Psychology of color: what does hair shade tell you?  What your hair color says about your sexual desires What does it mean when a girl decides to dye her hair.

Psychology of color: what does hair shade tell you? What your hair color says about your sexual desires What does it mean when a girl decides to dye her hair.

When it comes to changing your appearance, the easiest and most inexpensive, yet radical way is to use hair dye. People have been dyeing their hair for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used henna to tint gray hair.

Nowadays, you can very easily and quickly change the color of your locks or cover up your gray hair. There are many different means for this. However, there are some pretty good reasons why you should avoid using hair dye. Here are some of them.

What does dye do to hair?

How the dye works depends largely on the color, as well as how long it stays on the hair. However, regardless of its composition and specific application, absolutely any dye, that is, the chemicals it contains in its composition, penetrate directly into the hair cuticle to change its color.

The dyeing process also changes the structure of the hair, so after the procedure it may look completely different. This is especially noticeable if you lighten the strands. Hair bleach makes your hair look coarser.

Dye can cause hair loss

Nobody wants to lose their hair, especially girls and women. That is why their loss can become a real problem. According to research, hair loss from permanent dyes is technically hair breakage, but can occur in such quantities that it looks more like hair loss.

Harsh chemicals found in permanent hair dyes can make your hair brittle and brittle. Despite the fact that the loss will not be permanent, it can only intensify over time, especially if you use dyes constantly.

Paint can cause allergies

Most hair dyes provoke allergic reaction, which is why it is recommended that you do an allergy test before using them on your hair.

This is explained by the fact that the dyes contain paraphenylenediamine, which is a very strong irritant to the skin.

Some chemicals in paints can cause cancer.

These days, it may seem like anything can cause cancer, but that's not entirely true. However, hair dye can cause the development of a malignant tumor.

This is because more than 5,000 chemicals used in hair dyes are potentially harmful to humans. Not all of them cause cancer, but some are carcinogenic.

To protect yourself as much as possible, you need to select coloring compounds that do not contain aggressive chemicals.

Dye dries out hair

Dry and brittle hair are a serious problem for many women, whether they dye them or not. Blow-drying, curling, straightening and many other heat-related treatments can cause serious damage to your hair.

The problem with your hair can get significantly worse if you frequently color it, especially if your hair is lightened. Peroxide is great for lightening your hair and then giving it a new color, but it can cause your locks to look straw-like.

Maintaining hair color is expensive

Those who dye their hair know what to maintain beautiful colour quite expensive, especially if dyeing is done in a salon. You need to renew your color at least once a month to keep your hair looking beautiful.

Takes a lot of time

Hair coloring not only costs a lot of money, but also takes a lot of time. To carry out high-quality coloring and obtain beautiful shade, you will have to spend more than one hour. If coloring is carried out in several colors in the salon, then you may have to spend the whole day off on it.

Gray hair can look elegant

It's natural to want to turn back time when your hair starts turning grey. The simplest solution is to use hair dye. However, it's better to go gray gracefully than to use chemicals that ruin your locks. Many women don't dye theirs White hair to add sophistication to your image.

It's no secret that girls and women love to change their image and wardrobe from time to time. But perhaps the most common way to transform yourself is to change your hairstyle and hair color. What does the hair color we choose say?

I came across an article on this topic that pleased me with its humor. I would like to clarify that the article hardly claims to be scientific, but there are definitely interesting psychological observations there.

" My elder sister I dyed my hair again. This time - from red to lilac. No one will ever be able to clearly explain to me why she does this so often. Perhaps she has once again been overtaken by a genre crisis - and she wants to “start life over.” Or maybe her boyfriend realized that their quarrels were the result of his chronic aversion to the color red, and her sister wisely decided not to test his patience any longer... I don't understand my sister well. But I feel that there must certainly be an explanation for this passion of hers for repainting.

Psychologists say that colors greatly influence us. Especially those that affect vision for quite a long time. You can guess that this is, among others, the hair color of those with whom we communicate. It’s funny, it turns out that we unwittingly create problems for each other by the very fact that we have hair that naturally has a certain color!

A young woman came to work with a new hairstyle.
“Your head now resembles a haystack,” the boss remarks caustically.
- Yes, you'll go to any lengths to please a donkey.

