Origami shirt for dad scheme.  Paper shirt: an original gift item

Origami shirt for dad scheme. Paper shirt: an original gift item

Origami is the art of folding paper shapes that came from Japan and later spread throughout the world. Instead of a regular sheet of paper, you can use a banknote, which can make an original souvenir in the form of a shirt and tie.

To work, you only need a banknote and knowledge of a certain folding pattern.

Shirt without tie

In order to make a souvenir, you will need a banknote of the appropriate denomination and a little time. First of all, you need to prepare the bill, then identify a little less than a third of the bill on the left side and fold it over.

Then you should fold the bill in half and always along the long sides, then spread out all the folds.

Next, you should fold one side edge of the bill up, and the other side edge down, then spread out the side folds and turn the bill over. On the right side you should bend a thin strip, the width of which should be no more than one centimeter.

After this, you need to turn the bill over and bend the long sides towards the center and, without smoothing it, bend the strip again on the side on the right side.

Then the folds on the left side need to be straightened and thin stripes made on the sides to form the cuffs of the future shirt.

Next, the long sides should be bent towards the center, and to make sleeves, you need to turn the inner strips outward, and from the right edge you need to turn the corners so that they intersect with the center line horizontally - this is the collar.

Shirt with tie made from banknotes

In order to make a dollar shirt, you need to prepare the corresponding bill, bend it in half, then straighten it and bend the left edges towards the middle, and the resulting triangle should be placed towards the middle of the bill. To make a tie, the sides of the triangle need to be slightly bent and symmetrical folds made.

Then you should divide the bill two more times and thus the tie will be closed, so we place the corners of the tie on top and the left side of the bill is ready. Folded right side The bills must be bent one centimeter, then turn the bill over and divide only the right side into four parts and bend the two outer parts towards the middle. After this, the bill can be turned over and bent in half, then straightened.

Between the folds formed, you should unfold the center, then bend it in half again and make a collar. This scheme will help you make an interesting souvenir that can serve as a gift.

Looking for new ideas for DIY souvenirs for men? Read the article, prepare materials. You will have a stylish DIY shirt card made. Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make a base and a tie from paper different ways. Either option won't take much time, however, if you need to make a lot of gifts, choose the simple method. In a single copy, the souvenir can be made according to a complex pattern - with additional decor.

Stylish gifts for men for any date

It doesn’t matter what holiday you are preparing for - February 23, a regular birthday or anniversary, the question always arises: what to write a congratulation on? The choice of printing products is now huge. Postcards in the form of shirts - with or without ties, with bow ties, vests and jackets - are stylish and perfectly suitable. A popular trend now is making. Even a beginner can prepare a nice gift from paper in the shape of a business suit. If you don't know how to make a shirt card, read on carefully.

What materials can be used

Most often they take paper or cardboard. In specialized stores you can find very beautiful design options in various colors and textures. Velvet, embossed, mother-of-pearl, metallized sheets are sold. Just use a pretty base. And even if you choose the simplest manufacturing method, you will still end up with an excellent DIY shirt card. The step-by-step instructions given in the article will become the basis for your work.

In addition to paper, fabric is used for decorating or sewing ties or bow ties. If you are making a souvenir for a guy in youth style, denim patches, lacing, stripes, stickers will be quite appropriate, which are more suitable than a tie, especially when a young man prefers sportswear in life.

What techniques can you use to give such a gift?

As a rule, a card-shirt is made of paper; accordingly, you can work using the appliqué method, when the cut-out parts are connected together, or by folding origami. The second option is more complicated, but looks more impressive.

As for decoration, the most suitable technique is scrapbooking. This is how memorial albums with photographs were originally designed, but this is also a suitable method.

By the way, the shapes of the products may also differ. Use single options with a vertical or horizontal fold. The postcard is made directly in the form of a shirt or contains it as an additional element glued on top of a rectangular sheet.

A very complex souvenir - a suit package with a tie. You should start making it only after mastering the flat gift.

How to fold the base

If this is your first time doing something like this, it's better to use a template. The shirt card is made from the usual rectangular format, although the folding options still differ. The following photo shows the sequence of steps you need to follow to get a shirt with a collar and sleeves.

If you add another outer layer you get a jacket. Using the appliqué method you can glue on a vest or tie. Once you master one template and folding method, you can easily make many different models, changing the color and texture of the paper, as well as the decor. You can easily make your own collection of samples, such as those shown in the first photo in the publication.

