Beautiful sayings for tattoos.  Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos

Beautiful sayings for tattoos. Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos

Phrase tattoo on English language shows the individuality of its bearer, who at the same time wants to be understood. It's simple. English is the most widely spoken language on Earth. This means that every fifth person on the planet can understand a quote from the back, collarbone, shoulder, wrist or back of the head. Whether it will be short or long, romantic, funny or philosophical, it's up to you to decide.

Examples of phrases for tattoos in English and their translation

First, let's introduce English phrases for short tattoos. They often consist of 1-3 words when you want to express your state, worldview or character traits:

  • Love.
  • Hope.
  • True.
  • Serendipity.
  • Insight, sagacity

  • Confidence.
  • Confidence, trust

  • Free.
  • Smile.
  • Smile, smile

  • Never give up.
  • Never lose hope

  • Honest.
  • Sincerely
  • Iskreny

  • Brave.
  • Cute.
  • Cute

  • Pretty.
  • Honey, beauty

  • Tough.
  • Calm.
  • Calm

  • Faithful.
  • Faithful, devoted

  • Optimistic.
  • Optimistic

  • Quick witted.
  • Resourceful

  • Witty.
  • Witty

  • Independent.
  • Independent

  • Outgoing.
  • Party-goer

  • Things happen
  • Anything can happen

  • Never look back.
  • Never look back

  • Let us hope for the best.
  • Hope for the best

  • Live with no regrets.
  • Live without regrets

Quotes for tattoos from books and films:

  • My precious!
  • My darling!

  • To be or not to be.
  • To be or not to be

  • I'm king of the world!
  • I am the king of the world!

  • May the Force be with you!
  • Do you remember the Jedi's favorite wish for a friend? Yes Yes! Let the force be with you!

  • I see dead people.
  • I see the dead

  • Houston, we have a problem.
  • The phrase about Houston is known to everyone, isn’t it?

  • The moon of my life.
  • The Moon of my life

  • My sun and stars.
  • My sun and stars

  • I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • I like the smell of napalm in the morning (now coffee lovers use it)

  • They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!
  • They have the power to kill us, but they cannot take away our freedom!

  • Are you talkin' to me?
  • Are you talking to me?

23 short and long expressions about relationships:

  • Endless love.
  • Limitless feeling

  • One love forever.
  • Love once and for all

  • Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding.
  • Only in love does a unique, inexplicable harmony of mutual understanding and misunderstanding arise

  • Follow your heart.
  • I walk the path of the heart

  • There are only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.
  • The only moment I want to be with you is now and forever

  • Broken heart.
  • Broken heart

  • A good Jack makes a good Jill.
  • Literally: Good Jack and Good Jill. Meaning: U good husband and the wife is good

  • All you need is love.
  • All you need is Love

  • Walk with me through life…and I’ll have everything I’ll need for the journey.
  • Just be with me for the rest of my life. I don't need more to move forward

  • Love is such a crazy thing.
  • Love is an incredibly reckless thing

  • Who, being loved, is poor?
  • Can a beloved be called poor?

  • You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.
  • No matter how brief your touch, I will remain yours until my last breath.

  • My soul calls out for you.
  • My soul is restless without you

  • I have totally fallen for you.
  • I lost my head in love

  • I want to be with you all my life, because you are my only love.
  • I dream of spending every moment next to you, because you are the first with whom I knew love.

  • My love, I am so happy we are together.
  • Beloved, I am immensely happy that I found you

  • I am crazy about you.
  • I'm crazy in love with you

  • I am all about you.
  • All my thoughts are only about you

  • You are the love of my life and my soulmate.
  • You are loved by me forever and filled my entire soul.

  • I know that my life is incomplete without you.
  • I know my life won't be complete without you (I can't live without you)

Philosophical phrases in English for tattoos:

  • Better safe than sorry.
  • God protects the safe

  • Wait and see.
  • Let's wait and see

  • A life is a moment.
  • Life is short

  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Actions mean more than words

  • Destroy what destroys you.
  • Get rid of what is destroying you

  • Fortune favors the bold.
  • Fortune favors the brave.

