Does your mood change before childbirth?  Signs of premature birth

Does your mood change before childbirth? Signs of premature birth

Before giving birth, women experience a whole range of indescribable feelings: among them insomnia, fear, impatience. They also feel some physiological changes, such as prolapse of the abdomen, removal of the mucous plug and slight weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what happens to the expectant mother during last weeks, what she needs to be prepared for and we will give some recommendations.

How to get rid of anxiety and sleep well

Fear of childbirth occurs in all women in labor, even those who are not going through this process for the first time. The fear of pain, that something will happen to you or the child, poisons the pleasant anticipation of the birth of the baby. What can you recommend? Rather switch to something else, interesting. Have you been wanting to watch a series for a long time? Right now! Stock up on DVDs and immerse yourself in the experiences of the characters, so you will take your mind off your own. Don't want to watch TV? Then buy books. And don't forget about walks. You shouldn't spend the whole day at home. Baby, and you yourself need an influx of fresh air saturated with oxygen. For the mother, this is also a plus because fresh air and light physical activity provide restful, deep sleep before childbirth.

By the way, about a night's rest. Insomnia often worries expectant mothers in recent weeks. Too frequent and strong movements of the child, plus a huge belly, with which it is not easy to take a comfortable position, force you to think about sleeping pills. But expectant mothers should not drink them. And valerian, which doctors so often prescribe, provides more of a placebo effect. But if you believe in the effectiveness of this herb, then you can safely drink it, it is not harmful.

But it would be much better to take care of your sleep differently. Before birth, the baby becomes quiet because there is too little space in the uterus, which means that you will be able to fall asleep much easier and sleep longer. You need to find a comfortable position. Doctors recommend sleeping on a medium-hard mattress on your left side. You can place pillows between your legs and on your right side. It is very important to support comfortable temperature and humidity in the room where you sleep. Don't forget to ventilate the room regularly, and always before going to bed. Don’t drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise you’ll have to get up to go to the toilet several times during the night; Expectant mothers already urinate quite frequently during long periods of pregnancy.

Before going to bed, do not watch TV so as not to gain impressions for the night. This is especially true for heavy films - dramas, horrors, thrillers, etc. Gynecologists recommend watching only comedies that cause positive emotions movies.

Shortly before the onset of labor, and sometimes even a few hours before contractions, the expectant mother makes her way to spring cleaning, and the “nesting instinct” is triggered. Just don’t overexert yourself, don’t lift weights, otherwise placental abruption may begin, or amniotic fluid may break.

Physiological changes

Changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother 1-3 weeks before birth. Preparations for the birth of a child are in full swing. So, what can the expectant mother feel and notice?

1. Contractions before childbirth, the so-called preparatory ones. They do not lead to dilatation of the cervix, last a few seconds, are not regular and are painless. There is no need to be afraid of them and just go to the doctor or call an ambulance. It’s a completely different matter if these contractions are accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge or discharge of amniotic fluid - then immediately consult a doctor.

Before childbirth, the stomach and lower back hurt, contractions are regular, their strength is increasing. Painful sensations cannot be relieved without medication. Here's what you need to know about the start of labor.

2. The cervix also begins to prepare in advance to release the baby from the uterus. This is especially noticeable in multiparous women, in whom dilatation of 1-2 fingers can occur 2 weeks before the hour of X. Usually, simultaneously with this slight dilatation, the plug comes off before childbirth. This is a rather noticeable, voluminous lump of mucus with bloody streaks. These veins appear due to the fact that small vessels burst in the cervix as a result of its opening. It should be noted that the plug may come off during contractions. Some expectant mothers don’t even notice it, especially if they have to lie under an IV during contractions.

3. And another common phenomenon is weight loss before childbirth. Typically, expectant mothers lose up to 1 kilogram. This physiological weight loss is associated with ridding the body of excess fluid. You may notice that the swelling becomes smaller or disappears. The elastic bands of socks no longer leave marks after prolonged wear, and wedding ring Easy to remove from finger at the end of the day.

