Summary of classes using health-saving technologies.  Lesson summary using health-saving technologies

Summary of classes using health-saving technologies. Lesson summary using health-saving technologies “visiting the sun”

Summary of an open integrated lesson on speech development using health-saving technologies in the preparatory group

Topic: “Journey to the Kingdom of Health”

Educator: Ilyenko E.V.

Chertkovo village 2012

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to take care of their health and develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


- formation of non-speech breathing;
- improvement of articulatory motor skills;
- expansion of the active dictionary;
- development of attention, thinking, memory;
- development of general and fine motor skills.

Developed skills:

- answer the question;
- solve riddles;
- consolidation of basic types of movements: walking, maintaining balance, coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment:
Computer presentation “Guess it”,
Magnetic board, model of a tree, toothbrushes, soap, combs, toothpaste, towels, Kutalka’s house, snowballs, “stream”, bridge - massage path, hoops, dummies of fruits and vegetables, red and white footprints.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoons:

“Mitya and the Microbus” by the Soyuzmultfilm studio, scriptwriter E. Agranovich, director M. Kamenetsky.
Animated series “Smeshariki”: “Hands”, “ORZ”, “Hedgehog and Health”.
Animated series "Luntik": "Invisible dirt".


Where do diseases come from?
How to beat a cold.
Why do exercises?
How to become strong.
Why brush your teeth?
Why does soap sting?
About the benefits of vitamins.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

Educator: Children, look what a beautiful day it is today! We have many guests and they are all in a good, joyful mood. They are all cheerful and healthy. But our Valera was captured by Queen Cold and he feels very bad and sad.

A child reads the poem “Flu” by S. Mikhalkov.

I look sad -

My head hurts

I'm sneezing, I'm hoarse.

What's happened?

And the nasty flu in the nose!

In five minutes they stripped me,

Everyone around began to feel sorry.

I'm lying in my bed -

I'm supposed to be sick.

The temperature has risen,

I lie there and don’t complain.

I drink salty medicine,

I gargle with sour.

I lie for a day, I lie for the second,

Third, I don’t go to school.

And they don’t let friends in,

They say that I will infect you!

Educator: Do you want to help Valera and save him from the captivity of Queen Cold?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you want to be brave, healthy, strong and not get sick?

Children: Yes. We want.

Educator: Then I invite you to go on a very interesting journey to the Land of Health.

How fun, how fun

Go with friends

On a mysterious journey

Come with us!

The teacher and children approach the path. She has white and red marks on her.

Educator: What it is?

Children: Footprints. White. Reds.

Educator: Whose red hot tracks do you think these are?

Children: This was left by a cold. This heat.

Educator: When does high temperature occur?

Children: When your head hurts. When a person is sick. I got infected and caught a cold. When they are not hardened.

Educator: That's right. And when a person is sick, he is in a bad mood and has no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.

Physical education minute

Early in the morning we go to the clearing one after another (Walking with legs raised high)

And let’s all start the exercises together in order.

Once - get up, stretch. (Stand on your toes, raise your arms up)

Two - bend over, straighten up. (Tilt down, stand up - arms to the sides)

Three - three claps of your hands. (Clap your hands)

Three nods of the head. (Head tilts)

By four – your arms are wider. (Hands to the side)

Five - wave your arms. (Waving hands)

Six – stand quietly in place. (Get back to starting position)

Educator: And these white marks are signs of health. What tracks will you and I follow on our journey? Of course, on white!

The children follow the white footprints at varying paces.

Educator: Oh! Where have we ended up? What kind of hut is this? Who lives in it? Let's knock.

Finger gymnastics

Knock your fingers louder (Clench your hands into fists)

Knock-Knock. (Tap with index fingers)

Help them with your fists (Knock with tightly clenched fists)

Here, there, here.

Kutalka comes out.

Kutalka: Hello guys! Oh! How cold it is here. I am Kutalka! I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick and cold all the time. What do you think: why?

Children: You are dressed very warmly. Are you Hot. You feel uncomfortable walking. You need to dress according to the weather. Kutalka: Please teach me how to dress correctly.

The teacher encourages children to dress appropriately for the weather. The children undress Kutalka and take off her warm winter clothes.

Kutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick. Educator: Yes, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don’t get sick. And you and I will move on. Don't forget: you can only step on white footprints!

The teacher and children approach the “magic” tree. Toothbrushes, soap, combs hang on the tree, toothpaste, towel.

Educator: Guys, what kind of tree is this? What's growing on it?

Children: Toothbrushes. Soap. Combs. Towel.

Educator: What is soap used for?

Children: To wash your hands.

Educator: When should you wash your hands?

Children: Before eating. After the walk. After the toilet. After drawing and sculpting. Educator: What is a towel for?

Children: To dry your hands after washing.

Educator: What is a comb for?

Children: To comb your hair. Be beautiful. Be careful.

Educator: What are toothpaste and toothbrushes for?

