Psychological tests for teenagers 12-15 years old.  Psychological tests for teenagers

Psychological tests for teenagers 12-15 years old. Psychological tests for teenagers

1. Do you often experience a craving for new experiences, to be distracted, to experience strong sensations?

2. Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand, approve, and sympathize with you?

3. Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

4. Is it very difficult for you to give up your intentions?

5. Do you think about your affairs slowly, do you prefer to wait before acting?

6. Do you always keep your promises, even if it doesn’t benefit you?

7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

8. Do you usually act and speak quickly?

9. Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

10. Are you able to decide on anything in a “dispute”?

11. Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex who you like?

12. Does it ever happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

13. Does it often happen that you act thoughtlessly, on the spur of the moment?

14. Do you often worry about the idea that you shouldn't have done or said something?

15. Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

16. Is it true that you are easily offended?

17. Do you often like to be in company?

18. Do you ever have thoughts that you would not like to share with others?

19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything in your hands burns, and sometimes you feel tired?

20. Do you try to limit your circle of acquaintances to a small number of your closest friends?

21. Do you dream a lot?

22. When people shout at you, do you respond in kind?

23. Do you consider all your habits to be good?

24. Do you often have the feeling that you are to blame for something?

25. Are you sometimes able to give free rein to your feelings and have fun in a cheerful company?

26. Can we say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

27. Are you reputed to be a lively and cheerful person?

28. When something is done, do you often mentally return to it and think that you could have done it better?

29. Do you feel uneasy when you are in a large company?

30. Does it happen that you spread rumors?

31. Does it happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

32. If you want to know something, do you prefer to find it in a book rather than ask people?

33. Do you have palpitations?

34. Do you like work that requires concentration?

35. Do you have tremors?

36. Do you always tell the truth?

37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a company where they make fun of each other?

38. Are you irritable?

39. Do you like work that requires quick action?

40. Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

41. Is it true that you are leisurely in your movements and somewhat slow?

42. Have you ever been late for work or a meeting with someone?

43. Do you often have nightmares?

44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you don’t miss any opportunity to talk with a new person?

45. Do you have any pain?

46. ​​Would you be upset if you couldn’t see your friends for a long time?

47. Are you a nervous person?

48. Are there anyone among your friends that you clearly don’t like?

49. Are you a confident person?

50. Are you teenagers easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or your work?

51. Is it difficult for you to really enjoy events in which many people participate?

52. Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

53. Could you bring some life to a boring company?

54. Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

55. Are you worried about your health?

56. Do you like to make fun of others?

57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Special test for teenagers!

Processing the results.

To answer the question, which camp - extroverts or introverts - do you belong to, you need to calculate the sum of the “yes” answers to questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49 , 53, 56 and “no” answers to questions 5, 15, 20, 29, 37, 41, 51.

If the sum of points

from 0 to 10, then you are an introvert - closed within yourself;

From 15 to 24 - you are an extrovert - sociable, facing the outside world;

From 11 to 14 - you are an ambivert - you communicate when you need it.

To determine the coefficient of emotional stability, you should calculate the sum of “yes” answers to questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 2, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57 (see chart).

If the number of answers is “yes”

From 0 to 10, then you are emotionally stable;

From 11 to 16 - you are emotionally impressionable;

From 17 to 22 - individual signs of looseness appear nervous system;

From 23 to 24 - you are at risk of a nervous breakdown, neurosis.


Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is oriented outward in its manifestations, towards others.

Extroverts are characterized by behavior in which a person strives to:

communicating with people

attention from others,

participation in public speaking,

participation in crowded events and parties.

Extroverts are “charged” with energy from the outside world - from actions, people, places and things. They are energy wasters. Long periods of inactivity, inner contemplation, or loneliness, or communication with only one person deprive them of a sense of meaning in life. However, extroverts need to supplement the time they spend in action with intervals of just being, otherwise they will get lost in the whirlpool of frantic activity. Extroverts have a lot to offer our society: they express themselves easily, are focused on results, and love crowds and action.

Extroverts are like solar panels. For them, being alone or being inside is like being under heavy, dense clouds. Solar panels need the sun to recharge - extroverts need to be in public for this. Like introversion, extroversion is a temperament with a constant pattern of action. It cannot be changed. You can work with it, but not against it.

An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, organizer (often on a voluntary basis), official, manager of people, artist or entertainer.

