Musical toys from 1 year.  Musical instruments

Musical toys from 1 year. Musical instruments

The first toys are bought for a child even before he is born. As a rule, these are teddy bears and several rattles, as well as a wind-up mobile for the crib with funny little animals. The number of toys is growing much faster than the baby himself, because every relative or friend who comes to visit brings you another car, baby doll, hare or something else.

However, not all toys are equally useful. The “correct” toy should not only be beautiful and bright, but also perform educational functions, and therefore today we will talk about how and what to choose for a child under one year old in order to give him pleasure and bring definite benefits.

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How can you develop a baby under one year of age?

  • The age from 0 to 12 months is very interesting because the baby does almost everything for the first time in his life. At first he begins to distinguish colors and shapes, and contemplation gives him a lot of emotions, so he needs to develop the baby in the first months with the help of large and bright toys, preferably simple geometric shapes.
  • By six months The baby perfectly grasps objects with his hands and begins to explore the world through tactile sensations. Here the texture and material of the toys come first.
  • Closer to the year the child begins to understand cause-and-effect relationships, and he becomes interested in putting small toys into larger ones.

How quickly the baby will develop certain skills and master new skills largely depends on how well the toys cope with the developmental task. Therefore, the game process should become educational.

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Suitable toys

A newborn, by and large, does not need toys; he still sees poorly and hardly distinguishes colors and shapes. The whole world is a collection of spots for him different sizes and color intensity. But by the month the baby will begin to focus his gaze, and at first his favorite pastime will be contemplating the faces of his loved ones - mom, dad, brother or sister. At this time, you can offer him the first toys according to his age.

Up to 3 months

At this age, rattles are optimal. They should be large and bright (red, yellow, blue).

Closer to three months, the baby will begin to contemplate with pleasure not only the static toy that the parents put in the corner of the crib, but also moving bright objects; in this case, get a wind-up mobile on a bracket that is attached to the crib.

You should not buy a mobile phone with soft figurines of bears and dogs, they will “accumulate” dust, and outwardly they are unable to hold the attention of the baby for too long.

It would be better if bright colored plastic figures that are easy to wipe are attached to the mobile. Black and white contrasting cubes are perfect for a baby at this age.

From 3 to 6 months

At three months, most babies can grab objects with their hands and, of course, immediately put them in their mouths. Therefore, rattles for this age should have a comfortable handle without sharp edges. It is desirable that the main element is mounted on a ring or handle with a wide base, which cannot be injured.

By 4-5 months the baby will begin to be interested in tactile sensations, and therefore he needs fabric toys that develop fine motor skills- filled with small latex balls, they are interesting to feel.

Solid toys should have different textures - be pimpled, ribbed or have wavy surfaces. By six months, a developmental mat is relevant, to which you can easily attach any of the toys that interest your baby.

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From 6 to 8 months

Musical, sounding toys take one of the first places in a child’s development at six months. His hearing will improve much faster if, at the age of 6-7 months, you offer your baby pipes and squeakers. A baby who has already begun to sit up on his own needs rubber ducks and fish, because they can be launched while swimming in the bath.

Rattles no longer have a developmental function, but they can be used to attract the baby’s attention when he begins to practice crawling - the child will crawl towards the sound.

From 9 to 12 months

It's time to practice your first logical skills and hone your motor skills. Colored cubes, construction sets with large parts, as well as pyramids of different sizes and geometric shapes of parts are perfect for this. By 10-11 months, you can give your child finger paints and a large sheet of paper.

The baby should create his first paintings under the supervision of his parents, although even if the baby decides to snack on such paints, it’s okay, because they were created taking into account this use, and therefore are food-grade.

Requirements for toys

Toys for children under one year old must meet a number of requirements.


They should not contain small parts that the baby could swallow or inhale. They should not be easily disassembled. Since babies will definitely put the toy in their mouth, they should not be toxic. Toys should only be purchased from trusted online children's stores. They are responsible for their product and at any time can provide, at your request, certificates of conformity for the toy, which will confirm that the plastic or rubber is completely safe, and the product made from it has passed several levels of quality control.

Age purpose

On each toy or on its packaging there is an indication of what age children it is intended for. Try not to take entertainment for growth.

Gentle acoustics

The rattle or squeaker should not make too loud sounds that could frighten the child.


Toys for children under one year of age should be washed frequently, and therefore the selected product should be as tolerant as possible to the effects of water and soap. It is clear that a plush hare is not suitable for these purposes, because after a couple of washes it will lose its visual appeal. But latex or plastic cubes, balls or rattles will withstand systematic sanitization.