No one, you see, chose their hair color. Brown-haired, brunette, blonde, fair-haired, red, ashy, golden - we often do not want to be content with the color of hair that was given to us by a combination of certain genes. You have probably noticed that sometimes the shade acquired as a result of coloring very beneficially changes a person’s appearance. “You've gotten better! “- we say to a friend emerging from the beauty salon, finding that the new look harmonizes better with her character than the previous one. Sometimes, on the contrary, we perceive very painfully the attempts of girlfriends or friends to change their hair color, and we experience discomfort while getting used to the new face of a person we have known for a long time. We react to color subconsciously and do not always have time to trace the origins of our own displeasure. We just don’t like something, it hurts the eye... Moreover, it’s often not the color itself that irritates, but its inappropriateness. Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that people of different genders, of different ages and different temperaments have different attitudes towards color (for example, red is very popular with children who are full of energy and thirsty for activity, but soon tires older people who strive for peace). In addition, the color perception of each person changes many times throughout his life depending on a number of circumstances (from well-being to the nuances of the life of leading figures in the fashion world).

So, let's say a certain girl - a natural blonde - decided to change her hair color. The white color of her current hairstyle is the color of emptiness. It doesn’t repel anyone, but it doesn’t convey any information either. (Have you ever caught yourself remembering the faces of fair-haired people more difficult than others?) The power of white is in extinguishing the irritant, this color acts as a calmer... So, if this particular girl is a balanced, calm person, it’s better for her, of course , blonde and stay.

Imagine, however, that she suddenly dyed her hair bright red, copper or red! Immediately her changed appearance will come into conflict with her inner world - and those around her will feel it! Subconsciously, each of us sees in bright colors a call to activity, an impulse.

Dark red is a state of searching and waiting for change.

Red - thirst for activity, self-affirmation.

Orange is the color of those who prefer vigorous activity. The color of dreamers who are not devoid of intuition. Orange lovers can be indecisive, but they are not prone to rest!

Just imagine: the appearance of a repainted person tells you about her activity, ambition and determination, but in reality the person turns out to be the embodiment of equanimity with an admixture of self-doubt... Deceived expectations! And even disappointment...

We will get exactly the same effect in the opposite situation - if someone with coppery red hair and the character of an energetic sanguine person suddenly lightens up... In this case White color will be perceived as intrusive and tiresome. But if a pensive phlegmatic who was once a redhead dyes his hair white, it will most likely seem very attractive! After all, the appearance and inner world will definitely be harmonized and come into harmony! A person who chooses white often strives to free himself from something, to start life “from scratch.” You can keep this in mind while watching how your friends lighten up one after another...

If a person himself corrects the color of his own hair, it always conveys a message to others. Have you noticed how often there is sympathy for black people among teenagers? If a young lady or young man is not brunette, but with enviable persistence dyes his hair the color of a raven's wing, this is most likely a sign of panache, ambition, conflict, and stubbornness. Black is loved by people who are prone to extremes and risks, self-confident, but often depressed and unbalanced. The color loved by terrorists and pessimists - black - is often a sign of hopelessness or protest, a desire to isolate oneself.

Brown hair characterizes its owner as a calm and balanced person who loves comfort and tranquility.

Light yellow, recognized as the hit of the hairdressing season in many countries, shows a desire for expansion and a desire to actively communicate. In general, yellow is loved by wholesome people. They are future-oriented, hope, and fantasize. Sometimes these people are envious. But rest assured, a creature with a depleted psyche will never dye its hair yellow! Take comfort in this if you are not delighted with someone's hair the color of an egg yolk.

Does anyone dye their hair purple? It is suitable for people with high suggestibility, sensitive to hypnosis, and cautious. Such people can be a little eccentric. By the way, you can also tell something by the reaction of others to the purple hairstyle! Rejection of purple indicates the presence of a stressful state, depression.

People who feel out of place will persistently wear brown and its shades. Brown is the favorite color of unsettled people. Chocolate color is a sign of compliance and softness in character. Those who are acutely aware of loneliness, who are familiar with the misunderstanding of loved ones, like to dye their hair in chestnut shades. Brown tones appeal to individualists.

