Crafts from sea stones and shells.  Ideas, instructions for children, garden, home

Crafts from sea stones and shells. Ideas, instructions for children, garden, home

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Making original crafts, accessories and souvenirs from natural materials with your own hands is a fairly popular hobby. For manual work, both ordinary utilitarian items and natural materials (stones, wood, etc.) are used.

Sea stones and river pebbles are an ornamental material with inexhaustible possibilities, with a huge number of applications.

More suitable for needlework river pebble or artificial stones. Sea pebbles are suitable Not for all types of work, as a white coating may appear on its surface. Simple pebbles are purchased at a hardware store.

Pebble rugs

Bath or hallway rugs made of pebbles look beautiful and at the same time have health effect- They can be used to massage the feet.

To make such a rug from stones with your own hands, you will need a base made of rubber or carpet. To create an original drawing or mosaic, stones need to be selected according to color and size. First, prepare the substrate - thoroughly clean and give it the desired shape.

In order to facilitate the work, the stones are first laid out on the base in accordance with the pattern, and then each element is fixed in the same order separately. Pebbles are glued with a transparent waterproof adhesive. The stones are placed in such a way as to completely cover the base, and the gaps between the elements were not too noticeable.

rubber base it is better to use for a rug in the bathroom, so it will not slide on the tile. For a massage mat, you can take more convex stones.

Flowers from sea stones

Flowers from decorative stones look original. They are very practical - they decorate the interior and do not require personal care. For example, you can paint large pebbles under cacti and put them in flower pots filled with small crumbs. Mosaic in the form of flowers from sea pebbles is a beautiful decoration for any interior.

One of the interesting ideas creating a topiary("tree of happiness") from small pebbles. The following material is required for work:

  • sand bottle;
  • branch or tube (diameter up to 1 cm);
  • a foam ball, twice the diameter of the bottle;
  • glue gun.

The sand is pre-dried in the oven and poured into a bottle or a small container.

Then the tube or branch is attached to the ball with glue, for which a hole is made in it. The tree trunk (tube) can be decorated with ribbons or twine.

To create a tree crown, small pebbles are glued onto a foam ball. To get a beautiful product with an unusual decor, you need to specifically select the color scheme and shape of the parts for the crown.

The crown with the barrel can be fixed with a pin instead of glue. The tree of happiness is placed on a shelf next to photographs or decorative candles.

Ideas for the garden

Stylish pebble garden lamps. The lamps are made very simply - the stones are poured into ordinary glass jars, into which decorative candles are then installed. The jars are topped with metal lids and hung on chains.

From large stones are obtained fairy houses, colorfully painted in the form of a magical palace or hut. They are located on the playground, in secluded corners among the greenery or near the stream in the reeds.

Round Lying Stones can be converted to figurine of an animal or insect, adding details from auxiliary materials. For example, paws, tail and whiskers are made from pieces of rebar or wire.


Pebble paths laid out on the site look not only decorative, they are practical and can last more than one year with proper operation. In the process of work, both natural river and sea pebbles and artificial ones are used.


To create paintings, medium or small stones of the appropriate shape are used, a base is selected in the form of a piece of plywood or wood. A sketch of the picture is first applied to paper and determined with pebbles for decoration and color shades of the material.

After the preparatory work, the pebbles are painted and glued to the base with a glue gun. To increase the decorative effect, other natural materials (shells, branches, etc.) can be added to the pattern. The finished picture is enclosed in a frame.

A panel of decorative pebbles can be made on any surface - a fence, a flower pot, plastic, cardboard. To create a panel, stones of different sizes and shades are taken, as well as other natural materials. The diverse shape of the working elements makes the picture more spectacular and original.

Pebble painting. The simplest crafts made from sea stones are painting pebbles with acrylic paints and gouache with images of men, fairy-tale characters, animals or any objects.

Pebbles in the form of beautiful fish and other animals can decorate a bath, pool, aquarium, make a mosaic for a garden plot. To keep the image longer, the drawing is varnished.


Due to its streamlined shape, small sea pebbles are a convenient material for making original jewelry.

