Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios

Silinskaya Svetlana Leonidovna
Speech therapist
MKOU School No. 4 for children with disabilities
Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia

Purpose: To test and summarize the knowledge acquired in speech therapy classes.

Development of auditory attention and memory of phonetic perception;

Consolidating the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”;

Development of the rhythmic side of speech;

Strengthen the skills and knowledge to classify domestic and wild animals;

Strengthen reading and writing skills;

Develop the ability to listen to a friend and behave culturally at a holiday.


Speech therapist: Guys, today our kids will show you what they learned in class. They will tell you poems, please listen. Pay attention to how children pronounce sounds.

Children's poems

  1. In a bright jacket, FLY AKOMOR

Proudly sat down on the slope.

We don't need fly agaric -

Let's not go to the oblique R.

  1. A mole snuck into our yard,

Digging the ground near the gates.

A ton of earth will enter the Mouth,

If the Mole Opens His Mouth.

  1. Here are the kids Masha, Misha.

MaShm is smaller, Misha is higher.

MiSha MaShe is writing something.

Guess what Misha writes.

  1. Poor hedgehog is squirming -

He can't do everything.

Skin turns blue -

Poor hedgehog is squirming.

  1. He doesn’t eat any cabbage soup from us,

He doesn't eat vegetables either -

Here he is as skinny as KaShcha.

  1. Black night Black cat

Jumped into the Black Chimney.

In the chimney - Blackness.

Find the cat there.

  1. Samovar brews himself,

The dump truck itself comes down,

The Samokhod itself walks,

The plane flies itself.

  1. - Hare, Hare, what are you doing?

I chew the stalk.

Why are you happy, Hare?

I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

Music sounds and Leshy appears with a basket in his hand.

Leshy: Hello children! I just came to you from the forest and brought you a basket full of wonderful... What do you think I brought you?

Students try to guess what Leshy brought in the basket. Then Leshy offers, without looking into the basket, to take what is in it.

Speech therapist: What did Leshy bring you from the forest?

Children: Circles.

Logope: What do these circles mean?

Children's answers

Speech therapist: Sounds are correct. Forest sounds were brought into your basket by Leshy. Please listen to the forest sounds.

Recording of sounds.

Speech therapist: Now tell me, what sounds did you hear?

Speech therapist: Well done! You correctly named all the sounds of nature. Guys! Look at your circles, they are different blue and red. Why? Who can tell what the red circles mean and what the blue ones mean?

That's right, vowels and consonants.

II. “Find her house for Karinka”

Speech therapist: Guys, I have a lot of pictures. Leshy, take one picture, name what is drawn on it, name the first sound, and tell me in which house this sound lives.

III. Game "Train"

Leshy: I have a lot of different animals in the forest. They really want to go to the city to see their friends - the guys, but they cannot understand who should go where.

Speech therapist: Leshy, we will help you. Now we will select from the guys the conductors of the cars, in the 1st car, in the 2nd car, in the 3rd car. In the 1st carriage you need to put those animals whose names consist of 3 sounds, in the 2nd of 4 sounds, and in the 3rd of 5 sounds.

IV. Riddles “Mushrooms”.

Speech therapist: Leshy, we know that there are a lot of mushrooms in your forest.

Goblin: Yes, but they always play hide and seek with me. Listen to what kind of mushroom this is.

a) I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is…. (boletus)

b) They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

Very friendly sisters -


c) There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -

Adults and children know.

They grow on stumps in the forest

Like freckles on your nose.

d) The first sign of summer

Under the birch tree in the cold

Brown mushroom

On a spotted root (boletus)

e) He stood in the forest

Nobody took him

Young man in a red hat

No good. (fly agaric)

Speech therapist: Oh, so many mushrooms. The guys solved all the riddles. Leshy, are there even berries in your forest? Tell me, please, what forest berries are jam made from?

Leshy: Well, for example, from lingonberries. But the jam is called from lingonberries - I don’t know? Do you know?

Speech therapist: Children know. Guys, tell me what is the name of jam made from lingonberries, rowan berries, cranberries, blueberries, viburnum, blackberries.

Dance "Good Beetle"

V. “Name the tree”

Speech therapist: Well, now we know how rich your forest is. But you still have a lot of trees. Can you read the names of the trees, I have them encrypted.

Goblin: I'll try (trying, but can't)

No I can’t, please help.

Speech therapist: B R E A Z A S I N O A Y A K L

1 3 4 6 5 2 2 3 4 1 5 1 4 3 2

VI. “The syllables are mixed up”

(Music sounds, fox knocks)

Lisa: Oh, guys! And Leshy, you’re here too, that’s exactly what I need, I lost you, I wanted to ask you for help.

Leshy: What happened?


