Feelings in the second trimester.  Second trimester: what doctors advise

Feelings in the second trimester. Second trimester: what doctors advise

The second trimester of pregnancy is a kind of equator for expectant mothers. This period is characterized by a mass various features, which should be taken into account by women expecting a child.

When does the second trimester begin?

The second trimester of pregnancy includes 4-6 months, starting from the 14th to 26th obstetric week. This period is characterized by maximum calm and security. According to statistics, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the time when miscarriages are least likely to occur. And here ectopic pregnancy can continue its development.

It is worth noting that health improves expectant mother: she is less and less bothered by nausea and dizziness, her tummy has become rounder and more noticeable, but it still does not cause trouble. During this period, doctors advise spending more time outdoors, visiting yoga and the pool. You may need to think about a bandage that you can wear as early as the 20th week of pregnancy. The bandage is an excellent prevention of stretch marks and miscarriage.

Development, weight and height of the fetus in the second trimester

Every week the height and weight of the fetus increases, and the baby learns new skills and new functions are formed. At this time, the urinary system starts working. The baby inhales and exhales for the first time, and the lungs begin to produce surfactant (a liquid that lubricates the lungs from the inside). There is a gradual preparation of the gastrointestinal tract for the intake of food from the outside - the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, assimilating everything necessary from it. These waters are processed and stored in the intestines in the form of meconium (original feces) until childbirth.

The formation of brown subcutaneous fat begins, which is designed to retain heat. Vernix lubrication begins to accumulate on the surface of the skin, which protects the skin from damage due to constant contact with the amniotic fluid.

The size of the fetus is now more difficult to determine. Body parameters such as height and weight are associated with similar characteristics of the parents (features of body constitution), the course of pregnancy, and hereditary prerequisites. The approximate weight of the fetus at the end of the second trimester varies between 700-900 grams, height from crown to toe - 330-350 mm.

Second trimester of pregnancy: pregnant woman’s well-being

It is believed that the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a more stable emotional state than the first. The hormonal changes of the first months are over, and now the hormone levels have come to some balance, as well as the emotions of the woman expecting a baby. The surrounding circumstances no longer cause an immediate response, you are less nervous about trifles. Perhaps, like most other women, you began to feel happier by the fourth month. There is an explanation for this - the risk of miscarriage has decreased, and along with it the fear of losing the baby has disappeared. In addition, nausea and constant fatigue, frequent companions of toxicosis in the first trimester, no longer accompany you. What a relief! Often, expectant mothers even experience unexpected bursts of strength, energy, and joy. Especially because the baby began to be active and move inside your body.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is characterized by various changes in the pregnant woman’s body. For example, many women indicate changes in their skin - pigmentation increases, the skin becomes oilier, and sweats more often. These processes are associated with pregnancy hormones. In addition, the skin begins to tighten due to an increase in body volume. The subcutaneous glands are activated, causing the woman to sweat more often and produce more sebum and melanin. This causes the appearance of a dark line from the navel to the center of the pubic bone. Darker-skinned women note that during pregnancy it was clearly visible, but disappeared some time after childbirth.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the belly is not yet too large to interfere with everyday activities, but is already quite noticeable. It's likely that your clothes no longer fit well on your figure, so it's time to go to a specialized store for pregnant women and buy some beautiful and comfortable new clothes.

At this time, it is worth establishing a daily routine in order to experience a minimum of inconvenience. First, take enough time to rest. Try to get yourself at least nine hours of sleep per night.

Let it not come as a surprise to you that your usual sleeping position has become uncomfortable. If before you could sleep in any position, then in the second trimester you will have to master the habit of sleeping on your side. It is better to lie on your left side, because... in this position, the uterus will not compress the inferior vena cava. This is one of the most important blood vessels that provides blood supply to the lower part of the body. This vein is located to the right of the spinal column. Accordingly, sleeping on the left side will not threaten to compress it and limit the blood supply to the fetus.

Basic tests in the second trimester

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is marked by a routine ultrasound. It is carried out at 20-24 weeks, it all depends on the indications. Ultrasound examination is carried out traditionally - on a full bladder. This allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and amniotic fluid. If problems are detected early, the risks of complications are significantly reduced.

What tests should I take? In the second trimester, the doctor may prescribe additional tests to monitor the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

  1. List of laboratory tests that may be prescribed:
  2. clinical blood test to determine hemoglobin level;
  3. general analysis urine to evaluate kidney function;
  4. gynecological smear;
  5. analysis for TORCH infections (if necessary).

Among other tests, the second trimester may be marked by the need to conduct a “triple test”: hCG, estriol, alpha-fetoprotein, which can determine defects in fetal development, chromosomal abnormalities, and problems in the formation of the spinal cord. Basically, these tests are taken by those women who have previously been diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy. These tests are best carried out between 16-18 weeks.

Do not lose your vigilance, monitor your health and feelings, as one of the biggest risks is the child freezing. If you do not feel the baby moving inside you, you should immediately consult a doctor. The expectant mother feels movements at about 18 weeks. Some women can feel their baby earlier, especially for multiparous women. Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester most often occurs at 16-18 weeks.

Weight gain in the second trimester

Observations of pregnant women show that in the second trimester, expectant mothers gain weight most actively. However, the baby is also growing fastest right now. The nutrition of a pregnant woman at this time is reflected in the weight of the fetus. Between 15 and 25 weeks, most pregnant women quickly gain 2 to 5 kg due to the increase in blood volume needed to nourish the baby.

It turns out that until the second trimester the child does not require such intensive nutrition, but already the second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by increased appetite. There is no point in limiting your desire to eat, especially if the food is not only tasty, but also nutritious and rich in vitamins. Try to keep your diet balanced and varied - after all, this is the basis of your baby’s nutrition, the key to his full and timely development. If you have exceeded the permissible weight gain limits by a couple of kilograms, you can arrange a fasting day.

Compliance with the principles proper nutrition can prevent delay intrauterine development crumbs, since most parameters of fetal development (body weight, height, development internal organs) depend on the content of nutrients in the blood of a pregnant woman and on the nature of the blood supply to the placenta and uterus.

Second trimester of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

Diet plays a fundamental role in the health of the expectant mother and baby. A balanced diet will provide the pregnant woman’s body with the vitamins and microelements she needs.

The daily menu should include fish, beef, fermented milk and dairy products, eggs, buckwheat, tomato juice, apples.

For a while, you should give up spicy foods, marinades, store-bought snacks, sweets, and also completely eliminate processed foods and alcohol.

There is also no need to give up multivitamin preparations, which will complement your diet and have a positive effect on your immunity and well-being. Multivitamin complexes should be selected by a doctor, taking into account your situation; moreover, you need to drink them at certain intervals. Vitamins deserve special attention. A, C, E, D, as well as trace elements - calcium and magnesium. Don't forget about folic acid, which contributes to the active formation nervous system baby, reduces the risk of developing hypertension.