Holes are made in the stones with a drill and thus an elegant necklace or bracelets are assembled. For the manufacture of earrings in craft stores, you can purchase a base and glue with paint. Two identical pebbles are selected and glued to the base. The joints are pre-treated with alcohol.

If desired, sea pebbles are painted with gold paint, preferably with a spray can. This must be done in advance before attaching the pebbles to the base. In a set for earrings, you can make a ring using the same technique. The basis for it is chosen with a flat surface, so that it is easier to pick up a stone in size.

If you glue a small magnet to a small pebble and paint the other side, you get a fridge magnet.

Home accessories

A shoe rack is a useful and practical item in the hallway. It is made according to the principle of a rug, but unlike the latter, stones can not be glued, but simply put in a tray.

Unusual stone floor lamp in the form of a pyramid. Several round stones of different sizes are drilled and placed on a metal stand. Larger ones are installed from below so that the structure is stable.

You can make a stylish mirror in the hallway or bathroom by decorating a wooden frame with multi-colored sea pebbles. The free space between the pebbles is diluted with small shells and stone chips.

Small pebbles decorate planters, flower pots. For voluminous flowerpots take large stones. Pebbles are glued with transparent Moment glue and a glue gun. It is better to fix large stones on tile glue or concrete mortar. If the surface of the pot is smooth, then the base is made of reinforcing mesh. Caskets, boxes, various containers and coasters for hot dishes in the kitchen are decorated in the same way.

Sea stones: crafts from stones and river pebbles

The use of pebbles allows you to create a unique decor in almost any room, quickly and inexpensively transform the interior of a house and a personal plot. Due to its practical properties, the material can retain decorative qualities for a long time.

Summer is a great time. And not only because the sun pleases us with its warmth. During this period, most people go on vacation, which is often spent at sea. The sea is not only a source of health and good mood. We often bring beautiful shells and pebbles from the sea. Today we will talk about what wonderful crafts can be made from ordinary sea pebbles. I was inspired to post this post by Canadian artist Sharon Nowlan, who makes amazing paintings out of flat sea pebbles. It would seem that interesting things can be made of stones. But just look at these pictures!

She started doing this art 14 years ago. One day, while walking with her three-year-old son, she noticed how he collects small pebbles that he liked. The pebbles were carefully folded into a pocket and brought home. The kid collected the stones so carefully that Sharon decided not to throw them away, but to make something special. And on the same day, she made several paintings from those small pebbles that her son had collected. Each of her works is unique and so far not a single picture is repeated. Sharon studied ecology and fine arts at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. And the combination of these two hobbies led to the creation of environmental paintings.

Composing a picture using multiple objects is not as easy as it seems at first glance, the artist moves the pebbles back and forth until an image appears that carries the mood. Sometimes she uses fragments of glass, shells and branches in her paintings.

"I find ideas in life. I try to capture feelings I've had or special moments I've glimpsed in the lives of people around me. My friends, family and three children are a constant source of inspiration. Strangers whose lives surround me also give me inspiration. Often the most insignificant moments of everyday life are the ones worth remembering."

Do you want to try your hand at this art? Get out the pebbles that you brought from the sea and make the simplest picture. Believe me, this is a very exciting process. When the picture is complete, fix the pebbles with any glue and insert into the frame. Sharon's paintings sell for $70-100, but the one you make with your own hands from ordinary sea pebbles will be priceless! And if you have not been to the sea yet, but already want to make your masterpiece, then you can simply

What a pleasure to walk along the sea! Enjoy the beautiful views, feel the breath of the sea, listen to the rustle of the waves, feel the gentle touch of the sea breeze, become calm and happier ...

There is no need to rush and chase the elusive horizon. The sea calms and sets you up for positive. Not without reason, in the resorts you will not find gloomy faces, everyone radiates smiles.

Slowly strolling along the beach, we find various marine treasures. And even ordinary pebbles seem to us filled with solar energy. Someone strives to collect perfectly even stones, someone chooses stones of a bizarre shape, white, black, colored, with natural relief and ornament.

