Forgive me, daughter, from my mother.  How to ask for forgiveness: good phrases

Forgive me, daughter, from my mother. How to ask for forgiveness: good phrases

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the previous experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you have from your parents?

Mothers and daughters - heart to heart conversation

Violation of the relationship between parents and children is always painful and, as practice has shown, a broad and relevant topic for many. Let me generalize the causes and consequences of disruption of parent-child relationships. And on behalf of the collective image of Mom, talk to Daughters of any age.

Why should you ask your own children for forgiveness? Should I or should I not?

Each of us has the right to our own life experiences and our own views on this topic.

Here are the answers that, in my opinion, I most often hear during therapy sessions:

    Forgiveness? Your own children? Yes, they should ask me for forgiveness for the fact that we (the parents) raised, fed, taught, dressed, put on shoes, for everything that he/she has done in his/her life. We put in so much effort and gave up so much. And they? Where is the gratitude?

    Yes, I am guilty before the child. I look at his life, and everything is wrong there! My heart hurts for him. I want to help, but he/she doesn’t hear me.

    What did I do?

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the previous experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you have from your parents?

When YOU are a child, adults make decisions for you.

If YOU are an adult, then the opportunity to change a lot in your own life is your conscious choice.

Daughter, I'm sorry!

In each individual family situation, an awareness of the consequences of one’s own relationships with children appears.

The following phrases are born:

Daughter, forgive me for being your mother for the first time. I learned to be a mother and made mistakes.

I'm sorry that I'm giving up my life and trying to change yours. Sorry, I don't trust you.

Daughter, forgive me for wanting love from you, which I lacked. I waited and was offended. You can't be my mom, dad, or husband. You are only my daughter and will always be only my daughter, and I am your mother. You can only be a MOM for your children.

Daughter, forgive me for saying: “You should live better than me.”I didn’t understand that I was frightening you with these phrases. The bewilderment from these phrases only strengthened my fear of this world; I thought that this statement would help you be successful.

Forgive me for the fact that because of the fear of death, the fear of losing you, I constantly looked after you, did not allow you to be independent, did not let you go from me. I knew better than you what you wanted. Only now I saw the consequences of such hyper-care.

Forgive me for not trusting you and not teaching you to live on your own and easily solve everyday problems, act and not wait.

I didn’t teach you to “want” by anticipating your desires and anticipating them.

I'm sorry that I taught you to only receive. Even now, when you are an adult, I try to predict your desires. This is true! Understand that it is very difficult to give up your habits.

Forgive me for convincing you to give up your own desires, because I rely on my capabilities, because I want to take part in your life.

I want you to be dependent on me. Sorry! My distrust is due to the fact that I did not teach you to distinguish between what is dangerous and what is safe for you in this life. That's why you're scared. I “beat my hands” and said: “You can’t!” But you should have said: “Danger!”

I'm sorry that most often, when returning from work, I complained out loud to adversity, problems, everyday situations and crises, to dad, forgetting to talk about how I cope with this, how happy I am that I have you and HIM. It is possible that this is why you are stuck at the “childhood” age, so as not to take responsibility for yourself, so as not to live an “adult” life.

Every moment, moment was given to me to rejoice in your existence.Just enjoy how you grow, mature, learn to be.

I'm sorry that I brushed aside your questions, tears, cuddles then, in childhood, in adolescence. You learned that you don’t need to bother your mom, mom is busy. And now I want attention and care. I refused then, but now I want it! Sorry, I was stupid.

I'm sorry that most often you saw me preoccupied and sad. I forgot how to enjoy this world, and I didn’t teach you to see joy in every moment.

I'm sorry that you didn't live up to the hopes that I had for you, that you don't live according to the scenario that I created for myself.

Only now I realized that you were not born to me in order to justify my hopes. You have your own destiny, and I have mine.

Forgive me for the fact that, like in childhood, I was not able to “dissolve your trouble with my hands.” I am a woman, not the Universe. I can sympathize, grieve, grieve, cry and rejoice with you. When together, everything is divided in half!

Daughter, I'm sorry! I did not explain to you that divorce occurs only between a Wife and a Husband. Dad will always be your dad. He left me, not You! This is not your fault. You will have your own/another husband, the father of your children.

Daughter, forgive me for not telling you about my happiness! This is about the fact that I HAVE you!

For me, you are the best, kindest and dearest daughter.

I tell you: “YES!”

I could only be who I was! Sorry!

Let me sit next to you.Let's hug, cling to each other and just BE SILENT! published

My beloved daughter, my treasure! I ask for your forgiveness and want you to never be offended by me. Maybe I didn’t do something, didn’t say it, didn’t add it, but I always did everything I could for you. I want you to have only the best in life, so that you are the happiest, so that your heart never knows worries and suffering. And may our great Lord always forgive you for your mistakes. Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

On Forgiveness Sunday
You, daughter, forgive me,
It might be something involuntary
I offended you.