2nd trimester of pregnancy and sex

The second trimester of pregnancy allows for sexual intimacy with a lover, but in the absence of contraindications. If the fetus is implanted and the expectant mother feels well, then there are no barriers to intimacy. Doctors recommend intimate relationships in the second trimester to gain new sensations.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a surge of sexual energy, since the pelvic organs are more sensitive at this moment due to the intense flow of blood.

Nausea in the second trimester

As mentioned earlier, toxicosis for many expectant mothers in the second trimester remains a thing of the past. But there are also unpleasant exceptions: nausea can also be observed in the second trimester. Moreover, in some women, toxicosis persists throughout pregnancy. In such cases, the expectant mother needs specialist advice.

Second trimester of pregnancy: discharge

At this time, the amount of discharge becomes greater. The color of the discharge is milky, and the smell is slightly sour. This is largely due to hormonal changes in the body, so an increase in discharge is a natural occurrence. In this case, it is worth taking into account the additional sensations that accompany the discharge: if there is itching or burning, this indicates the presence of a disease. Most often we are talking about thrush. This disease should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor who will select the right and gentle medications. But ignoring thrush can lead to infection of the baby.

Bloody discharge deserves special attention. Of course, they can be caused by erosion, but it also happens that such a symptom indicates a threat of losing a child or giving birth to a baby prematurely.

If vaginal discharge has a strong unpleasant odor and a greenish or yellow-green tint, it is likely an infection, which should also be treated as soon as possible.

Other causes of discharge include bacterial vaginosis, which affects expectant mothers. Vaginosis is characterized by the presence heavy discharge transparent color and without any special odor. It may be caused by some irritant, for example, panty liners.

Self-medication is contraindicated; it can harm you and your child. Only after examination and diagnosis can you begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Colds and acute respiratory viral infections in the second trimester

During pregnancy, a woman is susceptible to colds because the body's immune strength is reduced. A peculiarity of the course of colds is their relative safety for the baby, since they occur with a minimum of complications. Colds and acute respiratory viral infections should be treated only after consultation with a specialist, since not all drugs are equally safe during this period. Are there risks? Unfortunately, complications can be of the following nature:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • disorders in the development of the nervous system;
  • pathologies in the development of the endocrine system;
  • disturbances in the formation of eggs (if a woman is expecting a girl).

Bed rest will make it possible to get in shape faster, and the risk of complications will be much lower.

Separately, it is necessary to say about temperature. The temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester does not go down. All that the expectant mother can do is drink more fluids to improve her condition. But a significant increase in temperature must be reduced with safe drugs based on paracetamol. Nurofen, Aspirin and Analgin cannot be used by pregnant women.

It is worth noting that temperature in the second trimester can occur for other reasons. If you do not have a cough, runny nose, or sore throat, and your temperature has risen, this is probably a low-grade fever. In this case, the temperature reaches no higher than 37.2-37.5. As for more serious causes of fever, we should not forget about diseases such as herpes, pyelonephritis, and tuberculosis. An experienced doctor will be able to quickly determine the true cause of the increase in temperature in the second trimester.

Pain in the second trimester

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy can also become one of the unpleasant companions of the expectant mother. It is worth noting that most often women complain of pain in the pelvis and lower back. This is due, first of all, to an increase in the load on the back, as the tummy gradually increases. But there should not be any unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, since such a symptom may portend a pregnancy failure. It is especially worth seeking help from a specialist if abdominal pain is accompanied by bleeding.

2nd trimester of pregnancy: complications

In the second trimester, there is an active growth in the size of the uterus. Consequently, pathologies common at this time may be associated more with disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs of the expectant mother caused by an enlarged uterus, and not just with the pregnancy itself.

  1. Heartburn. Progesterone, the main catalyst of pregnancy, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, which, in turn, leads to heartburn, followed by nausea in the second trimester.
  2. Edema. Often women note the appearance of swelling in the legs, arms, and abdomen; the face looks swollen. They are caused by the accumulation of fluid in the space between cells. This fluid causes the tissues to increase in volume.
  3. Cramps. They are spasms - unpleasant, sometimes even painful muscle contractions. Usually occur in the area of ​​the legs, arms, and neck. Most often, cramps occur in the second trimester and are associated with the active growth of the fetus, which begins to consume more minerals. If the mother’s body does not receive enough of these substances (potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) through food, convulsions will occur. Sometimes the source of seizures is a lack of glucose in the blood due to improper eating habits; or the development of varicose veins of the legs, provoking an outflow of blood from the lower extremities and a state of muscle hypoxia. Gymnastics, visiting the pool and taking care of the diet, which should be enriched with calcium, vitamin E and magnesium, will help alleviate the situation.
  4. Anemia. This pathology occurs due to a decrease in the content of red cells in the blood - red blood cells and hemoglobin. In the second trimester, iron reserves are used up more intensively for the baby’s development and needs. maternal body. Iron deficiency causes anemia.
  5. Threat of miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage often continues into the second trimester. It can be caused by a disorder on the part of the mother's body (diseases, intense stress, excessive physical activity, inflammatory processes in the body, etc.), or pathologies on the part of the fetus, for example, placental insufficiency.

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. During this period, you want to think only about good things, enjoy every day and dream about your future child. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered especially responsible. Sometimes during this period the expectant mother encounters difficulties, and she should know how to cope with them. If everything is done correctly, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy will go well. Having a baby is a wonderful time, but you need to prepare for it.

When does the 2nd trimester start?

Carrying a baby is an exciting and wonderful time. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered the calmest. What week does it start from? From 13, and ends at 27. The period from 4 to 6 months is considered the most comfortable for a woman. This is due to the fact that in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy the belly is not yet very large, so the expectant mother is not yet limited in her movements.

She can go for walks, go to the pool and attend sporting events. The woman feels calmer, because the worries of the first days are behind her. She feels an invisible contact between herself and the child. It is in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy that the expectant mother will first feel the kicks of her baby.

By this period, the child completes the formation of the most important systems. There is little threat to carrying a baby; less than 25 percent of miscarriages occur in the 2nd trimester. The expectant mother can already begin to collect things for the child that he will need from the first days of life. Also, the woman herself needs to update her wardrobe, because the baby is growing, and with it her belly is growing.

What happens in the second trimester?

During this period, the child continues to develop, his internal organs continue to form, he grows and increases in size. At the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn baby. Even if he is born prematurely, after 6 months he has every chance of surviving.

