New Year's vytynanka houses schemes and templates.  Fabulous and festive stencils for window decorations for the New Year

New Year's vytynanka houses schemes and templates. Fabulous and festive stencils for window decorations for the New Year

Vytynanki is a Ukrainian folk decorative art that involves cutting out various patterns from paper with scissors and a stationery knife. They are glued to windows, mirrors or furniture. The result is an original decoration.

How to make a vytynanka?

You can make picture templates yourself or borrow them from the endless expanses of the Internet. The drawings are transferred to ordinary white sheets of A4 paper and then, placing a mock-up mat so as not to spoil the table, the figures are cut out. It is convenient to cut out contours with scissors, and small details with a knife. You'll also need a ruler. It is convenient to cut straight lines along it.

We present to your attention photos of beautiful New Year's windows. Maybe you'll get an idea and transform your home for the holidays.

The following is attached to the glass surface of the protrusion:

  • silicate glue;
  • regular soap solution.

Photo 7– Vytynanka decorations combined with stars using the origami technique

By the way, it is worth noting that not only glass surfaces are decorated with protrusions. For the New Year 2018, appropriate symbols are selected.

IMPORTANT! The coming 2018 is the year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope, so it is recommended to make vytynanka with its image.

Photo 10 – Openwork garland of vytynankas

Photo 11 – Tip: how to properly set the light in vytynanka-cities

The rooster is an obstinate animal with a fiery character. It’s better to be friends with him in the coming year, otherwise he might get pecked. There are a huge number of figures and compositions.

Photo 12 – Vytynanki-New Year’s toys

Photo 13 – City with lights on the windowsill

Photo 14 – Idea for decorating a window sill with lighting

If you are not satisfied with the patterns from the Internet or you like a picture from a magazine, postcard or other printed source, then simply copy it onto paper and start cutting it out.

Photo 15 – Decorating a children’s window sill

Photo 16 – Examples of finished vytynankas

Photo 17 – Vytynanka in the interior

New Year's vytynankas on the windows

Photo 18 – Vytynanki - part of home decor

On the Internet you will find templates for vytynanka with the image:

  • snowflakes;
  • snowmen;
  • Santa Claus and Snow Maiden;
  • houses and much more.

Photo 19 – Cute do-it-yourself vytynanka with deer

Photo 20 – Curtain made of vytynankas

Photo 21 – Templates for drawing on glass

Many sites offer printable diagrams. The sizes of the drawings can be adjusted by making them larger or smaller.

There are two types of vytynanki:

  • silhouette;
  • symmetrical.

Photo 22 – How to position the protrusions

Photo 23 – How to decorate a nursery for the New Year

Symmetrical ones are much easier and faster to cut than silhouette ones. Symmetrical ones include:

  • Christmas trees;
  • snowflakes.

All sorts of figures are called silhouettes, with which you will have to tinker, but the result is worth it. It should be noted that during work a lot of paper waste remains, so we recommend immediately setting aside a special place for it (box, bag).

IMPORTANT! The sharper the knife, the smoother and neater the protrusions will be.

Photo 24 – How to decorate a window with snowflakes

Photo 25 – Painting-vytynanka as a gift for the New Year

Photo 26 – Vytynanki made of craft cardboard

Products are usually made from paper white, but you can decorate them or add colorful elements. The cutting technique also comes in varying degrees of complexity. If this is your first time deciding to decorate windows, then choose simpler stencils. If you have already understood this type of art, then you can already handle complex, voluminous works. Photo 28 – Unusual DIY voluminous garland

Photo 29 – Variant of vytynanka for the New Year

You can involve children in cutting out figures, who take great pleasure in decorating windows for the holiday. A child’s mind is much more inventive than an adult, therefore, your kids will definitely suggest an interesting plot for the decoration, and together you will quickly decorate the room and celebrate a wonderful holiday in a cozy atmosphere.