Speech therapist: Guys, you and I have made up the inhabitants of the forest. Let’s read it together again.

Leshy, fox, do spiders live in your forest?

And the guys know the song - about a funny spider.

Song "Spider"

Fox: I brought you a treat (nuts)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! You did a good job. I will look forward to the next holiday.

How to create and maintain children’s interest in the rules of Russian grammar, develop phonemic processes and communication skills, without having to sit them at their desks? About this in the following publication: "Organization of speech therapy holidays in primary school, as a means of increasing educational motivation." You will also find useful scenarios for two holidays, with games, comic tasks, skits and songs aimed at developing speech and consolidating the material covered in class.



Organization and conduct of speech therapy holidays at school as a means of educational motivation

“The root of learning is bitter,” said the ancient Romans. And it’s unfortunate that for many this is the case. And school childhood does not become a “golden time”, but is remembered only as a boring, tiring sitting at a desk, without a spark, without inspiration...

But a child comes to school with a great desire to learn. How long can he retain this feeling of joyful surprise in front of the school, in front of the secrets that await him there? How to rivet his unsteady attention to the lesson without forcing him? What means and methods can be used to make learning fun?

I would like coercion to have no place in school - the world of colors, sounds, light, fantasy, creativity and fairy tales. Do not force, but interest, inviting the child to a new system of relationships: educational cooperation, respect, mutual understanding. Of course, behind this lies the enormous work of the teacher, constant search and burning. But the reward is great: the glowing eyes of children. Good is promising; it will definitely be rewarded a hundredfold in many years. How a child feels when climbing the first steps of the ladder of knowledge will determine his entire future life, and therefore the life of our society in 15-20 years.

The first steps at school are very difficult for all children without exception. “No matter how much you shout “halva, halva,” says an Eastern proverb, “your mouth will not become sweeter.” Even if everyone around - teachers, parents, and the child himself - repeats: “We need to study!”, then very soon he will develop protective inhibition (he will doze with his eyes open) or excitement (he will spin around and disturb his neighbor) . After all, will and consciousness are very poorly developed in children, and therefore, in my opinion, counting on a long-term conscious attitude of students to their responsibilities would be simply reckless. On the other hand, genuine knowledge and skills are acquired only in the process of active mastery of educational material. Activity in mastering it requires attention to the material and the teacher’s tasks.

This becomes especially relevant for speech therapy sessions which are carried out with children who have already attended more than one school lesson. And of course, only interest can increase performance; it evokes surprise, awakens thought, and evokes a desire to understand the phenomenon.

We must understand that entertaining is not synonymous with entertainment. But, on the contrary, hard work and constant search. And here, you can’t do without a scientific system. It’s not worth drilling into 7-year-old kids “over-stressed, pre-stressed, iotized linguistics.” But what is quite accessible to our children, but is not included in the “school repertoire,” may well become the basis for our classes.

For example, turning to mnemonics as a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through artificial associations. These are poems, rhymes, puzzles, riddles, charades, crosswords, groupings of words that evoke certain associations. (Just one thing - “drive, breathe, hold, depend..” - that’s worth it!) This entire arsenal helps children in mastering spelling. And stories about language, the emergence of letters and the alphabet, about various sounds - they evoke a sense of language. Children are so emotional, receptive, sensitive to words and images. Use in classes of games with sounds, syllables, words not included in school curriculum, allow theoretical knowledge to be practically applied in the game; riddles how useful exercise for the mind, a reason to new topic, which can become the basis for memorizing all subsequent material related to the riddle; tongue twisters, tongue twisters - developing the child’s phonemic hearing, correct pronunciation of sounds, diction, vocal apparatus, speech rate. Each speech therapist has his own collection of games for the development of all aspects of speech.

And, of course, we use them in the classroom as a means of solving an educational problem, as a bright “wrapper” of educational material. More often, we structure the lesson in this way and select games that will not take children out of control, will not captivate them so much that they psychologically switch from the lesson to game interaction. More often we give preference to well-tamed game forms and create an activity or lesson with game elements. There are many such lessons in the arsenal of a modern speech therapist and this is wonderful, this can only be welcomed. But there is another opportunity to use the game in the educational process.

