Official congratulations on the baptism of the Lord. Congratulations in prose on the baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on baptism in prose

The Baptism of the Lord - congratulations in prose
the greatest, divine holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! I sincerely want
I wish you only the best, joy, many happy moments,
good luck, good mood! On this day, pray to God and ask
him health for yourself and your loved ones, and let your faith grow stronger with
every day! Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose
Today -
The Baptism of the Lord, and I congratulate my dear friend on the holiday! Wish
you a reliable man next to you, who will support, help and
inspire! May you never be let down by those you brought close to
yourself, may luck and kindness always be inseparable
qualities of your character! Love and be loved!

Congratulation on Baptism in prose
Congratulations on
feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and, although this is a holy holiday, I wish
you quite material things. After all, we are only human and not
we claim to be saints ... So, let you have a lot of money,
a luxury car and a villa by the sea. Believe me, with this
there will be love in the scenario, and there will also be enough money for health!

in your own words
May your family become even stronger and stronger on the evening of the Baptism of Christ.
friendly, and the house will be exactly the place where you want to go again
come back to receive the necessary warmth and care! Wish
understanding and love of others, which will allow you to truly
enjoy life! Theophany of the Lord - congratulations in prose
Today -
The Baptism of the Lord, and let on this day everyone who believes, everyone,
whoever wishes happiness for his neighbor will receive God's blessing, and he
there will always be real luck. May every day be
filled with joy and goodness, and doing good deeds will become yours
life credo! Congratulate on the Baptism of the Lord in prose
Baptism -
sincere holiday, there is no place for sad memories and
sadness. Today, the magical properties of water will help get rid of a heavy
the burden of sins and the world will open in a new light - bright and joyful,
full of hope and opportunity. I wish you always find time for good
cases, and you will definitely be rewarded with a great mood! Congratulate on the Baptism of the Lord in your own words
On holiday
Baptism of the Lord, I sincerely want to wish you to appreciate not only
victories, but also defeats, because it is thanks to misses that we grow;
rejoice not only in health, but also in diseases, because they
help us develop strength of mind and become stronger! May the Lord
The Almighty always helps to overcome any difficulties! Beautiful and sincere congratulations with the Baptism of the Lord in prose
This holiday is holy and solemn for all who love life and believe
in yourself and loved ones. This is a celebration of the soul, which becomes purer and
brighter! The Feast of the Epiphany awaits millions of people around the world with
hope for the best.
I congratulate you on Baptism, and may the Lord
will protect you from any adversity and disease and give strength to
implementation of your plans and dreams! All the best!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose
you with the Baptism of the Lord! Let it happen on this holy holiday
only the best, may the Lord reward you for the good
deeds and forgive any sins. May those who are close to you
please you and never let you down, may health and longevity be
your eternal companions! Short congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

Today great holiday- Epiphany! I wish you that

holiday! The text of congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord and I want to wish that
only the best happened. Let fate itself prepare for you
wonderful gifts, may not appear on the road you are walking
obstacles, may those who love you and believe in you never
disappointed so that life is full of love and joy! Kind and gentle congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose
Today is the Baptism of the Lord! May this bright holiday take away from
you all sorrows, sorrows and bad thoughts, will wash away everything with holy water
sins. Happy holiday! Congratulations on the Lord's Epiphany in prose
Congratulations on
Baptism of the Lord and I want to wish you never lose heart,
to appreciate what loved ones do for you, so that life is
happy and fair! Let any undertakings be crowned with success,
let there be no empty worries and anxieties, and joy and happiness always
will be around! Congratulate on the Lord's Epiphany in prose
congratulations on the baptism of Christ! Thanks to this light
Orthodox holiday, each of us has an amazing
the opportunity to turn your face to the bright face of our Lord,
repent, confess and receive his blessing and parting words.
We wish you happiness and joy. Peace to your home! Short congratulations on the Lord's Epiphany in prose

The Baptism of the Lord is a day when you want to congratulate loved ones
and wish them well. Today I want to wish you only the best, so that
you never felt sad, did not worry, loved and were loved,
so that those who love and understand you never change. Let
The Lord always lives in your heart, never leaving you! Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in your own words

Congratulations to all on the baptism of the Lord! May it always be in your house
there will be peace and tranquility, happiness and good mood! Let Jesus
watching you from heaven, regularly gives you money rain and
numerous surprises! May the angels protect you from the slightest
trouble! And may everything be a hundred times better for you than for

Congratulations on christening in prose

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I wish that from now on your
the child was always under the protection of God! May the guardian angels always
will stand in his way and protect him from sadness, adversity,
disappointments and strong falls. May your prayers always be
heard, and the little miracle grows carefree and happy!

On this special day, on the day of initiation into the sacrament of baptism, from
congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Let the guardian angel illuminate the path of life
and protect from all evil. Let there be good health, and
light - the soul. With christening, well-being, great happiness and love.

