How to see that a guy is in love.  If a guy loves you: how to understand and what to pay attention to

How to see that a guy is in love. If a guy loves you: how to understand and what to pay attention to

Incredible facts

How to determine at the beginning of dating whether a guy will fall in love with you or not?

Love at first sight undoubtedly exists. In films everything is much simpler and clearer.

IN real life sometimes it is difficult to predict whether that same spark will develop into a real one and strong love or will it all end just easy an affair.

Is it possible to predict love?

There are a number of unconditionalsigns , indicating that he will fall in love with you like crazy.

The following 8 signs will predict you a great feeling of love that will arise on his part in the very near future:

Signs of falling in love

1. You are the most beautiful for him

If you seem to him the most beautiful, charming and attractive, this is more than good sign, indicating that he will soon lose his head over you.

Whether you admit it or not, looks always matter. The physical aspect is very important at the beginning of a relationship.

Remember the words of the famous playwright William Shakespeare that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

This means that if you are beautiful in his eyes, most likely he is really crazy about you.

And the first sign of this is when a man cannot take his eyes off a woman. At this moment, all the other ladies simply fade away for him.

This doesn't mean crazy love on his part, but it's definitely a start in the right direction.

Signs of a man falling in love

2. He always listens to you carefully

A woman always has something interesting that she wants to talk about.

This is not necessarily a conversation about a new polish, a purchased handbag or a pair of shoes. A man, as a rule, is not particularly interested in such conversations.

But there are things that are certainly interesting to both of you. And you can talk about them for hours.

You can enjoy conversations together.

If dialogue flows easily between you and your friend, and you both feel comfortable enough to be sincere, and openly express your opinions and thoughts, this is definitely the start of something big and bright.

3. He tells you everything that happens to him.

Every time something interesting happens in his life, he feels the need to tell you about it.

Even if this “something” is not essential, he simply needs to notify you about what happened.

For example, he saw something funny on the way to work, or his friend stumbled while singing a pension at karaoke.

It could be anything, but if he is in a hurry to tell you what happened, then this is a good sign indicating that he needs to communicate with you.

Perhaps he is dialing your number not so much to report something as to hear your voice and laughter.

If so, and he wants to hear from you again and again, rejoice. Your victory in winning his heart is just around the corner.

Psychology, signs of a guy falling in love

4. When even small moments matter

Sometimes things that at first glance seem ordinary and insignificant bring joy.

Something as simple as observing the night sky and guessing the constellations can bring you closer together than a complex and serious test.

Sometimes insignificant little things can transform our lives, changing it radically.

It is worth remembering that happiness lies in little things and events.

Maybe instead of going to the football game with a friend, he would prefer to come to your place on Saturday night and spend time watching your favorite comedy with you.

Or you can go for a walk together, or sit on the shore of a local lake. There are many options for how you can spend your time. The main thing is that he wants to spend this time in the company of you.

By choosing you rather than his friends, girlfriends or other pastimes, he proves that you already mean a lot to him. And for you, this is a good sign that your couple is moving in the right direction.

5. He's happy when you reply to his messages.

Remember those numerous jokes about how happy a girl is when she receives a message from a guy.

It’s safe to say that a guy who receives a message from a girl he likes reacts in much the same way.

At this moment he feels like a winner. And what’s funny about this situation is that his reaction is just as joyful.

Just like a girl, he waits 20-30 minutes before answering so that you don’t think that he was waiting for your message.

If the moment when you respond to his message is very important to him, then this is a great sign.

Psychology, signs of falling in love in men

6. He suddenly becomes an artist

Love inspires.

Some things suddenly begin to play with new colors.

Suddenly poetry and music make sense. You inspire him, if not to great deeds and exploits, then certainly to new beginnings. Obviously, you become for him the very muse to whom he wants to dedicate poems and songs.

What could be better than a quiet evening when he plucks the guitar strings, playing the melody of a romantic song for you, and your legs are comfortably placed on his lap?

He even hums some words under his breath; it is quite possible that he comes up with them on the go. But does it really matter? It's so cute...

And now it doesn’t matter that he didn’t play guitar since primary school or haven’t picked up brushes and paints for several long years.

If he wants to sing, draw and dedicate all this to you, then this means something...