2nd trimester of pregnancy - what's happening? The mother feels her baby's movements for the first time. At first they are very weak and unnoticeable, but by the end of this period they will become very noticeable. At the appointment, the doctor may ask about the activity of the unborn baby. Therefore, women are advised to count the baby's movements throughout the day, this can be valuable information for the doctor.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. This will eliminate pathologies in fetal development. Also, during the ultrasound procedure, a very important event will occur - the mother will find out the gender of the unborn child. Modern technologies Allows you to take photographs of the baby during the procedure. Many mothers take these pictures and keep them. This is the baby's first photo, and it also deserves to be in the album.

Fetal development

Starting from 4-5 months, the fetus changes a lot in appearance. This can be noticed if you do not miss an ultrasound during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. At 4 months the baby weighs only 20 grams, and by the sixth month it already weighs up to a kilogram. Now he does not look like a fetus, he is an almost formed child. Every month of the second trimester it changes more and more.

Starting from 13-16 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to intensively build up bone tissue. His skeleton becomes strong and durable. In most places, connective tissue turns into bone. The internal organs of the abdominal cavity continue to form. This is even noticeable to the doctor during an ultrasound examination. The kidneys take the right position in the body and begin to work. Now the baby is able to excrete urine after swallowing amniotic fluid. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to function, and the adrenal glands are already capable of producing hormones. The cerebral cortex continues to develop.

At 5 months, the expectant mother begins to notice fetal movements. If it is the first pregnancy, then this usually happens at 19-20 weeks, if the second or more, then at 16-18. The baby’s endocrine system begins to work harder, which helps proper development his hormonal levels. The baby's skin is coated with a special lubricant that will help him pass through the birth canal more easily. The baby's spleen begins to produce blood cells.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the fetus continues its intensive development. He is gaining strength and sleeping a lot. While awake, the baby actively pushes, which can cause concern for the mother. He sleeps from 16 to 20 hours a day. His lung tissue is still underdeveloped, but the baby is already trying to make breathing movements, so he is preparing for his birth.

The brain increases in size, its weight can already reach 100 grams. The cortex is actively developing, right now the child is developing his mental abilities, creative inclinations, etc. Scientists believe that if a mother is often in a bad mood at 6 months, this can lead to undesirable consequences. For example, in the future the baby will have a tendency towards depression and even suicide.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

While carrying a child, the body of the expectant mother experiences enormous overload. All systems work in enhanced mode: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory and others. The belly becomes larger and the uterus rises even higher. By the end of the 2nd trimester, it is closer to the level of the navel.

The tummy at this stage looks very beautiful and neat. Movement is not yet difficult, and the weight is not too heavy. Now is the time to capture this wonderful moment on film. It is better to contact a professional, he will help you take high-quality photos that will delight the woman after childbirth.

Starting from 4-5 months of pregnancy, the uterus may periodically begin to tone. These are so-called training contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions. In this way, the woman’s body prepares for the upcoming birth. However, it is important not to confuse this condition with hypertonicity.

As the fetus develops, the expectant mother’s body begins to experience an increased need for vitamins and nutrients. Ask your doctor to prescribe a mineral complex and adjust your diet. Some women develop anemia due to lack of iron. This condition can be dangerous, so treatment must be started immediately.

Hormonal levels continue to change. This causes the mammary glands to grow and the skin around the nipples to change color. It becomes darker. Some mothers are already releasing colostrum in the second trimester, in which case it’s time to start using special bra pads.

Vaginal discharge may become more intense during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. If they are not accompanied by pain, pain or itching, then everything is fine. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the internal organs, pregnant women may experience constipation, heartburn, and nausea. You can try to correct these conditions with proper nutrition.

Some women experience swelling, this is an alarming symptom. They are more common in the last third of pregnancy, so it is better to consult a doctor. Varicose veins or joint diseases may worsen. Some women experience pigmentation on the skin.

Critical periods of the 2nd trimester and possible complications

At 4-6 months, pathologies that were not visible before may become apparent. The critical period of the 2nd trimester is considered to be the time from 18 to 22 weeks. At this time, doctors can find pathologies of the uterus, placenta, and diagnose various infections.

Premature thinning of the cervix is ​​very dangerous, as this can contribute to the onset of early labor. Thrush during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is also undesirable. Preeclampsia, which is accompanied by swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine, is very dangerous. This disease can have fatal consequences. Even a cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous. You cannot self-medicate, you need to go to the doctor.

Sometimes women are afraid of the doctor and treat themselves at home with herbs. You can’t even treat a runny nose during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy on your own; it can harm the fetus. At 4-6 months the risk of losing a child is lower than at 1-2 months, but it still exists. A baby born before 22 weeks is considered non-viable.


Even mild illnesses can be dangerous during pregnancy. Colds during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy have their own characteristics. The first symptoms are drowsiness, mild malaise, and headaches. But by evening the condition may worsen. A cough, runny nose, and sore throat appear. Usually a cold goes away without high temperature, but there are exceptions.

A woman experiences the greatest discomfort in the first 3 days. Although at 4-6 months the baby is not so defenseless against viruses, this does not mean that you can self-medicate or ignore a cold. Even a common runny nose during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy poses a threat. For example, it is not advisable for pregnant women to use vasoconstrictor drops; it is better to rinse with sea water.

If you have a sore throat, the first aid is to gargle with baking soda or salt. The drug “Furacilin” will also have a good therapeutic effect. Then you need to see a doctor. He is unlikely to prescribe antibiotics to a pregnant woman, only in cases where everything is very serious.

We must not forget about precautions when treating colds. folk remedies. Pregnant women should absolutely not hover their legs; this can negatively affect the tone of the uterus. For the same reasons, it is not advisable to place banks.


Curdled discharge, itching, burning are quite unpleasant symptoms. They mean that a woman has thrush during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Candidiasis during pregnancy usually appears either due to weakened immunity or due to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes thrush in the 2nd trimester occurs due to a long course of antibiotics several months before conception.

Even if you suspect candidiasis, you should see a doctor. For diagnosis, he will take a swab from the vagina. If this is candidiasis, then the treatment regimen will be selected individually, since many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy.

Usually the doctor prescribes suppositories against thrush. The drugs “Pimafucin”, “Betadine”, “Clotrimazole” have proven themselves well. Doctors also often prescribe Gynofort vaginal applicators, which, unlike suppositories, are used once.

Some women stop taking medications after 2-3 days, as soon as they feel relief. This cannot be done, since the fungi that cause candidiasis adapt to the drug and it will no longer help. Medicines for thrush and the course of their administration must be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is dangerous for the fetus.


When carrying a child, all body systems work under overload. This can cause an increase or decrease in blood pressure during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. If there are any significant deviations from 120/80, then you need to keep a diary of measurements and then show it to the doctor.

Low blood pressure often occurs in women who were diagnosed with anemia or vegetative-vascular dystonia before pregnancy. You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience tinnitus, headaches, or fainting. Also, women with low blood pressure may experience increased shortness of breath when walking, a feeling of lack of oxygen, and increased drowsiness. These symptoms may also be associated with adherence to strict diets, which are contraindicated for pregnant women.

