Cognitive development 2nd junior group lesson notes.  Lesson summary for the second junior group on cognitive development

Cognitive development 2nd junior group lesson notes. Lesson summary for the second junior group on cognitive development

Organization: MBDOU No. 229

Locality: Kemerovo region, Kemerovo

Program content:

Educational objectives: to promote the generalization and consolidation of children’s knowledge about wild animals, birds, the winter season, the properties of snow; expand your understanding of the forest and its inhabitants.

Educational: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, ability to analyze, ability to listen to each other.

Educational: to cultivate children’s interest in forest life, the ability to behave in the forest; Love, careful attitude to nature, to show care, kindness and attention to all living things.

Integration educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, music.

Preliminary work:

Review of manuals depicting wild animals, trees, birds, paintings of the season “Winter”; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about birds, animals, reading fairy tales about wild animals.


Pictures “Winter”, with wild and domestic animals, with birds; toy Fox, Hare, Squirrel;

Easel, tape recorder, music of winter nature (blizzard, blizzard, creaking snow underfoot);

- artificial Christmas trees, white fabric, cotton wool, a basket with pine cones.


Children, together with the teacher, enter the group and stand in a circle.

Communication game.

We will first stomp:

Top - top - top, top - top - top (stomp your feet)

And then we will clap:

Clap - clap - clap, clap - clap - clap (clap your hands)

And then we'll turn around (turn around)

And let's smile at each other. (smile at each other)

Educator: This morning I went to kindergarten and on the porch I met a titmouse who gave you pictures, do you want to see which ones?

(pictures are hung on an easel, the teacher looks at them together with the children)

What is shown in the pictures? (trees, forest, children, etc.)

What season? (winter)

Why did you decide it was winter?

What other signs of winter do you know?

Is it cold or warm outside in winter?

How do people dress in winter?

And what winter fun You know?

Guys, look, in the picture, in the clearing, the path goes into the forest. Do you want to visit the forest? (children's answers)

But before we go, we need to warm up there. It’s very cold in the forest, and so that we don’t freeze, we’ll thoroughly rub our cheeks, nose and lips.

Oh, frost, frost, frost, (with the index finger and thumb of both hands

lightly pinch yourself on the cheeks, nose, etc. etc.)

Stings your cheeks

Stings my nose

Pinches ears

Pinches lips

Gets under fur coats. (hide your hands under your arms)

To warm up, look (rub your palms together)

Rub everything properly:

Cheeks, nose, lips, ears….

Steam even came from my fur coat. (Spread your arms to the sides, slightly stretch your lips and exhale a stream of warm air through them)

Well done! Now let's go on a journey, are you all ready?

The winter forest is waiting for us to visit

He invites everyone for a walk.

Let's get ready quickly

Let's go together.

And the fox guides us. (a toy Fox appears) (The music of nature, a blizzard, the creaking of snow underfoot sounds.)

Guys, the fox brought us to the Winter Forest, thank you Fox, there is so much snow here.

How should you behave in the forest? (children's answers)

It is correct to not make noise (pictures are hung on the easel), not to break branches, not to stomp, clap, or hit animals with a stick.

What animals do you think we can meet in the forest?

What birds?

And now the birds and animals want to play with you. Girls will decorate a small Christmas tree with wintering birds, and boys will decorate a large Christmas tree with wild animals (checking children)

(The teacher notes that the birds are cold, hungry and need help, hang feeders with food (show pictures))

Guys, do you hear someone crying - it’s a squirrel, she’s in trouble, all the cones fell out of the hollow and froze, and she asks you for help, each of you will take a cone, put it on one palm, cover it with the other palm and warm the cone in a circular motion so that The squirrel did not catch a cold in its throat.

Well done, now let’s put the cones in a basket and put them under the Christmas tree so that the squirrel can take them.

(Music accompaniment starts, the creaking of snow underfoot) Look, the bunny has come running to us. (the teacher speaks on behalf of the hare)

Hare: I heard that someone was walking in the forest and decided to take a look.