Ash is the favorite color of people who are isolated from others by their character or position. Their isolation is often far-fetched. If you manage to establish contact with a person whose hair is dyed ashen, it will soon become clear to you that his arrogance is imaginary!

To be honest, I wouldn’t dye my hair the same tone! Something vague is always better. For dark hair - light feathers... For red hair - blue or yellow... This way no one will figure you out and won’t ask unnecessary questions. Well, speaking seriously, it is worth remembering that Luscher, a famous psychologist and founder of color testing, constantly reminded that any experiments in the field of color should be considered in the context of the person creating these experiments.

Well, speaking seriously, it is worth remembering that Luscher, a famous psychologist and founder of color testing, constantly reminded that any experiments in the field of color should be considered in the context of the person creating these experiments.

Simply put, you need to take a closer look at the person, try to understand his emotional and physical state, in order to at least say with some degree of certainty why his hair was red yesterday, but today it has turned green. So, keep your eyes open! "

Pink, green, blue and even all at once - this is how fashionable it is to dye your hair today. The trend for bright hair colors has reached Primorye: that’s it more girls They experiment and dye their hair unusual colors.

The editors of PRIMPRESS decided to find out why girls need this, what bright colors on their heads mean and what psychologists think about it.

Personal experience

Most often, girls go for such a change in image. In Vladivostok you can easily meet ladies with pink hair, For example.

By the way, the fashion for colored hair has also reached men. Guys are increasingly starting to bleach and even dye their hair.

Painting in all the colors of the rainbow is also in fashion.

Express your individuality

Psychologists believe that hair color (acquired, of course) can tell a lot about a person. For example, the color red is chosen by leaders and cruel people. Pink - friendly and frivolous people. Purple hair conveys sensuality, which is on the verge of individuality and is defined as suggestibility. Green is an indicator of stability and selfishness.

According to psychologist Oksana Losova, people want to be noticed, to express their individuality, peculiarity, and difference. There is a need for attention, for recognition. For some, this may be an expression of internal protest against any framework, a manifestation of independence and adulthood.

“Or maybe they lack protection, this is their way of showing their courage and strength. Many people are looking for their own kind.”

“There is no such person for whom bright hair would not suit a priori”

Hairdresser Yulia Gerasimova has been dyeing hair for many years, including extreme colors. According to her, in our coastal environment, the fashion for bright hair has been present for about three years, but in the European part of Russia it appeared much earlier.

“I think the point is that fashion over the last few years has been moving towards naturalness. We enhance everything and don't add anything obviously artificial to our images. Girls still stopped drawing themselves blue eye shadow and pink lips, hair colors bordering on bright, “eggplant” and “mahogany” stopped being fashionable. As an alternative to this “natural” fashion, bright hair appeared.

There are always those who want to stand out. At first, bright hair was on the bravest people, and they found it strange. Then they appeared on public and media personalities, and after a while we can see a fairly conservative girl with a serious position with a rainbow somewhere in the depths of her hair. She will finish her work day, lift up part of her hair so that the rainbow can be seen, change her clothes and go to a party, or maybe even a date.”

As Yulia said, both girls and boys often come to her with the desire to dye their hair in a bright color.

“There were even children brought by their mothers. Only the most conservative group was missing - men over 35, but some of my colleagues even had men in their 50s bright hair, although this is rather an exception.

There is no such person for whom bright hair would not suit a priori.

The main thing is that everything is harmonious and correctly chosen; the hairstyle should complement the overall image. The degree of “harmfulness” of such coloring does not exceed the degree of “harmfulness” of many others; it all depends on the specific case, the initial data and the desired shade. Everything is always different."

Consults with a psychiatrist and psychotherapist of the highest category at the Medical Nutrition Clinic of the State Research Institute of Nutrition in Moscow Andrey Gennadievich Babin.

Hair like a mask

My friend, having received a promotion, went to a beauty salon and turned from a romantic ash blonde into a brunette with a geometric haircut. Another, after marriage, on the contrary, began to lighten her hair and even did light chemistry. The third, having changed jobs, cut her locks short and now sports an ascetic pageboy-style hairstyle. So what does changing hair length and color mean to us? Why do we so often associate this change in appearance with various life circumstances?