High blood pressure in pregnant women is often accompanied by vision problems. A woman may see a “cobweb” in front of her or experience tension in her eyes. A pregnant woman experiences headaches, ringing in the ears, excessive sweating. In some cases, disturbances in heart rhythm and tachycardia are observed. Often high blood pressure observed in overweight pregnant women.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

This is a very dangerous condition that can cause premature birth, fading of pregnancy, and retarded fetal development. The thing is that when the uterus is at rest, its vessels work correctly and deliver all the necessary nutrients and a sufficient amount of oxygen to the baby. This does not happen with hypertension. The baby experiences hypoxia and, due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, begins to lag behind in development. Sometimes the pregnancy just peters out. Premature birth may also occur.

The main causes of uterine hypertonicity during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  • increased production of male sex hormones;
  • underdeveloped uterus;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • ever suffered inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • stress;
  • bad habits.

Sometimes the trigger can be night shift work, lack of sleep, or emotional distress. The cause of uterine hypertonicity may be multiple births and the large size of the unborn child.

When treating a pregnant woman, bed rest must be observed. It is necessary to exclude any factors that may excite a woman and cause her stress. For support, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu. The doctor selects the dosage for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy individually.


Iron deficiency during pregnancy is undesirable for both mother and child. Anemia is often a consequence of a woman's poor nutrition. Sometimes it is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding. Anemia may also occur due to decreased immunity. It can also develop due to any serious bleeding. A woman can have the disease even before pregnancy.

Anemia is a disease in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. At risk are vegetarians and pregnant women adolescence, ladies suffering from heart defects. It can also develop in those who previously suffered from excessively heavy menstruation.

The disease can manifest itself as dizziness, fainting, and irritability. Heart rhythm disturbances, decreased appetite, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract are often observed. To treat the patient, a diet and vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed. In case of severe anemia, the pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital.


Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues usually begins in the last stages of pregnancy. Swelling that appears in the 2nd trimester should alert the expectant mother. Usually their appearance is facilitated by excess body weight, bad habits, and poor nutrition. In mature women, edema is observed more often than in younger women.

Fluid retention in tissues can be very dangerous. Swelling can be renal; it is usually localized in the area of ​​the face and hands. Because of them, protein appears in the urine. Cardiac edema occurs due to increased blood volume. They are localized on the legs, abdomen and back. With this type of edema, tachycardia and shortness of breath are observed.

In some cases, the cause of water retention in tissues is gestosis. This is a terrible disease that is the leading cause of death among mothers. This disease also increases the likelihood of the child dying within a week after birth.

Painful sensations

While carrying a child, you need to take more responsibility in caring for your health. It is unacceptable to endure pain during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, you should tell your doctor about them.

Some women experience pain when walking. This may be due to a change in the center of gravity due to an enlarged uterus. If a woman continues to walk the same way as before pregnancy, this may contribute to the appearance of painful sensations. You should try not to spend long periods of time on your feet or rest while sitting more often.

Pain in the abdominal area can be a serious sign. If they are pulling, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes discomfort in the stomach appears due to poor nutrition.

Some pregnant women experience leg cramps at night, causing pain. In some cases, this even disrupts sleep patterns. This may be a symptom of a blood clot, so consultation with a doctor is required.

The second trimester of pregnancy is rightfully considered the most calm, measured and comfortable for the expectant mother. The initial fears, anxieties and concerns are already behind us, but at the same time the woman still feels her former lightness and mobility, so she can do her usual work without much effort, only avoiding excessive stress.

Mental communication with the baby, who is comfortably located in her tummy, allows a woman to tune in to the upcoming motherhood and feel unity with the new life that has arisen. A child, even in the womb, feels all her thoughts, so a calm attitude towards his own situation and the world around him in general will create the most favorable conditions for the development of the fetus.

An expectant mother pregnant with her first child may ask: what is the second trimester? What week does this period begin and when does it end?

According to the generally accepted classification, the second trimester of pregnancy includes the time from 13 to 26 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. the middle of this period. Its main difference from the first trimester is that all the fetal organs are already practically formed, and from the third - that the size of the pregnant woman’s abdomen is still relatively small, and the fetal body weight is also quite low.

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What happens in the second trimester

The main thing that is characteristic of the second trimester of pregnancy is the further development and improvement of all fetal organs, the rudiments of which were formed earlier. By the end of this period, the child looks like a newborn and even has a chance of survival in case of premature birth.

The second trimester is rightfully considered the most comfortable, as the woman begins to feel better than in the first weeks of pregnancy. The likelihood of miscarriage decreases, so the expectant mother can worry less about possible complications. According to statistical studies, only 25% of miscarriages occur in the second trimester. Such spontaneous abortions are also called late miscarriages. But this happens quite rarely, so the expectant mother should not worry too much.

A great joy for a woman in the second trimester is the movement of her baby. The first movements, which are still barely noticeable, are perceived by the pregnant woman as a sign that the baby is alive and is making itself known in this way.

Another pleasant moment for the expectant mother is the opportunity to find out the sex of the baby during an ultrasound examination and even see her baby in the pictures obtained using an ultrasound machine.



In most cases, gender can be determined quite accurately, and only in some cases the baby is embarrassed to demonstrate his distinctive gender characteristics.

Fetal development

During the entire second trimester, the fetus changes significantly in appearance. If at the very beginning of this period its weight was no more than 20 grams, and its body length was about 7 cm, then at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy the baby already weighs from 850 g to 1000 g, while the body length in the coccyx-parietal size is 23- 24 cm, and in full height- about 35 cm. Thus, from a tiny embryo it becomes a rather large, strong one weighing almost a kilogram.

If you trace the development of the fetus by calendar months, then in the fourth month of pregnancy the following changes occur:

  • The fetal skeleton grows and strengthens rapidly.
  • The abdominal organs develop.
  • The kidneys take their rightful place and begin to secrete urine.
  • The stomach, gall bladder and intestines of the fetus begin to function.
  • The cerebral cortex is intensively formed.
  • The adrenal glands begin to produce hormones.

In the fifth month of fetal life, the following occurs:

  • The fetus begins to move so intensely that the woman feels its movements. As a rule, in pregnant women for the first time this occurs at 19-20 weeks, and in subsequent pregnancies - at 16-18 weeks.
  • The glands of the endocrine system are actively functioning: the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, etc.
  • The spleen produces blood cells.
  • The skin of the fetus is covered with a special lubricant.

The following changes occur in the body of a six-month fetus:

  • During waking hours, the fetus moves actively, the rest of the time it sleeps. The total duration of sleep during the day is 16-20 hours.
  • The fetus can make breathing movements, but the lung tissue still does not expand.
  • The mass of the brain increases rapidly. By the end of the sixth month it reaches 100 grams.
  • The higher parts of the cerebral cortex develop. The baby’s mental abilities are formed, as well as a penchant for creativity. Some experts believe that if a woman suffers from depression at this time, then her child may subsequently also develop a tendency to this illness.
  • The fetal sense organs begin to function.

