Salt dough work “Rooster is the symbol of the year.  DIY New Year's sheep made from salt dough

Salt dough work “Rooster is the symbol of the year. DIY New Year's sheep made from salt dough

The dog is the symbol of 2018, and how we want this animal to bring us good luck. Dachshunds are by nature good-natured and cheerful animals, and in order to attract good luck, we will sculpt this particular breed. And even if such a souvenir does not bring good luck, it will definitely lift your spirits. Make it yourself using this master class, and you will succeed!

To sculpt a dog you will need:

  • stacks, toothpicks, knife;
  • paper;
  • pencil, scissors;
  • acrylic or gouache paints;
  • brushes for painting;
  • universal varnish;
  • glue "Dragon";
  • a small piece of rope.

For the test you will need:

  • flour 2 tbsp;
  • kitchen salt 2 tbsp;
  • water 1 tbsp.

DIY sculpting of a cheerful dachshund

First you need to prepare a stencil. You can draw a dog, or you can simply print it on a printer. Cut the drawing along the contour.
For these purposes, it is advisable to use unnecessary cardboard, this will make it more convenient to cut the dough.

Take all the prepared dough and roll it into a layer 2-3 cm thick. Place a stencil on top and cut along the contour. Excess dough must be removed, crumpled into one lump and used to decorate the dog.
You need to roll out the dough immediately on the surface where it will be baked: on a baking sheet, on parchment or foil. Otherwise, it will be impossible to transfer the finished work without deforming it.

From two identical small balls we form oblong dachshund eyes. Wet the base with water and apply the eyes. Also at this stage you need to moisten all sections of the figure with water and smooth them well with your fingers so that they become smooth.

Now we take 2 more identical pieces of dough, half the size of the eyes, and form eyelids. We also make small markings on the entire dachshund. Using a stack we outline the ear, body contours, paws, nose and mouth.

To make the dog look interesting, you need to compact some places and make them voluminous. Roll a piece of dough into an oval and place it in the middle of the ear. We dip our fingers in water and begin to smooth the oval so that the joints are not visible.

We also make the dachshund's protruding backside and tail.

Now you need to use a stack or a knife to make a relief around the perimeter of the figure. If the dough is dry, you can soak it a little with water and make light oblong dents from the edges to the center.

The modeling is finished and now you need to dry the work naturally in the air or in the oven over low heat.

Dachshund painting

To make a dachshund look expressive, it needs to be tinted in a special way. Take black gouache and paint all the edges and those parts where there is some kind of relief, that is, all folds and wrinkles should be filled with paint.

Once the black is dry, take ocher (a dirty yellow color) and apply it to the foam sponge. Use a sponge to cover all unpainted parts of the dachshund and protruding relief. This way, all the folds will remain black, and most of the figure will be colored.

After the previous layers have dried, draw the eyes and make an inscription on the dog’s body in a contrasting color: for example, “I bring good luck,” “Symbol of 2018,” or any other.

Glue a string to the back of the dog on which the souvenir will hang. You can use any strong sealant. Do not use hot silicone as it does not adhere very well to dough.

We open the finished work with varnish, hang it and admire it!

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Let's be honest new Year gifts sometimes it's a real problem. Where to find various souvenirs for fifty friends and acquaintances? Where can you find time to go shopping? And how not to end up broke? Good way out- handmade gifts. The master class that we found for you will show you how to make a goat craft from salt dough, the symbol of 2015.

Salt dough goat: master class

This master class shows 3 options for sculpting a goat from salt dough. Using the same technology, you can make very different goats, not similar to one another.

Modeling goats

1. Work on making a goat begins with the body. Roll out pieces of dough with a rolling pin so that the body has a stable base and an elongated neck.

2. Immediately decorate the goat's body. The ornament can be applied using toothpicks, cocktail straws, openwork knitted napkins or any other items.

3. Shape the goat's head and attach it to the body.

4. Mold the goat's horns and attach them to the head. The antlers in the photo are more reminiscent of the antlers of a deer or elk; the antlers of a goat do not have such branches - but otherwise, working on a goat is no different.