Photo 30 – How to decorate a window with your own hands

Strictly speaking, vytynankas are related to New Year's decorations in much the same way as apples are to all fruits :). Vytynanka (from - “vytinati” - “vitinati” - “vytsіnats” - “cut”) is an ancient Slavic type of decorative and applied art. This is openwork cutting from paper, birch bark, fabric, leather and even wood using scissors, a knife or a cutter. Each nation has its own motives, but mainly these are plot and ornamental compositions. In Belarus - vycinanka (read: vycinanka), in Ukraine - vitinanka (read: vytynanka), in Poland - wycinanka (vycinanka), in Russia - tenderloin. But cutting is inherent not only in Slavic culture; in the homeland of paper in China, this art is called “jianzhi”, in Europe - silhouette cutting. We'll talk to you about New Year's cutting, because it is precisely such seemingly simple and completely inexpensive decorations that perfectly create the New Year's mood! You can also involve children in this and create “snow” patterns on your window yourself.

What do we need?

  • Scissors and a breadboard knife, or at least nail scissors for cutting out small, delicate details.
  • White or colored paper
  • Protected surface if you cut with a knife (kitchen board, glass, special mat)

Use a ruler when cutting straight lines. It is better to cut out the contours, as well as the largest parts, with nail scissors with a pointed tip, so that it is convenient to pierce a hole at the beginning of each cut.

To glue the finished masterpieces to the window, you need to carefully moisten them with a soapy solution (soaped sponge). In order to remove a picture from the glass, it will be enough to pull it a little, and the remaining soap can be easily washed off with a damp cloth.

Where can I get the layouts?

You can draw the template yourself or find it on the Internet by searching for “New Year’s vytynanki.” To attract children, you can download simpler templates; many children’s New Year’s coloring books are perfect for this. At the end of this article there is also a selection of piercings

We decorate the windows.

Windows are probably the most popular object for decorating with New Year's decorations. To make the composition complete and beautiful, think about it in advance and select templates accordingly. As a rule, winter landscapes are located below: snowdrifts, houses, snowmen, children, etc. The upper part of the window can be decorated with snowflakes, stars, Christmas balls and spruce branches. The complete composition looks very beautiful and is downright mesmerizing.

To turn the process of decorating windows into joint creativity, children can be given templates with simpler contours: a simple Christmas tree, snowdrifts, snow can be cut out even by the least experienced big child. And mom can take care of the details that require small painstaking work

Vytynanka in the interior

You can decorate not only windows with vytynankas, but also furniture, make hanging mobiles, and decorate paintings.

On a walk we find a beautiful branch, with the help of a special one. With a spray you can “snow” it and decorate it, for example, with mittens:

From the protrusions you can make hanging mobiles, decorations for furniture, or even into a picture and a frame on the wall.

You can also make a whole fairy-tale town out of them, but for this you will need fairly thick cardboard. You can find instructions for creating such a town on the website

Below you can download the archived piercing templates. The pictures show some from available templates. To download full samples (more than 100 in total), click on the picture:

Hello friends!

The anticipation of the approaching holiday is no worse, and sometimes even better, than the holiday itself. Especially when it comes to everyone’s favorite New Year. He makes us plunge into childhood, believe in magic and miracles. After all, we lack this so much in everyday life.

Everyone cooks, decorates their houses and apartments, creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. The streets are decorated with bright garlands of lights, snowmen, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, New Year's deer and, of course, animal symbols of the coming year look at us from the windows.

If you can’t resist and want to decorate your windows and impress everyone with beautiful paper applications - vytynanka, then this article is for you.

The art of vytynanka is a type of needlework that involves cutting out a wide variety of shapes and patterns. It originated in ancient China in the 7th century AD. It spread to Europe, including Russia, only in the 20th century. And is now widely used as decoration for windows and other indoor spaces.

Vytynanka can truly be called real creativity, because the works of some masters can be called masterpieces, striking in their technique and subtlety of execution.

To create a vytynanka you will only need plain A4 paper, small scissors, a stationery knife and a simple pencil. You can use those printed on A4 sheets, draw them yourself, or buy embroidery kits in specialized craft stores. If you have prepared everything necessary materials, you can safely get to work.

Vytynanka for the New Year 2020 - templates in the form of a Rat

The symbol of the coming year is the White Metal Rat. A vytynanka with her image can be made not only by adults, but also together with children, using funny and very cute templates.

And you can use these stencils, for example, to decorate the windows of your office.

For the most patient and diligent, we have prepared stencils of openwork mice.

Vytynanka numbers and letters to download and print

Where would we be without the cherished words “Happy New Year 2020!” To make this greeting truly decorate your window in a festive way, we recommend using original templates of letters and numbers, selected especially for you.