So, we have decided what exactly we need to buy as a gift for the baby. Now is the time to look at the manufacturers who produce such toys. It is advisable to give preference to Russian factories or some foreign ones, such as Tiny Love, Taf Toys, Chicco, Playskool, Playgro. They are not cheap, and if a rattle for 500-600 rubles is too expensive for you, then pay attention to more budget-friendly Chinese analogues - “Smoby”, “Jetem”, “Rich Toys”, “Lider Kids”.

Feel free to ask the seller for two certificates - compliance and safety. Be sure to open the package and smell the toy - it should not have a strong chemical smell. Any unpleasant odor indicates toxic impurities in the material, and it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

Try to evaluate the versatility of the chosen toy - it’s good if it can occupy several of the child’s senses at once - vision, touch, hearing. The more functions there are in one toy, the better.

For example, a rattle whose handle has a ribbed surface with latex elements - a child can use it as a teether. Sometimes such toys have additional rings - trapezoid flowers that can be moved up and down along this handle.

Be sure to check the age label on the box. Children, of course, are different, and one already sits perfectly at six months and is interested in cubes, the other is still trying, and so far only enjoys rattles. But it’s still better to follow the manufacturers’ recommendations, taking into account age characteristics specific baby.

Examples of gifts for a baby and reviews about them

Rattle ball Oball

This colorful plastic ball has 30 holes into which your little one can stick his hands. It is almost impossible to break a toy, even throwing it vigorously. The rattle inside sounds unobtrusive and does not irritate.

Among the advantages, parents who have already bought such a ball note the variety of games that can be played with it; among the disadvantages is the price, the toy is quite expensive, starting from 1,200 rubles.

Multifunctional mobile Tiny Love Boom box

This mobile can be given to your baby when he is discharged from the hospital. At first, parents will use it as a regular crib mobile, although it is also equipped with a backlight and a night light. After 6 months, the mobile easily transforms into a night light. In addition, the toy easily becomes a “boombox” - a tape recorder into which the manufacturers have loaded more than 40 melodies.

In total, it can sound for almost 45 minutes, which is enough to make the child fall asleep.

The toy costs about 5,000 rubles. Reviews are mostly positive, however, parents complain about the ill-conceived and not very reliable attachment of the mobile.

Gymnastic center Chicco DELUXE 3 in 1

This is a universal transforming toy. First, the baby will be able to play in it lying down, then sitting, and then standing; the center will change along with the baby. The panel can at one moment become a gaming development table on which buttons are located different games, including turning on music. Such a toy costs from 5,600 rubles and above (depending on the retail chain). Parents note a lot of advantages, including the build quality.

Suction rattle Chicco Fruit

Starting from six months of age, the baby simply cannot help but like this rattle. All fruits have their own shape and color, rolling them activates the music. A reliable suction cup allows you to attach the toy to a chair or table if necessary. Parents note the quality of the plastic from which it is made, but many complaints are caused by the music that comes on easily, which cannot be turned down or turned off; only removing the batteries helps. The rattle costs from 1200 rubles.

Sorter B kids “Mushroom”

This toy will delight your child from birth to one year, and maybe even later. You can throw colored balls into the mushroom cap; when they hit, music will play, and the balls themselves will roll out again. Funny insects move and the butterfly flaps its wings.

All gears can be moved, the mushroom hat can be detached and played with only it. Cost from 7000 rubles. The reviews are mostly positive; the only drawback mothers note is the price of the toy.

Pyramid Hape Ship This is a wonderful gift for a baby from six months old. Two figures made of parts different shapes and the colors can be assembled from both sides, but if the child makes a mistake in assembling, the ship will lose balance and fall on its side. You can also buy a toy for twins. Children will learn to communicate by assembling and disassembling figurines of funny men on the ship from both sides at the same time. The cost is about 700 rubles.

Parents note the practicality of the toy; each part is easy to wash and dry.

Educational caterpillar "Umka"

This funny, bright caterpillar with a lot of multi-colored buttons will be interesting for both babies under one year old and older children. Manufacturers put a 3+ restriction on the toy, however, this is the very case when such an indication can be slightly neglected. A one-year-old child will be interested in pressing buttons, listening to music and seeing colored lights flashing.

When the baby gets older, he will be able to use the caterpillar to learn the alphabet, songs and more than 30 rhymes, as well as switch to some other game modes that will allow him to practice identifying shapes and colors, recognizing individual letters and entire syllables. The toy costs from 1500 rubles. In the reviews, parents note very high-quality, clear speech, good quality of details.

