How to make a suit in the style of dudes.  Clothes in the dude style: seductive dresses for women and bright suits for men (35 photos)

How to make a suit in the style of dudes. Clothes in the dude style: seductive dresses for women and bright suits for men (35 photos)

Do you want the holiday to be noisy and bright? So that the atmosphere is conducive to dancing, outdoor games and unbridled fun? Then a dudes-style party is exactly what you need! After the release of the film of the same name, this is one of the most popular retro destinations for organizing a celebration, be it a wedding, graduation or birthday.

Hipsters are the brainchild of the USSR. This is a unique subculture, developing more rapidly the more harshly society reacted to its manifestations. To steal - to steal, to borrow. The dudes “stole” little pieces of freedom, forbidden and inaccessible to the gray masses of the 50s. For worshiping the West they were expelled from the Komsomol, the vigilantes cut off the dudes' hair, cut their clothes, and could even beat them. Where did the rebellious youth gather?

1. Dilapidated, unfinished and abandoned buildings, far from residential buildings. Quite the right atmosphere for a themed party. The hipsters danced, listened to forbidden music and discussed rednecks who could at any moment discover the “underground” and ruin the holiday. Shabby walls, chandeliers and lamps without shades, rough furniture, modest treats.

2. Apartments of the Soviet elite. It was the children of those who traveled outside the USSR on duty who spread Western trends among young people. Good quality Soviet furniture, carpets on the walls, floor lamps, lace napkins, tube TV. For a party at the hut of a phaser who has gone on a business trip.

3. Cocktail lounge. A legendary place where forbidden jazz sounded, hundreds of types of cocktails, punches, mulled wine and much more were served. The interior is chic - columns, a twisted staircase, huge chandeliers, small round tables, thin white tablecloths, napkin huts, roses in miniature vases.

So, decorating a party in the style of a dude can be both pompous and expensive, and quite inexpensive, literally from what is at hand. Suitable for creating an atmosphere:

  • balloons, butterflies, lush bright flowers (lilac, peonies or roses), satin ribbons, bright open umbrellas. Serpentine and garlands made of paper (old labels, newspapers, posters and slogans, everything can be downloaded from the Internet), electric garlands (preferably with large round bulbs, multi-colored);
  • posters, magazine clippings, caricatures and cartoons, photographs of jazzmen can be arranged as a mini-exhibition or simply decorate the walls with them, freely or on stands;
  • vinyl records as various decorative elements (cup holders, compositions, garlands, collections in rows and stacks). If you can find old X-rays, make a hole in the center and cut off the corners to create a circle or polygon. Bone music for a dudes party is the most iconic attribute!

Read also: Movie-themed party (+ photos)

By the way, about music. Of course, first of all it is jazz and rock and roll. Some modern performers are suitable - Zero, Zoo, Bravo, Zhanna Aguzarova, Mashina Vremeni. From retro - Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Glenn Miller, Chuck Berry, Duke Ellington, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Benny Goodman.

  • vinyl record player, saxophones, guitars. Of course, real, rare ones are better. But you can improvise - props made of cardboard, painted foam or paper, children's toys, photos and postcards;
  • stand for a memorable photo shoot. Moscow 50x (for example, Gorky Street - stylish Broadway), retro car or motorcycle, tram. You can redraw or use photo printing to transfer to the stand the only surviving high-quality photograph of the Cocktail Hall cafe:

Or come up with a fun tantamaresque:

Make original party invitations - a bright dudes tie, a dude's dress, a record or a saxophone. You can glue a paper blank onto a CD and send a video or audio invitation to friends, or simply make postcards. Mention the password and review - let the guests be greeted by an inspector who will accurately distinguish a disguised redneck from a real dude. Passed the test? Get a fun badge with a stylish nickname (Masha - Mary, Sasha - Alex, Irina - Irene).

Don't forget to mention how to dress for the party in your invitations. The image of a dude, along with records, music and bright colors, is one of the main components of the rebellious atmosphere.