Sorry for being too harsh
And eternal maternal control,
I only wish the best
To you, my daughter, in life.

On Forgiveness Sunday
And I forgive you
I want you, dear,
She was happier than me.

Daughter, forgive me, please,
Sometimes I don't notice rudeness
When I the right words I don't find it
Then I rip off my accumulated anger!

I'm on Forgiveness this Sunday
I want you to forgive me for everything!
I ask you for forgiveness now,
So that you let go of your grievances!

I will become more restrained, I promise,
Just don’t accumulate evil in your heart,
I love you, beloved, dear,
Let our life be full of warmth!

The resurrection of forgiveness is coming,
The time to apologize is coming
So that our heart and soul
The heavy load has been lifted forever!

I'll hug my daughter
And I'll tell you how much I love you
Forever in my soul, forever,
You are the closest person to me!

Daughter, forgive me for everything,
Don't hold a grudge against me,
Know that a mother's heart is always
He will worry about you!

Sorry, my dear daughter,
Be happy and loved.
Me on Forgiveness Sunday
I'll ask you for forgiveness,
So that in your heart forever
There was no trace of resentment left.

Daughter, forgive me, dear!
Sometimes I can't help myself,
I can be too strict
And then I regret it so much.

I love you with all my heart, daughter,
Let's forget all the insults of a moment,
Let today be a sunny flower
Forgiveness will bloom in your soul!

My dear daughter, forgive me for the insults, misunderstandings, harsh words and actions. May there always be peace, a feeling of happiness and tranquility in your heart. I congratulate you on Forgiveness Sunday and wish that there will always be harmony and trust between us.

Daughter, my little blood! Today is a holy day, today everyone should open their hearts and let light and goodness into them. Let go of all evil, envy and troubles, cleanse your souls. So I want to ask you for forgiveness for everything. I wish you only the best on this earth, so that you are always protected by angels when I am not around. Happy forgiven resurrection, daughter!

Forgive me, daughter. On Forgiveness Sunday, may your heart let go of all grievances and sorrows, may there be no room left in your life for unnecessary worries and quarrels with loved ones. Daughter, I love you very much and sincerely wish you to always be happy and loved. My dear, do not offend anyone and let no one dare to offend you.

Sorry for what I don't know about
I'm warning you once again,
Why sometimes I look askance
I never say that.
Forgive me again, dear -
Sometimes I don’t have time to hug
And press it to your heart.
Send all your love
And protect from storms and adversity.
So that life gives a magic raft,
Which will bring happiness.

It's great to have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and family who care about you and who can always support you in Hard time, a person has a feeling of security and need. But, as often happens, the most dear people we offend more often than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of our relatives this is not always possible. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly?

Squeezing out “Forgive me” is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will work out on its own is wrong, because this is an indicator of immaturity. It is easier to respect and trust a person who admits his mistakes. But how can you ask for forgiveness from your beloved girl, from your dad and mom, from your sister or best friend?

We can talk at length about the benefits of asking for forgiveness. Prepare a speech in poetry or beg him. All this is useless if you don't have the right attitude. The difficulty is this:

  • Pride and selfishness can become an obstacle to reconciliation. It is pride that makes a person think: “Why me? He is also wrong." Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other, and resentment can develop into hatred. To break this vicious circle, you need to calm down and analyze what you did wrong and how you can correct the situation. The quality of humility will help with this. Is it unfashionable now? Yes, many people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. The majority opinion should not affect your decisions. There is no shame in admitting that you are wrong; your family and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a significant role. If as a child you did not hear the words “sorry” from your dad and mom, then this will be difficult for you too. This requires awareness of this fact and work on yourself. Try to “step on” yourself once and apologize, you will feel light in your soul and in your relationships. Next time asking for forgiveness will not be difficult. Come up with an apology in verse, this will help smooth out the tension.
  • The right infusion. How necessary it is. Often people think: “If I ask for forgiveness, then I will make it clear that I am guilty and show my weakness.” This opinion is wrong. Agree, at least two people are involved in a quarrel. Do you want to say that you didn’t say too much or didn’t show disdain with your icy silence? You yourself know that there is a share of your fault.

What can be done

Before apologizing, it is important to consider a few things. Otherwise, you can mess things up even if you have the best intentions. There is no point in sorting things out when you are irritated. Wait until you both cool down. And a few more tips:

  • When figuring out how to ask a girl for forgiveness, in poetry or prose, it is important to be sincere.