This manufacturer specializes in educational toys. You can choose a musical robot, which will teach counting and letters, and a large funny bear with a lot of buttons, on which the child will study the structure of the body, listen to songs and rhymes. If you add walkers from this company to a toy, the average price of which starts from 1,500 rubles, you can create a duo that is stunning in functionality. He will not only teach the baby to walk and coordinate movements, but also develop thinking, logic, Creative skills. Feedback from parents about this manufacturer is generally quite positive.

What toys for babies can you make with your own hands?

You can make your own educational toys for your child even before the baby is born. To do this, you don’t have to be a skilled needlewoman or ask your future dad to show the wonders of engineering. It is enough to approach the process from the point of view of the crumbs. We already know what he needs at this or that age, and we will start from there.

Children's musical instruments develop creativity and coordination of movements, introduce kids to the world of sounds and give them positive emotions.

The first instruments for the youngest musicians are rattles, squeakers, drums and maracas. They play loudly and loudly, and are easy to understand. The baby can spend hours putting his first noisy orchestra into motion.

Electronic toys

In addition to simple musical instruments, children under one year old can be offered electronic toys that play recorded melodies and reproduce different sounds. To make a toy piano or guitar sound, just press a button.

This category includes karaoke with a microphone - your child will love to sing songs to familiar melodies from their favorite cartoons. For older children the task becomes more difficult. They are asked to play the melody according to the notes, following the light indication on the screen. Or create your own hit on the synthesizer.

Winds, strings and keyboards...

If children usually prefer to play with electronic versions of instruments, then creators from preschool and junior high schools are drawn to real wind instruments, strings and keyboards. school age. Children's guitars, pianos and saxophones look like adult instruments, and their operating principle is exactly the same.

First experiments with a guitar require familiarity with the strings. By pressing the black and white keys, the child produces sounds from the piano. To make a pipe or saxophone play, you need to take more air into your lungs and blow.

It is possible that the baby will be interested in his first creative experiments, and he will decide to take up music seriously in the future.

Musical toys from 1 year old include strong, durable and sonorous drums, maracas, barrel organs, sound centers, and children's gadgets. Tough because they have to withstand falls and experiments from curious little fingers. And all babies love high, ringing tones, so 90% of instruments for children over 1 year old sound exactly like this.

What to look for when choosing

There are two types of musical toys for children aged 1 year and older:

  1. Electronic educational devices (mini-smartphones, multiplayers, etc.) and soft toys that play melodies, songs, audio tales.
  2. Tools that allow you to make your own sounds.

One-year-old babies are happy to listen to their favorite tunes over and over again, so until the age of 1.5-2 years, the child will be interested mainly in an electronic gadget or soft toy with music.

By 2-3 years, passive listening loses its appeal. Children of this age are more interested in playing on their own, making a variety of sounds from available materials. Whistles, pipes, xylophones, simple synthesizers and even toy microphones are suitable for this. Choose!

The shelves of children's stores are overflowing with goods, and it can be difficult to choose the right toy for your child. Modern toys are multifunctional, they help in development and bring joy at the same time.

Development tasks

For comfortable development at this age, special care and attention from parents is required.

Remember that you can only give your child age-appropriate tasks: speech development, fine motor skills, motor coordination and auditory memory development.

How does speech develop from the age of one year?

At this age, the child is just beginning to pronounce syllables and words that he understands. He is aware of the relationship between action and sound. For example, when he sees a dog, he pronounces “av” or another sound that specifically refers to the dog.

When playing with your baby, be sure to tell him every action. For example: “What is mom doing? Mom takes the cube and puts it here.” By showing and pronouncing your actions, you help your child master auditory memory skills, develop his speech and coordination of movement. After this simple exercise, invite your child to repeat your actions, and praise him after completing the task. It is through auditory memory and simple steps The baby is developing at this stage of his life.

Pronounce sounds and words clearly. It’s better to stretch them out a little and pronounce them in accordance with the spelling, for example “milk”, instead of the usual “malAko”. The baby will quickly learn to reproduce speech heard from loved ones.

The mistake many parents make is that they speak to the child in the so-called “children’s language”, in other words they distort sounds and syllables, for example “my hoLoshaya”. Communicate with him as an equal, as with an adult, and then the child will be able to quickly pick up sounds and words and learn to speak them correctly.

How do fine motor skills develop?

Fine motor skills- This is a coordinated movement of the hands when a signal is given by the brain. The parents' task is to show that the movements of the hands and fingers should be conscious. Playing with small objects such as buttons or beads should only be done under adult supervision. The baby tastes everything, so he can easily swallow a small object.