In those years, the authorities promoted community. Soviet people positioned as a single organism - no individuality. Any attempt to stand out from the crowd was perceived as dissatisfaction with the established way of life. Flashy clothes in the style of dudes are a consequence of fatigue from post-war poverty and shortages, a rebellion against totalitarianism, a manifestation of free will. At least in the choice of outfits.

So, you have four images to choose from - a dude or a chick (by the way, ladies in men's suits look stylish and funny), a caricature and a loaf. Girls who did not quite match the style were called rosy loaves. This is a random element that came into the company through friends. Bright lips, clumsy black eyeliner, braids or a ponytail, a bell dress or a loose knee-length skirt made of calm fabrics typical of the USSR with flowers or polka dots.

A trendy dress for a dudes party - colorful, fluffy, knee-length or slightly lower. With a slightly high waist, which is emphasized by a ribbon tied in a bow or a wide belt. Stockings with arrows, with suspenders. Ankle strap pumps.

Read also: Bachelorette party at home: looking for fresh ideas

The hair is neatly laid up, without protruding strands (a la babette), bright accessories - earrings, bracelets, beads, glasses, gloves, ribbon or headband in the hair. The lips are juicy, the eyeliner is clear, widening towards the outer corner of the eyelid, the eyelashes are fluffy. But it was not the dudes who spent more time and effort on creating the image, but the dudes!

Caricature is an exaggeration of style. Usually these are guys from the outback who take everything too literally. The trousers are so tight that they cannot be removed without assistance. The jacket is huge, with broad shoulders. The sole of the shoes rises 15 cm, the tie looks more like a lace. Excess color - green trousers, pink jacket, blue T-shirt, yellow socks, red tie.

Men's suit for dudes– narrow pipe trousers, double-breasted jacket, shirt, pointed shoes on the platform (“semolina porridge” made of rubber). The guys skillfully combined elements of clothing, managing to look catchy and bright without turning into crazy parrots. For example, the shirt is fiery red, the tie and socks are yellow, and the trousers and jacket are calm Brown(cell, stripe). If the suit is defiantly bright, the image is balanced by a shirt and accessories (narrow herring tie or bow tie, suspenders, glasses). The hairstyle is the famous Elvis hairstyle (if your hair is not long enough for a backcomb, wear a hat).

What else is appropriate to wear to a party? In addition to the dudes, in the crowd of guests you can see a black marketeer in a long raincoat, under which are hidden expensive ribbons, ties and homemade suspenders. And Komsomol girls who wandered into the light out of curiosity or with the patriotic goal of bringing some sense to the regular youth.


There is no special style menu - the guys gathered for the sake of music, dancing and fun, without thinking about gastronomic pleasures. In order not to spoil the atmosphere, take as a basis dishes popular in the USSR: Moscow salad, fish salad, spring salad, herring under a fur coat. Hot dishes: tobacco chicken, roast with mushrooms and meat, Moscow-style stellate sturgeon, chops, cutlets. By the way, there will be “old” jars of condensed milk, sprat in tomato, sprats, etc. (you can print the labels and re-glue them). If a feast is not planned, organize a rainbow buffet - carvings, tartlets, canapés, baskets with meat, mushrooms and salads.

For a themed party, dude drinks are much more important - champagne, whiskey and cola, punches, cognac and lemonades. And, of course, real stylish cocktails, bright and colorful, beautifully decorated - with umbrellas, pieces of fruit, twisted straws, in decorated glasses and glasses. Cocktail Carnival (one of the most expensive in the Cocktail Hall) - five unmixed multi-colored layers of liqueur. Cocktail “Amber” - champagne with a spoonful of liqueur and a drop of tangerine jam.

Creating spectacular, memorable images is very fashionable and popular today. It is quite common for women to turn to retro style clothing. This move creates fresh impressions and sets the appropriate mood. To organize a themed party, original wedding And just for a change of life scenery, clothes in the style of a dude are ideal. The bygone 50s left a bright, unforgettable mark on the art of fashion. Therefore, there are frequent surges of increased interest in them.