Do you know what snow is? (children's answers)

What kind of snow is there? (cold, shiny, clean, dirty)

If the sun warms up, what will happen to the snow? (melts)

Guys, what kind of snow are you making a snowman out of? (loose) the sun warms up and the snow becomes loose.

Educator: When we are still walking through the snow, what do we hear? (crunch)

Hare: That's right - it's the snowflakes that break.

Educator: Bunny, we know a poem about a snowflake and Veronica and Matvey want to tell you. (children recite a poem)

A snowflake fell onto my palm, I will warm it with my breath a little.

Snowflake, have you decided to play hide and seek? I can’t see you on my palm.

Hare: Oh, what a beautiful poem I will definitely tell it to the animals, but it’s time for me to run home.


And it’s time for us, bunny, to return to kindergarten.

Is our walk interesting, guys? (children's answers)

Did you like it? (children's answers)

Our walk is over

There is no more wonderful winter forest,

We saw a lot of beautiful things here,

Learned more about winter phenomena

It's time to say goodbye

It's time for us to return.

And the squirrel gives you pine cones as a gift.

Goodbye Bunny (children say goodbye to the hare)

Goodbye Winter Forest. (wind music sounds, snow creaks underfoot)

So we came to kindergarten.

After the lesson, a lesson on making crafts from pine cones is planned.


1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes in the second junior group of kindergarten. - Voronezh.

PURPOSE: To stimulate the cognitive activity of children, their initiative and independence in cognitive activity, to encourage elementary verbal creativity.
Learn to coordinate nouns in speech with verbs denoting the actions of fairy-tale characters:
Encourage children to enter into dialogue with adults and argue their opinions.
Enrich children’s sensory experience and the ability to record received impressions in speech:
Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, speech attention.
Develop skills and abilities in application activities.

Cultivate the desire to complete the work started;
Cultivate goodwill, a sense of empathy for those who need your help;
Foster and encourage initiative and independence.

V.V. Gerbov "Book for reading in kindergarten and at home. 2-4 years" M.: Onyx, 2006.
O.V. Dybina " Man-made world: games - activities for preschoolers" M.: TC Sfera 2002, stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2004
V.V.Gerbova “Speech development for 2-4 years” Educational – visual material M.: Valdos 2003,
10 soft toys(dog, cat - 2 pcs., mouse, bear, hare, wolf, donkey);
3 dolls (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter);
screen in the form of a gate and a lock with a key;
benefits for didactic games(bus, house, garden beds, Christmas trees, snowdrifts).

Preliminary work:
Reading fairy tales “Turnip”, “Snow Maiden and the Fox”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”.
telling fairy tales to children “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”;
conversations based on read fairy tales;
looking at illustrations for read fairy tales;
theatricalization of excerpts from read fairy tales;
watching animated films “Turnip”, “Kolobok” and “Teremok”;
writing fairy tales similar to the tales “Kolobok” and “Teremok”
artistic and creative activities based on read fairy tales;
conducting role-playing games “Let’s bake pies”, “The Fox and the Little Foxes”

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall, a cat meets us at the door
Educator: Guys, look, a fluffy cat is waiting for us here. He will take us on a visit.

(we go into the first zone, where the heroes of the Russian folk tale"Turnip")

Educator: Look carefully at the characters, which Russian folk tale did the cat bring us to visit? (children's answers)
Educator: Of course, this is the fairy tale “Turnip”. It just seems to me that something bad happened here, all the characters got mixed up, they forgot who was pulling the turnip after whom in the fairy tale, let us help them. Remember how the fairy tale began. Who planted the turnip? (children's answers).

Children tell the fairy tale “Turnip” and seat each character in his place

Educator: What a great fellow you were, you helped the heroes of the fairy tale, seated them in their places. They thank you for this and give you the key to the land of fairy tales. (given a key)

Educator: Guys, the cat just told me that the road to this country is not easy, now we are going to a fairy tale. Close your eyes and imagine that we are walking along a magical path into a fairy tale. The path is narrow and narrow. We step one after another. And now the path ends, there are snowdrifts all around.
We walk through the snowdrifts,
We raise our legs higher.
We are not afraid of powder
We love snow, clap hands
Hands to the sides, at the seams,
Enough snow for you and us!
(we approached the gate, there was a lock on it)

Educator: There is a lock on the door. We insert the key into it and open the lock.
(we open the castle and gates, we go into the land of fairy tales)

Educator: Guys, look around, how beautiful fairy forest, in it we are waiting for heroes of various fairy tales with which you are well familiar. Here is a bear - in what fairy tale did we meet a bear? (children's answers)

Educator: But the cat - in what fairy tale did we meet him? (children's answers)

Educator: Here we have a wolf, in what fairy tale did you and I hear about him? (children's answers).

