Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for the middle group “At home in our city. Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for children of the senior group Cognitive lesson at home types in the senior group

Goals and objectives.

  • Continue to develop children's interest in experimental activities.
  • Continue to develop examination methods for children different materials and objects (paper, sand, water, magnet).
  • Maintain cognitive and speech activity while working with the proposed materials and objects.
  • Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.
  • Develop a desire for search and rescue activities, experience the joy of discovery gained in experimental activities.
  • Learn to follow safety rules when conducting experiments.
  • Cultivate accuracy when conducting experiments.

Materials and equipment:

  • surprise moment - Masha doll, bear.
  • Christmas trees - 3 pieces, wood.
  • bowl of water representing a pond - 2 pcs.
  • paper flowers with petals curled toward the center for each child.
  • dry sand in plastic sockets for each child.
  • trays with wet sand - 2 pcs., with dry sand - 1 pc.
  • spatula
  • figured plastic stencils for each child.
  • wet wipes for wiping hands.
  • baskets - sockets - 12 pcs.
  • green cloth-glade.
  • paper autumn leaves for each child.
  • wooden stumps for each child.
  • large magnet - 1 piece, small magnets for each child.
  • a set of keys.
  • musical accompaniment -

A. Griboedov “Waltz”,

L. Lyadov “Musical snuffbox”.

Educator. Guys, how many guests came to us.

Say hello to them soon.

Children: Hello.

Educator. We wish them health, good luck and patience. And may they always be in a good mood.

I know that you love fairy tales. Therefore, today I invite you to the world of a wonderful fairy tale. Where there is magic and where everything is interesting.

Tell me, guys, what do you like to do with fairy tales - listen to them or play them?

Children: Listen and play.

Educator: Today I have prepared a fairy tale for you that you can listen to and play.

You are ready?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And you will find out who we will go there with if you guess my riddle.

Funny girl

Skoda, Mishka is getting it

Only he forgives her everything,

He almost roars with frustration.

Educator: Do you recognize the hero of this fairy tale?

Children: This is Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

(Showing the Masha doll.)

Educator: Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. She was very curious, she wanted to know everything. She was not allowed to go far, but she really wanted to see what was interesting in the forest. (Together with Masha, the children go into the forest.)

Musical accompaniment - L. Lyadov “Musical snuffbox”.

Masha went into the forest without asking; she really wanted to know why she couldn’t go there. Everything was interesting, Masha was picking flowers, singing funny songs, playing and suddenly she came to the lake and saw a small pond in which interesting mysterious flowers were floating.

Children approach the table on which they stand - 1 basin with floating water lilies, 2 basins with water, water lilies on the table.

Educator: Guys, what kind of flowers are these?

There is a big flower on the pond

With a yellow core

On the water it grows, it grows

White... (water lily).

That's right, guys. This is a water lily.

Where else do water lilies grow?

Children: In a swamp, in a lake, in a pond, in a river.

Educator: - Please look, we also have water lilies on the table, but what are they made from?

Children: - From paper.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what is the difference between these water lilies and those in the pond.

Children:- The water lilies in the pond are open, and these are sleeping. Their petals are closed.

Educator: - That's right guys. What do you think needs to be done so that our water lilies also wake up and open their petals?

Children:- They need to be lowered into the water.

Educator: - Take one water lily at a time, all together say the magic words “Hey, flowers, wake up, open your petals” and lower them into the water. And now we carefully, carefully observe what will now happen to the water lilies.

Children:- They wake up and open up.

Educator: - Guys, tell me, how does it happen that water lilies begin to open their petals?

Children: - Because the petals get wet and become heavier.

Educator: - What are our water lilies made of?

Children:- from paper.

Educator:- It absorbs water, and the petals gradually open.

That's how beautiful it is in the pond. Masha admired it and moved on. While she was walking, a strong wind suddenly blew, clouds appeared in the sky and it began to rain. Masha hid under a tree to avoid getting wet.

Guys, let's have a little rest while it's raining. Please come forward and stand more freely.

Physical exercise "Drop"

Drop one, drop two ( Stomp with the right and left foot.)

Very slowly at first. (Jumping on your toes, hands on your belt.)

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run. (Running in place.)

We opened our umbrellas (Spread your arms to the sides.)

Sheltered herself from the rain. (Close your hands above your head in a semicircle.)

Educator:- The rain has stopped. The sun came out. Masha felt dry and good under the tree and wanted to play. She saw sand under her feet and wanted to draw on it using the stencils that she always carries with her in her pocket. Masha took a stencil and began to draw.

Let's take some stencils and draw together with Masha. See what funny drawings you can create. What did you get, Sonya?

What about you Arina? etc.

