoes on a plane. You don't know how it will behave in a few hours, and whether it will rub. Also, you should not use shoes with complex fittings in an airplane bow: numerous fasteners, straps. Otherwise, you'll spend a lot of time taking it on and off while going through a metal detector during check-in and after you arrive. And on the plane itself these decorative elements can press and chafe your feet.

As we can see, a dress code, albeit unspoken, is necessary for an airplane. Nothing should spoil your long-awaited trip, including uncomfortable clothes and shoes during the flight.

Text: Ekaterina Chernetsova. Publication: Valentina Chaiko.

For some, flying on an airplane is a joyful event, for others it is stressful. In both cases, it will be more comfortable if you avoid the “wrong” clothes.

Difficult subjects

You will have to spend part of the day in a fairly confined space. Oh, and don't forget about tiny airplane lavatories. Just imagine how you will take off and put on, for example, a jumpsuit.

Your favorite outfit

No matter how great the temptation to wear your favorite branded items, refrain from doing so, preferring simple and inexpensive clothes. The commotion before takeoff and landing, food on board, untidy neighbors - any of these factors can hopelessly ruin your favorite outfit.

Summer clothes

Even if you're traveling in the middle of summer and flying into , pack your summer clothes in your suitcase and wear something a little warmer. As soon as the ventilation units turn on, you will regret not bringing at least a blanket. Flip flops

Even if you feel incredibly comfortable in them, leave them in your luggage until you get to the beach. Dust on feet wet from the heat will not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. On an airplane, choose more closed shoes.


It is also better to leave high-heeled shoes for an evening promenade along the embankment. You never know how many kilometers you will have to travel just by .

Clothes with metal

Don't forget what you have to go through. To avoid delaying yourself and other people, try to wear fewer metal objects.

Heavy perfume

There is nothing worse than hard labor than sitting next to a person who has decided to pour the maximum amount of perfume from . A light aroma is quite enough, believe me.

Baggy clothes

It would seem logical to wear comfortable, loose clothes on the plane. However, security officials have a different opinion on this matter. They may think that you dressed like that to hide something under your shapeless sweater. Don't be surprised if they want to search you.

"Biting" materials

If a sweater makes you uncomfortable in everyday life, then on an airplane you will feel it doubly. Due to sudden changes in temperature, aggravated by stress, you will feel a constant itch, which will not add to the enjoyment of the trip.


There have been cases of passengers wearing leggings because this type of clothing does not comply with the airline's dress code. Yes, it turns out there is such a thing. Therefore, before wearing “risky” clothing, read the carrier’s rules in this regard.

Flying is a test for our body. Therefore, choosing the right and comfortable clothes for the airport is an important task. How to dress so as not to catch the mocking glances of others and feel great - read the material of the portal “ZagraNitsa”

A little history

Have you seen old photos of women at airports? IN best traditions fashions of those times: sheath dresses, luxurious fur coats, pearls, elegant hats, hard bags - you can’t stop looking at them! It’s just that in the past, flights could only be afforded by rich people who, by the way, traveled “lightly” and whose status obliged them to always look perfect. It was in such conditions that the “aircraft fashion” was born.

The 70s began to bring changes to travel clothing. After all, it is during these years that air travel becomes more accessible to the masses, and long-distance flights become more frequent. It was natural that the question of a comfortable dress code would arise. In economy class, people began to wear clothes made from wrinkle-resistant materials more often.



Today at the airport you can meet people dressed as diversely as possible. Some people prefer style, others prefer comfort, but it’s worth finding a middle ground - to look decent without feeling inconvenienced during the flight.

The following tips will help you find the right balance.

Too revealing and provocative clothing in the form of short dresses and a skirt will simply look tasteless and vulgar.


The most popular and at the same time practical option that can be found in any girl’s wardrobe is jeans, a cardigan, a sweater or a jacket. But don't wear skinny jeans that are too tight, because they will not only restrict movement, but also impair blood circulation, which can worsen your well-being.

Photo: 3

It is even better to wear leggings on the plane, as they guarantee freedom of movement and the ability to take any comfortable position in the plane seat. But, of course, it is better to ditch the old, out-of-shape leggings that you wear at home.

