Entertainment for young children - a cheerful little tower.  Summary of entertainment in the nursery group Entertainment in the nursery of the kindergarten

Entertainment for young children - a cheerful little tower. Summary of entertainment in the nursery group Entertainment in the nursery of the kindergarten

Anna Sobesskaya
Scenario spring fun in the nursery group

Spring 2016 nursery


Why is the leaf green?

Does it tend to go up here and there?

Why are there birds on the branches?

Do they sing songs loudly?

Why are there animals in the forest?

Can't sleep now?

Because come to us guys

Spring has come to visit again!

« Spring dance»

1. Spring has come again

And we want to dance

Foot top, foot top

More fun with leg top. (floods)


2. The sun looks out the window,

We clapped our hands

Handles clap, handles clap,

Everyone clap and clap your hands (Clap)

Losing - walking on your toes (walking)

3. Drops are ringing outside the window

We laugh all day long

We are very happy about spring,

The kids are all spinning!

(First they tap their fingers on their palms and spin around) (sit down)

Ved: Girls and boys,

Look how much sun there is

Sunny bunnies

They're jumping through our windows

Let's sing, guys

Our song to the sun!

Song "Sun"

1. The sun is bright!

The sun is hot!

Come out soon, sunshine,

It will be for the kids more fun(2 times)

2. The sun is bright!

The sun is hot!

Let's run and play

And sunbathe in the sun (2 times)


Aw! Spring, we are waiting for you! Hmm...that's strange, maybe he doesn't hear? Guys, help me! Spring, come! (children repeat)

(At this time, a snowdrift is moving on the screen near the house. The bear wakes up and groans)

BEAR: (is sitting) Oh oh oh! (grabs his ears) Who's screaming like that here? It doesn’t let me, the clubfooted one, sleep!

LEADING: (pats head) Well, little bear, don’t be angry! After all, spring is coming, wake up!

Enough, sleepy couch potato! Suck the brown one's paw!

BEAR: (rubs eyes) Oh, it really smells like spring!

LEADING: So the kids came to the forest, and spring is playing hide and seek.

BEAR: Hello! (children say hello) I also want to celebrate Spring with you, will you take me with you? Oh, how I slept for a long time, all winter! We need to warm up, come on, miracle kids, PLAY WITH ME to your heart's content!

LEADING: Well, let's play and amuse the bear. (

(Game with a bear "At the Bear's Forest" Catch up) 1-2 times

BEAR: I didn’t catch anyone, I’m tired! Do you hear? (music sounds) It seems like a pipe is playing in the meadow, let's see what's happening there, maybe spring is already around the corner? (SIT DOWN)

(puppet show "Dudochka")

Introduction No. 1.

LEADING: The goat walked and walked and found a pipe.

Music No. 2

The goat goes, finds a pipe, plays it.

GOAT: That's the music. No, I don't know how to play the pipe. I'll go and look for someone who can play it better.

LEADING: A goat is walking, and a Rooster is meeting it.

Music No. 3.

ROOSTER: Hello, Goat! What are you talking about?

GOAT: I found a pipe, do you know how to play it?

ROOSTER: Ko-ko-ko! Of course I can. I am the first musician in the village.

Music No. 4.

ROOSTER: Screams. Ku-ka-re-ku!

GOAT: Laughs. Ha ha ha!

ROOSTER: Your pipe is bad - it doesn’t sing, doesn’t play, just crows. Here, take your pipe.

Music No. 5.

GOAT: Little mouse! Can you play the pipe?

Little mouse. Yes Yes. I am the first singer in the village.

LEADING: He took the pipe and started screaming. Pee-pee-pee!

Music No. 5-a.

GOAT: Ha ha ha!

Little mouse. The bad one is yours pipe: doesn't sing, doesn't play, just teases. Take your pipe.

Music No. 6.

Cat. Hello, Goat! What are you talking about?

GOAT: I found a pipe, and now I’m looking for a musician. Maybe you can play?

Cat. Meow meow meow. I can do everything.