Congratulations on a very important and significant event - christening!
We wish the guardian angel to take care of, guide and warn
baptized child. May the path of the child be bright and serene.
Good health to you, easy educational everyday life, patience,
well-being and a lot of joy for each passed parental stage!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the christening and sincerely want to wish
strong faith and good luck, a bright path and great hopes,
grace of life and happiness, protection of heaven and generous gifts of fate.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your christening. I want to wish you strong
faith and bright hope, God's grace and joy of the soul, sincere
happiness and pure love, good people on the path of life and faithful
Good luck.

Congratulations on a joyful and bright day, on christening and Orthodox
faith. I wish the road of life to be happy and kind, so that on
good people and true friends met on the way, so that fate bestowed
you with good health and great love.

Congratulations on a big and significant event in your life! Let
the intercession of the guardian angel will be gracious, timely and
reliable. May the saint, whose name the newly baptized now bears, protect
from adversity, helps in difficulties, indicates the right path and leads to
right decisions. With christening!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on this wonderful and important
an event, with the entry into the Orthodox faith and the temple, with christening!
I wish the Lord to help in difficult times, so that the guardian angel
protected always and everywhere, so that life lasts happy and long
dear, so that there are many joyful victories and good deeds on the way.

Dear Parents! Congratulations on one of the very first significant
events in the life of this lovely creature - christening. We wish
so that the guardian angel, who from today will patronize
beautiful child, was merciful and affectionate, so that he guarded and
warned against all troubles and misfortunes, so that thickened in life
dispersed the clouds and was always there!

Congratulations on your christening, on the day your soul stood on
orthodox path. I want an angel to follow you everywhere
so that the Lord removes all trouble from you, so that your heart chooses
the right direction in life, so that your mind guides you to
good deeds.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

Words of congratulations on Baptism in prose to colleagues, relatives, text
wishes to friends, friend, girlfriend for the feast of the Epiphany
in your own words.

My relatives, today we celebrate a special day - the day of the Baptism of Christ.

May our thoughts become purer on this sacred holiday, the soul -
calmer, and the heart - joyful. And let the holy baptismal water wash away
all hardships and sorrows, will dissolve sadness and blues without a trace and fill
all of us with vigor and health.

Dear my parents!

I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! What can you wish
the closest people? Of course, first of all, I wish you, my
dear, good health for many years.

May the stronghold of good luck always be near in life, and all your desires and dreams will turn into a fairy tale in reality!

Let the Epiphany stars give you their mysterious light, healing your soul with a beautiful flicker.

Endless love, my dear ones, clear skies, good luck always and
in all things and a delightful hope that gives shelter to all who need
and believe in the harmony of life!

Beloved, I congratulate you on the bright Orthodox holiday of Epiphany.

I wish you good spirits, joy in your heart and lightness in your soul.
May your thoughts be pure and your cherished desires come true.

Remember that I will always support any of your undertakings, because I love and believe in you, my dear.

Thanks for having you in my life.

Congratulations in prose to a friend

My dear friend, accept the most my sincere congratulations with the bright day of the Baptism of Christ!

Let your eyes shine, reflecting the light of the Soul, let the heart
blooms like a beautiful flower, let joy be constant
companion on your life path.

I thank the Lord for our strong friendship, let it only become stronger every year.

Dear friend!

I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! Let this
a wonderful day will give you endless joy, faith in the most
wonderful future and your house is filled with pleasant warmth and
comfort. A delightful fairy tale that will tell you
winter blizzard outside the window, will give a touching joy that fills everything
hidden corners of your enthusiastic soul!

Beautiful love, you dear, good health, prosperity and success!

Words with the Baptism of the Lord to a friend

Dear friend!

I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart on the wonderful Orthodox holiday of the Epiphany!

May the Lord protect your house from adversity and sorrow, and the holy
Epiphany water will give health to you and your loved ones. I wish in
love reigned in the heart, but in the soul it was joyful.

Wisdom to you and unconditional acceptance of life - in all its
diversity. Remember that everything in our life happens not

Dear friend! I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord!
I wish you endless, beautiful love and may the Epiphany frosts
freeze forever all your sorrows and troubles. And the coming
delightful spring may melt all your wonderful aspirations and
dreams, and ringing, healing streams, will bring you magical
fruits of their performance!

Congratulations in prose to colleagues

Dear Colleagues!

In this light Orthodox holiday I want the baptism of Christ
wish you as many joyful moments as possible, success, prosperity
and well-being.

Let the Epiphany water, washing away all adversity, fill you with vigor and health.

Dear colleague!

I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! I wish you to
correctly chosen Epiphany sleigh rushed you with breathtaking
speed in your field of work in the right direction good luck and for
every turn you were waiting for a magnificent success!