In the middle of the last century, a specific term meant not only a fashion trend. Hipsters are a certain way of life, non-standard thinking, atypical behavior.

For the Soviet Union, the appearance of young people in bright, extravagant costumes was an amazing phenomenon. The country had barely recovered from the severe consequences of World War II, and life for the people was still difficult and harsh. Against the backdrop of gray everyday life, colorfully dressed young people dancing jazz and twist to foreign music were a frank challenge to the entire society.

The main ideas of the style came from overseas. Foreign films and photographs of famous movie characters amazed the imagination with the beauty of their spectacular outfits. In distant America, people lived a rich, cheerful life, inaccessible to Soviet people. From the echoes of a foreign country, the newly formed dudes drew inspiration and cultivated new image life.

Young people were accused of parasitism, lack of spirituality and imitation. For the first time the writer D. Belyaev called them dudes. The satirical magazine “Crocodile”, the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and other publications harshly ridiculed the ridiculous and absurd fashion.

Features of stylish fashion

The main focus in women's clothing was given to dresses with a tight-fitting bodice and a full skirt. Instead of underwear, tight fittings were often worn, allowing one to achieve graceful body contours and a miniature waist. An underskirt made of dense teak was worn under the dress. Multiple gathers on the waistband created more volume.

Remember bright image the beauty Lenochka Krylova from the legendary comedy “Carnival Night”. The lead actress, the incomparable Lyudmila Gurchenko, always wore three petticoats at once. Their stunning volume especially stood out wasp waist actresses.

The colorful images of stylish dresses were complemented by bright colors and colorful fabric patterns. Prints in the form of stripes, polka dots, and poppy dots were very popular. Fiery sunflowers, bloody poppies, heavenly forget-me-nots, yolk lilies and asters – there was no end to the variety of textured designs.

The sleeves in the models were very diverse. They were made long, three-quarter length, in the form of wings or lanterns. It was considered very fashionable to wear thin gloves in a contrasting color or to match the dress. They performed not a protective, but a decorative function, so they were worn at any time of the year.

Elegant handbag and wide satin ribbon in the hair there are obligatory accessories that complete the integrity of the stylish image.

In the 60s, dude clothes changed somewhat, acquiring features of elegance and functionality. Skirts in the dude style have lost their pomp and become noticeably shorter and narrower. Models that hugged their hips openly demonstrated sexuality, which in a socialist country was considered a bourgeois prejudice and was severely condemned.

Today's look at dude style

Specific models are steadily popular at themed events and public events. A girl who needs clothes for a dude-style party should remember some of its features:

  • the fitted top of the dress and flared skirt should emphasize a graceful feminine figure;
  • special attention should be paid to the choice of rich colors and bright expressive patterns on the fabric;
  • to give the outfit great pomp, it is convenient to use an underskirt made of hard tulle;
  • classic stylish dresses reach to the knee, but today's fashionistas are allowed to manipulate the length at their discretion;
  • For overweight women would be more suitable instead of full skirts straight dress semi-adjacent silhouette with the obligatory rich colors and contrasting finishing details;

All kinds of little things, without which no stylish look is complete, should be bright and catchy for dudes. Fashionable image They are well decorated with colorful beads, multi-colored necklaces, large bracelets, and oval or round earrings.

Don't forget about a scarf, a thin scarf, a wide belt and a wide-brimmed hat. All elements are carefully selected to match the dress or the main decor.

For a dude girl, stockings are a must. Patterns in the form of flowers, mesh, thin arrows - all these are echoes retro style. Bright shoes - patent leather stiletto heels with a pointed toe.

Stylish clothes for men

The main item of the costume is, of course, tight trousers called trousers. In addition to the style, you need to remember that the length of the products should not fall below the bones. Cropped solid trousers show off brightly colored socks and narrow patent leather shoes.

The second element men's suit is a stylish jacket in large checks or pinstripes. Wide shoulders and large patch pockets are considered especially chic.