LEADING: The Kitty licked her lips, touched the pipe and how she screamed MEOW MEOW MEOW!

Repeat Music No. 6.

GOAT: Ha ha ha!

CAT: Your pipe is bad, it doesn’t sing, doesn’t play, just meows. Take your pipe.

LEADING: Just as the Goat was about to move on, she saw Vanyusha coming. The Goat approached Vanyusha and speaks:

GOAT: Hello, Vanyusha! I found a pipe, and now I’m looking for a musician. Maybe you can play the pipe?

Shepherd. Come on, Goat, I’ll play a pipe.

Music No. 7.

LEADING: Vanyusha touched the pipe with his lips, and it played so loudly and loudly that everyone wanted to dance. The Goat, the Cockerel, and the Mouse heard the cheerful music and started dancing.

Music No. 8.

Vanyusha. Thank you, children. And to you, Kozotchka, thank you for finding my pipe, otherwise it’s boring for me to walk around without music. And I'll give you music I'll play in the spring, I’ll invite spring here. (the shepherd plays and spring appears)

(Spring appears with a bouquet of flowers)

SPRING: Hello my guests!

I know they're waiting for me everywhere

Everyone in the world needs me!

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring!

Glad to see you again

I invite you to dance!

Dance « Merry round dance»

1. Oh, what a good day,

I just want to dance

To begin with, we clap our hands,

Let's hit loudly (round dance)

Chorus: We can’t find more fun

Our children - babies

And it’s not for nothing that they say

There are no better guys than ours (claps)

2. Look at our legs

Stomp forward backwards

This means our legs

I also want to dance (put the foot on the heel)

The chorus is the same

3. They danced in a noisy flock

Birds from the very morning

They chirped and sang

Like our children (fly like birds)

The chorus is the same

4. And also exactly like bunnies

I wanted to jump

On this day spring bright,

I just want to dance. (jump)

The chorus is the same


Thank you guys for finding me,

Why did you play with me!

Do not be ill, have fun,

And frolic in the sun!

Here's a basket from me with sweets and flowers, look for yourself!

It's time for me! Goodbye friends!

Publications on the topic:

The goal is to bring joy to children. Objectives: Educational: - to develop the ability to move according to the rhythm set by the sounding music (according to.

The creator of the script is musical director Manukovskaya Galina Mikhailovna. It happened in Rus'. Ask the old people about it. Not in any distant place.

Entertainment “Spring Mood” in the second junior group. (photo report) Spring mood – This is impatience! And you can’t sit in the house, I.

Spring fun for the middle group To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. Vedas: How beautiful the spring forest is. Full of fairy tales and miracles. Only the forest is some strange birds.

Goal: To evoke in children an emotional response to a gaming activity and a desire to participate in it, to encourage physical activity.


  • Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, physical development)
  • teach to move in accordance with the nature of the music, associate movements with it.
  • to educate children’s motor activity; learn to navigate in space.

2. Developmental: develop emotional responsiveness to music.

  • develop attention and the ability to respond to signals.

3. Educational: (socio-communicative development)

  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Course of leisure and entertainment:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music (pretends to be flying) and Baby.

Carlson: Oh, where did you and I fly to, Baby?

Kid: There are so many children here, and they are all so small, just like me.

Educator: You ended up in kindergarten. But I just don’t understand why you came. Who you are?

Carlson: Yes, I’m Carlson who lives on the roof, and this is my friend Malysh. We decided to fly a little, and got there, the engine was completely slow (points to his propeller). I need to refuel. Do you have any jam?

Vosp: Why didn’t I recognize you right away? We don't have jam, but today we have sports festival. Well, once you come to our kindergarten, you can stay and also take part in our holiday. Our children may be small, but they will show you how dexterous they are.

Kid: That's great!

Carlson: What about me? How's my engine?

Vosp: Don’t worry, you’re just like Carlson. We will help you and the guys. Let's help Carlson, kids? (children yes!) We promise to bring you so much joy that your little engine will start working.

Carlson: Hurray!

Vosp: Guys, let's show our guests how we can walk over bumps.