Children: To brush your teeth. To keep your teeth clean and healthy. To chew well.

Educator: Look where we have come! This is a forest! There is fresh and clean air here. Who is this running towards us? Cheerful music sounds. Big Man appears.

Big guy: Hello guys! I'm Healthy! I am strong, agile, healthy. I know how to do tongue exercises correctly. Do you want to do it together?

Children perform articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics

Our kids got up early (smile)

We ran to brush our teeth (“brush” the upper and lower teeth with our tongue 4-5 times),

Right - left, right - left.

We brush our teeth skillfully!

We'll rinse your mouth with you. (Imitation of mouth rinsing)

Our Vladik took the comb (Bite your tongue with your teeth)

And he began to comb his hair. (Move your tongue back and forth)

We don’t lag behind him: We’ll show everything with our tongue.

Start the football match! (The mouth is closed. The tongue rests with tension on one or the other cheek)

Now it's time for breakfast:

The cook baked us a pancake,

Lick your mouth quickly. (Lick the lower lip and upper lip in turn)

Big guy:

Thirty-two funny teeth

They clung to each other.

Up and down they rush in a hurry,

They gnaw bread, gnaw nuts.

Guys, smile at each other.

Educator: Thank you! Look how strong our children's teeth are. Smile at each other. How beautiful you are when you smile.

Educator: And also , children! To be strong, strong, and not get sick, you need to breathe correctly. Let me teach you.

Acupressure massage with elements of breathing exercises

Warm our hands (Put your palms together, rub them until they heat up)

We warm the tip of the nose. (Tug the tip of your nose slightly)

Thin nose. (Pull your nose slightly with your index fingers)

We warm our ears. (Run your index finger and thumb along the auricle from top to bottom)

Swan neck. (Stroke your neck with your hand from the chest to the chin)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left, and then vice versa)

Let's blow away a snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (2-3 times))

The teacher and children thank Big Guy and invite him on a trip with them. Prince Apchhi comes towards him and sneezes loudly.

Educator: Look, children, Prince Apchhi wants to infect us. He sent a whole cloud of germs at us.

Outdoor game "Microbes"

Prince Apchhi throws “germs” (lumps) at children. Whoever gets hit should start sneezing and drop out of the game.

Educator: Oh. What great fellows you are, how clever and brave you are. Guys, what should we do to avoid getting infected?


Sports game "Obstacle"

1) “Cross the stream” Children step at a side step from hummock to hummock. 2) “Don’t get your feet wet” Walking on a massage path (prevention of flat feet). Educator: What a great fellow you are!

Educator: Guys, look, there is a magic chest on our way, he wants to play with us.

View the presentation “Guess it” (riddles about fruits and vegetables)

Educator: Well done! All fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins.

Natalya Mulik
Summary of GCD using health-saving technologies “Journey to the winter forest”

Integration of areas: physical development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Age group: preparatory group for school.

Target: develop musical and Creative skills children in various types musical activity, using health-saving technologies.



1. enrich children’s musical experiences, form musical taste, develop musical memory;

2. form in children the habit of healthy lifestyle;

3. consolidate the ability to sing collectively, with musical accompaniment.


1. promote the development of children’s creative activity in musical performing activities(playing in an orchestra, singing, dance movements

2. develop general and fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm;

3. develop the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing;

4. develop in children the ability to convey elementary game images, their character and movement.


1. to form children’s cognitive interest in different types of musical activities,

improve and develop the child’s communication skills, the ability to communicate through song and dance;

2. develop in children a positive assessment of reality, views, tastes, taking into account pronounced individual psychophysical characteristics.


1. using health-saving technologies strengthen physical and mental health, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body (activate protective properties, resistance to diseases);

2. stabilize the emotional state by listening to classical music;

3. promote the development of fine motor skills, synchronization of the brain hemispheres, form voluntary attention and memory.


Multimedia installation, screen, computer, stereo system, music tools: bells, tone blocks, maracas, fabrics, Santa Claus hat.

Visual material:

presentation with image winter season.

Musical material:

Valeological chant song "Good morning";

Song "Snowy Winter" L. Olifirova;

Dance composition "Hooray! Winter has come!";

L. Mozart. "Sledging";

Dance "Snow Waltz";

Music for relaxation. 1

Preliminary work:

Observations in nature. Looking at paintings depicting nature in winter. Conversations about winter, oh winter fun using information and communication technologies. Listening to music from the cycle "Seasons", plays by Russian and foreign composers. Learning songs. Usage in class finger gymnastics, valeological chants, psycho-gymnastics, articulatory gymnastics. Preparing the presentation. Technologies used:

Music therapy.

Finger gymnastics.

Sounding gestures.

Dynamic exercise.

Breathing exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.


Game hand massage.

The course of direct educational activities.

1st part.

Children enter the hall.

Valeological song - chant "Good morning".

Good morning!

Smile soon!