When a man is in love

7. His friends know about you

If most of his friends have heard of you, this is a good sign that he is serious about you and plans to build a relationship with you.

Perhaps he buzzed their ears about how beautiful, smart and extraordinary you are. And it is quite possible that he has already introduced you to them personally.

And even though some of them make fun of him, pointing out that he is in love, he does not pay attention to it and is still fascinated by you, not at all ashamed of his feelings.

Signs of a man in love

8. He is ready to overcome obstacles

Do you live in Moscow, and he lives in St. Petersburg?

It's not a problem for him. These days, there are a huge number of mobile applications that allow lovers to communicate even at a distance.

In addition, every weekend you can meet either at your hometown, or on its territory.

What to do if you are separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers and you live in different countries? Even the most difficult obstacles can be overcome if you really want it.

Sometimes life presents us with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

But if we are in love, this means that we have wings, thanks to which we will undoubtedly be able to cope not only with enormous distances, but also with much more serious problems.

Remember the famous phrase: Separation is to love what the wind is to fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the strong.

Everyone knows the banal truth that a woman loves with her ears. This is true. We really want to hear compliments and words of love from the guy we like! But men, unfortunately, are not always in a hurry to talk about their feelings. And we, girls, have to only guess what is going on there, inside, behind a chest wide and strong as a rock.

Fortunately, there are several surefire ways to figure out whether a guy is in love or not. Yes, a man may not speak directly about his experiences. But his eyes, voice, gestures and behavior will tell much more than words. And learn to read male soul not that difficult.

A man’s behavior is a mirror of his real motives. If a guy cares about you, he will definitely do the following things:

1. Call often

Of course, not all men behave the same way. It is easier to call a confident guy than someone who is very shy. But even a timid young man will find at least a couple of questions or topics for a telephone conversation. Even if he can’t say anything sensible into the phone, he will shyly ask for forgiveness for disturbing you.

2. Always find time for you

If you suddenly need help, your boyfriend will agree to come to the rescue. If he is in love, he will worry about your problems, delve into the difficult situation you find yourself in, listen carefully, give advice and, of course, help.

If a guy is indifferent, he will find a thousand reasons why he is forced to leave you Hard time(suddenly my mother got sick, the boss called, the car broke down, etc.).

3. Admire you

Usually men don't notice what we're wearing or how we're combing our hair. But a guy in love always thinks you look amazing. He doesn’t always manage to express his admiration in the form of compliments (after all, not all men know how to give them, plus embarrassment gets in the way for some). But he will “devour” you with his eyes and will never say that the dress doesn’t suit you or that your lips are painted too brightly.

A guy who has true feelings will never be shy about showing you off to his friends or family. On the contrary, he will be proud to present to the whole world the object of his sincere adoration.

The look of a guy in love

Eyes are a spiritual mirror. This truth can also serve as a weapon in secret women's intelligence. You can tell by a man's eyes whether he is interested in you or not.

For example, a guy looks directly at you, without looking away or wandering over his face and body. Such direct visual contact “eye to eye” can be interpreted in two ways: a man can see you as an enemy or, on the contrary, he is head over heels in love. In order not to be mistaken, take a closer look at his pupils: if they are narrowed, the guy is tense and preparing to defend himself, if they are slightly enlarged, he is very interested in you, but if they are greatly dilated, he is experiencing sexual desire.

An indifferent guy will look at the ceiling, at the entrance doors of the cafe, at neighboring tables, etc., unable to hide his boredom.

But if a guy looks at the floor, occasionally daring to raise his eyes to you, perhaps he is very in love, but terribly embarrassed.

Another one interesting feature male gaze: if a guy looks at you, but his gaze constantly shifts from his face to his shoulders, neck, chest and other parts of the body, then he most likely simply experiences a strong sexual attraction to you.

A guy in love usually can't take his eyes off your face. It’s as if he’s trying to remember every line, examine every eyelash and not miss the slightest movement of his lips. He intuitively looks for an answer in your face to his question: do you like him?

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Gestures and facial expressions

Many books have been written about nonverbal signs. Body language says ten times more about us than words to those who understand it. It’s not for nothing that during an interview, an attentive recruiter not only listens to your confession about yourself, but watches how you sit, where you put your hands, whether you are fiddling with objects, etc. From these non-verbal signals, he will know whether you are suitable for the position or no, even before you finish the monologue.