Good health, great labor achievements and wonderful festive mood for the whole year!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

Hello! I am baptismal
sms sent to the most beloved and handsome guy in the world!
May the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord give you good and
warmth, will take away sorrows and sad thoughts. Happy holiday, my love!

Hello! I am a baptismal text sent to the most beloved and beautiful
girl in the world! May the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord give
goodness and warmth to you, will take away sorrows and sad thoughts. Happy holiday
darling! Hello darling! I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord!
Let it be winter now and Epiphany frosts, I wish you that on
the soul was always warm and spring blossomed. I love you very much!!! Darling! Today is the Baptism of the Lord, on this day many centuries ago,
According to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. And on
you recently descended on me, the most beautiful and tender girl on
all over the world. Happy Holidays, dear, I love you very much! Buddy, hello! With the Baptism of the Lord you! Let outside the window and
cold, but in your heart I wish you to be only warm. To
all your dreams came true, life was fun and happy, health
you and all your family! Today is the Baptism of the Lord! Let this
a bright holiday will take away from you all sorrows, sorrows and bad thoughts,
wash away all sins with holy water. Happy holiday! On this great feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, I wish you health, longevity, a sea of ​​love and happiness! Today is a great holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! I wish you that
since that day, luck and happiness have accompanied you in your
life, to be healthy with you and all your loved ones. WITH
holiday! Girlfriend, hello! Today is a big holiday - Epiphany
Christ, in connection with which I want to wish you that in life
always accompanied by success, so that there was happy love and a minimum
sorrows. Happy holiday, dear! Today is a big holiday - holy
Epiphany! In this regard, I wish you to find peace in your soul, not
wasted on trifles and go to your dream, nowhere
folding. And then you will definitely succeed. Good luck!

A holiday is a pleasant and in all respects joyful event dedicated to a certain event, whether it is a birthday, anniversary, wedding, New Year Christmas, March 8, February 23, professional holidays that are marked on the calendar in honor of something or someone - they all have a sacred meaning and are associated with a cultural or religious tradition. No wonder they say that a Russian person, buying a calendar on next year, first of all, it looks to see if the weekend coincides with public holidays. Yes, whatever you say, but we love to take a walk and relax!

But then the morning came after the holiday, and what pleasant things can you remember? And how to make sure that instead of a headache from the holiday, something valuable and pleasant remains, with the recollection of which, even after many, many years, the mood would rise? Here, in order to have something to remember, something to smile, in order to give each other maximum pleasure and minimum material costs, on our portal you will find the most beautiful and original congratulations for any occasion.

Congratulations on Baptism in verse and prose

Beautiful and cool congratulations with the Baptism of the Lord in prose poetry. Congratulations on Epiphany 2019 in prose. Do not forget to congratulate relatives and friends on the Baptism of the Lord. We have chosen the funniest and coolest short SMS congratulations in Russian in verse and prose. Choose for yourself the best congratulation in your opinion and send it!

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May the heavens protect your soul, and the angels keep your house from evil and trouble. With the Baptism of the Lord to you, do not lose faith in the good, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Congratulations on the Orthodox holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. A wonderful spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Baptism of the Lord! Let the pure, baptismal water wash and take away all troubles, sorrows and illnesses. May it bring with it good health and purity of thoughts, so that your life is happy and joyful.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! May on this bright day everyone feel the grace of God's Theophany, and with it the radiant light of mercy and blessing, joy and purification of the soul will come into the house. So that every house is full of happiness and love, and lit candles become a symbol of hope and faith in a better future!

May this holiday wash away all sorrows and bring all the best to life. Let him give good health, endless happiness and desired success, and most importantly, be the occasion for joyful events in the coming year.

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord and sincerely wish that drops of holy water give vigor, strength and health to the body, so that on this day a new bright and good luck so that there are no moments of sadness in life, but only love and hope warm the heart.

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish you to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord. On this day, I would like to wish to leave behind insults and stupid words, quarrels and rude actions. Let happiness, warmth of native hearts, understanding and love, lightness, hope and well-being come to life.

With the Baptism of the Lord. Love, prosperity, peace and warmth. May there be prosperity in the house, in the heart, and in life, may the consecrated water wash away sadness, anxiety, and resentment. I wish that bright hope will never let its wings drop, that good faith will always add strength.

May the Baptism of the Lord bring prosperity, peace, good luck, many good friends, good impressions, funny moments, confidence in every day and the best health in the world!

On this day, I want to wish only bright, real, pure. Let all the bad pass by, and all the good wait at the door. Goodness, radiant sun, good road, faithful and real friends nearby. Regular luck, creative ideas, fun weekends.

May this holy day of the Baptism of the Lord bring you happiness and kindness, prosperity and good luck, sanctify your spirit and inspire hope, give you strength to go towards your goals. Congratulations on your great holiday!