  • Good things come to those who wait.
  • Good things come to those who wait for them

  • Help yourself.
  • help yourself

  • It's now or never.
  • Now or never

  • Friendless is poor.
  • He who has no friends is poor

  • Life is not a bed of roses.
  • Life is not strewn with rose petals

  • My house is my castle.
  • My home is my castle.

There is a small set of rules on how to design and select a tattoo with the phrase:

  • Do you already have drawings on your body? Perhaps they should be supplemented with words in the same style as the previously made tattoo.
  • If a short expression fits even on a finger, then a long phrase will be appropriate on the back, collarbone, and ribs.
  • When you want to write an expression filled with philosophical meaning, you should choose a laconic font without additional decor or unnecessary elements.

¿Hablas español?You're in good company. So, why not get your next tattoo in the language of Cervantes and Neruda? Decorate your body with a lyrical phrase in Spanish to highlight your inclinations or get inspired by what is calledla vida apasionada (a life full of passion).

Romance of the Spanish language

The language of love is often forced, sometimes cheerful, always expressive and emotional. Complete your favorite quote with bright red roses on your chest or arm. Get a dainty ribbon tattoo on your wrist. You can also imprint evidence of your past sadness on your ankle. The lessons of the past will decorate your body, moments of euphoria or sorrow on your chest, the spirituality that moves you will find expression in a tattoo.

Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.

Translation: " Love is short, but memory is long " Chilean poet and Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda wrote these beautiful lines about lost love in his poem Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche or“Tonight I will write the saddest lines.”

Tu eres mi sol.

Translation: " You are my sun" Line from a songEres mi sol popular love song by Alex Campos. Campos is a Grammy Award winner with a large fan base in Latin America.

Te quiero con toda mi alma.

Translation: " I love you with all my soul . This is a Spanish expression that shows your serious intentions.

Te quiero no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo.

Translation: " I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I'm around you. " The author of this beautiful quote is the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, another Nobel laureate from Latin America, famous for his novel full of magical realism"One Hundred Years of Solitude" .

Te amo más que a mi propia piel.

Translation: " I love you more than my skin " This is a quote from Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose tumultuous relationship with her husband, fresco master Diego Rivera, was as fiery and passionate as her famous self-portraits.

Sages and Rebels

Ardent Latin American patriots and revolutionaries, and Spanish sages of all times have left their traces in the language. Their immortal words can still be seen on the walls of houses and heard from the lips of oppositionists. Sophisticated Spanish-speaking speakers benefit from the wisdom of great minds from other cultures. Why not inscribe some fiery, time-tested message on your leg or arm, on your lower back or on your wrist? This will remind you of wildness and wisdom every time you look at your tattoo.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado.

Translation: " It's better to die standing than to live on your knees " These are the famous words of the Spanish Civil War heroine Dolores Ibárruri Gómez “Pasionaria” (Spanish for “passionate” or “passion flower”), a flamboyant speaker whose official statement: “!No pasarán!” (They Shall Not Pass!), uttered against Francisco Franco's troops, was a battle cry for the rebels. The quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata, a peasant rebellion leader during the Mexican Revolution.

Sed realistas, pedid lo imposible.

Translation: " Be realistic, demand the impossible " Expression of the Argentine Marxist rebel Ernesto “Che” Guevara, inspired by the revolutionary movement in Latin America, one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.

Translation: " Traveler, bridges do not exist, they are built where they are going to cross them " Mexican-American researcher Gloria E. Anzaldúa offered this advice to travelers on the road of life, reminding them that there is no ready-made map or time-tested way to explore individual problems.

Persevera y triunfaras.

Translation: " Persevere and you will succeed " This is the Spanish equivalent of the expression: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again and again.” Popular Spanish expression - simple instructions to demonstrate perseverance and the ability to cope with difficulties on the way to your goals.

