Topic: Formation of safe behavior in schoolchildren in the educational process.  Consultation “Fundamentals of developing safe behavior skills for children of senior preschool age Factors for ensuring the safety of children in preschool educational institutions

Topic: Formation of safe behavior in schoolchildren in the educational process. Consultation “Fundamentals of developing safe behavior skills for children of senior preschool age Factors for ensuring the safety of children in preschool educational institutions

  • 6. State policy to improve the quality of life of Russian citizens.
  • 7. Activities of the world community to prevent and resolve armed conflicts.
  • 8. Differentiation of the concepts of behavior and behavioral response in assessing responsibility (regulatory aspect).
  • 9. Legislation of the Russian Federation on religious associations, freedom of conscience and protection of human rights from religious extremism.
  • 10. Individual and population norm as an indicator of social adaptation of the individual.
  • 12. Comprehensive characteristics of religious extremism; concept features and methods of activity
  • 14. Motivational and mental regulation of human behavior in emergency situations.
  • Psychological readiness
  • What to do, how to act to avoid such a depressed state of people?
  • 15. Moral education of a person as a condition for reducing the risk of socially dangerous phenomena.
  • 16. Objective and subjective nature of emergencies of a social nature.
  • 17. Dangerous and emergency situation of a social nature. Patterns of manifestation.
  • 18. The concept of “population protection”. Object of protection of the population. Types of protection of the population.
  • 19. The concepts of misdemeanor and crime. Types and categories of crimes.
  • Crime severity categories
  • 20. The concept of risk. Types of risks. Management of risks.
  • 22. The concept and problem of addiction (gaming, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, psychotropic) as a social danger.
  • 23. Forecasting emergencies of a social nature. Characteristics of consequences.
  • 24. Prevention of panic conditions and suicidal behavior.
  • 25. Psychological techniques for managing the functional state.
  • 26. Psychophysiological adaptation of a person to extreme conditions.
  • 27. Psychophysiological assessment of emergencies of a social nature.
  • 28. Psychophysiological assessment of human behavior before, during and after a social emergency.
  • 29. Diversity of national cultures, formation of tolerance and self-esteem.
  • 30. Development of standard hypothetical scenarios for the occurrence and development of emergency situations.
  • 31. Reducing the risk of occurrence, the number of losses and the amount of damage. Elimination of consequences.
  • 32. Modern family: problems and their solutions.
  • 33. Characteristics of socially dangerous diseases. Main trends and patterns of their occurrence and spread.
  • 34. Socially dangerous phenomena depending on the age and gender characteristics of the individual and professional affiliation.
  • 35. Socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.
  • 36. Ways to counter terrorist activities. Responsibility for organizing, attempting to commit and committing acts of terrorism.
  • 37. Means and methods of protection and self-defense in emergencies of a social nature.
  • 38. Unemployed status. Main directions of social and psychological assistance to the unemployed.
  • 39. Stress, frustration, conflict, crisis as a social danger.
  • 40. Transport accidents as a type of social incident.
  • 41. Formation of a safe type of personality.
  • 42. Functions of the state to protect the population from social emergencies.
  • 43. Characteristics and dynamics of emergencies of a social nature in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region over the past five years.
  • 44. Characteristics and dynamics of social emergencies in the Russian Federation over the past five years.
  • 45.Characteristics of extreme mental states: stupor, panic, psychosis, fear, depression, suicidal behavior.
  • 46. ​​Characteristics of self-defense weapons.
  • 47. Characteristics of the elements of the “person-social environment” system and their management.
  • 48. Social emergencies as an object of research.
  • 49. Legal and legal aspects of protection and self-defense from socially dangerous phenomena.
  • 50. Criminal legal assessment of dangerous situations of a social nature. Types of punishments.
  • 41. Formation of a safe type of personality.

    The idea of ​​a person with a safe type of behavior and its formation is one of the key ones in the methodology of teaching the basics of life safety. In the literature and scientific and methodological research, various aspects of the formation of a personality of a safe type of behavior are revealed, such as: stages of formation and components of personality (L.A. Mikhailov, M.V. Gordienko, etc.), methodological support for the formation process, social aspects (V P. Solomin, P. V. Stankevich, L. V. Bayborodova, E. M. However, research practically does not touch upon such aspects as the problem of motivating students to practice and master safe behavior skills, the influence of the techniques, methods and technologies of teaching used on this process, and their compliance with the age characteristics of students.

    Motivation in psychology is considered from two positions: on the one hand, as a system of factors that determine the behavior of the subject (motives, intentions, interests, needs, goals), on the other hand, as an active state of the psyche that encourages the subject to action. We will adhere to the first position, since it is consistent with ideas about social security, which in a narrow sense is interpreted as the protection of the individual, family, society and state and can be understood as the state of security of the individual, society and the state from a whole complex of different threats social, economic, political, environmental, technogenic and other nature. It is the protection of the individual, family, society and state that are the behavioral motives for a secure type individual.

    Following L.A. Mikhailov, M.V. Gordienko and other researchers, by a person of a safe type of behavior we understand a person who is safe for himself, others, his environment, ready to prevent and overcome dangerous situations, and, if necessary, to protect himself, society and nature from external threats. Among the main features of such a personality are:

    1) Social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

    2) Respect for the environment;

    3) Literacy in all areas of life safety;

    4) Having the skills to protect against threats from nature, people emanating from external sources and oneself.

    The content of the behavior of an individual of a safe type is determined by the presence of three main components, the unity and reality of which significantly influence the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the individual and the human environment. Such components are anticipation of danger, avoidance of danger, overcoming danger. These components are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the subject results of mastering the basic course and in the corresponding programs.

    The formation of these components in the process of learning life safety at school occurs in parallel, however, components such as anticipation of danger and avoidance of danger are mainly formed at the final stages of training. This is due to the fact that until the age of 10-11 years, the student is not able to systematically go beyond the available information in order to describe what else can happen. As noted by M.V. Gordienko, in terms of developing safe behavior skills, most children experience difficulties in correctly assessing the state, feelings, and intentions of people by their nonverbal manifestations (facial expressions, postures, gestures), which means that in communication they are more focused on the verbal content of messages. The activities of students of this age in many ways have the characteristic features of a game: taking into account this psychological feature can significantly increase the motivation of students to study life safety, which is confirmed by our pedagogical observations and analysis of learning results carried out at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 287 of St. Petersburg during 2013/14 school year.

    For example, 5th grade students while learning the rules traffic(this topic is included in the regional component of the subject and is studied to a greater extent than provided for in the curriculum), when given a choice of forms of activity, preference is given to group forms of creative activity. One of these forms is the reflection of various situations of compliance and violation of traffic rules on posters. Factors motivating students to draw posters include interest in cars and technology, the ability to use knowledge gained not only from studying life safety, but also from films, cartoons, fiction, as well as the possibility of informal communication in the process of working on posters, the presence of game elements when discussing them. We noted the activity of students, high results in mastering educational material, as well as the fact that the acquired knowledge is used by students outside of class time in Everyday life, which corresponds to the personality traits of a safe type of behavior.