(The teacher lays out 5-6 hoops on the carpet one after another, shows how to step over them: raise your legs high and not step on the edge of the hoop.)

Music is playing, children are walking around, stepping through hoops.

Vosp: And now, Carlson and Baby! (they do the same thing)

Carlson: I can fly, guys, do you want to fly? (children yes!)

Carlson: Then let's play a game with you.

The game is being played "Sparrows and the car" . On signal "Automobile" the song sounds "Car" music by Popatenko, lyrics by Naydenov (Beep beep, driving down the road).

Kid: Attracts the attention of children by sounding a bell, shows it to the children, rings it for them and quickly hides it behind his back. Sentencing: "Ding Ding" . Then he runs to the opposite side of the hall, ringing the bell and singing: “I’m running, running, running,

I’m ringing the bell.” Having reached, he quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide to the sides and says: “Everyone, run here to me, find my bell” . To the child who found the bell "Baby" lets you ring the bell.

Vosp: What an interesting game with a bell, now let's play with balls. (Invites children and guests to sit on the floor, opposite each other, and roll balls to each other).

Carlson: Indeed, how clever your kids are! And I love it when balls jump and run away. I’m at least moderately well-fed, but I also like to bounce around like a ball. Let's guys jump like balls!

The game is being played “My cheerful, ringing ball” .

My cheerful, ringing ball,
Where did you run off to?
Yellow, red, blue,
Can't keep up with you!

Children imitate the movements of the ball and jump on the spot. To words “I can’t keep up with you!” they run to the music, and Carlson and Malysh catch up with them.

Kid: Carlson, look, your engine is working, it’s time for us to go home! Otherwise my mother will lose me! Let's say goodbye to the guys.

Malysh and Carlson: Thank you guys, we really enjoyed your stay, see you soon. Goodbye.

Educate: Children, let's say goodbye to our guests! (children say goodbye).

Carlson: We're all flying! (they run away to the music).

Summer entertainment "The fox came to visit us" for children early age(from 1 year to 2 years)

Repina Vera Andreevna, music director, MBDOU No. 22 "Orlyonok", city of Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region.

Description of material: In this scenario summer fun can be used by music directors and teachers kindergarten nursery groups. Age from 1 year to 2 years. Musical education at an early age contributes to the general harmonious development children, creates an opportunity for their creative development.

Target: Evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.

Tasks: To develop children's aesthetic perception of music; introduce nature and animals.

Methods: Songs, exercises, games.

Leading teacher
Chanterelle - adult

Fox costume;
Pictures about summer;
Basket with small toys (animals).

Progress of entertainment:
Hello guys. Tell me, what time of year is it?
Right. Summer!

In summer you can sunbathe
And lie on the grass,
Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,
Catch fish in the river.
You can swim in the river,
Gain heroic strength
Summer has come to us again -
This is very good!

Let's hold hands tightly,
Let's run along the path,
We'll hurry up to visit you by summer!

There's a song about summer
(The song is chosen at the discretion of the music director. Children walk around the group and come in a circle to a forest clearing).

Exercise "In the forest" is performed

Exercise “In the Forest” (to the melody of “Oh, you, my canopy, my canopy”).
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed
The wind is still blowing,
He bent them left and right. (Hands up, tilts left and right)

We beautiful flowers,
We grow on the lawns
If the wind suddenly blows,
We'll bend our heads down. ( Standing, hands on your belt. Perform forward bends)

The beetle fell and could not get up,
We feel very sorry for the beetle.
He is waiting, who will help him?
He can't get up on his own yet. (Lying on your back, calm movements of your arms and legs)

Turned over on his tummy -
Now he can get up.
Only now he doesn’t want to
Wants to play with the sun. (Lying on your stomach, resting on your elbows. Raise and lower your head)

A ray of sunshine flew in,
He had fun playing with us.
We turned into trees -
Together we bowed to the sun. (Standing, bend low as you exhale)

Chanterelle appears

Hello guys.
You are all so funny
What are you happy about?