The most complex technique is origami. A shirt postcard made using this method turns out to be quite voluminous, and the paper can be folded so that the tie appears as one piece with the base.

This craft can be given as a stand-alone original souvenir, or can be used as a part of a postcard. By the way, it is quite acceptable to place several such elements of a paper wardrobe on the latter.

How to make a tie

The easiest way is appliqué. There are no difficulties here, and the sequence of actions will be as follows:

1. the base of the tie and the knot element.

2. To make a plain surface decorative, prepare many multi-colored pieces of paper. If you don’t have a designer one, pages from unnecessary magazines or catalogs will do just fine. A quick way is to use stickers.

3. After the pattern is distributed, cut off the excess parts along the contour of the workpiece.

4. Glue the top part of the product (trapezoid).

You can make a card-shirt with a tie in a complex way - so that the main element of the decor looks three-dimensional. This is done from a square blank in the sequence shown in the following photos.

A few more folds and the tie will be ready.

DIY shirt postcard: step-by-step instructions (simple option)

The base, as well as ties, are made by any of the indicated methods, and both objects can be made using either one technology or different ones. The simplest thing is an applique on a card without fold lines. Even a child can easily make this option. This idea is quite suitable as a lesson in artistic creativity with the guys on the eve of the men's holiday.

You will need:

  • rectangular sheet of paper;
  • cut blanks of parts;
  • stickers for decoration.

We discussed how to make a tie in this way in the previous section. After this element is completed, you need to glue the parts to the base. All is ready.

So, you've seen how to make a shirt card using the appliqué method. Despite the fact that as an example we chose the option of using a white base rather than designer paper, the souvenir looks decent, especially if it was created by the hands of a child.

Postcard-shirt: master class on making

This option is much simpler than origami. This card can be either double or single. In the second case, the front part will be slightly higher than the back part, since an additional strip for the collar is required. Sometimes it is made from a separate paper tape, inserted into slots made in the appropriate places on the base. Choose what is most convenient for you.

Just a few simple folds and you have a stunning card-shirt. The master class clearly conveys the entire process in just a few illustrations. Notice how well they fit together. In many ways, the impression made by the gift depends on this. Try to use contrasts, but don't go overboard with the number of shades and patterns.

How to decorate and surprise

Even when you don't feel like doing origami, a shirt card can turn out stylish and impressive if you use additional decor. Three-dimensional parts are glued onto the finished product or, conversely, shapes or numbers are cut out using a stencil or with scissors. If you have handwritten inscriptions or use printed or printed cards with standard wishes or exclusive congratulations. Glued real buttons look original.

So, after a few simple manipulations with the available materials, you will have a postcard-shirt in front of you. With my own hands ( step-by-step instruction will help you with this) such an interesting souvenir is quite easy to make. Our master class is the basis for further creative research. When the manufacturing technology is clear, you can easily create your own versions of products. You will quickly cope with creating a gift for your brother, boss, or friend. Use the card to write nice wishes or as an envelope for a cash gift.

How nice it is for dad or brother or loved one young man Get a DIY postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day! It will be even nicer if there are no banal carnations, airplanes and tanks there. In this article we propose to do postcard using origami technique. This shirt and tie will please every man's self-esteem. After all, these attributes indicate that your man is respected and in demand.

To make such a shirt using the origami technique you will need:

  • rectangular sheet of paper for shirt
  • rectangular sheet of paper for tie
  • PVA glue

Try to first fold a shirt from a sheet of plain paper, as a training option, so to speak, so that if something doesn’t work out, you won’t accidentally ruin the colored paper. And one more thing: it is better if the color of the tie is contrasting with the color of the shirt.

So let's get started:

1. Fold the rectangle in half along the long side. Then unfold and fold the edges of the paper towards the middle.

2. Making sleeves - turn the sheet of paper face up and fold the upper corners to the middle of the fold line, then bend them again.

3. Place the sheet face down again and fold the corners again to the fold lines you just made. You just don’t need to bend these small corners anymore.

4. Now fold the top of the sheet with the corners folded where the edge intersects with the fold lines of the corners.

5. Fold the two ribs towards the center of the shirt and form the sleeves, holding with the finger of one hand.

6. Form a collar from the other end of the folded rectangle. Fold the bottom edge of the paper so that the collar is half the length of the sleeve.

7. Turn the folded sheet over and form the corners of the collar.

8. Aligning the edge with the sleeves and collar, fold the resulting sheet, straighten the corners of the collar and secure with glue for a better result. The shirt is ready, you can decorate it with buttons, a corner of a handkerchief and a tie.