Photo: 4

With shoes, everything is also extremely simple: flat soles are perfect for the airport. After all, any heel is an additional load on your blood vessels and veins. In addition, you never know for sure whether your flight will be delayed or how long it will take you to walk from one terminal to another during a transfer.

Photo: 5

An important point - clothes must be clean! There is a practice of wearing things “in last time", and then throw it in the wash. But think about your neighbors: they won't appreciate the smell, and neither will you.

Photo: 6

Speaking of smells, do not overuse perfumes and deodorants. After all, the airplane cabin is sealed, and all passengers will have to inhale the enhanced aroma of your perfume.

Photo: 7

Dress in layers so that you can always undress and dress with ease, as the air temperature will change during the flight. By the way, the plane itself is usually quite cool - another reason not to wear short, open clothes: most likely, you will simply freeze.

Photo: 8

Opt for natural fabrics that “breathe” and don’t wrinkle too much. Knitwear and cotton with elastane are perfect for this.

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Say “not today” to wide belts with chunky metal buckles and studs. They will be required to be removed during security, and on the plane itself they will stick unpleasantly into your stomach.

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It is worth thinking in advance about how to change clothes and where to leave warm clothes at the airport if you are going to a hot country in winter. It is best, of course, to give it to the mourners. But these are not always available, so you can use luggage storage at the airport.


And finally, a couple more useful tips in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at the airport:

  • Do not forget to carefully check your hand luggage for bottles and jars whose volume exceeds 100 ml. Otherwise expensive perfume or an elite drink can simply be thrown into the trash by the security service.
  • To avoid dehydration, try to drink more water during your flight, and alcoholic drinks and it’s better to abstain from coffee. Good decision You will also take with you moisturizing wipes or cream and hygienic lipstick.

Heading to the airport? The right clothes will make your trip more comfortable. Clothes should be comfortable, but this does not mean that they cannot also be stylish.


How to choose clothes

    Wear a bra without metal elements. It all depends on the specific item, but in some cases metal detectors are triggered by metal pins. This will slow down the control process.

    • Because of this, you may be asked to undergo a personal search. Not only is this annoying, but it can also cost you valuable minutes.
    • It is better to choose a bra without metal elements. A simple bra with foam will do, as will a sports bra.
    • If you prefer underwire bras, pack them in your suitcase. An underwire bra can be uncomfortable on board if the flight is long.
  1. Wear comfortable pants or leggings. You should be comfortable at the airport (no stilettos!), but comfortable can also be stylish. Victoria Beckham says the airport is her runway.

    Wear loose clothing. Wide sweaters will be especially comfortable, especially when paired with jeans or leggings. A loose dress or trousers are also suitable for an airplane.

    Dress in layers. If you fly by plane, you will likely cross several climate zones. You may be flying to a warmer or colder place. Perhaps the temperature on board will have time to change several times. Be prepared for anything.

    How to choose accessories

    1. Don't wear a belt. The belt will cause you problems at the airport, so discard it or pack it in your suitcase.

    2. Don't wear too much jewelry. A large number of jewelry, especially if it is difficult to remove, will create problems for you when passing control.

      • You will have to remove your jewelry before going to the metal detector. Even a piercing can set off the detector and delay you.
      • Besides, a large number of jewelry may attract the attention of pickpockets. You shouldn't show off your wealth at the airport.
      • You can put your jewelry in your pocket and put it on when you arrive at your destination.
    3. Don't wear a lot of makeup. Complex makeup and hair will look great at the beginning of the flight, but will quickly lose their look on board. The simpler the better!

      • After the flight, your skin will likely be dehydrated, so take a small tube of moisturizer and chapstick with you. Pull your hair into a ponytail.
      • Do not take large cans with you cosmetics. If you can't give up your favorite shampoo, lens cleaner, or sunscreen, put them in small bottles.
      • As you know, liquids can be transported in containers of no more than 100 milliliters each, with a total volume of no more than a liter. Follow these rules and you will pass the test faster.
    4. Bring a spacious handbag with you. And it will come in handy at the airport. You will have somewhere to put your purchases, such as a magazine or chewing gum.