4. The stomach drops. Over the course of 9 months, your uterus has been growing upward and has already begun to prop up your ribs quite strongly, making it impossible to sit straight for more than a few minutes or breathe calmly. Heartburn often occurs. But shortly before birth, the presenting part of the fetus (most often the head) moves deeper into the pelvis, and accordingly the uterus descends slightly. Close expectant mother these changes will be easily noticed in the shape of her abdomen, and the woman herself will feel that it has become easier to breathe. Life is getting better! The gynecologist determines that the child has descended deeper into the pelvis by palpating the presenting part. In the case of the head, it practically loses its mobility.

Prenatal medical procedures

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely to be possible without them. But perceive them as a necessity that will make the process of bringing your child into the world more pleasant and civilized, so to speak. What are these procedures?

1. Shaving before childbirth - you should get rid of hair in the pubic and perineal area. Of course, it is better to do this yourself, although this is not always convenient due to the large size of the abdomen. As a last resort, this cosmetic procedure Honey can do it too. sister upon your admission to the maternity hospital. If you are shy, take care of shaving in advance. By the way, it doesn’t have to be shaving. Many women get rid of hair in the bikini area with wax - the procedure is performed in a salon quickly and inexpensively. The main thing is to ensure sterility. But if you've never tried before waxing, it's not your choice. Because painful sensations for the first time, until the skin gets used to this procedure, are quite pronounced.

2. Another not very pleasant, but not painful procedure is an enema before childbirth. Although they say that nowhere else abroad do they “bully” women like this, believe me, it’s not just honey that is needed. to the staff, but also to you. During the second stage of labor, when pushing begins, and during the process of the baby passing through the birth canal, the entire contents of your intestines will come out... An enema before childbirth can be done at home, or you can entrust this very simple procedure to a medical professional. sister in the maternity hospital. Some women who have already gone through childbirth recommend that their pregnant friends use glycerin-containing preparations instead of a “classic” enema. The most famous of them are Microlax microenemas and glycerin suppositories. But at present, unfortunately, they are not on sale in Russia and it is not known when they will be. And you can’t cleanse the intestines well with glycerin alone.

Here are the main things you need to know before giving birth. Good luck!

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While expecting a child, the expectant mother is often overcome by a feeling of anxiety and concern about her condition. By the end of the term, a feeling of fear is often added to these worries. In order to get rid of these unwanted sensations, it is important to have an idea of ​​what happens to the fetus and the woman’s body during pregnancy. later. Pregnant women should listen especially carefully to how their children behave before giving birth. This may be an unusual subsidence of movements in recent months or, conversely, increased activity in the abdomen. What is actually the norm or a cause for concern?

How many movements should there be?

The intensity of fetal movements usually decreases by 38 weeks. The size of the growing organism is already so large that it becomes cramped in the mother’s tummy for active motor activity.

It happens that throughout the pregnancy the baby does not push and spin very much, and a week or two before the birth it becomes more restless. It's very individual. Approximately up to 20-30 movements per day are considered the norm in late gestation. Greater activity may indicate oxygen deficiency. Although it is believed that more often low activity is a sign of hypoxia.

This is why it is important for expectant mothers to monitor how their children behave before giving birth. Ignoring such moments can be dangerous. If a woman does not feel at least 10 movements per day, then she should inform the doctor about this. And to track the problem and take the necessary measures is his task.


Regardless of how children behave before birth, you can assess their condition and find out whether there are signs of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This study is called cardiotocography (CTG). A sensor is attached to the mother’s belly, approximately in the area of ​​the baby’s heart. Plus, the woman needs to press a button at the moment when fetal movement is felt. Thus, a graph of the heartbeat is obtained, which should increase during the baby’s movements. This is the so-called motor-cardiac reflex. It is determined only after 30±1 weeks of pregnancy.

The presence of hypoxia can be due to various reasons.

1. Infection or Rh incompatibility of the fetus, congenital defects.

2. Anemia or diabetes in a pregnant woman, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, kidneys.

Hypoxia cannot be left untreated. It entails a risk of disturbances in the development of the central nervous system or may cause low birth weight of the newborn. However, it should be borne in mind that each baby is individual! In the absence of any pathological or chronic changes in the health of the mother and child, mild oxygen starvation can be overcome by staying in the air and increasing vigorous activity.