So it is on the love front: a guy may try to hide his interest from you (for example, because of embarrassment or fear of rejection), but his body and face give him away. When a man is in love, he does not notice what his hands are doing:

  • fiddling with a tie or buttons;
  • smooth hair;
  • twist the ear;
  • scratches his cheek, etc.

Often a guy in love, looking into your face, involuntarily copies your facial expressions or gestures while you are telling him something:

  • frowns if you are unhappy;
  • smiles if he sees a smile on your face (and not because you tell a funny joke);
  • nods his head at the same time as you;
  • even waves his hand when you say hello to your acquaintances passing by, whom he sees for the first time.

This behavior may seem absent-minded, but in fact, it is a clear sign that the guy is very much in love.

If we talk about facial expression, then a guy who is truly in love raises his eyebrows and keeps his eyes wide open. When talking to you, it is difficult for him to control his emotions enough to casually squint and wink, as characters from films do.

The voice also serves as a kind of detector. Usually, when a man shows interest in you, he “sits down”: very low overtones appear or becomes hoarse, as if the guy’s mouth is dry. In addition, the voice becomes muffled, sometimes turning into an intimate, intriguing half-whisper.

How to check if a guy is in love

There are a few more feminine tricks How to unobtrusively find out if a guy is serious about you:

1. Test him for generosity

Any girl likes to be given gifts. It's always nice. Even if it’s not a Chanel bag for a fabulous price, but just a small chocolate bar that “accidentally” ended up in his coat pocket.

You can specifically test the guy’s generosity by passing by a counter where you liked some cute little thing and show interest in it. If your boyfriend is in love, he will rush to purchase the object of your attention and give it to you.

2. Test his loyalty

In a cafe where you have a cup of coffee, draw his attention to any pretty girl in the room. Tell her that she has beautiful shoes or hair. And see how long the guy will look at the stranger (and whether he will turn his head at all).

If your companion is in love with you, he will either show no interest in the other at all, or he will glance at her with an absent-minded glance, rushing to return to communicating with you.

3. Check for willingness to help

A man who is interested in you will surround you with care. He will be only happy when you ask him to carry a heavy bag or paint a door. Even if he is very busy, he will find time to show you that he is serious.

Signs of a guy in love

So, let’s summarize the signs that will tell us a guy’s true feelings:

  1. He will always find time to call, meet, help and just listen.
  2. He doesn't hide you from his friends and family.
  3. He can't take his eyes off your face. At the same time, his eyes shine and his pupils are slightly dilated.
  4. His facial expressions and gestures sometimes mirror your own. Thus, he empathizes with your emotions. Or the guy just listens to you with his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide open.
  5. His voice becomes low and muffled when he talks to you.
  6. He only looks at you. He is not interested in the beauties passing by.
  7. He is generous and helpful towards you.

What other signals exist that indicate a guy is in love, find out from the video.

Everything about feelings, love, falling in love, sympathy is so fragile and tender that it seems like one move and it will disappear. When it all just begins, your heart sinks at the sight of the object of your admiration, your head is foggy from euphoria - how to understand whether your feelings are mutual? Moreover, no one puts them on display, does not shout about them at every corner, but, on the contrary, tries to hide them as carefully as possible. For one moment, it seemed that the guy was still in love. A minute passed - no, it probably really just seemed... You can guess on coffee grounds, chamomile, whether you like or dislike the stars for a very, very long time. And it is unlikely that this will give you a satisfactory, unambiguous answer. But it is quite possible to become more attentive, take a closer look at the guy, his behavior and understand whether he is in love.

Our feelings, even the most hidden ones, can be recognized if desired. If we change from the inside, then changes also occur outside - in behavior, appearance, speech, gait, facial expressions.

How can you tell that a guy is in love?

10 signs that a guy is clearly interested in you.

1. You can suspect that a guy is in love with you if in your presence he began to behave somewhat strangely. It’s not a fact that you will like the changes; on the contrary, you will be surprised. A quiet person may begin to behave defiantly, arrogantly, rudely, so that no one notices that he is embarrassed by you, and the soul of the company suddenly loses all his charm and enthusiasm, because he feels uncomfortable in your presence and constantly thinks about the fact that you are nearby.