So the sacred and magical feast of the Baptism of the Lord came to every home. On this wonderful and divine day, I would like to wish everyone peace, kindness, honesty and justice. May the miracle live in your hearts and give you bright hope for a wonderful future. I wish you good health, inner warmth that warms your soul and heart, success in all your endeavors. I wish that on this bright day you are surrounded by relatives, loved ones and close people. May your homes be filled with joy, laughter and positivity.

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays - Epiphany and Baptism of the Lord! I wish that the holy grace of God descends on you. So that the body and soul, washing themselves with consecrated water, are saturated with health, lightness, and joy. So that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and peace, tranquility and harmony reign in their souls to replace them!

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord and I want to wish that health be strong, like Epiphany frosts, that pure water wash away all sadness and sadness, that life have a happy and prosperous continuation, that the bright light of hope and love illuminate the soul and heart.

Words of congratulations
Baptism in prose to colleagues, relatives, text of wishes to friends, friend, girlfriend for the holiday
the Lord in your own words.
My relatives, today we celebrate a special day - the day

May our thoughts become purer on this sacred holiday, the soul calmer, and the heart more joyful. And let the holy baptismal water wash away all hardships and sorrows, dissolve sadness and spleen without a trace and fill us all with vigor and health. I congratulate you on the occasion
What can you wish for the most dear people? Of course, first of all, I wish you, my dear, good health for many years to come. May the stronghold of good luck always be near in life, and all your desires and dreams will turn into a fairy tale in reality!

Epiphany stars give you their mysterious light, healing your soul with a beautiful twinkle. Endless love, my dear ones, clear skies, good luck always and in everything, and delightful hope that gives shelter to everyone who needs and believes in the harmony of life!

Beloved, I congratulate you on the bright Orthodox holiday
Baptism. I wish you good spirits, joy in your heart and lightness in your soul. May your thoughts be pure and your cherished desires come true.

Remember that I will always support any of your undertakings, because I love and believe in you, my dear. Thanks for having you in my life. My dear friend, accept my most sincere congratulations on a bright day

Let your eyes shine reflecting the light
Souls, let the heart bloom like a beautiful flower, let joy be a constant companion on your life path. Thank you
Lord for our strong friendship, may it only become stronger every year.
Congratulate you with Holliday
May this wonderful day give you endless joy, faith in the most wonderful future, and let your home be filled with pleasant warmth and comfort. And the delightful fairy tale that the winter blizzard will tell you outside the window will give you a touching joy that fills all the hidden corners of your enthusiastic soul!

Beautiful love, you dear, good health, prosperity and success! Words from
Lord's friend
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart on a wonderful Orthodox holiday

The Lord protects your home from adversity and sorrow, and holy baptismal water will give health to you and your loved ones. I wish that love reigned in the heart, and it was joyful in the soul. Wisdom to you and unconditional acceptance of life - in all its diversity.

Remember that everything in our life does not happen by chance. Dear friend!
Congratulate you with Holliday
I wish you endless, beautiful love and may
Epiphany frosts will freeze forever all your sorrows and troubles. And let the delightful spring that has come melt all your wonderful aspirations and dreams, and with ringing, healing streams, bring you the magical fruits of their fulfillment!

On this bright Orthodox holiday
I would like to wish you as many joyful moments as possible, success, prosperity and well-being. Let the Epiphany water, washing away all adversity, fill you with vigor and health. Congratulate you with Holliday
I wish you that the right ones are chosen
Epiphany sleigh rushed you with breathtaking speed along your labor field in the right direction of luck, and magnificent success awaited you behind every turn!
Good health, great labor achievements and a wonderful festive mood for the whole year!

Read also:

Bells are ringing and people are happy faces dive into the ice holes of Epiphany to recharge with health and positive for the whole year. Look for good words for congratulations on the holiday
Baptism? Most best regards collected in the section of our site congratulations on
Baptism in prose - just select the ones you need
Words to you. Or please with a great audio gift in the form of a song, a wish or a prank - it's very easy with our website!
The recipient will certainly be aware of who is the sender of the baptismal gift. In verse In prose Short Funny Musical

Congratulations on the feast of the Epiphany

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!

Congratulation on Baptism in prose is good.

It has come
Baptism is a happy holiday!
For a long time, on this day, it was customary to arrange swimming in the hole, and after that - jump over the fire to keep warm!
We don’t have a fire or an ice-hole, so I wish you to plunge headlong into the abyss of passion, and then warm yourself with the fire of tenderness! let
God Almighty help you in life!

Congratulation in prose on Baptism.

Today is the greatest, divine holiday - Epiphany
I sincerely want to wish you only the best, joy, many happy moments, luck, good mood!
Pray on this day
God and ask him for health for yourself and your loved ones, and let your faith grow stronger every day!

Congratulation on Baptism in prose.