But suddenly a strong wind blew.

Children take their rosettes and move them.

Children: - The drawings have disappeared.

Educator:- Masha was very surprised, she took the stencil again and drew again and the drawings appeared again.

Do you guys have any drawings?

Children:- Yes.

Educator:- And the breeze blew again. And again the drawings disappeared. Masha could not understand what was happening. Children why is this?

Children:- Because it's dry sand.

Educator:- Dry, so what?

Children:- It does not hold its shape and is free-flowing.

Educator:-Try the sand with your palm. What is he like? (Flowy. I use a spatula to show the flowability of the sand.)

But Masha really wants to draw so that the wind can’t blow away the drawings.

Children:- You need to draw on wet sand.

Educator:- Where can I get it, because Masha was dry under the tree.

Children:- Come out from under the tree and find wet sand.

Educator: Take stencils and, together with Masha, draw on the wet sand. (You can change stencils.) Guys, look what beautiful drawings you can create. The wind blew - blew, blew, blew... what was happening.

Children:- Drawings do not disappear.

Educator:- Why don’t they disappear, explain?

Children:- Because the sand is wet and holds its shape.

Educator: That's right guys. Take some tissues and dry your hands.

Guys, I suggest you, together with Masha, turn into grains of sand.

Outdoor game "Grains of Sand"

Close your eyes. Turn around yourself and turn into grains of sand. Everyone squatted down. Oh, how much sand we have. Well, the wind blew, picked up grains of sand and they flew in different directions. ( A waltz melody sounds - A. Griboedov’s “Waltz”. Children imitate the flight of grains of sand.)

The wind died down and the grains of sand fell to the ground.

(Children squat down.)

Educator:- And suddenly Masha saw Mishka walking along the path to the clearing. She was very happy. He was carrying some kind of stone in his hands.

Educator:- Look, guys, what an unusual and interesting stone this is. (Children examine and feel it.)

Children:- It's a magnet.

What is it for?

Children:- To attract objects.

Educator:- Let's check what objects a magnet attracts.

- Guys, please take one magnet each and try to magnetize it to your palm. (Children place a magnet on their palm and conclude that the magnet is not attracted to the palm.)

Now take one leaf at a time and do the same as with your palm. ( Children perform an experiment and conclude that the paper

the magnet is not magnetized.)

Now let's check the wooden surface. (Stumps.)

What's happening?

Children:- They are not magnetic.

Try to collect other items that are in the clearing.

Children: - They are magnetic.

What are they made of?

Children: - Made of metal.

So guys, after we checked the properties of the magnet with you, what conclusion can we draw?

Children: - Magnets are attracted to any metal or iron surface.

That’s why Mishka carried the magnet, to collect all the keys that Masha took without asking and lost in the forest.

Educator:- Guys, did you like the fairy tale and the journey with Masha?

You and I conducted many experiments today, Masha will definitely tell and show them to Mishka. What interesting things did you learn about all this?

That a paper water lily opens in water, because the paper becomes wet and heavy and the petals open.

Dry sand is loose and does not hold its shape, but wet sand retains it.

A magnet only attracts metal and iron objects.

Educator:- Let's say goodbye to Masha and Misha, wish them good luck and that Masha does not go for a walk in the forest without the permission of adults.

We had a wonderful walk

Learned a lot of new things

But we have to say goodbye

It's time with Masha and Misha

Let's tell them

Goodbye friends!

Abstract open class By cognitive development"An unusual journey to yourself" in senior group

« An unusual journey to yourself »

Developed by Shmer Marina

Preschool teacher

MBOU "Ozerkinskaya Secondary School"

RME, Gornomariysky district.

Program content:

Level up educational activity and intelligence of children,

generalize children’s existing knowledge about the function of organs, clarify through experiments why certain organs are needed, train the ability to acquire knowledge through experimentation, and develop the ability to explain the data obtained.

Develop colloquial speech , using qualitative adjectives, replenish lexicon phrases “organ of hearing, organ of vision”, touch, broaden horizons.

Strengthen hygiene skills and the ability to respect the senses.

Cultivate curiosity logical thinking, intelligence, ability to listen carefully. Cultivate interest in to yourself and others, caring and respectful attitude towards people around.

Methods and techniques.

Conversation, introspection, experimentation, play, logical reasoning, triz - “good, bad.”

Equipment for occupation: Poster "Parts of the Human Body"; mnemonic tables (organ of vision, organ of hearing, organ of smell, organ of taste, organ of touch);Audio recording "Sounds of the Forest"; jars with products to determine the smell (garlic, orange, chocolate, flowers; vegetables and fruits on skewers to determine the taste of products; contents of the backpack for touch - cotton wool, stone, pine cone, shell, square, circle, triangle (made of wood and plastic), glomerulus, cube, candy, parallel

The mood for class.