Applications from pieces of paper - good decision! Let your child tear the sheets into pieces, gluing them one after another in a certain order. Please note that the paper should be thin to avoid cuts on the handles.

They bring special joy to children plasticine coloring pages– it can be rolled into a ball or smeared on the surface of a sheet.

You can create such coloring pages yourself. Take a thick sheet of paper or cardboard and draw a simple design with a felt-tip pen. It could be a tree, a flower or a house. The drawing must be large, without small elements!

There are many ways to develop fine motor skills in children's hands; your task is to choose an option that is interesting for your baby.

How does movement coordination develop over the age of one year?

The tender age of one year requires special attention from parents. If you do not develop coordination of movement at a young age, then adult life It won't be easy for your child.

Movement coordination– this is the relationship between brain signals and the work of muscle tissue or gross motor skills. That is why its development at an early age is so important.

Movement coordination is trained through active loads and static exercises to develop the cerebellum. The most commonly used equipment is balls, balls and special mats. Simple exercises should last no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and next time he will have to be persuaded to play ball.

You can buy special rugs in the store or create them yourself. They have lines and circles, others geometric figures. The child’s task is to learn to move along them in accordance with the task. Such a rug can be easily made at home, using the Twister playing field as a basis. Show your child how to act on this mat: step on each object or step over the elements.

How does auditory memory develop in a child from one year to the next?

Auditory memory– this is the ability to process heard information for its further reproduction. Sound enters the brain through the ear, is recognized and processed. Next, the brain instructs neurons to perform a specific action, which is activated using muscle tissue.

It is easy to understand that a child has problems with auditory memory. Most often, such children are called “inattentive,” that is, they cannot concentrate on one action, they are distracted by extraneous sounds when performing tasks.

Auditory memory develops through joint reading of fairy tales and poems. Ask your child to repeat a word or sound after you more often and don’t be upset if your child doesn’t succeed right away. He just came into this world, your support in case of failures is important to him.

What toys are suitable?

Your child will be delighted with multi-colored cubes, from which you can build small towers or lay them out one after another in a straight line, distributing them by color. It's easy to build houses or castles from cubes.

In stores you can find educational wooden cubes on certain topics with vivid images of objects. Playing with these cubes is easy and fun; they can be sorted by size, color or picture.

The baby will become interested and soft Velcro cubes, from which it is also fun to build houses, populate various animals and people, simply connecting them with each other.

Puzzles- this is a fun activity, and when they look like familiar pictures, it’s even more fun to play. For kids, puzzles can be made of wood, plastic or thick cardboard. They contain no more than 6 elements so that the child can create a picture on his own.

Multicolored developmental sorters may also become exciting activity for babies. They are designed to develop fine motor skills and coordination. In addition, sorters help to acquire first knowledge about the shape of an object and color. Sorters can be regular or interactive, making sounds when making the right choice figurines.

Educational toy in the form counting table (abacus) will help kids cope with the development of motor coordination, teach them to sort objects by color, and also give them the primary concepts of “quantity” and “color”.

Mobile is a universal educational toy that can be taken for a walk or on the road.

Toys of different shapes, colors and textures help the baby develop coordination, auditory memory, speech and physical activity, because in order to play, you need to reach the toy! They can be mechanical or interactive.

What to buy as a gift?

It is not easy to choose a gift for a child whose interests have not yet been formed. We have compiled a review of some educational toys that can become not only a joyful, but also a useful gift.

  • An amazing gift that develops memory, fine motor skills, motor coordination and speech will be books by Matthew Van Fleet. They all have one thing in common - they bring joy to both adults and children! For example, the hardcover book “Oink” by Matthew Van Fleet is a whole journey to a village where the secrets of its inhabitants are revealed to the child. Large images of animals are dim, which prevents the baby from getting tired. A child can stroke a horse's mane, sheep's wool, or chicken fluff. Easy-to-memorize verses help develop auditory memory. This is an amazing birthday gift!

  • Educational caterpillar "Umka" is a bright interactive toy for kids. The caterpillar reads poetry and sings songs, pronounces sounds and words: just press the button, each of which has its own color, on its foot. It can also be used as a gurney, with a rope already attached to the front.

  • Hasbro Folding Sorter has only 5 colors: yellow, white, orange, blue and red. The sorter is compact in size, so you can take it with you for a walk or on the road. Large figures with animal images and 4 holes for them help the child to concentrate on playing independently.

  • Pyramid Bee Hap-P-Kid has three colors: red, yellow, blue. A plastic sorter in the shape of a bee will become an interesting gift. The bee makes sounds when removing or putting on the rings, which delights the kids.