Congratulate you with Holliday
of the Lord and I want to wish that everything happens only for the best. May fate itself prepare wonderful gifts for you, may there be no obstacles on the road you are walking, may those who love you and believe in you never be disappointed, so that life is full of love and joy!

Good congratulations on Baptism in prose.

I congratulate you wholeheartedly on
What do you wish? Let your love warm your loved ones, your smile inspire that everything will be fine, and from your lips there will be no sad or harsh words. Let the joy of life be your queen, and success be your king!
Let gossip, envy and misunderstanding pass by!

Good congratulations in prose on Baptism.

Today is not just a holiday, today is a special day, because two thousand years ago
Christ. I want to congratulate you on this holiday and wish you to believe in God sincerely and wholeheartedly, enjoy life, be happy and appreciate what you have!
Let everythnig will be alright!

Cheerful congratulations in prose on Baptism.

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday
May only the best await you on this day, because such a holiday is designed to give good people blessings and hope for the best!
May luck and happiness always be present in your life, and those whom you love and respect never leave you!

In prose, congratulations on Baptism.

Who can be closer friends? Often it is a friend who can replace a sibling, provide help and support!
I wish that you are always surrounded Good friends and comrades, so that everyone you love is near, so that your health is strong!
May love and happiness always be there, and those who believe in you will never be disappointed!

Cool congratulations on Baptism in prose.

The Lord's is such a day on which you want to congratulate your family and friends, and you in particular!
Please accept my best wishes and congratulations!
May you be healthy, happy, cheerful and joyful!
I also wish you well-being, mutual understanding with loved ones, good luck and patience!
And also - always in a good mood!

Good congratulations on Baptism in prose.

of the Lord, and this holiday is celebrated by believing Orthodox Christians of all countries. I want to wish every moment to be filled with the goodness of a wonderful day, so that the well-being of every home is natural, so that you are healthy and able to appreciate every moment of your life!

Congratulations on
I wish you not to be sad, not to be sad.
Achieve set goals, be able to move forward with faith in
Faith is our true weapon that helps and guides in a variety of life situations. Let
The Lord will never leave you and always helps in everything!

Good congratulations on Baptism in prose.

The Lord's is such a feast that it is impossible not to celebrate. Therefore, set the table and gather loved ones. May your house be warm from smiles and hugs, may your relatives and friends never worry or be sad, may those you love never cease to be there and support you in any situation. Comments:

Congratulations on
Lord in prose

Epiphany is one of the most revered holidays among Orthodox Christians. On this winter's day, it's usually pretty hard frost, but, nevertheless, it does not prevent people from undergoing the rite of purification. The rite itself is a diving headlong into the hole. They are specially prepared by cutting down on local reservoirs in the form of a cross, the most important symbol of Christianity. This ancient holiday has long been a tradition for many people.

It, like any traditional holiday, in principle, helps to unite people and strengthen their spiritual connection. Often on this day the whole family gathers together at the solemn table. Everyone congratulates each other cheerfully thematic congratulations. In case you want to congratulate distant relatives, we have prepared for you short congratulations With
Lord, which you can easily send using
SMS messages to mobile phone.

In anticipation
Baptism, people begin to think about how beautiful it is to congratulate all relatives and friends on this holiday. We advise you to remember what is the essence of this holiday? Remembered, and now you need to try to remind all your family and friends. Most likely, you have repeatedly passed the rite of purification on
Baptism, diving into the hole.
Therefore, it will be much easier for you to set yourself and others up for a festive atmosphere.

On this holiday, in addition to undergoing the rite of purification, you also need to present the right wishes. Congratulations on this will help you to do it beautifully
Lord in prose. Choose the wish that suits you and say it sincerely from the bottom of your heart. We are sure that you will not hear silence in response, for sure you will be congratulated just as well. If you suddenly feel guilty before someone, then
Baptism is the time to ask for forgiveness in order to cleanse your soul from the burden of guilt. Today - Baptism
May this bright holiday take away all sorrows, sorrows and bad thoughts from you, wash away all sins with holy water. Happy holiday!
Today is Baptism
Lord, and I sincerely want to congratulate you on this magical holiday, wish you health, happiness and keep family values!
Know how to distinguish the true from the false, the truth from flattery. Be cheerful, keep a good mood in yourself and give positive to the people around you!

May this holy day
the Lord's will be the first happiest day in a long line of happy days in your life, in which you will find
Our Lord in your soul. Lord's

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!
Lord - this is an excellent occasion to once again give thanks
God for giving us the greatest gift - life!
May health and longevity always be with us and go hand in hand, may your loved ones never get sick and be happy!
Dear Colleagues! On this bright Orthodox holiday
I would like to wish you as many joyful moments as possible, success, prosperity and well-being. Let the Epiphany water, washing away all adversity, fill you with vigor and health. Congratulations on
Baptism is a holiday of purification and renewal, and on this day, I want to wish you that your life becomes brighter and cleaner, that grace descends on your home and all your loved ones are healthy and happy!
Today is a great holiday - Epiphany
I wish you that, starting from this day, good luck and happiness accompany you in your life, so that all your loved ones are healthy with you. Happy holiday!
Lord's day is a day when you want to congratulate loved ones and wish them happiness.