Good morning sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces.

Hello dear friends, do you love travel?

I want to invite you to extraordinary journey to the land of our feelings

And you and I will end up at the Institute of Human Health.

The path is not close to where you think we will be able to get there, what kind of transport we will choose. (children's answers).

Okay guys, you have decided on transport, but there is something important condition: We have to get to college all at the same time.

We close our eyes and mentally hit the road

Progress of the lesson.

1. Laboratory "My body"

This Institute is not quite ordinary and neither are the laboratories in it. Now we are in the laboratory "My body"

I suggest you play the same game.

(children repeat the text and show what they are talking about)

nightingale head (stroking head)

Eye clues (look around)

Sister eyelashes (blink their eyes)

Nose - snub nose (close their eyes and touch the tip of their nose with their finger)

Cheeks - lumps (knead your cheeks with your fingers, rub them quietly with your palms)

Tube sponges (stretch lips with a tube)

Cloves (teeth chattering)

Listening ears (quietly rubs ears with fingers)

Hangers - grasshoppers (shoulders move up and down)

Grip handles (grab around themselves)

Boy fingers (clench and unclench fingers)

Reed back (stretch back)

Watermelon belly (stroking belly)

Little knees (bend your knees alternately)

Feet-boots (stomping feet)

We played with you, and now you have to complete the first task at our institute.

You need to correctly name and show all the parts of the human body, I have no doubt that you can handle it. (Go out one by one. We start naming the parts of the body from bottom to top)

2. Village "Zorky"

Well done, and now I invite you to the laboratory, which is located in the village "Zorky", and what they study in this laboratory you will find out when you guess the riddle

Two windows at night

They close themselves

And with the sunrise

Sami open. (Eyes)

Yes, they study vision in this laboratory. Eyes are one of the most valuable human sense organs. Why do people need eyes? (Children's answers.) Mnemonic table (organ of vision)

That's right, guys, thanks to our eyes we receive almost all the information about the world around us. But in order for our eyes to see them well, we must take care of them. And now I’ll check how you take care of your eyes. Be careful! Begin!

1. You can rub your eyes with dirty hands.

2. To see better, you need to watch TV closely.

3. It is necessary to protect your eyes from contact with caustic and dangerous liquids.

4. If your eye suddenly becomes itchy, you can scratch it with a pencil.

5. You don’t need to train your eyes, the eye muscles are already strong.

6. You need to walk in the fresh air.

Guys, you were careful and know how to take care of your eyesight.

Children, your eyes are probably tired, let's do some eye exercises. And Slava will conduct gymnastics

Gymnastics for the eyes "Squirrel"

The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker

(Move your gaze sharply to the right - to the left)

Treated the guest deliciously:

Come on, woodpecker, look -

(Move your gaze up and down)

Here are the nuts: one two Three! -

A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel

(blink your eyes)

And he went to play burners.

(Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids index fingers)

3. Glade of Listeners(soft music starts)

My dears, now we have reached unusual clearing. Children, what do you hear (Children's answers). I see you all have good hearing, well done. You heard many different sounds and correctly identified them. So guys, here is a laboratory where they study, you guessed it, (Hearing organs). Guys, what about the hearing organs - Ears (mnemonic table)

Well done and you know a lot about hearing.

4. Valley of smells

Is our journey continues and I invite you to the valley of smells, and what is being studied here you will find out by guessing riddle:

Here is a mountain, and the mountain has two deep holes,

The air wanders in these holes,

It comes in and out. (Nose)

Why does a person need a nose? (Children's answers.) Stories based on the table.

Well done, what sense organs does the nose belong to? (Smell). That's right guys. In this laboratory you have to complete a difficult task, and therefore, in order for your noses to breathe well, I suggest you perform breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises

One two three four five!

We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easily.

Well, everyone is ready to take the test.(Yes)

Then let's begin.

"Know by smell"

With their eyes closed, children are asked to identify by smell what is in the jars. (Chocolate, orange, onion, lemon :)

(We will work in pairs)

Well done everyone for completing the task.

And we continue with you journey to the land of our senses.

5. Laboratory"Sea of ​​Flavors"

How else can you determine what kind of product it is without seeing it? (To taste.)

And what helps us determine the taste of a product is the tongue. That's right, we ended up in a laboratory where they study which organs, tell me me - organs taste. Right. What can you tell us about this sense organ? Mnemonic table.

Tell me what is sweet (bitter, sour, salty? (Children's answers.)

Guys, during our trips you're probably hungry. And I invite you to play "a delicious game."