El tiempo pasa inexorablemente.

Translation: " Time moves inexorably forward " An analogue of the expression: “time waits for no one.” This is a translation into Spanish of a quote from Chaucer. The English medieval poet Geoffrey Chaucer reflected this observation about time and nature in his"The Canterbury Tales" as a warning against procrastination and missed opportunities.

Arte Publico

Your life is a work of art, and what could be more public than recognition of this in the form of an elegant tattoo with lyrical words, for example, on the neck, somewhere on the arm or on the back? Famous Spanish artists, from painters and sculptors to singers and actors, express their lives and work in words, sometimes poems, worthy of being decorated in the form of a tattoo.

El espectáculo del cielo me abruma.

Translation: " The action of heaven amazes me " Catalan artist Joan Miró was a romantic who turned his back on bourgeois life and painted pictures from his imagination. His avant-garde works are full of magical realism and fantastic images, where the vast background of blue and blue tones is emphasized by unusual figures, lines, scribbles or multi-colored spots.

Pedir por más.

Translation: " Ask for more " This is a quote from Shakira, a Colombian singer/dancer/songwriter, winner of music competitions and a famous Latin American star with multimillion-dollar record sales, philanthropist. “Ask for More,” in both English and Spanish, is her life credo, declaring that you should never settle for less than you can achieve.

Yo no busco, yo encuentro.

Translation: " I don't search, I find " This simple phrase is attributed to Pablo Picasso. He was an artist who claimed that his work was the result of the manifestation of his inner muse. He was open to art and said that it found him because he himself opened up to it every day.

Yo no tomo drogas. Yo soy una droga.

Translation: " I don't do drugs. I myself am a drug " This unusual quote is attributed to Salvador Dali. He was an early 20th century surrealist artist who distorted reality to express his extravagant and dreamlike vision. His work was unique and exciting, and he himself continued to be an extraordinary person throughout his life.

Soy más grande que la vida.

Translation: " I'm larger than life " Academy Award-winning Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno has made her life an art. Her bold statement that being larger than life itself is not so difficult for her is an expression of self-belief, a formula for achieving success.

Sometimes one single word takes over emotions, evokes a strong desire to do something, awakens the moment of truth so much that there is a desire to remember this word. A tattoo can be a daily reminder of a deep thought gained from an experience. Choose your word or short phrase, large enough to fit on your finger, back, neck, behind the ear, or around your pierced belly button. For example:

  • Destino: Fate
  • Felicidad: Happiness
  • Serendipia: Luck
  • Vivir: Live
  • Para siempre: Forever
  • Vida magica: Wonderful Life
  • Que sera, sera: Come what may
  • Sigue a tu corazon: Listen to your heart

Phrases in Spanish

Even Spanish is not your native (second) language, the power and eloquence of words are worthy of becoming an adornment to your body. Let there be phrases on your body that you will never be ashamed of later. And life itself has proven the applicability and significance of the phrases and quotes given here.

Good luck!

Lindsay Lohan tattoo in Italian, meaning " wonderful Life", was supposed to mean "life is wonderful"

Italian tattoos appear in a variety of forms and contents. The Italian cross, the “Italian boot”, the green and white and red Italian flag (in its many variations, such as a flag in the form of an outline of the borders of Italy or in the form of stars). I even saw a tattoo on my arm with a picture of Italian food: a plate of pasta and meatballs, a jug of wine and cannoli. Fortunately, unlike Latin (which is considered a book language), Hebrew and Arabic (which are quite complex and use their own alphabets of letters, requiring correct spelling depending on the letter's place in the word, etc.) or Gaelic (which there are a lot of dialects), Italian is easy to translate.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged

Phrases for tattoos in German with translation

Phrases and aphorismswith translation to

Only mother's love lasts forever.
Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig.

Bless and save.
Rette und bewahre.

Thank you parents for life.
Danke den Eltern für das Leben.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

French phrases, aphorisms with translation.
Phrases for tattoos translated into French.