Today I want to wish you only the best, so that you never feel sad, do not worry, love and be loved, so that those who love and understand you never change. Let
The Lord always lives in your heart, never leaving you! day
BAPTISM, we are waiting for forgiveness from the Lord.
We know the removal of sins only until the first roosters!

Your flesh!
yes keeps
You all
Lord! Did you like congratulations? Rate them on a 5-point scale. Thank you! (1 votes, average: 5,
00 of 5) Loading...history - date (when, what date is the holiday) Holiday
Lord's or
Epiphany is one of the most ancient holidays
Churches. On this day
God comes into the world to present to the world
Unapproachable. Water is of particular importance in
Old Testament. This is the basis of life, it is from water that all living beings will come, but it is also a destroying force, because water
great flood
The Lord flooded all human sins and destroyed evil. That's why
Baptism has a great meaning - as the body is washed with water, so the human soul, believing in
God, will be cleansed from sins
Christ. Thus, a person joins
Christ, dying to sin and rising to
God. Holiday
The Lord's Day is celebrated on January 19, and the day before, water is blessed in temples and in natural springs.
Showing!type of congratulations: sms | | in verse | All
In a day
baptism, we are waiting for
Lord of forgiveness. We know the removal of sins only until the first roosters!
Do not forget to pray and wash your face with holy water, it will become cleaner
Your flesh!
yes keeps
You all
Happy Baptism
the Lord of us all. Today, water itself becomes sacred, and yet it is something that is important for each of us and what we drink every day.

Therefore let us rejoice bright day, a memorable day of the moment when people saw
Our Lord
The Lord is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, on this day the soul is cleansed of vanity and sadness, filled with higher meaning, light, kindness, love, let the Epiphany frosts not cool it.

You will discover the best in people, may peace, beauty, happiness in family and business reign, may a lucky star illuminate your path!
With the blessing of the Lord!
Let the sacred water fill you with strength and a healthy spirit, and the Epiphany frost will strengthen the body. Let adversity run sideways, and time slow down in joyful and happy moments. Let love, kindness and mercy warm the heart in the baptismal cold. Take care of faith, and it will surely save
You and your family!
On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May heaven protect your soul, and may the angel keep your house from evil and trouble.

With baptism
God bless you, do not lose faith in the good, and she will certainly help in difficult times. Lord's
Epiphany is celebrated today by the entire Christian nation. May the bright holiday take away all sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, sinful thoughts and evil enemies from you!
And you will smile happiness, joy and love of your neighbor. Happy holiday!
I congratulate you on the great Orthodox holiday and wish you on this holy day peace in your home and soul, love, happiness and may you always be
Blessing. Joy, happiness and peace to you.

The Lord always helps you and keeps you from any misfortunes. all congratulations: Be clean!
Happy baptism!
Epiphany is celebrated today by the entire Christian nation. May the bright holiday take away all sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, sinful thoughts and evil enemies from you!
And you will smile happiness, joy and love of your neighbor.
Happy holiday! On January 19, the entire Orthodox world celebrates a great holiday - Epiphany
Christ. This day is dedicated to the memory
Christ. One of the main events of the holiday is the blessing of water.

Every Christian wanted to improve his health by washing himself or swimming in the hole. I wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy holiday to you. First of all, I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck. Let in
Your life will never be upset.

Let the bird of happiness come to
It often brings you joy. I wish the soul
Yours to find peace, never get upset over trifles.
All earthly blessings, prosperity
You and big, bright love. A frosty morning, beautiful, sunny, indicates that a bright holiday has come

So you want, having bathed in the hole in the holy water, cleanse your soul, improve your health. I sincerely want to congratulate
Happy holiday to you. Let this bright holiday raise
You mood. Let on
A smile of joy does not disappear on your face, I wish
You happiness, fulfillment of all thoughts and aspirations.
May the guardian angel always protect
You. Good health
You, great happiness, pure mutual love. Success and luck
You in everything. They say
Epiphany frosts are the strongest.

Apparently because
Jesus was strong and unbowed.
Today is a great Orthodox holiday. I sincerely want to congratulate
You. Let the soul be filled with goodness, and the heart with love. Let the holy water invigorate
It will give you good health.

To you
God's grace, great happiness, joy. Let
The Lord always protects
You from troubles and evil. Let only good people meet on
your path. May the grace of the great holiday come to
Your home will give good, happiness and comfort
To you. January 19, all around, as if calling to one another, the ringing of bells is heard.