"Taste it"

Children identify the taste of different foods skewers: apple, banana, carrot, etc. and talk about their taste sensations.

Well, guys, have you refreshed yourself? Let's continue our journey?

6. "The Magic of Touch"

We found ourselves in the last laboratory. Here I am you introduce you to the senses which are responsible for the sense of touch. These guys are Skin. Mnemonic table.

Guys, let's relax a little and train our fingers.

(furniture…..let’s squeeze our fingers)

We have trained our fingers, now let's check if you can use the fingers of your hands to find out what is in Piggy's backpack (children in groups of 6 put their hands into the box, take one object, feel it, name it, and then show it.

The game is being played: “Name what you found”.

Well done, you helped Piggy find out what he carries in his backpack.

Guys, ours journey at the Institute of Health has come to an end and I would like to know how you liked it travel? What exactly did you like? (Children's answers)

Thank you for coming and showing your knowledge and now you know that a person has 5 senses - eyes, tongue, ears, nose and skin.

(The diagram shows the sense organs)

And now we will smile,

Let's hold hands tightly

And goodbye to each other

We will give wishes:

They pass it on to each other soft toy with wishes (health, etc.)

And now it’s time for us to return to our kindergarten.

Surprise moment: Message from scientists.

(It contains fruit) with a riddle

We bought it for you at the market

What's in the package now

Useful for people products

Orange vitamins

These fruits…………..(tangerines)

Program content: Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Health”, “ Artistic creativity», « Physical Culture", "Health", "Safety", "Reading" fiction».

Lesson objectives: consolidate knowledge about safety, rules of behavior at home and on the street, the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation; teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; create a desire to help them; develop thinking, intelligence, imagination.


Educational task:

– consolidate knowledge of dangerous situations that may arise in everyday life;

– teach the basics of personal safety;

– teach children to answer questions in complete sentences;

– teach children to use telephone numbers: 01, 02, 03.

– clarify children’s knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Developmental task:

- develop skills safe behavior on the roadway and intersection,

– develop speech, memory, thinking, attention;

– develop the ability to listen to each other;

– form the concept of “dos and don’ts” for various situations on the street and at home;

Educational task:

– to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, in the forest, a conscious attitude to compliance with the rules traffic;

- bring up careful attitude to nature.

– develop responsibility for yourself and for others.

Dictionary activation: edible, inedible, names of mushrooms and berries, names of road signs.

Preliminary work:

– review of safety albums.

– conversations on safety at home, in kindergarten, on the street.

didactic games: “The ABCs of safety”, “Dangerous or not dangerous”, “Who will put out the house faster.”

– reading Russian folk tales“Three Bears”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”. "The Three Little Pigs" and others.

GCD move:

Educator. Guys, say hello to the guests.

Exercise "Hello"

Children. Hello gentle morning,
Hello kindergarten,
Hello good friend,
Hello everyone around.
We are very glad to have guests,
We give you warmth.

Educator:- Guys, do you want to visit a country of safety?
Children's answers: Yes!!
IN: You are ready?
IN: What do you think, what can you go on a trip with?
ABOUT: By train, by plane, by car, by boat.
IN: What great guys you are, you all know. And today I invite you on a trip to a country of security to go on a rocket. You are ready?
IN: Amazing! We sit down on the chairs and close our eyes.

Our journey begins. (The sound recording of a rocket taking off sounds and the game begins...)

IN: Guys, open your eyes, we are arriving with you on the first planet, which is called "Traffic light".

Look, traffic police inspector Svistulkina meets us on this planet.

(Inspector Svistulkina enters.)

Svistulkina: Hello guys. It’s so good that you came to my planet. I really want to know if you know how to behave near the roadway, because even in space we need to follow the rules of the road. I have prepared interesting tasks for you, try to complete them.

Svistulkina: Let's first play this game with you: "Be careful on the road".
Now I'll check everything
And I’ll start a game for you.
I’ll ask you questions now -
It is not easy to answer them.
Let me warm up
Give you riddles.
You guys need to be strong
Know the traffic rules
Everyone answer me in a friendly manner,
Or, hiding, remaining silent.

– If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then you unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if any of the rules does not correspond to the norm, then remain silent, it means that it came into our game by mistake , accidentally.
- Which of you, going home,
Is it on the pavement? (Children are silent).
-Which one of you is going forward?
Only where the transition is?
- Who runs forward so quickly,
What does the traffic light not see? (Children are silent).
– Who knows that the light is green –
Means: the way is open? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Why is the yellow light always for us -
Does he talk about attention? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Let anyone speak honestly
Doesn't it hang on the tram? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
– Who knows that the red light –
Does this mean: no move? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Which of you is in a cramped carriage?
Did you give up your seat to the old lady? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Those who are in a hurry, run,
In front of the “Path closed” sign? (Children are silent).