As a result, the suitcase becomes much heavier. Arriving home, we lay out our sea trophies and realize that all the past times we have brought at least the same number of stones from the sea. All the vases and cups in the sideboard are already filled. And what to do with these treasures?

In fact, now all the fun begins. After all, you really have strategically valuable material!

So, what are we going to do with a pile of sea rocks? Let's turn them into something extraordinary!

Sea creatures made of pebbles

If we start from the direct purpose of our material for creativity, then the most logical idea is to turn them into marine life! Moreover, children can do it on their own. You can decorate a bathroom with such fish, put them in an aquarium, a pool, make a mosaic or decorate a garden plot, give them to children to play with water and more.

Magic stone houses

Large stones can be turned into fabulous houses. And place them in the courtyard of the house or at their summer cottage. It can be both a decorative corner and a playground for games.

From small pebbles, you can create a panel or a whole picture depicting the city. At the same time, it can be performed on a wide variety of materials: a wooden fence, cardboard, a vase, a flower pot, plastic, and other materials. The main thing is to arm yourself with a glue gun.

Trees and flowers from sea stones

From pebbles, you can lay out flowers and trees in the form of a mosaic, or you can make the illusion of flowers and cacti in pots. So much so that many do not immediately guess about their true origin. But you don't have to water! Such flowers can bloom not only on the windowsill at home, but also at work, in the country or right in the garden.

stone men

If you have never acted as a sculptor, then now, having the necessary material at hand, is the time to do it.

You can make abstract little men, or you can make very real people in the style of Michela Bufalini and present them with a gift-portrait for the holiday.

Funny animals from sea pebbles

Children are very fond of animals. With kids, you can do the application of pebbles. You can glue them to the cardboard base not only with glue, but also using pieces of plasticine for fastening.

Small rounded pebbles can turn into a wide variety of animals: a bear, a bunny, a cat, a dog, a chicken, a penguin, a sheep. And this is not the whole list!

You can make voluminous animals from several pebbles by connecting them with plasticine or a glue gun.

From the pebbles, you can lay out a flat or three-dimensional mosaic, getting the silhouette of an animal.

A beloved pet can be immortalized in the form of a portrait. Such a gift will appeal to the owner who loves it.

Sea pebble games

It is very easy to play with sea pebbles. They can become anything. After all, children's imagination is limitless.

For example, sea pebbles can turn into a variety of cars. To make them, you will need a child, some sheets of paper, pens, markers, paints, scissors and glue.

Sea pebbles can turn into a colorful still life. Moreover, the variety of fruits, berries and mushrooms is also not limited. You can play with such pebbles all year round, they can decorate the kitchen or dining table, garden plot.

On the basis of pebbles, you can make developing "simulators" for studying colors, letters, various objects of the surrounding world. Pebbles can become cubes, constructor, puzzle, dominoes, lotto.

Decoupage, eco applique, crochet

Sea pebbles are an excellent basis for decoration. In this case, you can use a variety of techniques: decoupage, applications from magazines and colored paper, grass and leaves, tying with a thread.

Panels, photo frames, paintings from sea pebbles

Small pebbles can decorate various household items: photo frames, picture frames, clocks, mirrors.

From pebbles, you can create the paintings themselves: silhouette and abstract.

Tatyana Nikolaevna, a resident of Sevastopol, is engaged in the manufacture of real masterpieces from sea pebbles and. According to the author, even people who are far from drawing can do this. The main thing is to be patient, because this is a very long and painstaking work.

Items for home and garden

From sea pebbles you can make exclusive items for home and garden. It can be coasters and trays, decorative hangers, rugs. Pebbles are glued to the base with a glue gun using waterproof glue.

Do not limit yourself to miniature works. You can make a garden path, a mosaic carpet near a house or a pool, a dry stream or a small river out of pebbles.

You can decorate with sea pebbles vases, pots and flowerpots. They harmoniously fit both into the closed space of the house and into the green garden.

Artists and stones

Drawing on stones may well develop into a hobby, and even become a source of income. So, Suzi Chua - a world-famous artist from Malaysia, Henry Lee - a Taiwanese artist, as well as Ernestina Gallina - an Italian artist, conquered the world with their realistic works based on large pebbles.