Let's call it a game lesson or activity. IN in this case The entire space of the lesson is occupied by the game plot, with its game rules and game logic for the development of events. And all the subject knowledge, skills and abilities that the teacher would like to convey to the students in this lesson (or check the degree of their assimilation) appear gaming means. Without them, children cannot take a single step in the play space, they cannot solve their play problems, and yet Her Majesty the Game acts as a goal in such a lesson, and the notorious ZUNs (knowledge, abilities, skills) are a means. Which, you see, is absolutely correct from the point of view of developmental education: not life (activity, self-knowledge) for the sake of education, but education for the sake of life and activity and self-knowledge. Such an activity can be structured in the form of a grammatical fairy tale - a journey. Such a fairy tale, created by the children themselves, will contribute not only to the development of the ability to logically construct a statement, but also to an increase in vocabulary, but will directly help in mastering the Russian language. By combining a fairy tale plot, heroes with real categories, phenomena of the Russian language, a combination of the laws of fairy tales and language, they will make children want to be creative in dry theory, rules, and most importantly, they will combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


Scenario for a speech therapy holiday for primary school students

"Fun Grammar"




In a hall decorated according to the theme of the holiday, the host welcomes the guests and invites them to guess the riddle:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller.

Children: Book!

The presenter, together with the second grade students, perform logorhythmic movements with verses:

Open the book quickly!

In the book there is a midge, a mouse, a bear,

In the book the ball has a round side:

Up and down, jump and jump.

There is an umbrella in the book. Open and sing:

It's raining - but you're dry!

The pussy in the book is very close.

A color picture of a pussy

I stroke my hand for a long time -

because pussy has such fur


A boy runs into the center of the hall with a large book.

Presenter: Hello, Vanya!

Vanya: Hello,



what book did they give me?

for a birthday!

Presenter: Beautiful. What is it about?

Vania: I don’t know... It only contains pictures... but I’ll show you now!

The boy opens the book, on two pages there is A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya” in the form of signal, sequentially arranged pictures.

Leading: We, of course, guessed what this book was about. Really, guys?

Children “read” the poem based on the diagram.

Presenter: But you're right: what a book without letters! But don't be upset. You need to go to the magical land of Grammar, its owner will help you!

What will you drive?

Vanya: On a bike!

Presenter: Can we help Vanya get to a magical land?

Children in second grade pronounce a simple phrase:

Ed-ed-ed - where is my bike?

Touching the fingertips of both hands to each other.

Yes, yes, yes – very fast driving.


Ali-ali-ali - press the pedals

Sliding palm strikes.

Al-al-al - quickly, quickly I rush into the distance!

Claps on the knees.

There is a screen on the stage. It depicts palaces: red, blue, green.

The presenter in the costume of Princess Grammar meets the boy.

Vania: Where am I? What kind of colorful city is this?

Presenter: You've arrived in Zvukograd! This is one of the towns of my huge country of Grammar, and I am its mistress! Many sounds live here!

Boy: I know! I know the sounds! For example, here! (stomps his foot) or here (claps his hands).

Presenter: Indeed, thousands of sounds surround a person: the rustling of leaves, the howling of the wind, the babbling of a brook, the singing of birds...

Presenter: And you guys, what do you hear when you wake up in the morning?

Children's answers: the clock is ticking, the water is splashing in the bathroom, the dishes are rattling...

Children: Speech sounds!

Presenter: Right. Different speech sounds live in these palaces. In the red palace, the songbird sisters. Because of their vocality they were nicknamed: vowels! Here. Meet me!

Two girls come out. Introduced:

I'm E.

And I am Y.

And some of our sisters sent their portraits. Can you guess where and whose portrait?

The girls show pictures depicting the articulation of vowels: A. O. U. I. Children guess.

Presenter: And in the blue and green palaces live consonants, soft and hard.

The "vowels" tell the poems.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants...agree

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Vania: How interesting! How can you all live like this together, without quarreling?

"Vowels": It happened, but only once!

Presenter: Sit down and listen to this story!

One day the vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants huddled together, wanted to talk - but nothing...

They coughed:




They chuckled:


For some reason they called the cat:

Puss, puss, puss!

And we got bored...

All of a sudden:


It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere... They listened.

Ah-ah-ah! Ooo! - the vowels shouted.

They cried like little children:

Wow! Wow!


Aw! Aw!

And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly:


And they heard a joyful, but also inarticulate:


They made peace, stood side by side again, and said clearly:

We will always be together!

And since then they have never been separated again. They can't live without each other.

Presenter: And now everyone lives together and loves to form words. Can you guys build words from sounds?

The game is played: “Collect the word”

CAT, TABLE, CRAB, etc. Among 2nd grade students.

Presenter: We are good at putting words together from sounds, although they are all so different, vowels and consonants, voiced and... (voiceless) consonants, hard and... (soft), hissing and... (whistling).

Boy: But we only pronounce and hear sounds, but we don’t see! What about my book?

Grammar: I have a friend Alphabet, his name is, so he will help us!

Much time has passed since sounds settled in a magical land. One day, King Alphabet and his queen ABC decided to throw a party. But how can you organize dances and a parade if the sounds are not visible, only heard! Then the Alphabet gave each sound magical dresses. They were all different from each other. As soon as the sounds put on their dresses, they became visible and turned into letters. Together with ABC, they built the letters in a certain order. It turned out to be a very good system. This system of letters has since been called by the name of the king Alphabet or Alphabet, by the name of the queen.