The air is fresh, frosty, clean. Earth in anticipation of the great holiday - Epiphany
Lord's. Allow
Congratulations on this day.
May peace and grace come in
Your home. Let the holy water wash away all the ailment and give good health to all
Your family.

May your heart and soul be happy, warm and light on this day. May it never leave
You faith, hope and love. Give
To you
God of happiness, joy, wisdom and beautiful love. May it always be
Fate favors you.

Frost crackles outside the window. On the calendar, January 21 is a great holiday
Lord's. I sincerely congratulate
Happy holiday to you. May holy water sprinkle with health
you and
your loved ones.

May this day
Your soul will be filled with love and warmth.
May every day bring
Good luck to you. Wish
You have great happiness, peace, wisdom.
So I want the holiday to bring
you joy to
Your house was open to good, reliable friends.

Do good and it will return
You a hundredfold. All earthly blessings
You, luck and success in everything. World
your home. Let
The Lord always keeps
You. The holy day has come
Baptism, the main event of which is the blessing of water.

No wonder this water is called healing - it heals, protects and protects us from everything bad. My dears, I congratulate you on the holiday. May all doubts and troubles disappear forever. May joy and peace come to your home. I wish you prosperity, peace, wisdom and good luck. May more happy moments be in your life. Let the severe frost crackle on the street, and the soul will be warmed by kindness, mercy. Good and reliable friends to you. give you
God never make mistakes in people. Believe in
Lord, and he will surely come to your aid.
January 19 is a great holiday
Jordan. Only on this day people drain all the bad, all the diseases, swimming in the hole or just sprinkled with water. I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. I wish you great happiness, great luck in everything. May good luck often come to your house. Be strong, patient, cheerful.

So I want to have a lot of bright cheerful colors in your life. May your cherished dream always come true. Live right, live honestly and enjoy life immensely. I wish you the best health, pure, like a tear of the joy of love, comfort in the house. May the angel always protect you.

I congratulate you on the great Orthodox holiday and wish you on this holy day peace in your home and soul, love, happiness and may you always be
Blessing. Joy, happiness and peace to you. Let
The Lord always helps you and keeps you from any misfortunes.

For more than a thousand years, in honor of the great gospel event - baptism in the river
Jordan Christians
Russia is consecrating water, which has mighty power on this day.
I believe that healing water
The Jordan will make us all healthy and strong, thoughts - bright, and deeds - pure and noble.

A selection of warm, kind and bright congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose and thematic postcards-pictures that will surely please your relatives, acquaintances and friends, sunk into their souls.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord, on which you are going to congratulate your loved ones in prose, is celebrated on January 19. On the eve of this church celebration, water is consecrated in temples and in natural reservoirs.

Congratulation on Baptism in prose and postcards

I wish the Baptism of the Lord to bring prosperity, success, new honest friends and acquaintances, vivid emotions, many memorable minutes, confidence in the future and the best health in the whole wide world into your (your) life!

May the bright Christian holiday of Epiphany bring a lot of good, bright and memorable things to your worldly life. May the people you trust never let you down. Let friendship with people dear to you become unusually strong, like a reinforced concrete slab. Let the people around you, as before, love and appreciate for your hot temper.

The Baptism of the Lord is one of those days when you remember all your really close people and want to sincerely congratulate them, wishing them all the very best. I want to wish you (you) health, so that sadness and anxiety never visit you (you), love and be loved, so that those who appreciate and understand you (you) never leave your (your) life. May the Lord always remain in your (your) soul, never leaving it!

I congratulate you on the light and good holiday! After all, the Baptism of the Lord is a great occasion to once again thank God for giving us a huge gift - life! May good health and happy moments always accompany your life path, may your family not recognize troubles and just enjoy life!

On the beautiful day of the Baptism of the Lord, I want to wish you (you) to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, thoughts and deeds. May a healthy spirit and unwavering faith be with you. Be loved and understood.

I hasten to congratulate you (you) with all my heart on the Baptism of the Lord! May the Lord's Epiphany illuminate your (your) life with a pious light and show the true path, protect you from sorrows and misfortunes, protect your (your) loved ones and you (you) personally from troubles and hardships. Peace to your (your) soul, bright thoughts and prosperity.

The Baptism of the Lord is a holiday that cannot be ignored. Therefore, rather set the table, gather the whole family and closest friends. May it always be warm under the roof of your house with fun and joy, may your relatives and friends know no worries and sadness, may those you love always be there so that they can support you at any moment!

Congratulations on the good Christian holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! May God illuminate your heart with pious light, happiness, good thoughts and health. Strong spirit, wisdom and love to your home!

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord and I hasten to sincerely wish you as good health as the Epiphany frosts are, so that pure blessed water will wash away all troubles and hardships, so that the life path is filled with happiness and prosperity, so that the warm light of faith, hope and love illuminates the soul and heart with prosperity.