Perhaps you are capable of such creations?

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Needlework master class

Decorative panel "Apple tree" from flat pebbles

Annenkova Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of fine arts and technology, MBOU "Glebovskaya secondary school" of the Fatezhsky district of the Kursk region.
Material Description: I offer you a master class on creating a decorative composition from natural material - small pebbles. This material is aimed at children from 10 years old and will be useful to teachers of additional education, all creatively oriented people.
Purpose: DIY gift, decorative interior decoration with your own hands.
Target: creation of a decorative panel from flat pebbles
1. get acquainted with one of the types of work with stones,
2. develop the skills of compositional construction, color harmony,
3. develop creative abilities, aesthetic taste, interest in arts and crafts.

The history of stone painting
Stone painting is an ancient art. It was used in absolutely all parts of the world and among all peoples.
In ancient times, stone painting was used to decorate many complex objects, mainly idols. Often the stones were painted to depict animals, birds, gods, and even dead members of the tribe. By the way, the first icons were also painted on stone. In the East, stone painting was used to decorate statues of Buddha and dragons.
The history of stone painting dates back several thousand years, and was often used in conjunction with stone work by stonemasons and sculptors.
Today, stone painting is used mainly on wild, unprocessed stone. Stones are often decorated in this way to look like insects, animals and plants. Well, I offer a master class with painting pebbles, which will be available even to those who cannot draw.
To make a decorative panel "Apple tree" we need:
- small flat stones
- gouache, brush,
- veneer sheet,
- dark fabric
- thick cardboard (packaging is possible),
- PVA glue,
- scissors,
- a branch of a tree.

For a panel of pebbles, as a rule, a preliminary drawing is not performed. Initially, you can lay out the still unpainted pebbles according to the plan on paper. So the future composition is more clearly presented, the material is selected by size and shape, its quantity.

Pebbles for the crown of the apple tree, bushes are painted with shades of green.

Then, on some pebbles, we put highlights with white or yellow gouache, and on some, on the contrary, we shade with dark green.

We color the apples, choosing more rounded pebbles for them.

We put glare on the apples with white.

While the pebbles are drying, we make the background for the panel. To do this, take a thick cardboard, circle it on the wrong side of the fabric. We make allowances on all sides equal to 3 cm. Cut out the allowances.

We cut the fabric at the corners so that the allowances can be easily glued. We turn the edges one by one and glue them.

We glue a sheet of paper on top so that the wrong side has an aesthetic appearance.

Now take a sheet of veneer and cut it with scissors so that the size is slightly smaller than the main background. Glue the veneer onto the fabric.

We lay out the pebbles on the veneer, creating a planned composition: we make the trunk of an apple tree from a twig, around a crown of pebbles, a bush under a tree. When the composition is composed, we glue the parts one by one.
Here is our finished panel "Yablonka" from flat stones. It remains only to put in a frame.

And here is the work of Cherepovskaya Ekaterina, a student of the 6th grade, "Green oak near the seashore" based on the presented technique. At the regional exhibition of arts and crafts, this work took 2nd place.

DIY stone paintings are not only a wonderful and unusual decoration for your home, but also a fantastic gift! Surprise your loved ones with this stunning piece of art! Check out our selection of examples or make your own!

You can pre-paint the canvas and make the necessary background that will suit the chosen theme for the image with stones. In this example, the motif with birds is considered. Because they are celestial beings, a blue background color was chosen. And the addition was the blue sea.

Add colors!

It will be just great if you bring a handful of stones with you when you arrive from vacation! From which in the future you can make your own picture! The result will definitely please the eye! Firstly, a memory from a vacation, and secondly, a hand-made work!

DIY family stone paintings

The cohesion of your family can be depicted in a similar picture! Great idea with the addition of inscriptions! Such a picture will add some warmth and romance to your family!

Paint the stones for a more colorful picture!

The perfect gift for your significant other!

Real 3D effect!

romantic landscape

amazing peacock

funny pictures

Source: German interior and decor magazine "Deavita"
Translation author: Chvanova Maria. Specially for the site