Educator: And here is a bunny - a runaway, in which fairy tale did he meet? (children's answers).

Educator: Well done guys, you know a lot of fairy tales and remember all the heroes. Wait guys, our cat wants to tell me something. (listening to the cat)

Educator: He tells me that our country is magical and any miracles can happen in it! You can even compose your own fairy tale. Let's try? (children's answers).

Educator: Which of these animals do you want to take into our fairy tale? (children's statements).

Educator: My friends, where do you think our heroes could have gone? (children's assumptions).

Educator: Why do they go to the forest in winter? (children's assumptions).

Educator: Of course, how could I forget! After all, the holiday is coming soon. Guys, what holiday? (children's answers).
Educator: Well, good. They will go to the forest to get a Christmas tree for New Year's party. But will they travel by bus or by bicycle? (children's statements).

Educator: Why? (children's statements).
Educator: Guys, let me start a fairy tale, and you will help me.
One day……………, ……………, ……………, ………. They got on the bus and drove into the forest, they were driving, they were driving, and suddenly they drove into a snowdrift. They can’t leave, they sit and cry. Guys, maybe one of the heroes will be able to pull the bus out of the snowdrift? (children's answers).

Educator: Who? (children's answers).

Educator: Why? (children's answers).

Educator: He took hold of the ……… the bus, he pulled it, but he couldn’t pull it out. (children recite the text together with the teacher) Maybe he needs to call someone for help? (children's answers).

Educator: ……………. behind ……………….., …………………. per bus. They pull, they pull, they cannot pull. (children recite the text together with the teacher) We need to call someone else. Shall we call? (children's answers).

Educator: Who? (children's answers).

Educator: ……………. for……………….., ………………… for……………….., ……….. for the bus. They pull, they pull, they cannot pull. (children pronounce the text together with the teacher) Let's call ………………..? (children's statements).

Teacher: …………….. for ………………, …………..for…………, ………….. for…………, ……….. for the bus. They pulled, they pulled, they pulled out the bus. (children recite the text together with the teacher) Guys, what do you think, was it necessary to immediately pull out the bus one at a time or all together? (children's answers).

Educator: Correct. All together, i.e. - amicably. Oh, guys, look, the wheel of the car is still in the snowdrift. What should our heroes do? How to go further? (children's assumptions)

Educator: My friends, maybe you want to help the animals, repair the bus? (children's answers).

Educator: Then I invite you to the tables.

(children go to the tables to do the appliqué)

Educator: Guys, look what you see in front of you? (children's answers)

Educator: Is everything okay with our bus? Maybe something is missing? (children's answers).

Educator: Look, you have a circle on your plates, attach it to your bus. Look - does it look like a wheel? (children's answers).
(demonstration by the teacher and practical activities of children)

Educator: Oh, what great fellows! We helped our heroes repair the bus and now they can bring themselves a Christmas tree for the holiday, and they thank you and give you treats from the fairytale forest.

Teacher of the first qualification category Orlova O.V.
Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 2 Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 2"

Lokomotiv city district, 2011

Abstract directly educational activities

on the topic “The house we live in” (what a house consists of)

(Internet resource)

Educator: Sirazeva A.V.

Type of occupation: Communication

Forms of educational activities : directlyeducational activities ; didactic game; conversation; drawing.

Target: develop speech; ability to compare, analyze; to form a desire to understand the world around us.


Educational : to form children’s ideas about the parts that make up a house, the materials from which a house is built;

Educational: cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and the answers of other children, not to interrupt a friend, a feeling of love for your family;

Educational: develop children's dialogical speech, auditory and visual attention, thinking, and fine motor skills.