The screen turns over. There are different letters on it.

Boy: Here they are! Letters! Now all that remains is to put them in my book.

Presenter: Do not rush! Letters also need to be put into syllables, and then into words.

Children of 4th grade with cards in their hands recite poems:

Vowels and consonants are friends,

Putting together a syllable.

MA and SHA (remember Masha!)

They came to our lesson.

If the syllables come next to each other,

Words emerge.

YOU and KVA, and together PUMPKIN,

SO and VA, read OWL.

How many vowels are there in a word?

So many syllables.

Every student knows this!

Second grade children come out dressed as gnomes.

Vania: Oh, what did the gnomes bring us?

The Dwarves have syllables in their hands. You need to put them in order, according to the height of the Dwarves, and read the sentence: We can read.

Grammar: Attention attention! Radiogram!

Exercise for the development of emotional, expressive speech.

3rd grade students.

For - zo - zu. (Pronounced questioningly).

Zya-ze-zyu. (affirmative).

Sound - sound - call. (Pronounced surprised).

I'm ringing - ringing - ringing. (Joyfully).

Presenter: I managed to decipher the message!

It was on Sunday

It's the elephant's birthday.

The guests sang, had fun,

They were spinning around in a round dance,

They spun and spun so much that they fell apart.

One two three four five,

Help me collect it quickly.



Children put together the names of animals from syllables (HIPHEMOTH, BEAR, GIRAFFE, FOX, DOG, CAT).

Presenter: Birthday parties are always fun! And I want to dance!


Grammar: Not only animals, but also birds were invited.

Second grade children show a communicative game: “Blackbirds”

I am a blackbird and you are a blackbird.

Pointing at himself, then at his friend.

I have a nose and you have a nose.

Touching the tip of your nose with your finger

his own, then his comrade.

Mine are smooth, and yours are smooth.

Circular movements on the cheeks.

I have sweet ones, and you have sweet ones.

To the corners of your mouth,

pointing at his friend's lips.

I am a friend and you are a friend.

Both hands to your chest, then to your comrade.

And we feel good - they shake hands.

There's a knock on the door. Enter the Accent.

Leading: What's happened? Why such a sad look?

Accent: Because they forgot about me! But I am very important and necessary! And I need to be placed correctly!

Vania: Well, stand somewhere, just think!

Presenter: No, Vanya, you can’t go anywhere, otherwise this is what will happen!

Miniature. Performed by 4th grade children:

A boy is lying in bed.

I really want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take medicine.

He takes a bottle of medicine. Reads: “Three times a week, one tablespoon. After eating´".

Starts to squeak.

Mom comes in.

What happened, son?

Why are you squeaking?

And I took the medicine.

And here it is written... (reads).

Oh, you're stupid.

Because you read it wrong.

Three times after meals,

not food.

Oh, mommy. Us at school

the teacher said

that changing the emphasis can change the meaning of a word.

The screen closes.

Accent: Do you remember me? I'm not a simple devil!

Presenter: Let's check it now.

Here is a huge old house:

Walls, towers, a moat have been dug.

Rearrange the emphasis -

And it hangs on the door. (castle – castle)

If the first syllable is stressed,

We are drinking vessels.

Rearrange the emphasis -

And damn us, friends. (circles - circles)

Boy: Yes. How many people live in this country? I didn't even know!!!

Grammar: You haven't met everyone yet!

Boy: It's a pity. But it's time for me to go home.

Mom is probably worried by now.

And everything is in my book now

there are letters and words,

and not just pictures!

But I'll come back to you!

Grammar: So that you don't forget the way,

and you guys haven’t forgotten -

Here is my gift to you - a guide.

If you complete all tasks correctly,

you will always find a way to my country! Goodbye!

Entertainment scenario for primary school students

"Journey to the Dwarfs Bellers and Whistlers"

Speech therapy entertainment:

Journey to the Dwarves Bellers and Whistlers

In the hall there are two makeshift houses in which “gnomes live.” On each of them there are pictures, the names of which contain the sounds “S” and “Z” - images of objects that may be in the home. Nearby there is a table and chairs, according to the number of participants. Prepared required attributes: basket, paper, pencils, cards with letters and numbers.

Leading: Guys, today we will conduct a fun quiz that will show how you have learned to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonant sounds. And they will help us with this funny gnomes living in a magical land.

The gnomes lived in the clearing.

The gnomes lived and did not grieve.

One gnome "ringed the bell"

And the second one “sniffed like a marmot.”

Z-z-z - one rang,

Ssss the second one kept repeating.

And so we lived, muffled and loud

You need to distinguish them subtly!