Signs of approaching labor

1. Weight change. Usually, before giving birth, the expectant mother's weight drops by a couple of kilograms. This is due to hormonal changes, as a result of which there is an intensive discharge of fluid from the body.

Cervical preparation

From 32 to 36-38 weeks, the cervix should become soft. The fruit gradually descends, provoking further opening with its own weight, which begins from the internal pharynx. How does this happen? During the first birth, the external os is stretched under the influence of the passing head of the fetus. During repeated births, the opening of the internal and external pharynx occurs faster and almost simultaneously.

The cervix becomes shortened and thin before childbirth. It gradually opens up to 10 or even 12 cm, forming the birth canal for the unhindered exit of the fetal head and body.

Instead of a conclusion

The full gestation and birth of a child depends on the condition and proper performance of the functions of the cervix. That's what the experts say. Even having an idea of ​​how children behave before childbirth, and what changes occur in a pregnant woman, it is unacceptable to independently diagnose the baby’s health condition or the readiness of the cervix. All these and similar problems are solved by professionals. After all, two lives are at stake!

During the gestation period, every woman prepares for an important event in her life - the birth of a baby. Although childbirth is strong Long procces, however, it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for them. This is a difficult and important stage for every woman, after which life changes completely. Childbirth is a complex and natural process, so you definitely need to prepare for it. I refer to the last month of gestation as the prenatal or prenatal period. At that time female body is already getting ready for childbirth, and the baby is already fully developed and almost ready to be born. Already 3-4 weeks before giving birth, the woman in labor begins to change in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Life before childbirth

For excellent physical condition To keep her muscles in shape during pregnancy, the expectant mother does simple exercises that are included in special gymnastics complexes for pregnant women. Exercises in the pool are very useful.

Of course, we hope that if you smoked before conception, then, upon learning about the situation, you immediately quit the bad habit. If not, try to find the strength within yourself to quit smoking. This is necessary for both you and the child. After all, many people know that smoking and alcohol have a bad effect on the baby’s health.

Read good books, do special gymnastics, walk, relax in the fresh air - this will ensure you an ideal pregnancy and an easy birth.

You can see for yourself what happens to some mothers with their tummy before childbirth:

Health before childbirth

Many people know that a woman must carefully monitor her own health during pregnancy. Before labor, check your health again. It is useful to go to a neurologist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, or therapist. Also go to the dentist, because teeth can be the first source of infection and cause some complications after childbirth. If you have varicose veins in your legs, go see a surgeon. The specialist will determine whether surgery is required. After 8 months of gestation, experts advise undergoing thorough sanitation of the birth canal. They do this to cleanse them from pathogenic microflora. This is relevant if a woman in labor has diseases that are transmitted through sexual activity (candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes). Such procedures are tedious in order to protect the child during his passage through the birth canal. In addition, sanitation protects a woman from vaginal cracks that can occur due to inflammation.

Regarding the gynecologist, after the 35th week of pregnancy, the woman in labor must visit him once every 7 days. At the appointment, the specialist determines the baby’s position, listens to the heartbeat, and measures the size of the uterus.

Food before childbirth

If a woman monitors the quality and quantity of what she eats during pregnancy, then before giving birth this issue needs to be given even more attention.

After the 8th month of pregnancy, food changes not in favor of meat: it needs to be reduced, and not consumed at all for half a month. You also need to exclude foods containing protein (milk, butter, eggs, fish). At the same time, you need to drink herbal teas, mineral water, fresh juices, baked vegetables, water porridge, dairy products.

Seven days before the expected birth, you need to exclude salt, fermented milk products, bread, and cereals. Food should be only plant-based. It is important that during this period a lot of vegetable oil enters the female body. , which is present in it, helps make the birth canal and blood vessels elastic. Also, this is an ideal prevention of hemorrhoids.

The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 13 kg. These kilograms include the weight of the uterus, baby, breasts, placenta, amniotic fluid. Of course, everything is individual, and an increase of 13 kg is not a significant problem. However, you should be wary if your weight increases by 20 kilograms or more. Then, the specialist prescribes a special diet for the woman in labor. After all, an increase can complicate childbirth.