Planned result : recognize and name parts of the house; contributed to the formation of the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and the answers of other children, and not to interrupt a friend; contributed to the development of children's dialogical speech, auditory and visual attention, thinking, fine motor skills hands

Preparatory work: "My Home" conversationsd/i "Parts of the House".

Equipment : Pictures.

Progress of the lesson

1.Org. Moment

1) Greeting

All the children gathered in a circle ,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

2) “Palms” (Louder, quieter, whisper)

3) Art. Anthem "Let's play with the tongue..."

2. Main part.

1) D/I "Who lives where?"

I suggest you play.

The sparrow lives under the roof,

There is a mouse's house in a warm hole.

The frog has a house in the pond, the butterfly has a house in the garden.

Look at the picture, who is it, name it.

Who is this? Where does the bird live? (In the nest ) What is it made of? (From branches, blades of grass, fluff) Who built the nest? (Bird)

Who is this? Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow) Who built the squirrel's nest? (I found it myself in an old tree)

Who is this? Where does the bear live? (In the den) K then built a den for him? (I found the hole myself, dragged in branches, grass, leaves)

Who is this? Where does the fox live? (In the hole) Who built her a hole? (I dug it myself with my paws.)

We settled all the animals in houses.

2)P/G « We are building a house »

All day long, here and there,(Knock with fists and palms alternately)

There is a ringing knock,

The hammers are knocking

We are building a house for animals. (Palms - roof)

This house is for a frog, (We bend our fingers)

This house is for a fox,

This mouse house

This house is for a bunny,

This house is for the wolf,

This house is for a bear.

This is such a nice house(Palms - roof)

How gloriously we will live.

Let's sing songs(Bend and straighten your fingers)

Have fun and dance.

Why do birds, foxes, bears, and squirrels need a home? (To hide from enemies, store supplies, rest, sleep, hide from the cold.)

It’s good that all animals have their own home. Do you have your own home? What is your house made of? (Made of brick) What is your home like? (Big, small, tall.) - 2-3 children.

3) Conversation

Images: Three houses: multi-story, two-story, one-story.

What it is?(At home) What is a house for? (To live in it, it is warm, everyone must have a home)

Are the houses the same? (No ) What is this house like?(high )

This house is tallmulti-storey . Let's say it together. Dinis, what house is this?(multi-story) - 2 rubles.

What is this house like?(Lower ) This housedouble decker . Let's say it together. Arseny, what is this house like?

Which house?(short ) This houseone-story . Let's say it together. Vika, what house is this?

Guys, who builds houses?(builders ) What are these two houses built of?(Made of brick) They are brick. Let's say it together. Alena, what kind of houses?

What is this house made of?(made of wood) This house is wooden. Let's say it together. Islam, what house?

Guys, how many floors are there in our kindergarten? What kind of kindergarten? What is it made of?

4) D/I “Tell me about your home”

I want to tell you about my house

Where mom and dad and I live together.

(looking at the house : walls, roof, balconies, windows with curtains)

What parts does the house consist of? Which house?

5) Lex. ex. "Tell me about your family"

Let me knock on the house, whose family lives here?

Questions about family(I interview several children) : Who do you live with? Who does what? What is the name of your grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother?

These are all our very Dear people in the world - family and friends. Let's all repeat these wonderful words together - family and friends.

6) F/M “Tili - bom, we are building a beautiful house”

Tili bom - Tili bom,

We are building a beautiful house. (Children clap their hands)

So tall. (Raise your hands)

This is so wide (Spread your arms to the sides)

We walk along the steps,

We open the door to the apartment. (They walk in place)

The whole family lives in the house -

Mom, dad, brother and me! (Standing, bend your fingers)

At least you'll go around half the world,

Better at home you won't find it! (They walk, hands on their belts)

who lives in it, where they love each other and help in everything.

7) Work in coloring books

It’s so good that you have a beloved home, a friendly and strong family,who lives in it, where they love each other and help in everything. I suggest drawing the house in which you live. Let it be bright and beautiful.

3. Summary of the lesson

Well done! You made wonderful houses. What are they? Name the parts of the house.