    Students in grades 6-9, compared to younger schoolchildren, have sufficient subjective experience, which makes it possible to use teaching methods and techniques that actualize it, for example, discussions, solving educational problems of an integrative nature. This is facilitated by the educational material of other subjects studied in parallel, where students become familiar with theoretical concepts that make it possible to explain the occurrence of emergency situations, physiological processes in the human body, patterns of social development and other issues directly related to safety. Among the educational subjects, we note such physics (the structure of the atom and atomic nucleus, the laws of mechanics, ideas about electric current and sound), chemistry (elementary ideas about the combustion process, the chemical properties of oxygen, chlorine, ammonia, acids, alkalis), biology (ideas about the relationship of processes in living organisms, about metabolism and energy metabolism), history (emergency situations in the history of mankind), computer science (ideas about information systems, sources of information).

    That is why at this stage (grades 6-9) effective forms and methods of forming a safe type of personality, along with the presentation of the material by the teacher, watching and discussing films and presentations, working with posters, teacher stories about actions in various emergency situations of natural, man-made and of a social nature, independent work with textbooks and information resources, training and various extracurricular and extracurricular activities. During training and activities, students acquire skills, test and apply in practice the knowledge acquired in life safety lessons, demonstrate specific examples of safe behavior and can assess the consequences of examples of incorrect behavior in various situations. It is these forms and methods that make it possible to take into account the psychological characteristics of students of this age, and also give students the opportunity to implement such components of the personality of safe behavior as anticipating danger and avoiding danger. It is also important that it is training and various activities that can significantly increase the motivation of students to study the theoretical material of the fundamentals of life safety.

    Observation shows that training (organized evacuation, putting on chemical protective equipment, working with a map) is less interesting for students - in their process the same actions are repeated many times. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for students to maintain attention for a long time on any one action or technique, which leads to a noticeable decrease in motivation to learn. Events and various games in this regard, they compare favorably with training, especially if they include types of activities of different content (both group and individual, taking into account the need for autonomy characteristic of this age, noted above).

    An example of a well-proven event is the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”. The game is played in many areas of the city and is very popular among schoolchildren. Held once a year. Schoolchildren go out of town in an organized manner, where they have the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills that they acquired while studying life safety in various competitions and competitions.

    Practice shows that even students who did not have the appropriate skills, having gone through all stages of the game (first aid, fire lane, civil defense, shooting, competition for knowledge and observance of traffic rules, etc.), master models of behavior and action in various situations of a natural and man-made nature.

    Taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students of a particular age and personality traits of a safe type of behavior opens up opportunities for increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to study the basics of life safety.

    Irina Solovyova
    Article on the topic “Formation of safe behavior in preschool children”



    teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No.

    83" Cheboksary

    Solovyova I. V.

    Cheboksary, 2016

    It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, it is at this time health is developing, the formation of personality occurs. Childhood experience largely determines adult life person. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - parents and educators. Thanks to their love and care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he develops trust in the world and the people around him.

    We feel special concern for small defenseless citizens - preschoolers. From the first years of life, a child’s curiosity, his activity in matters of knowledge of the environment, encouraged by adults, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. Formation of safe behavior inevitably associated with a number of prohibitions. At the same time, adults who love and care for their children sometimes do not notice how often they repeat words: "Do not touch", "go away", "it is forbidden". Or, on the contrary, they try to explain something through long instructions that are not always understandable to children. All this gives the opposite result.

    The main goal of education safe behavior in children - give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and characteristics behavior in them. Safety- this is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

    Thus, it can be said that the formation of safe behavior in preschoolers is important. This is primarily due to society’s need for a socially adapted personality.

    During preschool childhood, there is an intensive development of the world as an interconnected and interdependent value world of nature, society and man; there is a process of learning the values ​​and meanings of life, forming the foundations of safe behavior.

    Socialization is entry into the world of people, system of social connections. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor S. A. Kozlova in “Concepts of child socialization” speaks: “The process of socialization coincides with moral education. It includes the acquisition of knowledge, relationship formation, transformations in the practice of adequate behavior».

    I agree with the author, social development is a multidimensional phenomenon, which also includes the process of familiarization with the basics. In this regard, relevant tasks are related not only to the communication of knowledge about security life activity and the development of skills to adapt in various situations, but also formation conscious attitude towards accepting existing and established values ​​in society. Social development involves the child’s knowledge of peers and adults, formation communication skills. It is characterized by the level of children’s mastery various standards and rules behavior. As older children master such rules and norms preschool age begin to regulate their behavior. The assimilation of norms and rules, the desire to follow models allow him to easily "grow" into the culture in which he lives. The child’s internal emotional attitude to the surrounding reality is being formed from his practical interactions with this reality, and new emotions arise and develop in the process of his sensory-objective activity.

    The most important means of introducing a child to the basics security, social reality itself serves. It affects the child, and the task of the adult next to the child is to help accumulate social experience, show the social world “from the inside,” help him find his place in it, and be an active participant.

    Another, no less important means is the objects surrounding the child, created by human hands. They are diverse in properties, qualities and functions. My task as a teacher is to attract the child’s attention to them, to create conditions safe interaction with the object, and only then will the object become a means of understanding the world for each individual child; it is important to ensure that each child understands the principles of operation of a particular device, his safety for others, hence the problem-search activity: for what and why? Over time, the child independently identifies danger in the environment.

    Another means of introducing the basics security is fiction. It is both a source of knowledge and a description of someone's experience of interacting with the environment. For this purpose, works of various genres: fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles. (E. Khorinsky "Small Match", B. Zhitkov "Fire at Sea", L. Tolstoy "Fire", "Fire Dogs"; S. Marshak "The Tale of an Unknown Hero", "Fire"; S. Marshak "Cat house", "Kolobok", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", K. Chukovsky "Telephone", "Aibolit", N. Nosov “Telephone”) Book illustrations are also a means of introducing children to the basics security.

    Activity is both a condition and a means that provides the child with the opportunity to actively explore the world around him and become a part of this world himself. IN joint activities adult and child there is a transfer of social experience: the child can see and understand the dangers one may be exposed to if one does not follow the rules safe behavior, and at the same time learns to avoid dangerous situations. In activities, the child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect this in actions and deeds in various dangerous situations. Activities give the child the opportunity to be independent in understanding the world.

    In my opinion, the game gives the child accessible ways to model the life around him, which make it possible to master a seemingly inaccessible reality.

    A child's play is a good diagnostic material: the child’s games reflect the most significant events; from them one can trace what worries society, what dangers lie in wait for the child at home. Children’s actions in certain situations depend on the content of the game, their behavior, relationships to each other. By reflecting the events of the surrounding world in the game, the child, as it were, becomes a participant in them, gets acquainted with the world, acting actively. In the game, children mainly display what particularly struck them, it is not surprising that the theme of children's games can become bright, but a negative phenomenon or fact.