Introverts - a type of personality (or behavior) oriented inward or towards oneself.

At its core, introversion is a type of temperament. This is not at all like shyness or aloofness; it is not a pathology. In addition, this personality trait cannot be changed, even if you really want to. But you can teach him to work with him, not against him.

Introverts are characterized by behavior that is more related to comfortable solitude, internal reflections and experiences, creativity, or observation of the process.

Most important distinguishing feature introverts lies in the source of energy: introverts draw energy from their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. They conserve energy. The outside world quickly puts them into a state of overstimulation, and they have an unpleasant feeling when there is “too much” of something. This can manifest itself in twitchiness or, conversely, in apathy. In any case, they need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely devastated. However, introverts need to supplement their alone time with time in the outside world, otherwise they may lose their sense of perspective and connection with others. Introverts who can balance their energy needs have resilience and tenacity, can see things independently, focus deeply, and work creatively.

Introverts are like an electric battery that needs to be recharged. They need to periodically stop, stop wasting energy and rest in order to recharge again. It is the opportunity to recharge that provides introverts with a less stimulating environment. In it they restore energy. This is their natural ecological niche.

An introvert may be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer or individual entrepreneur. If an extrovert needs the presence of other people for comfort, then an introvert is comfortable working alone.


An ambivert (in psychology) is a person who has average scores on the introversion-extroversion scale. Extroversion means being outgoing...

Explanation of the test for teenagers.

Determination of temperament type.

If in your environment there is a person around whom everything is falling, collapsing, flying, ringing and breaking, and his voice is heard with such volume that it can be heard in the most distant corners, then he is probably a choleric person. It doesn’t give in to pressure, it’s more likely to start itself up so that it doesn’t seem too much. There is no need to push it or start it at all - it will explode without additional help from you. And when “Ostap gets carried away,” then just hold on! “Light tank” is how one of the girls described her choleric boyfriend. A.P. Chekhov accurately noted that choleric people don’t understand jokes and can’t stand everything. It has a terrible property that makes it of little use for family scandals: you raise your voice at him, and he raises it even more. You hit a cup - he hits a dinner plate, you throw a pillow at him, he... however, it’s better not to throw a pillow at him... You must be prepared that a choleric husband with a pure but angry heart can throw a shoe or an iron in your direction , grip, guitar, stereo, chair - whatever comes to hand. Then he will cry and ask for forgiveness. It’s better, of course, not in the emergency room...

The choleric person is mobile, does not keep himself waiting when he needs to come up with something, propose, or take the initiative. The famous psychiatrist V. Garbuzov claims that the ancient natural biological function of choleric people is the conquest of new spaces for the pack (tribe, state, family). So keep this one in the peaceful walls of your home! It is not surprising that he always strives to run away somewhere. He's not running from you, of course. And to new, unknown battles

In most cases, modesty is not a noticeable feature of a choleric person. Confidence in many choleric people turns into self-confidence. He doesn’t really like to finish, think out, polish, although if he gets seriously carried away, it’s difficult to stop him. This also manifests itself very noticeably in courtship.

Doesn't like to wait. He perceives failures as a challenge from fate - he either acts feverishly or falls into apathy. In general, the companion of such a man should get used to his mood swings, hot temper, and periodic verbosity. If he speaks, it is problematic to interrupt him; if he sulks in a corner, it is also difficult to stir him up. Well, at least he’ll explain what’s going on (melancholic people are rarely capable of this). It is almost impossible to predict his reaction to something new - he is not predictable!

Such a “gift” moves in a specific way: quickly, impetuously, one gets the impression that he has too many hands, elbows and knees. Usually he grabs, pulls and throws. Hugs are temperamentally appropriate (be careful with your spine and ribs!). It is difficult for him to sit widely and comfortably in a chair or on a chair - he would rather sit on the edge, like an eagle on a cliff - about to take off! He needs everything right away. And a lot... Don’t try to put a “muzzle” of decorum on him, this will develop into neurasthenia, neurosis. Do you need a mentally damaged husband? Then give him room to maneuver, a shelf with things that you don’t really value, a couple of enemies, a goal to conquer, and lock him in four walls less often. Give him the happiness to run after you, reward him occasionally with passionate dates. In the end, it also has great benefits: if someone starts pestering you, the choleric person will hit him before you react. So a taboo free space will soon form around you, like around a royal person.