And all day today

It will be more fun

We will stroke your forehead

Nose and cheeks

We will be beautiful

Like flowers in the garden!

Let's rub our palms together

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

Now we'll rub our ears

AND Let's save our health,

Let's smile again.

Be everything healthy!

Musical director. Did you get my good mood? (Children's response). And I’m in a poetic mood today. Listen...

Oh, what a beauty, 2

Winter has come to us again!

She led over us

Snow sleeves.

And snowflakes fell

On trees and houses...

We'll have a snowball fight

We love to ride down the mountain,

And therefore we are very

Really like…

Children. Winter!

Musical director. I really like to walk in the forest in winter. And since we are all in a good mood, I suggest we all go together to winter forest. Do you agree? Let's go skiing into the forest.

Part 2.

Dynamic exercise "We're going skiing" (model V. Kovalko).

We are skiing, the children are walking in a circle, waving their arms as if

We climb the hill. work with ski poles.

Sticks will help us walk,

The road will be easy for us.

Suddenly a strong wind rose, rotating the body to the right, to the left.

He twists and turns trees

And there is a noise among the branches.

The snow flies, flies, flies.

More expensive, on the road. Children jump on their right foot.

We jump on the right leg.

And along the same path, Children jump on their left leg.

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path, running in place.

We'll run to the lawn.

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies. Jumping in place.

They reached up, They reached up.

Everyone smiled. They smiled.

Musical director. Here we are in the forest! There is snow all around, and the frost is crackling. Guys, have you noticed how fresh the air is here, let's breathe it in (inhale and exhale air through nose). Are you frozen? Let's warm up!

Breathing exercise "Let's warm ourselves up".

The severe frost froze our noses. Inhale through the nose, exhale noisily

Let's warm up our nose and breathe into the palm that covers our face.

The nose was warmed up, but the chin was frozen. Take a deep breath through the nose, draw in the lower

lip under the upper lip.

Let's warm our palms - we breathe more cheerfully, Exhale onto the palms, pronouncing the syllable "F".

Our feet are cold - let's dance merrily! Squats per syllable "uh".

Musical director. Suddenly a breeze came - a playful boy. We will sit down on a stump and stretch our lips and tongue. (Children sit on chairs - "stumps").

Articulation gymnastics "Snowstorm".

Pull your lips forward with a tube and pronounce the sound while exhaling for a long time "y".

Phonopedic exercise by V. V. Emelyanov "Wind".

Pronounce the poetic text in chest and falsetto modes along with blowing air ( "Blow on a candle").

The wind wanders along the roads: "Uh-oh!"

He sweeps snowdrifts: "Uh-oh!"

He sings his own song: "Uh-oh!"

The wind howls in the pipes: "Uh-oh!"

Breathing exercise "Breeze".

I am a strong wind, I am flying,

I fly wherever I want. Hands down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose.

I want to whistle to the left. Turn your head to the left, curl your lips and blow.

I can blow to the right. Head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips in a tube, exhale.

I can go up, head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a straw, inhale.

And lower your head into the clouds, touch your chest with your chin,

exhale calmly through the mouth.

Well, for now I’m dispersing the clouds with circular movements with my hands.

Musical director.

What a miracle - winter forest,

How many fabulous miracles!

In this fairy tale we are forest,

Is it a dream or a reality in front of me?

The wind is a cloud - a mill

Spins at full speed.

And it creeps to the ground

White snow fluff.

Let's go guys, let's see how it snows. (Children get up from their chairs, go out, stand scattered).

Logorhythmics "It was snowing" (author A. Usachev).

It snowed, it snowed, it snowed... The children walked and ran in all directions, making

Gently move your hands up and down.

There's a snowdrift, they stop and raise their hands up,

As tall as a skyscraper. Connecting them above your head.

Lay down for a bit - They run around in all directions.

The snow was falling, falling, falling... They walk, making smooth movements with their hands.

And he came to the forest: 4

Swinging on the branches, Swinging with raised arms above your head.

I met a fox. They bend over and move their arms back.

He made snowdrifts in the thicket Make soft movements with his hands left and right

Musical director.

Spins and laughs

Blizzard on New Year's Eve.

The snow wants to fall

But the wind doesn’t give.

And the trees have fun

And every bush,

Snowflakes are like fluff,

They dance on the fly.

Relaxation "Snowflakes" (Music for relaxation).

Musical director.

Let everything be covered with snow, let the cold be fierce,

Winter will never freeze the kids, it will never scare them!

Our winter the forest has come up with a musical riddle for you - listen to the intro to the song and answer what the song is called.

The intro to the song sounds "Snowy Winter" L. Olifirova.

Song "Snowy Winter" L. Olifirova.

Musical director. It's fresh, but the frost is getting stronger! (Puts the Frost cap on the child). But we are not afraid of him and stand around Frost.

Musical game with sounding gestures "You, frost" (Russian folk melody).

You are frost, frost, frost. They walk in a circle, shaking their fingers.

Don't show your nose! Show with two hands "nose".

Go home quickly, with your palms "drive away" freezing.

Take the cold with you. They spin around with a stomping step.

And we’ll take the sled. They run after each other, rubbing their palms.

And let's go outside.

From the hill They stop and raise their hands up.

They fell, squatted sharply, lowering their hands.

Escaped from the frost! They run away "Freezing" (one of the children) is catching up.

Musical director. The frost is crackling and doesn't tell me to stand. Let's warm our hands. Sit down on the stumps. (Children sit on chairs).

Game hand massage « Winter warm-up» .

If your hands are cold, Children slowly rub one palm

We begin to rub them. About the other one. 5

We will quickly manage our hands,

Just like on a stove, heat it up.

First, the palms rub them faster and faster.

Just like ice,

But little by little

Palms warmed up.

They really burn

And not for fun.

I’m burning as if from fire, They stretch their open palms forward.

Here, touch me!

Musical director. And the frost is getting stronger, I suggest you warm up some more.

Frost came and gave us a fairy tale,

Not only will we tell it,

We will show it with our hands.

Finger gymnastics "Freezing".

The wind is a cloud-mill

Twists at full speed We twist our hands like a mill.

And it creeps to the ground

White-white fluff Shake your palms.

Close the windows, place your palms parallel to each other.

Close the doors, put your palms together.

Close your ears, Close your ears.

Cover your nose. Close your nose.

Walks and wanders along the roads

Old Grandfather Frost We walk with our index and middle fingers on our knees.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Santa Claus pinches his cheeks. We pinch the named parts of the body.

And we will rub our cheeks. Rub our cheeks.

Let's go dance now! Hands extended forward.

Musical director. Come out into the clearing, guys! (Children stand up scattered).

Dance composition "Hooray! Winter has come!"

Musical director. You can not only sing and dance to music winter forest. You can still play music. She takes us to a wonderful land of magical sounds, in which we can rejoice and feel happy. And we will play the beautiful music of Leopold Mozart on musical instruments "Sledging"

Children take musical instruments And perform fragment of a work

L. Mozart "Sledging".

Musical director. There is nothing more beautiful than sparkling, iridescent snow along which a sleigh with bells is running. What if we 6 turn into this snow lying on the wide Russian expanses. Girls, take the snow sheets and dance for us "Snow Waltz".

Snow Waltz (with canvases).

3rd part.

Musical director. Thank you, put your attributes back and come to me, please. Our wonderful time has come to an end journey, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Did you like it in winter forest? What did you like (Children's answers). And now we are leaving winter, snowy forest. What can you get away with?

Children. Sledding, skating, skiing.

Musical director. I suggest we go home on a sled. Stand next to each other in pairs. Go! (The children are going to "sleigh" one circle).

Musical director. It’s good to be at home, because we are all together, and with us our favorite music, which makes our life kinder and more joyful. Our meeting has come to an end. And before we leave, I want to tell you a secret. Everything we did today helped strengthen our health, and I wish you to be beautiful, healthy and happy! Thank you guys for your understanding, creativity, joy of communication, See you later! Now let’s calmly go to the group.

Summary of GCD in younger group preschool educational institution

Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.
-improve children’s motor skills and physical qualities;
-to form children’s ideas about the peculiarities of the squirrel’s lifestyle in the fall;
-develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing;
-nurture love and careful attitude to nature, to evoke an emotional response from the actions taken.
Methods: art therapy, problematic issues,
health-saving technologies: finger games, self-massage, breathing game, psycho-gymnastics,
Facilities: a squirrel toy, artificial Christmas trees, pine cones in a basket, hazelnuts, buckets with images of squirrels, pictograms of emotions, a model of the sun, clothespins, an umbrella, a metallophone,
non-standard physical education equipment: mushrooms, boards, hummocks;
light table, semolina yellow color, plastic bottles.
Dictionary work: little squirrel, cloudy, rainy weather, massage, metallophone, gentle, radiant sun.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizing time:
Is everyone here?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to run and play?
Well then, pull yourself up
Don't yawn or be lazy.

- Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-What's the weather like outside? (cold, cloudy, windy, raining)
-Do you want to go for a walk today? (Yes)
-Guys, let's call the sun to make it warmer and more fun.
Bucket sun
Look out the window
Warm it up, warm it up
Calves, lambs
More little guys.