Congratulations! Joy, goodness and prosperity! On the bright feast of the Baptism of Christ, I wish (insert name) the best of health. God's mercy. Let success and good luck descend on the porch of your life like a white dove, and all the negativity does not find a way. Mutual understanding and love to you.

Don't forget to wash your sins away with holy water.

I sincerely congratulate you (you) on a great Christian holiday and I want to wish you (you) on this bright day of peace in your home and heart, mutual love and much, much joy. And may God's mercy never leave you (you). Good luck and success to you (you). May the Lord always help and protect you (you) from any adversity.

May this great Orthodox holiday wash away all worries and bring all the best to life. May the Baptism of the Lord give you good health, endless reasons for joy and longed-for success, and most importantly, be the beginning of a series of happy events in the coming year.

I congratulate you (you) on the great Christian holiday of the Baptism of the Lord! I wish you (you) not to worry and not be upset. Be able to achieve your goals with faith in God! Faith is our real weapon that will help and guide us in a wide variety of vicissitudes of life. May God's grace never leave you!

I congratulate you on a magical holiday! The Baptism of the Lord is the very moment when it is time to remember God and try to find the way to Him! For long years life and infinite good health! May God's grace show its power, which will result in your personal, but simple human happiness.

A Brief History of the Feast of Epiphany

Light religious holiday The Baptism of the Lord is the most old holiday Russian Church. On January 19, God descends into the world to reveal the Light of Impregnable to the world. Water is the basis of life, it was from water that all living things appeared, but it is also a destructive force, because the Lord literally washed away all human sins and destroyed evil with the water of the Great Flood. Therefore, Baptism has a deep meaning - as the body of the world is washed with water, so the human soul, having believed in God, will be cleansed of sins. Thus the human soul joins Christ, dying to sin and resurrecting to God.

The Baptism of the Lord is an ancient Christian holiday established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. During baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove; at the same time a voice from heaven proclaimed: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

Bells are ringing at full speed and people with joyful faces dive into the ice holes of Epiphany to recharge their health and positive for the whole year.

Looking for good words for congratulations on the holiday of Epiphany?

The best wishes are collected in the section of our site congratulations on Baptism in prose - just select the words you need.

Bring joy and peace into your soul. Unity with high power gives unshakable opportunities. While swimming in the hole, our sins are washed away and faith is strengthened. Happy holiday! Happy Baptism!

In Epiphany frosts, our hearts warm up. From what? There is intimacy with God. May the source of goodness never run dry. Let it beat forever, like the life of God. Banish sadness, tears and despondency. Call on willpower, decency and kindness. This is a great holiday! He is for great things! Happy Baptism!

In Baptism, we strengthen the spirit when we dip our body into the hole. Health, friend!

On Epiphany, we are surprised at those who dive into the water, because Epiphany frosts are coming in the yard. But on this day, along with water, our souls are also cleansed. Take a dive today. Happy holiday!

Today is the Baptism of the Lord! May this bright holiday take away all sorrows, sorrows and bad thoughts from you, wash away all sins with holy water. Happy holiday!

On this winter day, the great Baptism took place. For this, a reservoir and faith were enough. Many people - believers on this day plunge into the icy water with a prayer. And God keeps them healthy. Happy holiday! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the omnipotence of God!

On this day, let the cold not touch you. On this day, the sky will warm you. Happy Baptism!

We wish you health on the Easter holiday bright. We wash away sins with water so that the spirit becomes stronger!

Today is Epiphany. Magic holiday. Magical and great. Who can give us harmony on this day? The Lord forgives us and tells us to rejoice. Purify your body and soul this holiday. Happy Baptism, friends!

I congratulate you on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord and I want to wish that everything happens only for the best. May fate itself prepare wonderful gifts for you, may there be no obstacles on the road you are walking, may those who love you and believe in you never be disappointed, so that life is full of love and joy!

On this great feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, I wish you health, longevity, a sea of ​​love and happiness!

What do you wish for this holiday? Strong faith, new hope. Endless act of kindness. Keep warmth in your heart! Give it away and it will multiply. Decorate the world around you with it! And you will feel a surge of strength. Happy Epiphany!

Do you like Christian holidays? On the day of Epiphany, we perform the ritual of cleansing from sins. And faith does not let us get sick, and keeps us on the water. It also happens in the abyss of life. Leave the bustle of life in the water. It has no value. Happy holiday, friends! Happy Baptism everyone!

Epiphany has come - a happy holiday! For a long time, on this day, it was customary to arrange swimming in the hole, and after that - jump over the fire to keep warm! We don’t have a fire or an ice-hole, so I wish you to plunge headlong into the abyss of passion, and then warm yourself with the fire of tenderness! May God Almighty help you in your life!