A sanguine person is in some ways similar to a choleric person, but he is better suited to be a scout - he has good self-control, is balanced, and does not get into trouble. If there is one striking feature, it is an even optimism and efficiency. The confidence of a sanguine person is adequate, mobility does not threaten the interior, decisiveness depends little on mood. If a sanguine person has ideas, he considers it natural to bring their implementation to their logical conclusion. If the situation gets tense, unlike a choleric person, he not only becomes collected, but also does not lose his sense of humor. He can lighten the atmosphere with jokes and jokes. A sanguine person can make not only a character actor, but also a universal actor - he has good command of emotions, loud speech, lively intonations, varied facial expressions. It is easier for a sanguine person to be known as the life of the party, the ringleader and the favorite - he is sociable, but not intrusive; a confident but not aggressive leader, active but not fussy. He loves company, makes acquaintances easily, and is pleasant at home. He switches easily, does not get hung up on problems, hence what is called lightness of character. I’m not inclined to quarrel over trifles, and in general he’s easy-going - in a word, he’s a cutie! The natural role of a sanguine person is the arrangement of “infrastructure” - connections between fellow tribesmen, management, social well-being. Therefore, a sanguine person is quite suitable as a husband, but still has a couple of disadvantages. For example, his tastes, interests and inclinations are not particularly consistent. Can be quite amorous. Fans usually revolve around a sanguine person, like planets around the sun. A sanguine person enjoys the company of the opposite sex - he literally basks in the rays of his own eloquence and charm. “Well, how can I drive them away, dear, I can’t deprive these lovely girls of MYSELF! It will be too hard for them” - such reasoning with a greater or lesser degree of self-confidence is characteristic of sanguine people.

A job for sanguine teenagers needs one that offers a variety of activities, business trips, and a change in activity. Can change places of work in search of one where it would be interesting. If he doesn’t find one, he openly gets bored and complains. If he gets carried away, then that’s a different matter. He is able to work, but this ability is not always realized. He likes to command more than to obey, prefers to decide for others, to put people in their places. Therefore, if life does not correct the sanguine person, optimism turns into mocking, wasting life; leadership - into tyranny, the desire to crush those who are weaker and dependent on him.

Phlegmatics are also quite easy to calculate. He is the opposite of choleric. In class he “doesn’t violate”, he doesn’t go around with women, he’s invisible in an argument, he’s the last one to enter a fight. True, if he does, it will be more difficult to stop him than a choleric person. Because the main feature of a phlegmatic person is inertia, that is, he swings for a long time, and when he swings, he cannot stop.

Have you seen at the station how a loaded train starts moving? If you compare it with a passenger car, is there a difference? Can you mentally imagine how to stop this very loaded train at full speed? How about stopping a car under the same conditions? The inertia of a freight train is many times greater than that of a passenger car. Now you understand what a phlegmatic person is, just starting to do something, and a phlegmatic person who is already seriously interested in something. These are two big differences. And you own husband you may not know in these two states. Yesterday it was a lazy fat man lying on the sofa and slowly sketching out a kitchen refurbishment plan on a piece of paper; today it is a woodworking machine that knows no rest, monotonously and measuredly churning out planed boards, parts and interior items. Sometimes you can’t even get enough for lunch - that’s how you get involved in work! But the degree of hard work of a phlegmatic person depends on his upbringing: he can become a hard worker or a lazy person (just remember Oblomov)!

A phlegmatic person is also convenient because the apartment is quiet with him. He doesn’t like to say unnecessary words, and his voice is often not loud. Speech is calm and without emotion. According to the observations of A.P. Chekhov, “he is always serious because he is too lazy to laugh.” It’s difficult to get him out of his temper; he’s in no hurry to get offended. Things around him are in order, he is confident in his knowledge and capabilities - and such confidence is built from scratch, but on hard-earned experience and competent, leisurely calculations. Usually he doesn’t allow himself to be drawn into a dispute - if the dispute is really interesting or if the disputants are pestering you, please give me a couple of weighty judgments. And again - silence. The natural biological role of a phlegmatic person (according to V. Garbuzov) is the arrangement of the territory “freshly conquered” by choleric people. Therefore, the following points are important for a phlegmatic husband:

the territory he came to is his territory, and without any military action;

no one is stopping him from settling in and arranging it to his liking;

in this territory no one is rushing him - everything has its time, and the phlegmatic person does practically nothing in the blink of an eye.