    Through productive activities such as drawing, modeling, applique, design, children reflect the reality around them. A reflection built on the work of the imagination, on displaying one’s observations, as well as impressions received through words, pictures and other forms of art. Child- preschooler drawing connects with play, there is even such a term “drawing game”, i.e. this is the state of a child when, while drawing, he sees himself as a participant in what he is depicting. Girls drawing a situation from a fairy tale "Cat house", see themselves in the cat. When boys draw firefighters, they pretend to be firefighters. The nature of the depiction of these phenomena, the choice of color, the arrangement of objects on the sheet, and their interrelationship will depend on how the child perceived social phenomena and what kind of attitude he had. So "reflection activity" allows the child, with the help of fantasy, to get used to the world of adults and explore it, but it does not give him the opportunity to really, practically participate in social life. Meanwhile, it is precisely participation in the lives of adults, the acquisition of one’s own experience of relationships with children that is not in the process and regarding, for example, playing with its saving grace. "as if", and when solving vital and significant issues, they give the child the opportunity to feel like an equal member of the human community.

    Cognition of the environment in children occurs through objective activity, which includes the ability to cognize the immediate environment with the help of the entire group of sensory senses. By manipulating with objects, the child learns about their properties, qualities, and then their purpose and functions, and masters operational actions. There should be objects in the child’s environment with the help of which he gets acquainted with the rules safe handling of them.

    The child’s social experience enriches learning labor activity. The child, observing the actions of adults, begins to imitate them, making attempts to sweep the floor, water the flowers, and wash the clothes. As you purchase labor skills, the child gains a sense of confidence, multiplied by knowledge safe interaction with objects, and this reduces the risk of not surviving in the absence of adults. During labor, volitional qualities develop, are being formed the ability to make efforts to achieve a goal. And the sooner he begins to experience pleasure from his work efforts, the more optimistic he will look at the world, as he will gain confidence in his ability to overcome difficulties.

    Through the child's observation of the world around him, the child's social experience is enriched. No matter what the child does, he always observes and remembers everything ( behavior adults in dangerous situations, relationships with other people). The process of observation in a child is always active, even if outwardly this activity is expressed weakly. It is observation that contributes to understanding the world, form a picture of the world. But unfortunately, this picture can also include negative experiences, and the task of adults is to try to set the right priorities if such an experience was obtained. Observation stimulates the development of cognitive interests, creates and reinforces the rules for handling dangerous objects.

    The transfer of experience from an adult to a child occurs through learning. In process directly educational activities the child has the opportunity to acquire knowledge under the guidance of an adult who organizes the communication of knowledge and controls its assimilation by children, makes the necessary correction through conversations and reading fiction; experimentation and experiments; visual and constructive activities.

    There are methods and techniques formation of safe behavior in preschool children:

    Comparison method. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks.

    Method of modeling situations. Modeling situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child to be able to get out of extreme situations in life.

    Repetition method. In direct educational activities, it acts as a leading method or methodological technique. Repetition leads to the emergence of generalizations and promotes independent drawing conclusions, increases cognitive activity.

    Experimentation and experiences. Experimental activity gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas. The value of this method is that it gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas.

    Gaming techniques. They increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings.

    Writing creative stories. Promotes the development of creative imagination, the use of experience, and the consolidation of knowledge.

    In resolving the issue of formation of safe behavior A child's parents play an important role, as they should be an example and a standard for the child. In the family and kindergarten The principle of unity of requirements must be observed. And here it is very important for me, as a teacher, to remember before starting work with children to teach them safe behavior, it is necessary to determine the readiness to cooperate with the kindergarten, as well as the level of awareness of parents in this matter. It is important to get parents to understand that they cannot require their child to follow any rules. behavior, if they themselves do not always follow it.

    Modern uncertainty environment requires not only high activity of a person, but also his skills, ability to adequately behavior.

    Preschool age is a period of absorption and accumulation of knowledge. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, form understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, instilling in him skills safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as role models for the child.


    1. Abaskalova N. P. “Theory and methodology of teaching life safety", Sib. University Publishing House, 2008

    2. Avdeeva N. N., Knyazeva N. L., Sterkina R. B. « Safety» St. Petersburg, 2005

    3. Kozlova S. A. “The concept of child socialization”,M-Academy, 2005

    3. Tkacheva V.I. We play every day // Guidelines. - Mn.: NIO, 2001

    4. Shipunova V. A. "Children's safety", Publishing House Tsvetnoy Mir, 2013

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior, prevention of addictions in students

    Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting or parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.

    But how can you maintain your health? Howjoin the culture of health? How to succeed in life without becoming a victim of alcohol or drugs? The child wants answers to all these questions from an adult.Therefore, today the most pressing problem is educational work at school - the problem of developing healthy lifestyle skills, responsible and safe behavior of students.

    I work as a 10th grade class teacherand I think this direction is very relevant, since health is an incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy.

    I start working in this direction with planning. In the educational plan of my class team I include both traditional school-wide activities and a variety of classroom activities. Traditional in our school are:

      Health days (every second Saturday of the month)

      Suicidal Behavior Prevention Month (September)

      Thematic weeks or decades for international Days of Stopping Smoking, Drugs, and AIDS Prevention Day.

    Thanks to the coordinated work of class teachers and teachers physical culture and health, Health Days at our school turn into real sports holidays with all organizational aspects observed, from listening to the national anthem at the beginning and end of the event, ending with musical and entertainment breaks.

    Photo 1. During the competition Photo 2 . Dance break

    Once a year, our sports friends BFSO “Dynamo” are present at our Health Day, who organize interschool sportsland.

    Photo 3. Traditional competition Photo 4. Cup from the BFSO "Dynamo"

    "Tug of War"

    The children are happy to participate in such mass events.Physical education holidays contribute to the development of a sense of teamwork, support and responsibility for each other and for the team, improvement of children’s motor skills, formation of interest and need for physical exercise.

    For several years in a row, the school has been holding a month to prevent suicidal behavior among students. This is a very sensitive and “slippery” topic. By discussing it, my task, as a teacher, is not to do harm, i.e. not to arouse interest in these actions, but to focus attention on the value human life. Therefore, during an hour of communication on the topic “Life is a priceless gift,” the guys and I discuss what life is, what they mean by this concept; the values ​​of life, why a person should live and not give up under any circumstances. I haven’t deliberately changed the topic of the lesson over the years. three years, since every time I start it with the “Complete the Sentence” exercise, during which the guys answer questions in writing about their attitude to life, and I have the opportunity to analyze changes in their answers, therefore, in their outlook on life. Of course, the main content of the lesson changes according to the age of the students.

    Photo 5. Report of group representatives Photo 6. Result of work

    During school-wide theme weeks and decades on the prevention of bad habits and addictions, I conduct interactive talk shows with the invitation of specialists. As a result of such events - the publication of wall newspapers.

    Photo 7. During the talk show Photo 8. Result of the talk show

    Among cool events to promote a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior, I use:

      hours of communication separately with boys and girls on the topics of personal hygiene for teenagers “Between us girls (boys)”;

    Photo 9. Introducing informational brochures Photo 10. Introducing informational brochures

      meetings with the school nurse or paramedic at the Dotish FAP;

      release of “medical bulletins”:"About the influenza virus", "About the dangers of smoking", "Sweet life", “Piercing. Is it really necessary?, “Daily routine is a schoolchild’s friend”etc.;

      video lectures (watching and discussing videos on a given topic);

      hiking trips (biking trips).

    The listed events provide an opportunity to tell teenagers about the importance of physical and mental health in the life of every person. Health is what nature gave us. It’s impossible to imagine without him happy life in the future, a successful career and family. And today there are many opportunities to quickly and irrevocably ruin it. Therefore, schoolchildren should know ways to maintain their health.