  • Bondibon Wooden Dice Set Only at first glance it seems like a simple toy. In fact, this is one of the best educational gifts for children aged one year and older. It helps improve fine motor skills, coordination, and most importantly, imagination! The child decides for himself what to build: a tower or a house. The cubes have different geometric shapes and colors, some of them have a pattern in the form of circles and stripes. 60 bright, different shaped cubes will bring joy to your baby.

  • It will be a joyful gift for boys musical tolokar. She not only rolls around, but also makes sounds when she moves. Some pushers also have light elements on the steering wheel or headlights. Parents can carry the child themselves by the handle from behind. Some kids try to move the pusher on their own, pushing off with their feet.

  • It will be useful for girls baby doll or doll. Of particular joy are interactive dolls that make exactly the same sounds as your child: “Agu,” “Mom,” “Wah.”

How to do it yourself?

Most mothers prefer to make educational toys with their own hands. Any available means are used: leftover fabrics, beads, laces, buttons, yarn and much more that can be found at any housewife.

Developmental mat

An educational mat is the best teaching aid for a child, on which various elements are located. For example, in production you can use pieces of fabric of various textures, rattles, special children's mirrors (they are made of special plastic and are safe for babies), lacing and other household items. The more you use rustling and rattling parts, the more interesting it will be for your baby. shu.

Sensory box

It's simple and interesting toy. Take several cardboard boxes and connect them together. You can take plastic boxes with cells inside. Fill the box with sand or any cereal, decorate it colorfully and plant a “vegetable garden”, raise animals “in the fields”. The theme of your box depends on your mom's imagination. You can plant toy carrots in it or look for treasure.


This toy is easy to create for those who know how to crochet. Large wooden beads are tied with threads different color and strung on a string. They can be disassembled and reassembled. They help the child distinguish colors and improve fine motor skills. It is better to play this toy in the presence of adults.

Busy board

The board with various educational elements was invented by Maria Montessori. To make it you will need a wooden board. It can be coated with drying oil and applied with various designs or stickers.

Making a busy board is a man's occupation. With the help of bolts and screws, locks, sockets, bells or bells, latches, buttons, laces, zippers, rattles and much more are attached to it.

Busy board can be of any shape and size, stationary or static. There are slight differences in bodyboards for boys and girls. First of all, this color scheme, as well as filling.

For girls nice flowers will turn gold, peach, green or pink. The board can be filled with combs, beads, hairpins, and yarn braids.

For boys, a busy board in the form of a road surface with different types transport or a board with various mechanisms, for example with locks, sockets and telephone dials, doorbells, switches and buttons. Various toggle switches and dials will also be an ideal addition to the board.

It is important that all parts are securely attached to prevent small items from getting caught in the Airways baby.

Manufacturing procedure

It’s quite possible to make a busy board for parents themselves:

  1. Decide on the size. It is best to make it 50*50 cm, then the baby can easily reach any object with his hand.
  2. Treat the surface and edges of the board so that it is smooth to prevent splinters from getting into the handles while playing.
  3. Select items for the future board according to the theme. You can read about this above.
  4. Choose the right paint. It should be environmentally friendly and not bright. If you decide to decorate the board with stickers, choose anything other than paper ones so that they cannot be easily peeled off.
  5. Attach your chosen pieces, paying attention to the back surface of the board. There should be no protruding or protruding objects on it.

Now your business board is completely ready. Enjoy a product you created with your own hands.

Sensory pad

Quite easy to implement and interesting thing. Buttons of different shapes and sizes are attached to the pillow in a certain order. This toy develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, and also helps to navigate in space.

The pillow can be any shape or size. In addition to buttons, bows, zippers, and lacing of various lengths can be attached to the pillow.

Be sure to check that all elements are held tightly. If the baby wants to pull the part into his mouth, he should not tear it off!


A simple and interesting toy. It can be created from a cardboard box or an ice tray. In each cell, attach your own figurine cut out of paper. Separately, prepare the same figures from cardboard. Help your child, show him exactly how to play, and then he can handle it himself.

Tactile bags

This easy-to-make toy helps develop fine motor skills. Fill the sock with beans or peas, sew the elastic tightly, the toy is ready!

You can sew a bunny bag from socks. To do this, cut the sock into two parts and sew them together. Choose the filler yourself, which one you want. Decorate the bunny with eyes and nose, sew the elastic tightly to avoid breaking and cereal spillage.

The toy must meet sanitary standards and be odorless.

Toys should be easy to disassemble and assemble so that they can be easily washed.