A phlegmatic person has a good sense of rhythms and cycles, and is not bothered by monotonous work - he knows that summer gives way to autumn, and autumn to winter, and he will still have to plow in the spring. Even if he is a manager or businessman, from the outside he looks like a “plowman” - stubborn, unhurried, measured and patient, he “sows” his modest or large business and skillfully cultivates it. Even though there is hail and snow, nature has no bad weather. Having a delicate and vulnerable mental organization, you cannot survive regular natural disasters. And giving up means only ruining your previous work. Therefore, looking for poetic subtleties is not for the phlegmatic. Life's difficulties do not knock him out of the saddle; he perceives them as simply ordinary everyday troubles. If there is noise and commotion around, pitching and cannonade, a phlegmatic person is able to work with virtually no damage to quality. Sometimes phlegmatic people even seem rude because of their unemotionality and thick skin.

And indeed, they are the most “thick-skinned” of all temperaments. You can’t take them “weakly”, you can’t sell them unnecessary goods, you can’t persuade them into a dubious deal. It is also difficult to drag a phlegmatic person into the registry office under the influence of an impulse - this is not a passionate choleric person or an addicted sanguine person! But... ah! No one knows how to wait so faithfully and for a long time for his beloved as a phlegmatic person. He is one of those monogamous people who, having met youthful love 10-20 years later, as if nothing had happened, goes down the aisle with her - he knew that he would not get away from him! And the fact that the beloved is not so fresh, is far from being the morning rose, is not to drink water from the face, the main thing is that the person is the same.

A melancholic person outwardly “disguises” himself as a phlegmatic person - he is quiet, quiet, avoids unnecessary activity, and is not expressive. But it has at least two fundamental differences. His quietness and equanimity are purely external, but inside there are nerves, like exposed wires, hidden resentments and doubts. The slightest fluctuations in the human field are recorded: he notices half-looks, half-smiles, breaths and eyebrow movements. He can hear the grass growing. Is it any wonder that screams, scandals, tears and, God forbid, life dramas throw him out of balance. And therefore, when a melancholic person finds himself in a critical situation, he sometimes even loses the ability to think sensibly, and sometimes he simply “hides his head in the sand,” like an ostrich. Not because he is stupid or irresponsible, but because the load on his sensitive nervous system is prohibitive. The fuses simply “burn out” and the person switches off for a while. If I hadn’t passed out, I would have quickly seen a psychiatrist. So the old trick with “hooligans” in the gateway does not work with a melancholic person. He might get into a fight (he’s a man after all!), but then... You will be forced to spend many hours having calming conversations, giving him valerian to drink, caressing and comforting the melancholic. It is possible that he himself will run away from you - if he does not want to appear before the Lady of his heart in such an unmanly form. But he can’t do anything with himself - he’s not a fighter by nature!

In addition, he is indecisive, unsure, making a choice is sheer torment for him! And getting to know the lady of his heart is a real problem for a melancholic person. What wild psychological tricks must a melancholic person in love perform on himself in order to simply come up and find out the name and contact numbers of his passion! Yes, he rarely meets people on his own. The melancholic person really likes large noisy companies and avoids numerous contacts. In everyday life, his ability to take offense at little things and react to minor troubles can be quite annoying. Requires more warmth and consolation than representatives of other temperaments. The only good thing is that you can expect the same from him in return. A melancholic person is a faithful friend, a poetic, subtle nature that easily senses your mood. Do you want flowers, serenades, sighs under the moon? Please! Just don’t bother with requests very often:

solve one or another fundamental issue;

select the type of deposit in the bank;

change the job to which he is accustomed;

agree on roof repairs (overhaul, luggage transportation, etc.) A well-mannered melancholic person, of course, will try to shoulder this heavy load, but too frequent abuse of his masculinity can disrupt the harmony of your relationship. The natural function of melancholic people is diagnosis. A melancholic person in society is an analogue of pain cells in the body. Troubles started in some place - people got sick there. The same is true for a melancholic person: as long as everything in society is relatively smooth, familiar, and calm, the melancholic person is also calm. As soon as the slightest signs of disturbance appear, the melancholic person is in tension. His sensitivity allows him to perform well in almost any diagnostic activity, be it checking computers, medical diagnostics, psychology, pedagogy, economics, management, and even politics. The melancholic person is actively worried - expect troubles in the future. By the way, despite such a fragile structure, melancholic people do not drink too much more often than representatives of other temperaments - they take care of their health! Naturally, each of the four temperaments presented in its pure form is rare. More often one can observe transitional forms - choleric-melancholic, phlegmatic-sanguine, etc. Of course, this also applies to women. There are no combinations of melancholic and sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic - they are too different.