The light will come on in every house,

Mom is cooking lunch for us there.

And dad gives her flowers.

You and I live in that house.

I hug everyone tightly,

Look: lives here Friendly family!

You won't find a better home, Home, in where you live !

Abstract open class in mathematics for children 2nd junior group

Introduce children to the method of comparing two objects in length by applying;
Continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric figures; main characteristics of objects: color, shape, size;
Reinforce the concepts of “one”, “many”;
Develop memory, imagination, logical thinking, intelligence.
Handout: geometric shapes, two stripes different lengths, treat.
Demo material: a ribbon with geometric shapes, a picture of a squirrel, a mathematical wall newspaper.

Progress of the lesson

The group includes the sorceress of the country of Mathematics:

- Hello guys! I am the sorceress of the country of Mathematics! Where did I end up? (children's answers)
- I have a letter for the Teremok group with an invitation to our magical land of mathematics. Guys, do you want to go on a trip? (children's answers)
- To get to our magical land of mathematics, you need to cross the border of the geometric ribbon. (geometric figures hang on a ribbon, each child tears off a figure for himself and sits on a chair).

- That's right, in our magical land mathematicians are very fond of geometric shapes. Are you familiar with them? (children's answers)
- I'll check it now. Let's raise our hands with circles. How many are there? (a lot of)
- Well done, now with the squares. How many squares do you have? (one)
- How many triangles? (nobody raised their hands - not a single one)
- Guys, you did great, you guessed all the figures correctly. Oh, who's crying here? This is a bear. Ahh, he has a lot of cones in his basket, but he can’t count them. Shall we help the little bear? (children's answers)
- Look how many cones the bear has in the basket? (a lot) The sorceress takes out one cone at a time and distributes them to the children.
- Guys, how many cones do you have now? (one by one)
- How many cones are left in the basket? (none).

- Now the bear will know how many cones he has, let’s help him collect them in a basket and count them again so that the bear remembers better. (Children put cones in a basket)
- Guys, how many cones does the bear have in his basket now? (A lot of) .
- Do you know a game about a bear? Children, all stand in a circle and repeat all the movements after me. (children repeat)
Children get up from the tables and stand in a circle.
Our little bear stretched, bent over once, bent over twice.
He spread his paws to the side, apparently he didn’t find any honey.
Bear, don’t yawn, play with us.
Paws clap clap, legs stomp stomp.

- Well done boys! Together we need to help another animal. This squirrel is asking you for help. She got lost, the squirrel needs to get to her house along the path that is longer, but she doesn’t know which one is longer, red or yellow. (the wall newspaper depicts a squirrel, two paths and a tree with a hollow)

- Shall we help the squirrel? (The sorceress gives the children yellow and red stripes; the children determine by overlapping and applying that the red one is longer).
Well done, now the squirrel knows which path will lead him home. And the squirrel also wants to thank you and treat you with sweets. (The sorceress distributes sweet nuts to the children.)
- Guys, did you like the country of mathematics? (children's answers)
- What did you like most? (children's answers)

Abstract educational activity(social world) in the 2nd junior group.

Subject: Our group's toys

Tasks: 1) introduce the names of toys in the group room, encourage children to carry out a basic classification of toys by purpose, color, shape.

2) Develop curiosity.

3) Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys and neatness.

Equipment: Dunno doll, group room toys: dolls, cars, cubes, balls, dishes.

Progress of the lesson:

    Introductory part

Educator: Reading the poem by E. Monosova “In our kindergarten.”

Educator: Who is waiting for the children in kindergarten?

Children: Toys. (Knock on the door).

Educator: Oh, who came to us? Brings in the toy Dunno. Who is this guys?

Children: Dunno.

Educator: What happened to you, Dunno?

Dunno: (the teacher speaks on his behalf in a different voice): Guys, please tell me about your favorite toys. Otherwise I know very little about them. Help me, complete the tasks.

Educator: Guys, let's tell Dunno about toys, will we carry out his tasks? Then go ahead.

    Main part

Educator: (speaking on behalf of Dunno, holding a toy in his hands)

1 task: Guys, tell me about your favorite toys that live in your home.