An interesting point: before giving birth, in the last 14 days, the woman in labor experiences weight loss. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the loss of a large amount of fluid.

Sleep before labor

The closer to childbirth, the more woman tends to sleep. After all, the female body tries to sleep off and gain the necessary strength before physical work. For the same reasons, sleep during preparation for childbirth is of great importance. You need to sleep at least 9 hours in a well-ventilated area. You can even sleep with the window open. It is important that the woman in labor feels that she has had enough sleep and rest.

Fear of childbirth

A pregnant woman has rhinestones for all nine months. However, the longer they are, the stronger the fear. A woman in labor, especially a first-time mother, asks many questions: how to avoid complications? Will the baby get hurt? Will it hurt? These and many others do not allow a woman to rest or sleep peacefully. The situation is greatly complicated by the stories of “well-wishers” about problems, labor pains, fatal births, and difficult experiences. Believe me, such information should not interest you at the moment. If you have not attended special courses for pregnant women, then do it right now. Some schools provide crash courses before childbirth. At such courses, a lot is explained to the mother in labor: ways to relieve pain, the mechanism of childbirth, and they teach techniques. All this information is very helpful during childbirth. If it is not possible to attend courses, there is special literature or the Internet.

You need to understand: that fear has a bad effect on the course of childbirth itself. Therefore, severe pain, ruptures, and cracks may occur. It turns out that the more the woman in labor is afraid, the stronger the pain will be. Many people know that pain creates fear. To prevent this from happening, a woman needs to learn to relax even before giving birth, and when the time comes, calmly apply her knowledge.

Harbingers of childbirth

Before childbirth, some signs appear that indicate that labor is approaching (). Such as: it becomes easier for the woman in labor to breathe, the fetus drops down in the abdomen, and it is difficult to walk or sit. Before childbirth, defecation and urination become more frequent. There is pain in the lower abdomen. The woman in labor experiences a sharp change in state and mood: She is either passive and tired, or “subversive” and energetic. Some people can't wait for this moment. Half a month before giving birth, women exhibit the maternal instinct of “nesting.” She is ready to tinker, clean, wash, clean for a long time. All this, of course, is good. However, everything should be in moderation. Don’t forget that in this position you are not allowed to overexert yourself.

The most obvious sign of labor is irregular uterine contractions. 14 days before giving birth, a special mucous plug comes off from the woman in labor, which covers the cervix during pregnancy. The mucus may be pink or yellow color. At times, the woman in labor clearly sees that the plug has come off. But this may go unnoticed. A woman in labor needs to understand that her water may break at any moment. This is the main sign that it has begun birth process. In such a situation, you cannot waste even a second. Go to the hospital or call an ambulance immediately.

Women expecting a child experience a variety of feelings. This is excitement and joy, self-doubt, anticipation of changes in the usual way of life. Towards the end of pregnancy, fear also appears, caused by the fear of missing the important moment of the onset of labor.

To prevent the state before childbirth from turning into panic, the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her well-being. There are certain signs that indicate the imminent arrival of the long-awaited baby.

What are the harbingers of labor?

Immediately after conception hormonal background women are starting to change. IN large quantities The body produces progesterone, a hormone that is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. And in the last stages, the placenta ages, which significantly reduces the production of progesterone. Against the background of such changes, the body begins to produce another hormone - estrogen, the main function of which is to prepare the body of the expectant mother for childbirth.

When the level of such hormones reaches a maximum, the brain receives a certain signal that promotes the onset of labor. Changing hormones causes certain changes in the condition of the pregnant woman.

Before birth, certain symptoms appear that indicate the imminent arrival of the baby. These are the harbingers of the long-awaited birth. The above changes begin to occur in a woman’s body at the 32nd week of pregnancy. A woman can feel the harbingers of labor starting from the 36th week.