“Z” sounds loud, “S” sounds dull –

Everyone's ear will hear!

Those that are ringing ring,

The bell ringers are the guys' names.

"Whistlers" are other gnomes.

Let's get to know them!

Two teams of students wearing gnome hats come out to the music.

Leading: In the morning, the gnomes met in the clearing and did exercises together.

Come on, gnomes, don’t yawn, and repeat after Katya!

Kate: Every day in the morning

We do exercises (walking in place).

We really like it

Do it in order:

Walking fun (walking with high knees)

Raise your hands (hands up)

Squat and stand up (squats 4-5 times),

Jump and gallop (10 times).

Leading: After exercise and water procedures, you need to refresh yourself.

Student 1: “Tomorrow,” I thought yesterday,

I’ll sit down to have breakfast in the morning.”

Breakfast is here, but where is tomorrow?

I sat down to breakfast today.

Leading: Select cards with the names of breakfast foods. Bell ringers with a voiced “Z” sound, Whistlers with a dull “S” sound.

The names of the products are written on the cards with the letters C and Z missing. Two baskets. Cards on separate tables.

Leading: On this hillock, a fair jury (representation of jury members) strictly monitors the progress of the quiz. So we will give them the right to give a grade for the competition, each correct answer is a point for the team.

While the jury is counting the points, we won't let you get bored. After all, our gnomes are funny! And they love funny poems. And the audience will certainly come to the dwarves’ aid.

There is one game for you:

I'll read the poems now.

I'll start, and you finish,

Add in unison!

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I quickly do... (exercise).

There is a clatter of feet in the corridor,

Then he calls everyone to class... (bell).

I sit there, almost crying.

Very difficult... (task).

He doesn't mind sleeping all day long,

But as soon as night comes,

His bow will sing.

The musician's name is... (cricket).

To rest your legs

Sit on... (chair).

Once upon a time there was a little puppy.

However, he grew up

And now he is not a puppy -

Adult... (dog).

And here are the poems addressed to our gnomes. Count how many S/Z sounds you hear and pick up the corresponding number card.

"Whistlers": When I ate the icicle,

It was delicious.

And then I got sick -

It became very sad. (5)

“To the bell ringers”: Tili-tili, tili-bom,

A bunny knocked down a pine tree with his forehead.

I feel sorry for the bunny:

The bunny wears a cone.

Hurry up and run into the forest

Give the bunny a compress. (4)

Leading: Our gnomes, by the way, are little wizards. And now they will prove it to you. Each team will now transform some objects into others by changing one letter. The jury counts the correct answer. Don't yawn - raise your hand!

To the bell ringers: Turn your grass cutting tool into a pet. Scythe - goat.

To the whistlers: Turn droplets of morning fog on the grass into beautiful flower. Dew - rose.

Leading: Look at the houses of the gnomes, what is there in the Whistlers' house with the sound "S" in the Bellers' house? (viewers name pictures). Now our gnomes will go to the store and buy themselves various things, the names of which have the corresponding sounds, bring them home and put them in place. Words that have a given sound at the beginning are on the top shelf, in the middle - on the middle shelf, and at the end - on the bottom shelf. We will go to the store one at a time.

A relay race is taking place. Having reached the “Store”, select the desired picture, go back and arrange the pictures in three rows on your table, determining the place of the sound in the word.

Leading: Our gnomes were tired, went into their houses, sat down on chairs, and got bored... And they decided to write letters to each other. We sat down and wrote. And they sent them off with a carrier pigeon. But the trouble is, while the letters were flying, the letters were lost in them and now, in order to read them, you need to find the letters and fill them in.

Task: insert letters into sentences, read in order to form a coherent text.

Children are given deformed sentences. you need to insert the letters s/z, arrange them in order and read the text.

Ki...ka is crying in the corridor.

She has great grief:

...ly people of poor ki...ke

They don't let you steal...o...and...ki.

Aika...ainka ko...oh,

Why are you running around?

Wait for me in le...u -

I brought the shoes...

While the dwarves are completing the task, there is a competition for spectators.

Guess the riddles. And we will write down the answers in the empty cells, the word that will appear in the vertical cells and will be your reward.

This little baby

Glad even for a bread crumb,

Because it's dark before

She's hiding in a hole... (mouse)

Isn't it the sun's fault?

What's hanging in the sky? (cloud)

The red-haired bird came to the chicken coop.

She counted all the chickens and took them with her... (fox)

Without a path and without a road

The one with the longest legs walks.

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground... (rain)

Someone in the morning, slowly

Inflates a red balloon

And how will he let you in from his hands -

It will become light for everyone around... (sun)

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river... (heron)

The result is the word: WELL DONE!

Leading: And so, let's listen to what the gnomes wrote to each other.