If you think that the color, length and shape of your hairstyle depend only on your mood and fashion trends, you are wrong. Hair is an expression of our desires, aspirations and hopes. And everything we do with them has a clear justification. Which? Depends on the situation.

Hair is one of the the most important signs femininity, says Dr. Babin. - This idea has very ancient roots. Even in primitive times, men were warriors and hunters. They simply couldn't have long hair- they got in the way, clung, and the enemy could grab them. And the woman, traditionally doing housework and raising children, was “behind the man”, under his protection. And she could afford to wear long flowing hair.

In modern culture, hair length is still an important distinction between men and women. A long-haired man is still nonsense. And most of the fair sex wear long or elongated hairstyles, using them as a kind of accessory.

The fact that a woman cuts her hair short may indicate her desire to succeed as a person and gain respect as a professional. If a representative of the fair sex grows her hair or begins to actively care for it, she is probably overwhelmed by the desire to assert herself as a woman. Perhaps she has lost some part of her confidence in her attractiveness and is trying to make up for it in this way.

Hair as medicine

Not long ago, amazing footage spread around the world: Britney Spears, a world-famous star and mother of two children, shaved her hair bald. The cause was said to be deep depression. Allegedly, the singer tried to get rid of unpleasant memories along with her hair and, as it were, start life anew.

Numerous specialists immediately appeared who called shaving the head or cutting hair “a completely effective psychotherapeutic technique.” For example, Swiss psychologist Greta Baumann said that hair is a store of information. Therefore, after illness, troubles or depression, it is worth trimming your hair to get rid of negative data.

Domestic science does not share this point of view, says Andrei Babin. - As part of behavioral therapy, the doctor can actually recommend that the patient change something in his appearance. This will help the latter to look at himself in a new way. But we are usually talking about very small changes here.

And the advice to get rid of hair is very risky. After all, a person who shaved his head finds himself in an unusual situation. The attitude towards oneself can change greatly and cause the condition to worsen.

It’s another matter when teenagers and young people shave their heads. For them, this is a way of protest, a desire to show their independence from public opinion. They seem to promote the superiority of form over content, that is, the mind and soul over appearance. Or they simply want to stand out and impress others.

Hair as a signal

Hair color is one of the most striking and easy-to-read signals that give others the opportunity to get to know us better. For example, a woman who constantly dyes her hair in blatantly bright colors - red, bright red - seeks to attract attention and assert her feminine essence.

Long or fancifully styled hair of bright color is typical for ladies prone to hysteria, says Andrei Babin. - The latter is characterized by demonstrative actions - “I want to attract attention at any cost.” In addition, such women are usually not confident in themselves and strive to constantly confirm their feminine attractiveness.

Most people associate dark hair with a hot temperament. Therefore, the desire to make your hair several shades darker speaks of a woman’s desire to look brighter and more passionate.

There is another interesting point here,” notes Dr. Babin. - According to the theory of the famous scientist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, a specific female image In the eyes of a man, the so-called archetype is distinguished by dark hair. That is, brunettes and brown-haired women are perceived by men as real, earthly women with whom they can start a family. And blondes subconsciously appear in the eyes of the stronger sex as a less personal image, a certain ideal, a field for projections.

In general, blonde hair is often a symbol of innocence, purity, and something childish. Myths about the low intellectual level of blondes are popular in folk art. Most likely, this comes precisely from the feeling of their isolation from everything earthly, of lightness. In addition, many people associate blond hair with a phlegmatic, calm character. Perhaps this idea comes from those times when there were no hair dyes yet, and only northerners could boast of light curls, who, indeed, for the most part are leisurely and imperturbable.

Today there are very few natural blondes left - no more than 6% of all inhabitants of the Earth. And in 200 years, according to scientists, the last fair-haired person will be born. But, fortunately, we still have modern cosmetical tools, which allow you to change your hair color at least every week.

True, not everyone strives to constantly change their image. This can also tell you a lot. For example, a constant change of hair color may again indicate a tendency towards hysteria - a woman thus strives to stand out and attract attention.

And a complete refusal to change hair color may indicate innate conservatism, unshakable self-confidence. On the other hand, a woman’s reluctance to dye her hair and generally show any concern for her appearance may indicate apathy and depression.

