The magic of stones.  The magical power of stones, their characteristics and properties

The magic of stones. The magical power of stones, their characteristics and properties

Since ancient times, people have attributed incredible and healing properties to precious stones. It was believed that the mysterious and magical power of stones could have an effect on humans.

Each stone has certain properties unique to it. There is a belief that stones are able to sense a person’s attitude towards them.

If we love a stone, then it will reciprocate the person’s feelings and fully reveal its properties. And, conversely, if not properly cared for, the stone may harbor a grudge and change color.

Minerals are able to sensitively detect changes in the emotional state of the owner and respond to them. The magical power of gemstones is manifested in energetic vibrations with healing properties.

The strength of the stone’s impact directly depends on its characteristics (purity and integrity). Stones that have various damages (cracks, chips) can negatively affect the owner. The origin of the stone is also of great importance.

Stones acquired by the owner as a result of a crime have enormous destructive potential and bring only grief. The positive properties of the stone manifest themselves most quickly if it was inherited by the owner or was given to him as a gift.

Newly acquired stones do not immediately display their properties.

Considering that stones have magical properties and can influence the fate of their owners, you should be careful when choosing them.

When purchasing a stone, you should pay attention to your feelings and emotions when touching it. You can feel the energy emanating from the stone by picking it up. IN different time days, the properties of the stone may differ significantly. For example, the magical energy of sapphire reaches its peak at noon, and topaz at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Over time, the magical properties of the stone may increase or, conversely, weaken. The weakening of the impact of the stone indicates that it has fulfilled its function. In this case, you should wear jewelry with a stone that has fresh energy. A stone that has successfully completed its mission must be thanked.

Precious and semi-precious stones, due to the specific nature of wearing jewelry made from them by women, have a predominant influence on them. However, The effect of stones also applies to men.

In a short article it is impossible to cover all aspects of the issue of the influence of precious and semi-precious stones per person. It is important that such an influence exists and should be taken into account when choosing jewelry with stones.

What stones do you wear? Write about it in the comments to this article. And be sure to share the article with your friends

Stone products have been human companions since ancient times. Houses are built from them, furniture and interior items, and exclusive jewelry are made. The magic of stones is understandable only to those who believe in it. Precious items can not only decorate, but also cure illness and bring success and prosperity to the home. There is even a certain direction in Tibetan medicine - lithotherapy.

For centuries, people have studied the magical power of stones. It was established how each mineral affects the fate and health of a person. It is very important to choose the right amulet so that it actually brings benefits, and not vice versa. They can be classified as follows, depending on the sphere of influence:

  • talismans against troubles, dark forces (rubies, emeralds and sapphires);
  • amulets that help in amorous affairs and attract good luck (jasper, citrine, quartz);
  • for wealth and prosperity (all green shades of stones, emerald, beryl, aventurine are best);
  • healing amulets;
  • energy minerals for rituals and fortune telling.

The influence of shape on magical properties

How you wear magic stones is of great importance. Some should be worn discreetly, while others only work if they are visible. Thus, rings must be worn on a specific finger in order to achieve the desired goal. The left palm is responsible for the psycho-emotional state, and the right palm is responsible for influence environment. The little finger is responsible for mental activity, the ring on it helps to attract wealth, the ring finger symbolizes family and love, the middle finger increases self-esteem, the index finger increases influence and management of people, the big finger helps to seduce.

Brooches and hairpins increase the bioenergy field. Stones of yellow shades, inlaid in jewel, attract fame, and transparent and blue minerals help improve mental abilities. Earrings, beads, pendants are responsible for the material side of life (orange colors) and Creative skills(pink and green shades). Bracelets are multifunctional amulets, and their properties depend only on the selected stone.

In addition to decorations, figurines and objects are placed in the house, the purpose of which also depends on the shape and mineral composition. In addition, it is important to charge the stone correctly. You should not allow the amulet to come into contact with the wrong hands, so as not to pollute the energy. Requires cleaning periodically from negative energy, why immerse the mineral in salt water and hold candles over it.

The influence of color on human health

Magical properties of stones and minerals have different meanings depending on their color:

Characteristics of the most popular minerals

When choosing an amulet, you need to trust your intuition; there are times when the stone attracts you, and sometimes the situation is exactly the opposite. Need to feel your stone, then he will certainly help.