Chanterelle, we are glad that summer has come, it has become so beautiful. The flowers are blooming and we are enjoying the sun.

The song "Sunshine" is performed

Well done you!
And I know a game about sunshine and rain. Let's play.

The game "Sun and Rain" is played

Chanterelle, you came to us with a basket. What's in your basket?

And the basket is not simple...
It's not empty either!

Let's play the game "What's in my basket."

The game "What's in my basket" is being played

It’s so great to play with you, you are so lively and mischievous.

In summer - rest,
In summer - air,
You won't be bored in summer
Do physical exercise,
Run, jump and gallop!

Ekaterina Rotanova
Summer fun for the nursery group

Summer fun

"The fox came to visit us"

for young children (from 1 year to 2 years).

Target: To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.

Tasks: Develop children have an aesthetic perception of music; introduce nature and animals.

Methods: Songs, exercises, games.


Leading teacher

Chanterelle - adult


Fox costume;

Pictures about summer;

Basket with small toys (animals).

Progress of entertainment:

Hello guys. Tell me, what time of year is it?



Right. Summer!

In summer you can sunbathe

And lie on the grass,

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,

Catch fish in the river.

You can swim in the river,

Gain heroic strength

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!


Let's hold hands tightly,

Let's run along the path,

We'll hurry up to visit you by summer!

There's a song about summer

(The song is chosen at the discretion of the music director. Children walk around group, and come up in a circle to a forest clearing).

Exercise "In the forest" is performed

Exercise "In the forest"

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed

The wind is still blowing,

He bent them left and right. (Hands up, tilts left and right)

We are beautiful flowers

We grow on the lawns

If the wind suddenly blows,

We'll bend our heads down. (Standing, hands on waist. Bend forward)

The beetle fell and could not get up,

We feel very sorry for the beetle.

He is waiting, who will help him?

He can't get up on his own yet. (Lying on your back, calm movements of your arms and legs)

Turned over on his tummy -

Now he can get up.

Only now he doesn’t want to

Wants to play with the sun. (Lying on your stomach, resting on your elbows. Raise and lower your head)

A ray of sunshine flew in,

He had fun playing with us.

We turned into trees -

Together we bowed to the sun. (Standing, bend low as you exhale)

Chanterelle appears


Hello guys.

You are all so funny

What are you happy about?


Chanterelle, we are glad that summer has come, it has become so beautiful. The flowers are blooming and we are enjoying the sun.

The song "Sunshine" is performed


Well done you!

And I know a game about sunshine and rain. Let's play.

The game "Sun and Rain" is played


Chanterelle, you came to us with a basket. What's in your basket?


And the basket is not simple.

It's not empty either!

Let's play the game "What's in my basket."

The game "What's in my basket" is being played


It’s so great to play with you, you are so lively and mischievous.

In summer - rest,

In summer - air,

You won't be bored in summer

Do physical exercise,

Run, jump and gallop

Publications on the topic:

Summer physical education and sports entertainment “Summer Journey” Goal: to form in children a humane attitude towards the natural environment. Objectives: - develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity and speed;

Summer entertainment for children of the second junior group “Birch - a white friend” Materials and equipment: Basket with multi-colored ribbons, flowers, attributes for the game “Sun and Rain”, tiaras, handkerchiefs, candy wrappers.

Summer entertainment for children “The Sorceress of Voditsa” Fun for kids senior group“Water Sorceress” Goal: to create a joyful mood in children, to show the great importance of water for.

Summer entertainment for senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions “Water Games” Summer fun for seniors and preparatory group Preschool educational institution “Water Games” Developed by teacher Sevostyanova Elena Nikolaevna. MADOW.

Summer entertainment for teaching children of the senior group road safety “Cheburashka on the road” Program content: 1. Consolidation of rules traffic through games, poems and songs. 2. Consolidate knowledge about the operation of traffic lights and the rules.

Summer entertainment “Journey to the Land of Flowers” ​​for children of different age groups Goal: creating conditions for the development of children's cognitive interest. Tasks: - fixing the names of wild and wild flowers, their medicinal ones.