The shirt should also match the statement look. Choose shirts made from fabrics of rich colors - yellow, pink, orange, blue. A Hawaiian shirt with colorful patterns in bright colors would also be perfect. It is important to choose the right tie for it in order to avoid “war paint” of the image. Under a dark jacket, you should choose a narrow herring-type model, tied with a miniature knot. IN summer version with a light jacket and a blue shirt, a “stylish orange tie” looks ideal, which Valery Syutkin never tires of reminding.

Clothes for weddings in dudes style

Most fully implement original idea A preview of the film “Hipsters,” which was released several years ago, will help. All the subtleties of stylistic orientation were clearly reflected in it.

The main thing in organizing a wedding is clothing and mood, which will briefly return all participants of a significant event to the times of half a century ago.

The bride will be a typical fashionista if she chooses a knee-length dress with a full skirt. As expected, its color will be dazzling white. A petticoat with thick frills that peeks out flirtatiously will add style to the outfit. It is better if it is made of turquoise, pink or red tulle.

A mandatory element should be a satin belt. The same ribbon is put into the hair, collecting it into a neat, voluminous bun. The shoes must be high-heeled, creating a leisurely, smooth gait for the bride. Bright jewelry, luscious lips and black arrows on the eyes are the final touches of the wedding look.

Sometimes the bride wants to completely move away from the traditional principles of creating festive decorations. Then a red dress with white polka dots, lace gloves and a mesh veil will be a great find for an important event. Original image imbued with romanticism and tenderness.

The groom's clothing must fully match the bride's style. If a woman's dress has red details, for example, ribbons, petticoats, shoes, then a man can wear a tie of the same color. Long hair The groom can easily fit into the once fashionable high cook. Now form stylish hairstyle much easier than fifty years ago.

The wedding composition will be incomplete if the bridesmaids and groomsmen do not match the images of the dudes. You can advise girls on bright knee-length dresses with fluffy skirts. Young people will look impressive by wearing colored shirts and skinny ties.

Despite the negative reaction of contemporaries and outright condemnation of society, the subculture of dudes has penetrated so deeply into the consciousness of young people that memories of it continue to excite the imagination of fashion designers to this day.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to return to the cultural traditions of past years. This is how the dudes subculture became widespread. The film “Hipsters” played an important role in this, from which many young women and boys drew ideas for holding style parties - corporate events, New Year's holidays, stag and hen parties. About, how dudes dress V modern world and you will learn about what they were like by reading this article.

The subculture of dudes became widespread throughout the vast Soviet lands in the 50-60s of the last century. The idea for bringing this culture to life was the example of the Western way of life. Hipsters not only wore bright and ridiculous outfits, which made them stand out from the crowd, which is why they aroused the disapproval of representatives of the “gray masses” who dressed the same way. Hipsters were condemned for their apoliticality, for their views, cenism and non-acceptance of Soviet morality and norms of behavior in society. It was easy to distinguish between styles and conversations in which they used their own special slang. The words “dude”, “dude”, “chucha” gained popularity thanks to this particular subculture.

Hipsters listened to Western music, used Western style in dance, and opposed the Soviet monotony in clothing, which hid a person’s individuality.

There were rumors in Soviet society that dudes were slackers. They were called "garbage" and "mold." Indeed, initially the dudes were representatives of the “golden youth,” as we would call them today. However, in fact, these young boys and girls studied at universities and worked in enterprises, like other residents of the Soviet space. Later, less wealthy people joined the children of rich parents, and it is worth noting that among them such a cultural phenomenon was rather stupid and absurd.

It was not difficult to recognize dudes and dudes just by looking at their clothes. So what was she like that ordinary Soviet people hated her so much?