The most sought after gems

Jewelry with a precious stone will decorate even the simplest and most unassuming outfit. Many owners of such valuables do not even suspect that such stones and their magical properties largely determine their fate and help solve impossible tasks. Here short description their magical abilities and appearance:

Semi-precious stones and minerals

Despite their relatively low cost, semi-precious stones and minerals, their properties in all areas are no less. They also look amazing in any jewelry and are powerful amulets for their owner. Here are the characteristics of some of them:

  1. Aventurine is a type of quartz with shimmering inclusions of other minerals. It is considered the patron of gambling and good luck, but its constant use makes the owner irresponsible. The yellow shade of the mineral attracts money and luck, the brown one heals skin diseases, pink helps in love affairs, green will bring harmony. The rarest variety is a stone with golden inclusions that brings happiness.
  2. Agate consists of multi-colored curls of chalcedony. Affects the mental side of life - normalizes sleep, gives self confidence. It is believed that agate helps in the treatment of severe chronic diseases. It happens the most different colors and shades. Thus, blue stimulates brain activity, pink develops willpower, ocellated protects against the evil eye, green eliminates negative influences, and black is used in magical rituals.
  3. Aquamarine is a type of beryl. This mineral protects travelers on the road and helps make friends. It is good for the liver, stomach, and reduces toothache. Recommends wearing it only during the daytime. All varieties of beryl absorb positive energy well and will certainly transfer it to its owner.
  4. Amazonite is a talisman for home and family. This is a subspecies of feldspar, has a bluish color with silvery veins. Helps maintain harmony in relationships and avoid quarrels. Massage with this stone helps in the treatment of joint diseases, such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, relieves swelling and helps prevent varicose veins. It has long been believed that it restores vigor and prolongs youth.
  5. Amethyst is the most valuable variety of quartz. It has a purple color (from light to almost black). The magical properties of this mineral help restore peace, inspire creativity, and relieve nightmares. Used for medicinal purposes for endocrine diseases, stress and depression, restores hormonal background body. The cut must be made of silver or not at all, so that the magical properties do not disappear.
  6. Turquoise is a beautiful blue mineral, very often used in jewelry. In addition to its attractive appearance, it is an indicator of human health - if it fades, then it should be recharged (it has absorbed a large number of negative energy from the owner) and diagnose the body.
  7. Rock crystal is a type of quartz, sometimes called an Arabic diamond. The uniqueness of this mineral lies in the fact that it balances the emotional state and prevents the adoption of impulsive, thoughtless actions. Used in the treatment of diseases respiratory system if your throat is sore. For this amulet, a charge of positive emotions is important.
  8. The color of the pomegranate resembles the fruit, which is why it is named so. A stone of rich dark red color helps to reveal organizational and managerial qualities and allows you to recognize lies. It has analgesic properties, just apply it to the sore spot and it accumulates pain. Its magical properties will manifest itself only in a decent and highly moral person.
  9. Onyx is a mineral in color scheme from green to brown shades with parallel veins. Dishes, boxes, figurines and other products made from this magic stone saturated with positive energy will help logical thinking and strengthen leadership skills its owner. Used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, improves metabolism and strengthens immunity. This talisman is credited with mystical properties that allow it to control the elements.
  10. Opal is probably the most exciting and hypnotizing stone with its beauty. Available in a variety of colors and shades, it creates a unique accumulation of light within itself. This is a universal amulet, restores peace of mind, protects against colds, patronizes lovers and punishes infidels. It is believed that black opal helps to reveal the gift of foresight, and white, almost transparent opal helps to reveal talents. A stunning royal mineral with a mosaic pattern helps to learn all the secrets.
  11. Amber, in principle, is not a mineral, but just an indescribably beautiful frozen tree resin. But just like stones, it brings joy and peace to life. Such an amulet instills optimism in its owner and gives confidence. And wearing a talisman with jasper during pregnancy is a guarantee of a kind and friendly disposition in the future person. Since ancient times, talismans with this stone have helped with headaches, thyroid diseases, and tumors.

Zodiac signs and stones

The magic of stones and minerals, the magical properties of amulets are also selected depending on the zodiac sign. So , magazines and books on astrology It is recommended to choose amulets in the following way so that they bring good luck and happiness:

When choosing a stone, you need to be guided not only by its appearance, but also with your intuition. And also believe that it will help in life and do not forget to restore its energy. Skeptics deny the magical and healing effects of stones, but thousands of years of human experience prove the opposite.

Attention, TODAY only!

The magical and healing properties of stones and minerals are mentioned in almost every system of alternative medicine. Crystals are endowed with healing powers - and there is a lot of evidence of this. A striking example is lithotherapy, where they are actively used medicinal properties both semi-precious stones and ordinary minerals. In Feng Shui, every stone has a meaning, and using the power of crystals correctly can improve your energetic health.

Mystical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


Aventurine is a type of quartz interspersed with other minerals that form peculiar scales in the thickness of the stone that reflect light in their own way, and the crystal acquires a mysterious shimmer.

The main property and meaning of the aquamarine stone is the ability to discover the truth, especially in the sphere of feelings.

Aventurine helps with various disorders skin, hair loss, eczema and peeling. A rounded aventurine stone can be used for a non-contact facial massage to improve the condition of the skin.

It is said that the magical property of the aventurine stone is to help with gambling. The stone brings good luck to the owner, and this is undeniable. However, in return, it makes a person irresponsible and uninhibited, and such behavior, you see, can seriously damage the reputation of a businessman or public figure!

Varieties of aventurine:

Honey yellow aventurine brings good luck in money matters.

Brown aventurine with a cherry tint improves health.

Pink aventurine helps lovers.