Hello dear masters and craftswomen. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, highlight the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and place it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. IN […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! Today I bring to your attention a master class on making a tricolor Swan from triangular modules. It would seem that what else can you come up with, what other options are there for making Swans using the modular origami technique. But it turns out there are still options and this is not the last thing in my arsenal. The tricolor swan is so simple […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I present to your attention new master class for making a Swan in black from 3D modules. In the last lesson we made a Swan in red, but now I decided to change the style a little and make a Swan in black. The scheme is not complicated and will suit anyone, even a beginner in modular origami. Specially […]

Hello dear masters and craftswomen! I bring to your attention a new master class on making a Swan in red shades. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different schemes and master classes on making Swans using the modular origami technique. I'm sure you've never seen a swan like this before. This scheme is quite simple and even [...]

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Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 2. In the second part of the “Swans in Blue” tutorial we finish making the body. I have prepared for you two video tutorials and a detailed diagram of an origami swan from modules. To assemble a swan you will need 1438 modules of 1/16 size, of which: 317 - purple modules 471 - blue modules 552 - blue […]

Swan in blue. Video tutorials and diagram. Part 1. I bring to your attention a new master class on making an origami swan from paper from 3D origami modules. The design is quite unusual and the appearance of the wing is not quite classic. In the photo you can see small through holes and a mesh pattern. I'll be honest - the scheme is quite complicated! Especially for this scheme I […]

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Origami shirt is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami shirt, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami shirt was taken by one of our site users. He also made Nice dress from paper. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami shirt from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you follow the instructions carefully, assembling the origami shirt will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami shirt quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami shirt for beginners may seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami shirt video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about origami shirts, which clearly show the steps to assemble the shirt. We hope that after watching the assembly master class video, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami shirt.

Here is another video tutorial on assembling a paper shirt:

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary classes KOU KHMAO-Yugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities."
Description: This master class is intended for children of primary school age, additional education teachers, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful gifts with your own hands.
Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration, a holiday gift or invitation card for any special event.
Intended for use by children aged 8 years and older.
Target: Making an invitation card from paper.
1. Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper.
2. Cultivate the desire to make a product with your own hands.
3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, and bringing the work started to its logical conclusion.
4. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.
Materials and tools required for work:
1. Colored sheets of paper for printing A-4 ( colored paper), scrap paper.
2. A simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue.
3. Ribbons, beads, rhinestones, and threads may be needed for decoration.

A postcard is a gift that is usually given in addition to the main gift. But just buying a postcard with the text already prepared is, to say the least, impolite; you should at least sign it. But it’s better to design the card yourself. It will be much nicer to the person you give it to.
Stages of product manufacturing.
I. Making the base.

1. The base of the postcard is made of simple tinted office paper for printing. From one standard A4 sheet you will get three bases.
To do this, divide a sheet of paper into three parts. This size is the most economical in the sense that three card bases can be prepared from one standard sheet.

2. Fold each rectangle like an accordion, keeping the proportions as follows. It is important to determine the right side of the card base, since the greeting text will be placed on the right side. Therefore, start folding the accordion from the left side.

3. This will create a card base consisting of three pages.

4. To prevent the accordion from falling apart, connect the inner sides of the card with a drop of glue. Iron well. It’s better to put the workpiece under weight for a while. Then the postcard pages will be straight, even and look neat.

We picked the next one color scheme.

II. Making a men's shirt using the origami technique.
1. Decorate the postcard with a men's shirt made using the origami technique.
For the shirt, you need to select the appropriate design on paper. You can use scrap paper. If there is none, then you can print it on a printer. The most economical way is to fold a shirt from colored office paper.

2. So, draw and cut out a rectangle with sides 8 cm by 15 cm.

3. Determine the middle of the rectangle. To do this, fold it in half lengthwise, with the white side facing inward.

4. Unbend. Bend the right edge approximately 5-7 mm.

5. Fold the bottom and top sides of the workpiece to the marked center line.

6. Perform an outer “lapel” on the right side. These are shirt sleeves.

7. Rotate the shape. On the left side, fold a strip 1 cm wide.

8. Turn the workpiece again. Now, on the left side, bend the top and bottom corners towards the center line. Thus, we will form the collar of the shirt.

9. Connect the right side of the workpiece to the left side. Place the right side under the collar. Iron all folds well.

Our shirts are ready. All that remains is to place and glue them onto the base of the card.