  • Color spectrum. The dudes were incredibly bright, which showed their cheerfulness and satisfaction with life, which contrasted against the background of the boring gray colors that were relevant for Soviet society of those times. Often, when composing bows, spectral tones of various colors were used. Calm and pastel shades practically not used. When creating ensembles, dudes did not hesitate to combine more than three colors in the toilet, and they did not particularly think about the harmony of tones and certainly did not use the color spectrum to create a spectacular luxurious ensemble. The main condition of the style set was a riot of colors that would demonstrate fun and joy. Hipsters used bright green, yellow, blue, red, pink, orange, purple, lilac, and white colors. A combination of red, white and yellow; lilac, pink and orange in one look - it was impressive and looked very stylish!
  • Prints. The clothes of the dude could have a floral, pea, striped, or cellular print. The main thing is that such a print should be as flashy as possible, corresponding to the general color scheme that is relevant for the stylish style of clothing. A red fluffy skirt with narrow white stripes, black dresses with small white polka dots with a red petticoat - such outfits were very popular with fashionistas of that time. The prints used by men were no less original; for example, a yellow jacket with a small green check could be worn over a bright pink shirt.
  • Clothing styles. For men, these could be pipe trousers, and for women, dresses and skirts with a crinoline or numerous petticoats. By the way, the petticoat can be contrasting with the skirt. For example, with a white dress, a blue, lilac, or red petticoat, which would go perfectly with accessories or other elements in the look. The length of women's dresses reached the knee or could fall a little lower. Bodycon sheath dresses were also common and came in a bold, statement color or bold print. The waist was usually emphasized with a noticeable belt, contrasting against the background of the dress or blouse.
  • Accessories. Stylish females wore bright jewelry. These could be large plastic products made in a fairly simple design. The beads in the beads had the same tone and did not stand out from each other. Men wore herring ties in bright colors and with a variety of patterns.
  • Makeup. The girls, called dudes in the fashion scene, wore provocative makeup, but did not look vulgar. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner, a noticeable layer of mascara was applied to them, and scarlet or pink lipstick was applied to the lips.
  • Shoes. It was elegant and fit perfectly into a stylish wardrobe. The ladies wore sandals with low heels, also in bright colors. Men wore boots with high rubber soles, which often had a contrasting color. These boots were popularly called “semolina porridge”. Their shoes could also have a contrasting toe and be sleek, with a rounded toe and contrasting laces.
  • Stockings. An obligatory attribute of hipster girls were stockings with a visible seam, for wearing which they were condemned by old women and parents.
  • Hairstyle. You will look very advantageous if you wear a high hairstyle for a stylish event, be it a wedding, bachelorette party or other celebration. A contrasting ribbon, combined with accessories or the print of the dress, will add originality and audacity. Girls could also do the “crown of peace” hairstyle. To create such a hairstyle, they needed to curl their hair and carefully place it on their heads in the shape of a crown. Smooth styled bangs will make the look playful and feminine and will definitely attract the attention of the opposite sex. Men preferred to do their hair in a “cock” style.
  • Hat. In the era of dudes, hats were common that both women and men could wear. The hat could be straw - to maintain style on the beach, as well as velor, felt, velvet, plain or embroidered with flowers.

If you have been invited to a styling party, use these current recommendations when creating your look.

  • Choose a dress with a fitted top. A stylish look involves demonstrating femininity. It is the fitted top of the dress that will allow you to show off a chiseled figure that is not a sin to envy.
  • You are free to choose a dress. This can be a dress without sleeves or with sleeves; it can also have drapery on the bodice and wide straps.
  • Pay attention to drawings and prints. Patterns should be bright and contrasting. It could be polka dots or a floral design.
  • When choosing a skirt, remember that the classic option is knee length. However, modern style fashion also requires some liberties in choosing the length. The skirt can be not only slightly below, but also above the knees.
  • If you have voluminous hips, you can hide them under a full skirt. However, if you want to show off luxurious hips, high, lush breasts and a wasp waist, then give preference to a sheath dress in a bright color.
  • Tie your belt in a beautiful way. Hipster girls tied it with a beautiful bow. You can do the same actions with the belt.
  • As a handbag you can use elegant small handbags in the Coco style having long straps. These can also be stylish clutches.