Green aventurine with white and pink scales harmonizes relationships.

Aventurine with golden stripes - the rarest variety - brings happiness to the owner.

Aventurine is a very strong mineral, its effects are unpredictable and changeable, so it is not recommended to constantly carry this stone with you.


This banded mineral is formed from layers of differently colored chalcedony. Such stunningly beautiful stones have many useful properties.

Agate strengthens self-confidence, gives strength for the decisive step, and helps to make the right decision. The stone protects against difficult dreams and nightmares, and allows you to get rid of fears in reality. This mineral helps to survive the loss, separation or betrayal of a loved one. It gives strength to live on and inspires hope for a favorable outcome.

Healing properties Agate stone helps in the fight against serious diseases, it alleviates the course of incurable and chronic diseases, and softens attacks of epilepsy.

Speaking about the magic of stones, the magical properties of agate can be traced in the fact that it helps to penetrate into a person’s cherished desires, to find that only string in the soul that will ring if you touch it.

This stone is said to have the ability to attract wealth. However, agate almost always has a balancing effect: money comes easily, but it also leaves the house easily.

Agate varieties:

Moss agate - the most common type - inspires optimism.

Blue agate stimulates intellectual activity. Useful for older people.

Ocellated agate protects from the evil eye.

Pink agate gives confidence in one's abilities.

Green agate dispels negative influences, both internal (illnesses, bad habits, base passions) and external.

Brown agate keeps the opposite sex interested in you.

Black agate used in mystical rituals.

The amazing healing properties of stones and crystals

The properties, meanings and photos of azurite and aquamarine stones are described below.


This crystal is born in copper ore deposits. Its role in spiritual practice is difficult to overestimate, because it opens up the possibilities of the third eye to a person.

The stone helps overcome communication barriers and strengthens psychological functions such as memory and attention. It sharpens the ability to perceive and strengthens intuition.

Azurite is used in Ayurvedic treatment of the spine. The stone alleviates joint diseases, helps cleanse the body, and normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.

The magical properties of this crystal are used in various rituals, including those associated with summoning otherworldly entities.


Aquamarine is a blue variety of beryl.

Aquamarine gives you the willpower to work on yourself and overcome difficult times. The stone improves mood, charges with vigor and optimism, and promotes the friendly disposition of others.

The meaning of this crystal in a person’s life is assistance in travel, protection along the way from bad weather and robbers.

Aquamarine helps relieve toothache. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and stomach.

Psychics value aquamarine as a mediator between worlds. It allows you to discover other people's secrets, so it is often used in fortune telling.

Aquamarine should only be worn during daylight hours. Remember that the less often you use it, the stronger its influence will be. If the crystal is worn constantly, its effect will extend not only to family members, but also to close friends and relatives.

The meaning of stones and crystals in human life


Speaking about the magical and healing properties of stones, it is impossible not to talk about diamond - the king of stones. It combines the best properties of crystals: receptivity, the ability to concentrate energy and be a mediator. This is a transparent crystal, which after cutting acquires a specific shine and is called a diamond. Here we will not separate the diamond and the diamond by properties - both of them have a beneficial effect of approximately the same value.

Diamond gives its owner confidence, faith in victory and determination. It promotes a rational assessment of the situation, allows you to soberly weigh all the arguments and make the right decision. The stone favors wise actions and brings happiness to those who follow the advice of reason.

The magical and healing properties of this stone are as follows: the diamond brings recognition to the owner and increases his authority in the eyes of others. It awakens noble feelings: mercy, respect for elders, respect for women.

The healing properties of this precious stone also lie in the fact that the diamond strengthens the body’s defenses and stimulates the activity of the immune system. It has a cleansing effect, so it is considered useful for people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

A diamond can prevent danger threatening the owner. If you feel a burning sensation at the place where the stone comes into contact with your skin or notice that your health worsens in those moments when you carry the diamond with you, consider this as an alarm signal. Carefully consider from which side you may be in danger!

Diamond is very demanding of a person’s spiritual qualities. This pure stone, possessing strong energy, will not tolerate an envious, weak or arrogant person near it. In this case, the energetic vibrations of the crystal will create dissonance in contact with the human energy field, which can lead to a streak of failures and even illness.

Diamond is a strong and independent crystal that does not tolerate other gems around it. Even if there are several diamonds in one piece of jewelry, they can fill it with negativity. When purchasing such jewelry, make sure that its energy does not cause tension in you.


Amazonite is a type of feldspar that has been used as a talisman since ancient times.

Amazonite strengthens family relationships, brings harmony to them and helps smooth out even the most serious conflicts. The properties of this talisman stone are great for helping with depression, restoring interest in life, optimism and confidence in the future.

The stone gives calm confidence and regularity of life.

Amazonite is especially useful for a family woman - it turns her into the goddess of the hearth and family!

Amazonite is used in lithotherapy when working with bones and joints. It helps slow down and weaken diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, and osteochondrosis.