The placenta also undergoes great changes. Starting from the 14th week, the placenta fully provides the functions of transferring nutrients from the mother’s body to the fetus. In addition, this organ reliably protects the baby from the negative effects of toxic substances, mechanical shocks and other factors.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

In order to ensure the process of growth and development of the fetus, the pregnant woman’s body works in an enhanced mode. The load on all systems increases: endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, etc.

In the second trimester of pregnancy female body the following changes occur:

  • After the 20th week, the uterus may periodically become toned, and the woman may feel slight contractions, the so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions. Thus, the uterus performs a kind of exercise aimed at preparing for the upcoming birth.
  • Under the influence of certain hormones, the mammary glands continue to increase in size. The skin around the nipples darkens a little, and colostrum may be released from the nipples themselves.
  • Due to the rapid development of the fetus and an increase in the body's need for nutrients, iron deficiency anemia may occur, a condition that in some cases requires drug correction. But you should not prescribe iron-containing medications yourself, because moderate anemia in pregnant women is a completely normal phenomenon that can be corrected rational nutrition. But foods rich in iron (apples, buckwheat porridge) can be consumed without special restrictions.
  • Since the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, a pregnant woman may experience constipation. You can get rid of this problem by eating enough foods containing fiber: fruits, vegetables, cereals.
  • Many women may experience heartburn. It occurs most often in the second trimester and can continue until the moment of birth.
  • The amount of vaginal discharge in a woman may increase. If this is not accompanied by itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, and the discharge has a whitish tint, then there is no need to worry. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor, because this condition can be dangerous.
  • During the second trimester, some women may experience swelling. Swelling occurs more often in the third trimester, closer to the time of birth, so the appearance of alarming symptoms in the middle of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother.
  • Women prone to varicose veins may notice in mid-pregnancy that the veins in their legs have become bulging and nodular vascular formations have appeared. In order to prevent the occurrence of vein diseases, it is recommended to move more and change body position as often as possible.
  • Skin pigmentation may occur in certain areas, mainly in the abdomen, sometimes on the face. After giving birth, your skin color will return to normal, so don't worry about it.

Feelings during this period

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience a whole range of sensations:

  • The mood becomes more stable, self-esteem increases, and the level of anxiety noticeably decreases. The reason for the normalization of the emotional state is the stabilization of hormonal status, as well as the fact that the woman has already become accustomed to her new status as a future mother.
  • It becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to tolerate temperature changes, physical and emotional stress. In order to prevent deterioration of well-being due to the influence of these factors, it is necessary to provide yourself with at least a minimum level of comfort, dress according to the season, and also rest regularly.
  • Thanks to the appearance of the baby's first movements in the middle of the second trimester, the woman begins to more clearly feel that there is a new life inside her.

Tests and examinations in the second trimester

During the second trimester, the doctor will recommend that the expectant mother visit antenatal clinic every two weeks. During each examination, the specialist will measure the volume of the abdomen and determine the woman’s body weight. In addition, starting from week 16, the doctor will measure the height of the uterine fundus.

Additionally, at this time, the following tests will be prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as certain types of examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • antibody analysis with a high probability of Rh conflict between the mother and fetus;
  • ultrasound examination of the fetus;
  • tests to determine the level of certain hormones.

The last two types of studies are part of the second prenatal screening, which consists of performing an ultrasound and determining the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), and estriol.

Using a triple test, you can identify possible defects or disorders in the development of the fetus, including chromosomal abnormalities.

As a rule, the second prenatal screening is prescribed at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. If you receive results indicating possible violations in fetal development, the woman may be advised to undergo more detailed testing by a geneticist and undergo tests such as chorionic villus sampling or late amniocentesis. This will identify possible chromosomal abnormalities.

If there are other indications, for example, signs of gestosis or cardiac dysfunction, pregnant women undergo other types of tests (ultrasound of the kidneys, cardiography, etc.). You should also keep in mind that the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the optimal time to visit a dentist, ENT specialist and other specialized specialists.

Main hazards and risks

The greatest danger for the expectant mother in the 2nd trimester are the following situations:

  • Premature termination of pregnancy. This pathology can be classified as spontaneous abortion or premature birth. A fetus born before 22 weeks is considered non-viable, while a baby born later has some chance of survival.
  • Pathologies of the cervix, in particular, isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In such cases, premature thinning and dilation of the cervix occurs, which significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or childbirth. The main method of treatment is suturing or installing special devices on the cervical area. The optimal time for correcting this pathology is 18-22 weeks.
  • Preeclampsia, accompanied by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure, and detection of protein in the urine. Signs of gestosis may appear after 20 weeks. This pathology poses a serious danger not only to the fetus, but also to the woman, as it significantly increases the risk of serious complications, including heart attack or stroke.
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the mother’s body, including pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.

Many pregnant women would like to receive more information about the so-called critical periods of pregnancy. The dangerous weeks of the second trimester are the period from 18 to 22 weeks, when pathologies such as cervical dilation and defects in the location of the placenta may appear ( malpresentation, placement in the area of ​​a previously operated scar, etc.), infection of the fetus with ureaplasma, chlamydia and other pathogens of infectious diseases.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the organs and systems of the fetus are already formed and a period of active growth lies ahead. What is happening at this time in the body of the expectant mother, how is the baby developing and how to behave so that the pregnancy proceeds without problems?
The second trimester is the period from 13 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. The period of 13 weeks is considered the boundary between trimesters because by this time the complex processes of formation of the main organs and systems of the fetus are completed, which takes on the appearance of a small person and begins to quickly grow and develop. The second trimester ends at 28 weeks, since at this time the fetus reaches such a stage of development that, with appropriate care, it is capable of life outside the womb. Average weight a baby born at 28 weeks is 1000 g, height - 35 cm. Recall that the gestational age is calculated in obstetric months, each of which includes exactly 4 weeks, so pregnancy lasts 10 obstetric months, or 40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months .
This period is quite quiet time for a pregnant woman, because such early troubles as toxicosis, sudden mood swings, etc., have already passed, and childbirth is still far away. It is in the second trimester that the expectant mother has the opportunity to fully enjoy her “interesting position.” However, be careful - during this period it is possible.