Telle quelle.
As she is.

Il n`est jamais tard d`être celui qu`on veut. Exécute les rêves.
It's never too late to be who you want. Make your dreams come true.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged

Phrases for tattoos in Arabic with translation

Below are the most popular tattoo lettering in Arabic with translation.

Eternal love – حب أبدي
He knows no fear
I will always love you - وسوف احبك الى الابد
My thoughts are consumed by silence - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
Suzanne – سوزانا
Live today, forget about tomorrow -

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged

Maria Zakharova

A woman deprived good taste, even in stylish dress it will be tasteless.


If something grandiose or epic has happened in your life, leaving an imprint on your memory and heart, do not forget about it. For some, such moments are perceived as everyday, but for you, they are a holiday that brings happiness. Do you want to capture these magical sensations? The ideal method to remember a great event is to create a tattoo on your body that expresses your feelings. If you have made up your mind, the question remains of how to choose the appropriate inscription for the tattoo.

Tattoo lettering for girls and men

Animals, natural landscapes, specific persons embossed on the body in the form of tattoos take up a lot of space. For some, this is not a problem. But if you want to be an exemplary office worker, a tennis instructor for famous people, or have any prestigious job where they strictly monitor appearance, a full sleeve or a fully decorated back with tattoos is not best way out. Express your individuality, show your character traits, and emphasize your subtlety of thinking with the help of a tattoo inscription. What is its advantage?

A tattoo in the form of an inscription is more compact, cheaper and easier to maintain than a color drawing; it carries a certain motivation for you. Words are material. Great economists conducted experiments at Harvard among students who had to answer the question “What do I want to become in life?” There were 3 answer options:

  1. Do not know yet;
  2. I decided who exactly I would be, but I didn’t take notes anywhere;
  3. I am sure that I will be this and that, I wrote it down in my diary/diary.

Guess which of these 3 groups achieved everything they wanted in life, earning a million dollar fortune? Defining a goal is not enough.

Seeing every day what you are going to, striving for, makes you much closer to the desired result. A tattoo in the form of an inscription quite realistically determines the fate of successful people. To clearly answer yourself what a tattoo should reflect, you need to draw up a small survey plan. This way you will arrive at the desired result – a capacious, optimal inscription.

  1. What is most important to you in life? What moral values ​​come first?
  2. What do you want to achieve? Success in your career or create a big one, strong family?
  3. Do you want to capture a moment in your life with a tattoo or describe what awaits you in the future?
  4. Which language is closer to you for expressing thoughts through tattoos?
  5. Where on the body should the future tattoo be located?
  6. You don't have to limit yourself to one goal. Place a few, marking them with an inscription in the form of a tattoo, and you will come to your dreams in due time.

About love

Love takes first place in the life of both men and girls. This is a feeling that lifts people up, giving them wings and freedom. While someone is searching, another person has already found his happiness. With the first option, you should choose an inscription for the tattoo that will give hope that love is always nearby. If you are already in a relationship, try to identify the feelings you experience with this person. In the inscription of the tattoo, display them or the name of your loved one. The sign of attention will certainly be appreciated.

About life

Having lived for a year or two, a person understands that his actions can easily be described in one phrase - a credo. No matter what happens, you are committed to your principles, ready to help, or are in the stage of waiting for motivation. Find yourself? The inscription of your life credo in the form of a tattoo will help you not to go astray and adhere to those principles that reflect your essence. “Live the way you want”, “Follow your dreams”, “Life is short, don’t miss the moment” - this is a tattoo reminder that will be your daily motivation.

About family

Having decided on your main priority – family, try to capture such a moment with an inscription in the form of a tattoo. Many cannot decide to take this step, considering tattoos to be useless symbols that do not carry meaning. Does this occur to you when you see tattoos denoting the names of your own children, lines dedicated to your mother or father? These people are everything to you. Everyone has the right to appreciate them, but giving them a place on the body in the form of a tattoo is sacred.