An amazonite massage sphere helps relieve swelling, prevents varicose veins, and helps restore normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Amazonite is a capricious crystal that does not bestow its favor on everyone. If other crystals have better contact with exalted and noble people, the reasons for the positive or negative attitude of Amazonite towards the owner cannot be understood. If you decide to purchase this crystal, be sure to repeatedly check how friendly it is to you.

The mystical properties of this stone are that amazonite restores youth. Of course, this is not a rejuvenating apple, but the rejuvenating effect is manifested primarily in a person’s behavior: he regains his former vigor!

Stones and minerals with magical and healing properties


Amethyst is a colored purple(pale to deep black) variety of quartz. In the quartz group, this is the most valuable crystal.

Where amethyst comes, peace reigns. This is a crystal of positive emotions, joy and good fortune. It invigorates, improves mood, inspires creativity and work.

Amethyst has a calming effect. At night it is placed under the pillow to prevent nightmares and reduce fears.

The crystal helps restore power over the senses. It softens anger, weakens aggression, and brings harmony to relationships.

Amethyst is a very powerful crystal in healing. Its targeted use can improve the condition of almost any organ, but its effect best affects the endocrine and nervous systems. This stone is also used to restore the body after stress.

There is a legend that explains the mystical properties of amethyst. In ancient times, the nymph Ametis rejected the love of the god Dionysus (he, admittedly, was not handsome). The nymph loved the shepherd. Succumbing to jealousy, Dionysus wanted to take possession of the nymph by force, but then the protector goddess Artemis intervened. Saving Amethys from dishonor, she turned her into pure crystal. Since then, amethyst has protected against intoxication.

Amethyst normalizes the endocrine system, helps restore hormonal balance, and is used to cleanse the body of toxins.

Amethyst does not tolerate a gold frame. To enhance the influence of this crystal, use silver.

Non-contact massage with amethyst crystals helps smooth out wrinkles and remove freckles.

The mystical properties of this gemstone are due to the fact that amethyst is the strongest protective crystal. Its main function in magic is protection from other people's witchcraft, screening the room during fortune telling and mystical rituals.

If this stone is used as an amulet, it will protect against unscrupulous colleagues and competitors.


This amazing crystal, which has a peculiar shine, was associated by ancient priests with the element of water. In rituals when it was not possible to use water, it was replaced with apophyllite.

The stone provides balance and helps well with fortune telling and prediction.

Apophyllite helps to establish balance between soul and body, material and spiritual, external and internal.

Representing a symbol of the Water Element, the stone helps fight heat. It is used for high temperature, and also as an auxiliary crystal for any inflammatory diseases.

This stone, which has magical properties, protects against the evil eye and damage, acts as a talisman. Due to its distinctive property - stratification into plates when heated - this stone is used in divination rituals. By the number and properties of plates, you can determine the future or get an answer to a question of interest.

The healing power of stones and crystals

Now it’s time to talk about the magical and healing properties of stones and minerals such as aragonite and beryl.


Aragonite is a type of calcium carbonate. In another way it is also called iron flower.

Aragonite helps to cope with stress, quickly restore strength, focus and concentrate efforts on solving one task.

This is an active crystal that allows you to overcome laziness and passivity. It encourages action and awakens interest in life.

Aragonite restores sexual function, increases potency, and normalizes the functions of the urinary tract.

The magical properties of this natural stone are that aragonite creates a favorable environment in the house and brings quiet family happiness. The stone promotes the full upbringing of children and protects them from external dangers.

Aragonite has an intense effect on relationships in married couples, so it is recommended to use it only married women and married men.


This pure, transparent crystal can take on a wide variety of colors - from light blue to yellow shades.

Beryl stimulates mental activity, promotes flexibility of thinking, and encourages original solutions. For a short time, it can help the owner concentrate as much as possible, while revealing all internal resources.

This crystal has an amazing motivating power: it helps a person overcome laziness and get down to business.

The golden variety of beryl helps in the treatment of eye diseases.

If beryl is immersed in water overnight, you get a healing infusion that can be used to remove kidney stones, cleanse the body and treat various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Beryl is one of the most suitable crystals for creating a personal amulet. It is capable of concentrating a huge supply of energy, enhancing a person’s energy, and at the same time is easily customizable.

Stone absorbs negative energy, transforming it into beneficial. It is used for protection, attracting good luck and fulfilling desires.

Due to its bright properties as a conductor and mediator, beryl is often used in fortune telling.

The magic of stones: the mystical properties of talisman stones


Turquoise is very sensitive to external influences. This natural mineral should be protected from surfactants, heat and acids.

Turquoise improves mood, promotes the achievement of harmony - both internal, with oneself, and external, with others. This stone helps you look at the situation from the other side, which is sometimes very useful for finding a solution.

It is believed that turquoise serves as an indicator of the owner’s health. If it fades and acquires a shade that is not typical for it, it means that it has already drawn too much harmful energy from the owner and cannot cope with the protection. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out a ritual of purification and rejuvenation of turquoise and take your health seriously!

Contemplation of turquoise improves vision.