2. How does the baby develop?

4th month. By the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing muscles and ligaments, as well as 20 baby teeth. The baby is actively moving in the uterus, but so far, at 13 to 16 weeks, the expectant mother does not feel this “internal movement.”
The first hairs begin to grow on the head of the fetus, and its entire body is covered with vellus hairs called lanugo. Usually, by the time of full-term pregnancy, lanugo disappears completely or remains in small quantities on the shoulders and ears. The skin of the fetus during this period is still very thin, blood vessels are visible through it, which gives it a bright red color, and subcutaneous fat is practically absent, so the baby’s skin is wrinkled.
During this period, the fetus is already able to empty the bladder: approximately every 45 minutes it urinates into the amniotic fluid, making its “contribution” to its formation.
By the end of the 16th week of pregnancy, the fetus reaches a height of 15-16 cm, a weight of 135 g and, floating freely in the amniotic fluid, can easily change position in the uterus.

5th month. By 17-20 weeks, the uterus reaches such a size that pregnancy becomes obvious to others, because at 20 weeks the fundus of the uterus is already 2 cm above the navel.
In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus has already formed the rudiments of permanent teeth, which are located above the milk teeth. The baby appears eyelashes and eyebrows, which are still colorless, since melanin, the pigment that gives them color, will begin to be synthesized later. The fingers and toes are fully formed, and an individual pattern appears on them - fingerprints. The sebaceous glands of the skin begin to work, and a whitish lubricant is formed from vellus hair and epithelial cells of the skin, which obstetricians call cheese-like for its characteristic appearance. On this period it covers the entire fetal body and performs protective function, since the baby is in the aquatic environment for quite a long time until birth.
The muscles of the fetus' body reach such a degree of development that its movements become orderly and controlled: it can suck a finger, touch its body and face. The child is already showing movements of the facial muscles - he frowns, opens and closes his mouth, opens his eyes, but does not see yet.
In the fifth month of pregnancy, the baby’s intestines are already sufficiently formed; they contain villi through which nutrients are absorbed. The pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that promotes the processing and absorption of glucose. When amniotic fluid is swallowed, which occurs normally, the process of formation of original feces - meconium - occurs in the child’s intestines; it goes away after birth.
By the end of the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus's height is 20-21 cm, and its weight is 300-350 g. The baby has already grown so much that the doctor can listen to its heartbeat through the anterior abdominal wall with an obstetric stethoscope. If the expectant mother has a pronounced subcutaneous fat layer, then the baby’s heartbeat can be heard from a later date - from 22-24 weeks. The normal heart rate of the fetus is 120-160 beats per minute, that is, one beat of the mother’s heart corresponds to two beats of the baby’s heart.

6th month. At 21-24 weeks, the rapid growth and development of the fetus continues, movements become more and more active. He develops his own regime of alternating periods of rest and activity, which does not always coincide with the mother’s regime. The intensity of fetal movements is an excellent marker that allows a woman to monitor the intrauterine state of the baby, since changes in the nature of movements (excessively violent or, on the contrary, sluggish and infrequent movements) may indicate any problems during pregnancy.
By the end of the sixth month, the baby's growth slows down somewhat, but active weight gain begins. Brown fat, which has a high energy capacity, actively accumulates under the skin of the fetus, since its combustion produces a large number of thermal energy, which plays an important role in maintaining a constant body temperature after the birth of a child.
During the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetal brain intensively develops, nerve cells - neurons - improve, and the degree of development of the central nervous system is such that the baby hears sounds coming from outside. Too loud and sharp sounds can frighten the baby, and soft, gentle music sometimes has a calming effect on him.
The fetus's way of understanding the world is through touch: it touches the umbilical cord, its arms and legs, and the walls of the uterus. While in the womb, the child may hiccup: at this time, the woman feels small internal tremors that occur at regular intervals. Baby hiccups are not a sign of pathology and are observed during the normal course of pregnancy.
At the sixth month, the child’s bone marrow is already functioning: it produces erythrocytes - red blood cells containing fetal hemoglobin, which is capable of saturating the cells with oxygen to a greater extent in comparison with ordinary hemoglobin, which is produced in the human body after birth. This adaptive mechanism creates reliable protection from hypoxia - insufficient oxygen supply under the influence of various unfavorable environmental factors, complications of pregnancy. Before the bone marrow began to work, the synthesis of blood cells was carried out in the liver and spleen. The bone marrow also produces white blood cells—leukocytes—responsible for fighting infection.
By the 24th week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the fetus are sufficiently formed, but the lungs remain significantly immature, in which the synthesis of surfactant has already begun - a substance that does not allow them to collapse on exhalation. However, its quantity is not yet sufficient for the full functioning of the lungs in cases of premature birth of a child, so in this case he will not be able to breathe on his own - he will need artificial ventilation, intensive care and the administration of a medicine containing a synthesized surfactant. At this stage, the baby’s breathing occurs through the placenta, in which gas exchange occurs between the body of the mother and the fetus. While in the womb, the baby begins to make the first breathing movements; this does not mean that he is breathing - such movements are necessary for complete blood supply to the chest organs and the development of the respiratory muscles.
At the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus reaches an average weight of 900 g and a height of 34 cm.

The same processes, but with some features, will occur.

3. What happens to the expectant mother?

From the beginning of the second trimester, the expectant mother’s well-being improves significantly. Troubles recede early toxicosis: as a rule, by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, and the general weakness associated with them become a thing of the past, as the processes of rapid hormonal changes characteristic of the beginning of pregnancy stabilize and the placenta begins to function. But, it's possible.
In the second trimester, the expectant mother’s body experiences an intensive increase in circulating blood volume (CBV): by the end of pregnancy, there is 1500 ml more blood in the body than at the beginning. This is necessary for the full functioning of the so-called “third circle of blood circulation” - the uteroplacental one, which forms during the progression of pregnancy.
The increase in circulating blood volume is an important adaptive mechanism. Firstly, it provides intensive blood supply to the placenta and developing fetus, and secondly, it prepares the pregnant woman’s body for the upcoming blood loss during childbirth, which is inevitable after separation of the placenta. It has been established that the greatest increase in blood volume is observed precisely in the second trimester, therefore during this period the load on the cardiovascular system increases, which needs to “pump” a larger volume of blood. The pulse rate increases (the norm for pregnant women is 80-90 beats per minute), slightly, by about 10-15 mm Hg. Art., blood pressure rises.
After one week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus begins to rise higher and higher, and therefore the tummy begins to protrude forward and becomes rounded, stretching the skin of the anterior abdominal wall. Due to the individual structure of the skin, it does not always have time to adapt to the rapid stretching of the growing uterus, which leads to the formation of stretch marks - stretch marks. During pregnancy, they are red or even purple in color due to translucent blood vessels, but over time they fade and become less noticeable.
Undoubtedly, the most memorable and exciting moment of the second trimester is the appearance of fetal movements felt by the expectant mother: pregnant women clearly feel how a new life is growing and developing inside. Many mothers look forward to this unforgettable moment, listening to their feelings for a long time. Women describe the first movements of the fetus as “the swimming of a fish”, “the fluttering of a butterfly”. Sometimes expectant mothers experience sensations similar to active intestinal motility. As pregnancy progresses, fetal movements become more obvious and distinct, and it becomes impossible to confuse them with anything else. Since women who are carrying a baby more than once are well familiar with these sensations, they begin to feel them 2-3 weeks earlier than those expecting their first baby. As a rule, primiparous women first feel fetal movements at 20 weeks, multiparous women at 18 weeks. Also, a little earlier (at 17-18 weeks), first-time mothers with an asthenic build, with unexpressed subcutaneous fat, can feel the baby’s movements for the first time.
Towards the end of the second trimester, many pregnant women notice the appearance of yellowish discharge from the nipples, which often causes concern. There is nothing wrong with this - this is how colostrum is released. You should not squeeze it out of the mammary glands, since mechanical stimulation of the nipples provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus.
In the second half of pregnancy, in response to fetal movements, the uterus may become toned for a short time: thus, it begins to “train” before childbirth. If the uterus relaxes on its own, the duration of its tone is several seconds, and it is not accompanied by pain, then this phenomenon can be considered as a variant of the norm.