Children read the text.

Leading: one two three four,

Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?

Children: Everyone in the world needs sleep.

He who is not sleeping will get out!

Leading: But it’s still too early for us to sleep, but it’s time to listen to the results of our quiz!

The jury gives the floor.

Teams are awarded certificates of honor.

Presenter: Thank you gnomes for entertaining us and helping us play with sounds: dull and loud, we distinguish subtly!

Today we talked about the sounds S and Z, and we will meet other voiced and unvoiced sounds in class.

Summary of the speech therapy holiday "Along the forest paths"

Correctional educational tasks:
Generalization and consolidation of knowledge about letters and sounds
Consolidating and improving the skills of sound-syllable analysis of words and word reading.
Enrichment of vocabulary.
Correction and development tasks:
Development of auditory and visual attention, perception, memory.
Development of optical-spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis.
Development of thinking and coherent speech.
Development of general and fine motor skills.
Development personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, ability to apply acquired knowledge in independent activities.
Development of universal prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.
Educational tasks:
Cultivating a sustainable interest in classes, initiative, desire for active work, independence in decision-making.
Developing the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: multimedia projector, author's presentation, educational and developmental game "Bukvarik-Smesharik", Su-Jok, cards with a picture of moth wings, song "If you went on a journey with a friend" lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky

Progress of the holiday.

Speech therapist:
- Dear guests and guys, I invite you all to a speech therapy holiday.
We will repeat many of the topics covered in class, show how beautifully we can say difficult sounds, and of course we will play.
The sun is shining brighter
A warm wind is blowing
The birds sing merrily
They invite us to go for a walk
Along forest paths.

A child wearing a crow's cap comes out
-Kar-kar-kar! I'm Karkusha, I want to come to your holiday too! I learned to say the sound R!

Speech therapist:
- Of course, Karkusha, stay with us.
In order for us to be in the forest, we need to stand up, take each other’s hands, and close our eyes. (The music of the spring forest sounds)
Open your eyes, we are in the forest. (Slide 2)
Look how beautiful it is!
There is green grass under your feet (look down)
Warm sun in the sky (look up)
There are trees to the right and left (look around)

Children sit on chairs.

-How beautiful! And here is the path. It's more fun to walk along the path with a song!
The children stand up, walk along the “path”, sing a chain of vowel sounds in one exhalation. (Slide 3)
-A - O - U, I - A -U, U- O – A.

Speech therapist:
- The forest path led us to enchanted letters. To disenchant them, you need to find among the trees all the letters whose silhouettes you see on the line. (Game "Bukvarik-Smesharik")

Speech therapist:
Well done, you found all the letters!
Look, near the path there is an oak tree, and under it there is a mink. Who lives in it? Guess. (Slide 5)
An angry touch-me-not lives in the depths of the forest
There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread.

A child wearing a hedgehog hat comes out
- I am a hedgehog, four legs
I walk through the forest and sing a song:
wow, wow, wow, wow
I am the strongest in the forest...!

A child in a hedgehog hat hands out Su-Jok balls to children and invites them to play.
Children roll Su-Jok on their palms and pronounce it.

Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?
This is me just in case
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears.

Speech therapist:
- Let's go for a walk along the path with us.
- Guys, the kick led us to the river. You can cross the river via a bridge, but the bridge is broken to
To repair you need to insert the missing letters into the words. (Slide 6)
Well done! Name the letters that we inserted into the words, what are these sounds?
Now you can cross the river.

A child comes out - a moth - and cries
Speech therapist:
- Moth, why are you crying, what happened?

- I was flying and my wing caught on a thorn. The wing is torn and now I can’t fly and have fun.

Speech therapist:
-What to do? Who can help the moth?

A child wearing a doctor's cap comes out
I am Doctor Aibolit, who needs my help? (Slide 7)

Speech therapist:
- Doctor Aibolit, help the moth.

For Dr. Aibolit, there is a picture of a moth on the board with a missing part of its wing, you need to find the missing part.
For each child there is the same task on cards.

- Thank you, now I can fly and have fun!

Speech therapist:
- Come moth with us, we also love to play and have fun.

Physical exercise.

Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed!
We looked up at the sun,
And their rays warmed them.
The moths were flying
They flapped their wings.
Let's clap together: one, two, three, four, five,
It's time for us to collect the bouquet.
One sat down, two sat down,
We managed to collect the bouquet.

A child wearing a frog hat comes out
Little Frog
- Kva-kva-kva! Hello! I am a frog poet. Only I lost the rhyme.
I can't write poetry without rhyme.
- Guys, let's help the frog find a rhyme.