For example, here is a stencil with mice.

The next template also contains the symbol of the coming year.

Unusual openwork numbers

Tip: to make the numbers look better on the window, do not cut off the dark outline, but cut out only the gray details, otherwise they will lose their attractiveness.

For lovers of the classics, here are the numbers.

You can cut out beautiful letters with "snow caps".

Snowflake letters to create a New Year's mood

Patterns of vytnanka Snowman on the windows

Another New Year's character that you shouldn't forget about is the snowman. With it you can find a lot of beautiful protrusions, cut them out, decorate your home or office with them and enjoy the beauty made with your own hands. Here you will find templates of adorable snowmen.

This is such a wonderful snowman.

You can make it even better with the help of shaped hole punches. The drawings on them can be found completely different, including New Year’s themed ones with snowflakes, bells and stars.

Agree that the snowman has become more cozy and cute.

You can choose stencils of good-natured snowmen in the company of animals, for example:

Teddy bear


Or cute bunnies

Snowflakes for cutting out for the New Year of the Rat 2020

Well, where would we be without the graceful and sophisticated beauties of snowflakes on our windows? They create a frosty pattern even in a snowless winter and make the mood festive.

Before you start, read a few tips:

1. To cut, you will need to fold the paper into a triangle, resulting in 12 layers. Therefore, do not use paper that is too thick for snowflakes. Agree, this will be very inconvenient.

2. There are several ways to fold paper for snowflakes. It is best to use the method shown in the photo below.

We suggest you use these options for snowflake stencils.

Having finished cutting out the protrusions, you can safely move on to decorating your home. You can simply stick them to the window with tape or soapy water, or you can just put an outline. For this:

  • spray the glued protrusion with toothpaste diluted with water;
  • white or blue gouache or artificial snow;
  • leave to dry a little and carefully remove the drawing from the window.

The result will be the effect of glass on a frosty morning.

Get creative, create comfort and a New Year's atmosphere with your own hands. Creative success!

Paper cutting beautiful patterns called vytynanki. This type of art has been known since ancient times and still makes an indelible impression.

The eve of the New Year holidays is always a troublesome and at the same time joyful time. If there are children in the family, then this is the time of fairy tales, when the most cherished dreams and desires. A festive mood arises already while decorating your home. And if earlier they were limited to what they stuck on windows, now many people love ready-made templates for cutting.

The easiest way to decorate New Year 2019 – these are stencils for windows made of paper (otherwise known as vytynanka), which can be printed, cut out and used to decorate the interior for the holiday. By the way, they can decorate not only windows, but also mirrors.

Vytynankas are amazingly elegant openwork paper pictures that fill the rooms with the atmosphere of a fairy tale and are reminiscent of the illustrations of magic books that we loved to read during the winter holidays as children. Essentially, a vytynanka is a silhouette figure that is cut out of ordinary office printing paper, colored paper for creativity, or thin sheets of cardboard.

Pull-out pictures allow you to create incredible compositions, because they can not only be used separately, but combined into a single illustration-panel, which will contain animals, Christmas trees, cozy houses, fairy-tale castles and heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Well, New Year's vytynanki are, of course, also Grandfather Frosts, Snow Maidens, Santas, snowmen, deer and other characters that we associate with this bright holiday.

You can use the protrusions with almost no restrictions - they can be attached to the surfaces of mirrors or cabinet doors, create picture-panels on the wall of the room, hang them on chandeliers, cornices or ropes of a festive fir tree. This type of home creativity will appeal to all members of your family, because what could be more enjoyable on winter evenings than working together and creating themed decor? Well, we’ll tell you how to prepare for making vytynankas and give you a lot of extraordinary ideas!

How to make a vytynanka?

To create an unusual and fabulous decoration, you need to show ingenuity and imagination. If you are not in the mood to invent something, then interesting templates and unusual compositions can be found on the Internet.

Having selected Pigs with vytynanka suitable for 2019, which can be used to decorate the windows of kindergartens, schools, cafes, shops, and other institutions, creative people create festive mood to others and passers-by. From the windows on the world looking at fairy-tale characters created by the artist’s imagination. Moreover, the size of the image and its shape may vary significantly.