Turquoise has protective properties. It removes negative energy and protects from evil forces.


Rock crystal is a type of quartz, colorless and with a special shine. Otherwise, this mineral is called Arab diamond.

Rock crystal helps to calm down and relax, gives control over emotions. This is a natural regulator of emotional states that effectively extinguishes both negative outbursts and too strong positive ones (for example, rock crystal will prevent you from falling in love without memory, but will help you maintain independence from emotional mood view of the situation).

The mineral increases the intensity of brain activity, helps to make the right decision, and not to get distracted by trifles.

Massage with rock crystal spheres helps relieve muscle tension, promotes the resorption of swelling, and helps with varicose veins.

This mineral is used for all types of pulmonary disorders and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Rock crystal is used as a store of positive energy. It is charged with a good mood, good intentions and pleasant memories so that it becomes a source of positive energy in moments when a person especially needs support. In addition, rock crystal helps make dreams come true.

Stones and crystals with magical properties


These rich dark red crystals are often shaped like a pomegranate fruit. Garnets can be called a whole group of crystals, including opaque ones, but usually only transparent crystals of a juicy plum-red color are included here.

Garnet enhances the volitional qualities of the owner, and above all those that are directed outward. These are organizational and public speaking skills, personnel management skills, charisma and the ability to lead.

The crystal gives the owner an intuitive perception of the feelings of others. As a result, a person begins to understand people better, to guess when they are honest and when they are lying.

It is believed that grenades take away pain. To do this, just hold the crystal over the sore spot for several minutes.

Pomegranate strengthens the immune system and stimulates the body's defenses. The stone helps restore damaged tissue, under its influence cuts heal faster, and recovery after surgery is more effective.

Garnet is very sensitive to the personal qualities of the owner. He himself is pure and transparent and demands the same (morally) from the owner. The crystal will not bring good luck to envious people, slackers and people who are indiscriminate in choosing means to achieve a goal.

Garnet helps you achieve your goal. The stone enhances the owner’s passionate desires, pushing him to action.


Emerald is a top class gemstone. In esoteric practice, it rightfully occupies one of the first places. Psychological properties

Emerald is a symbol of true love. It brings harmony to the relationship between a man and a woman.

Emerald maintains harmony in the human soul. It calms, but at the same time gives strength to continue the fight.

There is a belief that sincere and faithful love makes the emerald sparkle brighter, and when betrayed, it splits.

This stone has a particularly beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Emerald is a powerful protective crystal. The magical properties of this precious stone are that it protects against evil witchcraft, failures and misfortunes, the evil eye and damage. This stone has the ability to attract wealth and enhance the effects of other talismans.

Emerald is a contact crystal. It allows you to access a person’s unconscious, where the true reasons for his actions are sometimes hidden. Unconscious information processing mechanisms are not at all like logical thinking, so you can often find answers there to questions that a person cannot consciously answer. Emerald helps to penetrate through the thickness of time, so it is used in a wide variety of fortune-telling rituals.


Calcite, or lime spar, is a very common mineral. It is rarely found in its pure form (colorless). The impurities it contains give it different colors.

Calcite improves mood, stimulates personal growth and spiritual self-improvement.

The stone has unique cleansing properties. It alleviates the course of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pyramids made from this crystal have a particularly beneficial effect.

Thanks to its esoteric properties, this stone removes the consequences of negative influences, including witchcraft, damage and the evil eye. This is a crystal of light, so it is used exclusively in white magic rituals. Calcite crystals are also used for meditation and relaxation.

Varieties of calcite:

Iceland spar - a rare transparent variety of calcite. Clears the mind.

Orange lifts your spirits, imparts happiness and well-being.

Green helps to establish trusting relationships and opens the soul of the interlocutor.

Milk is ideal for fortune telling and meditation.

Blue helps you relax and fully relax.


Quartz is a colorless (sometimes can have different shades) transparent stone with magical properties that creates large natural crystals. This stone is very receptive to the energy of the owner and is flexible in work, which makes it a universal tool both in healing and in psychic practice.

Quartz is the ideal crystal for creating a personal talisman customized exclusively to you.

This is a crystal of balance. It helps to equalize the masculine and feminine principles, resolve internal conflicts, and establish harmony in the home.

Quartz can relieve pain, and this stone is not necessarily used by a healer - you can use its power yourself. To relieve pain, a quartz crystal is moved in slow circular movements over the sore spot (contact with the skin is desirable, but not necessary). Imagine a golden or greenish glow emanating from the crystal, which penetrates the tissue, soothing pain and restoring damaged organs. This exercise may not help the first time, but after several trainings you will master this simple art.

The energetic properties of this stone allow quartz to act as a mediator not only between two people. It can become a transmitter of energy from a person to another crystal. This property of quartz is actively used when cleaning and charging more resistant crystals.

Quartz enhances intuition and psychic abilities owner.

Varieties of quartz:

Clear rock quartz - a universal crystal, easy to program.

Rose quartz enhances romantic feelings, affection and spiritual intimacy.