A hint of sarcasm is inappropriate, even if you are sure you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you couldn’t take a joke” can be perceived as mockery. If you are sincere, your eyes and your tone of voice will show it. Even if the offense is unfounded, acknowledge that you may have hurt feelings. A sincere apology removes the wall that is built by the offended person. Destroy this wall and you will notice that the girl is no longer in a defensive position, peace has been restored.

  • Different upbringings need to be taken into account.

What may seem like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. There is no need to beg the feelings of another or make fun of them in any way. If it’s common practice in your family to tease each other and no one gets offended by it, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand that people adapt to you and understand your jokes. Over time, this may happen, but for now, apologize and no longer make funny jokes about others.

  • The emotional background also needs to be taken into account; it is different for each person.

Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same. Some are more emotional, others not so much. You think it’s okay to take your sister’s sweater without permission, but this may irritate her. The result was a scandal. You think that your sister got wound up in vain. Listen to her words, and not to the tone in which it was said. Try to understand what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to the right decision. And if you need to ask your sister for forgiveness, then do not hesitate. Understand that she may feel differently than you do.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all out of malice, offended you, and now I simply can’t find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't hold a grudge against me anymore. This quarrel became a big lesson for me.

With you next to me I breathe
I'm burning next to you,
I live next to you,
And without you I'm dying,
Forgive me, I beg you!

My prickly hedgehog, stop snorting.
Even though it will hurt, I want to hug you.

Darling, life is about mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything I do is only because I’m afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head, and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I did. I love you very much and will do everything for our happiness! Forgive me, dear.

Learning to build relationships

Understanding the above principles will also help in your relationship with your best friend. It all depends on how you interpret this concept. If the word “friendship” is a superficial concept with selfish motives, then you should not worry that you have offended someone. Your friendship will end in any case. And if the basis of friendship is affection, loyalty, mutual assistance, then such relationships must be protected.

It is clear that there are no ideal people. From time to time there will be mutual grievances and complaints. You shouldn't put an end to your relationship. It is possible to mend a friendship. Most often, people are offended not on purpose: she said it without thinking; was rude while in a bad mood; as a friend, she interfered in something that was not her own business.

After you understand why your friend was offended, start a conversation with the goal of solving the problem and maintaining the friendship. Explain that you did not upset her out of malice. It won't look like you're making excuses, you're just clarifying your motives and motivations. You can apologize for hurt feelings. If your girlfriend is a romantic and emotional person, try presenting her a request for forgiveness in poetry.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. The lack of trust in you was a big lesson for me. Let's make peace, my kitten.

I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, just forgive and believe me, my dear. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired one.

Every day lived without you is simply an unbearable test.. I think about you every minute, my joy. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not out of malice. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore.

Let's keep our love, because it's so good for us to be together. Darling, I breathe you. I need you like I need air.

But this is in the heat of the moment.
This happens to everyone.
Please forgive me,
Love like that only once!

Sorry for the unnecessary words, and for my stupid actions. Believe me, there is no limit to my repentance! I want to look into your eyes again... Please, forgive me!

The same principles apply if a dispute occurs between two friends. If a friend or girlfriend did not accept your apology, then it will be easier for you because you did everything possible on your part.

Parents are people who will always forgive. They forgive for thoughtlessly spoken words, for not having time to call them. Stop in your cycle of life. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest you have. Things may not work out with a girl, friendships may become obsolete, but your parents are always with you.

Make it a habit to call them every day and see how they are doing. Ask for forgiveness for your indifference to them. But what if you have not yet reached the age when you can fully make decisions and take care of yourself financially?

First of all, you need to realize that you can be wrong too. If you see only your parents’ shortcomings and don’t notice your own, then asking for forgiveness is extremely difficult. Besides, parents are not perfect. They want what's best for you, but they don't always know how to do it right. One thing is for sure, they truly care about you.

I understand that the word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. So, quite by accident, such offensive words came out to you. Forgive me, please, I realize that I told you nonsense, but it was not at all out of malice. I love you after all. You best guy on the ground. Let's make peace, my kitten, and forget that day forever.

Darling, I beg you very much -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't stand long separations
And I’m already tired of being offended...

Darling, I feel such emptiness in my heart because I’m not with you. I know I'm to blame. You have a patient, angelic character, and I took advantage of this and unfairly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, don’t hold a grudge against me anymore. Let's make peace and be together again.

Forget all the words you said before,
Forgive me, I behaved badly...

Let's say you broke some rule set by your parents. First of all, you need to be honest about it. There is no need to downplay your guilt, make excuses or tell half-truths. This will create even more problems for yourself. By telling everything honestly, you will show that even though you made a mistake, you can be trusted.

Agree that you have caused concern to your parents. Therefore, asking mom and dad for forgiveness would be appropriate. Say that you are sorry for what happened and assure your parents that you will be careful about your behavior and words in the future. Be prepared to be punished. Taking responsibility for your actions is a sign of a mature person.