You have outgrown the child, but have not yet become an adult, you want to be carefree or you are trying to find your path in life. Take psychological tests for teenagers, find out how you communicate, whether you are interesting to your friends, whether you have crossed the dangerous line of adolescence. This will give definition in life, reveal characteristic features. Many people do not even realize what potential lies within them; they go with the flow, not trying to resist. Due to their complexes, they close themselves off, stop communicating with peers, inventing a bunch of complexes for themselves.

This position is not correct, although adolescence is not easy, you should group yourself and bravely go through this stage of life. The first hobbies of the opposite sex appear, followed by disappointments. Love tests for teenagers will help here; it is by them that you can judge whether they like you, and maybe they will be friends with you. After all, it’s hard for 11-12 year old girls to determine what they feel towards them, and it’s no easier for 14 year olds either. In addition, you can find out your character and what those around you think about you. Having such information, you can change your attitude towards this or that issue, look at the situation with different eyes.

Number of completed: 3844 641 31

At any age, love plays a huge role in life, and in adolescence it also raises many questions and doubts. Love tests for teenagers will help you understand yourself and your feelings.

Number of completed: 2976 496 24

At 14, a girl begins to become a girl, her views on life and the problems that concern her change. Tests for girls 14 years old will not leave the most important questions that interest every girl unanswered.

Number of completed: 3224 537 26

At the age of 11, you stop being a child and become a real teenager. Tests for 11-year-old boys are designed to determine whether you are ready to enter a new period of your life.

Number of completed: 4092 682 33

Mental tests for children 13 years old will sort out all the problems that concern you and show how well you cope with them. Perhaps it will become easier for you to understand people and communicate with them.

Number of completed: 3844 641 31

If you have noticed that no one understands you and does not want to listen, the “Know Yourself” test for teenagers is a great way to understand your inner experiences. First you need to understand yourself.

Number of completed: 3968 661 32

Adolescence– the perfect time to absorb all the available knowledge. Developmental tests for teenagers will allow you to discover your capabilities and raise your intelligence level to amazing heights.

Number of completed: 3720 620 30

A communication test for teenagers will determine how well you can find mutual language with others. Maybe you should change something in your communication style so that people around you will treat you well.

Number of completed: 4712 785 38

Lately have you noticed that you've been acting strange and thinking about things that didn't bother you at all before? Test for transitional age for girls it will clarify the situation. Adolescence may have caught up with you!

This article is intended for parents, teachers and psychologists - for everyone who interacts with children of secondary school age. Here are the main psychological tests intended for children 10-12 years old.

Main, distinctive feature children of this age - the need for self-knowledge. This means that children become more interested in their inner world than ever before. The child asks questions: “What am I? Am I a good friend? Am I better or worse than other children? Can I be a leader?

Psychological tests- This is a kind of tool for measuring a child’s personality. With their help, he will be able to learn a lot of new things about himself and find answers to pressing questions.

Knowing the personal characteristics of a particular child will help improve your relationship with him, simply by changing your approach to him. Using his strengths and weaknesses, you can help your child become a better person. And finally, knowing psychological problems child, you can contact a specialist in time and personally provide him with support.

What are the tests?

There are scientifically based psychological tests as well as recreational tests. The latter do not contain reliable information, but simply serve to entertain children and their parents. Below is a list of the most famous scientifically based psychological tests. All of them are suitable for children 10-12 years old. They are used mainly by psychologists, but both parents and teachers can figure it out if they wish.

Drawing tests

Drawing test “My family”

The child is given the instruction: “Draw your family.” Only one phrase, without any explanation. After the child completes the drawing, you can evaluate how satisfied he is with family relationships.

  • the presence of all family members in the picture;
  • all family members are located close to each other or are busy with the same thing;
  • the main part of the drawing is occupied by family members, and not by things or objects;
  • all family members smile (but do not grin);
  • lack of shading and too weak or strong pencil pressure.