Svistulkina: I am sure that you are just as attentive on the road. Well done!

Svistulkina: Now, guys, let’s listen to the task - look at the picture carefully. You need to find and mark with a red icon cases of traffic violations and explain why you think so.

The task “Guess what the children violated?”(Work based on the painting).

Svistulkina: Well done! Which child behaves correctly on the road? Why do you think so? Mark them with a green icon.

(Children should mark with a red circle cases of violation of traffic rules. And then explain why they think so. And also talk about those cases where children behave correctly.).

Svistulkina: Well done boys. We completed this task. Now the second task. It's called "Collect and find out what the sign is."

Task “Collect and find out what sign”

(Children collect picture puzzles with road signs drawn on them. Then each child explains what kind of sign he got and what it means.)

Svistulkina: Well done, guys, you completed the tasks. I give you the board game “Road Signs”.

Q: Thank you, Svistulkina, but it’s time for us to continue our journey.

IN: Now our rocket is moving on. ( Sound recording of a rocket taking off)

There's a planet on our way "Fabulous."

IN: Guys, on this planet we are met by heroes of different fairy tales.

Look, what fairy tale heroes do you see?

D: This is a cat, a rooster and a fox, three bears, a bun, three pigs.

IN: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster” violated the safety rule?

D: Cockerel.

IN: Name this rule?

D: You can't trust strangers.

IN: How did the cockerel attract the cat's attention when he found himself in the paws of the fox?

D: Loud scream.


IN: What did the bun do wrong?

D: He left his grandparents.

IN: How does the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

IN: What rule did Mashenka from the fairy tale “The Three Bears” break?

D:“She went into the forest alone and got lost. You can't leave the house alone.
– Masha went into someone else’s house. There could be robbers there.
- Mashenka ate the porridge. She could have been poisoned. You can't take other people's things.
– I was rocking on Mishutka’s chair, it broke. She could have hit her head.
“I went to bed, not even knowing who lived in the house.”

IN: How does the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

IN: Guys, why did the heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” get into trouble?

D: No, not all. Two of the brothers were lazy, and only thanks to the third brother, who built a strong house, were they able to escape from the wolf. The wolf could not get into their house.

IN: Guys, who should you call if a stranger wants to break into your house?

D: You need to call the police at number 02.

IN: Where should you go if there is a fire?

D: Fire department - 01.

IN:Guys, tell me the number of the service I need to contact if someone feels unwell.

D:Ambulance – 03.

IN:Guys, starting this year, new numbers for these services have been introduced. Now you can call the new numbers. Ambulance - 103, fire service - 101, police - 102.

IN:Well done. Guys, stand near the chairs.


Along the path, along the pathJumping on the right leg

We gallop on the right leg,

And along the same path

We gallop on our left leg. Jumping on the left leg

Let's run along the path,Run in place.

We'll get to the clearing.

In the clearing, in the clearingJumping in place on both legs.

We'll jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's rest a little

And now let's go on foot.Walking in place.

IN:And now we take our places - our rocket is moving on. The next planet is “Forest”.(Sound recording of a rocket taking off)

IN:So you and I have arrived at the clearing. (We walk along the path to a clearing.) Guys, this planet is uninhabited, there is only wild nature around here. You and I have been traveling for a long time and it’s time for us to refresh ourselves. What can you and I eat in the forest?

D:Berries, mushrooms, plant roots.

IN:Now we will check how you know edible mushrooms and berries. The task “Find out mushrooms and berries.”

(Children are asked to name berries and mushrooms, and then explain whether these mushrooms and berries are edible or not.)

IN: But remember, guys, leave mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample them, don’t knock them down. All the mushrooms in the forest are needed. Either a squirrel will eat the fungus, or a hedgehog, and moose in the forest are treated with fly agarics.

IN: Guys, how can we quench our thirst?

D: We can drink dew, find a spring, a river, a stream, chew the leaves of plants and herbs.

IN: Guys, there may be wild animals on this planet. What will we do if there are some animals nearby to scare them away?

D: Make noise, whistle, knock on wood with a stick, shout.

IN: My stay on this planet has come to an end. We fly further. (Music plays, children calmly board the rocket)

IN: And there's a planet on our way "Health." (Sound recording of a rocket taking off).

IN: A new task awaits us here. In the center you must connect the dots in order. (Children complete the task)

IN: What did you get?

D: Key.

IN: Right. And this is the key to health. There are pictures around the key; you must connect with arrows the key and those pictures that will help you be healthy ( The pictures show various products, sports.)