What is Kira's favorite toy at home? Andryusha's? Sasha's? At Masha's?

Educator: You see, Dunno, what our children’s favorite toys are at home.

But in our group there are different toys. We'll tell you about them now.

(The teacher starts the story first):

Friends, look how many toys we have, they all have their own houses:

The cars are in our garage. They are different. What kind of cars do we have, guys? / The teacher helps with leading questions / (Big and small, trucks and cars)

The cubes are in boxes. Our cubes are also different: Look how they differ? (Showing 2 dice)

These cubes vary in size. How?

Children: one is big, the other is small.

Educator: But these ones are different in color. Tell Dunno and show us what colors our cubes are.

Children: blue, red, yellow, green.

Educator: These cubes differ from each other in the material from which they are made. Feel this cube, what is it?

Children: wood.

Educator: What kind of cube is this?

Children: plastic.

Educator: Dunno, we have dolls on this shelf. Tell Dunno guys, how many dolls do we have?

Children: a lot of.

Educator: What is the difference between the Masha doll and the Katya doll? (Shows two dolls)

Children: One is big, the other is small.

Educator: What is the difference between the Olya doll and the Tanya doll?

Children: Olya is dressed. Tanya is naked, undressed, naked.

Educator: Show Dunno what kind of toy helps us roll our dolls. Children This is a stroller.

Educator: Dunno, the stroller is made of iron, fabric, plastic.

Educator: We have balls on this shelf. Tell me guys what they are like.

Children: big and small

Educator: showing: prickly, smooth, multi-colored, soft - made of fabric, knitted, rubber.

Children: Where is our dishes located? Tell us about her.

Children: we have a kettle, pots, plates, saucers, tea cups, glasses, spoons, forks, knives

Task 2 from Dunno: “Physical training minute”

Here is a big pyramid (reach up)

And a cheerful ringing ball (jumping in place)

Soft bear clubfoot (steps in place, on the outside of the foot)

Everyone lives in a big box (show big square)

But when I go to bed (hands under cheek, close eyes)

Everyone starts playing (image any movement)

3 task from Dunno:

Educator: guys, Dunno says that he, like you, also has his favorite toys. He wants you to solve riddles and find out what toys he likes:

1) Hiding from you and me

One doll into another.

There are polka dots on the scarves.

What kind of dolls? (Matryoshka dolls)

2) Dunno has a lot of them:

Cars, trucks and special ones.

I open the door in this one

Sand is loaded into this...

I guys, to be honest

I play them all day.

What am I playing with, tell me, friends? (Cars)

Task 4 from Dunno: “Name the toy affectionately”

Car - car, ball - ball, hare - bunny, bear - bear cub, bear, squirrel - squirrel, cat - kitty, stroller - stroller.

5 task from Dunno: Guys, tell me how you should treat your toys?

Children: they must be protected, they must not be broken, thrown away, they must be removed

Dunno: That's right, toys are our true friends

There are so many toys in the world,

And everyone loves them, of course.

All the children in the world.

You need to play

Have fun, make friends

And treasure every toy!

Love them children

Appreciate, keep,

They love to play with you

But they don't love

When they are dirty, bitten,

They throw, tear and break.

Take care of them children!

Dunno: And now it's time to play with them, kids. It's time for me to go. Goodbye guys, you helped me a lot, now I know a lot about toys. I'm leaving, but I'll come visit you again. And in parting, I leave you with the “Coloring Toys” prizes.

    Final part

Educator: Guys, did you like helping Dunno? What a great fellow you are.

After the lesson: “Plot-role-playing game “Let’s treat our friends to tea”

The teacher distributes roles among the children:

Who will lay the tablecloth on the table?

Who will put the tea cups on the table?

Who will lay out the spoons?

Who will put cookies and sweets on the table?

Who will put napkins on the table?

Who will invite guests to the table, what words should he say?

Game “Tell me about your favorite toy”

1) This is a car. She's red. This fire truck puts out fires.

2) This is a doll. She's beautiful. She has a bow tied on her head. Eat Nice dress, shoes on feet.