Light green quartz encourages active recreation. Under its influence, a person begins to organize his time more rationally.

Blue quartz relaxes, helps overcome fear, anxiety and other negative experiences.

Lemon Quartz improves health and strengthens protective functions body.

Milky quartz fills the house with peace.

The magical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


This opaque mineral of all shades of green is revered in China as the stone of life. It is difficult to find another stone that would have such a multifaceted and beneficial effect on a person.

Jade awakens emotions, especially warm feelings between two close hearts, be they lovers or friends.

The stone imparts wisdom and slowness, which will facilitate making an informed decision. He comes to the rescue when the situation seems hopeless and encourages you to look at the problem from different angles, which ultimately leads to a good result.

It is impossible to imagine healing practice without the use of jade. This stone has a complex beneficial effect on the body, normalizing physiological processes. It strengthens the body by strengthening the immune system.

The mineral helps with diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Contemplating jade helps protect your eyes from fatigue. Placing this stone on your eyelids for a few minutes will help restore good vision.

Thanks to the protective properties of this stone, jade is perfect for the role of a talisman-amulet.


Layered chalcedony with parallel stripes is called onyx. These minerals have been used in magical and healing practices since ancient times. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the more valuable the stone. Particularly impressive are onyxes, in which milky matte layers alternate with dark opaque ones. These are truly magical stones!

Onyx enhances a person’s leadership qualities, including the ability to manage, oratorical talents, rationality and the ability to think through one’s actions many moves ahead.

The most amazing properties of this stone are that onyx helps overcome stress, depressive state or grief.

Onyx is used to treat many diseases. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, enhances its natural defenses, and stimulates metabolism.

The stone helps relieve diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes wrinkles and helps fight cellulite.

There is a belief that onyx gives power over the elements.

Magical and energetic properties of natural stones


This unusual and impressive mineral comes in a wide variety of colors. Its main difference is the ability to opalest, that is, to create places where light accumulates in the thickness of the mineral. Such an amazing stone attracted the attention of mystics in ancient times.

The mineral helps control feelings and allows you to overcome a series of negative experiences. The stone heals depression and blues, relieves fears and nightmares.

Even in ancient times, opal was endowed with universal healing qualities. In order to use the healing properties of this crystal, it was left overnight in water, receiving a healing infusion the next morning.

If you always carry opal with you, it will help protect against colds.

Contemplation of opal improves vision, lowers blood pressure and helps achieve peace.

In mystical practices, opal reveals the gift of prophecy and helps predict the future.

It is believed that this stone protects love and punishes unfaithful lovers.

Types of opal:

White, translucent opal with opalescence in light blue tones enhances imagination and helps creative self-realization.

Black opal with reflections of violet, blue, green and red “flames” enhances intuition and the ability to predict the future.

Fire opal awakens passions and helps to revive the fire of love, even if it has almost died out.

Royal opal with a mosaic pattern helps to solve mysteries.


This transparent, pure, rich scarlet color with a purple tint is called the king of gems. Such crystals are intended for strong people; they will not obey those who do not control themselves.

Ruby gives peace of mind, helps balance emotions, brings good luck and happiness. This stone brings harmony to interpersonal relationships, restores relationships in married couples, allows you to save the marriage.

There is a belief that a ruby ​​can warn its owner of impending trouble - in such cases the stone changes color.

This is a powerful source of energy, it helps to restore strength and replenish wasted energy.

Ruby governs the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It normalizes blood pressure and promotes rapid wound healing.

Magical properties: ruby ​​gives power over other creatures.

Esoteric and protective properties of stones


Sapphire is a strong, influential crystal. It is revered as a symbol of the firmament, spiritual growth and comprehension of God.

The stone enhances the positive qualities of a person, and above all spiritual ones: devotion, chastity, modesty. He helps to gather all the strength before the decisive test.

Sapphire creates a protective cocoon around the owner.

This crystal gives power over blood: it can stop bleeding, and the wound itself will heal faster under the influence of sapphire.

Sapphire gives its owner “secret power.” This is a complex concept, consisting of a whole complex of simple ones. It implies a synthesis of a deep understanding of the essence of a person, his actions and character, supported by intuition and cold reason. As a result, the owner of a sapphire gets the opportunity to control others, based on their desires.


Tourmalines are a whole group of crystals, and their colors vary over a very wide range. This is not surprising, because in translation from Sinhala, “turmali” means “multi-colored magic crystal.”

The stone helps to reveal talent, stimulates the imagination, and allows you to bring a creative idea to life.

Tourmaline normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

The crystal has a healing effect on the body, but the nature of the effect depends on the color of the stone.

Varieties of tourmaline:

Pink tourmaline awakens creative powers. Moreover, he, like many others pink stones, fastens warm relations between man and woman.

Green tourmaline protects against external negative influences. Considered a money magnet. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the body's protective functions.

Blue tourmaline used to clarify consciousness. This crystal is also very good for meditation. It allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Blue tourmaline - healing crystal. It helps relieve nervous tension, even in its most severe manifestations.