2. You constantly feel his gaze on you. Sometimes you manage to catch him, but he quickly looks away. Ask your girlfriends to observe how often the guy looks in your direction. The main thing is that he himself does not notice that he is being watched. Try to check this version yourself: when you feel that the guy is looking at you, take out a mirror to supposedly fix your hair or makeup. In the reflection you will see where the guy’s gaze is directed, you can also turn sharply in his direction and if he was looking, then you are definitely interested in him.

3. You should be wary that chance encounters it became too much. If a guy is in love, then he wants to see you as often as possible, to be as close to you as possible. Consciously or not, he will be looking for contact and therefore can literally be “underfoot” all day long. Meet you in the morning at the entrance, be next to the wardrobe, then in the dining room, during a break, just pass by, ask something trivial, turn to your interlocutor. Don’t be surprised if you meet him in an unusual place - near your house, in a store, in a movie, where you went with your friends. This can only mean one thing - his intelligence is working well and he is in love with you.

4. This point is a little controversial, and the guys themselves are against it. The fact is that a guy in love is betrayed by his gallantry and care. But male representatives protest - supposedly they are always like this, and not just when Cupid struck their heart. But we girls know that sometimes it is not so easy to get chivalrous actions from them, especially not in emergency moments, when honor and dignity are at stake, but in ordinary everyday life. So a sudden concern, an offer of help, an unusual concern about your well-being, mood, can tell you that someone has fallen in love.

5. By nature, men are very inattentive. Or rather, they pay attention only to what is very, very interesting to them. The rest of the information instantly disappears from their heads. Girls don’t understand this; we often remember even what we should have forgotten, something accidentally told to us and entrusted to us. Good memory guy regarding the little things in your life says a lot. He remembers what date your birthday is, and not “like in the fall?” He knows who you are according to your horoscope, what city your sister lives in, what’s the name of your cat, what juice do you prefer? He's definitely in love with you.

6. He changed his plans for you. No not like this. HE CHANGED HIS PLANS FOR YOU! Only a man in love is capable of such an act. Just be careful, you need to understand that you were the cause. Perhaps you let it slip that you are still going to come to this boring cleanup and stay after work to help decorate the room for the holiday. And, having heard this, the guy put aside his business, although he had previously intended to ignore these events. And if you directly asked for his help, knowing that he was busy, but did not receive a refusal - congratulations, this is love!

7. A guy in love will try to talk to you about topics that interest you. The reason could be a phrase you accidentally dropped about your love for dogs - in a couple of days he will decide to discuss with you the intricacies of caring for toy terriers, talk about his pet, and invite you to a thematic exhibition.

8. Have you noticed that the guy looks better?. If he used to calmly walk around in just jeans all week, but now he’s clearly started to preen himself, it means someone’s opinion is important to him. He might ask you for advice on whether that shirt suits him or whether you like his perfume (oh, that's a reason to hug you). But it’s better for you to be the first to notice the changes that have occurred and give him a compliment. To receive praise from the one you are in love with - what could be better? He will not be able to hide his joy and his contented appearance and red cheeks will betray his feelings.

Falling in love is a pleasant feeling that every person wants to experience. But what can a person who is overtaken by it feel? It is about how to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl that I want to talk now.

About the concept itself

First of all, I want to understand the concepts themselves. What does the word “falling in love” mean? So, it should not be confused with the word “love”, because this is far from the same thing. Falling in love is the first feeling that arises in a person. This is a love that develops into something more. Further, over time, love either passes or transforms into love. It is worth saying that a person cannot remain in a state of love for a long time. The average time (according to scientists) allocated for this feeling, - 9 months.

Primary signs

How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? If this is the case, then the following primary symptoms will be present:

  1. The desire to see your object of desire as often and as much as possible. Those. a person will try to meet the girl he likes as often as possible (with or without reason).
  2. The guy's thoughts and conversations will revolve around only one person - the girl (this happens because at this time the lover's world revolves around only one person).
  3. Collection of information. This is also one of the signs of falling in love. This means that a person wants to learn as many interesting things as possible about the girl in order to be as close to her as possible.

Intangible aspects

How else can you understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? It is worth saying that from a psychological point of view, certain changes will occur in a person.