Celebrations and holidays in the dude style are now a fairly common phenomenon that arouses interest among young people. You can organize a similar holiday for your parents and grandparents, who will probably want to remember the fashion of their days. In any case, if you are invited to a party in the style of a dude, do not forget what you learned from this article in order to look the part.

The desire to stand out from the crowd, without merging with the gray mass, to bring charm, enthusiasm and bright notes - these were the main motives of the dudes of the last century. Originating in the 60s. During the Soviet era, the dude style affected not just the fashion industry: it was a way of life, behavior, and manner of speaking.

Inspiration was drawn from overseas, from distant and inaccessible America. Often dudes copied movie characters. Let us note the characteristic features of the style:

  • Print and color palette . A riot of colors - all shades of the rainbow - is the main touch in clothing. Polka dot prints, bright flowers, and stripes are also welcome.
  • Women's clothing. She envisioned outfits made of crepe de Chine, satin, bouffant skirts and dresses with a fitted bodice. The waist is definitely emphasized with a bright belt.
  • Women's shoes. Popular shoes with a pointed toe and a small heel (4-5 cm) were comfortable and at the same time allowed the ladies to look impressive.
  • Men's clothing. Jackets with patch pockets, wide shoulders, pipe trousers, colorful shirts, jumpers and pullovers with deer and snowflakes and, of course, colorful herring ties - this is the outfit of a stylish guy.
  • Men's footwear. Shoes were all the rage white, but it was also possible to wear multi-colored models. The rubber sole was prized.
  • Decorations . Earrings, short and long beads, and bracelets bright colors enjoyed great popularity.
  • Makeup. This point concerned the female half. Eyeliner and brightly painted lips are an invariable accompaniment to the look of a dude.
  • Hairstyle. Lush, high hairstyles called “babette”, “crown of the world” completed the image of girls and women. For men, the trendy hairstyle was a combed hairstyle.

At the very beginning, clothing of this look required several attributes and accessories: flared trousers, an awkward jacket, a colorful tie, and a wide-brimmed hat. After some time, the style acquired features already familiar to many. Clothes in the style of dudes for men and women embodies the main principles of stylish style - “no” dullness and routine!

The main subject men's wardrobe dudes, as noted, are narrow pipe trousers. The length is definitely to the bones. It performs an additional function: it “opens up” multi-colored socks and narrow shoes to the world. The second most important attribute is the jacket. Large checkered, striped – these are 2 popular prints. The shirt, echoing the trousers and jacket, suggests rich shades: pink, orange, blue. Variegated options are also allowed. Skinny tie, which is tied in a miniature knot, completes the men's set.

Women's fashion of this style is full skirts with several petticoats (as bright as the skirts themselves) or crinolines. The length reaches the knee or slightly below. The waist is emphasized with a contrasting satin belt. Large, eye-catching jewelry of a fairly simple design: bracelets, rings, earrings, beads. The hairstyle is decorated with headbands made of the same satin as at the waist, as well as headbands, hairpins and bows. A small cap is also used.

Photos of clothes in the style of the 60s

“Everything new is a well-forgotten old.” This saying is very suitable for modern fashion trends. Memorable images of young people are popular, and the dude style is the embodiment of brightness, originality, and the desire to stand out from the crowd. Designers are recreating forgotten images of the 60s. twentieth century, following interest and demand. Take a look at photo of clothes in the style of dudes, and you will definitely want to try on this eccentric and carefree image.

Where to buy clothes in the dude style?

Of course, for those who, looking into their grandmother's closet, found a current outfit, we are simply envious. This is a rarity: do not refuse such an outfit! It will not be difficult to sew clothes in the style of dudes for needlewomen. In this case, the advantage will be that it is sewn according to your own sketches and will fit you perfectly. But what about the rest of the population? Where to buy clothes in the dude style? A huge selection is provided by both regular and online stores. Of course, among the many models you will find one that suits your internal state outfit. In addition, you can rent such outfits in specialized stores.

The younger generation always strives to look bright and beautiful, stand out from others, and attract the attention of others. The desire for individuality among young people has manifested itself at all times, but those who in Soviet times called themselves dudes were especially distinguished.