5. Attach a metal loop to the top of the goat’s head to hold the souvenir.

6. The goat craft made from salt dough already looks like the real thing. Using a knife, cut the goat's nose and mouth.

7. Decorate the goat with any decorative element: flower, heart, star.

8. Using a toothpick, mark the places where the hooves are attached, and mold the hooves themselves. Mark holes on the hooves too.

9. Roast the goats or let them dry.

Coloring and decor

Now that the blanks are completed, all that remains is to paint them. You can choose any colors. We recommend gilding the horns and painting the goats with rosy cheeks using salt dough. For the body of a goat, pastel colors are preferable, decorative elements highlight with brighter colors.

All that remains is to bring the souvenir goats made from salt dough to perfection. Make the goats different bows with bells on their necks, use long woolen threads to make pendant legs. Attach the threads to the back (or front, if you prefer) side of the goat's body with glue and secure the hooves.

Dog - best friend people and they say this year should bring stability, success and peace. In order for this year’s patroness to favor you, you need to please her and serve her. You need to stock up on dog figurines. They can be given to friends and relatives for good luck, decorate your home with them, and even New Year's table. You can make toys from fabric or felt, a tilde doll in the shape of a dog, mold a figurine from plasticine or puff pastry, and even make a cake with the face of the patron of the year. You can easily make a dog, the symbol of 2018, with your own hands using these master classes. You don’t need to have any special skills to please your family and friends with cute gifts, and children will probably enjoy sculpting from plasticine. By the way, study.

Felt dog keychain

Keychains are often given as a small thematic gift. They say, best gift- This is a handmade item. You can very easily and simply make a keychain in the shape of a felt dog and give it to your friends and family for good luck.

So, for this craft you will need:
needle and thick thread,
cotton wool for stuffing,
braid and decorations for the collar,
key holder,
pattern (diagram).
You need to print or draw a diagram, transfer it to fabric and cut out two similar blanks from felt.

You can start sewing. You need to sew along the edge with thread, leaving a hole into which cotton wool is stuffed so that the figure is more voluminous. A collar is made from braid, decorated if desired, and a holder is attached to it. Simple craft ready!

Salt dough figurine

Do crafts on New Yeargood tradition, very useful for the whole family. Both adults and children enjoy making toys and figurines together in the form of the symbol of the year. From such dough everyone will be able to mold their own masterpiece.

To prepare the dough you need:
2 cups of flour,
120 g extra salt
80 ml water,
hand cream or vegetable oil.
All ingredients are mixed until smooth. You can add texture to sculpted dogs using a toothpick. The finished crafts are dried in the oven in two stages. First, they “bake” at a minimum temperature for a couple of hours, then cool overnight and “bake” again. Now you can design each sculpted dog. You need to paint the figures, make collars or ribbon bows for them.

Crochet symbol of 2018

Toys, crocheted, look very cute and unusual. Especially if it is a puppy or dogs of small breeds. Great option– knit or crochet the symbol of 2018 with your own hands. Making such a toy is not difficult and does not take much time.

How to tie interesting craft, this lesson will tell.
To knit a dog you will need:
yarn (brown, white and black),
padding polyester,
beads black color,
a piece of leather or braid for a collar.

It’s better to start knitting a New Year’s craft from the head: knit two chain loops (CH), in the second make six single crochets (SC). From the second row, add to all loops. In the third row, increases are made through one loop, in the fourth - through two. In the fifth, respectively, after three, and in the sixth - four. Next, five rows are knitted in a circle, then decreases are made.

First, in every fifth loop of the row, in the next row - in every fourth. Then every third. There should be eighteen loops left. You need to knit one row, and then add increments to each loop of the row. Next, knit two rows; from the next row, increases are knitted in every third loop. Knit three rows. The head and neck are ready!

For the body, make six sc. In the next row, add to all loops, and in the new one - every second, in the next, every three. Then every four, and then a row without increments. Then they make additions, but in every fifth loop. Knit three rows without increments. Now they begin to decrease in every fifth stitch and knit three rows, then in the fourth and knit two rows. Next, decrease in the third loops of the row, in the next in the second, and in the last - in all.

Now that the parts are ready, we need to sew the head and body in such a way as to give the shape to the product, because the dog must sit.

You need to tie the dog's ears. First, I made a loop and worked six sc in it, knitting one row. Increases must be made in the second stitches of the row, and then in the third. In the next row - second. You need to knit three rows in a circle. Then decrease in every second stitch of the row.