- The sun doesn’t hear. Let's call him again. Again no result.
-Do you want to go visit the sun? (Yes)
-It lives behind the forest, behind the swamp. Along the way we will perform various exercises that will help us improve our health. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Let's go along the path. Look, guys, there are so many mushrooms! Let's step over them (stepping over mushrooms)
-Let's walk along the bridge across the river. Walk carefully so as not to trip. Hands to the side, keep your back straight (walking along the path)
-And now through the swamp over the hummocks (jumping from hummock to hummock)
-So we reached the forest. In our autumn forest the leaves are falling. The leaves are falling and spinning. Let's help the breeze play with the leaves.
Breathing exercises “Blow on autumn leaves”
-Look, guys, someone is hiding under the Christmas tree. Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
-Then let's go have a look.
/the guys meet the little squirrel/
- Guys, did you find out what kind of animal this is? (little squirrel)
-Let's say hello to him and find out why the little squirrel is so sad
/say hello/
-What happened, little squirrel? Why are you sad?
Little squirrel
-My squirrel brothers and I are waiting for our mother. We were very cold and hungry.
- Guys, what should we do, how can we help the baby squirrels? (play with them to warm them up, feed them)
-Need to come up with something. Look under the Christmas tree there are cones. How to teach a baby squirrel to warm its paws with the help of pine cones? (get a massage)
Self-massage using pine cones
/children take a pine cone and begin to move it back and forth between their palms, then rotate it in a circular motion, and lastly, take the pine cone with one hand and begin to touch the other palm with rhythmic movements/
-Well, are your hands hot, and what about the little squirrel’s paws? Touch your cheeks with your palms. What kind of palms? (warm)
- So, it's order.
- Guys, now we need to feed the baby squirrels. What do they eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
-Let's feed the squirrels nuts.
Game for developing fine motor skills “Feed the baby squirrels”
/on the table there are buckets with pictures of baby squirrels and hazelnuts. Children take nuts one at a time and put them in the mouths of the baby squirrels/

Little squirrel
-Thanks guys. Where are you going? (we are looking for the sun)
-What do you need it for? (the sun is needed to make it warm and light)
-Guys, let's draw a sun for the little squirrel.
Drawing with semolina on the light table “Radiant Sun”
-What color is the sun? (yellow)
-What shape? (round)
/children rake the semolina into a pile with the edges of their palms, giving it a round shape

level with palms/

-What rays should there be? (straight and long)
-Each of you will draw a ray
/plastic bottles with a hole in the cork, filled with semolina, are used as a tool for drawing rays/

- Look, little squirrel, what a radiant sun it turned out to be.

-Guys, while you and I were walking through the forest, the sun came out in the sky. It turns out it was hiding behind the clouds
/the teacher shows the children the sun without rays/
-Guys, is there something wrong with the sun? Did you notice the error? (it has no rays)
-How can we fix this? (make rays)
-What can we make rays from? (from clothespins)
-What color clothespins will we use? (yellow)
/children attach clothespins/

-Here comes the sun. Let's do eye exercises together with the sun. And we’ll teach the little squirrel.
Gymnastics for the eyes: “Sun”
The sun was rising, the sun was counting the clouds.
Looked up, looked down,
Right, left, blinked eyes
And I closed my eyes, I don’t want the sun to wake up!
But you need to wake up.
The sun woke up and touched my cheeks.
(Children stroke their cheeks).
He stroked and stroked and stroked with rays.
(Children pat themselves on the head).

-Do you want to play with the sun? (Yes)
Outdoor game “Sun and Rain” (2 times)
The sun looks out the window,
Shines into our room
/children walk in a circle holding hands/
We clapped our hands
Very happy about the sun
/clap hands/

/a child on a metallophone hits a record with a hammer, the children hear the sounds of rain, run away under an umbrella/
-Guys, we need to get back from our walk. Let's say goodbye to the little squirrel (goodbye)
-Did you enjoy the walk? (Yes)
-Let's remember who we went to visit today (to the sun)
-Who did you help along the way? (to baby squirrels)
-How did we help them? (fed and helped warm up)
-What mood were we in when the sun was not in the sky? (sad)
/children raise up a pictogram with the emotion of sadness/
-And when the sun shone in the sky, how did our mood change? (we became cheerful)
/children show a pictogram of joy/
-What do you remember most? /children share their impressions/
-Well done boys. During the walk we received a boost of energy, a good mood and even improved our health.
Topic: "A magical country - health"

Program content:

  1. To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that needs to be constantly taken care of. Learn to identify the signs of a healthy person.

2. Develop a desire to take care of your health and maintain different types activities. Get positive emotions from activities, understanding the importance of a good mood for human health. Develop memory, logical thinking, draw conclusions.

3. Strengthen the elementary type of massage, elements of breathing exercises.

4. Develop the ability to reason, logically express your thoughts and judgments. To train children in the ability to use simple and complex sentences.

5. Develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting 2 gnomes: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, sloppy; a magic chest, a list of questions for a word game in pictures, an apple puzzle with proverbs, a mirror, music.

Methodical techniques:conversation, play time, questions for children, use of visual material, wellness moment

Previous work: instilling hygiene skills in children, talking with children about the benefits of exercise, reading fiction and educational literature on the topic, looking at illustrations, watching videos.

Vocabulary work: health, big man, rarely sick, Bungler, vitamins, daily routine

Individual work: With Oksana G, Matvey M. – help to take the breath correctly during breathing exercises; with Marina G., Egor P. - exercise the ability to put parts together into a whole.

Lesson progress: Hello dear guests!

I wish you and you guys good health!

Are you healthy, dear friends? Yes.

I am very glad that everything is fine with you!!

I invite you to go on a journey to the magical land of Health, where a hero familiar to all of you lives.

“He will heal everyone, he will heal

…….Who is this? (Aibolit)

But getting into the magical land of Health is not easy.

Let's talk about a very important topic first.

How do you think. What is health? (children's judgments)

Health is happiness!

This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you.

Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals.

Educator: What do you think needs to be done to be healthy? (children's answers)

You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it.

You need to follow a daily routine.

Yes, children, you understand what health is.

To find out better: “What is health?” Two of my friends will help answer this question. These are gnomes. One is called Big Man, and the other is called Clumsy. They will help us get into the magical land of “Health”.

Guys, what do you think, which one is the Big Man and which one is the Clutter? (children's answers).

Why do you think so? Who will share their opinion? (children’s judgments) Prove with your examples.

Yes, I agree with your opinion.

Strong, strong children who rarely get sick are called healthy.

Look at the complexion of our Big Man.

Children's answers: He has rosy cheeks,

Strong slim figure

I think he plays sports

Walks a lot in the fresh air

he follows the rules of behavior on the street,

Doesn’t eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, doesn’t forget to do exercises.

And of course he knows what is useful. And what is harmful to health.

Guys, I agree with you, you told a lot about Big Man.

What do you think, does Clutzer lead the same lifestyle or not?

And why? (children's answers)

That's right, it's clear from him that he's a Clutzer.

Guys, Clutzer cannot go with us to the magical land of Health, because strong, strong, healthy people live there. Let's help him become like Big Man. So we begin to help Clutzer, but first of all we ourselves must set an example for him and then he, too, will be able to go on a journey with us.

But first you need to do

Massage of the magic points of the ears. (music sounds)

Massaging these points is useful for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

"Let's play with the ears"

"Let's clap our ears"

The child puts his palms behind his ears and bends them forward, first with the little finger, and then with all the other fingers. Pressing the ears to the head, he sharply lowers them. In this case, the child should feel the cotton.

· “Let’s stretch our ears”

The baby grabs the tips of the big one and index finger both earlobes, pulls them down with force, and then lowers them.

· “Let’s twist the trestle”

The child inserts his thumb into the external auditory canal, and with his index finger presses the tragus - the protrusion of the auricle in front. Having thus grabbed the tragus, he squeezes and turns it in all directions for 20-30 seconds.

· “Let’s warm our ears”

The child puts his palms to his ears and carefully rubs the entire shell with them.

3. Final point

Children relax and listen to silence.

Educator: Well done guys, I think that we have strengthened our ears and Clutzer will also want to do these exercises.

Educator: Let's children find out once again what kind of person we call healthy?

Children's answers: goes in for sports, gets stronger, eats healthy food

If a person is sick. He's not feeling well, what does he look like?

Children's answers: he is lethargic, pale, not interested in anything

What great guys you are!

I think that Clutzer remembered what to do to be beautiful, strong, smart, healthy.

So, now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. That health is a magical land, this is beauty, this is that. What must always be protected is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you don’t have a fever and you can go to kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, go downhill, when nothing hurts. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? Yes. Then answer

Word game “I’ll start, you continue!”

1. A healthy person is... (who goes in for sports)

2. My health...(being strong helps me)

3. Sometimes I get sick because...(I have a weak immune system,

4. When I’m sick, vitamins help me

5. When a person has something in pain, then he... (goes to the doctor)

6.When I think about my health, I want... (Do exercises!


Let's teach Klutzer breathing exercises, because they are so good for health.

2 Complex of breathing exercises.
  1. "Clock - standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging straight arms forward (inhale) - back (exhale) say: 'Tick - tock.' (10-12 times).
  2. "Trumpeter - sitting on a chair, hands clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Slow exhalation with a loud pronunciation of the sound:" F-f-f. (4-5 times).
  3. “Skier - standing, legs half-bent and feet-width apart. We imitate skiing. Exhale through the nose while pronouncing the sound: “Mmm-mm.” (1-2 min).
  4. “We will grow big. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - slowly exhale with the pronunciation of the word: “Uh-h-h.” (5-6 times).
  5. Educator: I think that Clutzer will certainly do it.

Fun movements Useful movements Those who do them are worthy of respect. Those who do them gain health. And those who don’t do them get sick.

Educational game: “Apple puzzle for health!”

Children help Clutzer assemble a picture from the puzzles, explaining the proverbs.

“Health is more valuable than wealth.” No doctors will return wasted health, no matter how much you pay

. "You can't buy health." Health is given to us by nature, if a person loses it, then it will be very difficult to get it back, you will have to undergo a lot of treatment.

“Illness does not make a person beautiful.” A sick person always looks bad, becomes irritable and moody.

“If you are healthy, you will achieve everything.” A healthy person will achieve everything and cope with all matters.

“Everything is great for a healthy person” A healthy person is happy with everything, sees only good things around him.

« Here is a ripe apple with health tips and advice. Follow the advice and stay healthy!”

Educator: Children, let's show Clutzer what is useful for humans and what is harmful. If it’s useful, we clap, if it’s harmful, we stomp. Be careful!

Game "Healthy Lifestyle"

Need to work

Move a little

Keep it clean

Temper yourself

Be lazy

Do exercises

There are a lot of sweets

Enjoy life


Get sick

Do physical education

be sad

To walk alot

To obey the parents

Rarely wash your face

Dress warmly

Be friends

Educator: Here we are in the magical land of Health, and the Mirror of the Soul meets us.

Guys, a mirror can help your health.

Game "Mirror of the Soul"

Don’t be sad, but smile, Look at things more cheerfully, And don’t hide from me, With me you’re both funnier and healthier...

Educator: Go to the mirror, smile at yourself and each other, and share a healthy smile with those around you so that everyone can be healthy. (song “From a Smile” sounds)

Smile every day - so that the day is not lived in vain.

Educator: Someoneis in a hurry to visit us

Good...Doctor Aibolit!

Aibolit: Hello guys!

Glad to meet you in the magical land of Health!

Are you happy? Yes.

To be healthy and strong

You need to take vitamins

Vitamin food

Very full of calcium

There is phosphorus, there is iron

There are so many vegetables

Remember me too

I'll give you some useful advice

Early in the morning

Eat your oatmeal together

Wash yourself, toughen up

Play sports together

I wish you friends

Always be healthy.

Aibolit: Here is a magic chest

There are a lot of vitamins in it

I will treat you all friends

Here's to good things!!

Educator: To wish everyone health and happiness, let's play a game called “Hands of Love.” (music sounds)

Didactic exercise “Hands of Love”


Stroke yourself on your arms, face, chest, legs. Remember how you feel while stroking.
Then look at your hands and imagine that these are not your hands, but the hands of the person who loves you very much (mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother). These with loving hands pet yourself again, hug yourself.
And now, remember, if someone offended or hurt you, with the “Hands of Love”, kindly and tenderly remove this pain, resentment, put it aside.
Approach our guests with “Hands of Love”, touch them and wish them health.

Educator: Guys, let's touch Clutzer and wish him health.

Educator: Guys, our journey has ended, but we need to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and the “hands of love” will take us to kindergarten. Open your eyes, here we are in kindergarten.

Children, where have you been?

What was interesting? What's unusual?

Well done guys, you were good helpers.

Lesson notes

using health-saving technology with elements of massage and breathing exercises

in the senior group

MDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 2 "Mashenka"

Ershov, Saratov region

Topic: “Magic Country – Health”

Logach R.A.

Corresponds to reality: Head of kindergarten------- / I.V. Trebunskaya /

Fishova Svetlana
Integrated lesson using health-saving technologies

Abstract integrated lesson: "Cognition", "Communication", With use of health-saving technologies in the middle group

"Five Keys"

Target: to form mathematical, constructive abilities, communication skills, to expand the active vocabulary of children.



Consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day;

Continue to develop constructive skills (fold cut pictures according to fairy tales);

Reinforce knowledge of counting from 1 to 5;

Reinforce knowledge about geometric shapes.


Develop attention and memory, observation, logical thinking.

Strengthen the ability to correctly use generalizing concepts (classification).


To cultivate goodwill in children in communicating with peers and adults, to provide assistance.

Health-saving: develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing; prevention and correction of flat feet, development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements, preservation and strengthening children's health, formation of habit to healthy lifestyle.

Methodical techniques:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, speech games, constructive activity, experiment with water in a jar, exercises health-saving orientation. Secret experiment with water. In order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache to the lid of the jar. After you shake or shake the closed jar, colored water will appear in it.

Demo material: audio recording, bumps, massage mat, hoop, 5 fish, pictures of animals, 5 keys, chest, jar of water, rag

Handout: multi-colored diagrams for each child, cut-out pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys here class there are guests today, let's go with them let's say hello.

Children: Hello.

IN: You’re still kind of sleepy. We didn't fully wake up. We will now do a little warm-up so that you can finally wake up. First we will wake up our fingers.

1. Gymnastics with a ball "Hedgehog"

We'll take it in our hands "Hedgehog" (take a massage ball)

And let's rub it lightly, (we hold the ball in one hand and pass it with the other)

Let's look at its needles, (change the handle, do the same)

Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)

"Hedgehog" I'm spinning in my hands, (twist the ball with our fingers)

I want to play with him. (throw the ball)

I’ll make a house in my palms - (we hide the ball in our palms)

The cat won't get him. (press our palms towards ourselves)

Now we’ll check if our eyes are awake. (ophthalmic exercises)

2. Exercise "Butterfly"

IN: Look what a beautiful butterfly flew to us.