      • However, if the handbag is small and fashionable, your outfit will look more interesting and you will look stylish even in comfortable clothes.
      • You can put a lot of necessary things in a large bag. Some women prefer to take cosmetics and a comb with them so that they can clean themselves up on board.
      • A bag that is too small is easy to lose. It is always more practical to carry a large bag with you at the airport. Clothes with pockets will also come in handy.

    How to choose shoes

    1. Wear comfortable shoes. The decision to wear heels will not be a good one, and you will regret it even more if you have to rush and run.

      • Place your high heels in your suitcase. Of course they are beautiful, but you will have to walk a long distance at the airport. If you have a connecting flight and the first plane is late, you will need to move quickly.
      • Comfortable flat shoes that are easy to take off your feet are best for flights. This will make it easier for you to take off your shoes before going through security. However, if you wear the heaviest shoes of all, your luggage will weigh less and you will have more room for other things.
      • Do not wear boots or sandals with big amount laces, belts, zippers and fasteners, otherwise you will spend a lot of time taking off your shoes and putting them back on during security. Do not wear tight shoes - during the flight your feet may swell and increase in size. Most often, children do not have to take off their shoes during inspection if there are no metal elements in them. Often, passengers entitled to priority access do not have to remove their shoes either.
    2. Put on your socks. You may think that slippers will be comfortable on your bare feet, but these shoes will fly off your feet. In addition, bacteria actively multiply in such shoes.

      • Think about how many people have passed the test before you. Are you ready to walk on this surface with your bare feet? You will probably be asked to remove your shoes, but it all depends on the airport.
      • Wear socks to protect your feet. If it gets cold at the airport or on board a plane, socks will keep your feet warm.
      • Socks will also serve as a softening layer. At airports you usually have to walk long distances, and sometimes you even have to drive a special car.
    3. Wear compression socks or stockings. During the flight, the risk of blood clots increases due to the stationary position. There are special socks that help protect your feet from this.

      • Think about your pregnancy. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor if you can fly. Some doctors recommend wearing special clothing on the plane. Some women wear compression socks or stockings, which protect their legs from swelling due to poor circulation.
      • You can buy compression socks at a pharmacy or online. The looser your clothing, the lower your risk of blood clots. Avoid wearing tight clothing, socks, tights or skinny jeans.
      • Some people are forced to always fly in compression garments due to health problems. This also applies to travelers who fly very often. Compression garments help fight deep vein thrombosis.

Our world is changing. If we used to go on vacation by train, in recent years it has been airplanes that take us to the sea and to other countries. Queues for boarding and passport control, long hours in the plane seat, transfers, transfers, etc., etc. How to remain elegant and attractive if your body needs convenience and comfort? Let's think about this.

I love people watching, and the airport is just the perfect place for this. Different countries and languages, different people. Some are running, late for boarding, some are calmly strolling while waiting for their flight, others are just sitting and waiting. Many people are busy with themselves and hardly notice those around them.

My gaze scans the crowd, noting behavior and dress. What can you see! Let's talk about extremes. Impossibly tight trousers or jeans and high heels are one of the options for the “traveler uniform”. Short shorts and flip-flops are another. As an accessory - a bag of alcohol and perfume from Dutyfree.

I never cease to be amazed at how often women sacrifice convenience for the sake of effect and the desire to impress. Please note that I do not say “for the sake of beauty,” because what you observe cannot always be called beautiful. Of course, not everyone is dressed so extravagantly. Many people prefer comfortable and functional clothes. But here, too, the main thing is not to go to extremes (tracksuits & Co). After all, aesthetics is our EVERYTHING!

  • Firstly, if you are dressed elegantly, then everyone will treat you with great attention and respect, including the airport staff. What can you do, they greet you by their clothes! They do not have the opportunity to “get to know you better” and appreciate you.
  • Secondly, flights, especially long ones, have a serious impact on our well-being and health in general. And clothing plays an important role in this.
  • Thirdly, convenient and beautiful clothes guarantees you comfort and good mood while traveling.