Black tourmaline considered a witches crystal. Often used in magical rituals.


Celestine is a rare crystal. It is able to set the owner in an elevated mood.

The stone has a huge resource of energy, which it generously shares with the owner.

Celestine is especially useful for relieving a wide variety of eye and ear diseases.

Helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The crystal is used by adherents of the mystical practice of “astral navigation”. According to them, celestine helps to penetrate the astral plane. This mystical stone enhances clairvoyance and prophetic abilities, and brings prophetic dreams.

The healing properties of precious and semi-precious stones


The color of these crystals varies from honey to lemon.

The stone enhances the sixth sense, helps to penetrate into the thoughts of other people, therefore it is deservedly considered a crystal of psychologists and predictors.

Citrine promotes success in the financial sector and patronizes those who dare to take risks in business.

Citrine is perhaps the first mineral to be used in alternative medicine.

It helps heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the condition of the body as a whole, and promotes proper metabolism.

In mystical terms, citrine is an insidious and unpredictable crystal.

On the one hand, it acts as a talisman, protecting the owner from unscrupulous partners and evil tongues. The stone helps protect against poisonous creatures.

On the other hand, citrine is called a scammer's crystal. They say that thieves and various swindlers who carry this stone with them are incredibly lucky! In addition, citrine helps gamblers and encourages them to new game which will eventually become ruinous.


Jasper is a name given to highly contaminated silica. It is thanks to this imperfection - veins and inclusions - that this stone has gained recognition in alternative medicine and magical practice. The heterogeneity of the material allows jasper to accumulate energy and direct it through cracks, like channels. This natural movement of the stone’s energy is akin to the flow of beneficial qi energy on the surface of the earth, and the similarity of the processes makes it possible to connect them in mystical practice.

Green Jasper helps in healing diseases.

Sand-colored jasper softens passions, balances feelings and brings the world harmony.

Pink Jasper with ring patterns enhances attractiveness and helps attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Pink patterned jasper awakens your true essence, helps you realize yourself in your favorite business.

The variety of stone treasures in the bowels of the earth has attracted and attracted man for a long time. Talismans and idols were carved from stones, they were used to build dwellings, and stones were used to mark the burial place of the dead.

The stones, distinguished by their special beauty of color and design, were set precious metals and worn as jewelry. Many beliefs were associated with them: for example, some stones brought good luck and protected their owner, some could make a person attractive to the opposite sex.

The magical power of stones

Healing with minerals, also known as lithotherapy, was widespread. This type of alternative medicine has not lost its importance to this day, especially in Eastern countries. The healing and magical properties of stones were well known in Ancient Egypt, China and India. Stone magic is considered especially popular, in which energy centers (chakras) are activated with the help of certain minerals.

Also popular is massage with stones, which stimulate the functioning of certain internal organs.

Crystals are often used to harmonize space using the Feng Shui method; they dispel flows of negative information. Pyramids of minerals charge the water with healing properties.

Encyclopedia of stones

Beliefs and signs associated with stones

It is believed that if a stone is stolen, it will not bring happiness to its owner, and it is almost impossible to make a talisman out of it; strong energy purification is necessary. Stones are also divided into male and female. A man's stone will not have any power in a woman's jewelry, and women's minerals are absolutely useless as talismans for the stronger sex.

The magic of stones goes back many centuries. It is believed that the most powerful amulets are those passed down by inheritance. It is also considered great luck to find a stone with a through hole on the sea coast. It is called the “chicken god” and brings happiness to its owner.

The magic of gems

The magic of gemstones is used to activate abilities and positive energies. Let's look at what properties some of them have.

Tiger's eye is considered a protective stone; it protects its owner from the evil eye, damage and other negative influences. This stone sharpens intuition; it is believed that a ring with it becomes heavier when danger approaches, warning its owner.

Also a strong talisman chrysoprase is considered to fight the evil eye. Long contemplation of this stone allows a person to clearly see the situation.

Sardonyx brings good luck in married life, provides happy marriage, and also stops bleeding and helps to recognize lies and betrayal.

Amethyst is considered a very powerful magical stone. Its meaning is enhanced when set in dark silver. It is customary to give this stone to your loved ones to strengthen feelings, as well as to add wisdom.

Carnelian increases physical strength, so it is recommended to be worn on the body by athletes who practice strength sports. This stone also relieves headaches.

Chalcedony helps win the case in litigation. White chalcedony was also worn to attract the attention of loved ones, as well as to stop attacks of anger, clear thoughts and get rid of depression.

Heliotropes are common among the military. This stone is dangerous if its meaning is used for medicinal purposes, but many magicians use its power when casting spells in ritual magic.

Bloodstone was used in rituals for summoning spirits and demons, as well as in Kabbalistic rites. However, for those who are far from practical magic, bloodstone will not bring much benefit, since it is a magically charged mineral. It is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases.

Moonstone embodies the various properties of the Moon, so it is indicated for women, especially pregnant women, to protect against the evil eye.