Let's follow her flight with just our eyes

The butterfly flew, flew

And she sat down on a flower.

The fingers woke up, the eyes woke up, all that remains is to check if our legs and ears are awake.

3. Exercise "Quiet-loud"

We stand in a circle. When the music plays loud:

We walk in circles and stamp our feet,

when the music starts quiet:

We stand on our toes and walk very quietly in a circle.

IN: Well done guys, now you have finally woken up and are ready to listen to me. When I came to kindergarten today, under our door I found an envelope containing a disk. Let's listen to it and find out who it's from.

(turn on audio recording)

"Hello guys. Doctor Aibolit is turning to you for help. They called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently. All the animals in Africa got sick. I took the magic elixir health and already, I was about to set off, but the evil pirates took it from me and locked it in a chest, and threw the key into a deep lake. Help me find the key. To do this, you have to complete 5 tasks. For each correctly completed task you will receive a key from the fish. When you collect 5 keys, you can open a chest with a magic elixir. I would go with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me. When you complete all the tasks, call me at 54321. I will be waiting for your call.”

IN: Guys, can we help Aibolit?

Children's answers

IN: It's time to hit the road, but first we need to see if we can help. We will play a game with you.

4. "Finish the sentence".

IN: I'll start a sentence, and you continue it.

We sleep at night and do exercises... (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning and lunch... (in the afternoon)

We have lunch during the day and dinner... (In the evening)

We have dinner in the evening and sleep... (at night)

How many parts are there in a day? (4) . Name them. Tell me, when does our journey begin, at what time of day?

IN: Well done! Then we hit the road to the lake. We go over the bumps, and now along the bridge.

Look, we have come to the lake. Fish swim in it. To find out how many fish there are in total, we need to count them (counting fish). Guys, let's determine which fish we will start completing tasks with. What kind of fish will this be?

IN: That's right, the first one. And here is the first task.

5. "Say it in one word" (exercise 1)

IN: The task is called "Say it in one word"

I will name the objects, and you name them in one word.

Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (fruits).

Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (furniture).

Dog, cat, cow, goat -... (Pets).

Dad, mom, grandma, grandpa... (relatives - family).

Cube, doll, car, ball -... (toys).

Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers – ... (shoes).

Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle -... (insects).

Airplane, helicopter, rocket -... (air Transport).

IN: Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Take the next fish. What is it like?

D: second

6. "Guess by description" (task 2)

IN: Right. The fish left us cards. Sit down on the mat and listen carefully. If you guess the animal, then this animal will appear on the screen.

This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. Afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush (hare).

He is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms (hedgehog).

He is big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter he sleeps in a den. In the summer he walks through the forest and looks for honey and raspberries (bear).

She is red and cunning. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares (fox).

He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a den (wolf).

She is small, fast, red. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Gnawing on cones and nuts (squirrel).

IN: Guys, what are these animals called? That's right, wild animals. For correct answers, the fish gives us a second key.


D: third

7. Physical exercise with self-massage "Rain" (task 3)

IN: Right. She invites us to just relax. (sound of thunder and rain)

Guys, it looks like it's starting to rain. Let's play with him.

We stand in a circle.

Drip-drip, we need to go home

(Children stroke each other's backs.)

Thunder, thunder like cannons, today is a holiday for frogs

(knocking on the back with their fists)

Hail-hail, hail is pouring down,

(fingers tap on the back)

Everyone is sitting under roofs.

(do "Roof" hands above your head).

IN: We get another key from the fish.

IN: Take the next fish. What is it like?

D: fourth

8. "Color Schemes" (task 4)

IN: Well done. To complete the next task, you need to sit down at the tables. (sit down) There are color schemes in front of you; you should make exactly the same ones based on the sample. Begin.

IN: Fine. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us the fourth key. And let's look at the last task. One fish left. What is it like?

D: fifth

9. Cut pictures. (task 5)

IN: Right. To complete the last task, we need to split into pairs. I give each couple an envelope with cut-out fairy tale details. You must collect the picture and say what kind of fairy tale it is. Begin.

IN: Well done! The fish gives us another clue. So how many keys do we have?

D: five

IN: It's time to call Doctor Aibolit. Hello, Doctor Aibolit? We found all five keys. What should we do next? Okay, we got you.

IN: Guys, Aibolit said that we have to pick up the key to the chest, open it and get the magic elixir.

(we select the key, open the chest, take out the jar)

IN: Guys, I think this is ordinary water... Oh, something is written here, you need to follow the instructions. (doing an experiment) This is a real magic elixir! We should quickly send it by parcel to Doctor Aibolit.

IN: We're great, guys. They helped Aibolit, and now he will be able to cure animals in Africa. You worked very hard and completed all the tasks! In the chest there was not only an elixir, but also vitamins from the doctor so that you don’t get sick! That's our class is over, and you go together to eat your vitamins!