Hipsters – youth subculture Soviet times, which existed in the 40s - 60s and was distinguished by specific outfits, bright hairstyles and makeup, and various accessories that made it possible to stand out from the gray mass of that time. Young people, calling themselves dudes, sought to copy the Western lifestyle, preferred to listen to Western music, and had their own interests and views on life. Hipsters have always been condemned for their behavior, outlook on life and appearance. In society it was not at all difficult to distinguish dudes; they not only had a defiant appearance, but also adhered to a special slang. Girls copied dress models from foreign magazines, of which there weren’t many at that time. They often created their wardrobe at home with their own hands. Everyone emphasized the figure, highlighted the waist, and bright makeup and tall hair perfectly complemented each other. Dude guys preferred to wear bright jackets, silk shirts,... An indispensable attribute was a crêpe de Chine tie, which necessarily had colorful ornaments. Men's hairstyles were called “cok”; they were distinguished by high styling and gloss.

Currently, many clothing designers are returning to, creating fluffy skirts, bright dresses, brightly checkered jackets and crinkled and silk shirts, which are popular among fashion connoisseurs of the time. Hipsters’ clothing gained particular popularity after the release of the film “Hipsters,” which was released in 2008. Since that time, it has become popular to hold parties in the style of dudes, where young people try to transform themselves into the generation of Soviet times. But in order to create the image of dudes, you need to know what they looked like, what clothes they wore and how they created their style and image.

What did the stylish girls look like?

Hipsters wore clothes of very bright colors, which allowed them to show their cheerfulness and specialness to others. Girls and boys of dudes almost always used different color shades in clothes, which could combine three or more bright colors. The combination of several colors made their clothes original and stylish.

In addition to bright colors, dudes always wore floral clothes, which had polka dots of various sizes, stripes, and cells. Such a print in clothes should be flashy and go well with other wardrobe items.

Dresses and skirts. Girls - dudes preferred to wear plain ones or in various prints; they also wore petticoats along with such skirts, which made the skirts fluffy. No less popular were the ones that also featured bright prints. The waist was always emphasized with a wide belt.

Sweatshirts, blues. Outerwear was as bright as skirts or trousers. Silk blouses or sweaters went perfectly with a skirt and were almost always secured with a wide belt. and cuffs, different prints, contrasting with hairstyle, shoes and other accessories.

Accessories. Stylish girls always wore bright jewelry: small or large beads, large rings and bracelets.

Makeup. In stylish parties you could always meet girls with bright makeup. The eyes were emphasized with black eyeliner, a layer of mascara on the eyelids and bright shadows made the eyes expressive. Also, girls often used a lot of powder, and wore bright powder on their lips.

Shoes. The women's shoes were elegant and fit well into the created style. Ladies wore low-heeled shoes or pumps in bright colors.

Hairstyle. Stylish girls always wore high hairstyles with ribbons, which must be combined with a skirt or blouse. Some women wore high bouffants, ponytails, or . The created hairstyles always included straight or wavy bangs.

How did the dudes dress?

Trousers and jackets. Dude guys wore trousers that were tapered at the bottom or flared trousers. These trousers were paired with double-breasted jackets with hangers in bright colors or in large or small checks. Looked original and printed on men's clothing. For example: a yellow jacket with a green check was worn on a bright pink shirt. In the summer, men wore shirts with Hawaiian prints, and with the onset of cold weather they wore long raincoats or coats.

Men preferred to wear brightly colored ties and high-soled shoes. The toe of these boots was rounded, and the laces were brightly colored.

Particular attention was paid to the hairstyle. Men also preferred to have a high hairstyle, which was fixed with hairspray.

In order to create the image of a dude, it doesn’t take much time and expense, especially in the modern world, where you can buy any clothes or accessory without any problems. The main thing is to choose the right image that will suit you. Parties in the style of dudes are quite popular among modern youth, so everyone can create their own image on their own, which can emphasize the femininity, taste and individuality of the youth of the Soviet era.