4. Possible problems.

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus is growing rapidly. Therefore, typical complications of this period can be associated not only with pregnancy, but also with problems in the functioning of internal organs due to the large size of the uterus.

Threat of miscarriage. One of the most common complications of both the first and second trimester is the threat of termination of pregnancy. It is always a consequence of some kind of problem either on the mother’s side (somatic diseases, excessive mental or physical stress, the presence of an infectious process, etc.) or on the fetus’ side; this complication can be caused, for example, by placental insufficiency.
Manifestations of the threat of miscarriage are painful contractions of the uterus. They are felt as an aching, nagging pain, a periodically occurring feeling of “heaviness” in the lower abdomen lasting more than 2 minutes, with a frequency of more than 7 times a day. If these symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible for timely diagnosis and treatment. The time factor in the development of this complication is very important. Firstly, the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be: in this case, the woman will not experience significant dilatation of the cervix. Secondly, when increased tone uterine vessels of the placenta are in a state of spasm - narrowing, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and vital nutrients to the fetus and becomes the direct cause of the development of oxygen starvation - fetal hypoxia, and with a long-term threat of abortion - even intrauterine growth retardation. Treatment of threatened miscarriage includes eliminating the causative factor that caused this complication, eliminating all psycho-emotional and physical stress, as well as taking medications that reduce the tone of the uterus; these include GINIPRAL, magnesium preparations - MAGNESIA SULFULATE, MAGNE B6, MAGNEROT, antispasmodics.

Heartburn. The main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of heartburn, which quite often overshadows the second half of pregnancy. Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation or, less commonly, a feeling of heaviness, fullness, or a lump behind the sternum, which is caused by reflux and irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus with acidic gastric contents as a result of relaxation of the esophageal sphincter - a muscular “lock” that does not allow stomach contents to be thrown back into the esophagus. In the vast majority of cases, this problem can be overcome by split meals - at least 5-6 times a day in small portions - and the exclusion of foods that provoke heartburn from the diet: their list is individual for each pregnant woman. Among medications, antacids are used - drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is produced by the cells of the gastric mucosa - GAVISCON, MAALOX, RENNY, etc.

Anemia. This complication is associated with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells - erythrocytes. As pregnancy progresses, iron reserves are actively consumed not only for the needs of the mother, but also for the full development of the fetus. Therefore, in the presence of chronic diseases that prevent the absorption of iron or lead to its increased consumption: gastritis, gastric ulcers, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, as well as heavy menstruation or an unbalanced diet, which leads to pregnancy, anemia is one of the most common complications . This diagnosis is made when the hemoglobin level decreases below 0 g/l; in 90% of cases, anemia in pregnant women is iron deficiency. With anemia, the delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues deteriorates, which leads to a complicated course of pregnancy: the threat of miscarriage, placental insufficiency. Childbirth can be complicated by birth abnormalities and obstetric hemorrhages. To treat anemia in pregnant women, iron preparations are prescribed - SORBIFER, MALTOFER, FENULS, etc.

Convulsions. These unpleasant and often painful spastic muscle contractions most often occur in the area of ​​the legs, but can also be observed in the arms, neck, etc. Cramps appear in the second trimester of pregnancy, since it is during this period that intensive growth fetus, and therefore there is an active consumption of calcium, magnesium, potassium. Due to the fact that the expectant mother’s body does not always have time to replenish the deficiency of these microelements, convulsions occur. Other possible reasons for their appearance are a decrease in blood sugar levels, which can be observed with an improper diet, as well as the presence of varicose veins of the lower extremities due to impaired blood outflow from the legs and the development of tissue hypoxia.
If a cramp occurs, you need to pull your leg with your foot towards you to ensure tension in the muscle, and then massage the spasmed muscle in the direction from the periphery to the center.
In case of periodic occurrence of seizures, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination in order to identify diseases that may be their cause. If serious causes of cramps are excluded, it is recommended to rest with your legs elevated to improve blood flow, do foot baths With sea ​​salt to activate blood circulation. In such cases, multivitamin preparations with microelements are used; if necessary, in addition to multivitamins, calcium, potassium and magnesium preparations can be prescribed: CALCIUM D3 NYCOMED, ​​MAGNE B6, MAGNELIS, PANANGIN, ASPARKAM.

Edema. In pregnant women, edema appears quite often; it is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space and, as a result, an increase in tissue volume. Most often, they first appear on the legs, then on the arms, stomach, and face.

The reasons for the development of edema in expectant mothers are as follows:

  • The pregnancy hormone progesterone promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • The outflow of blood from the lower extremities is hampered due to compression of a large vessel - the inferior vena cava - by the pregnant uterus.
  • Edema during pregnancy can be a symptom of serious kidney disease, the cardiovascular system, and a complication such as gestosis, in which, in addition to edema, protein appears in the urine and high blood pressure. If edema occurs, further examination is required to diagnose its possible causes. A slight fluid retention in pregnant women in the absence of underlying pathology does not pose a serious danger. In this case, to reduce swelling, the doctor will recommend wearing special tights with a compression effect to prevent the development of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. To optimize kidney function, the doctor will prescribe renal herbal teas, medications plant-based - CANEPHRON, PHYTOLYSIN. Treatment methods will depend on the specific situation, the severity of edema, as well as the presence of concomitant pathology.

5. How to behave?

In the second trimester, the expectant mother can fully enjoy her “interesting position”, since the troubles of the early stages of pregnancy have passed, and the tummy is not yet so large as to limit the woman’s activity to one degree or another. In this regard, you can gratefully accept the care and attention of your loved ones, but you should not give up moderate physical activity, household chores, and walks in the fresh air.