  1. Daydreaming. A guy who has fallen in love can often “disappear” in his dreams. And even despite the time and place.
  2. Problems. As a consequence of the first point, a person in love may have certain problems at work or study. After all, the concentration of attention from working moments moves to the object of desire. Relationships with others may also go wrong, especially relatives and friends, who will demand more time for themselves.
  3. A person becomes softer, more tender not only in relation to the object of affection, but also towards everyone around him.
  4. A sparkle appears in a person's eyes. A lover can always be noticed in a crowd by only one facial expression - a happy one.
  5. A feeling of complete happiness. And most importantly, people in love are happy with everything, even what could previously cause indignation.

The material side of the issue

How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? Just pay attention to your waste. More often than not, people become very generous as they fall in love. And not only to the object of your affection, but also to everyone around you. They want to give joy and share it with everyone. Often this desire is expressed in gratuitous gifts to family, loved ones, and friends.

The main signs of falling in love

If a guy saw a girl and fell in love, it is also worth checking for the presence of the main signs of falling in love. If they are present (not even all, but at least some, the guy can be congratulated):

  1. The past is forgotten. Falling in love erases old feelings and memories. If a guy falls in love, he will no longer need his ex or any other girl.
  2. Future plans. Immediately, a person in love begins to make plans for the future with the person they like.
  3. All matters fade into the background. If you can run away from classes, the guy will not go to school. And so - all hobbies and hobbies are put on hold for now, there is a desire for everything free time dedicate either to the girl or to thoughts about her.
  4. Willingness to sacrifice. A person in love is ready to give in to the object of his desire in everything. Even in something that I would not have agreed to before.
  5. A person in love sees exclusively the positive sides of the person with whom he is in love. Negative character traits at this stage only cause tenderness.

In the presence of the object of adoration

The guy fell in love with the girl. "What to do?" - the following question may arise. So, first of all, I would like to suggest that a man’s behavior may change somewhat when he sees the object of his adoration. What could happen?

  1. Shiver. If a guy sees the girl he is in love with, his body may tremble and his hands will sweat.
  2. Shyness. When he sees the object of his adoration, a guy can get lost, shy, and look away. Often all thoughts and words fly out of his head, a man may not find what to say. It happens that outright nonsense is said. It's not scary, all lovers behave this way. After all, it is not the mind that speaks, but the feelings.
  3. Tongue-tied. Often people in love simply cannot express themselves normally. They forget words and lose their thoughts.

These are common behavioral indicators of falling in love. But this is not a complete list of them, because each person experiences falling in love individually.


If a guy falls in love with a girl, what should he do, how should he behave? It must be said that you should not delay with your feelings. Our society is still patriarchal, so it is the man who must take the first steps. If there is a certain fear of refusal, you can first “test the waters.” What you can do here:

  1. If you have mutual friends, preferably female ones, you can ask them about what the girl thinks about the guy.
  2. If you don’t have any mutual acquaintances, you need to try for some time to get into the girl’s field of vision as often as possible. Let her get used to seeing a guy not far from her.
  3. Next we need to get to know each other. You can do this on purpose (just come up and say: “Hello”) or unintentionally (ask what time it is, start talking in a public place).

What's next

If a guy falls in love with an unfamiliar girl, after the dating stage one can draw certain conclusions about the lady’s mood. However, if she is still cold, you should not give up, you need to move on.

  1. You need to appear with a woman in general company as often as possible. In a crowd it is easier to establish discreet and unobtrusive contact.
  2. If possible, after group meetings you should remain alone. There can be many reasons: to accompany the lady home (darkness, danger on the streets, etc.), to take from her interesting book, ask about the place where she vacationed, etc.
  3. It is also good to give a girl small, cute gifts for no reason. It could be a plucked flower or a small plush toy. It's always nice.
  4. We need to find common points of contact, i.e. something that can be interesting to both.

How to force yourself

If a guy sets a goal for himself: “I want to fall in love with a girl,” it will be quite difficult to achieve it. The thing is that falling in love, like love itself, is an action that occurs on a subconscious level, i.e. regardless of a person's wishes. This is a complex of hormones that causes pleasant sensations in the body. You can, of course, instill in yourself the feeling of falling in love, but these will be completely different from the sensations that a truly in love person experiences.