Drawing test “Non-existent animal”

Instructions for the child: “Draw an animal that does not exist in nature and give it a name.” This test allows you to find out how safe the child’s emotional state is, how comfortable he is in the world around him.

“Prosperous” signs are:

  • the animal has something similar to the mouth, eyes, ears, arms and legs of a person;
  • an animal combines the characteristics of various living beings (but not inanimate objects);
  • the animal is friendly, does not hide from the outside world, has no means of attack or defense (claws, teeth, shell);
  • the animal has clear (but without pressure) contours;
  • lack of shading;
  • The name of the animal carries a positive meaning.

Drawing test “My tree”

Instructions: “Draw any tree.”

Once the drawing is ready, the size and location of the tree are analyzed. For example, a large tree with a thick trunk can indicate energy. A small tree at the bottom of a leaf can indicate low self-esteem and depression. Attention is also drawn to the components of the tree: roots, branches, leaves. A dried or broken tree may indicate psychological trauma.

Definition of Temperament

The test contains 57 questions; based on the child’s answers, one of four types of temperament is determined: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.

Temperament refers to the type of human nervous system. It is innate and cannot be changed. The type of temperament is determined based on such characteristics of the nervous system as strength, balance and mobility. Temperament can explain many human behavioral characteristics. Knowing your temperament, you can build the right approach to the child. So, for example, you cannot demand activity and energy from a melancholic person, and quiet and calm behavior from a choleric person.

The test also allows you to determine who the child is - an extrovert (sanguine and choleric) or an introvert (phlegmatic and melancholic). Extroverts prefer to be around people more often, while introverts prefer solitude. Although introverts also have a need for communication, extroverts sometimes want to be alone.

Self-esteem and anxiety

Luscher color test (adapted children's version)

The child is shown 8 cards, each of them a certain color. Instructions: “Choose the color that you like best at the moment.” The selected card is put aside, then the instructions are repeated again. And so on until only one color remains.

Based on the colors chosen, one can judge the child’s emotional comfort. It is possible to identify him in time depressive state(in this case it will select first dark colors). An adult will be able to identify the causes of this condition and eliminate them.

Self-esteem test “Ladder”

The child is shown a ladder of 5-7 steps drawn on paper. Then they say: “At the very top step there are the best (kind, smart, hardworking) people, and at the very bottom there are the worst (evil, stupid, lazy).”

This is how the child’s attitude towards himself is determined. Low self-esteem can also be a sign of depression. Extremely high self-esteem is no longer adequate for a given age, this is also a reason to think about it.

School anxiety questionnaire

The child is asked 58 questions. Based on the answers, you can determine not only general level school anxiety, but also specific fears. For example, fear of answering at the blackboard, fear of the teacher, fear of opening up in front of other people, and so on. By identifying the specific source of anxiety at school, it will be easier to help your child work through his fear.

Social adaptation

Rosenzweig Frustration Test

The child is shown 24 drawings in turn. Each picture shows 2 people. One of them says a phrase to the other that causes frustration. (Frustration is a state caused by an unsatisfied need). The child needs to come up with an answer to this phrase.

All answers are analyzed by a psychologist, after which a conclusion can be drawn about the degree of social adaptation of the child. That is, you can see how conflicted he is with others in situations that are unpleasant for him.

Projective test “Birthday”

The child is shown a diagrammatic representation of a table and chairs around it. Instructions: “Imagine that it is your birthday. Where will you sit at this table?” The chair is marked with a cross. - “Who will sit next to you? And on the other hand? — The chairs are marked with the initials of the people chosen by the child. - “Do you want to invite someone else? Tell me who you’ll put where.”

The test helps to identify the most significant people for a child. Usually this is either a family or a peer group. Sometimes it happens that a child names only fictional characters. In this case, we can assume that the child is uncomfortable in the real world.


All presented tests have been tested for large quantities people of several generations and are quite reliable. But still, you cannot judge a person by one test. To obtain a more accurate result, it is important to use several methods at once. But even then it is impossible one hundred percent certainty say that you know everything about the child. An important role here is played by the general impression of the child and the nature of communication with him. It is advisable to communicate test results to children. For them, this is an opportunity to get to know themselves better and develop new qualities. This will be fertile ground for further personal development.

Alena is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about psychology, education and learning and games for children.

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