    PositiveresultsVeducationphysicalAndmentalhealthstudentsCanreachonlyatcooperationWithfamily. Whenfamilywillexample " healthybehavior", ThatAndchild, well-manneredVthisfamily, willstick tosuchbehavior.

    ForI organize both individual consultations and general class meetings for the parents of my students. IndividualconsultationsI'm spendingByresultsmedical examinations, I inform parents of the recommendations given by doctors. Subsequently, I keep track of the implementation of these recommendations through the “Individual Wellness Plan” of each student. OncoolmeetingsAndmeetingsI propose the following topics for discussion: "Features adolescence", "Responsibility and irresponsibility of a teenager. What's behind this?", "Features gender education teenagers", etc. I find it useful to hold joint meetings between parents and students, since during such events participants can hear and analyze different views on problems and ways to solve them.

    Photo 11. For round table with parents

    It is traditional in our school sports festival"Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." It is held on Family Day (May 15). The parents of my class and I are permanent members of the teams. Activities held together foster a love of sports, develop dexterity, and allow you to join healthy image the lives of not only students, but also their parents, who in the future become an example for their children.

    Photo 12. Team of mothers and daughters

    I think it is important to discuss the topic of “Daily Routine” with students and parents. And although everyone knows what it is, not everyone adheres to it. Children do not strive, and parents do not control. And this is a problem, since modern schoolchildren lead a passive lifestyle, spending a lot of time sitting in front of the TV and computer. And they should know about the benefits of morning exercises, walks in the fresh air, and the benefits of changing activities throughout the day.

    Preparatory (or diagnostic) work has an important influence on obtaining a positive result from activities aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle and responsible and safe behavior. Very often, before discussing any problem on a given topic, I conduct a survey among both parents and students. The following techniques and diagnostics help me with this:

      Teating"Your attitude to health";

      mMethodology “What prevents me from leading a healthy lifestyle”;

      health diagnostics based on handwriting;

      survey “A teenager’s attitude towards his bodily self” (Grigoriev’s technique), etc.

    The results of these diagnostics allow me to carry out my work more effectively and targetedly, to achieve qualitative changes in the behavior of students.

    Thanks to systematic workon promoting a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behaviorI see positive results in my students: they rarely get sick during flu epidemics, they don’t smoke, they don’t miss physical education and health classes, they try to stick to their daily routine, etc. But this does not give me the right to stop there. I plan to improve my work in this direction, namely, to use new forms and methods of work. Recently, I have been a teacher-consultant of peer education, so I will conduct trainings on this issue more often and involve my students in volunteer activities on the principle of “peer teaching peer.”

    “Man is the highest value, the preservation of whose life is the purpose of his existence”.
    Project “Formation of a safe type of personality”

    The project “Formation of a Safe Personality” is focused on creating conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren through the formation of a culture of personal safety. The concept of creating a safe type of personality provides for the formation of key competencies in the field of life safety, increasing the creative potential of the individual, developing the skills to independently choose the right decision in a particular non-standard situation, including an emergency. And in the future it will allow the formation of professional competence as the personal ability of specialists to solve professional problems.

    The project involves the implementation of educational, methodological, educational, creative work to ensure the safety of behavior, life and activity. As well as improving the material and technical base educational institution.
    Explanatory note
    Every year in our country the number of man-made emergencies that occur due to human fault due to non-compliance with the rules of safe behavior is growing. The problem of security of the individual and society is becoming key and acquiring a global character.

    Analysis of the “National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation”, where one of the fundamental goals of education is “the formation of a culture of peace and interpersonal relationships" makes it possible to understand that special attention must be paid to the issues of ensuring high-quality (comfortable) and safe living conditions for the individual, society, state and the entire world civilization.

    Monitoring the state of the safety level of the educational process and the awareness of all its participants about the culture of safe behavior in Secondary School No. 41 of JSC Russian Railways revealed the lack of a coherent system of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, issues related to the acquisition and application of knowledge by students aimed at preserving life and health, and developing the experience of the younger generation in extreme situations become relevant.

    To achieve these goals, the entire education system at school should be aimed at forming a new worldview, creating a system of ideals and values ​​that make it possible to turn life safety into an internal need of a person and society, i.e. to form an appropriate culture and, as a result, a safe type personality corresponding to it.

    Life safety culture is understood as a system of historically established socially significant values, as well as certain personality traits that regulate, direct and control his lifestyle and activities, ensuring an optimal level of security .

    In its activities, the school is guided by the following aspects of the formation of a safe type of personality:

    1. Worldview aspect.

    Human practice shows that it is impossible to achieve absolute safety in any type of activity, i.e. any activity is potentially dangerous (the material world is potentially dangerous) . This statement is called the axiom of potential danger.

    Due to the impossibility of achieving absolute security, the world has come to approve the concept of acceptable risk, the essence of which is to ensure such security that society accepts in a given period of time and with which one can agree. Thus, the UK Health and Safety Executive uses a value equal to 6 × 10 - 6 (the possibility of unnatural death of 6 people in a million) as the lower limit of individual acceptable risk. It is these risk values, typical for most developed countries, that should be used as a guide.

    The amount of individual acceptable risk in our country is orders of magnitude higher than that recommended in Western countries.

    In society, it is necessary to radically change the system of views on ensuring safe living conditions. The basis for the formation of a safe type of personality should be humanistic universal values, kindness and sensitivity, mercy, a sense of duty and responsibility.

    2. Educational aspect.

    DI. Mendeleev in his work “Towards the Knowledge of Russia” emphasized that the solution to any problem must begin with education, i.e. from training those people who are called upon to solve this or that problem.

    At the legislative level, a system has been developed to prepare the population for actions in emergency situations, as well as in everyday life in extreme situations of various types. Preparation is prolonged through the system of preschool, primary, incomplete secondary, secondary, higher and additional education and essentially should cover all categories of the population of our country.

    However, the effectiveness of educational programs and the ability to skillfully act in emergency and extreme situations, as practice shows, remains at a low level. The reasons are psychological unpreparedness for action, a gap in the theoretical understanding of issues of protecting the population and the practical implementation of knowledge in certain conditions.

    Knowledge of the basics of life safety in its importance for a person should become no less important than mathematics or literature, and the educational aspect should correspond to modern teaching methods with a specific practical focus for the region of residence.

    3. Applied aspect.

    Safety culture can be represented as the sum of skills, individual psychophysical and personal qualities people necessary for successful actions in emergency and extreme situations.

    Practice shows that of all people who find themselves in an extreme situation, only 10–20% are able to act decisively and skillfully, 40–60% act inadequately for the first half hour and only after this time begin to act in accordance with the current situation. 10–20% fall into apathy and are unable to make independent decisions. Today there is a need for special additional conditions so that knowledge turns into skills, and abilities into skills.

    In these conditions, the formation of a safe type of personality requires specific psychological and physical preparation of children, starting from an early age.

    4. Environmental aspect.

    Human intervention in all spheres of nature causes a sharp deterioration in the condition of ecological systems. Environmental education and upbringing of children is a requirement of the time.