The most important

Well, the most important thing to do if a guy meets a girl and falls in love: you need to tell her about it. And come what may. Refusal is okay, it's not the end of the world. By the way, it is better to receive a refusal earlier than when falling in love begins to develop into one-sided love. If a girl feels the same, great: you can enjoy each other’s company without any problems.

If this is not necessary at all

What can you advise a man who says: “I fell in love with a young girl, but I don’t need it at all!”? Dealing with your feelings will be oh so difficult. However, there are several ways to force yourself to forget about the object of your desire:

  1. Work. You need to throw yourself into work (study). A guy shouldn't have time to think about anything. You need to load yourself, as they say, to the fullest.
  2. Fight fire with fire. If an adult man falls in love with a young girl, he just needs to switch to a lady of his own age and court her (even if this does not lead to the development of any events).
  3. Fewer contacts. To forget a person, you need to stop dating him. The fewer contacts, the better.
  4. New. Well, it’s also good to get carried away with something new. This could be a new hobby that can captivate a person no less than falling in love itself.

It changes a person’s behavior, so people in love who are close to the object of their adoration begin to behave differently.

And many girls, trying not to be mistaken in their feelings, have a question: how to know if a guy loves you? To answer it, you need to carefully observe how a man behaves and how he looks.

Psychology of a man in love

Falling in love - complex, multifaceted feeling, the formation of which depends on many factors, including:

  • individual preferences;
  • features of the mother’s appearance and personality (relationships with the mother can significantly influence a man’s preferences);
  • personal characteristics of a man;
  • interests;
  • life goals.

The physiological basis of any love, both female and male, is hormones that are produced in the body.

They influence the mood in a certain way, cause a feeling of lust, lead to the appearance of changes in the somatic state characteristic of falling in love such as fever, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, a feeling of pleasant tightness in the stomach (those “butterflies”).

When a man feels that he is in love, he strives to attract the woman’s attention and evoke a reciprocal feeling in her. During this period, love is at its strongest and can drown out rational thinking.

It is more difficult for a man to control himself, he begins to behave differently, trying to achieve what he wants. If this is successful, in the process of developing the relationship, he takes a closer look at the woman and begins to better understand what exactly he wants from her.

How does he fall in love?

Understand, how men fall in love and how they feel, it’s easier if we consider the stages of development of love:

In the future, his feelings develop according to two scenarios: either the love fades away, or it transforms into love.

What is he experiencing?

How does a man understand that he is in love? There is hardly a person who does not understand that he is in love.

Falling in love has striking features , which distinguish it from other feelings, and the key one is the somatic manifestations that arise while being next to a woman: heat, increased sweating, tremors in the limbs, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There may also be a feeling of arousal, which is more pronounced in men than in women.

Somatic manifestations and sexual desire are harmoniously combined with a strong feeling of sympathy, the desire to help, support, desire put yourself in the best light and get a response.

The thoughts of a man in love, especially when his feelings are at their maximum, revolve around the girl he likes, so it may be difficult for him to concentrate on business.

For some, falling in love is beneficial: they are full of strength and energy, their brain works more actively, and life’s tasks are solved with ease.


Signs of falling in love can be divided into:

  • behavioral. By the way a man behaves and talks, one can judge the presence or absence of feelings;
  • non-verbal. These include gestures, facial expressions, and movement patterns. These nuances are more difficult to notice, but they can be no less informative than behavioral ones. It is especially useful to pay attention to them in cases where a man is able to control his behavior well.

Behavioral signs of falling in love:

Also a man in love changes in appearance: begins to take care of himself, begins to play sports, puts on best clothes, combs hair carefully, can change hairstyle.

To make an impression, he may start doing things that no one expects from him, such as riding to work on a brand new bike.

Increased nervousness can also be a sign of falling in love: a man is always twirling something in his fingers, may answer inappropriately, or hides his gaze.

12 signs that a guy loves you:

How to recognize?

Most men, regardless of age, behave when in love in a similar way. But there are some differences in the behavior of boys and adult men, married and single guys.

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

How does a man fall in love? Nonverbal signs:

How to check if a guy loves you?

Courtship, good sex, beautiful words, a heap of gifts does not always mean that a man set to serious relationship and really loves it. Therefore, a woman may want to check if she is loved.

How to understand that a man is in love? Women's illusions about male love.