Hair as a career driver

So far we have been talking about how we change our hairstyle in response to internal desires and moods. But hair can also be used as a way to intentionally change the way others think about themselves. Celebrities actively use this. If any actress or singer needs to attract the attention of the press or producers, forcing the latter to look at the “star” in a new way, she goes to the hairdresser.

One of the most striking examples is the famous top model Linda Evangelista. In 1987, the aspiring fashion model cut off her luxurious mane. Most - 18 out of 20 - modeling agencies with which she worked immediately terminated their contracts with her. However, the remaining two bet on it - and they were right. From that moment on, Linda became one of the pillars of the fashion industry. The model changed the length and shades of her hair almost monthly. And what’s most surprising is that she always looked attractive - this phenomenon still surprises her fans.

Linda's example was followed a couple of years ago by another famous model, Maria Carla Boscono. From a long-haired brunette she turned into a blonde with a boy's haircut. And again bingo - the model's shares - jumped up sharply.

A well-known lover of changing her image is singer Madonna. All actions of this woman are subordinated to her business interests. She wore long locks and sleek hair, was blonde, brown-haired, brunette and redhead. All these changes invariably aroused keen interest of the public and the press, bringing considerable dividends to the star and increasing sales of her albums.

Last year, even the most conservative celebrities realized that changing their hairstyle is a great way to get extra attention. Literally at one moment, blondes Lindsay Loan, Jessica Simpson, Charlize Theron, Cameron Diaz, Carmen Electra, Scarlett Johansson and even Britney Spears turned into burning brunettes. At the moment, most of them have already returned their blond locks. However, the goal was achieved - for several months in a row, almost more time was devoted to discussing the new image of celebrities than fluctuations on the stock exchange or the war in Iraq.

What can we, ordinary women, learn from this? And the fact is that with the help of a hairstyle we can manipulate the feelings of others no less. If you feel that there is a calm in your relationship with your loved one or in your career growth, change a little. Perhaps this will make your partner or boss look at you differently? Using knowledge about the psychology of perception of hair color and length, you will be able to regulate the attitude of others towards you. But remember: the main thing is to feel comfortable in your new look.

Let's talk about such a concept as the psychology of hair color. All girls sooner or later strive to change the hair color that Mother Nature gave them. But why do they do this?

To cover gray hair, make your eye color expressive, highlight your tan or attract the attention of men, and also change your life.

Hair color can tell a lot about its owner. We can also include existing stereotypes here, when they say that a blonde is stupid, a brunette is a bitch, and a redhead is flighty. This is how others accept you. But from a psychological point of view, when a person dyes his hair, at the same time he acquires certain features in his hair.

Once repainted, it will be very difficult to remove them. Therefore, it is believed that those who often change their hair color are not afraid to change their lives. Such people are versatile, easily cope with any difficulties and are easy-going.

Psychology of hair color


Blondes always strive for independence. They put masks on their faces more than others, hiding their true feelings, but behind the mask there is a vulnerable and sensual soul. Moreover, all owners blonde hair They are optimists and do not want to see the bad in life. Those who dye their hair ash-white want to stand out from others. They want to be so different from everyone else, and no matter what: intelligence, beauty or bright personality.

Other colors

  • Black signifies the color of protest. It is chosen by those people who want to separate themselves from the crowd and remain in their own own world. That is why people from various subcultures prioritize it.
  • The most popular hair color is light brown. In general, people with a calm character, who are comfortable “going with the flow” in life, do not dye their hair. Those who dye their hair this color want to bring stability and harmony into their lives.
  • Chestnut is preferred by those who do not care about the opinions of others. They are not afraid of loneliness. It’s never boring with such people, because they are able to find a common language with everyone.
  • Copper-red (red) hair is worn by those who want to stand out and always be the center of attention. Often this color indicates that a person is radically changing something in his life: home, work or a loved one. At the same time, a person is afraid to be left alone.
  • Red (closer to orange) hair color means not only that a person loves a frantic pace of life and fun. Such people achieve a lot in life, having excellent intuition. That's why they say that witches in Rus' used to have red hair.

In general, the most important thing is not the color of the hair, but its condition. Therefore, appreciate what nature has given you, because after dyeing, the hair weakens and loses its vital shine, and the acquired character traits can no longer be washed off. If you just cut your hair and then grow it back...