Therefore, here are some tips for you:

  1. DRESS ELEGANTLY AND WITH TASTE. Leave provocative clothing for other occasions. Too much short skirts and dresses when traveling are uncomfortable, unhygienic and even comical. If you want others to treat you with respect, dress accordingly;
  2. CLOTHING MUST BE CLEAN. Sitting next to a person who does not smell like roses is very unpleasant;
  3. DRESS IN LAYERS. Flying from one country to another is almost always accompanied by a change in temperature. In addition, on the plane itself, the heat on takeoff gives way to icy cold during the flight. Therefore, choose clothes so that, if necessary, you can gradually undress or, conversely, warm up. A T-shirt, then a pullover, sweatshirt or cardigan, a jacket or jacket on top, and a scarf or soft stole on top;
  4. AVOID TRACKSUITS. Even designer ones. I feel extremely stupid, but I would like to remind you that they are created mainly for sports. Therefore, in in public places they look out of place. Tracksuits are undoubtedly very comfortable, so I offer you an alternative in the form of loose and soft trousers made of thick knitwear. They will make you look stylish without sacrificing comfort;
  5. Place SHORT DRESSES AND SHORTS in your suitcase. For the flight, wear something more covered: a long dress/skirt or trousers. Why? Yes, because the airport and planes are not nearly as clean as we would like. That is, it is not a matter of aesthetics, but of hygiene. Sitting down with your butt practically bare anywhere (including in an airplane seat), so to speak, is fraught with... Dermatitis, skin infections and other troubles. Therefore, take care of yourself and your children! By the way, in my subjective opinion, it’s just INSANELY cold on a plane with bare legs;
  6. AVOID EXCESSIVELY OPEN T-shirts, BLOUSES AND T-SHIRTS. I'm not a prude and have nothing against such clothes. But an airport and an airplane are not exactly the right place for this. For the rest, see point 4.


Pregnant women and people with problem veins are advised to wear special compression stockings, tights and socks. In fact, they will be useful not only for those who have health problems, but also for those who are planning a long flight or simply fly frequently.

Thanks to them, the veins are unloaded and protected from stretching, twisting and other deformations. Such socks or tights provide the walls of blood vessels with additional support, improving blood circulation in the legs, helping to relieve fatigue and reduce swelling. They also reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and other troublesome vein diseases.


How many times have they told the world... Choose natural, “breathable” fabrics for flights. In hot weather they will be cooler, and in cool weather they will be warmer. In addition, wearing clothes made from synthetic fabrics will make you sweat more and feel “dirty” faster. This is especially noticeable during long flights.

One more tip. Give preference to trousers (jeans) made of fabric with a small elastane content (up to 5%). They are much more comfortable, wrinkle less and stretch out from sitting for a long time in an airplane seat.


  1. TOO NARROW, ESPECIALLY IN THE WAIST AND HIPS AREA, CLOTHING. During the flight, it is simply harmful to health. First of all, this applies to trousers, jeans, socks and stockings with tight elastic bands. What's the risk? Such clothing, by tightening and tugging, prevents blood from circulating freely, which can cause cramps and swelling during the flight, and subsequently can cause thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities”;
  2. SHOES WITH HIGH HEELS. Flight itself is a test for your blood vessels and veins, so why bring your body to physical exhaustion with inappropriate shoes? What if you have to walk “several kilometers” from one end of the airport to the other for a transfer? And at large airports, moving from one terminal to another is no joke! And then, anything can happen: a flight delay, for example, or its cancellation. Is health worth such sacrifices?
  3. JUMPSUITS, BLOUSES AND OR DRESSES WITH LONG TIES. Wearing such clothes will be especially uncomfortable in cramped and small airplane toilets;
  4. BRAS WITH METAL BONES. For two reasons. First: when sitting for a long time, they begin to put pressure and interfere. Second: problems may arise during control. Most likely, you will be “inspected” and “called” manually.

Remember that incorrectly selected clothing for a flight can impair blood circulation. Which, in turn, can lead to swelling, headaches, poor health after the flight, and can even cause longer and more difficult acclimatization.

Try to avoid dehydration. Drink more water during and after your flight; give up coffee and alcohol.

During the flight, periodically massage your calves and regularly move your legs and feet.

Wipe your face with moisturizing wipes or spray it with thermal water from a can (Travel Size) and apply moisturizer. These simple steps will help protect the skin from dehydration.


I wish you a pleasant journey and a good holiday!