    Only by raising and forming a safe type of personality can the economic, political, social and other important government tasks facing the country be solved.

    The goal of the project: to create conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problem of preserving the life and health of schoolchildren.

    It will be achieved by solving the following tasks:

    1. Creating a safe, health-preserving environment at school.

    2. Development of a set of measures to promote a safe lifestyle, protect and promote health.

    3. Joining efforts and coordinating the work of schools, healthcare institutions, law enforcement agencies, and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in solving the problems of creating a safe educational environment for schoolchildren.

    Priority areas of the project:

    1. Health monitoring.

    2. Creating a safe environment in an educational institution.

    3. Increasing the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in matters of safe behavior during the educational process and at home.

    4. Increasing the level of legal knowledge of schoolchildren.

    5. Increasing the level of parental knowledge in matters of safe behavior, health promotion, and promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle.

    6. Help for children with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties.

    7. Creation of methodological manuals on safe behavior, health promotion, education of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

    Expected results:
    Parents students want the school to provide:

    • the opportunity for a child to receive a quality education in the safest conditions possible;

    • detailed information about the rules of conduct and maintaining health in various emergency situations;
    and also created conditions for:

    • satisfying the interests and developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren;
    Students want the school to:

    • it was interesting to learn and communicate;

    • there were safe and comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful self-realization;

    • had the opportunity to receive a quality education.
    Teachers expect:

    • creating safe and comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions at school for creative self-realization and successful professional activity;

    • improving the material and technical support of the educational process;

    The project implementation period is 2011-2015.
    Results of the first year of project implementation:
    1.Healthy lifestyle

    • student health monitoring for 2011-2012 academic year showed a decrease in the incidence of children colds by 8%; scoliosis by 11.1%.

    • the number of students involved in sports sections and clubs increased by 20% compared to the previous period;

    2. Legal literacy and self-discipline:

    • during the analyzed period there were no traffic accidents involving school students;

    • not a single incident provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation occurred;

    • a lecture group was created at the school, which, under the guidance of a social teacher, conducted a series of classroom hours and film lectures with subsequent discussion: “The right to life”, “Chizhik - fawn”, “Know in order to live” (films recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education)

    • in grades 2-4, the travel game “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” is practiced. Together with the characters of famous cartoons, children study children's rights and their possible violations.

    • At the middle level, trainings on children's rights are practiced in international and Russian practice, in which these rights are enshrined. (Legal game “Hooliganism Trial”, discussion club “My Life. My Rights”).

    • At the senior level, legal education is aimed at developing the civic positions of a young citizen (role-playing game “We are the future voters”, class hour “We are citizens of the great Russia”)
    4. Creative self-realization:

    • release of thematic booklets: “Children about safety” (3 booklets) 2012; " Fire safety"(1 booklet) 2012; “Safe Holidays” (3 booklets) 2013;

    • first place in the city round of the children's creativity competition “Volunteer Firefighter - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, held by the VDPO in 2011

    • first place in the regional round of the children's and youth creativity competition on fire safety in the category "Decorative and Applied Creativity" in 2012,

    • third place in the IX All-Russian competition of children's creativity on fire-fighting topics, held by VDPO in 2012;

    • first place in the city and regional round of a creative fire safety competition in 2013. The results of the X All-Russian round of the children's creativity competition on fire-fighting topics will be summed up in June 2013.

    • Diplomas of participants in the II All-Russian drawing competition “Country of Security” in 2012. The competition is held within the framework of the All-Russian educational project “Culture of Safety”. Premier-Uchfilm LLC together with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    5. Implementation of practical skills of students:

    • all students have evacuation skills in case of emergencies of various origins;

    • High school students have the skills to provide first aid;

    • participation in regional competitions in fire-applied sports in 2012 and 2103;

    • first place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among senior schoolchildren in 2012;

    • third place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among junior schoolchildren in 2012;

    • first place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among junior schoolchildren in 2013;

    6. Methodological work creative group students:

    • creation of thematic educational films on life safety “The procedure for incomplete disassembly and assembly of an AK”, “Making a cotton-gauze bandage”;

    • creation of social films “No to alcohol”, “Drug addiction is evil”;

    • creation of illustrated methodological manual in verse on evacuation rules for younger schoolchildren.
    7. Improving the material and technical support of the educational process:

    • Conclusion of contracts:
    “On medical care for students”;

    “On the provision of services to prevent the impact of production and consumption waste on human health and the natural environment”;

    “To carry out work to eliminate emergency situations of power supply and lighting systems.”

    • Workers have been trained to obtain groups I-IV in electrical safety. Instructions are regularly held for employees.

    • A unified control center for the security of an educational institution has been created.

    • The necessary medical supplies for first aid and respiratory protection were purchased.

    • The life safety room is equipped with new furniture, teaching aids for conducting lessons, mock-ups, personal protective equipment, a simulator for first aid, and office equipment. A laboratory room was built to store equipment and visual aids.
    Action plan for the teaching staff

    non-state educational institution "Secondary school No. 41 of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways"

    for the implementation of the project “Formation of a safe type of personality”

    for 2011 – 2015




    Expected Result

    Ensuring OS safety

    Conclusion of contracts:

    “On medical care for students”;

    “On the release of facility alarm systems to the monitoring station”;

    “On the provision of services for the removal and disposal of solid household waste from production and consumption”;

    “On deratization and disinfection”;

    “To carry out work to eliminate emergency situations of power supply and lighting systems”

    “On the provision of services to prevent the impact of production and consumption waste on human health and the natural environment”;


    Training of workers to obtain groups I-IV in electrical safety. Conducting training sessions with employees


    Deputy director of health and safety

    Implementation of the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring OS safety

    Carrying out technical inspections of the school building

    May, October

    Deputy director of administrative affairs

    Improving school safety

    Timely completion of repair work


    School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

    Improving school safety

    Creation of a single remote control center for the security of an educational institution

    July 2012

    School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

    Improving school safety

    Material and technical support of the educational process

    Equipping the life safety room with furniture necessary visual aids, computer and educational equipment


    Creation of a media library on life safety

    During the life of the project

    Life safety teacher-organizer.

    Improving the level of teaching the subject

    Purchasing the necessary medical supplies for first aid, respiratory protection


    School director, deputy Director of AHR, teacher-organizer of life safety.

    Bringing classroom equipment in line with modern requirements for the educational process

    Major renovation of the shooting range and weapons room


    School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

    Educational and methodological work

    Optimal organization of the school day and week, taking into account sanitary and hygienic standards and age characteristics children

    Aug. Sept

    deputy director for sustainable development, deputy Director of VR

    Preventing student overload.