Examples of tattoos: “mom, dad, I love you”, “there is so much of our love - like to the moon and back”, “forever in memory”, “together forever”, the inscription “family” and the infinity sign. It would be great if family members decide to get a tattoo (if they are over 18 years old). Give everyone the same designation in the form of a tattoo with names or dates of birth - original idea!

Philosophical phrases with meaning

When you feel like you don't have the courage or stubbornness to do crazy things, motivate yourself daily with a tattoo. This role will be played by an inscription with a philosophical meaning in the form of a tattoo. Consider several tattoo options in different languages. Latin remains the preferred language - the ancient and only language of ancient philosophers. The main thing is that the urge to get a tattoo is not a momentary temptation, but a desire for a long time. Spontaneous tattoos are often adjusted to other, more deliberate options.

Where to place a tattoo on the body

For a tattoo to look beautiful, it needs to be done in the right place. If you have chosen a small tattoo of one word, it is appropriate to place it on the back of your neck, on your leg, or around your finger. The quote should be applied on the back, ribs, forearms, and chest. If you want the tattoo inscription to remain special only for you, choose a place inaccessible to prying eyes, where it is located Lightweight clothing or underwear.

Another nuance when choosing a tattoo location is hormonal problems in men or women. They lead to weight gain or weight loss, and this affects the skin. The places where weight is gained most quickly are the stomach and thighs. By getting a tattoo on them, you risk getting a “vague” result over time. Beat the tattoo on thin skin unpleasant and painful, therefore, when deciding to apply a thought saying to the wrist, think twice.

Examples of beautiful phrases for tattoos and their meaning

Have you decided on a bold inscription on a tattoo, but haven’t come across a suitable verbal expression? The tattoo examples below will help you decide. You will find winged aphorisms in Latin, English, Italian and other languages, and if you want to be unique, get a tattoo in your native Russian speech. This way you can easily achieve your goals.

In Latin

Inscription for a tattoo about life:

  • Qui sine peccato est – There are no people without sin.
  • Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Life passes quickly, have time to live now.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - Man creates his own destiny.
  • Cum deo - tattoo for believers “With God”.

Inscription for a tattoo about stubbornness and courage:

  • Audacesfortuna kuvatrr juvat - Only the brave ones get happiness.
  • Ne cede malis - Don’t be discouraged when misfortune strikes.
  • Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito - Don’t run away from problems, but boldly go to meet them.
  • Veni, vidi, vici - the famous phrase of Caesar in the form of a tattoo “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
  • Gutta cavat lapidem – A water molecule wears away a stone.

In the Arabic language

  • philosophical inscription on tattoos “Everyone has their own path.”
  • tattoo meaning “Only love forever.”
  • tattoo in the form of an inscription about empty promises “The crowing rooster begins to tell tales from the egg.”
  • tattoo about courage “If the day has come when you set off on a journey, then consider yourself halfway done.”
  • tattoo in the form of an inscription about clarity of mind “Do not extol a person’s religion above his mind.”

In English

  • Failure does not mean I"m a failure; It does mean I have not yet succeeded - Failure does not mean that I am a failure; it means that success is still ahead. (It is better to place such an inscription on a tattoo in several lines).
  • Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds – Be careful with your thoughts, because they are the beginning of actions.
  • Now or never - Now or never (This tattoo is suitable for those who do not dare to change their lifestyle or routine work).

In Italian

  • Il ricordo di te vivr nel mio cuore - a memorable inscription for the tattoo “My heart will always remember you.”
  • Il cuore di una madre un abisso in fondo al quale si trova sempre il perdono – family tattoo “The real abyss is the heart of a mother. There will always be blessings and forgiveness there.”
  • Prendi la mia mano, non lasciarla andare, per me vali pi della vita - Take my hand - hold it. You are more than life to me!
  • Nessun rimpianto, nessun rimorso - I never regret anything.