  • If you are going to attend childbirth preparation courses or a school for a young mother, it’s time to take care of her choice: if you want to undergo thorough preparation, then you need to attend classes starting from 20-22 weeks or even earlier - this will depend on the type of courses chosen.
  • Don't forget about making the right choice clothes, fortunately today there are a huge number of models for pregnant women. Clothes should not squeeze the stomach; the fabric should contain predominantly natural fibers. If you wish, you can choose such clothing models so that they are useful for postpartum period. It is also important to choose the right underwear, which must be “breathable”, perform a good supporting function, but at the same time not squeeze the body and not make breathing difficult.
  • The right choice of shoes is a matter of not only convenience, but also the safety of the expectant mother and baby, since due to the softening of the ligaments, the mobility of the joints, including the knees and ankles, increases, which increases the risk of twisting the leg or falling. You will have to forget about high heels and platform shoes for a while. The heel height should not exceed 4 cm; it’s time to replenish your wardrobe with ballet shoes or moccasins, which will serve you well during walks with your baby.
  • Do not forget to regularly visit the antenatal clinic: in the second trimester you will have to do this more often than in the first - once every 2 weeks. This is dictated by the increasing load on a woman’s body, which necessitates more careful monitoring of the health of the expectant mother and fetus. Before each visit, it is necessary to take a general urine test - this fairly simple research method will help to timely diagnose such serious abnormalities as pyelonephritis, gestosis, and gestational diabetes. In the case of a normal pregnancy, blood tests are taken less frequently: in the second trimester, this study is carried out at 18-20 weeks. Of course, if indications arise: complications of pregnancy, exacerbation or initial detection of any diseases, a blood test can be taken additionally and repeatedly.

In the second trimester, a triple screening test is carried out (screening means “sifting”, “selection”). This analysis allows us to determine the contingent of expectant mothers who need an in-depth examination in terms of identifying fetal malformations. The triple test involves examining three components, which include:

  • alpha-fetoprotein, produced in the liver and gastrointestinal tract of the fetus;
  • a change in its concentration indicates malformations of the nervous system, chromosomal abnormalities, anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • estriol is a hormone produced with the active participation of the fetus and therefore allows one to judge its condition; human chorionic gonadotropin, synthesized in the placenta.
  • The optimal period for conducting a triple test is 16-18 weeks. It is worth remembering that the presence of deviations in the triple test results does not mean that the child will necessarily be born with congenital anomalies. Changing the analysis parameters is possible if there is a threat of miscarriage, gestosis, or intrauterine growth retardation. However, in order to be on the safe side, if there are deviations in the triple test, it is necessary to undergo additional research to clarify the condition of the fetus: for this, a consultation with a geneticist and an unscheduled ultrasound are prescribed. If there are indications and the patient’s consent, invasive diagnostic methods are used that are highly informative - sampling amniotic fluid (amniocentesis) or fetal umbilical cord blood (cordocentesis) to study the chromosomal set of fetal cells.

    At 24-26 weeks, the doctor will prescribe a second scheduled ultrasound, which is performed on all expectant mothers, even in the case of a normal pregnancy. During an ultrasound, the size of the fetus will be measured to ensure that its size corresponds to the gestational age. The location and structure of the placenta, the structure of the internal organs of the fetus will also be studied in order to exclude developmental defects, and the sex of the baby will be accurately determined if its position in the uterus allows this.

    Since during this period the fetus’s musculoskeletal system is actively developing, the expectant mother’s need for calcium increases. To prevent calcium deficiency in the body, on the recommendation of a doctor, take special medications - CALCIUM D3 NYCOMED, ​​KALCEMIN. They can be prescribed in addition to multivitamin complexes. It is also necessary to consume foods rich in calcium: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fish.

    After the 24th week of pregnancy, it's time to think about buying a maternity bandage. This device will help to avoid many troubles, as it will relieve the growing load on the spine. The bandage also prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, well supports the uterus in an optimal position, which reduces compression of the bladder and large vessels of the abdominal cavity. Due to the fact that there is now a large assortment of bandages on sale, the choice is a matter of your taste and body type.

    The gestation period for a child is 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days, during which mother and baby have to go through a difficult and difficult path before meeting each other. This period is usually divided into trimesters of pregnancy by week, each of which has its own characteristic features and symptoms.

    Trimesters of pregnancy: how to divide and count In obstetric practice, the entire period of gestation is divided into trimesters. Young women preparing to become mothers for the first time do not always understand the meaning of this term, asking questions - what are trimesters, and how many of them are there in pregnancy?

    Don't worry, a trimester is a period of three months, constituting 1/3 of the entire period of bearing a child. There are two ways to divide pregnancy into trimesters by week. In the first, simplified method, the maximum period of gestation (42 weeks) is divided into three equal parts, each of which includes 14 weeks.

    The second method is more rational, according to doctors. Here the calculation is based on 40 obstetric weeks, divided as follows:

    1. I trimester - from 1st to 13th week
    2. II trimester - from 14th to 27th week
    3. III trimester - from the 28th week until the baby is born

    The calculation of trimesters is carried out to make it easier and more convenient for obstetricians and expectant mothers to monitor the progress of pregnancy, since each period has its own characteristics and symptoms, covering not just one specific month, but an entire stage.

    Trimesters of pregnancy by week: table

    Trimesters of pregnancy

    In the table you can clearly see how trimesters are divided and how to count them. It shows that the entire pregnancy is divided into three important periods, each including three calendar months. These indicators are the same for every woman, and therefore do not provide for any individual calculations.

    The first trimester is the initial stage during which conception and embryo formation occurs. Sometimes during this period the expectant mother does not even suspect that a new life is being born in her body. Most often, the first symptoms begin to appear by the 4th week: a woman notices a delay in the menstrual cycle, and her body reacts sharply to the appearance of a small “belly” with malaise and nausea.

    The second trimester is considered the calmest and most prosperous period " interesting situation" By this moment, the expectant mother’s body has fully adapted to the fact that she needs to work for two, although the woman’s figure begins to change significantly - a belly appears, shapes are rounded, and overall weight increases.

    By this stage, the embryo turns from a “tadpole” into a real person: all the important organs and vital systems are formed in it, it already knows how to move its arms and legs, suck its thumb, bringing immense joy to the mother, who feels the baby’s movements in the stomach.

    The third trimester is the most alarming and difficult period. It lasts from 7 months until delivery. At this stage, the woman’s body is actively preparing for childbirth, and the baby continues to actively grow and develop. For the development of the baby, the last three months of intrauterine life are important preparation to an independent life, therefore a woman needs to make every effort to create favorable conditions for the baby to successfully pass through the final period of formation.

    Despite the fact that each trimester brings with it certain difficulties for the expectant mother, they are all wonderful and beautiful in their own way. By going through each section of the path before meeting her child, a woman gains invaluable experience that cannot be bought with money.