Cervical change

The condition of the cervix before childbirth changes, its maturation occurs. As a result of morphological changes, the connective tissue softens, which makes the neck soft, pliable and easily extensible. There are three degrees of maturity of this organ:

  • immature - the neck is long, dense, the external pharynx is either closed or allows only the tip of the finger to pass through;
  • not mature enough - the cervix is ​​slightly softened, shortened, the cervical canal allows one finger to pass through (in primigravidas until the internal os is closed);
  • mature - the neck is smoothed and shortened as much as possible, softened, centered, the cervical canal easily allows one finger to pass through.

The entire process of childbirth and its successful completion depend on the condition of the cervix.

Fetal motor activity

Of course, a pregnant woman is concerned about the question: what is the condition of the baby inside before giving birth? By the end of pregnancy, the fetus reaches its maturity: it gains the required weight (about three kilograms), the organs are formed and ready for extrauterine existence.

By this time, the uterus has already stopped growing, so the baby becomes cramped in it. This leads to the fact that the baby inside moves less. At 34-36 weeks, the expectant mother notices that the baby has begun to roll over less, and from the 36th week she may feel that small movements are becoming less frequent, but they are very noticeable, and pain also appears in places where they are poked with arms or legs .

The main precursors of delivery

A woman's condition before giving birth undergoes some psychological and physiological changes, indicating to the mother that she will soon see the long-awaited baby. In order not to miss anything important and not to harm herself and the baby, a woman should know the main signs of the imminent onset of labor.

Their main harbingers are as follows:

  • Weight loss. Almost all pregnant women indicate that their weight stabilizes or decreases by 0.5-2 kilograms before labor begins. This is due to a decrease in edema and the kidneys removing excess fluid from the body. This is how the body begins to adapt so that the tissues stretch better, become plastic and flexible. Thanks to the work of hormones designed to remove everything unnecessary, the intestines are cleansed. Therefore, a woman may experience abdominal pain and frequent urge to emptying.
  • Loss of appetite. Simultaneously with leaving excess weight A pregnant woman's appetite decreases or completely disappears. This is a normal state before childbirth; you don’t need to force yourself to eat.
  • Abdominal prolapse. This is one of the main harbingers of childbirth. Two or three weeks before an important event, the child makes his way closer to the exit. As a result, abdominal tone decreases, and it becomes easier for a woman to breathe.
  • Appearance This harbinger of childbirth is directly related to the previous one. The baby sinks down the abdomen, so the pressure on this part of the body increases. It becomes difficult for the expectant mother to sit down and stand up; she is tormented by pain and stretching in the lower back.
  • Frequent urination. It is caused by increased kidney function and pressure in the bladder area.
  • Restless sleep. The woman's condition before childbirth becomes anxious, her sleep becomes restless. This is caused not only by emotional experiences, but also by changes occurring in the body. Due to the fact that the baby begins to move actively at night, pressure on the bladder increases, which provokes the urge to urinate. This causes sleep disturbance in the pregnant woman.
  • Diarrhea. Due to the prolapse of the abdomen, pressure also occurs on the intestines. The expectant mother notices the urge to defecate. Constipation gives way to diarrhea. It is she who is the harbinger of the approaching birth. Often pregnant women confuse this harbinger with poisoning or an intestinal disorder.
  • Change in pain sensations. Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel slight back pain. Before childbirth, pain is observed in the pubic region. This is due to the softening of the bones, which is an important factor for normal labor.

Plug coming out

By the end of pregnancy, the cervix matures: it shortens, softens, and the cervical canal opens slightly. Inside the cervical canal there is thick mucus, the main function of which is to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the uterus, which can cause infection of the fetus. This mucus is called a mucus plug.

As mentioned above, towards the end of pregnancy the body begins to produce estrogens, which affect the change in the general well-being of the expectant mother and her condition before childbirth. A few days before the onset of labor (three to ten), under the influence of hormones, mucus is liquefied and expelled from the cervical canal.

The mucus plug looks like a small lump of transparent or yellowish color, and there may be streaks of blood in it. The mucus plug may come off in parts over several days. Pregnant women usually cannot independently determine the passage of the mucus plug.

Sometimes the expectant mother has doubts - the plug is coming out or amniotic fluid is leaking. The leakage of water will be constant, such discharge is transparent in color (may have a yellowish or greenish tint) and watery. The plug comes off in portions, the discharge is thicker and goes away after a few days.