Adularia prevents epileptic seizures, calms and pacifies. The use of moonstone in the treatment of kidney diseases will also be useful.

Lapis lazuli is often used to prevent nervous diseases, in the treatment of radiculitis and to get rid of insomnia. The lapis lazuli pyramid at the head guarantees a person a sound, restful sleep and excellent health in the morning.

Emerald is considered the stone of the Egyptian goddess Isis and is under her protection. The magic of this stone is enhanced if the emerald is set in yellow or red gold. These magic stones were considered stones of seafarers, bringing good luck in travels. Girls used this stone as a talisman against infectious diseases such as typhus and smallpox. However, it is believed that an emerald will faithfully serve only a person who is pure in soul, otherwise the stone becomes covered with cracks and loses all its magical properties.

Amber is not essentially a mineral; it is hardened tree resin. However, its healing properties do not decrease from this. Thus, golden amber interspersed “warms” the throat and also relieves headaches. Jewelry with amber is recommended for those born under the sunny and bright sign of Leo. However, this stone is contraindicated for Taurus; it has a depressing effect on them.

How to teach a stone magic?

Making a real talisman out of a pebble you like is not a difficult task, but it is time-consuming. First, you need to “make friends” with the stone - when squeezed in the palm of your hand, the future owner should experience positive emotions. The mineral is then purified using salt, earth, water, sunlight or moonlight - depending on which element it belongs to. And after this, the stone is tuned to the owner.

The first step is to conduct several sessions of charging the stone with positive energy.

To do this, you need to, squeezing the amulet in your palm, remember the most pleasant events in life, transmitting your emotions to the pebble. Then you need to tune the stone to your biofield. And after this, the talisman can be worn as a decoration, not forgetting to periodically cleanse its energy. After all, the stone will accept all the negativity directed at the owner.

Since ancient times, stones have attracted people with their unique beauty and unique energy. It was noticed that the appearance of a stone in a person’s life was accompanied by various events, both positive and negative. The mysterious properties of stones have been studied for thousands of years. They were used as amulets and talismans, attracting good luck and protecting their owner from adversity.

History of studying the properties of stones

This interest in the magical properties of stones is explained by people’s confidence that each stone has its own unique energy. Lithotherapy and astrology study the nature of stones and their influence on the destinies of humanity.

Lithotherapy is the art of stone treatment. The area in which lithotherapy operates affects both the physical and spiritual state of a person. Lithotherapists believe that any ailment can be cured by choosing the right natural stone that has certain properties.

The use of natural stones has become widespread in the practice of Tibetan medicine. They were components of many medicines and material for making pyramids and balls of massage devices. The healing properties of these items are still used today.

An integral part of Chinese medicine was the impact of certain stones on biologically active points of the body. In this way, a balance was achieved between the energies of Yin and Yang, and the vital force of Qi increased.

Yogis create protective talismans from stones in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of damage and the evil eye.

The modern art of Feng Shui uses the magical properties of natural stones to neutralize negative energy and enhance positive energy.

Astrologers are convinced that the zodiac sign under which a person was born determines the special properties that his own “lucky” stone should have.

The influence of stone energy on humans

The magical properties of stones can manifest themselves in both positive and negative ways. Studying the energy of these particles of nature, people came to the conclusion that each stone has unique properties and can have different effects on different people.

The first sign that determines the magical properties of a stone is its color. Stones that have different shades of the same color carry similar energy.

  • red stones: garnet, red tourmaline, ruby ​​and carnelian. These stones have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, the heart, improve vision and help in the treatment of viral diseases. Abusing the power of these stones can lead to the development of various inflammatory processes;
  • yellow and orange: amber, beryl, topaz, hyacinth and citrine. These stones improve overall physical state, cure skin diseases and increase appetite. Too much energy from yellow stones leads to activation of the gallbladder;
  • blue and blue stones treat the endocrine system, lung and throat diseases. Excess blue stones depresses the human psyche;
  • green - emerald, malachite, jadeite, jade, chrysoprase - have a beneficial effect on the immune system, balance blood pressure, help with arrhythmia and headaches. Also, the power of green stones creates a positive mood. Their excess leads to the formation of gallstones;
  • white stones cleanse the body and fight mental disorders. These are pearls, moonstone, opal and chalcedony;
  • black stones can improve concentration, get rid of fears and develop willpower. These include morion and black tourmaline.

Very often, people use certain stones as talismans and amulets. However, there are also rules here, non-compliance with which can lead to dire consequences.

Expensive stones are not the best choice for an amulet. They are harsh and have heavy energy. The best amulets are topaz, onyx, obsidian, tiger and cat eye. When choosing a personal defender, you should rely on intuition. It often happens that a stone that is suitable for certain parameters (for example, according to the zodiac sign) causes rejection in a person on a subconscious level.

Stones that have become family heirlooms have the most powerful magical properties. They carry the energy accumulated by their ancestors. Any jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation for many decades or even centuries should be protected. A stone given by a person who experiences sincere positive feelings will also be a good amulet.