IN: What should we do to be healthy?

D: Play sports, eat fruits, eat right, be sure to walk outside.

IN: Well done boys! It's time for us to move on (knock on the door).

Masha Zaboleikina comes to visit .
IN: Hello! And who are you?
Masha: Zaboleikina Masha I,
It's just me who's sick, friends.
I look sad.
My head hurts a lot.
My back hurts, my side hurts,
I need a doctor, he would help me.

IN: What a strange last name you have, Zaboleikina!

Masha: And I like my last name, it suits me just right, because I get sick all the time.

IN: And you look kind of pale. Is something strange going on with you?

What do you eat? Do you do physical education?

M: In my bag I have cake, candy, cookies, Coca-Cola, lemonade, chewing gum, and chips. (Shows package contents).

IN: Is this all delicious, kids? Is it useful?

D: No!

IN: What foods are good for our body?

D: Fruits, vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, onions, garlic.

IN: How are they useful?

D: They contain many vitamins.

IN: What are vitamins?

D: Useful substances that our body needs. They help children grow.

IN: What happens if a person eats food that is low in vitamins?

D: He often gets sick, becomes lethargic, sad, and gets tired quickly.

IN: Now, Zaboleikina, do you understand which foods are healthy and which are not?

IN: Guys, let's tell Masha how you can improve your health.

1st child Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know.

How to become healthy.

2nd child There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports.

You will live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

3rd child Train yourself to order

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

4th child To be healthy

Please note in advance

What everyone needs

Healthy diet.

5th child And remember this

Going shopping

Don't look for sweets -

Look for vitamins.

IN: Guys, we have the “Key of Health”, let’s give it to Masha. And let us remind you once again what we must do to be healthy.

D: Play sports, eat fruits, eat right, be sure to walk outside.

M: Thank you guys. I felt much better. I'll go home. (Children say goodbye to Masha).

IN: Well, guys, our journey is over. Did you enjoy our trip? How many new things we learned and consolidated today. What planets have you and I visited?

D: Traffic lights, Fairytale, Forest, planet of Health.

IN: Guys, get up, move your chairs quietly.

Now let's say goodbye to the guests. (Everyone joins hands and says):

We are all friendly guys

We are preschool children.

We don't offend anyone

We know how to care.

We won’t leave anyone in trouble,

We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful and light.

Program content of the educational lesson: teach children to avoid dangerous situations that can happen on the street, in nature; learn to use herbs for food; give an idea of ​​their necessary presence in cooking; consolidate skills of correct behavior in dangerous situations; develop children's thinking and ability to apply knowledge to correct explanation moral actions; develop tactile perception; foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: cards with images of medicinal, spicy and poisonous plants; riddles about mushrooms and berries on leaves; 4 scarves and 4 baskets; fake berries and ping pong balls; Lifebuoy; encyclopedia for preschoolers; audio recording of the sound of the sea and any song about the sea; spicy herbs (dry and not); cooked soup without seasoning; travel map to the country “Why”; chairs and a set for building a ship, a robber costume.

Preliminary work: viewing paintings depicting medicinal, spicy and poisonous plants, followed by a conversation about them; making and guessing riddles about mushrooms and berries; memorizing poetry and reading fiction on a maritime theme; moral conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in nature.

Progress of the educational lesson

IN. I know you are very curious. This means that you are ready to discover new lands. Here is our magic card. (Points to the map, the children look at it.) Our journey begins from the city of Pochemuchek

The first pier is the Valley of Mysterious Plants.

Give up the mooring lines! (Children’s answer: “We have to give back the mooring lines!”)

Game "Help plant plants in flower beds."

Cards with pictures of plants are laid out on the table. Children sort out the “seedlings,” name them and “plant” them in flower beds (three small tables). Captain Pochemuchka comments: he reminds you which plants cannot be collected, shows poisonous ones, tells (together with the children) what diseases can be treated with this or that plant, and also tells what spicy herbs are needed for and whether poisonous plants are needed.

IN. The sea voyage continues. We ask everyone to take a seat in the cabins.

Look at the map where we are sailing. (Children look and find the number 2.) We sail past Cape Guess. The fish brought us riddles about wild berries and mushrooms, of which there are so many growing on this cape.

The captain reads the riddles:

1. There are a lot of forest berries in the clearing under the pine tree.

Look under the bush, there... (strawberry) is waiting for you.

2. I was born on a rainy day under a young aspen tree,

Round, smooth, beautiful, with a thick and straight leg. (Boletus.)

Red-haired sisters, not very tall. (Chanterelles.)

I suggest making a stop at the cape.