If a pregnant woman doubts whether the plug is coming out or water is leaking, then she should not hesitate and contact a gynecologist.

False contractions

These are training contractions that can bother a woman several weeks before the expected date of birth. They are caused by the body's intense production of the hormone oxytocin. The role of false contractions is to prepare the myometrium for childbirth. Such contractions do not lead to the development of labor, they do not affect the general condition before childbirth. The signs of training contractions are:

  • they are neither regular nor intense;
  • They differ from the real ones in their relative painlessness and the interval of rest between contractions at an interval of thirty minutes;
  • appear 4-6 times a day (mostly in the morning or evening), lasting no more than two hours.

A pregnant woman feels false contractions as a hardening of the abdomen in response to fetal movement or any physical activity. To relieve tension, you should relax, take a warm bath and get a massage.

The difference between false contractions and real ones

The main difference between false contractions and real labor pains is the gradual increase in the latter with a subsequent reduction in the interval between them. Labor contractions are stronger, brighter, more painful. If training contractions lack regularity, then during real contractions it is mandatory.

The main purpose of labor pains is to open the cervix, so no matter what a pregnant woman does, they will only intensify. False contractions can be weakened or discomfort can be completely eliminated.

Breaking of water

The most striking and alarming sign indicating that a pregnant woman needs to urgently go to the maternity hospital is the rupture of amniotic fluid. Such an event can occur simultaneously with contractions. Normally, the water should be clear and odorless. The presence of red discharge may indicate placental abruption. All the water may go away at once, but leakage is possible. In the latter case, you should put on a gasket and consult a doctor.

Some women confuse leaking water with involuntary urination, which can occur periodically in late pregnancy. The difference in these processes is the absence of the smell of urine in the waters and their transparent color. If the water is greenish, yellow or brown, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The mood of the expectant mother

The emotional state before childbirth in pregnant women also changes. The mood can be joyful and cheerful, but suddenly sadness or sadness suddenly rolls in or everything starts to irritate. This is primarily due to the fatigue of a pregnant woman, long waits and natural anxiety. The expectant mother can't wait to give birth.

This condition of a woman before childbirth is influenced by endocrine processes occurring in the body. An interesting fact is that a few weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother has a desire to tidy up the apartment and create comfort in the house. Psychologists call this condition “nesting syndrome.” A woman with enviable zeal begins to equip her “nest”, create comfortable conditions for living with the baby: clean, wash, put away, hem, etc.

What is the condition before the first birth?

Primipara women experience more worry and anxiety about the upcoming event. They may not be aware of the warning signs and may not pay attention to the main symptoms of impending labor. For women preparing to become mothers for the first time, warning signs may appear three weeks in advance, or within a day. A woman’s condition before childbirth depends on the body’s reaction to the changes occurring. There are no specific dates or intervals here.

Primiparous women should remember that there may be several signs that labor is approaching; it is not necessary that all of them will appear. Due to her inexperience, a pregnant woman may simply not notice them.

It is important to carefully monitor your condition before childbirth, pay attention to the slightest changes in time and report them to your gynecologist.

Precursors of labor in multiparous women

The mental state before childbirth in women who survived childbirth is much more stable. Their body clearly reacts to the changes taking place, and the warning signs appear more clearly. This is because the uterus has changed and enlarged after a previous birth. The exception is women whose first birth took place through caesarean section. This is due to the fact that the cervix does not stretch as the baby does not pass through it.

Women who are already mothers during a new pregnancy pay attention to the severity of prenatal symptoms. They clearly monitor the physiological state before childbirth. Signs (in multiparous women) of approaching labor and their severity differ in the course of some processes:

  • The cork is larger.
  • False contractions begin earlier.
  • The abdomen drops at a later date.
  • There may be copious vaginal discharge.

When to go to the maternity hospital

So, what condition before childbirth requires immediate hospitalization? First of all, it should be said that all pregnant women in the last weeks of pregnancy should be prepared for an emergency trip to the maternity hospital. Therefore, you need to collect your “alarm suitcase”, documents and carry out the necessary hygiene procedures in advance (shave your hair and remove nail polish).