A mosquito sits on a branch
He has a balloon...(balloon)

There's a mouse in the hole,
Under the pine tree... (bump)

Glad Aunt Buryonka
Give milk...(calf)

On the fox's paw
New watch)

Mu-mu-moos...(cow) (Slide 8)
I'm not well today.
A fly bit my ear
I have loss...(of hearing).

Speech therapist:
- Guys, the path led us to the station. Losyash is collecting the most necessary things for a walk, just about
The train is leaving, and Losyash has not yet managed to load all his things.
We need to help Losyash. If a word has one syllable, then we load this item into the first carriage, if there are two, then into the second, and if there are three, into the third. (Game "Bukvarik-Smesharik")

Speech therapist:
- Guys, on the way we met Smeshariki Krosh and Nyusha. Smeshariki asks you to help them get out of the forest.
We can continue our path only in the direction where the arrow on which the first letter is written points.
object that lies nearby. (Game "Bukvarik-Smesharik")
We're out of the forest! And they also found a chest, probably something hidden in it. To open senduk you need to dial
code word.
The chest contains a map of a new exciting journey that we will go on next time.
Children sing a song about friendship (“If you went on a journey with a friend”). (Slide 9)

Presentation on the topic: Along forest paths

Speech holiday

for special (correctional) students

educational institutions of type II

The most


words to mom

(grades 1-11)


State special

institutions for students,

pupils with disabilities

health opportunities

general education

boarding school I-II type

Kuzyomka Lyudmila Yurievna.

Teachers of auditory-speech rehabilitation

State special

(correctional) educational

institutions for students,

pupils with disabilities

health opportunities

general education

boarding school I-II type

Krasnodar region, Krasnodar city

Topchiy Tatyana Grigorievna,

Miroshnichenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna.


Continue work on developing coherent, independent, oral speech;

Expand the auditory perception capabilities of children with hearing and speech impairments;

Continue work on correcting pronunciation skills;

Encourage children to use knowledge and skills in verbal communication in independent speech;

Develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination;

Foster a culture of communication.

List of sources used:

O.E. Zhirenko, L.A. Obukhova “The holiday is an expected miracle!” (pp. 122,183-185, 187, 190).

Progress of the event:

Leading: - Mom, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to name a person - the closest, dearest, the only one.

Mom is watching our journey. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” the children go on stage.

On the multimedia screen are photographs of children with their mothers.

1st student:

Mommy’s beloved, dear!

Before me is your dear image,

I remember you cheerful

Young, beautiful and simple,

2nd student:

Who loves us dearly, children?

Who loves us so tenderly?

Without closing your eyes at night

Does everything take care of us?

Mom dear!

3rd student:

Who rocks the cradle for you,

Who amuses you with a song?

Or tells a fairy tale

Who gives you toys?

Mom is golden!

4th student:

If, kids, you are lazy,

Disobedient, playful,

As happens sometimes,

Who is shedding tears then?

She is all dear!

5th student:

You gave us years

Warmth of soul,

And through all the troubles

She always led forward.

6th student:

You, beloved mother,

The only dear

We send our congratulations

And our bow to the ground.

Presenter: - From the first days of the child’s birth, the mother warms him with her warmth, affection and care.

Lullaby song by A. Maikov.

Leading: - Many children know their mother as she is at home. But a mother can be completely different when she is busy with her work at work.

1st student:

You only know your mother at home.

Native hands take care

Homely affectionate comfort,

So familiar and familiar.

And you don't always see your mother

In her labor worries.

3rd student:

And if mom sometimes

She'll come home tired from work,

Warm her with your care,

Help her with everything then.

2nd student:

Don't you send telegrams with her?

You don’t treat the sick with her.

Don't rush with her on a steam locomotive,

You don't see her in the store

And her difficult work on the collective farm

You don't share yet.

Leading: Can boys become mom's helpers?

Dramatization of the poem "Helper".

And he rubs his eyes with his fist:

2. Vova: I'm not your girl at all

I won't go get milk!

4. Mom: Well, you'll make a mistake,

You won't help me -

I won't let you go for a walk.

6. Vova: Well, give me a can already,

He walks sideways:

8. Vova: Maybe it won't be visible

Is there a can behind everyone's back?

Tall like a father


10. Uncle: Apparently you're helping your mom?

12. Aunt: Take a quick look:

Helps boy to mom,

Take him as an example.

Vova walked home proudly.

Even though I was jumping up the stairs,

Didn't spill the milk.

14. Vova: Mom, what else should I buy?

I can go now.

Gesture song “About Mom (teacher’s choice).”

Leading:- The Russian language has many beautiful and kind words about mom, about woman.

Students come out and tell proverbs about mother.

Wherever the mother goes, so goes the child.

The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

No nicer friend than your own mother.

When the sun is bright, when the mother is warm.

Recitative of the poem by A. Barto, against the background of music “Mother for a baby mammoth.”