Game "Collect berries and mushrooms."

Mushrooms (from counting material) and berries (ping-pong balls) are scattered on the floor. Children are divided into pairs. Participants are blindfolded. Two pick berries by touch, two pick mushrooms. The remaining couples deal with the collected berries and mushrooms.

Captain. We were so carried away by picking mushrooms and berries that we got lost. What to do?

The guys tell us what to do in such a situation. The captain, after listening to the answers, generalizes.

You need to scream, call for help, call. If no one answers, you need to stop and think carefully, remember familiar landmarks. Noisy ones are best: railway, navigable river, highway. Sounds help you reach people. Listen, maybe you will hear a tractor working, a train going by, or a dog barking. If you don’t hear familiar sounds, but a stream is running nearby, go downstream. The stream will lead to the river, and the river will sooner or later lead to people. But the most important rule is that it is better not to go into the forest alone.

The sound of the sea sounds in the recording.

Captain. Guys, what are we hearing? (Children’s answer.) The sea is nearby, we’ll go to it. Here is our ship. We climb on board and set sail.

Captain. Man overboard! Guys, we need to save him! Throw a life preserver!

The children throw a lifebuoy on a rope out the door and pull the robber into the group. He takes off the circle, grabs a toy gun and, shooting in the air, chases the children.

Game "Catch-up".

Captain. Team! In places!

Children sit on chairs.

Robber. Yeah! Gotcha! I cleverly deceived you! Everyone sit down! Hands up! You were sailing through Robber Bay. Now you are all my prisoners.

Captain. Guys, it turns out that not all people are kind. We came to the aid of the robber, and he turned out to be a real villain. Robber, why did you become like this?

Robber. I grew up as a naughty boy, I didn’t listen to my mother, I was often mischievous, I loved to fight with boys, and I always pulled girls’ pigtails. One day, when I was returning home from school, a stranger approached me and said: “Boy, would you like me to show you a movie about police officers and treat you to delicious ice cream?” Of course, I immediately went with this guy. Who would refuse a treat and a movie? And around the corner from the house, my uncle shoved me into a car and gave me to a pirate ship. That's how I became a robber. I would be glad to return home to my mother, but I don’t know the way back.

Captain. Guys, did our robber do the right thing? What did he do wrong? (Children's answers. He spoke to a stranger; accepted the stranger's invitation and got into his car...) You also need to be careful about opening doors to strangers and not walking alone on the street too late, especially if it’s dark.

Robber. How many mistakes have I made! And why all? Because I didn’t listen to my mother’s advice!

Captain. Do you want us to take you to the city of Pochemuchek to see your mother? But only you must promise that you will never commit robbery again!

Robber. I agree, I agree! I want to go home! I will just be Vasya and will always listen to my mommy.

Captain. Then let's go! We pass Robbers Bay and head to Rest Bay.

We moor to the shore. The cook prepared soup for lunch. Only he is very upset - the soup turned out to be not flavorful. Maybe we can help him? How to make soup flavorful and rich in vitamins? (Add spicy plants to the soup. Children ask what spices were added to the soup. Offer their own options.)

Captain. Before fixing the soup, we'll see how you can recognize the spice by smell.

Game “Recognize by smell”.

Dry spices are poured into Kinder surprises; children must recognize by smell which spice is in a particular jar.

Game "Recognize by appearance."

Children by appearance they recognize the spicy plants growing on the windowsill and talk about its benefits.

And now you can cook the soup.

Game "Cooking Soup".

Captain. Have you refreshed yourself? Well done! And now it’s time for us to return to where we started - to the city... Pochemuchek.

Robber. Here is my hometown! Now I’ll run to my home and hug my mommy. She'll be happy with me! But in parting, I want to tell you this. Guys, listen to your elders. Moms and dads, grandparents, your teachers - everyone wishes you only the best. Goodbye!

Captain. There are so many unknowns in the world.

Guys! It's no problem!

There are so many interesting things in the world!

We always learn new things.

We would like to give one piece of advice:

Just open the book

And you will find the answer there

Thousands of questions!

Gives children the book “Everything about Everything.”

Subject: Rules for life

Target: consolidate knowledge about the basic rules by which people live; give the idea that the main thing is not to know the rules, but to follow them; teach to be honest and courageous, to be able to admit your ugly actions, so as not to repeat them in the future; to form the highest moral qualities of the individual: kindness, honesty, courage, resistance to temptation, a critical attitude towards one’s self, the ability to independently improve the traits of one’s childhood character.

Progress of the lesson

You will soon leave kindergarten and go to school, but your friends, toys will remain in your memory for a long time, you will remember how we raised you, taught you the rules by which to live.