Next you need to make the dog’s paws. You need to take white yarn and make a loop with six single crochets. Then you need to make three columns of lush knitting, one in a loop - these are the toes. Next, you need to knit three rows with regular single crochets. The number of loops has increased due to the lush columns. Next you need to knit five rows with brown yarn, then make three increases in random places. You need to knit five rows and decrease in the second stitches of the row, and then in all of them.

Now you need to make the hind legs. They knit a little differently. And so, you need to take the white yarn again and make six sc in a loop, followed by three fluffy stitches and three rows in a circle. Next, you only need to knit four loops, turn around and knit four loops in the opposite direction. Repeat all steps twice and sew the heel. You should get a blank in the form of a bast or slipper.

Now attach a brown thread to the heel and start making decreases through one loop. You need to knit a row, then increase in all stitches. Then knit two rows in a circle, and then start making decreases through the loop. And in the last row, decreases are made in all loops.

To decorate the dog, you need to knit a white face. You need to make six single crochets in the loop, double the second row by knitting two sc in each loop, and in the next row increase through the loop. Now three rows are knitted without changes. The linked element is ready.

To decorate the dog's eyes, you need to make her eyelids. Six air loops, then a connecting post (SS), three RLS and SS.

To decorate the symbol of the new year 2018, you need to make a collar from a leather cord or braid, add a pendant and stylish accessory ready!

To make a ponytail, you need to knit six sc and five rows without changes, then make increases in every second stitch. And knit a row.
Now it's time to sew the craft. First sew on the muzzle and paws, then the beads for the eyes and eyelids. You can embroider a stripe up the face, and you also need to embroider the nose with black thread. Don't forget to sew on the ears and put on a collar.

The knitted craft is ready!

Plasticine dog

For the New Year 2018, you can make a cute dog out of plasticine with your children.
You will need:
plasticine orange, brown, black, white flowers,

The main color of the craft will be brown. You need to make blanks from it - two ovals. This will be the torso and head. You don't have to make them the same - it's up to you.

It is necessary to fasten the two parts, paying special attention to the place of fastening.

Then you need to mold the paws: two not too thick sausages from brown plasticine.

They are attached to the sides of the body. To give the craft a more interesting look, you need to give the dog a white shirtfront. A thin triangle is made from white plasticine and attached to the dog’s chest.

For the hind legs, you need to roll two balls and flatten them a little, and then attach them to the figure so that it is sessile.

To decorate the muzzle, you will need to make a black nose from a plasticine oval, and for the eyes you need to make two white balls and attach them to the muzzle, and add black pupils to the middle. The eyes should be the same.

For the ears you need to take orange plasticine and mold two parts from it oval shape, which should be flat.

They are attached to the sides of the dog's head and given shape.

Using a needle, a pattern is applied to the paws - toes and gives texture to the shirtfront on the chest.

Symbol of the year made of felt

Soft felt figures are pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye. They can be given as a souvenir to an adult or a child. Sew several of these dogs and please your acquaintances, relatives and friends an unusual gift for the New Year, made with your own hands. For this craft you will need:
white felt,
felt black and brown,
threads black, white, brown,
beads for eyes,
filler for toys,

First you need to cut out a pattern of parts from paper. You need to draw the outline of the body, separately the outline of the head and cut it out.

Now you need to transfer the drawing onto felt; each detail is needed in duplicate, as if in a mirror image.

To decorate the muzzle, you need to cut out a small triangle from black felt and sew it in place of the nose with black thread.

Now you need to attach the eyes and embroider the mouth.

From pieces of brown felt you need to cut out pieces that imitate stains and sew them on with brown thread.

Using an overcast stitch, you need to sew two parts of the head, but not completely. We place the filler in the remaining hole - this will make the figure more voluminous. To distribute the filler evenly, it is convenient to use a narrow object, such as a pencil. Now you can sew up the hole.

In the same way you need to make the body of the dog.

All that remains is to complete the craft and sew two blanks. This is done with reverse side along the line of the body, where the seam is not so noticeable.

You can also make magnetic dog figurines or interesting bookmarks from felt. In any case, such a gift will bring happiness and success to the owner in the new year. And a gift made with your own hands is doubly valuable.