Leading:- Know how to appreciate your mother’s love, do not insult her with rudeness, do not upset her with your disobedience.

1st student:

Different children live on the planet,

But all children in the world love their mothers.

Mothers can do anything, mothers will help.

Moms know how to understand everything!

2nd student:

This is what our mothers are like!

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you!

3rd student:

Let femininity and beauty

With you as much as possible will be longer,

After all, what for women of the year,

When everyone appreciates and loves her!

Leading: - There are holidays dedicated to our women, mothers, grandmothers: “Mother’s Day”, “International Women’s Day”.

March 8th is celebrated in the first month of spring, when the sun begins to warm the earth and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The first spring flowers appear in the spring thawed patches.

This holiday is celebrated not only in our country, but also in other countries of the world. For the first time in Russia, this holiday was held in 1913 in St. Petersburg.

And since then, March 8 has become a women's holiday. Day of a woman who is dearer, dearer and sweeter. Children call this holiday “mother’s day.”

Dance "Waltz".

1st boy:

I sing of what is eternally new.

And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in the soul

Finds its own music...

This word is a call and a spell,

This word contains the soul of existence.

2nd boy:

This is the spark of the first creation,

Baby's first smile.

This word will not deceive you...

This word is “mother”, “my mother”.

3rd boy:

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

4th boy:

Conjuring from any misfortune.

(It’s really a good idea to keep her busy.)

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one

Proud, exalted mother.

All participants go on stage.

The song “Sunny Circle” plays:

1. The circle of the sun, the sky around - this is a boy’s drawing!

He drew it on a piece of paper and signed it in the corner.

May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother!

May there always be me!

(the words of the chorus are printed on paper and the guys pick them up word by word).

Sections: Elementary School , Speech therapy

Goals: Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students; activation and enrichment of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech; development of the ability to enter into a certain image, imagine it, and perform imitative movements.

The progress of the holiday

Speech therapist:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What fairy-tale characters did we meet?

What words did all these fairy tales begin with?

So as not to offend fairy tales,
We need to see them more often
Read and draw them,
Love them and play them.
Fairy tales will wean everyone off being angry,
And they will teach you to have fun!
Be more modest and kinder
More patient and wiser!

All the heroes of our fairy tales live in a fairyland, and they really want to get there, let's help them?

To do this, we must go through a fairytale forest, in which many tasks and adventures await us. Well, let's go!

Hello forest,
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
Open everything, don’t hide it,
You see, we are our own.

- So, guys, we are walking along the path, and there are someone’s footprints on it, in order to follow them, you need to solve riddles.

(We pick up each trace, and there is a riddle on them).

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Well, let's move on?

- What do we see? There is an apple tree in front of us, and what grows on the apple tree?

Are apples fruits or vegetables?

Where do apples grow?

Well done, you know everything, but our apples are not ordinary, but magical. Each one has a task written on it, one by one you will go to the board and complete various tasks.

(Children pick apples and complete tasks).

– Who knows what I have?

This is a magic casket, and in it are magic objects from fairy tales, you will go out one by one, without looking, take out the object and guess what kind of magic object it is, and the teachers will help if you are at a loss.

(Children go out one at a time and, without looking, take out objects from the box: an invisible hat, a magic wand, a golden egg, a self-assembled tablecloth, a picture of a turnip, walking boots, a magic ball).

– What is this lying on our path?

And these are two magic balls.

I need two people who will compete to see who can rewind the ball faster.

And in the ball there are pieces of paper on which tongue twisters are written.

Guys, who knows what a tongue twister is?

This is a text that needs to be spoken as quickly as possible. So we’ll see which of the participants will pronounce the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

Bori has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

What is she doing? That's right, she's crying and doesn't want to let us go further until we make her laugh. Let's show her our fairy tales. Children of 1st grade prepared the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, and children of 2nd grade prepared the fairy tale “Turnip”. (Staging of fairy tales).

Look, children, were we able to make the foolish princess laugh? No? What else will we show her?

Let's sing her a song. Children of 1st and 2nd grades sing the song “Kolobok”.


Along the path, along the path,
Jump and jump between the pines.
Very fun, playful
The bun rolled.
He left his grandmother and left his grandfather,

Jump - a little bun, delicious, rosy.
It looks like a pie with a little twist. (2 times).

He met a bear
On a forest path,
The bear was very angry
He stomped his big paw!
You left your grandmother and left your grandfather,
The naughty bun rolled and fell.

Chorus. (2 times).


Well done guys, good song, now let’s see if Princess Nesmeyana is smiling? Yes, and we can move on. And here it is Dreamland, in which fairy-tale heroes from all fairy tales live. We helped them pass all the tests, and for this they prepared us sweet treats.