What rules do you remember? (children's answers)

To help you remember them better, let's hang the wonderful leaves with the rules on the tree and read them out loud together. (The teacher and the children hang up the leaves.)


Be generous!

Be thrifty!

Be hardworking!

Be careful!

Love animals and plants!

Be curious and observant!

Help the little and the weak!

Respect adults!

Don't offend people!

Be polite and hospitable!

Be brave!

Be honest!

Listen to your elders!

This is an extraordinary oak tree. This is the oak of wisdom. Look at it carefully again and remember these rules for the rest of your life.

Whoever remembers will be smart, and whoever remembers and follows through will be wise.

We need rules not only in kindergarten, but they will be useful to you at school, at college, when you are adults. When you become mothers and fathers yourself, you will teach these rules to your children.

Guys, were there any cases in your life when you knew these rules, but did not follow them?

Have you ever done something bad, knowing in advance that it was bad?

And then you were ashamed?

Who will be brave enough to tell everyone some incident from their life? (children's stories from personal experience)

What a great fellow you are for not being afraid to admit it out loud; this requires courageous character.

Now find a comfortable place and get ready for psycho-gymnastics.

Psycho-gymnastics “Come out into the light”

Imagine that you are in a cold dungeon. It's hard for you to breathe, you don't have enough air. The dungeon is lonely and uncomfortable. You want to get out of here quickly. But there is no progress ahead. You are walking through a long tunnel with no end in sight. And suddenly some light flashed in the distance. This ray of sun penetrated the heavy underground. You quickly ran, scattered stones, and suddenly a bright, radiant sun poured its light on you. The warm wind began to ruffle your hair. You breathed in the fresh air, your chest filled with joy. And you felt free and happy.

Guys, what did you feel in the dark dungeon? (children's answers)

Any person experiences such feelings when he cheats, when he commits bad deeds. His soul is just as dark, uncomfortable, and scary.

What feelings did you experience when you came out into the world? (children's answers)

Such feelings are experienced by a person when he lives according to the wise laws of life. Joy, relief, peace lives in his soul when he admits his mistakes.

Now you will hear an excerpt from O. Wilde’s fairy tale “The Boy Star”.

I excerpt

One day, in the winter cold, two lumberjacks saw a tree fall from the sky. bright Star. In the folds of the cloak they found not a star, but a small child. One of the woodcutters took the child and, despite poverty and hunger, brought him to his house. The boy grew up very handsome, but angry, proud and cruel. One day, when a woman came to their village, he threw stones at her and did not want to believe that the beggar woman was his mother.

(The teacher demonstrates the drawings.)

Who liked the boy star? Why?

Who liked the beggar woman?

Give your hearts to the hero you like.

(Children give paper pink hearts to the heroes of the fairy tale.)

(The teacher silently analyzes the situation, looks at which children gave their hearts to which hero. Then puts out two vases with sweets and pieces of bread.)

Guys, the heroes of the fairy tale also want to give you gifts. Take for yourself the gift you want, but only from the hero you really like. The star boy treats you to sweets. And the poor beggar woman has no money, but she wants to treat you with bread.

(Children take a gift for themselves, the teacher analyzes the situation and concludes whether the children’s opinions coincided when they gave a heart to someone they liked and when they took a gift from someone they liked. The situation may be different. If all the children made their choice in the first and second cases are the same, then they did not bend their souls, but they can also bend their hearts, and therefore different variants subsequent conversation.)

1 option

Guys, you gave your hearts to a beggar, but why did you decide to take candy from the cruel boy star? It’s clear, you are still children and you really want sweets, it’s hard not to give in to temptation. But you still need to learn to endure and not give in, to maintain sincere feelings.

Option 2

You guys are great! After all, candy tastes better than bread, but you all chose the beggar’s bread and acted honestly, did not bend your heart, you have willpower.

(Reading the second passage of O. Wilde’s fairy tale “The Star Boy.”)

II excerpt

But after the beggar mother left the village, the star boy suddenly turned into a monster. Then he realized that he had acted badly, and for three years he searched the world for his mother... He experienced many misadventures until he became beautiful again. He met a beggar woman and apologized to her. Suddenly the beggar woman turned into a queen. And soon the boy star became the ruler of the city. He was fair and kind to orphans, the poor and the sick.

Guys, do you like the boy star now? (children's answers) We had a condition that you can take a gift from someone you really like. Now, if you want, take some candy from the star boy.

(Children help themselves.)

Guys, you are still preschoolers and you still need to learn to do the right thing. Saying words is easy, but doing deeds is difficult. But you are sensitive, honest, kind hearts. And try to keep the wise rules of life with you forever. And then you will be good people.