Making vytynanki is not difficult, because you don’t even need to have any unusual skills to do it! All that is required from participants in the creative process is a small amount of patience and a set consisting of the items listed below.

To create a New Year's picture you will need:

  • sharp stationery knife,
  • sheets of thick paper or thin cardboard;
  • scissors with thin and sharp blades;
  • a plywood sheet or kitchen cutting board of a suitable size (it’s even more convenient to use a breadboard mat, which restores the surface after cutting);
  • a simple pencil, an eraser and a ruler;
  • a roll of tape with two adhesive sides or a solution of soap for glass surfaces;
  • tweezers.

If everything you need is ready, then you can move on to the fun part - creating stencils for windows. The work ahead is painstaking, but the creative process is always exciting. New Year's stencils for windows will be dedicated to traditional themes and the 2019 Year of the Pig.

It is important to know! For those who professionally engage in this type of creativity, they produce a special set of tools that includes everything you need: from scalpels to a metal ruler. If you like creating stencils, you can order such a set.

Stencil or template technique

To decorate your windows for the New Year, print a stencil on paper using a printer. You can translate the drawing through the computer screen by attaching a sheet to it and creating the desired size. If you have the desire and artistic abilities, it is not difficult to create a drawing yourself. Further actions:

Getting ready soap solution simple: soap is diluted in a small amount of water, and a paper figurine is dipped into the solution and carefully applied to the glass. You can glue paper stencils with transparent tape by cutting it into small pieces.

Another option for working with the template:

Pictures on paper windows look advantageous when there are garlands, tinsel and rain around, complementing the fairy-tale picture of a New Year's house. If you are just learning the stencil technique, follow a simpler pattern with few small details. It may not be so delicate and complex, but it is done neatly and efficiently. When you have more experience, you will be able to cut out more interesting stories.

3D protrusions consisting of several symmetrical elements are perfect for decorating a chandelier or cornice. It can be , volumetric Christmas trees and snowflakes. They can be secured with tape and hung on strings.

Creating New Year's compositions for 2019 from stencils

Among the fairy-tale characters, choose your favorite ones: stencils of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various animals. Usage Christmas tree decorations will create an overall harmonious background: these are balls, bells, snowflakes. Use numbers to cut out. The silhouette of a cute pig and the numbers will come in handy for the New Year 2019.

Vytynankas come from China. The first samples are associated with the advent of paper. The Chinese have reached special skill in this technique. They created paper dragons, flowers, birds. And the creation of gods and spirits played a religious and ritual role.

When creating compositions there are a number of points to consider:

  1. It is advisable to place large and heavy stencils (Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snowy landscapes) in the lower third of the window.
  2. It is better to secure the flying carriage with Santa Claus and gifts in its middle part: on the left or on the right. Then there will be a feeling that the cart is really flying.
  3. The upper part of the composition will be decorated with angels, snowflakes, Christmas decorations and twigs.

If you follow these simple rules, you will get a wonderful winter landscape. The whole family can do this type of creativity. There's something for everyone. And the youngest children in the family can cut out simple stencils from paper, developing fine motor skills And creative thinking. In addition, perseverance and patience are formed.

New Year's decorations cut out of paper can be placed everywhere: on mirrors, walls, a Christmas tree. They will be in place everywhere, they will complement the interior everywhere, creating a special holiday atmosphere.

To plunge into the world of childhood, the world of fairy-tale images and fantastic creatures, you just need to take paper and scissors and start creating your New Year's masterpiece. Openwork and airy figures will remind you that a magical New Year of the Pig is ahead.

Below is a selection New Year's stencils(vytynanok) for the New Year 2019 of the pig: each picture can be enlarged and printed in A4 format or larger.

Snowflake stencils for cutting

New Year pictures

Symbol of 2019 - Pig

Openwork paper pigs are an excellent solution for raising the New Year's mood.

A creative pig on glass will make anyone who looks at it smile.


This is how you can decorate windows using New Year's decorations:

You can also do the “vytynanka” the other way around. You need to cut out the inner template and paint over its cavity.

Apply white spray using artificial snow. In this way, you can create patterns that are connected in meaning.

The result will be a fabulous “vytynanka” made of artificial snow, with meaning, grouped into an interesting plot.

Get creative with paper cutting, decorate your home for the New Year, create openwork compositions on the windows. Happy creativity!