Emergency situations that require an immediate ambulance call are:

  • rupture of water (especially in the absence of other signs of the onset of labor);
  • appearance bloody discharge;
  • pressure surge;
  • the appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • strong headache, flashing of flies, blurred vision;
  • absence of fetal movements for six hours;
  • the beginning of regular labor (two or three contractions in ten minutes).

What week is delivery expected?

There is a concept that a baby should be born in the fortieth week of pregnancy. But only three percent of children are born on the exact date indicated. Usually a woman gives birth earlier or slightly later than her due date.

It is considered normal if pregnancy lasts 280-282 days. Premature is considered every additional week increases the baby's chance of being born healthy.

Full-term babies successfully adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to urgently contact the clinic and go to hospital.

There are cases when a woman “overcomes” her pregnancy, that is, she gives birth after the due date. In this case, the pregnancy is called post-term or prolonged. In the first case, after birth the baby shows signs of postmaturity. During a prolonged pregnancy, the newborn does not have such signs, and the baby is born healthy.

It is not at all necessary that every pregnant woman will experience all of the above symptoms before the onset of labor. Moreover, you should not wait for them to appear simultaneously. The intensity of the precursors and the state before childbirth depend on the body’s reaction to the hormonal changes occurring and on the number of previous births.

Shortly before the end of pregnancy, many women experience panic. It is worth noting that at the beginning of pregnancy such fear occurs very rarely. If there are worries, they are largely related to whether the woman will be able to bear a child and whether it will be healthy.

It is believed that fear of childbirth is a completely normal condition for a pregnant woman. For those who give birth for the first time, it is quite normal to be afraid of the unknown. For those who give birth for the second time, fear is based on the experience of previous births. And here it will be quite natural: the more difficult the first birth was, the more terrible it will be for the woman and vice versa.

Changes before childbirth in a woman’s body

In the last days before giving birth, not only a woman’s emotional state changes. Every week the expectant mother becomes more withdrawn into herself and tries to spend as much time as possible alone. An interesting thing is that before childbirth, memory and attention become worse, and therefore a woman prefers to do simple physical work and think less.

Also, the third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that a woman is intensively preparing for the birth of a baby and directly preparing the house. Of course, you shouldn’t start doing major repairs before giving birth, because today it can take quite a lot of time. Ideal option there is the fact that a woman at the end of pregnancy no longer solves any problems, but enjoys relaxation and her favorite activities.

Such changes occur due to hormonal changes in the body and are aimed at ensuring an easier birth process in the future without complications, both physical and emotional.

If we take opiates as an example, then these substances are an analogue of strong narcotic and painkillers that the body produces and it is they that affect the deterioration of memory and attentiveness. Most midwives believe that the greater the change in mental state women, the greater the chance that the birth will be normal.

Post-term pregnancy

Everyone knows that premature birth is bad, but post-term pregnancy is no better. First of all, this affects the condition of the bones, which become harder. The same thing happens with the bones of the skull; as a result, they lose their elasticity, and this can cause complications during childbirth. The vernix lubrication begins to gradually be absorbed into the baby’s skin and the longer it is carried, the worse it will pass through the birth canal. Also, post-term pregnancy has a bad effect on the baby’s cells and tissues. They are poorly adapted to temporary hypoxia and the result of this may be a ban on normal spontaneous childbirth, and the doctor will direct you to a cesarean section.

It is worth noting that the date of birth is influenced not only by the readiness of the child to be born, but also by the situation that surrounds the pregnant woman. For example, a mother needs to finish some very important work and in her subconscious she begins to postpone the due date. Or, for example, there is a conflict situation in the family. In this case, the child decides to wait out this dangerous situation for him in the womb. Therefore, if the 40th week of pregnancy is left behind, and labor does not occur, then perhaps you need to analyze your life and actions and remove everything that could interfere with the onset of labor.

And of course, do not forget that before giving birth, a woman should rest and receive exclusively positive emotions, because a very important event awaits her ahead, which will require a lot of both physical strength and the right psychological attitude.