    Timely delivery of labor safety briefings during lessons

    During a year

    Decor necessary documentation on labor protection in classrooms

    Aug. Sept

    deputy director for sustainable development, deputy Director of Occupational Health and Safety, Head. Offices

    Prevention of injuries among students and workers

    Conducting subject-thematic control:

    “Formation of a modern level of safety culture in students during life safety lessons”


    deputy director for sustainable development

    Obtaining information on developing a safety culture among schoolchildren during life safety lessons

    Analysis of the introduction to the life safety course of the section “Providing first aid”

    January February

    deputy director for sustainable development

    High-quality training for schoolchildren in first aid

    Conducting training camps


    Preparing young men for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

    Organizing a creative group of students to create thematic educational films on life safety

    During 2012

    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Formation of the school’s own educational and methodological base

    Organization of thematic school projects:

    “Safe behavior in public places”;

    “Behavior in emergency situations of a criminal nature”;

    “The ABC of the consumer”;

    During a year

    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Participation in the presidential program for forest restoration after fires “More Oxygen”


    deputy director for sustainable development, deputy director of health and safety

    Formation of safe lifestyle values

    Educational work

    Conducting creative competitions:

    Poster competition “Safety is the basis of life”

    Booklet competition:

    "Children about safety"

    October November


    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Formation of safe lifestyle values

    Participation in the All-Russian competition of children and youth creativity on fire safety in the categories:

    • artistic and visual creativity;

    • arts and crafts.


    Formation of safe lifestyle values

    Participation in the All-Russian children's drawing competition “Country of Safety”.


    Life safety teacher-organizer, additional education teacher

    Formation of safe lifestyle values

    Organization of school duty for students

    During the school year

    Deputy VR directors, class teachers

    Prevention of injuries among students

    Prevention of bad habits among minors

    During the school year

    Deputy VR directors, class teachers, social teacher, psychologist

    Moral development schoolchildren

    Carrying out the “Safety Month”

    September, December, March, May

    Teaching schoolchildren safe behavior

    Conducting training sessions with students on evacuation from school in case of emergency

    1 time per quarter

    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Instilling safe behavior skills in emergencies

    Celebration of Children's Day


    Deputy VR director, life safety teacher-organizer, physical education teacher

    Forming schoolchildren’s motivation for health-saving activities

    Maintaining educational work on issues of safe behavior with students and their parents with the involvement of specialists from the Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, VDPO, law enforcement agencies, and medical institutions

    During the school year

    Deputy Director of VR, teacher-organizer of life safety

    Attracting additional resources to participate in school safety activities

    Sports and health work

    Attracting the maximum number of students to classes in sports sections

    During the school year

    Physical education teacher, life safety teacher-organizer

    Increasing the number of students involved in sports sections

    Participation in competitions in fire-applied sports


    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Instilling emergency behavior skills

    Development of the material base of the school’s medical office

    During the school year

    School director, medical worker

    Implementation of SanPin requirements

    Monitoring the health of students

    2 times per year

    Deputy VR director, medical worker

    Obtaining information about the health status of students.

    Implementation of the “Health” program in elementary school

    During the school year

    Head of the Ministry of Defense primary school, medical worker

    Promoting the health of schoolchildren

    Conducting a school-wide competition “The Healthiest Class”

    During the school year

    Deputy Director of VR

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles

    Criteria for the effectiveness of project implementation



    Ways to obtain information

    Criterion “Safe health-saving environment”

    -absence of injuries, food poisoning, epidemics, emergencies;

    Number of concluded agreements on joint activities with law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, service organizations

    Objective data

    Criterion “Proficiency in the basics of safe behavior”

    -students’ knowledge of the basics of safe behavior;

    Skills for evacuating from school in case of emergency;

    Prize-winning places in competitions in fire-applied sports;

    Prize-winning places in military sports shows and competitions;

    Criterion “Moral development of students”

    - attitude towards bad habits;

    Knowledge and mastery of safe behavior methods in various situations

    Observation, certification, diagnostics

    Criterion “Professional growth of teachers

    -use of health-saving technologies;

    Monitoring the health of students;

    Methodological developments;

    Educational films on the rules of safe behavior;

    Criterion “Satisfaction of subjects of the educational process

    - desire to search for new knowledge;

    Relations between various participants in the educational process;

    The need for teachers to constantly update methodological tools

    Expert analysis, objective data

    Criterion “Physical health of students”

    - physical fitness of schoolchildren;

    Equipment with sports equipment;

    Coverage of sports activities;

    Victories in sports competitions;

    Incidence rate;

    Vaccination coverage

    Objective data, expert analysis;

    Results of medical examinations and medical examinations

    To conduct a thorough analysis of the implementation of the project “Formation of a secure personality type,” the project manager must annually submit the following information.

    Information on the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the project “Formation of a safe type of personality”


    Delivery time


    Monitoring the safety of the educational process


    School director, deputy Director of AHR, teacher-organizer of life safety

    Monitoring student injuries during the summer holidays


    Deputy director of health and safety

    Providing information to the traffic police about student offenders on the roads during the summer holidays


    Social teacher

    Providing information to the IDN about schoolchildren registered for various offenses during the summer holidays


    Social teacher

    Monitoring of equipment for sports equipment

    Aug. Sept

    Physical education teacher

    Monitoring thermal conditions at school


    Deputy director of administrative affairs

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of training sessions with students on evacuation from school in case of emergency situations

    1 time per quarter

    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Design of health certificates in classroom magazines



    Monitoring the health of schoolchildren

    December, May

    Local therapist, deputy Director of VR

    Providing medical certificates to exempt young men from training fees


    Life safety teacher-organizer

    Generalization of the experience of class teachers conducting conversations on protecting the life and health of students


    Deputy director of health and safety

    Final survey of students to identify the attitude of children of different ages and their parents to safe behavior

    Teacher-organizer of life safety, social teacher

    Parent meeting

    “Formation of safe behavior skills in children”

    (middle group)

    Lubinova Svetlana Vladimirovna,

    teacher of preschool educational institution No. 25,

    Dubna, Moscow region

    Target: increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) of group pupils in developing safe behavior skills in children.


    1. To form in parents (legal representatives) of group pupils a sense of responsibility for the safety of their children.
    2. Determine the role of parents (legal representatives) of group students in developing children’s safe behavior skills.
    3. To acquaint the parents (legal representatives) of the group's pupils with the rules of safe behavior on the street, at home, in nature, and with strangers, paying the greatest attention to the direction “Health and emotional well-being of the child in kindergarten.”
    4. Provide an understanding of the most common and dangerous situations that can result in injury.
    5. Introduce parents to the work of the kindergarten on the topic “Life safety of children.”
    6. To develop the readiness of parents to cooperate with kindergarten teachers on the problems of developing safe behavior skills in children.

    Preliminary work: parent survey “Safety of your children”

    Meeting plan:

    1. Introduction.
    2. Main part

    — What is “safe behavior”?

    — Sections of work on developing safe behavior skills in children.

    — Child safety on the street

    — Child safety at home

    — Child and nature

    — Child and other people (stranger)

    — Health and emotional well-being of the child

    — Child safety while in kindergarten

    1. Recommendations for parents
    2. Reminders: No. 1 - “How to form in children preschool age skills for safe behavior on the road”, No. 2 – “Fire safety of children”, No. 3 – “Health and emotional well-being of the child”
    3. Summarizing

    Progress of the meeting

    Organizing time.

    Today our meeting is dedicated to a very important issue - teaching our children safe behavior skills. When are children happy? When they are healthy. When are parents happy? When their children are happy.

    Main part

    — What do you mean by “security”? (safety on the street, handling fire-hazardous objects, behavior with strangers...) Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations, applying knowledge in practice.

    — Is this topic important and necessary, in your opinion? (parents' opinions are heard)

    The relevance of teaching preschool children the basics of safety in our time is beyond doubt. From the first years of life, a child’s curiosity and activity in matters of understanding the environment sometimes become dangerous for him. A child finds himself in different life situations in which he may simply become confused.

    The safety of the child is the main link in the upbringing complex.

    We must always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Today the child walks everywhere hand in hand with mom and dad, but tomorrow he will become independent.

    Whatever a person does and wherever he is, be it an adult or a child, he is always in danger, the cause of which may be the carelessness of the person himself or the carelessness of others. Wherever our children are - on the street, in kindergarten, at a party, at home - you, parents, cannot be absolutely sure that nothing will happen to him, no one will harm him and nothing threatens his life. The task of us, adults, is to warn and prevent the child from harm, to properly prepare him to face various, and sometimes life-threatening situations, and at the same time not just say “This cannot be done,” but show him by personal example or an example from a literary work, from life.

    Work on developing safe behavior is conducted in several sections:

    - “Child on the street”

    - “Child at home”

    - “Child and Nature”

    -“Child and other people. Stranger"

    - “Health and emotional well-being of the child.

    1. Child safety on the street.

    These are traffic rules (the law for streets and roads, which both drivers and pedestrians are required to comply with), rules of conduct in transport; rules of conduct if a child is lost; terrain orientation. In order for you to always be calm for your child, and the child himself to feel confident on the road, we recommend:

    • Remind your child of basic traffic rules every day;
    • Never violate traffic rules in the presence of a child;
    • Teach him to navigate the road, be careful and attentive, never cross the road in front of nearby vehicles;
    • Teach him to cross the road only on pedestrian paths when the traffic light is green;
    • Don't let your child play on the road.

    Basic rules of behavior on the road can be remembered during the game. For example, invite your child to play traffic controller and pedestrian at home. Set up an impromptu road in the room from rope, paper, and jump rope. Arrange the cars, make a zebra crossing, make a traffic light out of cubes. Let the child first be a pedestrian and then become a traffic controller. Feel free to “break” the rules - children like to make comments to “uncomprehending” parents.

    Remember! The child learns the “laws of the road”, first of all, by following the example of you, the parents. And don’t forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

    2. Child safety at home

    Ensuring the safety of a child at home is a set of precautions that includes the safety of all components of your home (bathroom, bedroom, living room, etc.)!

    Kitchen- a room literally stuffed with dangerous objects. Household, cutlery, gas stove, hot water, food - this is an incomplete list of them. Never leave your child alone in the kitchen.

    Main source of danger in the bathroom- water, but do not ignore jars and bottles with gel, shampoo, balm, cream, paste, etc. The child is able to take a sip of this or that chemical “juice”.

    We adults think that home is the safest place in the world. What could foretell trouble under the roof of your house, where everything is arranged conveniently and cozy, where there are reliable doors with strong locks. But every home is not just walls and a roof, it is also and balconies, and doors, and windows.

    There is nothing to say about the windows. Regardless of the floor on which the apartment is located, you need to keep your child away from the windows. Even sitting on a windowsill is dangerous: a smart child can turn the handle and open the window.

    Where there are windows, there are doors. How many pinched children's fingers and hands have they seen in their lifetime?! And the bruises and abrasions on the foreheads are endless.

    A preschool child must be under the supervision of adults (parents, teacher, nanny). Don't leave your child home alone for long periods of time

    • electrical safety.

    To make his home comfortable, man has equipped it with many different devices and mechanisms. Looking into any apartment or house: we will find wires and household appliances that pose a great danger if used ineptly or carelessly. This electrical, heating and lighting devices(tiles, stoves, electric irons, kettles, table lamps, washing machines, TVs, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and much more). Sometimes something breaks in them and this causes an accident, fire or an accident. All electrical appliances must be in working order. Explain to children that:

    • Do not touch sagging or broken power line wires
    • It is dangerous to approach a wire lying on the ground
    • Do not turn on electrical appliances yourself
    • Fire safety

    And how many different types of furniture are there that not only burn easily, but also emit emissions when burning? poisonous gases. The gas is specially made so odorous that people can immediately sense if it is coming out somewhere. Children must be taught not to turn on the gas stove themselves.

    Fires occur not only due to children's negligence; in most cases, children simply do not know about the safe handling of flammable devices.

    We can't live without sharp, piercing, cutting objects. To teach children, all sharp, piercing, cutting objects must be put in their place, since order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

    Leaving a preschooler at home alone is a big risk for parents. And leaving several children at home is fraught with consequences: what does not occur to one, may occur to another.

    Sometimes they try to get into the apartment intruders infiltrate. Teach your child not to open doors to strangers by acting out this situation. Let one of the parents play the role of a “stranger” several times, and the other help the child correctly organize his actions: what to do, what to say. Name the people for whom the child can open the door by name - relatives, neighbors, friends.

    • Poisoning

    When a child wants to know an object better, he often tastes it. The list of items that he can swallow is headed by those items that look like candy. The problem is that preschoolers have a hard time distinguishing sweet caramels from the pills of their grandparents. The consequences of such mistakes can be very disastrous and lead to poisoning.

    Do we need to remind you that medicines are akin to jewelry that is kept in a box under lock and key. Only adults should have access to medicines.

    It is our common responsibility that the child knows by heart his address, first and patronymic names of his parents; start introducing emergency phone numbers (fire department - 01, police - 02, ambulance - 03, gas service - 04). It’s even better if you and your child make a list of the phones you need and hang it on the wall next to the phone. Don’t forget to explain to your child the consequences of rash calls to these services.

    3. Child and nature.

    We are talking about environmental pollution, caring for wildlife; about poisonous plants; about contact with animals.

    4. Child and other people (stranger)

    We give an explanation of what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people; that a pleasant appearance does not always coincide with good intentions and what behavior should be chosen in a difficult situation.

    5. Health and emotional well-being of the child

    This includes: studying the structure of the body, strengthening personal hygiene skills, familiarization with the role of medications and vitamins, attitude towards a sick person, as well as relationships between children (conflicts, etc.)

    Emotional well-being or psychological safety of a child is the state of the child that ensures his successful mental development. The psyche of a preschool child is characterized by increased vulnerability and easy exhaustion. Many environmental influences can cause nervous disorders.

    Dear parents! Before leaving home for kindergarten, be sure to check your children’s pockets, handbags and backpacks for small, piercing and cutting objects (pins, badges, Eau de Toilette etc.). It is not allowed to bring toys from home to kindergarten. Depending on the weather conditions, it is necessary to bring a spare set of clothes for the child. (if it’s raining, sweating, etc.) The child’s shoes should be comfortable, fit properly and have a fixed heel. Girls should not wear shoes with heels.

    Regarding the safety of children while in kindergarten:

    — all entrance doors are equipped with electronic locks. Magnetic keys were made for each employee and parents to enter the preschool building.

    What dangers can await a child in the building and on the territory of the preschool educational institution? Several categories can be distinguished:

    • Increased incidence. This is the most common danger factor encountered in preschool institutions. Kindergarten is a place where there is a large concentration of children different ages. And it is quite natural that children have different immunity and susceptibility to diseases. It should not be surprising that in kindergarten a child often “catch” various infections and diseases. This is especially concerning for parents whose children have weakened immune systems. But a child can “catch” the virus not only in kindergarten. Sections, studios, classes in other places, walks on playgrounds are potential areas for contracting various infections.

    I remind you: Every parent loves their child and cares about his health. Finds out from the teacher about the incidence of children in the group. He is indignant when he hears or sees someone else's child sneezing or coughing. And he brings his child with a cough or snot, escorts him to the group, without caring about other children and group employees.

    If a child does not attend kindergarten for an unexcused reason for two days, he is removed from meals on the third day. This happens especially strictly during exacerbation of infectious diseases.

    Parents should be the first to take care of their child’s health: when elevated temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, you must leave the child at home and call a doctor. It is the parent’s responsibility to put their child on and off the food. Without a doctor’s certificate after illness or missing 3 days, a child should not be admitted to a preschool educational institution.

    Children take all medications at home; educators are strictly prohibited from giving medicines children. There should not be any medicines in children's cabinets. In isolated cases, contact medical staff.

    Injuries, accidents.

    Dear parents! Before leaving home for kindergarten, be sure to check your children’s pockets, purses and backpacks for small, piercing and cutting objects (pins, badges, money, batteries, flashlights, etc.). The causes of injuries can be very different, there are a great many of them:

    children may injure each other in the fight for toys,

    - pushing aside friends, rushing to or from a walk,

    - fall out of bed during naps,

    - carelessly ride down a slide, slip on ice,

    - unlucky to fall out of the blue

    If a child is injured on the territory of the preschool educational institution, all issues related to the incident are resolved on the spot, in the preschool educational institution. Trauma does not include bruises, abrasions, or small cuts.

    • Emergencies. Although such phenomena as fire, earthquakes and external (criminal, terrorist acts, insane actions of adults) -

    events are infrequent, and we live in peacetime, but we should not forget about the necessary measures to prevent such situations and the principles of ensuring safety during an emergency.

    • Threat to emotional well-being (psychological health of the child. Not all parents think about the fact that their child in kindergarten can be harmed not only physically, but also emotionally and psychologically. The reason for this is not only and not so much the personal characteristics of the preschool staff, but the relationship between the children and the stress of parting with their mother.

    Therefore, parents need to monitor psychological state your child and carefully understand the reasons when the child categorically refuses to go to kindergarten.

    Factors to ensure the safety of children in preschool educational institutions:

    To protect children from various dangers, thereby keeping babies healthy and parents happy, a preschool must ensure that many safety factors are observed.

    — in order to prevent various colds and infectious diseases, appropriate temperature conditions, levels of illumination and ventilation are maintained in the garden premises.

    — regular medical examination of the institution’s personnel in order to exclude infectious diseases, compliance with personal hygiene rules.

    — in the preschool educational institution there is always a nurse who monitors the health and condition of the children and is responsible for calling an ambulance, if necessary. Periodic examinations of pupils are mandatory medical workers professional medical institutions.

    - monitoring the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution, and, most importantly, the kitchen and children’s products.

    Parents of children with a tendency to allergic reactions For certain products, you must bring a doctor’s certificate indicating the diagnosis and a list of prohibited products. You cannot remain silent about allergenic products, because... information about them may not be in the child’s medical record. Otherwise it would O The greatest responsibility falls on the parents.

    — the preschool premises are subject to daily cleaning and periodic disinfection,

    — the technical condition of the premises and buildings adjacent to the kindergarten are subject to mandatory regular monitoring.

    — each preschool employee has instructions on how to interact with the main security services. At the same time, training evacuations are carried out from the premises and from the territory of the preschool educational institution to practice skills of behavior in emergency situations.

    — in order to avoid the kidnapping of children from kindergarten, children can only be given to their mothers and fathers, as well as to persons declared by the child’s parents in the application for permission.

    — pay close attention to the fire safety of the building: conduct periodic inspections of gas stoves in the kitchen, electrical wiring throughout the building. The premises of the preschool educational institution must be equipped with basic means of fire protection: fire extinguishers, shovels and sand. It is necessary to have a “panic button” in the building, with which you can quickly call the fire brigade or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    Persons responsible for the safety of children on the territory of the preschool educational institution

    Every parent wonders who is responsible for the safety of their precious child in a preschool? The number one responsible person and the one who ensures safety checks on the territory of the preschool educational institution is the head of the kindergarten. As the main document of any educational institution, the Law “On Education,” states, the head is personally responsible for the safety of each of his students.

    Of course, it is impossible for the head of a preschool educational institution to keep track of several dozen children at once, so the group teacher becomes responsible for ensuring the safety of the child in the kindergarten.

    The child's parents can also make an invaluable contribution to ensuring the baby's safety. This could be voluntary financial and material assistance to preschool educational institutions aimed at updating outdated elements of playgrounds, desks, cribs and other structures. It is also the task of parents to monitor compliance with safety standards in the garden.

    All these are important steps to ensure the safety of children. preschool and first of all, your beloved baby.

    - Intervene in the situation, speak and act in favor of the child.

    - Know the child’s age-appropriate possible reaction and take advantage of it.

    - Respect your child's feelings, no matter how they are expressed.

    — Encourage greater independence and responsibility.

    - Supervise the child until he is ready to use O greater responsibility.

    — Define the boundaries of what is permitted for your child and clearly and categorically enforce them. Any minor violation committed by adults is a bad example for a child. The safety of your child depends on the quality of your compliance with preventive and protective measures!


    We all know that a range of problems related to the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten. Therefore, success in working to ensure the safety of children can only be achieved through close interaction with the parents of the pupils, since the knowledge that the child receives in kindergarten must be reinforced in the family environment.

    The work of developing safe behavior skills in our children on the street, in nature and at home is not a one-day job. For it to bring results, one lesson or conversation with children is not enough. The safety of our children is achieved through training, and not by reading morals, which children do not always even understand. The best way— demonstrate by example what to do in a difficult situation, and then reinforce the skill together with the child. The work must be systematic. It is not enough for children to have only theoretical knowledge; they must apply it in practice.

    And if we can provide theoretical knowledge to children in kindergarten (these are conversations during scheduled moments, during classes on familiarization with the outside world, on speech development, on familiarization with fiction, etc.), then their practical application falls entirely on you shoulders.

    To help children better understand safety rules, you can use stories from your personal experience, reading works of fiction, fairy tales (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”), in which the theme of safety can be traced, conversations on the content of what was read. A literary word always makes a child think about the problem situation presented, feel it, and evaluate the actions of the characters. You can look at the illustrations with your children, solve riddles, and play didactic and story-based games. In a playful form, children are better aware of the information offered; it helps to model the rules of behavior in specific situations and consolidate acquired skills. Show your children only positive examples.

    The main task of adults, teachers, and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

    I hope that you spent your time usefully and take an active part in learning and in passing on your experience to children. After all, the main goal of our work is to develop in children the skills of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, on the streets, on the roads, in human society; cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle; learn to anticipate dangerous situations and, if possible, avoid them, and, if necessary, act. Act correctly, in accordance with the situation. May every day be safe!

    Meeting decision:

    1. Children and parents must strictly follow safety rules.
    2. Work to develop safe behavior skills in children in kindergarten, on the street and at home.