In French

Tattoos about love:

  • coute ton coeur - Listen to your heart.
  • Personne n’est parfait, jusqu’ ce qu’on tombe amoureux de cette personne – A person is not perfect until someone loves him.
  • C`est l`amour que vous faut – the inscription on the tattoo about the main thing “Love is all that is needed.”
  • Une seule sortie est la vrit – a tattoo that answers all questions. “The only solution to everything is the truth.”

In Hebrew

  • tattoo inscription with a material meaning: “He who has the money calls the tune.”
  • tattoo motivation “Better do it late than never.”
  • tattoo inscription about empty words “If a dog barks, this does not mean that it will bite.”
  • There is only faith in the heart.
  • The road belongs only to those who walk along it.
  • I am for my beloved, and he is for me.
  • I am surrounded by happiness, love and beauty.

What inscriptions should not be made?

If you decide to use a foreign language, then you should not make unverified tattoo inscriptions. Relying on a tattoo artist is the wrong decision; he is not always a native speaker of Hebrew or Latin. When deciding on a meaningful tattoo inscription, find a person who speaks, writes, and thinks in the chosen language. If you want the tattoo to be elongated vertically, in this case, ask the native wearer to write the phrase in the final version so that the tattoo artist does not make a mistake during application. Then the tattoo will have not only beautiful view inscriptions, but also meaning.

Prices for tattoo lettering

In each salon you need to check the prices for tattoos in the form of original inscriptions. Approximate tariffs for a short word– from 1500 rubles, quote – from 2000 rubles, calligraphy – from 2000 rubles, individual sketch – from 4000 rubles. Consider the parameters of the tattoo. If it is the size of a matchbox, then the prices are approximately the same; if it is larger, the cost will be higher. You can find out how much it costs to get a tattoo of your favorite celebrity (for example, Angelina Jolie, David Beckham). If you can afford it, go for it!

Find out more about for girls.

Photos of popular inscriptions for tattoos

Some people in the world think that fate was decided long ago for everyone, others are the builders of their lives. No one knows where the truth is, but courage is clearly characteristic of the second group. After all, build a path with my own hands, giving yourself motivation in the form of tattoo text is better than waiting for a miracle with folded hands. Photos of tattoos will help you decide on ideal option, placement, font.

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Lettering for tattoos with translation

A tattoo is one of the most striking ways of self-expression, and choosing a phrase for a tattoo or drawing is a complex and responsible process. Professional masters of body art will help you decide which image will be applied to the body and determine its location.

Phrases for tattoos with translation

In situations where a spiritual impulse cannot be expressed with the help of a specific image, sayings and aphorisms applied to the body come to the rescue. Phrases for tattoos with a meaning that is understandable only to the bearer of the image are original way make a statement or complement an existing idea.

Many domestic and foreign celebrities prefer beautiful phrases for tattoos. On the body you can increasingly find:

  • names of your closest and beloved people;
  • important phrases and dates;
  • quotes from philosophers;
  • aphorisms and proverbs from folk epics;
  • autographs;
  • motivational statements.

Phrases for tattoos are applied in various languages ​​(even dead ones). In this case, reliable knowledge of translation is necessary in order to accurately convey the meaning of the desired statement. To do this, you can contact a professional translator or native speaker.

Sayings for tattoos

A qualified tattoo artist will help avoid awkward situations when applying intimate tattoos and will offer the client a catalog of inscriptions that are presented with translation.

The process of creating a sketch of a phrase tattoo allows you to try on several options for different fonts. The choice of calligraphy can be influenced not only by the client’s desire, but also by the language of the statement. For example, tattoo phrases and hieroglyphs are difficult to imagine when decorated with monograms. They require strict application.

Best phrases for tattoos made in different styles and located in different places will look completely different, even if the statements completely coincide. One of the main tasks of the artist and the client when creating a sketch is to maintain readability. It is important not to overdo it in decorating the phrase and preserve it for a long time. Artists know for sure that an abundance of fine lines located very closely can become distorted over time. In this case, you will need either image correction or