Summer sports entertainment for children of the younger group of preschool educational institutions “Hurray, summer!” Summer sports entertainment for children junior group DOW: Hurray, summer. Goal: To form in children the need for healthy life. Tasks:.

Tatiana Voronina
Physical education leisure-entertainment for children of the nursery and 1st junior groups: “Visiting the children”

Physical education leisure-entertainment for children of nursery and 1st junior groups: "IN visiting children» .

Target: Call children an emotional response to a gaming activity and a desire to participate in it, to encourage physical activity.


1. Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, physical development)

Learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music, associate movements with it.

Foster physical activity children; learn to navigate in space.

2. Developmental: develop emotional responsiveness to music.

Develop attention and the ability to respond to signals.

3. Educational: (socio-communicative development)

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Move leisure-entertainment:

Carlson runs into the hall to the music (pretends to be flying) and Baby.

Carlson: Oh, where did you and I fly to, Baby?

Baby: There is so much here children, and they are all so small, just like me.

Educator: You ended up in kindergarten. But I just don’t understand why you came. Who you are? Carlson: Yes, I’m Carlson, who lives on the roof, and this is my friend Baby. We decided to fly a little, and got there, the engine was completely slow (points to his propeller). I need to refuel. Do you have any jam?

Vosp: How come I didn’t recognize you right away? We don’t have any jam, but today we have a sports festival. Well, once you come to our kindergarten, you can stay and also take part in our holiday. Our children may be small, but they will show you how dexterous they are.

Baby: That's great!

Carlson: And what about me? How's my engine?

Vosp: Don’t worry, you’re just like Carlson. We will help you and the guys. Let's help Carlson, kids? (children yes) We promise to bring you so much joy that your little engine will start working.

Carlson: Hooray!

Vosp: Guys, let's show ours guests how we can walk over bumps.

(The teacher lays out 5-6 hoops on the carpet one after another, shows how to step over them: raise your legs high and do not step on the edge of the hoop.)

Music is playing, children are walking around, stepping through hoops.

Vosp: And now, Carlson and Baby! (they do the same thing)

Carlson: I can fly, guys, do you want to fly? (children yes)

Carlson: Then let's play a game with you.

The game is being played "Sparrows and the car". On signal "Automobile" the song sounds "Car" music by Popatenko, lyrics by Naydenov (Beep beep, driving down the road).

Baby: Attracts attention children by the sound of a bell, shows it children, rings them and quickly hides them behind his back. Sentencing: "Ding Ding". Then he runs to the opposite side of the hall, ringing the bell and hums: "I'm running, running, running,

I’m ringing the bell.” Having reached, he quickly turns around, squats down, hides the bell behind him, spreads his arms wide to the sides and speaks: “Everyone, run here to me, find my bell”. To the child who found the bell "Baby" lets you ring the bell.

Vosp: What an interesting game with a bell, now let's play with balls. (Offers children and guests sit on the floor, against each other, and roll balls to each other).

Carlson: Indeed, how clever your kids are! And I love it when balls jump and run away. I’m at least moderately well-fed, but I also like to bounce around like a ball. Let's guys jump like balls!

The game is being played “My cheerful, ringing ball”.

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

Children imitate the movements of the ball and jump on the spot. To words “I can’t keep up with you!” they run to the music, and Carlson and Malysh catch up with them.

Baby: Carlson, look, your engine is working, it’s time for us to go home! Otherwise my mother will lose me! Let's say goodbye to the guys.

Baby and Carlson: Thank you guys, we really enjoyed your stay, see you soon. Goodbye.

Will educate: Children, let's tell ours goodbye to guests! (children say goodbye).

Carlson: We're all flying! (they run away to the music).

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of physical education in the younger group Sports leisure for junior group No. 3 Objectives: - To develop intelligence and ingenuity; - To instill in the child the need for movement and emotion.

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Scenario of physical education for children of the junior group “Cosmonaut Training” The date of the:. Venue: sports hall. Equipment: hoops according to the number of children, massage mats - 3 pcs. ,.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 69 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities.